THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMLLE. THURSDAY, .TINE 13th. 1935 _________________________ *of their laying hens at an autstaný ing rate. Flocks numnbering huné COURTICEreds have gone ta market, the Io price af eggs and the bigh price( %vheat and grain prodîîcts being giý The football game June lltb. be- en as the reason. tween Solina and Courtice. resulted Oea h aisa or Cnra te a ios re-2.ned Sunday Sehoal. desirous of raisin Congatuatins re xtededto unds for the purchase of hyrn Miss Beth Gay wha graduated from books. bas supplied a shirt (a larg the Oshawa Hospital, receiving the one. tac> and upon it each perso prize given by Dr. Archer Brown fordnaigmoemstewaat nursing in medical diseases. dnThe money ntiteaist While riding his bicycle an Simn- Theunder teandth.ndwhast cae t. redrickAdas ofa Mr. "coat af many colaurs' it xil and Mrs. Thomas Adams, was hit when its mission is f inished by a car. receiving a nasty cut just Sunbeamn Mission Band meto above bis lef t eye besides bruises Friday. witb President Marie Salti and a general sbaking UP. the rhair. Caîl to Worsbip was tak Poultrymen have been disposing en by Mrs. Clarence Penfaunè _________________________ *Scripture lesson by Miss Mary Wi ________________________-kins: Miss Sadie Muir told the i ble stary and later conductedth business ai the Bandi. The secretar: Cool C lorfU, Miss Mary Konaparbi. read th minutes. Watcb oe Hrl were taken by Kathleen Pidducko Korea. and Ruth Snudden on Can ada. A duet by MissesAnne an Nellie Husband was very much en Shirt aker joyed: readings by Joyce SaIt an Shirtm aker Pauline Antil: an instrumentalb Miss Mtîir. Crene Frocks___ A special group of tubbing crepe frocks in a big week-end selling. They're in prints, plain shades, stripes and checks, and there are just about as varied in pastels, plain whites and cool darker shades. Sizes 14 to 20. SPECIAL $2.95 to $3195 Better Silk Shirtmaker Frocks at $8.95 to $10.95 IThe Evlyn Shop' Specializing in Ladies' Wear Phone 594 Bownianville j Alice E. Hanna, Cad.mus Altbaugb pbysically banticappei the laie Miss Alice E. Hanna servE fitbiully anti willingly in hec bauy district af Cadmus anti will long 1 cemnembered by many frients. Bai near Enniskillen. she was tlt daughtecaof the late Mc. anti Mr Wm. Hanna, anti movedt t the Har na facm near Nestleton eacly in lifi From there she movedti t Cadmu wbece she liveti unlil a iew weel before ber death in ber 63rti yeu in Bowmanville Hoapital on Satur day. June 1. She bat been ili anI tbree weeks. She %vas a faitbful ad hecent of Cadmus United Churc 1 anti bat been closely connecteti wit the Presbytecian Cburch. Shei sýurvivet by a sîster, Mcs. J. R. Gai don. Toronto: andti iree brother Robert. ai Reaboro; William, Janet ville: anti Arthur, Neaileton. Th funecal was helti from the Unit.e Chucch on Tuestay, June 4th. wit' Rev. H. J. Bell anti Rev. V. WalkE taking the service. The paît beau ers wece Mesrs. Clarence Pari George Fewlec. Andrew Holme! William Pbilp. Gardon Stinson an Elmer Nesbitt. Interment was mac in Cadmus Cemetery. Be noý airait of entbuaiasm you neet il: you can do notbing e: By Popular Request Corbetl's repeat Iast week's special for this Saturday only. Order or corne early. Raisin Loaf, reg. 12c, for.........l10c SILVERWOOD'S ICE CREAM The Ice Cream with the real cceam flavor. Get it here in Cones, Sodas, Sundaes, Eskimo Pies, and Brickes. WEDDING CAKES OUR SPECIALTY. Corbett's Bakery Phone 3 Distributors Dad's Cookies Bowmanvflle Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE Friday and Saturday- June 14 - 15 Murder on a Honeymoon Wtb EDNA MAY OLIVER anti JAMES GLEASON Comedy - - News Itatinee Saturday ai 2.30 p. m. Mon. - Tues. - Wed.- June 17 - 18 - 19 SHIRLE Y TEM~PLE Our Little Girml Cartoon - - Comedy Matinees Monday ai 4 p. m.; Wednesday ai 2.30 p. m. Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. - June 20 - 21 - 22 Comedy - - Cartoon - - News Matinee Saiucday at 2.30 p. m. COMING: George Arliss in "CARDINAL RICHELIEU", Harold Bell Wright's "WHEN A MAN'S A MAY" WiII Rogers In "DOUBTING TIIOMAS"I "1ROBERTA" - Mae West In "GOING TO TOWN" id-[ daughter, Ora. visited at M. 1a- MiciG OE-EGBRsVSIJGHA D Nt erly's. y- MiSsRu e ruoO sbaa, NEAOTR IINT _____ ____Missionary program at Sunday SUGGESTIONS FOR of OE ANTHERNOT EWSSeool %vas under the leadership of ce- Miss Je nuteve s S veal ttnheawaed Mr. A. H. Brent in the form af tem- spent Saturday with ler cousin. C r e p n e t r e u s- Sary er vicate nd ay. pel a i er ane r ct ton w s gven by IlJ nge M Jet a n u ber r m h tend-e n o o n d n foe r epu blic - a s ervic M ur ay .I gl1,T a an e E na C e. A ron ta tion a sta g on al i-WD D n g Q i e a n nivr fr e r t e n - e d ttic . .i c o b o ic a E d a C n o c aln d era b M r . R nn e Ebenezer niesr services on tin Persans visiting neigb- Sundayeti at Mrs. Silas Trewin*s. Hotigson. geSunday, and visited relatives anti hors within a few miles af one Mr. anti Mrs. Thas. Wagg and w. M. S. met June 6th witb Mrs. o;xn friends. ante. TeSaeia p amily, Toronto, Sundayeti at Mr. A. W. Annis' graup in cbarge. De- I T h. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens anti preciates receiving personal LeslIie Grabam's.l votianal was taken by Mrs. Annis: be Miss Betty Stevens spent tbe week- news items such as visitera Mrs. Bowen, Wainwright. yMr.JmsDdlyadis a end with their daughter, Mrs. Ral3, irem one district, city, tawn or Mrs. Knight and chiltiren, Dr. Mor- Fdu ey;r. ams tilapey anSdY lrs. es EN 85 Mr. adnd Toron. WllavMtcllad aestome onserablst i-of toeirsigse,M.Edtbonarm istn Fook yti Dudl3 ls hapter an d 3 ieceTeay Sets.....S3.50 M anodenMTron. Wlivilcafan tlaeta ae nheraedist ai tan Rîgg rs. Edtn, re isti uu etng Bo ~M s wClmes Jul awnd hTay . 305 on twa chiltiren. Barbara anti Paul aneaabtimsrgd- Mr. andi Mrs. Harry Rabm. Burke- -___ and______s in Metcalf, Toronto, spent Sunday with ing what might be called ton, Mr. anti Mrs. Clarence RabmAustmeng xlbe itdan FoerBkts35 tk- is brother. Mr. Roy Metcalf. neigbbors visiting other neigh- and Betty, Westan, Mr and Mrs. Sach$1.00 Pep$1r75 d; MALE GOVE ANIVESARY bers in the samne section or George Avery, Mrs. M. N. Welsh. EBENEZEReah$.0tS17 i;MPEGOEANVRAY district, either on Sundays or Li-eBitiwr istr tM. ____ Pie Plates . ..31.00 and $1.75 3- Maple Grave Sunday Scbool An- week days is nat news ai in- C. Avery's. Cnrtltost Miss Norma Casrls*......$39 :lenîversary will be beld Sunday, June terest. net even in the localityCogautin Oao TbeRfcor$29 he 6tb, witb His Hon. Judge H. S. from which these items are A very enjoyable aiternoon was Sexsmith on passing bier Primary OtgnTbeRfetr 29 he. *ulO Ms CasserleSts,........... 33.95 :leMott, af the Family Relations Court. sent. News may be scarce spent last Wednesday at Mrs. Lloyd Piano examinatian: uiofMs CadeSikpr 3.5 Ids Toronto. speaking at 2 and 7 p. m. sametimes but please do flot Ashtan's when the Enniskillen W. Marion Orchard Superviser of Mu- 38 Pc. Breakfast Sets .. 5.95 on Special music at bath services under f iii Up tbe pages witb the news A. entertained Haydon W. A. Mrs. sic. oetsinSlrCna n- leadership af Mr. A. Laird andi Miss ai neighbors visiting one an- Roy McGill. President. opened the PCINoeisin ilrCna ndt Marion Orchard. Enniskillen. assist- other. meeting witb a iew words af wel- WERRY PCI Pottery, Glass and n- eti by Mr. Alan Balsan. Special ai - camne. Several items ai business nd fering in aid ai school iunds. On were tiisposed ai. Mrs. Sulas Tre- The annual Werry Picnic xill belI Jewelry. by Monday a program cof sports will win President ai Haydon W. A.. took held on Wednesday, July 3rti. at take place at 3 P. m.; a girls' soit- . ______________ charge. Program included: Bible Hampton Park . AIl relatives are baIl game at 4.30 p. m., Courtice vs' reatiing, Mrs. Leslie Graham; ad- requestedti t accept this as their in; Maple Grave: and at 6.30 a boys'EN IKL N dress by Mrs. Theron Mauntjoy on vitation ta attend. Come far din- league soitbaîl gamne, Hampton vs _________________________ he Ideal Woman"; several papers ner. 24-3 4.a0p.rav. Suer ervile d rmcwe given on same ai the great AUESCORES J nm es M arr * 430P. . ewanvll Drmaic Mrs. Silas Trewin. Haydon, at Mr. wamnen of to-day by Mrs. W. Tbamp- SOFTBALL LEA E Club will present tbeir celebrated 3- Hughi Annis'. son on Senator Caraline Wilsan. Ot- act play, "Heatistrong Joan." untier Miss Gertie Oke is visiting at Mr. twa; Mrs. T. Cowling on Margaret Follawing are the scores in games EL R d. directian ai Mrs. W. H. Jones, at 8, o. Metcaîî's. Toranto. Patterson, Toronto; Mrs. C. Cross- playeti last week in the West Dur- WATCH REPAIRER edi p. m. Admission: Adults. tea and 1Mis ernice Stainton. Oshawa, man on Nellie McClung: Mrs. C. bamn Boys' Softball league: meconcert 50c, tea only 40c, concert at Mr . J. Stainton's. Gerrard read several apprapriate Hampton 10 - Salem 9 Phone 463 - Bowmanyille be only 25c; Chiltiren, tea and concert Mýrr and Mrs. C. Stainton anti Ray, verses: vocal duet was nicely sung by Enniskillen 1 Courtice9 rn 30c, tea only 20c, concert only 15c. Osh-awa, at Mr. E. C. Asbton's. Mrs. Wmn. Trewin and Miss Verna Providence 7 - Maple Grave 7 _______________ leAIl services on Standard time. Rev. Mr. anti Mrs. R. Grif fin and iam- Trewin: Miss Grace Trewin playeti____________________________ r.W. C. Smith. Pastor; H. G. Free- ily at Mr. Walter Rabm's. Union. several popular pieces on the piano.I _________________________________ n-man, Supt.; Wmn. Laird, Secretary. Mr. anti Mrs. Osborne Orr. North Contests were enjoyeti and a delic-' e..* Bay, visited at Mr. R. Ormaiston's. ious lunch serveti at the close. usMrs. E. C. Ashton is visiting ai _________ F r Y u e lhs S k kH MPO Mr. Stewart Rodman. Port Perry. F r Y u é lh s S h ar_ _ ___ Mr. anti Mrs. A. Page, Toronta,. SALEM r-Mrs. C. Branton, Oshawa, ai Mr. S. . u e o y ly Mr. Fred Billet. Toronto, spent Page's. use only PA STEéKID d - the weekend at home. Mr. anti Mrs. Wesley Oke spent Y. P. L. meeting was withdrawn ýh. Miss Greta Wickett. Town, guest Sunday with Mr. anti Mrs. Thomas last week. M I n r a n fo h of bier aunt. Mrs. B. Rabbins. Robins, Pickering. On Menday Mr. W. Symaons heltiik an r am f o is Mr. anti Mrs. C. Cryderman.Tor- Miss Cora Parrot. Shirley, Mr.ý a very successful barn maving anti .onto, Mr. anti Mrs. Alger. saa anti Mrs. Shaw endi Leanor, Balsam, raising. Sat Mr. B. Cryderman's. at Mr. A. Wearn's. Mrs. J. Squair. Toronto. spent the B W A V L E L A K S Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Wilson, Wbitby Mr. James Bate, Miss Ethel Bate, weekenti with Mr. anti Mcs. F. L. 1O M N I L A R he Suntiay visitors at Mr. W. Green- Mr. Stewart Coppins, Cameron, at Squaic anti Mr. anti Mrs. G. A. ed away's. Mr. E. J. Hacrison's. Stephens.1 Phones 446 or 703KigSre h District W. C. T. U. Convention On Saturday nigbt a football Sorry ta report the seriaus illness er was helti in the Unitedi Cburcb. gaine was playeti between Clarke ofa Mr. anti Mrs. Livingstone*s little - r-. About 60 delegates were present. anti Enniakillen. score 0-0. baby bey wbich necessitates bis be- -________________________________ r, Mr. anti Mrs. Harry Rutherfocrd Mc. anti Mca. Wmn. Veale. Tarante. ing taken ta Toronto for treatment. s. anti Miss Audrey. Miss Faye Secord. Mr. Elmer Hunter and bride. Mount "If any man will do bis will. lie d Toronto, Sunday guesis ai Mr. E. Forest, were guests of Mc. Albert i shall know af the doctrine. wbether le Wilbur. Oke's.1 it be ai Goti, or whether I speak Mc. anti Mrs. G. Barran were in Mr. George Loti. Lendon, Mr. anti ai myseli." was the text chosen by Toronto celebrating a joint wedding1 Mrs. Walter Lott anti Miss Shela Rev. A. M. Weotten for bis fine ser- g anniversary with ber sister anti his Colsan, Oshawa, at Mr. Wesley mon here on Suntiay. 1- Mr. W. Crozier, Mc. anti Mca.i Mr. anti Mrs. J. McGcegec antad aeglt t eloe enhm Hooi ati issAutrey ScgegIS-Lorraine. Misses Effie anti Rewena1 much improveti in health aiter bier lanti, Mr. Herb. Perkins, Unionville, Avery, Mr. Irvin Coa>k at Mr. Cyrilj seriaus iîîness. Mc. anti Mcs. Ewart This week of products of the Canada Starch at Mr. S. Williams'. Avery's. 'Pollarti motoreti down fcom Toron- We afier congratulations ta Dr. On Tuesday nigbt a basebaîl game 1te on Satucday bringing Mrs. Pollard Company. See this demonstration. You wilI flot Albert Allin, who bas been granteti was playeti between Providence anti home anti remaining over the week- b se oby bis diplomia ai Public Health. He Enniskillen boys. Providence being enti. b se ob visited bis mether cecently, wba is the winnecs. still quite ill. iteDrmtcCu isiveilage Salem Y. P. L. was representeti by C N D T R H P O U T The Young People's Sce ieso their play "Civil Service" at Mc - onl y a f ew members at the picnic. at the Oshawa Preabyterial helti their Ccea's Stcawberry festival the last Hampton Park on Satîîrday but EDWARDSBURG annual Picnic at the Park on Sat- week in June. those Who titi attend hati a plea- urday. June 8th, about two bundreti Mr. Henry Avery. Woodstack, vis- sani time the weather was ideal. anti Corn Syrup 5 LB. TIN 40e were present. iteti at Mrs. Wm. Oke's anti attend- 'a gooti program i o sports, a fine Miss Florence Scott anti Miss Dcc-, ing the funeral ai bis sister. Mrs. supper. anti a splendid Sunset Ser- MAZOLA othy Puttee. Cbicago, Ill., en route Fred Hudson. Burketon. vice all went to make a very happy ta Montreal ta attend the Amecican Mcr. and Mrs. Lloyd Arnoldi Ken-1 gatbeclng. Cooking 011 27e 49e Social Workecs Coniecence, visiteti neth., Marien Becyl, Port Credit. On Wednesday evening, June 5th, CASCO Mrs. J. Calwill. Mr. anti Mrs. Lorne Griffin anti the S. S. anniversary oi the Sunday Mr. Wallace Harn, M. A., gave a Jean. Black'stock, visiteti at Mr. R. before was centinueti. when a game Potato Flour KE 15 paper before tbe Canadian Cbem- Griiiin's. aif soi tball between Hampton anti istry Association Convention wbich Mr. anti Mrs. Albert Stainton anti Salem was playeti whicb cesulteti in SILVER GLOSS mtin Kingston. He wll remain for Clifiord. Toronto, Mr. anti Mrs C. a tie. At 8 P. m. the Newcastle the menth ai Jtine te do researcb W. Souch. Hampton, Mr. Albert Play "Detly anti Daffy" n'as present.. Starch ~PGE.12 work ai Queen's University. Allin. Miss Annie Allin, Bowmanville eiwibwsbmru hogot BNO 2 Seveal hanes avetakn paceMiss Macjory Allin, Edmonton, ai anti kept the audience in laughter in eur village recenlly. Mca. Bleeker Mrs. J. Pye'a. 1Most of the time. The cast was.m r anti iamily moveti fcom the Cowling Mc. anti Mrs. J. A. Stainton, 1 aciaptîy chosen. casorn ec w .a w arch PKGE. 12 bouse to the Short iacm. Mrs. Thamesiocti. Mc. anti Mca. A. Stain- Bickle anti iamily. Oshawa, moved. ton. Zion. Mc. anti Mrs. George CIe- - CANADA in with Mc. W. Cowling. Mc. anti1 mence anti son Waltec. Staynec. vus-- Mrs. Jee Chant maveti mie Mca. L. iteti the latteras uncle, Mc. James! TYRONE Corni Starch PKGE. IO Fletcher's bouse. Stainton. - LILY WHITE June meeting of Hampton Wem- Mca. C. W. Bowen, Wainwcigbt, ýMc. R. B. McCullough, Toronto. ~ ens Institute was helti in the cburch Alla., ant iber tiaughtec, Mca. E. G.,spntCudaranhmeSy88 rup 2 LB. TIN Ise basement on Thucstiay aiternoon, ,Knigbt anti chiltiren. Normna antis Rt uthea tibonve. u PRT with the presitient. Mc.s. C . Johns, John. of Edmonton, Alta.. anti Dr. .visiti RutaheM.fWrds Swmart'l. s SRT in the chair. The Institute Ode was'Marlon Riggs, Calgary. Alla., ai'e Mc.atMr. WJohn Hatheulati luas. cd in unison. Following conveners 1Mca. Edtb Ormisten. bbRnie 'sld tM UWI57 1 CU1't5 5 LB. BAG 65e ai committees were appointeti: Re- A1eyhpy ahrn wsbliRaach's. lie-Mis Ltti Hon: lowr- t te brneof r. nd rs.Ho Miss Helen MilIeu' bas celui neti lifMs. Laltie on: Flwe- i he om a M. atiMc. obomne from Toronto aiter a serioss Dog Cakes LB. 10e Mca.L. rytermn: arkMca H.warti Stevens on Suntiay. June 9th rtin E. Runtile. The North group toak to celebrate the 89ib birtbtiay ai thejMr charge of the pcogcam. wtb Miss lalter's father, Mc. James Stainien.: Gussie Rosevear visitet i bi SCHNIEDNERS RINDIESS SLICE.D parents. Mc. anti Mcs. Edigar Rose- M. Pascoe in charge."The Little whe bas vecy gooti bealtb but bas vear, Part Hope. iBrown Chucch in the Vale" was been totally blinti aince last Septem- MatrB1e tuie a b Breakfast BaconLB 35 sung: Mca. J. G. Burns reati a paper ber. His 'familv ai aeven wece al l Mcky w innei' aidteyaw-b suithat CAADA3DR "Howta eepYoug."pceace bypresent for the occasion. A goodly F.L. Byamn'a store. the late Mca. J. L. Brown anti prunt- nu mber ai neigbeuca anti icuentis M aniMa.F " ym ni' m et bs' the Institute in lber memnocy: calledti ta ffer congratulations. No- iy ni c. laaBymerAtt i6PIT Mca. C. J. Kerslake anti taugbtec thing suite, Mc. Stainten better than J. ar Byam t ilbaok Reun6on ottes......... Mis Vea fvoetiwit istrmenalfoc same one ta tdrop in te bave a, Mca. Clara Byam antiMc. Eaul FViOE music; Mca. Pacceîî uead a paper. goati oId chat oi by-gone-tiays. BymBomavilROistSESI u i'"Putting Pep mIa ibte Inalitute," Womnen's Association met Weti- L Hoopers anil ii Mc F L BaMr. ~ l~u whicb gave mucb foodi foc thought: nestiay aiternoon, June 51b. ai the Churcb secice next Suntiay mocn- l u 24 LB. BAG79 IMrs. Kerslake anti Veca again iav- homne ai Mc. Lloyd Ashton with the ing at 10.30. Suntiay Scbeol will be oceti witb music: anti the meeting members of the Hayton Women'swibcanoacunaiLgSal withraw on ccont o Log SailtCorn and Turnip Seeds. closed i wtb 'O Canada." Next Association as guests. Mca. Roy annivecsay. meeting. "Grantimoîhers' Day" to be McGillI the presitient, presitiet ant i Mc. anti Mca. Wm. Little antidehFs -- ~ helti July 111h, witb West group in aiter a short business session called DianneMis Edtb aunier. Oh-ednesday ana rday. chrg.on the Haydon Women's Associatien, alea anti Mrs. Jobnson visileti at GODSTIEElmer Bradley calleti on Mrs. L. Cuilubs Gcaham te give the SCrnilure rrat i Megsar ac niFcn ahc ISCHOOL REPORT icke PROVIDENCE Report ai S. S. No. 5, Darlington, foc month ai May; Honora 75'": Pasa 60";' figures intilcate per cent: Sr. IV-Exwart Bragg 71. Jr. IV--Cathecine Wight 91,1 Grace Hall 85, Helen Luxton 79,e Pearl Sbemilt 78, Glenn Brooks 73. Sr. m-Esther Barnett 89, Viola Ruiler 74, Violet Crage 60. Jr. III-Helen Wight 77, Madeline *Crago 72. Helen Ruiler 62, Ross Bragg 60. Sr. Il-Eleanore Wight 81, Mary Most valuable golt discevery un Wight 71, Murray Cain 66, Icene Canada in years bas juat been mate Wight 65. in the noctbwest, if aasay reports Sr. I--Gwentalyn Brooks 93, Cal- f rom the Dominion capital prove vin Crago 81, Brian Barnett 78, Wil- cehiable. Týhe "strike" was matie on liam Bragg 66, Beatrice Qulnney 56. the Yelwknfe rie ae map> by Sr. Pr.--Geocge Wight 87, Docethy Major L. T. Bucwasb (inset) fam- Ruiler 76. Oua Acctic explorer anti geologist. Jr. Pr.-LiIllan Osborne 83. The acea is between two previeus Beg.-Dorothy Qulnney, Douglas strikes, one ai Great Bear Lake anti Burdett (equal). one at Lake Athabasca. Helen J. Lewis, teacher. I ILL y ERI eLICENSEE NVE are now eqtuipped la lit glasses wilh the latest advance in fenses. Tiiiyer Lenses are guaran.. cye-Btrain and fatiguei'hey cost no more than other high qualiiy lenses yet add noticeably ta eye comfort. Have your eyes examined and fitted with TiLlyer Lenues. When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly. FOR SPEEDY DELIVERY PHONE 78 Electric Ice Cream Cabinet W~e cecommend and selI Neil- son's De Luxe Ice Cream, ln bricks, bulk and ln cones. FREE ENLARGEMENT With evecy $1.00 Worth of Photo finishlng at our regular l0w Prices we will give absol- utely free a 5" by 7" enlarge- mient. Good only at this store, YOUR 'I STORE i PAGE SIX uulýý aL., ..- Lùvl h