Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jun 1935, p. 3

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PAGE THRNE THE CANADIAN 8TATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THIUR.SDAY, JU24E 27th, 1935 GOLDEN WEDDING How Is Your MARKED JUNE 151h BY SOLINA COUPLE E a etr ugh Many Gifts Presented to Mr.an SHOWNG U IN HESEMrs. J. J. Browrn on 5th HEAVY RAINS ?Aniesr Brown-Brooks - On June l7th. 1885, at Ballytiuff, by Rev. W. J. West, Margaret. daughter of Robert Brooks, ta John J. Brown, son of a- Andrew Brown. On Saturday, June 15th, a large assembly of relatives and f rients met at the home o! Mr. anti Mr. J. J. Brown, who now reside in Dar- lington, Lot 20, Con. 6, just north of Eltiad Church, to do thein honour on the eve of their golden wetding anniversary. The guests were re- ceived by Mr. and Mms. Brown f rom three to five o'clock. At five o'clock, ail were called to Proteet your foundations by the dining room, which was nicely havig ternclenedout decorated with cut !lowers and weti- havig thm clanet oUt ding belîs. The bride's table was and repaired or replaced centred with a beautifuly decorateti during the summner. cake with golden trimniings andi yel- low roses. After ail had partaken of PHONE 264W a tempting luncheon, Rev. Walter Rackham proposed a toast ta the R@ Eq Lohappy couple. which was ably re- spontied, to by Mr. L. Miller, son-mn- law of Mr. Brown. R. E LO AN Several speeches of congratulat- iosfollowed. after which the fol- TINSMITrHING AND lowing address was read: - SHEET METAL Mr. anti Mm. J. J. Brown. Solina, Ontario, KIng St. East - BowmanffUe Dear Joe anti Maggie: ________________________ Frientis are guards for kings. _________________________ Golti in time does wear away. <a, .. ther precious things do fade. f But friendship neyer will decay. I NEWTONVILLE As you look on this company of __________________________ relatives and lifelong f riends ga- Mrs. Hassen. Chathamn, visite d thereti here to do you honor on the with Mrs. Rutherford. eve of your fiftieth wedting an- Mr. anti Mrs. Samn Smith have re- niversary. we trust you realize the turneti from the West. truth expresseti by Edwards in this Mr. J. T. Pearce, Kingston, was verse. home for the weekend.j We are gladti t have this oppor- Mr. anti Mis. Roy Smith, Toronto, tunity of meeting once again with spent Suntiay with hUs parents here. you in your hospitable home andi by A number f rom here attended the coming hope to bring you a mes- Decoration Day services i Bow- sage of cheer anti inspiration anti manville. strength. which fellowship with Mrs. Stanley Gilmer anti Jean kindreti spirits always brings. have returneti to their home at Car- We rejoice with you in the many ievale. Sask. blessings which have come to you Mr. Walter Falls anti family Vs-' turing the past fiftY yeams in the iteti in Hamilton, anti Mrs. Falls re- measure o! prosperlty which has turneti with thein. been the reward of your daily la- «"Heatistrong Joan," the successful bors; in the mariner in which you Kirby on Montiay last. have faced the tiays of adversity. Newtonville play, was presenteti at Your home has been blessed by Got's Miss Veina Mallough. Toronto. greatest blessing. "Parenthooti". was a weekend guest of Mr. anti We have come unbidden but Mis. George Stapleton, Jr. trust aur welcome is none the less Mrs. Henry Jones anti grandson. icr.I lsigteewrso Charles Truscott. Warsaw. N. Y.snre. in, cl qoigteEgardust"o! Jon gestso r anti Mi s. G.. Jne . poein, Purpose"ý as we f eel it to be Jone andMrs 0. . Joes. symbolical of the manner in which Women's Institute met at the you have met if e. beautiful home of Mrs. Clarence The poena "Purpose" was then Mitchell, Port Britain. when several reati andtihae letter was signed on ladies of the Morrish Institute were1 behaîf of the assembly b)Y Robert present. SPECIALS Mum - - 33c - 49c Jad Saits . . . 55c Colgate's Tooth Paste . . 19c - 33c Gin Pilîs . . . 39c Chase's Nerve Food ..49c Cutex . . . . 32c Kruschen Saîts 69c BATHING CAPS 10c to 75c BATHING SHOES 39c to 79c 6 oz. Noxzema . . 59c JuryAN Loveli FOR QUICK DELIVERY PHONE 78 When we test eyes it lu doue properly. A Gift from... JURY (& LOVIELL 25e Tube of Squibb's Tooth Paste FREE with any 50e Purchase on request. Only 1 to a customer. Te k the Modemioo 1001W BRUSH BETTER SHAPE ONLY *STTEU IUISYLES 9ETTE09 VALU£ 0 KODAK FILM S TART your picture- making rlght wlth depend- able Kodak Film in the yel- low box-the film that gets the picture. Then send us the expo8ed rolla for expert developing and printing. Nelson 's Week-End SPECIALS ENGLISH BEDSPREADS Large size, beautiful designs...... $1.39 to $3.98 LADIES' PULLOVERS New Spring styles ........... Very Special 88c BOYS' PULLOVERS 100% pure wool ................. Special 79c SILK TO THE TOP HOSE Fine crepe hose, specially priced ..........6é7c FLOOR RUNNERS Congoleum, 3 yards long............... 79c Linoleum, 4 yards long................. 99c Compare Our Prices Nelson's Lower Price Store Phone 595 Bowmanville OPPOSITE ROYAL THEATRE Brooks. Sara Brown. William Taylor ANNUAL DECORATION and Lily Higgins. Various gifts of remembrance DAY CEREMONY IS were presented to the happy couple. who are both well ad.vanced in their MARRED BY STORMS seventies, and are enjoying good health. (Contlnued f rom page 1) The evening was spent in social1 conversation and music and after thi glorious countryside which we wishing Mr. and Mrs. Brown many flow efioy. happy Years together. ail returneci Each succeeding generation that to their homes. Guests were present rest in this place have faced their f rom Carman. Manitoba, Toronto, own peculiar diffîculties and did Oshawa, Bowmanviile, Pontypool not shirk the task of their conquest and he urrondig comunty. andi that is the f act we must re- and he urrondig comunty. member in this our day and gen- eration if we are to keep f aith and i maintain the traditions established ENNISKILLEN 1byour loved ones now departed. ____________________________ face very perplexing Mrs Ge. Rid s sinehatlm-problems that bear heavy upon us. e. Rî ssmwa m We have progressed to that point in proved.our development where human re- Mrs. Silas Trewin visited Mr. T. lationships become the key equat- Slemon's. ion for solution. It is difficuit be- Mrs. E. C. Ashton visited friends cause the complexities of human in Toronto.. nature have always been difficuit. Miss Mon alms . NI usn It has neyer been a known quantity. at Feelon alîs.Our grc'at problem is how to live Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Ellis visited with our neighbour in equity and in friends in Lindsay. . fair dealing and our neighbour be- Mrs. W. R. Courtice, Toronto, gins with the f amily next door and visited Mrs. Levi Eflitt.1 in an ever widening circle encom- Several from here attended Burk- passes the earth. None of us can eton Anniversary on Sunday. . shrk the duty of beginning to solve Mrs. E. Mitchell and family, this problemn by trying it out on the Ballyduff, visited Mr. Chas. Boyd. people next door and when we begin Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bradley visited there and only then can our g-reat at Mr. Arthur Wilson's. Burketon. problems be solved. Government Mr. and Mrs. A. Brunt. Carl and action cannot solve this problem Mona visited Mr. Albert Austin, Val- until each one of US have made the entia.solution our own most important Mr. and Mrs. R. Hughes. Eric and personal conceru. Teddy, Toronto, visited Mr. A. There is a story that illustrates Wearn. my point exactly and I hope you Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Wotten and wUll remember it. Not long ago quite family, Oshawa, visited. Mr. Russel a prominent man was spending his Griff in. leisure hours one evening trying to Mrs. Chas. Boyd and Miss Mar- work out a jig saw puzzle. It was garet Virtue visited Mr. C. Graham, rather a difficult one and in its com- Oshawa. pleted state it became a map of the Mrs. Wm. Griffin who has been world. He worked away at it for nursing in Bowmanville Hospital has several hours but it was much too returned home. complicated for him. He had to Mr. and Mrs. B. Stevens, Tyrone, work out the boundaries and areas Mrs. Enoch Stevens, Hampton, vis- of ail the new countries and states ited Mr. H. Stevens. created by the Treaty of Versailles Mrs. Wm. Lake, Newcastle, Mrs. and he could flot remember them. H. Skinner and family, Tyrone, vis-. and at last completely baffled he ited Mrs. Wm. Herring. swept up the pieces and put them Mrs. Charlobte Stevens, Hampton,lback in their box. Several even- Mr. Robt. Stevens, Bowmianville, ings af ter he noticed his young son visited Mr. D. Burgmaster's. about ten years of age working at Miss Bernice Lott, Mr. Vic Blake., the saine puzzle. To his utter a- Miss Winnie Oke. Mr. Stanley Tur- mazement hie noticed a littie while ner, Oshawa, visit-ed Mr. Wes. Oke. after that his Young son had coi- Miss Reta Carr, Bowmanville, Mr. pleted the puzzle that had utter y Bert Arnold, Gilford, Mr. and Mrs. baffled him a few evenings before H. Wonnacott and Ross, visited at an ecle o i snhwi Mrs. Jabez Moore's.1 the world were you lucky enough to, Messrs Gordon Stevens, Edgar I get the jig-saw puzzle together that and Fred Wright, Reg. Weavîng and jwas very difficult," and the son Howard Oke are enjoying a motor said.' "oh no it was not hard at ail. trip through Northern Ontario. I just happened to notice that the Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Pethick. Mr. other side of the puzzle was the f ig- IWm. Pethick. Mr. Joe Pethick, Mr. ure of a man so, I .iust went to work Floyd Pethick. Toronto, Miss Verna and put the man together right and iPethick. Maple Grove, visited Mr. S. then the world came together alright Pethick. too." Mr. and Mrs. Win. Clarke, Everett As we meet here to-day in the and Leonard. Sonya, Mrs. Lew presence of the living memories of Pierce, daughter Mary. Scugog Is- our beloved departed as we recaîl land. visited Mr. F. Orchard and Mr. their steadfastness and their forti- Geo. Reid. tude can we not dedicate ourseives Thursday evening Enniski 11I e n to this high purpose of learning to -Dramatic Club journeyed to Janet- live in equity and fair dealing with ville to present "Civil Service" and our neighbours and above ail else enjoyed a strawberry festival at the may the divine spirit of the car- Presbyterian Church. penter of NazAreth point the way. Mr. Jack Spencer, Mr. Jack David- At the conclusion of the address. son, Oshawa, Miss Bernice Stainton. the Wevice was shortened as an- Williams' Point. Miss Gladys Page. other rainstormn drove the crowd Mrs. Fred Smith, Mr. Claude Smith beneath the trees or to their cars. visited Mr. W. J. Stainton. The Canadian Legion Band under Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewln, Dr. C. Bandinaster Richard Fountain pro- W. Slemon, Bowmanville, Mrs. Sain- vided the music for the service. uel Slemon. Winnipeg, Mrs. Bin, An impressive ceremony followed Toronto, Mr. Wm. Trewin, Oshawa. the memorial service, when the Can- Mrs. Sulas Trewin, Haydon, visited adian Legion unveiled replicas of Mr. Hugh Annis.j the battlefield crosses on the graves Mrs. Harry Collier. Cranbrook. B.i of veterans, otherwise unmarked. C. Mrs. E. Avery. Port Hope, Mr. The naines of the veterans whose and Mrs. J. H. Lee. Mr. Elmer Lee. graves were so decorated were, R. J. Fenelon Falls. Mrs. L. McKendry. Lowens, Alex Bagnell, J. Alinond, Miss Phyliss McKendry. Lindsay, A. Cracknell. G. Stonebridge, V. R. were guests of Mr. Fred Ells. Oliver. D. Drew.î Friday morning Enniskiflen Con- 1 ach cros a oeetb no tinuation school teri came to a Jack and the unveiling ceremonyt very pleasant end when Mr. Harri- was carried out by uniformed WolfI son took his Pupils to his home and Cubs, while the Padre, Rev. C. R., treated thein to ice creamn and cake. Spencer pronounced the dedicatoryt Irene Sharpe moved a vote of thanks prayer. to Mr. and Mrs. Harrison and Bruce uigtepoeinsheras Hogarth seconded the motion. Mrs. of During teroceedg the ravwes Harrison in -a few words assured ail vteranwnthe Cemeteryn Jaere thein that it was a pleasure to have adcoaedmwith silkUnin ondck. had the opportunity of meeting them ateandmaosternFountin sonde andi to be able to help express thethLatPsanReele appreciation of Mr. Harrison in a sinail way for the splendid co-op- eration of the pupils during theé Conservative Convention school termi. Wednesday evening about fifty Again Selects Bowen friends of Miss Muriel Wearn gath- ered at the United Church shed, En- For Federal Candidate niskillen. and tendered her a mis- cellaneous shower in honour of!lher (Continued f romn page 1) marriage. Table was arrayed with up a strenuous fight," he announc- a white basket f illed with gifts and ed. "and I know that the people here overflowing wlth good wishes. TheI forin the nucleus of a great county guests were seated in a circle then organization. I want to thank the the bride elect was escorted in and electors for their support in the last given the seat of honour by Misses campaigns and I will do my utmost Ellene Parker and Clara Page. Rev. to keep Durham for the Conserva- W.Parker reati an address and a!- tive cause." Mr. Bowen said that ter openlng and dlsplaying her gifts. the Liberal candidate, Mr. Rlckard, Muriel, in her own sweet way. was a neighbouring fariner, and the thanketi her frientis for the useful coming contest wlll be a clean one. remembrances anti good i wshes. She as far as he was concernied. andi he also extentiet ix vyheartivita- newthlat itfwol'be-on'Mr.lc'- present 25. ecteti." XD Ilas It ln the fullest andi best in- terests of our people," he continu- The hlghest chlmney is in Glas- eti, "that oui credit Is bandieti about gow, Scotlanti, a.nd is 474 feet high. for politîcal purposes. What la wrong The most costly book was pur- wlth the government la that it is chaseti Tram Russia, the Codex Sin- looking through the spectacles of alticus (a Bible) a.t the price of ambition of party and power."e $50,0.oo. We are not going to throw muti," proclaimeti the speaker. "Our no- 9 bility 0f purpose far transcentis a that." He added that there were N; 800.000 Young people who wvere go- ing to vote for their fiast or second Zý time, anti imploreti the older votera Il shoulti tell them of the situation anti what has been done in the past. f In conclusion. Mr. Massey saidti that no constituency in the Domin- ion is regardeti as a sure seat in thet forthcoming election. "There is ai principle anti that principle is where you want your country kept andti have it raised to the level where you' want it." Joseph H. Haris Joseph H. Harris, M. P.. o! Tor- onto. who was introduceti by Milton J. Elliott, immediately plunget i nto1 a fiery atidress regartiing federal affaira. A vast amount o! legisla- tion. he saiti, has been put on the statute books during the past few years. It was put there for the pur-1 pose of the new generation ta have something to dling ta anti get i- spiration. Mr. Harris tIti of the improve- ment in the Canadian tratie balance anGi of the steps which hati been taken to secure wlier markets. Wlth an abundance of facts. figures antid illustrations. the speaker mentioneti the increases in various exporta, such as wheat. lumber. eggs. poul- ti3', etc., f ollowing the Empire trade agreemenits. The speaker went on to commenti the Farmers Credit Arrangement Act anti the Farin Loan Act andi the benefits which farinera hati deriveti therefrom. in depressing times. At the conclusion, a receptian was helti. which was followed by a diance. STARKVILLE Mr. H. Giln-er lost a valuable horse. Mr. Lorne Totit is sporting a fine new car. Mr. M. Shutka visiteti frientis In Oshawa. Mia. S. G. Hallowell ia visitlng frienti n Toronto. Strawberry season la here with a more abuntiant crop than last year. Mr. anti Mis. Chas. Cowan, New- castle, visiteti her brother, H. B. Gil- mer. Mr. Chas. Hannah, who la in the hoapital in Taronto, is much in- proveti. Mms. A. Dunn la home a! ter un- tiergolng a serlous operatian in Port Hope haspitai. Congratulations ta, Mr. Jin Brown anti bride who are new citizens of our nelghborhoad. Mr. anti Mm. Hait anti chilti, Tor- Sont., spent Sunday with Mr. andi 1Mrs. Frank Stone. A very pleasant evenlng was spent at Mrs. I. Stark's when nelghbours gathered in the forin of a shower Lnd presented Mr. andi Mrs. PowerNE A TL with a beautiful chair anti mirror. NEWCASTLE_____________ A few ladies gathereti at Mrs. ~-_______________ MIellor's andi spent a pleasant and Jc aewaptht rw' profitable afternoan.JakHr h pice Bow' Mr. anti Mrs. A. A. Martin anti teain ta victory aver all opponents family, Brighton, visited at her mo in the softball tournament at the :her's, Mm. John McKay. Durham Junior Farmers' fieldi day Mrs. Stanley Gilmer anti daugh- at Bethany. has an occupation, a ter Jean, Carievale, Sask., are vîsit- speclalty, a hobby, anti a fine as- ing at Mr. H. B. Gilmer's. complishinent. His occupation, In Mms. Robt. Reid, Starkville Sta- common with ai youth, is attend- tion. is visiting her daughters in mng school in seasan anti he applies Saskatchewan. She hati been in poor himself diligently ta lis work. Ris health, but is feeling some better. specialty is pitching softbail. His Mr. anti Mis. H. Herrington anti hobby is shooting graunti hogs. anti iMrs. Frank Bennett anti daughter every time Jack pulls the trlgger of Joan. Toronto. are visiting their his 22 rifle over goes a grounti hag parents, Mr. anti Mrs. Jacob Hallo- on its way to the woodchuck heaven well. anti there is one less of these vorac- A number of frientis gathered on ious animais ta tatten on the Tarin- Wed.nesday evening ta shower gooti ers" crops. Andi when flot engageti wishes along with miscellaneous in any ôt thèse he plays the piano gifts upon aur esteemeti young fri- for the edification anti entertain- ends, Mr. William Reidi anti bride, ment of his frientis or the general at Starkvllle Station.' public. The cheapest thing-Salvation, "' - "Wlthout money ant i wthout price"l, The strangest electric light la at It la God'a free gif t. the Sidney Lighthouse. Australia. FRE STREET FAIR & DANCE AT O1RONO W.dn.ss<Iy, July I10 Merry - Makers Orchestra, Oshawa GAMES - VAUDEVILLE - DANCING GRAND PRIZEES 1. Chevrolet Coach 2. Dinner Set $30.00 3. Perfection Oiî Burner $23.50 4. Durham Caîf $10.00. PROCEEDS DURHAM CENTRAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. TICKETS 25c PLAN NOW TO BE AT ORONO JULY lOth. Life Insurance PROTECTION at a coat Yom can afford Guarànteed neyer to exceed the ma impre- mium shown below. First three years, 15 per cent less. Thereafter you'pay only net preuuum (maximum less dividend). While future dividends cannet be predicted, on present scales the reduction is more than 15 per cent. Guarantced Firet 3 Yeare 4th Year Net Annual Rate Age Not to Exceed 15% Les at Present Scale f or- This Maximum (G....u.d) (%Wr h>..P $5000 20 $ 74.55 $ 63.35 $ 59.30 25 85.80 79..95 68.45 MODIFIED 30 100.915 85.20 80.25 WHOLE LIFE 3 35 119.35 101.45 96.05 POLICY 40 144.90 123.15 117.70 Issued at ail ages, 45 178.70 151.90 146.25 15 to 66, inclusive. 50 29.3.40 189.90 183.95 Includes ail standard provisions and premium wativer disability benefit. A VERY PRACTICAL SOLUTION 0F YOUR LIFE INSURANCE NEEDS GET BOOKLET FROM LOCAL 4AGENT OR OFFICE, OR HOME OFFICE P. E. GREENFIELD, Agent Carlisle Ave.- Bowmanville S D LT QI t txmpngtf Auwriru EDWARD D. DUFFIELD Home Office President NEWARK, NEW JERSEY Branch Offices in ail Leading Canadian Cities

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