Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1935, p. 7

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PAGE SEVEN THE CANADiAN STATESMAN, BOWMAWJILLE , THURSDAY, JUNE l3th, 1935 Ontario Pravincial Champion. vs zel Englisb, Joe Fonder, Stanfard thein fatfler's._________________ I Nlat Kadin, o! tbe Young Men's He- VanCamp. Fred Bratiburn. Primer Mn. Jahn Squalr, University Col- M l~ Coucn, Joknston bncw Assit Si-., Elizabeth Haoey, Royal Whit- lege, Toi-auto. has been visitlng at U M 125 Lb. Class-Melville Glionna, fili o rdun oie Archer; bis fatben's previaus ta saillng for J. W. WORRALL,, Opticlan u E Hoar Weeera!Befei elde , Ro y rd , e EgsbSan outc: n at ond.a s tore.ni 1p former Provincial Champion, vs primer Jr., Annie VanCamus; Pres- Europe. Mrs. Lwisa u toe m cryderman, Lta. went ta, schaol in Bowmanville. fond VanCanip; teacher, Amy Rlch- trait, Mn. anti Mns. T. Bro wn, Flin- L - wY EU. I 135 Lb. Class-Jack Raven of To- artisan. ton, are vlslting bei-e. E IA Phone 104 Bowmanville ronto vs Bly Crawford o! Belle- Mrrages: Bradd-Dudley - At Dieti: Lick-In Bowmanv lle, onl UNITED CIGAR STORE ville. tL Mthodist Church, Bowmanville, June l2th, Zevlab Llck, nellct o! te AENC ilPull liat of bouts wlll be announc- by Rev. John Ganbutt, Mr. W. J. late Wm. Llck, of 7th Concession of _ _ D U SW ____________________ ed next week. Bradd, Coîborne, and Miss Anunie Darlington, ageti '8 yeana.- ____________________________Miss Harriet Burk, Lindsay, was LOA ESN L guest of Mrs. T. S. Holgate. -1T M LOCL.&PiteN L rs. A. H. Bounsal and babe vis Upper and M iddle ScIiool Resuits i i e i D n' isT i _ * ited her parents at Wellington.P o 'MisT s Mr. and Mrs. Hill, Torornto, were Miss Boylan, Toronto, attended the CICII. S P O R Sudayguests of Mr. anid Mrs. Centenary in St. Johns Chiirch on Alfred Shrubb. Sund.ay.1 Below are publbshed the Upper BRoyd Slemon-Anc. Hist. Physlcs O f% l In'r<'~ Miss Annie Bessey, Toronto, is Barn Dance with Old Time Or- and Middle School promotion re-' Samn Alln-Alg. Cem -M i wadçiaud tMr, and Mrs. Hlo- chetro tJunle hGibsons, New- suits at Bowmanville High S&hool AmsnBell-M-g . T Op ort n _____ dC ad cslo Jn 3h rlae hi onn rni a u amsnBarr-Alg.;' P 't n t ~~ III *~~* Vital statistics for the motth of Mr. M. B. Rixen, Accountant Bank rLea.spe hsmrnnlyPrnia Thelma Freemnan-Alg.; Agric. [U L lm adMay are as follows: Births 7, mar- of Montreal, recently visited his L .Dpei Robert Kent-A]g. F ut T m and ages 6, and deaths 2. mother at Deseronto. Upper School Mary Mutton-Alg.; Agric. Many people have saved pIenty Mr. and Mrs. H. Edgerton, Osh- Mr. and Mrs. Milford Wilkins and Ruth Stevenson - Alg.; Geom.; PcisaenwI ul i u aesnew none awa, have been visiting at tlieir Mrs. Qi-ville Heard, Oshawa, werei Ber-t Ashton - Modern History, Aric. Petsaenwi ul i u aesnew none daughter's, Mrs. J. Living. in town Monday calling on relatives. Trig.; Physics; Fr. Auth.GetueDwl-oi sngeterathCemofewr eln utu pmb Mrs. F. Robets, Whitby, attended Mrs. H. A. Farrow, St. Cathaines . B~o CarkElng . m . n .Lit. Hrtnude Dewel-Geom. r om t shng, seî ofer a e th ramo ewoesrig u urp the District meeting of West Dur- was recent guest of Mrs. W. C. BbCar-nWaop; nglerickad-Geom.;F.om. are aHapnPsr, ngtc. ham Women's Institute and was one Washington and Mrs. B. M. Warnica. L. Diîdley-Eng. Comp.: Eng. Lit.IWie od-em h soe fLk nalo d fth 1 tTom Dustan-Eng. Comp.; Eng. Hugh Smale-O-eom.; Ger. Comp. a hundred and one other We are now specializing in oftejde or te quîlt competi- Congratulations to Miss Elsie AI-Li Mary Thomipson-Geomn.; Chem. paesShtMelWrkadf- Mon. adMs .C adnl n lin on passing with honors her In- Audrey Elliott-Eng. Comp.; Eng. Frederick Wood-Geom.; Chem., Miss Dnothy Listwel. re spndingOrganPipe at. Comp.; F. Auth.; F. Comp. Iqe ~ ~~~smifthiflg, and ail our stock of the week with Rev. and Mrs. E. F. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Downs and Lit. Donald Little-Physics. ketsorae wus, uggenst lnclu- lzed and black, are on sale Armstrong at Trinity United Par- daughter Frances, Detroit, Mich., Helen Pritchard-Eng. Lit. Richard Woodward-Physics. es, oanbge saan, alsh-c he sonage. have been visiting his sister, Miss M. Qoodman-Eng. Comp.; ng. Harry Depew-Chemn.es Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ferguson, Lola Downs. Lit. Helen Knox-Chem. sandwiches, and orange or BUY NOW and Save MoneY. Rev. Clarence Ferguson, and Mn. Miss Muriel Dech, R. N. and Dr. Dot. Richards-Eng. Lit. Lorna Clark - Lat. Auth.; Lat. lemonade. Merrett Hackett, Northport, were inl Percy Ireland. Toronto, were week- Helen Rickard-Eng. Lit. Camp.; Fr. Auth.; Fr. Comp.; Uer.Ortukwilbonyu town, Saturday. guests o! Mr. and end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Thelma Schlievert-Eng. iComp.; Comp. eartrck Tu e n y a. r- Mrs. A. W. Pickard. Westaway. Eng. Lit. Helni charde-Cr h . sretecAg-da ndFi Mr. E. H. Devitt, of the local 1 rHretJ ooeDtot Muriel stocker-Eng.. Comp.; Eflg. Vilen tcsbre-gr. Au;A- day.R.E LO A High School staff was the special Midi. is visiting his parents. Mr. Lit. speaker and leader at a Boys' Work and Mrs. J. T. Hooper, and 'other Margaret Toms-Eng. Lit.; Fr Muriel Stocker-Fr. Auth. R.__E.__LOGAN Rally held in Owen Sound over thefreshre Auth.; Fr. Camp.ViltObre gic weekend. reaor Rgs !vacuvr Martha Serrels-Mod. Hist., Bot. Urace Rundle-Agrlc. -j ftTINSMITHING AND Misses Jean Davidsoof R.nN..van, Nelson Qsborne-Aig. Annie Wilkins-Agric. JIIa tn MissJa aisn .Nadand her aunt, Miss Alice Cari- Bn astoe Al. I n'îSHEET METAL WORK THE NEW Marion Leggott. R. N. Ontario Hos- Seattle, visited the former's aunt Brg;yro- g.Gem.. FRUIT MERCHANT King St. E. Bowmaaille pital, Whitby, are spending a week Mr.W .Cnuhes nSna.Trg;Pyis hat can bie more f oolish than IPoe~Poe24 SWANTEX SHIRT with Mr. and Mrs. Davidson in Ms .X Cruhr, nSna. Edwin Hancock -Geom.; Trig.; tPhonntht a9 thshri-e ab64W0 In smart checks, a cool sum- Brantford. Mn. and Mrs. William Hall and Zoo. ao hn ar ilthicul re b f o ani Mr ndMs.Knnt Hl, o- AnaeleHedY-GOicTrg eaveBandwmanville coe b mery shirt with tie to match. Misses Marion Leggott, R. N., and crhnaMsneet.al.To- Anae.eHn."Ooil; rg -en -Jeremy Taylor. _______________ SpeialComlet $225 Jean Davicison, R. N., Ontario Hos- onto, were recent guests of Mr. an-d J. E. Rehder-UGeom. Spca opee$.5 pital, Whitby, spent thein holidays Mrs. H. B. Foster. Howard Wight--Geomn. Trig.; Fr. with the formers' parents, Mn. and Miss Marjorie Mlin. daughter o! Auth. TADOUSAC Mns. S. B. Leggott. the late Dr. Edgar Allin, Edmonton, Margaret Wightmafl-OeOIf. S H IR TS Mr. and Mrs. J. Hamilton Bate- Alta.. and Mr. Gordon Spooner, Tor- Madeline Janes-Trig. A hr yToe naseil man were in Peterboro on Fiday at- onto, were guests o! Miss E. Annie SoetavesTi.:Lt At. Alit bsumme wingbt. com- tending the funeral o! ber uncle, Allun. Fn. Comp. o. Zoo. 1 FactoySae plete with tics in contrastmng JhnPr.g a d~n d r s.N W.. . stffo! teWeis-iozl Mountjoy-Bot.; F. ut. uild Your Sum m er You colors.]yTedyeeig re.RN.oftesafothWs- Bessie Patterson-Bot. to Mis aJoi Wn.Ms.ModToronto, visiteti Mrs. Colwell, Car- Donald Williams-Zoo. Feet Speia -$225 Mss Flo~re tsan Mars ModenHiAv ,aneMsenJimy JarosltisComn-Zooe. W r r b round eL Mn TERY LOH ornt, pet uesayTohrn. BomavioeHih Sbol eah- Ue. onif-Cem.Mis loene ndMailn rMod. ise ve Jme SssflsCbm.I vChr oe ,i i es SWEAT SHIRTS andi Mrs. Howard C. Gaud. ing staf illemaiinShtac hnx Jean Morris - Lat. Auth.; Lat. Crew eck tyle in lue, Rev. C. C. Washington, Toronto, season with no changes in personnel Camp.: F.At. r oP;G. EUIU HE whit.e and canary. wocnutt niesr e-le and all contracts have been signed eath.;Or Camp . u at Ebenezer. his former charge. was by teachens and approved by the I Jean rkn La. Auth.; LatCom . ] EUIU H For Boys-- $1.00 guest of bis mother. Mrs. W. C. board. Gertrude Dewell-Lat. Camp. For Men -- $1.50 Washington, on Sunday.MisJsiArhr r.WE.Hln ao -F.utG. A Garden Party will be helti on Ms eseAceM.W . HlnMsn-F.At. n AL W OLTrinity Church lawn. Tuesday, June Dyer. Mns. R. H. Eldon. Mrs. E. Ma- Auth.: Or. Camp. B SLLWATERS8th, at 6 p. m., untier auspices o!fson. Mrs. F. Mason, Toronto, Mrs. Floence Spencer-Fr. Camp. NBR OO SW A ESChunch Street Circle, W. A. Straw- John Fisher anti Mn. H. B. Fosten, H. McLaughlin-Ger. Auth. I Crew and V neck styles, in a berry shontcake andi other good eats. ail members o! a former gymnasium ideSho A O H O varlety of colons. Tickets 35c. Come and bring a class in Toronto. were enteitainedMldecol frienti. on Saturday by Mrs. H. B. Foster an Ayling-Eng. COMP. You'l1 be sure of an etffect worthy when a veny jolly ne-union was en- JOms0 h nprto fslmr $19 nd$.0Mn. Dale Thornton, DeKalb, .. oyd.Jae Adamson-Eng. Lit.; Phy-ofteisraon f um- $.5ad$.0visited here on Sunday and in coin sics.; n.tm fieyIyoslctou SLEEVELESS pany with his uncle and aunts. Mn. Rev. andi Mrs. E. F. Armstrong Mary Binks - Eng. Camp.; n.tm ierI o eetyu PULVESand Mrs. R. H. Warden, Miss R. M. anti thein guests. Mn. andi Mrs. Mac- Lit.; Can. Hist. footwear here. PULLOVERS ~~Thornton andi Miss M. G. B. Wand- Donald, Mn. and Mns. Chas. H. Ma- Marjanie Couch - Eng. Camp.;, WieCl -ta ht ayCl i White, maroon, green, greY en. visiteti Mn. anti Mrs. Ed. Souch, son, Mrs. N. S. B. James, Miss Mar-j Eng. Lit.; Can. Hist.; Agric.; Alg. WhxcluasivSerp 'StyBab Ti adbu.A very good sPec- Oshawa. ganet Trebilcock, Mns. C. W. Slemon. Florence Çourtice-Eng. Camp. $1.98 E$2si.98In vjheC~ il at Mns. R. H. Wantier was in Tononto Miss Marion Staples, Miss Annie Ml- Betty . Knox-Eng. Camp.; Eng. Designed exciuslvely by $2.98 98c and $1.95 Friday attentiing the graduation ex- lin. Mrs. J. E. Allin, Mns. C. J. I Lit.; Can. Hist.; Physics; Alg.; Ag- odfrtexaintse f ercises at the University o! Ton- Smale. Mn. Albert H. Allin. Mn. and rie.hodfrteeatgtaeso muonto whcre her daugbten. Miss M.IMrs. Ch as. Allin. Mn. and Mrs. Cecil1 Madge Moses-Eng. Comip. Eng. women everywhere. Daring san- Jo ntn G. B. Wantier graduateti anti ne- Dudley, attendeti the graduation ex- Lit. das, chic tis with mdih high C u h o ntn cived her tiegree o! Bachelor o! Arts. ercîses at Ontario Ladies' Callege, Eileen Parker-Eng. Camp. heels or more conservaflve cuban at the Convocation. Whitby, on Wednesday a!ternon. Eg.Ldts;Revnodst-;Eg. Camp.: ItJ A fishing party cansisting o! John Mn. John Elliott celebrated bis Gro aveEng. Lit.; a.Hs. g.hes &Cryderman, Ltd, Hately, Senior and Junior. Wm,; 8th biithday at bis home Conces- oRthionJae-an. it. S p r itn Brundige, and Herman "Jerry sion Street. June 7 th. Mns. T. A. Jean Spry-Can. Hist. Phione 104 Sies oe vailblefroe3Lat8 _________________________o! speckleti trout. o! an average O! 1 J Elliott, Bowmanvllle. and Harold Auth.; Lat. Camp.; Fr. Auth. l11/ poundat (not veriied). Tbeîr1W. Elliatt of Pennsylvania, anti his RoetCak-AcHi.;a. and widths from AAA to B. Ihaunt was Lake St. Peter, about 80lthnee grandcblldren. William E. Auth. Pie esi vr us Jmiles north a! Belleville. Reiti, John A. Reidi and Patricia George Dudley-Anc. Hist.; Ueom; One Eyelet Ties inrcdt ui vr us Sevenal o! the shut-ins in Bow- Elliott. planneti a blrthday party for Lat. Auth.: Lat. Camp.; Fn. Auth.*; manville were deligbted this wek o him. 1Dainty refreshinents were ser- Fr. Camp.; Uer. Auth.; Uer. Camp. white ealf-$3.45 $1.98 to 64.95 Ultra Smart Ties, $4.95 receive bouquets a! !lowers wt ved. Relatives were present frn Tom Dustan-Anc. Hist.; Ueomn.; e kintily message enclosed. The oc- Mitland, Bawmanville, Manvens and Lat. Auth.; Lat. Camp.; Pr. Autb.; casion manketi the annivensary Of! Clarke townships. Mn. Elliott ne- Fr. Camp.; Un. Auth.; Gr. Acc. Sthe annual shut-ins' day o! the Pion- ceiveti telegnamns anti many mes- Audrney Elliott-Anc. Hist.; Lat. Sport ShoesSpr he A Big Snap ists Telegraph Delivery Association 1 sages o! cngratlations. Auth;La.Comp;Fr. Auth. ;Fr. S>tSoaBR H O anti the flowers werc f rom the local 1 Camp.; Un. Auth.; Un. Ace. N IN .en Shap. JUST A SLAM sics; Lat. Camp. SO TR n oe H. Jamiesan, tire anti batter y Manjorle Joncs-Anc. Hist.; Ueom; Men and BoysHO SOR dWoe dealer, bas madie a great improve- "Have you even been here before.atAuh;atCmp;F.ut. COWAN KING ment to bis newly acquineti block at 1uni?" asked the barber. Fr. Camp. BLOCK BOWMANVILLE STREET corner o! Kng andi Silver Streets1 "Yes, once." Robent McIlveen - Anc. Hist.; - by laying cement from tbe sitewak -_ Mg.; Physlcs. to the curb on King St. NewifL Morse Goodman-Anc. Hist.________________________ S u*e Herb coulti only prevail upon the, - .- JohrnNeal-eom.; Anc. Hst. Cities Service ta, paint the buildingLwec ete 0ncHs0_____________________________ black anti white it woulti make a Chem. competeant attactve ob.Dorothy Richards - Anc. Hist. cv. J. H.nd atai o.amry! Lat. Camp.; Fr. Auth.; Gr. Auth. DON'T LET THE HOT WEATHER "GET" YOU ~ KODAK Ebenezer Unitedi Chunch, antifanUe.Cap D re sse s ~~~~~Street Uniteti Church. Exeter, has face. sir."La.At.Lt.Cm;Fr uh ople accepteti a call ta Central Unutedi -Oh, it's healeti up since then." Uer. Camp.I ENGILISUi STYLE., compFesStck Chunch. St. Thomas. Rev. Mn. ______ "K 1 rs Stainton is well known here, being I UWiIf a native o! Enniskillen. His many i EM DISTANTROM New crepe dresses Just arrlved fientis bere are gladti t note the IN THE1 . LIIV and DIT N ASI iANDaPtAIN progness he is making in his chosen Thursday morning. A large caîîing. _______________-______________________-___ I___________________ assortment of crePes in llght Mns. John Shaw anti Miss Dora-CO LN -RFRSIG NV OR TN and dark shades, no two styles th Tharnton, Bnockton, Mass., anti TW ENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO violet. only tiaugbter o! Mn. J. C. OJUTADIK ALE USFN H alike. These are an except- Mn. Dale Thonntan, DeKalb, Ill., Dudley, BowmanvilUe. N1 UT RNKiAilb. Tin E SFNS toa alew wl e nbe visiteti Oroflo fan the burial o! the From The Bowmanville News, Deaths: Harris-On June 9, Job- SPLENDID REMEDY FOR YO RFIM te eet Gel them whie freabsatD.Jh hw uelt,11 ris, Newcastle, ageti 75 years. 3 OSIAIN&IDGSINY U IM repeat.The service was belti in the Angli- _ _CaOaBNStTIieP!SooanHn- H A THE INI&INIESTION J Vlu they last. Suzes 14 te 40. can Chunch, Manvers. The inter- Durhamn boys continue ta fange Bawen-In Orono, June 8. Alice - ment took place in Orono Ccmcteny thein way ta the tap, accartiing ta Blrch, neliet o! the lateSaulB-PEIL RCS UU~~ on Saturtiay. Dr. Shaw was a for- the Toranto News: "Mn. H. H. Baîl wen, ageti 77 yeans. au B-SEIL RCS $ . 5mer highly respecteti teachen o! bas been appointed assistant ta the Liebuoy Soa 3caes19 Kirby chool managing dinecton o! The World, FI"'2V VEARS AGO -LuSo.....3falc irevsco. TM.xinweaerPatono! nt issu...ie3 asfianca14di BidMmoilCiic nt edo!tnbyM.AthrJ Teicck rmTh aada ttemn Ploie ogtesDnalCem

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