PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, JUNE 131h, 1935 LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B Barrister. Solicitor, Notai-y Phone 351 Royal Bank Building, Bowmanvllle W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notai-y Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 91. Bowmanville, Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Publie - Etc. Law In ail its branches. Office immediately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Coliege. *Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour. any day. F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equipment Ambulance and Invalid Car Caîl Phone 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWMANVILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH Complete Funeral Service Modern Equipment -Ambulance A. W. G. Northeutt- Aubrey Smith Phone Days 58 Nights, Sundays or Holidays Phone 523 or 276. music F'RANCIS SUTTON, Mus.Bac. F.C.C.O.1 A. T. C. M. diplomas in Piano, Singing, Violin and Organ. Private or clams lessons. Pupils prepared for ail examinations. Phone 42, Bowmanville 40-tf RICHARD FOUNTAIN Bandînaster Canadian Legion Band t Teacher of Cornet, Trumpet, c Baritone, etc. 25 years professional experience. Open for pupils now. t Residence: Opposite Town Hall, ' Temperance Street, Bowmanville.t SHOE REPAIRS 1 R. PAWSON ti Boot and Shoe Repalrlng S Soles~ sewn on by Goodyear Stltching & Machine. Prices reasonabie. aý King Street East - BowmanvUle ti s. TREASURER'S SALE .0 0F LAND FOR TAXES fi: _________ Town of Bowmanville, re 13 County of Durham hi ________là '10 Wit; d By virtue of a warrant issued by Sh the Mayor of the Town of Bowman- wi ville bearing date of the llth day pe of Mai-ch, 1935, sale of lands in ai-- ai ears of taxes in the Town. oi Bow- s manville will be held in the Council ey Chambers in the Town Hall, Bow- ch manville, at the hour of two o'clock so in the afternoon on the eighth day ~ of July. 1935, unless the taxes and costs are Fooner paid. Notice i hereby given that the liý.t of lands "a for sale for arrears of taxes is bc- : ing published in the Ontario Gaz- cel ette on the 6th day of April, on the OtI 4th day of May, and on the lst day r,« of June, and that copies o'f the said 14k list may be had at my office. h Treasurer's Office, this lth day he of April, 1935. 15-13 A. J. LYLE, Treasurer. C. H. Tuck, Opt. "' Eyesight Specialiat wa Author cf;:n Optometry Feature Service of The Child and Its DevelopmentSO Specialzing exclusively in c muscle anomalies, eyesght o11 and slasses. to Phone cn( for appointment 1516 fn Disney BIdg. opp. P. 0. rec Oshawa, Ont. ttc j uz Adam Fakir'8 Columin "Ail the beauty o! tbe world, but ski-i deep".* Since ancient dsys. women1 beauti!ied themselves with exte applications. such as paints, poiv perfumes a-id a variety o! kiri lotions. Me-i too, have pai-ticipi un similar proclivities te some lent, but neyer 10 the same extr as have the female sex. duet feeling Ibat such adorimuent de iorates the masterful masculinii: wbich they are so proud. Vie happened 10 visit Alex Gregor's drug store (fi-ce advext ment), where the ladies had1 flocking to have theim' faces pat pulied a-id pecked free o! cha-g return for wbich thcy. ini most cz purchased besuty creami or hq One had but to, stand outside1 busy store s-id look. 10 be amn Duli a-id uninterestiug appew ladies. their complexions coarse saliow. possessing no sex appeai chai-m entered tbe portais o! establishmnent 10 emerge fifteeî txventy minutes later glowing,x iamit. ravishing bits o! feminity. E those xe had eonsidered hope 1were considei-ably improved. Vie pondered on the situat ing the interveni-ig minutes 1< change their appearance. Hadt met xvith a miracle? Vie decî 10 investigate with the hope that too might regain lost youth. pictured advertisements ini oui-mn showing hoxv that bad been dc bringing joy, love a-id happiness the victim ini thi-ce easy lessons applications. Mr-. McGregor elaborated at gr lerigth. on the wonders that'l t.ranspired ini the past !ew daysi plaining that they were the i-est o! "facials" which were being plied, administered or infl'cted b3 beamxty creain company's represei ative. a-id in the guise o! perfect nocence. suggested that we, s qu masculine person. place ourusel! ber care for a few minutes 10 serve at close quari-ers tbe exact pi cedure. At Ibis moment, the la appeared a-id came forward aidi and abettmng McGi-eeor's persuasi witb ber beaming smile a-id pleasi pers on ality But we de! auited when the la ir.sistcd that a bristling blo: moustache o! some years' stand' be removed. A husky friend, e% ready for a lai-k bappened ini att moment a-id was persuaded to a substitute a-id prepau'ed fort ordeal wbile we loolted ouia laugbed. The fi-st part was much the sar as being shaved ini a barber's ch. witb a neat uitIle doilie Iucked und bis hesvy set chin, now soinewh crimson ini a maidenIy blush and towel draped over bis shoulder catch the oid mask wbich for yea had sec-i service as a face. The lui dipped ber fingers into a jar co: taining a white substance labell cold cream. daubing il copiously ov his face from the cars 10 the no. then to the back of the neck um me appeared ready for the gi-ea pig race or the Exhibition maratho But the fun had just begun a-ids began 10 rub, i-olls-id pluck1. anned bide with a gentle, soothii symmetry in bei- supple flngers xvhi ocion bad him purring and almo .slcep. Vihen the creain had beE applied, a towel wss used to remci the exeess, a rougher process lba the fi-st which made the victi splutter and the spectators rosr i- v laughter. There were three or foui- add:l onal applications o! Ibis nature ur i1 oui- !ormerly broxvn skinned vic Jm was as white as s lily, s-id we egretting bis gullibility exceeding y.The lady ini charge decided lba is white eyebrows. the oniy lady ike portion about hlm. would neve Io justice to tbc voluptuous vampir me aspired te have bim appear,s ith a fcw de! t strokes o! cyebrc% Sncil chsxmged tbcm 10 a jet biseP id addcd a dash o! biuish ey hsdoxv 10 accentuate bis large bit yes. A weakness o! color lin th eets xvas also casily remedied wxit] me rouge a-id bis large, full lip tre enamelcd xith brigbt red ii iclt. after wbich poxvdeu' was spi-ea 'ci- tbe îrans!ormed face. a-idi ;as, headed for s mini-or. He really didn't 1ook 100 aw!ui ex pt that the eyesbadow a-id tI bher parts o! the paint job weri vi- emphasized malting hlm 10oc ýe a goggly-cyed painted doll xvi id-il slept for a xveelt. As soon as he saw tbe reflectior be eaded for the baclt office tc ro-ure a tovel a-id remove the det ris, but McGregor, alive 10 the ad. erbising value o! a maie, faciale( b is emporiumn, promptly blocke( s way a-id wagered a dollar Ibm' ýhadnit the required amount o testinal fortitude 10 parade dowr ah- st-cet. The chap eitber neec. d the money badiy or tbought i us tpik darlt beause here is littie doutih tupo thef mai-ket without any flour- heart s is a much gi-ester life acb- Fireflies have no paricular value, J ishovr f! yyears ago. Il ws ut ieeenî than to icave a large estate but 10 devourvsnalls a-id the iarvac up bo meet the wants o! a smali whcn we die. To cultivate a spirit o! insccts. section, but as soon as Its merits o! eontentmeuit trustimg Ged whe- Ol e cr g lwsnc becme now ilhada woleco- ther in povei-ty or plenty Is a bettei- essai-y te change locomotives on tinent for a f ield, a-id il is noxv way te ive than te be drive-i by IPassenger trains cvery »00 or 150i known a-id prized throughout this ambition and covetousness. The miles. Now i-uns cf 600 miles are net continent. There is notblmxg equai goal of ie should net be What we uncommon, and much lne -n to It. ca-i gel feor cursel'es as though eur 1have been made for testp pes. POPULAR RADIO STARS Sunday Schooll I. 'tis Lessonr have %tera, CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP ndre pdred Sunday, June lGth 'reineGolden Text: -It is required in to a stewards, that a man bie found faith- leter- . ful.-l Coiinthian.s 4: 2. ý1y ofLesson Passage: Deuteroruomy 8: * 11-18, 2 Corinthians 9: 6-8. Me- "If I arn weak, and you are strong, rts-Why then, wh~y then,beog ,tex-i .,And so again, yu~e~~ uids. 'Tis yours with freer hand to give that 'Tis YOurs with freer grace to live, J ,azed. Than I, who giftless. suniless stand, aring With bai-ien life and hand." nor A Religlous Act. 11-14 this Either we ule oui- possessions or n oroui' possessions will mule us. Giving rad or may be a bugbear in oui- spiritual Even lufe or it may become ai ostn )eless .10y. It is a- great helptohea de! mite system of giving, with f ixed1 tion. Proportions and definite times. ToI dur- set apart sorte of our earnings when 0 sI they are eceved is much better they The Campbell Ssters than to wait to sec if wie have any- ,ided thing left over. Givirug a set amount t we Ladies and gentlemen, presenting in advance seems reaiiy to help us and Mymtle, Ethel, and Jeanne, the in the expenditure o! the balance~ nind Campbell Sisters' Trio, wh o se we have a better sense of values. loe, charming faces appear above. To cuitivate the attitude o! stew- ;s to ~ Actually sisters, these three song- ardship or trusteeship will make us ýs o strs avestonie ther wy ito shaed0f having to be wheedIed the hearts o! radio Ili st en e rs into givi-ug. Catch penny methods BA N K IN 9 retthroughout Canada and the United ro! church finance would soon be- had States ever since they first appear- 'corne unnecessary if we made the "The value of that ente hded over the Commission's Toronto administration o! all oui- income and Mnra)ogtntt ex- station. Accomplished musi c i a n, possessions an set o! devotion _to Mnicl uh ltt sults they have played piano since eariy God, the giver o! ail good. The Is- scesa on-tc ap- childhood and have becomie versatile raelites had prayed to God while in ucssa on-tc y a on various other instruments o! mu- slavery in Egypt and while waxider- amount of its capital or n- sclepeso.Ee combined ing in the wilderness; would thev it- years o! vocal and instrumentai remember God in the prosperity of dends, but by the secu rity lutetrainxing in Toronto are to theirr the land o! Canaan? During the wohv rse t h Myrtie, at the top of the picture. lifted up. did Canadians forget the! nished for the exchange lady brown eyes, weighs 110 pounds. and omdteadhei in taîl.v feet, five and a hal! inches alDeis,1,6 meO oîd,. Ethel, inth centre, is 24 years One o! the best ways o! studying tributed tco the deveiopni bi2od as dark brown hair, dark blue Canadian history is to have long eyes, weighs 98 pounds, and is five ieisurely chats with pioneers or de-ý ýady feet. two and a haif inches taîl. scendants of the pioneers. There  'v nide Jeanne, at the bottom, is 19 years are entrancing stories of an Old l I( veL ysnegs15guds n sfv x nhs uhfr.o h is ýve old. has dark brown hair. brown Country weaver learning 10 use an BN the feet. six inehes tali. team o! horses brought int the be Myrtle, Ethel, and Jeanne are pi-e- community, of the first load o! grain the sented each Friday evening at 7.00 bauled out, o! the first funeral. or and p. m. EST, over the Canadian Raduo a log house burning down. or a MODERD Commissions eastern network, fromn school eondueted in a bouse by a me Toronto. crippled soldier, or an open air ser- air, vice being held on a summer Sun- ider - day. The people making a star! in Bowmnani atmen 10 emulate the c h a r m u n g,1 Canada, whether in bushlands or on d10 scented, paunted members o! the f e- the open prairies, were dependent at ýi-5 malesex, the ladI«es. God bless 'em. first hand upon Providence in a way ady that we seldom feel in a machine on- age 1ýhen the forces o! nature have led WHAT ROTARY MEANS so largeiy been conquered. It is a ________________ ýver TO MY TOWN good social discipline for us to i-e- m,e ia memrber the way by which wie have financiai rating were the test o! ntil Wa can a service club do for a corne. The Israelites neyer ceased the judgment day, but to render asy town? This question is answered by to find spiritual values in recalling sorte useful service to humanity. To ion. R. A. Baldwin o! Siaton, Texas the jouxrneys o! their wiidei-ness devote a if e te education gives more sbe (populatuon 4,000), in an artcle days where they faced serpents and lasting satisfaction than the excite- his -Wbat Rotai-y Means to My Town," scorpions, drought and famine, ment o! speculation. A doctor who ig appearing in the current Rotai-ian Thexre were giest discomforts but bas been able during recent years ch Magazine. Hus manuscript. recexitly that period o! humbling and testing to coliect îess than a third o!f fees ast won for him recognition as the win- helped to make them a nation. says that he neyer had moi-e pst- 'en ner of an international contest for A Partnership, 17, 18 ients, and to serve them is bis e- ve articles on this subject.Asmncutherbsigt ward in the practice o! medicine. ian "Rotai-y," says Mi-. Baldwin, "has Asmncutterbesos-hey Good works do not depend upon ýi meant a rebirth for Siaton. Il has mnay have eitber o! two mental at- lref tb taugbt us an attitude that made co- titudes. There may be the attitude lrefnancial returns. operation possible. Factionaliim has o! self-confidence and self-help. A Questions for Discussion it- been annihilated. Rotai-y bas not self-made man gives full credit to 1. Vibat shouid be oui- motives in- supplanted but supplemented other bimseif for his achievements. He in giving? c- woithY enterprises, brisigirsg a more says boastfuly in his heart (wishing 2. Is there any area of h! e f romn 7as intelligent interest in oui- achools, he mught say it aioud), "My power which wie may exclude God ig- churches and ail civic projeets. It and the might o! mine hand hatb I 3. 'Co-iabouuei-s with God" -is ia was Rotai-y that first suggested 10 gotten me this wealth." North there i-eaiit.y in this? [- my 10w-i the ideai o! ethics in busi- America bas produced many suc h 4. Are cheerful givers rare or ,er ness-that competitors, employees, who have prospered by developing prevalent? i-e customers, ai-e ail entit.led t0 a natural resources. The other men- 5. To have, 10 be, to do,-which s0 square deal. It means foi- us not tai attitude is that o! the pietist has* fiu'st choice? w alone dlean business practices, but who gives God credit for everything______ ,k, the idea of 'cleaniiness' has been ex- a-id gives scant recognition to the e- tended bo include clean~ streets a-id human share in producing progress. I THE LITTLE FOXES" ue alieys, dlean sports, clean thixking. Is il not truer 10 fact to think of he Naturaliy the tendency is 10 cleanei- God and, ma-i woiking together ini (Prom Christian Science Monitor) h living, a partnership, God providing theJ nthseodcpeio!TeSg Sî"Rotary's espousal o! the cause o! capital andi opportunity a-id m an io! Solomon we fi-id presented a' P-I public sanitation got resuIts." he supplying the labox'? I is a col' beautiful pen picture o! spring- idIcontinues. 'Weeds were cut; rub- ,Ective o! human pride "to, reinem-t 'e2:11>: -For. Io, the winter is he bish a-id garbage hauied away: ber the Lord thy God; for il is he~ past, the flowers appeai- on the breeding places for flies and mos- that givetb bbee power 10 gel eartb: the time o! tue singing o! x- quitoes eliminated: a-id merchants wealth." God provides the mfaPle birds is corne." The writer theru he a-id daii-ymen have installed sani- t-ces, but ma-i must tap them an-d goes on te speak o! the fig Iree put- re tai-y devices for the proper handling, malte the maple sugar. God maktes ti ng forth ber green figs a-id the k dispiay a-id distribution o! the soîl fertile, but ma-i must vines their tender gi-apes. It al 10 duels. plough. hax'iow. sow a-id reap if he hînts o! freshness a-id sweetness and n oTarnscame10w-i beatutfication. is 10 have bis daily bread. Vie ai-ePpromise. such as beiong to spring- Rotaian, wrkig wth te Cam-felow orkes wth od.tim. Alittle faither on. howevei-. :0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w bec!ornne ttbeCa- elw o-eroih o.1 a word o! caution a-id tbeofCommerce a-id the Board of The Cheerful Giver, 6, 7 lann 21j Tk stefxs e-City Development. nuuae rt avsigfrud ornyw- *d ty lawn contests, enc3ui-aged the Caasigfruxdsorny o-I the ittie foxes, that spoil the vines; edplanting o! trees, !lowers and thy cause is a voyage o! discovcry fou' oui- vines have tender grapes." Ei shus, bve.te streets, equipped as to varieties o! huma-i natui-e. T he A dictionary mentions ci-atiness at and beautified oui- parks a-id cerne- ladies who do the coileetxng onu tag as ebaracteu'istic o! the fox. Indeed. of 'ery, a-id supported aimost unani- days foi- various good projeets bave to the fox is attributed unusual cun- inmously a county-wide highway pi-o- iîîtercstimg stories to tell wben they' ring. He knows bow to abide bis il gi-am. hand in their returns. Thcy meet lime a-id to steal upon bis prey uni- i Dsesinti itn a eeC id, cheerful, "hilarious" givers. observed. The foxes mentloned ini î Disngo inrade tot.hrto. ndtemetgugngiesOeTe og !Slmnweema For ail your painting use that fie quality CANADA PAINT Sheppard & Gil Lumb6er Co., Litited BOWMANVILLE J. W. JEWELL SO)LE FLO-GLAZE AGENTS IN BOWMANVILLE phbone Se "BANzoo# Bowmanvle G IDEALS THAT LIVE ON erprise (the Bank of T'he Bank, now well on in the second centuy of cbe zneasured by ilu lis life, stili wishes to bc measured by the con- undertaking, by the siderations snentioned in the foregoing quo- )the size of itsdivi. ration from "The Centenary of the Bank of hyi bas given ro those Mont'real," published in 1917. lfacihiies ir bas fur- Se<,arity, failitits, assistance- those have beeu eand the increase of the objectives of the Bank since its foundation assistance jr has con- in 1817. They are the objectives today and ent of the country." will be in the tomorrows of Ganadian life. 0F MON TREAL ESTABLISHED 1817 HEAD OFFICE - - MONTREAL N. EFFICIENT BANKING SERVICE .... the Outcome of 117 Years'Succesifu Operation nville Branch: F. 0. McILVEEN, Manager An Qil for AIl Men-The saulor, overcome rheumatism, it is excel- the soldier. the fisherman, the lum- lent. Therefore, it shouid have a berman, the out-door laborer and ail place in aIl home medicines and be who are exposed to injury and the amongst those taken on a journey. elements will find in Dr. Thomas' Finland is the most thickly for- Eclectric Oi a true and faithful ested country in the world. 0f her friend. To ease pain, relieve colds, total surface 61.5 per cent is cover- dress wounds, subdue lumbago and ed with dense forests. CENT A MILE ROUND TRIP nrnuMauue BARGAIN FARES .. . From UAV VIIVILLE <Minimum: Adulte 75c; Children 40c) J une 211To Arr.Batod uflCahm olnwoDtot Kincardine. Kitchener, London, Meaford. Midland, Niagara Falls, North Bay, Owen Sound, Palmerston, Paris, Penetang, St. Catharines, Sarnia, Southampton, Stratford, Wiarton. Windsor, Woodstock and ta ail intermedjate pointa beyond Aurora. Georgetown, Grimsby and Brantford. ALSO to ail Towns in New Ontaro- on lines of Temiskaming & Northern Ontario RIy., Nipiaaing Central Rly. and on Canadien National Rlys. beyond Cochrane to Kapuskaaîng and Hearst. AND to Beaverton, Washago, Parry Sound, Ardbeg, Burwash. Sudbury, Capreol, Weeotree.,Goeama, Tionaga, Foleyet, Oha. Horn;epayne, tLonglac tHardrock, tGeradton, t ellcoe. <f Longlac MingR Area-Sturgeon River Gold Fields.) JUNE 22 to TORONTO and HAMILTON Aiso t AI( Towis btwe.n Belleville and Whtby Jet. Inclusive Tickets, Going and Rtr iia n ri nforma gîon (rom Agents. Aak for Handbifl. CANADIANilCANADIAN -NTOA PACIFIC- PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVnJX THUR-SDAY, JUNE 13th, 1935