Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jun 1935, p. 2

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PAGETWOTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. TH-URSDAY, JUNE 27th. 1935 Established 1854 A Weekly Newspaper devoted to the interests of the town of Bowmanvjlle and surrounding country. issued at King Street, Bowmanville. every Thursday, by M. A. James & Sons, owners and publishers. The Canadian Statesmnan ls a membyer of the Caniadian Weekly Newspapers Association, also the lass ,A" Weeklies of Canada. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada, $2.00 a year; in the United States, $2.50 a year, payable in advance. Single copies, 5 cents. THURSDAY, JUNE 27th. 1935 A Restricted Area f or Cattie The Department of Agriculture at Ottawa are shortly ta circulate a petition among the cattie own- ers of Durham County with a view ta obtaining their opinion on the proposed establishment of what is known as a restricted area for cattie. The approval of two-thirds of the cattie on-ners of the county wili be necessary before the department will estab- iish the area. Under this new plan, every beast in the province will be given the bovine tuberculosis test and compensation will be awarded the owners in cases where the test turns out positive. No move- ment of cattie across the county's borders wiil be allowed unless the cattie have first passeci the T. B. test. The bovine tubercuiosis condition has lateiy be- corne rather acute in the area surrounding Toronto. One or two dainies in the city began ta advertise a few years ago the fact that the mllk they sold al came f rom T. B. tested cows. Other dainies were forced in line until now aUl miik sold in the city must be f romn approved herds. Cattie which faiied ta pass the test were. 0f course, disposed of promptly and the herd owner at first was obliged ta suf fer the entire loss. 0f late, compensation has been aliowed up ta $100 per beast for purebred cattie but none for other cattie failing to pass the test. The latest policy being foUlowed is ta establish the s0 calied -estricted areas on the consent of two- thirds of the cattle owners within the proposed area. A maximum aliowance af $100 will be given for purebreds and $40 for non-purebred cattie. The tests are taken as soon as possible after the establishment of the area. The following year an- other general test will be made and the frequency with which further tests are ta be made is deter- mined by the resuits af this second test. In the case of cattle baught at the stock yards andà broughr into the area for fattening as is done by many far- mers in the district. the cattie must be tested at the yards or a permit may be obtained ta have the tests madie at home provided the animais are kept sep- arate from the rest af the herd. The new plan is one which deserves the support af every cattie owner andi dealer in the county.' and the necessary ttvo-thirds approval should be obtained without trouble. Taxing Church Entertainments At the meeting of the Toranla West Presbytery of the Unitedi Churcb last veek anc pastor deploî'ed the imposition ai a gavernmenî tax an ch'ircb concerts. Hîs chief camplaint was that one had ta purchaze ,lie tax ticket0 st.anti laer -'et the refun'd if anv ss.-erc not salti. He Isinteti out that it %as biard enaugh ta run a cburch nosv, wuubau: :his atideti tax. \Vthauî saying that v:e agrea in any %av sil' the present amuseinci't tax. we do no- ze' tli'a' the ministers have any ca~use for con.p:aiit' ienarciinz theï' lot. bbe amu'er.sent bu-;* iness is a -peci71:zei business which jpay.' heavs taxr-ý. I, dous no' ýe' exemt1ions on ts builti:n- an(c land as dac- chur- cbes, but is pcu'bars a-,ed'a a r a'à rextc-'.'than any other lir.e ai bu-in'e's. Il wauid 'seiss ny fair :'.rif :l'.e chrh wà.-n'- t1 enter the aniuseniei'.: buswies ir shb'uld ab:dc [wý rtîles thia' t 'rsthal mdrrt'. . w'e base d u the iact on nuniero u- oc -a.sar tha' 'le cl'urch lhas enteredt he ansu. seir.en'ý fie!cJ. an.'d 1w amusement we include concert-. -bowzs. gardeis parties. -up;per anti the like. That type ai :h:nz belons e-, le'timate1y t0 the man svho is ni.a.kiiî,2 blu infront ithaý 1business. The chîîrýc'- buî'nc ý î71rii.riy i.ý ta preach thec gospel anti set an .example. If in th'e coure of thi'- ni: k it dcec not i:m.prss u1.on '. i'-î.ensbersant d (1- berents t he i'eces:'y of vipportun2 thwe lirel'. y ireewilofferun2s w' 1' no -~ attacei'. lihenuhere- muot be san'.etl'ii'. ssronL, ;vithlite work. There svas a ltine :no* u'.au. y s ar agawhc:'.chur- chc.s frosvt'ed on îs'.' î shou-. andtiyat today ilt is comnton'.for a ch'urch'ap.n.srioî'. . Iis aof co irýe is thi'cr b-i-.bu, uf tht s sesi tota aer the aî'.tîîe- mn'.e .îs-nt'--',asa men.ý of ua-n.futsct-.Iben îbev n'.uu- l)jeubcc'o'sri.hp-t anc w ) 'lie cat'd:tuai'.- Has Liquor Advertising Arrived ? frous'. li curlouncres: rie' :or.-,but la t tai7lisl'. un th'e pultituan'.bd tht sîv l'.haututur are lîke anv o- ber commen'.rcial coin'.nodity and entitiati o ail tîhe itae- doni ii 1opporttunty in'.the dcs-clopmnt'. of.:aitratie that is grantleti for instansce. ta flour or nicat. Tise Liquor- Con'trah Act. Section 92, states:. Exr'apt as pari .uted by tht' Adt or regulalians m'ade tisera- uî,der. rio0 îsr-on witlsit'.the Prosvinca shal ex- bibi: ai' d10;71ay au' permtit ta ba exhibîteti or ti[splaycti any sign or po. 1cr -on'aii-iitig the words 'bar'.*bar' raom', 'saloots, taveun. *sirit. or 'liquors' or ss'rtis af hîke im'port. Na persan shahl within the Province utslc s authorizet by tht BDard exhihit publish i'.o display any other ativertiemcnî or any other announcemcîsî af or ca)nccrning liquor or whert or ironsitah tht s.an'.e nay be bati, abtaîneti or pur- chaset.' Tbc Preumier af tht Province bas an variaus oc- casions gisten as.suranct that tht ban ai advei'tising would stand. At thetlime af tht Kîng's Jubile, the teltgraph companies annauniceti that a cable af congratulations coulci be sent ta tht King, foi' $1.50: yct ont liquor firm 100k occasion ta seist theirs hy wsaofa a quarter' page ativertisement in Tht Barder Cties Stai- whiclh it is at least doubîful if their Majesties cveî' sec. Similar methotis weî'e adopteti by a brewtry anti a winct'y. Thene alsa appeareti at St. Catharines an ativer- tisiîîg sheet entitieti "Tht Penninsula Ativertiser.' In ils edtiot'ial cluinn it lautis the praduci af a St. Cathtarintes brewset'y: otbet's ativertise "cool assotteti beverages", cati ane firm in'oclstly or guardedly s'aIes tbat "Fr'ee parking space will be founti at tht rear of tht beverage rooni", tht hast two words phaced in large type but not otherwise mentioned. These cautiaus evasions of the law have apparentiy been tentative try-outs. Failing ta calaut rebuke. the trade has boldly attempted ta achieve its liberty. It may be that these papers and their advertisers have not violateti the laiv. The Act was apparently drawn s0 that it would be convenient ta drive a coach anti four through it. It even provides a gate, thus: "*Except as permitteti by this Act or regulat- ions made thereunder, no persan shU. etc. The abave facts are ominous and the public have a right ta know whether the Liquor Control Board has withaut authorization adopteti a new attitude favoring the liquor trade, or whether these advertise- ers and their publishers are openly and without re- buke tlefying the law 0f the land. "It Is a Way of Life" J. C. Kirkwooti in his "Yaur Warld and Mine' contribution in last wveek's Statesman lef t plenty c room for thought in his remarks cancerning thi pianeers and present day farming. Mr. Kirkwoac suggests that the farmers are lucky, despite theii own opinion. that they are able ta lead a if e whici, is enviable. "Riches came f rom trading," Mr. Kirkwoad sug- gests, "and farming is nat a trading occupation. It is a way af life." That iast sentence ta aur mmnd. t the most intriguing part af a very intriguing article, There are few of us wha have not always loolcec upan farming as a trade or profession. Mr. Kirk. waod scouts this theory in the advancement of his idea 0f farming as a way 0f life, and when ane stops te think of farming in its true light, we have tc agree that he is right. Farming is much like newspaper work in the re- spect that it is neyer ending. There are no set hours which one can f ollow, and the returns, if f ig- ured on the basis oi an hourly wage, would be about the lowest schedule of wages in the country. Farming- provides long working haurs, from which the average worker is protecteti, and again the far- mer is given the addeti respansibility ai managing his own business. In this way he is carrying the burden of bath empioyee and employer. Continu- ing ta carry the responsibility andtet bear up under the long hours of tail. the farmer must be doing it because il is a way afi lue anti not a business. The real farmer gets the same thrills out of his opera- tions as the editar gets a fascinatian from watching the life ai his community and his country flash by. Bath are ways of life. Bath give little in return for the labours other than the satisfaction anti sheer joy ai doing something worthwhile and satisfying a desire which is greater in its urging than the mere making aof money. A Real Minister of WeIf are The, manager ai the Dianne family last week plac eti an' ulimuatum before Han. Davidi CraH, MinistE cf Public Welfare. in which he suggested that fc a cansiticration on the part af the gavernment, l wouhd tone Èawn certain articles cot'tributed by th Diannes ta a Un'ited States syndicate. The ultima tuti ".as in every day parlance just blackmail. MV Cril is thel-efore ta be cammentiet for- the manne i'. wh'ich i'e han'died the affair. Nat, only titi I reftîýe ta have ans-îhing ta do with the suggestio that tise eavernn'ent pay ta keep certain thîngs au c' :oe. "-tr: .but he infarn'.ed the nmana2er tha iin fut- ut there would be na fur:i-her correspande'. or b)u-4ne--s %wh'tescr Ibe*:wýec-n the Minister andtiht :t.t.IrregalrdinL tIe D:onne ian'ily or th'e Quit t 'plcets TheO Go. .~ ive: nin'ei'. has been tise butt i e.' cr, -c : ci us fri '.certa,,i4n cîuarter0 zfor- ils oeth 0J, in. h.'i'c. i. the Dioi'.ieQunuJe, but we be r [a i. j:ioi.t'e bill waý the va: v proper thin*g . the - i0, fi171? ecfamaous '-isters fraînt'.( t. f Yai.kec 1711 fiteers and ecven irain th(i ~-esiayipî'.raî'. attitude ai their parents. Th( D:iit. parvents , ho iwere lhelt inut. h.gh esteen'. by th( h-u)k ave by their awt' actiaons lost the svmipathý -us,:'p)ort of n'aiy people ai îhr, provin'ce. Theý 1.- 'bcunl'aicied. n'o daubt. by professianal pub- 1vr ers who mue out ta n'akc a livin'g for Ihem ai '.bit :e latter lcaches have placeti the D:onîse f.,i un ai L very l7ad ligh't. Many who be- Iteveti th'a,'M~r. aitti Mrs. Dion'ne werc weil able tc c Ire fcyr he.r famiy aif îcn. w :11. as a result ai te- cent evenî.s. back the goserninent in making the Luaeiaîs'-l'.u of the five Il' :le girlsofa a langer terri thl. f:-î '-uggesîc-d. Our Best Neighbors 1,' ,r lavt '-a uci'.as a boss-i'.g occlnaii'.ance vith the airdis tl'at t'.s' n atr rartein or ut'.ter lhe Vt-rv c-(,,'.e- rýf O u o e ' 'S : h.aun' aour wsvoCIpilecs keep dur ' e.free froint tc:wakemtu svih thliu Oî..r un., tu.u rs ur svaîks :ilong !het roadtidte anc brot 1. wohi- ui t '-cc-t ) ' , ie dlea5'-î a bra-ach of t' cu' owa ,ul o:e of oui,îî'.asî kin'.iîy dis' rit t.m~'-f. ou Net tB:am'.el.t '. - Bird Na:'- b- b .u ' -.~ ru: .c.'than i henJolh'.Buî- à oa.(-% ost(<tr, i[7er boak: at'n.'-40 er ao_-oj.A->. u if xit ha artcin - t'.i.5s s'( atsStates- i.. o., o!:'.njohn Jentu.uîsc'birci refuge we culti no' bell: butl lltnk te roaide s tno langer sa plcc-ant a ;lau c for g:atpu.tas t stas un the rinties; tise n oct. perltaps, bias grioni nncî'. for t'ce plant- uîtg isi-. ot yau unvrsal. But the biî'ts silîl caie ta suniniettar sth' us. as kîîstly disposeti neughbors as N'a 'oot'eî uis the frost aut of tht grounti, releas- intg _,rub'z anti alti isarauticîs irom Iheil' underi- groundti suiter quarter',, than tht robin arrives anti -sraghtway be.zii's ta loot aitel' your lawn. Front theti .untîlisaut' apple tree puis out its leaves anti s-ou hear the anaole's vhistle or sebis flamne of j çolti. the bird' raturn. accoî'ding ta their kinti, and asurnse Ihaur jobs ai lookunug aitti' tht gooti earth. the shrubs anti trees. Such kuntily disposeti neighbors tieserve fram us ntore Ihan a bowsing acquaintance; they deserve ai ýea s such tuntily neighborliness an aur par't as %ilîl eepau r cals fia preying an them., breaking up thet t'e.ts anti etrirying the young birtis, somne- tint. ht ld ones as well. zraduates Whose Knees Tremble Valediclarians anti salutatorians whose knees lhî'aaîcn ta applaut theur graduation speeches necti î'ot fead tbat lbey are alone or insignifi- cati because af their stage fî'ight. Whet'.Dt'. Alber't Einstein was recenlly presenteti with tht Franklin Metial. tht program saiti he wauld make 2 speech af acceptance. Ht cauldn't do anytbing but grin. The chairman eased hini down by saying ta the audicnce-"an atitress is nat only a matter of good-wilI; it also nests on tht knees of tht gads!" er For he he ýa- [r. he ýut ýat ce t- of h- f ie d ir ~~u4:a-t -~ ~L -~ THE FRESU FLOW Cao be used where fresh water direct fromn the well is required. Capacity. 250 gallons per hour. Smail 3 gallon Gavanized Tank. 1/6 H.P. 1i0 Volt Motor, 60 cycle or 25 cycle -- .......$71.00 Extra for 30 gallon Gaivanized Tank ............... $11.50 FREE POWER The Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario offers electric current FREE 0F CHARGE ta operate Electric Pumps ta provide water under pressure for Household Sanitary Systems in ail the Farmn Homes and the Homes in Hamilets (flot includ- ing summer cottages). This gives you city conveniences a.t no operating cost and only a small investment for pumps and sanitary equipment. A complete "EMCO" quality Bathroom - toilet, wash- basin and bath--can be had for as littie as ............$85.00 An efficient Electric Pump ta supply running water from well or spring costs only $71.00 Up. No need any longer to put up sith primitive, unsanitary conditions. Terms if desired on bath Bathrooma and Pump. Write for Illustrated Bookiet and comptete information 3/ FOR SALE BY BERT PARKER, Plunuber PHONE 651W BOWMANVILLE EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LTD. London Hamilton Toranto Winnpeg Vancouver which they couiti azcend toward His ta his feLlow men are fewer than awn image. imine anti less purpaseful. I believe YUUK WORL jC K that my industry joined ta my high er aims shoulti recampense me u and MVINE juWeaneed a measure 0f leisure - stantiaiiy. I belies-e that ta him 1jsaswe neei food and sleep. that hath shahl be given andi that' IBY i But ta take away wark fram us is he shail be given more abundantly JOHN C. KIRKWOOD , like casting awvay a ship's anchor. I believe thart the farmer wha is- (Copyright) i We need taFsks for aur cultural. spir- more industriaus, more intelligent.: itual. mental and econamnic develop- [more ambitious, more langoývisioned' Gad gives ail things ta industry ment. Ad, also. -e need ta be than his neighbour should be better Sa saiti Benjamin Franklin. He did paidfor aur work - by private em- off than his neighbour andi should not mean organized industry ar in- pla yers, no by the State. Quite retain hîs gains. dustrialists. He meant personal ar firankly .Ina _ that mny belief is that Most ai us need ta be -onmpelled individual *industry. He meant his lmen oughtta be rewarded in this ta do wvhat is goad for- us.- Remiove saying ta be cansumed by young lie acordiîng ta the quality of their the force ai compulsion. and %ve be- persans as weil as by alider persans. industry and ta the value af what camnes slackers. This [s ane reason He îvanted ail who received his say- they do ta those who are benefictar- why I believe that men anti womlený ing to be persanally industriaus in les 0f their labour. I arn aIl ag- shoulti be under the di-cipline of i arder ta have their desires. ainst equality of revardt. 1 believe;Iemployment. If men and wamen It i becmin înccasnglyhar the praf:t ima':ve is saund andi have an abundance af le.,sure. *ileyi It i beomin inreaingl had ihalesome. I belie've that if I in- jwill -so I belev- îi.siie .sè de - to be industriaus. Sa much is ber dividually can andi do contributer pite ail the fine pro'.îs:on-ý andtini' ing done for us by machines and largely ta the needs. wants, wel-r citements ta use leisure wi.e:y and by other persans that we have came, fare anti happinessaofiînany. I ought enrichingiy. It takes aur. necest ta believe that personal industry iS to be paîi largely - tha:, I shaulri î io :c-.eep lis îî'dus#îl-R: essit not sa necessary as it nmay once have receive more for an hour afi my time been. Yet what Benjamin Franklin than the mai' whase contributions Te Eni saiti mare than a hundreti years ago remains good couril aday.r It remains true that oci gives ail things ta the industriaus. We - _________________________ can have svhat ive %ant in thisý ,varld by being indu-triaus. Being ndsius dacs .flot nean beinz just busy. It means purposeful oc- cupation jaincti ta diligence. ItHA E Y U mneans has ing an aim. and pursuing th aim through thick and thin.TH EX R wvith an infinite patience. Very T E E T À marvellous things can be accamp- lizheti and attaineti by any aone vha joins industry ta aint. and \wha -chools himief iin patience anti re- solution. This shaulti be goori nevs & m&A a To Subscribers Are i ou in arrears? Look at your label now! The Statesnian is compelled to take such nec- essary procedure to have its subscription lists brought up-to- date or paid in advance. In the past, accounts have been malled and personal interviews made, but the desired results have flot been realized. Unless subscrip- tions. naw in arrears, are paid up-to-date, or in advance dur- ing the next few weeks, the sanie will be placed in other hands for collection, when a more drastic system of collect- ion ivili be adopted. So pay Up noiv, or makie arrangements to pay ý-our arrearaoges during the next feyv weeks. Subscribers are remiiîded that before their sub- scription can bc cancelled it must bc paid up-to-date. VALUE ta ail voîîî'.olpeople, no'.a mater whaî e tl'eut' presei't circun'.stances î'.'ay bc. e I A J K- le Aord wl'icb seemis ta becisavina 1larger use int'.tiese timres îs**lecis - tire -,a word whicli seens- ta bc y tura oint %ith the word inu try.- Leisut c is being praiseti oy o inans-. includîng Henry Ford. Lais- ieure seen'.s ta be an ieai stata. inl ethe opinioi'.oai many - somaîthin". ta lie striveis for - earnestly desir- l c0 d. Ant i o aî'y are gîvîng theur (m,&DiE GUTTA PERC~HA) thought ta the probien'.oa leisure- they are a-kîng- the question'. What le shaîl people do with the larger cm- Il oun: aif leisure ttîme which ta ta be C m ae~ i e b i e w t their lot? C m ae i ie b ie wt Yeu are reading a goati deal about '-horer h'ours af labor - fîve or six Ai other tires selling at the D EE R A iosa per day*: anti about labourless _______________________ Saturdalys. Yeu are rcading abouît D E E R ,e te isccessity forihc'-s en'.playiné.nt a oa ep ief.- IE R A ittdividuisin. order ta let m'ore an ra IE R A epeicrn.'s have en'.ploymient. Yaui are reading aboutlthe scapping af bu- * MORE RUBBER r tisai' labour at age 45. anti about Mfake the DEEPER TREAD TEST 0 STONE SIDEWALLS comipe!lln.îl'.ose ovctr thi'- ccc or ci over 60 Near. af age ta cea-a tl'eîr Take tour rrusines card 'W EW TOLJGHER labour, in acter t o make roomi for a nd stand itljin the trend TREAD RUBBER th'o-a ss ho cbet is igl'.t rot fîî'd 5 pattern, a sne o,f ark .s E O-KDGI i.llittnet'.. .~~c lifi.o'cithe depth I1rlen tand 1 E O-KDGI s1poýehàIamo fsondthe e.,me card ithe lu A TIRE WITHOUT i'.ciny w 5a~ay i oftjiitkiiLc.for 1.an- trend of onv,-,:k. ieof "EQUAL AT aTS PRICE S no, - niyself that an .'but'- saore aiLe ant i C j t1iaî'.c aofle: 'uicf- is coocl for cîw Note Ihat flllotitcr trd's* Se e the new P oadfliht mnaî t i i l'ole'-onie for- ia mn ta 're too phaiiow ir rue r~e y)ri iiy - g bce:ci'.ploy-et. Man neetis the dis- u to the mark- prof b 111 cplîne ai entployntcnt an'd ai tasks positive that th.s Il d. otbei tire. ta bacoine %vbat Heav'cn wanîs hîîn îight Trend is deeper. ta bc. Man detariorates in in'orals, ae-odfrme tn mmid. in ciioracter. ant inut is physical bcîng %vhen bis bants antidr bis brain arc nar. industriously cmn- ,.- playeti. We are beîng tolti that leisure, in' t\' large amaunt. is ta be our portion1S1ZE.4J,5)ý1 I sheîher sse want it or not; antid there are many persans in tht worltij who bave osatie îhemselves believe .>u- that much leisure is an ieal candi- ~. tion andti tat tbey want an abun- dance af leisure. To me a state af leisune can be likenedti t landi left, uncuitivated. Neglecteti landi grow.s sveeds. OTHElrftSLe,, s Those who applauti leisure ne- I'Cflfti cognize that leisure must be em- nS* Fiendly litie Gutta Percha ploye t! They recognize that the Th.oroughbredidc,,,iesu idie man - the man who bas much *1 PrhaSrrc. ok o hm j 2 lesue mstbeprovideti with in the GP dealers' unîdou.s tasks - with somiethlng ta do. It seems ta be that they are tnying ta o, restant empîoyment. and If this is the case, wby try ta get men out af employment? For tht lufe of me. I cannot see vn basw those wbo receive vast amounts af Iisure - by belng expelleti froin i A i T L % wage-paiti employment at age 45 or u R I j50 - are golng ta subsist. They will bFR Ineed iomney, antithternoney neetied GTAPRH N U8R IIE jshaulti be tarneti by them, not given TELRETALCNDA UBRCMAY ONE 2YASAO N18 themn by the State. When the State gives money ta man or woman, for ail Years after 45 or 50 or 60, it THE NEW G. P. ROADFLIGHT TIRES ARE FOR SALE AT mates paupers ai them. My aId- PHONE 23 fahind iesmaeme convinc- BOIVMANVILLE H@dcgsin's Blervc Stationa YM N ed that Goti provideti wark as a D LBERTY STS. means ai uplifting men from the DAVIS' SUNOCO SERVICE STATION, OSHAWA. CROFT & SANDERS, COBOURG. level of beasts and as a way by PAGE nVO

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