Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1935, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE ~~THE C NA IN STATES NAN, BOWMAN 'VfLL E. TIURSDAY U E lt.13 I C .'rde for Memb 'ers ip"given bY i' So pf liS. A mspcialtfeatre o n R S theD U S 0 1 I o!Ms. J. A. Butler anldMrs. J. C. E SA ES R G SO T eNewcastle Inclependent twve. Imemr unethdrcto HafCO~* rs McLean losed the 4teston. iAl ldi Where Prices Are Low and QualitY H g H a n c o c k3 00IrfM a. . H2 k Mrs Hwad lu ishoe rm e isited on bis t pt nlfdwr hnivted ta stay foriunh, Mr s. Ho ad lin i h m fr m li M s G ognvp.R, ar nd K l an a Tabs - $1.25 27 e N oxema C eam 15c MUr. and Mrs. Percy Hare viitd5 hries Parnell, formerly of New- DruniLafld presie d cat t he -$ea00tableo Mr. and Mrs Vitor Grange, jcasleis now employed as Broker and poured tea and coffee. T21c Operatar in the Trentn Brancb of table was beautifully decorated withamoesEt- IaeleTsus irisnanrtuUNpsorndouheicertrezof Y eastor - 89c Sunburfl O intm eflt 35c Thrfll. (D.W. Hoth r. i . WaltonBalî and Miss atraction was a lovely birtbday cake BIRTFISATR C TIE NE RB n h Ece a w t W mP l' Bezx a Mrs. it.) A e~rt rentOn. s .McelaW a ot. Iisan tlis and the ent o! -ATUC TRE NA spent a Week wîth ber fareend n tram Toronto t 1with ten candies ta mar thetent _______________________ TheDoglssftal eami lost again Harris Ladge on Thursday eveflifg anniversary of w. M. S. since union. rn onTedy Bwm 11 Ap ox 03BaihEz a The M gnda s evfling.thi i e a te an erterdeparture their home Miss Hedges had the honor ta ut TAYLOR At Tyrn n Tusa , Bowmaflvilee. 232___________ba k ua an ee anewith l Time Or- by housebreakers wbo got away with served and a social bal! hour eniY îe . aloa 32 bolt dny ak ur ritee WANTEDAT ONCE.Nw- MAIDalabl jeelly.Rd.Colgate's Gin Castile Dya Ol n ameSO Bvd a anake h ck, ferwih uchwsJullb ardMr. and Mrs. Wes--A NE.MA O Bar n Danctee MrW .S.RcV ersan ta rs. W.RoCorStike.I atstlCon aJlie Gib tefl uNe- much valu bl and MlrY . Ho e d. _M A RRIA G ES Geeral Housework. Apply iný a t 5 5 Mr.'Wilbur Baskerville is tefu-Ray Brown. Bro Rwl5and M. Lake pro oll .RosSrkock REIDPERRIaAî ClarkehehurchTo2Lel. Let us9eliv 39Cysrif egurne tintis ighbourhood who is get- and Miss Hilda Rowlnd.Lak COMING EVENTS Hre t red fra aTirisiflg. Soe tede b ubm trus -_____________Clrke______ Pro . E G . R. Ardagh . M rs. Ar- tees' and Ratep ayer . onvento n B ratc ih O d T ne Or n S t r a ,J le i t 9 5,W o L tL t u e i v y u y s , i e g a in e dahan onJhnae again 5um -Millbrook on SaturdaY.MBr DnewthOdTmeO-o ateaJuelt 13.Wl ern aterdagh hm. eaeland sasneJehed aicePresident and cetia t Charlie Gibson's. New- iamn Reid, son of the late Robr Mr. ai hAd arrnebul l and os o! tegdVieen su rs.L . C 3ublni ligt e R iNiwel. ilvRtret, Bow- satisfaction in eye f itting. M r. R ick ard a d irector. castle, on Ju ie l3th . R eid ,nvand. 4-1 B u dserC hon .la t s I M inssT o ffe castl~ ont eL ao s t o rf the g e ram w ich t H ot u xiliar O V24 -1. C h o colate jF resh Ip ac k A fte D i f eE n is Waughtere n e N at leif S . A de 'W o e ' 2I V Ri duhe.Toronto. 'vere SundaY noW may see in the garden o!NW ala np tY tbe hm .Juy5h. -OR EN - 3 RO M guests o! Mr. Hudson StoWe, New-, castle are mdniuh Nwatl naid o-t nre oel'! O ET 3R CB dsc5C ooae cs cing bei sîtryfr gflis. he Ot Axiiry 2 EA SFthe nKll. owrdeffan ie. A 23I-2 HIlb.23c Soc lb. 10c pkg. 1/2 lb. 20C 1951Mr Adelaide Walker. be ment. eIectricity, water w o r k s. Let oui. Master Photo Fuîîishiflg SpecialiSts Bn ero n gsothaeltaarM iscosi e l- oficu t iunt1 Soiet asodaa an m- G ouP 4 oa t . a l uiir DuhmJunior Farmers' Field Day variaUS beds o! flowers, etc.. main- play at the Sunday School on Fri- ELSONIn Xlillbrook, on Junie lOth. T RENT-~FOUR.R.OOM APART- at Bethany., Junie l5tb. tained by the Newcastle Society. l day. Julie l4th. frarn 4 ta 6 p. m., 13,M r aryEsninle ApyGo.W J Mr. H. J. Toms a teJ.Aneso' W. A.o! the United ChurCh de- Admission 25c. ieninWlored vlpyuthJ.Adro o d wf of1ýls P ne5.x flna oetacs. Smitb Co..wich continues tatd ram their usual custio Ratepayers Association metn as onlY on at boom iay attengOon own Ha l ie ar Mh.ayo8rP. t ie' H, Ceniie Avryta B rk- .al O venT -iences. erl oain ON .R . C w i g P n .B W E I perience teget5 bo niSiholding their monthlY ineetin ' 0!Tuesda DSN June Avry.18ture-. at B p. m. inenra loaton history. ladiesol naCemeterTwy.l. erL ule6h 95, 1F C Har hn 11.P O E4P .R cw in eP r.B bas been quit e ilI. ronyM Yr Srk*sýH p ED LV xva, Miss M ar a nto ,o h sd23 f Mr Il d ter Go ge nandsin celebration a! the ioth an- report on the Mayoral Conterence. j tonne TA rsy b Juný e 6t. 93. A pl FoC.Ho r. Pha e 12 enrick Hudsonnvesryofcu raneensf r, in her 74th ye TOE O EN-I SATESMAN ___________ Mr u so nSto t e w e e d a.n ih t e m n fl rc u s T R O R N N S teC vecotg Danlendatm 1 rsn sget.adthes atndt sd Cmetr Block, f armerly occupied by IH. - be ade Inter-ment iteet C U CH S l .Cla atbLin spenandrPetY o hur Gouni n Rugmle frpinc n JuFOR nne Avr, eoV d'vfe !Fr d- age ama s en gests. auditgararsaand spec-n SFOR RENTWSIX ROOMEtERBRICK A n e rnja e o ely o t ort ' C oki it re s, Ci ch , G a vI o e l H R H 0 . A p Cien ta m b , - Ja m ia so n S t on . A l S a e s- - -a e p o v n xt e e y o andFaithar Jy e e w .BlkMnse . EMcGuiBrett dastS ndhtg laranihterSuprail.2-* Swll r 41 hs Mrpn r.Js rWn an -ttos A tier accou pnt o! ts -us ObreOgaitEDS daY ta iS ay apaead p tebo"TaY ap e ne wele 6h: i a .- wek. ESFo aple man Offe A E A A T E T T S pENT -d f yod re l a l s- o "nsona b oe a oer tMisnu lsio Bn. ea ontan R onT.ADR 24-2RA ila , ureS ~ih aver gowflg ube f utoes asir, rs EeaorBrelt nook aeSbirle SCuhdace oellJble .i. ' Poe1i2.Cnrllcto,7ro s s a ro hile r e tt, I d sr . n d a y . P urds w ith t ha ne d PC RT e v.W . G .f B0a . M ni .S n2 -1 ae ll. o n i cS.. B ow a in vil e.T h s e S e c i l r ro i g e t e m o u a 24-2 Cenralloctio , 7 oamanal'm d-Wflyo haebotutrea y tried the - o i thewok pps CinonMge a "h Ms benge Sn " t MssLuie ser rgnitFOR SALE - REGCLEANED SEED ----- --stveinsaled r v . M c e n p r bdan n i- in t an t . M r - W a r . M g av e t a r d 1S e , 4 , a p u . B u k Y s g r h a n g r z , voer y ose ro n at erCa d w ren ufday scang a SufldaY, Juna l6th: thea. m .-lBuck w a tl. ApplY TyrunaeMil. H A E PA hone 38 .TO R____ th ok tNWcsl nd Clrk.J a. u agan rngd y Th ev.A.o!Juber, IpNm.-HEona 81r22 Mr. esand Ms .Ep.Citf.Ms adbsba îe he akAotZo"1 miiSterDN rne at R.eL. _______anMr. a24-. SolJunewasst, Phona C.3H.DudleyyrgMrs- H . J s M. JgeaB ant. se ad , $ 2.0 a pr ud. B ck e s pde a d ga a e. po s ss o >hi A. S. Karr, Minee lokiistr FOR SALE- GOLDEN MILLAE __TAI bUias nvi C ad Re. Mr. an Mrs'lalso angd ooapopit ateST ALSUDirCHUrCH R.MilI2.Nawastle. Lt2,BF unnrRsrsWe»n pca B A a st~ or. Sin dayW orsbip .0 ings in regard ta th e contraI o! the S na Y. June LOG6tb: 10.10 a. m .C A K E pa;J2h30Baker. Solina. wasnd L . rickard anddMr.AandtMriblJ -mrigW :8pm pl naggbor irb o d oSunie s1d, $00 ar w.A pPlTY IJ. BAnk. URý riTrutLaeBa--LU H advisi g thoandhoDiveactor.d oR.iR.Mi2 le Bowm avlleso u k-et 2. B.tF. W eekCEnd.SBect- H. Ja ngSe vic23-rifiutiom er hResortes; W eek-Endhe JOSpecR ial SO DAistiFU N A IN B.A.,n asi r.Su day edna th - ove orchards and thair urigh ound- Poni10 4-.24 un-tad Chrc te-haRev. S. MacLeanwithis 3astwya rsookig Mr. .H Dday rc 9-fI THE R AKERDY I T HEA O ppldm gg t ogr iooad womrnd S TndaY Sh OlAN dLI A du' t BibICK - p . mh e S a i al : 8 d viwn th o e h a v a pe d foey r n ls s i a. M . A _Th e Ch ris i n F O R S A L E -Q U A TIT Y H NO-FU N S D L G C . I andNeM r ins eto n and rti f ian o! thvil er Li& ' 7 . . GTbe Jovo r algg an M illet saed als o nBu k h4 t_ t b at, Sal afi Tro t L ka. B an S t r a v n n r o ! ne t s. Map pal w ui t yards e -, Ri e,23 3 ST.ar D leJO H Na ufac u er as cdC and ShW' ateda ta el- rchid. nd thin~ ~ghoU s ho i ySn co da Jl LoiCma taalI. Beih F rm. ApPY . Bepacrt D s ric tipp ,y C. A. a-es ul n ar ovni g Se cero e lat ies frs utt n r e v ce : 1 - 0 a r .- e -o a a ý L y rB i k , an s i M s ~ an o! ta sLa di tnya va d t at s 300 o! FIB A N N EC U O S M r . o heo s a l tta l O a t h a . a n d t a r t h e r e S t e y s t S A N L C AiC H U 1 1aRC H P h o n en d 5 1 0 .a o , o m a e o k e s n d o c u s e W t a d e ,_t ,_d_ _ 2 4 -1hl a t t . B oFm a n ' i l e . P h o f l e 1 1 0 R U I T L O A F B r e aA at t ae rru o tel i g oa s ae o at ad o and ke e ot tiS rv.-H .C.oR. uSp ncelr.pM. A., R ca O A E Q Als n'rI Y FUrh m c w aSPE.rif ca w r frC ke FOR atU r own SfT UBAinks. Mroiss D rtmR c ad n x at ii ap l ieun ris p cDdu or n w so .O l si at, g re iva d taoe, 'vianlI baWRe Ar. . A.eGin ng rgrisewdat, SOc par bu AplY frtorrtyou-e cao td iage .S o ma ge rtb at t eomp *t o fdW nt hein i tYS u n d ap . J n 6 t . - EC e n - , R t c a . . P o 1 8 3ran e ,2 - 1 y o a b a r a a l e t . a u a c u e s n Y 2 5 O FO R S V ICTORwnA TS. salealadi' andndamertitrattr.ota inake ! Cookies, and of coursE Wt-BALcks, and Eskim O Fies. AR e duet__ _à O R Ana so. P Y taJo n is' Frea trinlg i ailw r i n rce ha Bo f ,f II orrmanager as appliaJuoniimpact- ev.A . o WL F le n , fD. D., L or isSc a l.Eas a a.D ram cadpp itm ns n gv N re aceonsButrC U t hte B ea fl u e o! p pilr c c l W.v. and M proimir alRnsWr o!anrrchrd fanriehehe ownr o.- oly Co munon20racKinRt eyvnaEvarlaha fintmeatI. M.S. United Church RIIY NIEICU Miss Camilladaw a ebrmatd 'in an carifictian24apo! teojatics p.akeEr LvendI"nd raatlY enioyed. T e Jn meeting o! W. M. S- Rev. E. F. Armistrong Pa-stor Bole, Nastlatofl. Ont. 2- Street West, Tronito. a ii u lu c .i tedth tha Francis suttafi, M us. Bac.. Organist F R- AL -_ 24-V B LL S D the deliimlnhUntdCuc'asbdinteSS N wcastle C. G.-. T . groUP under roon ,June th wt t Preside t and Choir Leader -FO R SA l d e dS H erHORN BULL. - OOM- - N 9 taldehpofMsA.W Gef- Mrs. Sn acLean in the chair. Thare u"otlofucan ch cenyLUC B nay. 'vera guaszts O! MnÏ. S. Mac- 'vera aven nr ucie aior-Sn.Da.iC.EJun e lt: .n i5 îyeanil.P oe 0r2.gv n cas an atth arong o uada en. As the meeting assamblad Rev. Dr.C.-E.tenngar a Japai it n g theva sthair final m eeti n t. us as p a ye t epian- 1'vill preach ; don't f ail ta hear thi ' mnille p on 3 0r2 s ow ', l ite a reall y na.o kgivw s hirf nl eti g ft M C W, b th outstandi 23-2 ha la s whîhlgeader;ca sauan aI day Schaal nc . M ss edg 's1 ineet at te the second , -afetPIANaOSU _ __ _ __ _ __ _ ___DOMINION,__ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ of tha 1934-35 season . ist, Mn5. J. R nCo i a 1d ng ei gia-us et Rad tepoSun-E StGerg sCbrc.RvF..- raPdLhageo!th evtifig. 7 P Inm.alubieCt. Radiate" ce$29.00 V-- F groaInadthadg efPreca Sor teorradiant lite.You ara c ard- Mu gao ton MasnM. ..B. D., Rector. S n a peiad 'ith Mrs. F. Fligg pei g-o prsiif i rD MIaOdiant_____________________ternis_______________________John____ Juas l6th M. ifA., Sunday, 9.45 Mrs. A. W. Glanney read th e Scrip al nie to h s er cs. 1 S nC* Sret N t ,O h w . ni.Sunday School: Ila. n.- tura lassan. tallowad 'ith pnai'ar by ially nvitri.o thes sG r e at5. I m treat artb, O1awa14 aMil Fae-ndHl onm Mns. Fligg. A yen' excellant repor M o ni gp a-E e ns and Ser C m on!~ ! tn y a work o! the W . M ,S. M apla Leaf M is on Band m et in ' FABGeOUTI I Ul u n 1 -51 ion; was very ablice S niitu e tar "v s e nd axcres Nf.ca tia . n phaes n n ero o e .as i e Y th rm r oi f s . Pals F R S L I L F l 11. T £U S Ra . Thos. W allac e. Ne wtonvil i c no A o Suc o da ftr o n A ppIlD 0F p Bro wnT was a guest a! Durhai iLodga. A. F.'is . rWm. D C . CBraggChugopMadi'a! tran. Meet-acreseo!ale,pan edclav.lm n ri e r s a r y l & A M. and antntinad the Brath- an and M rs.W, D na g fav ourad 1 ig e ned wit r t ra a Jan d g od co24A-2'-atew BrW &-en . Mt an i e e rt o ! lan terfi slides 'vith a voc ýl duet 'T h e S a iaun a er 'v s esre by D at Se ller . -t24-2 i l IV - FJ O A o"Iol a i h a oun e tenad and scenes Caîl". w ith M rs. E. c. Fishar as ac- m am orY vre s b Dre a ad t el . E XTO.O R U I Y T O F LO R ANTA L U EQ Le; ra ye en i ercitat- 'ith barn in Tyrane. Estata o! ý ions bîy Dorothy Sellers and Darathy the lata James Paoiey. ApplY taF Faulkner. ~~~~~~~W. H. Yao. Phone 350r3 R. R. 1RdadWieFnyS 2tn Gaenilg A Hampton&J. ~INS ENZA ACE......... 3 boxes 23C SALMON, 1zs...2tn o 5 G e . M o n l . D1St. Paul's Z e iI Fanar O s L -P A O S Ec i'O CK E B RLAN DLY TO O T P O E R S STh e Thank Offerilg neting o!f oÇ Masan & RiSch, Nordhaim - SINGAPORE ....2 t n 9 Y U ,5 .p r t o!a upermetnganModplIy John MeaglTer, 92 SimcOC LH AA OFE243DNOTAV.-GB. ~77 United Church 'vas held in the fri 07 ...3Is the home o! the president. Miss M.NrthOsba'va.UT E , 3 z jr.. o I-utch nson Abo t 50 guess ga h anOR S. A Ed r ices ater Mai'o pORT HopE Office is open WEDNESDAY ,f utchfo te. Abou 50 upes athnOd AE- HT EHRN PAU UTE1z ar.. . ISiRE...... . each week f rom 9 a. m .m . Pono28 re. frThe inc . MiandBayssikStra od1testedt ni or 25. G M Bsnel n care.order by Miss Rutchisan and Miss manviUle, near Hamto.18t Farci' read the Scripture lasson; Mrs. G A N s lCWl' C O B O U R G O ffi ce is o p e n S A T U R D A «Y o f e a ch c...1u e l d th s ng ig nd F R , 6 t e n ifut;_IDFALC O N_3 c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'É . ý 2 r J H -1 uy as guast speaker B îndr , t . cut; I e Lan"(%e5l re fli F L ON S E T I E w e fr m 9 a m. to 9 p. m . G ordon E. wasm*onst inspining. Rer addness 0on eut paratan .Ma . aY ma Kn g 5St. I K E 9l r ej r . . . . e ht 50 hmani' ~teestng. Sincera Bowmanville. Phonea 597 or 555. Wsol HER LSO Garnett ini charge. - i BISCUITS .tig 4-1 .. . ..pr lb. 19C JELLYPWES... k 5 at a l n s ible kindly m ake appo i tifle fltl t a k s t am t e societ y w'era off an- ii B S U T . . . . . .B N O T E - V i h e r e at ail n o se dh n k s . ifr r d C a r u th a r s a n d M r s .1 - - ý ï i i A - -> , T A N L E Y C a .R e & W h t for examlflations eRed & W hiteCFOR SA Clare. ad Cale C., $5.00 COm in BAKING POWDER......peer tin 21C COCQAJU- I ....... j adsea us. T'venti' ta choasa LR ' _______________ t~~~am.ad as ik wn'. Ail Pianos Red & Wh it e L R ' U B I~ from. almo t a neyars. ApplI' O l 5 O K adB A S..... John Meagher. 92 Simcaa Streat TIE AE.... 3 vu 2cPR n EN i O N.oJ.hOw. enz'isestathnk2 Ibs. for 2C EVE YT IN Fo te otois CrD 0F THANKS ' Molasses -Snaps I MmER TERM GOLDEN SPRAY 3 Shaw's Business Schools CHEESE, per pkg . .. ....SLT pr k LIET T 1noW open. Enter anydayuat train for a place in Busiac~ 110By St. Toronto aB]PlUsVSCLh o

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