Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1935, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE, THUR.SDAY, JUNE 13th. 1935 China Dinnerware You'1 like the new Engbsh Chintz which has just arriv- ed. New patterns in tea- pots, bon-bons, cake plates, cups and saucers, creams and sugars, etc. Ideal for git.ROYAL ALBERT "Blossom Time" China Here's something very new and really delightful. The noted Royal Abert make in this charming new design. Creams and Sugars, Cups and Saucers, Cake Plates, Salad Plates, Bon-bons, etc. New English D I N N E R WA R E In green and white and yel- low and white. Open stock, in sets to suit your require- ments. 32 Èiece Sets S5.00 66 Piece Sets S15.00 (service for 8) 97 Piece Sets $21.75 (service for 12) Watch for announcement of F10- Glaze Demonstration next week. J .WJewell BOOKS & STATIONERY PAINTS & WALLPAPER CHINA & GLASS Phone 30 'COUNTIES COUNCIL HOME AND SCHOOL FINANCES IN GOOD ENFIELD CLUBS HELD RALLY SHAPE MEMBERS TOLD MsDAce îdMs rhr NEWCASTLE FRIDAY S15.000 Is Lopped Off Standing Oshawa. visited with Mrs. J. Mc-! (Contlnued from page 1) Deficit - ExpendituresAr Sunday School Anniveî'sary was a group of Young musicians whichi Within Bde welh attendcd at bath services on IBawmanville might well take pride Sunday. The members of the Sun- in also contributcd two numbers Northumberland and Durham's day Schoal traincd by Rev. W. Par- 1 later in the program. caunties finances were well conduct- ker sang special music, assisted in The audience was given a dclight- cd last year, the auditors' report the afternoan by Mr. Parker who ful demonstration of what is being prcsentcd at Wedncsday's session of sang "Open the Gates of the Tem- donc in the music lîne in rural' caunicil revealed. Except for un- ple," and in the evening by a dou- schools when a group o!f fif ty voices contrallable expenditures such as bhe male quartet f rom Enniskillen. 1 sang two numbers under the direct- administration of justice accounts, Rev. P. L. Jul. Brooklin, addrcsscd lion of their teacher, Mrs. D. Robb the counties' expenses were kept the congregation at both services, Orona. within the estimates and $15.000 was eaving with us two splendid mes- 1 iss Laura Clement. Lake Shore. lopped off the standing deficit. sages. On Tuesday evcning the la- charmcd t.he gathering with hier School casts were slightly lower than cal Young pcople gave the play "The pretty step dancing, accompanied by iii the ycar previaus. but the audi- Old Fashianed Mother" in the Manson Souch, violinist and Ralph tors rccommcnded that ail cases of church. Gibson, guitarist. Jerry Millsan, pupils attending school be investi- Anniversary Visitors: Miss Eveyn. Bakcr's School, won pralanged ap- gated and if no satisfactorY reason Stinson. Miss Vivian Davidsan, Mr. Iplause with his humorous recitationl for outside attendance is found, and Mrs. Les. Scarginson. Mrs. Hew- "I Won't Bring in the Wood" but 1 cases arc ta be placed before the isan. Toronto. at Mrs. H. Stinson's the appearance of Dad causcd him Minister. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp. Enniskil- to revise his decisian.i Asscts are comprised by a current len, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Montgomn- The meeting opencd in the usualý account bank balance of $3,239.68 ery and Jean. Soina, Mrs. A. Ormîs- Home and School manner with the' unpaid taxes, $13.299,12: Ont. Gov- toun and Miss Verna Ormiston, Osh- singing of O Canada and the re-1 crnment payments. highways. Dcpt. awa, Misses Verna and Vera Grif- Peating of the Lard's Prayer in un-! iCriminal Justice, and anti-cornborcr fin. Union, Miss Edîth Cochrane, isan, and as the program lengthcned' allwanes,$2198981.Libiltie, Clumus.atMr. E. Ormiston's chairman Osborne to cffcct'a little bank boans. $109.000 and deficit of Mr. and Mrs. M. Hobbs and Joan., more varicty to the proccedings in- 1934. $70471.39. Permanent assets Haydon. Mr. and Mrs. D. Ormîston 1 vited cvcrybody to stand whilc he of $891563.39 arc made Up of in- and Donald, Oshawa. at Mr. J. led themn in singing of "Pack Up surance 'House of Refuge). $34,000: Stark's Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry 1 Your Troubles". gaoh and registry offices. $93.100: and Gertie, Blackstock. Mr. C ecil' Bath Mrs. McLaughlin and Mrs. fixtures and furniture. $6.500: de- Hubbard. at Mr. T. Henrys Mr. Silcox thrcw a great deal of light bentures for roads. $510.408.30: pro- and Mrs. E. W. Pascoc. Braaklin. at in their addresscs and in their re- vincial highways. $247555.09. De Mr. G. Ormiston's Mr. and Mrs. plies ta a set of questions from per- bentures issucd. balance outstanding. W. Scully. Mount Dennis. and Mr. sons in the audience. upan the idcals. $76.50.78 giinga rtepyer' ~'!Bert Bransan. Burketon. at Mi'. W. objectives. organizatian and achieve- vestmcnt of $127'055.61. .Omso' r n .H . ments of Home and Schoal Clubs Theincrnetotlle $47,717.8.Pascoc. Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. C. which are functioning in 43 differ- Leies omino unicipa7.7ti.s8 G. Bowman and Mary Helen. Osh- cnt cauntries and which are al ink- taLed $360.599:oradniiitie On awa, Rcv. P. L. JuIl, Brooklin, Rcv., cd together in a world federation.- juqie. $7605397: adiniention0f, and Mrs. W. Parker and Eilcen, En- Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard. Shaw's. juctic. $.59.7: idigntpatients' niskillcn. Mr. and Mrs. O. Heathie. moved and Mrs. Wmn. Carkc.Bw refund, $10.934.66: House of Refuge. Wick. Mrs. J. McCulloch, and Miss' manville. seconded a vote 0f than^ maintenance reccipts. $5600.90. mis- Ida McCulloch. at Mr. L. C. Pascoc's. t Msdme cLiuhln and sl Icellaneous. $3.411.37: Division Court, ico " PE R K Y" Friendly iule GuUta Percha Thoroughbred, identifies Gutta Percha Service. Look for himp ini tha GP dealers' u'indou's. receipts. $79.41: counties road duGUr' o r.Bwn wohddn ___________________________fiom province. $19,551.80. Expni tures amnounted to $393067. 1LN so much in promoting and planning TELRETALCND which administration of justice was i the raUly and who introduced Mrs. 1$2282742: ounies aol $7.24.7: McLaughlin to the audience. also to N e r y idstr.82.42:countis. 3ga6 ol. S.32.87 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Housamn andIthe Management Committee of the THENE C Refge $12148:prvinia hîh-Mary spent Sunday at Uxbridge. hall who had so kindly granted the ]PHONE 23 Refags. $372.8:pcovinialroad Mrs. H. E. Tink visited at Mr., clubs the free use of it for the ev- BOWMANVILL o gs $96y. 37 5made:Upof $4219884 sHilton Tink's. Ebenezer. on Sunday. 1ening. 'odt$955138076tombe ref $4de 198nd4de Miss Muriel'Smith spent the week- DAVIS' SUNOCO SERVICE STATIO'. $155.0t erfne add-end with Miss Ada Allin, Bowman -_________________ 139.92: old age pensions. $20.071.62:vill. M.nA. SORSOLEIL IVAS _____ The largest supply of Annual mothers' allowances. $17,745: gen- Mr. edandMr. . W. Yelon es y G TSE K RA Flowers in boxes we ever grew cost. $1061287 HeOetureIOgNo is getting low. Phone or cal and House of Refuge. $3469.80: in L.PLAcoe ttend ORAT RICA .at once if you want any re- digent patients. $21255.52: deficit.1 ed County Council at Cobourg last Cniudfo Pae1 served for you. 1933, $85128.28; deficit. 1934. $70._ week.<Cniudfmpae) FOR DOMINION DAY 471.39. Mrs. Walter Bray. and Miss Ethel of Nat ions" in second place. and ____ FLOWERS FOR WEDDINGS- ___ _____ Bray. Pickering, visited at Mr. A. Robert Crawford on the 'Royal Plans !lave practically been com- FUERL EIGSEt.L. Pascoe's. Canadian Mounted Police" thîrd. pleted for the big celebration at DOMINION STORSLTD. Mr. and Mrs. A. Whitnell, Misses Fred Cryderman, Rev. John Bunner Port Hope on July lst and the all - We DeMiINIwitScTOeEfr ever June and Lorraine. Toronto. at Mr. and L. W. Dippell acted as judges. day program which is being staged ocaion mte hwmd- N W HO IA PA ac enod.Maynard Richardson. the boy who by the Port Hope Lions Club, will eccstonniar how elaorte Mr. and Mrs. John Naylor cele- sa ably led the bugle band on in- provide fun and amusement to al est r hw elborte.Gilbert Jones, Local Manager, Pre- brated their fortieth wedding anni- 'spection day, presented greetings classes. seuted With Recognition of versary on Wednesday last. from the boys to the visitors, follow- Ralph Hodgson is Dominion Day Mrs. James Garfat. Brooklin, Mrs. ed by songs lustily given by the en- secretary and Irving S. Margles is Long Service Walton Annis and Miss Evelyn Dun- tire 'school. They sang -Win t er Chairman. The various committees K ingswaybarton, at Mr. H. E. Tink's. Wonderland," with whistling as a are: Street Fair, Art Smith; Amuse- K ig w yAt an enthusiastic meeting of Miss Eva Cook. Zion. Mr. Frank variation. and "The Isle of Capri." ment. Hec Giddy; Sports. George F"o e S o, about 600 employees including staffs Ross, Columbus, Rev. J. C. Lowny, Mr. Vrgin led the chorus with Gea. O'Neil and Parade. Bill Giddy. lo e h p from stores in Toronto and nearby Oshawa, at Mr. Cecil Pascoe's. L. Davidge at the piano. No stone is being lef t unturned in Phones 72 - 144W- 7 towns and cities, warehouse and of- The Young Married Peoples' Other musical numbers included order to make the day an outstand- Nights 240 f ice emploes Mr. W. F. StewartI Picnic will be held Thursday. June vocal solos by Billie Lane. Garnet iîng success. In the morning, there Vice-President in Charge of Opera- 2th. at Lakeview Park. Oshawa. Pankhurst and Mrs. F. V. Ott, and wilî bc a mammoth calithumpian * ions, Wednesday night announced Dinner at 12 S. T. a hill bifly sang "Red River Valley" parade while in the aft.ernoon, the __________________________ hat Dominion Stores Limited was Messrs Jack and Billy Terry, Mr. with his own guitar accompaniment pormwl epeetd i h iving each Store Manager, who had Raines and Bill Taylor. Mr. C. Pic- by Alfred Leonard. and rounds Of Town Park. a There will bc sche- been in charge of a store for a per- kard. M r. A. Moore, Port Pcrry. vis- "Man's Life's a Vapor" by the duled hardbal1 and softbaUl games, iod of one year or more. one week's ited at Mr. C. Milîs. i school. tug-of-war. horse racesbohec holiday with f ull pay. Mr. Bruce Tink. Mr. Tom and The prizes. their winners, and In the evening, a streetcaialil ..fl is extremely gratifying" said Miss Helen Baker spent Sunday in those %vho presented them folhow: be held downtown and will prove the Mr. twr.'oseta rcial Peterboro. Miss Evelyn Tink ac- The Hon. D. A. Croîl Prize for usual popular dr a wi ng card.ý * ai managers are eigîble for holi - copaned hemhom. hol Spristd I-roundSor- Throughout t.he day music will be days withý pay." Misses Vera and MargaretMis.mnhppretdby .A.S- provided by the Cobourg Kilties It is the companys intention." Messrs Harold and Cecil Mîlîs, Mr. coleil-SeniGr. Mike Sor-ohan: Jun- Band. he continued. -to widen the Plan Hugh Taylor and Mr. Chas. An- 1ior. George Wendziak.I immcditely conomc con itin drewýs. visited Port Perry f ricnds. I Men's Canadian Club Prize for____ hecme orefavrabe. Mrs. Chas. Blanchard is in the highest standing in Canadian Hist bcM. meor raybmit."Pesdnto private patients pavilion of the Tor- or'y in the Entrance Class. presented OBITUA.RY Domnio StresLtmted in re-onto Gencral Hospital for treatment. by the P'e-dn.L W. Dippell . ____ enting long service buttons to emi- we wish her a specedy î'ecovery. Winner-Wni. Ferris. ployees emphasized the fact that' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds, Miss- Oratorical Prizes, donated bov John. H. Osborne, Sonya teconipany was eteeypodie uhadJaadMs r omnil oayCu:peetd Thefnrlo helt onH o knw% that such a large number thur, Mrs. R. J. McKessock and Miss by the President. Fred Cryderman. esuneahldof h hate J h H of emphoyees were entitled to such Ruth McKeýsock, visited Toronto Prize for highest standing in Eng-IObonwahedfrmhsau- Eac pd il klI lus ilda a~ rconiio. r.Giler Jo es.friends. lish Literature in Entrance Class-, ter's, Mrs. Edgar Woolbridgc. May every day for three weeks. Bowmanville Manager. reccivcd a;M.adMs..L acesetW.Gudîg 7h hnet aatPitCm pads in each packet. silver pthefWalterrBray's. The Hardy Prizdufor 10CETSPE PCKT "In these days of unrest it is in-1 Pickering, and attended the Erskine standing in Mathematics in High ducteo by Rev. Flindel of Seagrave., at Drasggiots, Crocers, Ceneral Stores. deed a source of great satisfaction Mmoia SeviesatDunarrnonahoG.peseBe.b AOM.badrn essrsOsC. to the company." he continued. 'to Sunday. Winner. Douglas Grieves. 15 'WHY PAY MORE? knaw that out of a total of approx- Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, Tor- Prize for highest. standing in borne. H. J. Osborne, L. Osborne, THBWILONFLYPA CO. Hmiton OL iatey 300emloyes n .heTa- onto. Mr. Gardon Smith and Miss Physiography in High Sehool--Stu- G. 0. Woohdridge, all grandsons. THonto Division.O. almostCit imtel 1 00 epoesihe bTen Irene Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. art Hutcheon. Mr. Osborne, who was in his 85th1 with the company for a period ex-1 Bradie and Jean. Sarnia, at Mr. Ce- Prize for greatest progrcss in Ex- year, had been ailing for some time. Over Two Hundred ceeding five years. Twents'-six have cil Pascoe's.i celsior Class-Joe Mordeca: Prize He .cajme ta Canada with his par-j cerved for 15 years or more, 139 for' Mr. Alan McKessock. Thamesford, 1 for greatest progress in Junior Aca- ents.Nîholas and Grace Osborne. At Oshawa Presbytery Ie er rmr.ad31frfiv pn e aswt i ohr, demic Ciass-Albert Wenham. Don- He settled near Bowmanville where YongPepe' Pcncyears or more." Mrs. J. McKessock. Mrs. R. J. Mc- ated by Bowmanville Lions Club and he spent his boyhood days. In 18741 Young______ __________ Kessock and Miss Ruth McKessock presented by Dr. W. H. Birks. he married Rosetta Morris, movingl returned home withqlim for a visit. Prizes foi' highest standing inI to Reach township. Then in 1899 Over two hundred attended thei The aircraft carrier. U.S.S. Lang- Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Reynolds, Mr. ast year's Entrance Class - (1) to Mariposa where he folowed the annual picnic of the Young People's ley. formerly named the Jupiter and Chas. Reynolds. Miss Clara Wares, Chas. Reuby; f2) Donald Ross: 43< pursuit of farming until the death Sceisin the Oshawa Prsytr*built for a collier, was the first Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. GilbertVicn ogt.lfhswfen19. held at Hampton Park on Saturday, eectrically-driven ship in the U. S.i and Velma, Enniskillen, Mr. F'rancis John Willmot Prize in memory af Left ta mourn hîs loss are eight June 8th. Churches from Oshawa,' navy. ___ Thompson. Taunton. at Mr. J. W. E. J. Hathaway, for highest stand- sons, Norman W. and Byron L. of Scugag. Brougham. Bowmanvîlle. îoîe. ing in Composition in High School. Mariposa: Silas V. of Toronto: two Newcastle, Orono and other centres, elwes oreFented hy Mrs. E. J. Hathaway- daughters, Mrs. Edgar Wooldridge were representcd and in the after- Per-îan Balm. Cool and rcfresh- Mrs. W. L. Pierson. Miss Eleanor E McLeod. iMac), Mrs. Lau Hall <Lea )ane naon participatcd in softball games. ing. Soothing and protectîve. TheI and Master Gordon. Mrs. .L hita Doctrine Prize. present-; daughtcr predeceased- himi in 1903. Races ahso formcd a part af a fine perfect aid to beauty. Unrivalled inLkOha. rsE aco.D-d by Father McGuirc-Tony Del-'Mrs. Herbert Shaven (EVa.svn program. Tables wcere daintîly dec- its softenîng and beautifyiîvz effeet ti'oit. Mrs. Edgar Pascoe and Mýas- Grande. ;teen grandchildren and thirteenr orated for the evening meal and oin the skin. Impartz a fresh and ter Bill3y Paýcoc. Thornton Corners. Kiwanis Club Medals foi' highest great-grandchildren, anc brother.: burdened down with an abundance fragrant charmn to the oveliest coin- at Mrs. R. J. McKeszock's. standing iin Vocations: -Agriculture, Tom. of Bowmanville: Robert and of gaad things ta cat. Miss Marion :îhex;on. Banîshes ro'ighness cauis- Messrs~ Thomas, John and Wi11 LeonîdWha:Hriutr.Sinohre fMc. cbr f Cal- Picard Bwmavileled in the ea by weather condýitions. Safe-' Baker and Miss Vera Bkr.a-uc Fox: Cooking. Lynes Barker: gary and one sistcî' Minnie, of Osh- community singing. In the even- guards the sk'n and keeps ît *rnooth.!'companied by Mr. George Stephens. Woodworkinît, Mike Sorohan: Shoe- awa. ing. Miss Winnifred Rickard, New- soft and flawlcss. U, e it foi the Salcîn, attend the Shorthorn and1 making. Lodi Wahski: Machine Shop Complete details rcgarding the big castlc, led the group in a picturesque hands and face. Always results in Shccp Breeders Pîcnîc at Mr. John1 and Sheet Metals. R. Brant: Motors, cehebration will be published at a and insplring sunset service. the highest expression of b-.auty. I Millers. Claremnont. on Saturday. Miynar-d Richardson. later date. THE HOME 0F ROY NICHOLS' GARAGE AT COURTICE1 The photogra.ph reprodticed above on No. 2 Highway. It is the Westi tarîo and is rccognîzed as the busi-r3 fafwo h eodtoe cnl.M.Ncasi gi setting gives a view of the garage and show Durham headquarters for Gencral est auto sales depot and garage be-cas which Mr. Nichols has for saleI up a sales record for 1935 having roomis of Roy Nichols at Courtice, Motors cars and trucks. This f irim twecn Toronto and Montreal. In in bis big clearance sale whîch was sol0d 130 ncw General Motors cars just 5 miles west of! Bownanvlle attracts business from aIl over On- the picture may be secri a fine ar- announccd in The Statesman rc- and trucks, and 2,54 used cars. 19 A deeper, wider tread lu More rubber PRICE lu Stronger sidewalls SIZE 4,75 x 19 lu New tougher tread rubber $ ( 5 lu New non-skid grip$1 5 lu A tire without equal atisct OTHER SIZS lu See the new Roadflighc before yoLi PROPORTIONATELY buy any other tire. PRIRED THE BLUE RIRBON TIRE VALUE FOR 1935 Look for the Blue Ribbon int te GP Dealers' Windows G. P. ROADFLIGHT TIRES ARE FOR SALE AT onsService Station LIBERSS. M, OSHAWA. CROFT & SANDERS. COBOURG. Big Week-End SPECIALS Boys' Wash Suit s, only 390 Dollar Pure Silk Crepe Hose 0I pr. First Quality . . . New Spring Shades Kiddies Sun Suits only 299e Nelson's Lower Price Store Phone 595 Bowmanville SPECIAL NEXT WEEK -QUILTS » OTHER THAN COMFORTERS WASHED 25C Each 2 for40 Oshawa Laundry &Dry Cleaning Phone 152 - We Cali and Deliver BUY COAIL NOW Lowest Summer Prices It will pay < ou to put in y our next W intcr's coal uow. Pricm are now at their loiwest. And of course you'il want the best coal - Blue Coal. And remember Shep- pard & GUI are headquas ters fer lumber and building supplies, aud wc have a fine stock of best f ield seeds. ~'b1ecoa1g We have this w~eek received a carload of Sait which will be sold at exccptioually low prices. Ruy early because at these pnices it iwon't last long. Sheppard & CiII Lumber Co.b PHONE 15 LIMJTED BOWMAMIVM~ Ti TL! v AR THE CANADLaýN STATESMAN, BOWMANV=, THUMSDAY, JUNE 13th, 1935 PAGE TEN

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