Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1935, p. 3

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PAGE THRE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, JUNE 13th. 1935 uge F Ineres to XfomnK.NEWTONVILLE ige F In eres to omen Mr.Godfrey, Toronto, was guest, aI the Parsonage. _______ - -- -. -- ---- - Miss Marguerite McKay. Bright-ý MEMORIES A window looking ouIta sea Beneatb a misîy moon. Witch-gold of dropping poplar leaves Or blue of summer noon, A murmur af cantented bees In neigbbourly, acquainted trees. A sait wind leening in the nigbt Acnoss the barbor rim Tbrougb the dark cloisler of the pine And tbe uncertain, dm White birches in the meadow fan, Wbere silences and wbispens are. A littie gate. a winding path Tbrougb fern and mint and hay, The muted boom af breakers on The sands of f ading day, Sa! t amber dusk along the shore A voice that I shaU hear no more! -L. M. Montgomery, WEDDING Miler-Alin A veny pnelty wedding was sol- emnized at the home of Mn. and Mns. Hanry Aflin, King St.. an Wed., June 51h, at 4 o'clock, when their second daughter, Uns, was united in marriage ta Wilbun B., only son a! Mn. and Mrs. Elmen B. Miller, Napanee. Rev. E. F. Armstrong, paston o! Trnity United Church, of- ficiated at the cenemony in the pre- sence of about Ihinly guesîs, im- mediate relatives ai the bride and groom. The bride, ta, the strains ai Lobnegrin's Wedding Manch played by Mn. George L. Dsvidge. entened the spaciaus living raom sud was given in marniage by bier faîber. be- fore s bank ai spring lowers and f erns. The bride looked lovely in s beige lace fro>ck, and canied bou- quet of Johanua HilI roses and lilyl o! the valley. Miss Alice Higfi Id. as bridesmaid, was charming in pale yellaw chiffon and ber !lowers were sweet peas and lily ai the valley. Mn. Jack Allin. braîber ai the bride, ably supported the groom. Fallawing the cenemony a recep- tian was beld and the bride's mother wearing white sud blue flowered chiffon. was assisted by the graom's mother wearing pale pink ilawered chiffon. in receiving the guests. The bride and groom leit later, an a short trip ta Ottawa and eastern points. the bride wearing pale pinlt crepe with navy accessonies and on Ibeir returu tbey will reside in Bow- nianville. Pion to bier marriage the bride wss the guest ai bonon at a shawer aI tbe Rotary Club's "Father and Daughter Nigbt": also aI a bridge given by Mrs. Ray Diling: a Kitchen sbower given by Miss Alice Higb- field and a Miscellaiwous sbawer aI ber cousins. Mrs. Harry C. Allin's. Laing-Gamsby On Wednesdsy, May 291h. the luanniage was solemnized ai Oda Mae. daughten ai Mn. L. A. Gamn- sby and the laIe Mrs. Gamsby. and George A.. only Fon af Mn. snd Mis. Peter Laing, al o! Orono. The cere- mony wss conducted by Rev. George Mason of Bowmanville. Immediate- ly after the vectding. the bridal couple le! t by motor for Ottawa and points east. Upon Ibeir return they will spend a short time on a iisbing tnip in Haliburton district. "Let us beware o! losing aur en- thusiasms - and stnive ta retain aur admiration ion ail that would ennoble, and aur interest in ail that vould enrich and beautif y aur lufe." -Phillips Brooke. * You'iI lilce the rich, fl Havour oF Salada Orange Pelcoe Blenci. Try a package. 'SALADA TUA D_ýON'T RISK BAKING FAILURES.. LESS THAN 10 WORTH 0F makes a good cake everY lime! When yen bake wth Maglc, you can countà on good resulta! That's the reason this fa- mous bak1ng powder ls used and recoin- mended by Caaada's leading cookery ex- perte. Ask your grocer for a tin-today! i*b .CONTAINS NO ALUM-This statement on every tin la iour guarantee thut Mailc Bakinig Powder le fre frmn alum or any harmnfuli ngredlsot. Made in Canada I NE 10 PRIESINo change COOKERI HINTS ~ By Barbara Brooks T 'Cookery hints" were Stock in moisten chopped mj2at for sandwich trade long befaore there were cookery 1 f illing. Add chopped pick.le to white books. women's magazines. news- sauce just before serving 11. on cauli- paper food Pages, or radio kitchen flower. Chop mixed mustard pickle broadcasts. Women and men, too, and cream with butter; use between: where cooking was a man's Job, very thin slices of buttered bread: passed on their little kitchen secretsj toast anld serve hot with tea. Add [or guarded themn carefully, accord- thin slices of pickle ta potato, rice ing ta dispositions and circumstan- or macaroni salad. ces. Cereals are not only -extenders" The use of the word 'bint" in this for fish salads, but imProve the fia- connection tells mucb about the vor by cutting excessive ailine-s. Try history or development of cookery. steamed rice with tuna and c,>rn Hint is used here in the sense of "a flakes with salixin in the proportion suggestion or a reminder wthout a fish. Combine as usual with other full declaration." In the early days ingredients in your f lsh salad re- cooks learned f rom one another by cipes. 'seeking and passing on hints. Re- Cold water put into a hot skillet cipes giving "a full declaration' '0f wiil in time cause it ta buekle, due ingredients. amounts and proced- ta uneven expansion of the metal. ures. as we find them now, were A scoop of ice cream on a serving practically unknown until compara- of corn f lakes makes a wholesome. tively recent years. nourisbing dessert, especially good Today aur cookery knowledge for for the chlldren's supper. the most part is circulated in the fl Is not necessary ta baste roasts form of precisely stated, tested re- if the meat is placed in the pan fat cipes. However. aIl cooks still seek side up. As the fat melts and runs "bints" and find in them practical down, it will do the basting and save suggestions for news ways and you the trouble. If the roast does short-cut.s which make caoklng eas- not have fat af Its own, stripa of ier and more lnterestlng. bacon or salt park wlll serve the We ail like ta exchajige cookery purpose. secrets, so here are some whlcb may A bowl of corn flakes and bernies be new. Do you know that- with cream or whole mllk is a ne- Vegetable cocktail is made by freshlng and deliciaus luncheon or comblnlng chapped cabbage, celery, supper. green pepper and seasonlng in a If baked patatoes are opened or tbln gelatin mixture. Serve wth a prlcked as soon as they came f rom splcy cocktail sauce. the aven, they will flot be soggy. Pickles have a vanlet.y of uses oth- To divide a pie in f Ive portions, er than ta garnish sandwiches and f irst mark it with a well-proportlofl- wth a few drops of onlon Juice :ta ed letter "Y"; then divide equally salads. Add flnely chopped pickle the twa large sections on each sideI mayonnaise to, serve with 118h or ta of the "Y". Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hubbard, Mitllbrook, visited Mr. and Mrs. Brook Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. John Couch and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Couch, Newcastle. Newtonvîlle Mixed Quartette as- sisted with the special services at Lotus on Sunday. Mrs. Stanley Gilmer and daugh- ter Jean. Carievale, Sask., are visit-! ing their many relatives and friends in Ibis district. Newcastle Box Factory basebaîl team played Newtonville in Wm. Milligan's field Sa.turday evening. Score 7-0 in f avor of the visitors. QUINT PLETS NEW URSE ions and pays ber board-Mantby'd QUIN UPLES' EW N RSElike awi ul well ta have ber, for wej ~,,.. have lots o! noom-well, we'd have : a mighîy nice bit af that salary Ea u floating right bere in tbe commun- f "I don't know," murmured tbe in- ~.~ different one as they latched thes school gale; "but wbat we sbauld1 have given a preference ta aur awn girls. Seemis sort o! a poor deal naw;t Yes sir, il does; seems as though i we've sort af gone back on aur own i f lesh and blood. I dont knaw but wbat it was a mean trick now, andt lbem needing it too!" CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION! < i FORTIETH ANNUAL CONVENTION The iortieth annuai convention of aitbe Women's Christian Temper-j S ance Union was held in the United - Church, Hampton, on June 5, with1 I ~ a large and entbusiastic attend- ance. Mrs. J. R. Booth af Osh-f awa, County President, occupied the chair. The Hampton Union was in tcharge o! tbe devotianal period dur-1 ing the morning session. Mrs. Booth read the minutes of tbeié irst county convention held ini Port Perry forty years aga. Miss Harper o! Whitby, a member af the counîy executive at that time, wasi present at the convention in Hamp-1 >ý ~The business of the marningse-« . reports o! the variaus superinten- detso the variaus departments. rThe reports were most encouraging adsbowed a highly success!ul Th HmponUnonseson in Mlle. Lamoureaux and Marie af Bowmanviile. Mrs. Tale o! Bow- The Dionne quintuplets are busy getting acquainted witb their Tbe electian or ai ficens was held nemnure, lle CeileLamureux.memer f MntralGraduate during the afternnon session when Nurin Asocatinwho bas been chosen ta replace Madame Louise de the fallowing caunty off icers were Kirlin whlelatter takes mucb-needed vacation. Nurse Lamoureaux appointed: Hanarary Pre s i de nts. is sen ere ithMarie. r.AJ.Sat oOswan1 Prom W /o an's View ointJohnR. JB oetsoai ofsOawawaVice Perny; Corresponding Secretany,' ____________________________________________ Miss Marion Burns o! Oshawa; Re- crigSecretary, Mrs. R. A. Wright School Meeting ings. Ail we hv od is say yes af Oshawa; Treasurer, Miss A. E. Teeare the nights wben the; or no." wife tik, eanhswf' Peters o! Bowmanville; Y. and L. T. trustees journey t the scbool bouse i My wiitik. ea L. Secretary, Miss Marion Rogers o! addiscuss the problem oi firing or busband, "that ber cousin Mally; hty aanhiring the teacber. Qne trus- from down East will be a fine choice,1Anotadigftuefth - tethinks she should go-didn't bis snd sbe'll board igbt in the sec- noustaesing fatuea the a i- o snRobent niss an Arithmetic ex- lion." tk ,-si ternorn's es in a th arss onl aadwhat's the use ai baving a "Well. now. I don'ri w"siTeprne.gvn yMs ilr teacher who can't put across the the indifferent one, "there are five of Toronto. Mrs. Hillard is an in- subject? No use-no sir; flot even girls f rom aur own township, with- spiring oratar and ber rousing ad- i! Robert is a little duli and is given ouf schools, and I don't know »but dress was thoroughly enjoyed. ta airy visions of playing hookey what we sbould give them first A questionnaire period was con- next morning and bastening ta ye chance." ducted by' Mrs. T. H. Everson ai olde !ishing pool. "Not on youn life," said bis wife's Oshawa. befare the convention was Anothen trustee bas a wiie wbo busband, in alarm. tbinking o! the bnought ta a close. bas a cousin, wbo bas an exeln board money which bis wiie was _____ idea that the aforementioned school counting an, "we got ta bave some- is tbe very place in which she can body wha will help in the church. Trinity Women's Association begin expounding sound wisdam. and take an interest in the kids' Besides. the wiie is a woman of music, and be able ta play the piano Trinity Women's Association held rather stupendous will power ' and and sing, and keep gaod order. and the June meeting on Tuesday a! 1er- the busband bas by this lime be- bave a first class certificale. and noon in the scbool room witb a good came a meek, tractable man wbo and have plenty o! experience." attendance ai members and some will do what bis wiie says. and witb "But Ibis one you mention has no visitons. Mrs. John Percy and ber no quesîioning. Sa, he hies him betten qualifications than aur own circle bad charge ai tbe devatianal. dowu mta the scbaal bouse and airs, if girls: in fat nat as gaod," inter- Mns. Frank Cryderman was pianist: not bis own views, at least bis wife's cepted the indifferent ane. Mrs. T. G. Masan led in prayer; tbe views on the situation. "Oh, but I don'I know-it's klnd 23nd Psalm was nepeated in unison. And yet again Ihere is a third ai nice 10 have somiebody new in the Mrs. T. W. Cawker. President, pre- man wha is neithen here non there. township. Somebody fram a dis- sîded ion tbe business discussion His children are pretty smart if be lance, you knaw." be f inisbed lame- and splendid reports were given by does say it himself. and the teachen WY. the cincle secretanies ai their van- seemed ta be al ight so fan as he "Who are wse baving?" demanded iaus activities. Il was anune was concenned - neyer beard af tbe the isîhen ai Robert. "Yes or no. Ibat Church St. cincle. Ms .F kids jumping out oi the windows on It's gettlng laie. sa I'1l just side with Pundy. canvenen. were sponsoring a hiding mice in the teacber's draw- the teacher f rom the East. We'll garden panly on the churcb grounds er. Boy, ah boy. wasn't be a crack- fine the present teacher and gel the Ibis mantb. Also preparalions wene erjsclc wben he was yaung! Wbat one fram the East. You can't tell, being made ta co-operate with the he couldnt put aven wasn't worth she migbt get il acrass ta ob et- Board o! Stewards in celebrating the trying. thougb it's mare than Martby or I CentenarY f nom Sept. 29th ta Oct. "Well now, gentlemen. What are can do. Now, you take aur owu 6tb and also a play is being prepan- we going la do?" questioned the ir- gils-you cant tell whetben tbey'd ed by the association. A splendid aIe f ather o! Robent. 'Are we go- have their favorites or not, you can't pnagram was presented as f allaws: ing to, let this young jane teach on tell wbether tbey'd have order; and vocal solo, Mrs. J. E. Anderson, ac- are we nat? It's getting laie andI i then again tbere'd be that board companied by Mrs. Nellie Garbutt; dan't bold witb slaying up longer money ouI a! the girl f nom the East; recitatians. Miss Winnifred Malt- tban is necessary on accaunt oi av- and Ihat's an advanlage. We'll flot hews; vocal solo, Mrs. Orea. Annis, ing ta gel up sa early these morn- pay any more than $500.00, and by Ebenezer. accampanied by Miss Os- the lime she supports aur organiza- borne. Straphanger Slips The Newest in Pure SiIk Crepe Slips $1095 10 Reasons Why You WiIl Like Them 1. Fuli Bias Slip-Non twist- ing. 100%,* bias cul. And wbat a difference that makes! 2. Absollut.ly unshrink a b 1 e. Guananteed unshrinkable. A new slip if il shrinks! 3. Tested seains. wili flot rip. The slrength o! the crepe we use, and the cane 6. Guaranteed not te droop or go baggy! Tbe special new crepe we use is ab- solutely free irom any kind a! laading. Il is strong. Il keeps ils shape. It nev- en droaps on gels baggy. 7. Pull Sizes and Léengths. Tbere is no skimping. Ev- ery garment is f ull size and full Iength. KENDAL seams enables us ta, guar- 8. Always the Sanie Quality. antee them against ripping. We guarantee ta supply Mr ad rs H Hye OhaaA new slip if it rips! you with slips which neer Iwere weekend visitors at. Mrs. Cecil 4. Guaranteed for Wear and vary even 1%l in quality. Tebble's. Workmanship. We go ta .10 lanSas h Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, a lot of trouble ta malc re nt 10 CriXS jtans. Te Starkville. were Sunday visitors at these slips good and wilî gretiljs sda Mr. Milton Robinson's. replace any that fails to inside as out. Seama are A few of our Young people took in stand up. perfectly f inished. 1t rh n epeSunasevienin hi 5. Washes Perfectly. Our new 10. Stra.ps Stay in place. 0w- o rh and rhS. Wm. Jackong andcrepe washes perfectly. It ing ta aur special con- M.am nd resendrgacweksowith gets richer and softer ev- struction, shoulder straps herl paretspneaNorth Bay. ery time it is laundered. always stay in place. Anumber of relatives from here _____________ vep prezent at the birthday cele-1 bration of Mr. John Elliott. Bow- manville Sunday afternoan. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Honey. Milli- j J gan. and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Pea- -a k r S o e cock and sons, Elizabethville. were a kr S oe son's. Mrs. Brolley. who bas for the past year resided with her sister. Mrs. PHONE 164 LIMITED BOWMANVILLE Wm. Carscadden. bas gone ta Oro Station ta visit another sister. and motored up with Messrs. Harper _______________ Carsaddn ad Jak Rid.Wilma Carson. The address was was given; also one by Miss Bernice The S. S. held their mother's day given by R.ev. Thos. Wallace. 1 Langstaff. "For People Will TaI"; service on Sunday. having had tc, There was a good attendance at! "The Stranger af Galilee" was sung postpone it on the proper date. Miss1 League on Thursday night. A splen- by Mr. A. Bell; and a duet I'Just Katie Stewart gave a story entitled ! did topic was given by Miss Katie for Today" by Misses Wilma Carson "Big Business", and a duet was sungi Stewart; reading by Miss Wilma and Bernice Langstaff; piano solo by Misses Bernice Langstaff andi Carson entitled "ýThe Puzzled Priest" was given by Mr. Neil Stewart. SULE OF THE LJJUHWS FIHES1.CUFFLLS MUL8 o re people drisk A &P coffre thaait other coffre because i sberei bter coffre ai ait; price. * 0.lxige.d~eel .ll l.,k. e. k M, 01 ..Ii, . 1. ., ..YOtJby ego ~Lo yow Y.. le ALL te<h.nl, (.11 cl. lxa.. lb..., ..by A àP Colle iss ,-olthse .uey.ee Bokar lb31: ~ ~'ft~p ightO'Clock i 627 m'aPFeSauce A combination of choicest oriental fruits, vegetables and spiees. Bot. 27e CHRISTIE'S FIG ROLLS a lbs. 27e.- ENCORE-CONTAINS NO ALUN DAKING 16 oz. POWDE1L Tin ENCORE Mayonnaise 8%-o1 '1'- 25 LARGE, JUPE, YELLWV RANANAS 3 'bu. l21 CALIFORNIA VALENCIA MIE ~23 RIPE CALIFORNIA LARGE DOZ. SIZE - 9. AN LO BRAND 1 - z Corned BDe.f juin. SOME STRIKE-FANCI QUAUITY Pink Salmion 2 '51uls23c LIBBY'S-PVR.E-FANCY QUALITY Tomate Juice 6 'Tinsn250 AYLHER-PREPARED FRON FRESU RIPE TOMATOES Catsup Bole100 FOR PEP AND ENERGY Toddy Tinb . 24. i u- 390- SAVE THE COUPONS Pearl Soap .10 ARS 330 NEW SE.4SON LEGS l.9 Loins lb. 27. 1 Fronts lb. 19, SLGAR C1JRED BREAKFAST STYLE flacon Centre Cuts .2oBy thelb.2 3. DELICIOLIS ROASTS 0F A & P PRIME Imn ROAST ib. 2I!. ]BLADE ROAST lM. 140 POT ROAT and Roled lb. ! 3e B . Neei lb» THEONEE8 ~---7 ~-~' r il FRESU CALIGHT FRESH RESTIGOUCHE Cuts and qwajgç ONStealke, b. 320 XI UNION, DARLINGTON Miss MoLean spent the weekend aI Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Simpson's. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke and Marie visited at Mr. Lamne Knapp's. Mn. and Mrs. Albert Oke and f anily visited at Mn. David Fergu- san's. Mn. and Mrs. George Bawers and family spent Sunday at Mr. Walten Ferguson's. Mr. and Mrs. James McGnegarl and daugbter Laraine visited at Mn. William Watten's. Several irom this community at - tended the funeral af Mrs. Fred Hudson on Satunday. Mr. Aylmer Hunter and bride, Mount Forest. have been visiting bis uncle, Mr. David Ferguson. 1

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