Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1935, p. 9

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___________________THE CANADIAN STATE8MAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUTqE l3th, 1935 CAVAN TOWNSHIP May Pole to herald Summer days PREACHEROCTOGENj1J.I4 "Farm Problems"; Mrs. Percy Hamn- was as PopuIarly received as ever.CLER ESBTHA ilton on "The European Problem"; LOYALLY OBSERVES Tecdtdili at hk a EERTSBRHA wrell executed, hsclTang NESTLETON il Mrs. Robt. Archer on "'Cancer Re- The ade drli n nttykhai ~ __________________ search"; and Mrs. Wm. Crawford on THE KING'S BIRTHDAy dilPhyh hidews gatlyran-g joye, whle te mok MuicalRideThe King's Jubilee." Commuriity drili of he childen was gratly en-Miss Mary Malcolm attended thesosweenjed Biedghie h mcPMsiaoRdejfuneral of he sstr a Hrrsto. e* entx shwerwa Bi rgram Attracted Monster of the boys headed by the Sparklirste frson Crowd at Mllbrook on Plug to the Strains of the British A pound and one-hî mdatwsdr June 3rd Grenadiers, as of Toronto Exhibit- c aughit in Mr. E. Frayer's nets lastonriyngtwenM.ad r. ion Famne. was a knockout Follow- week. Clarence Parr entertained at their -%On Monday, June 3rd, Milbrook, ing this the graded chiîdren in mass k.1 home for Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Down- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pbilp, Detroit, e neKtaieMLuhiR Cavan and South Monaghan gave formation Produced the Union Jack e neKtaieMLuhiR in carbarbocscidrnsft Mr. and Mrs. Warren Preston, Miss N.). Over eight.y guests were pres- tangible expression in Gala Day r-or lcs hlrnsfo Audrey Preston, Frankford, visitedetan Rv.CC. aror a patriotic celebration of how they races conclhuded a big-crowd, en- eatnd Mr . . Harryourit's. thuisipatriotic day's pust-t chairman. Several present made havd's lto ingof erent firtdays I usiati Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMullen graceful speeches of congratulation ave fln t o K.in Geor 0f s,-and will long be remembere<d down ' .adMroLtMisJnCm-tohebdendgo.Amnte The matured plans worked. out t i the years of East Durham'snown aroLouMisJanCm- ote rd adgoo.Ao h be a monster parade of some 500 Youthful generation. bell, Lindsay, and Miss Marjorie beautiful presents were the gifts sehol hilrenassmbld a th Dr L.B. illamsof oroto,,,~ ~.Stacey, Yelverton, visited at Mr. W. from the members of St. Jobn's school grounds, headed by the Lind- whose motion pictures of Durham Cmbl'.Cuca cainltbe n sayBan whch as oind dwn ouny mny f yu hve lredyMany attended Cadmus anniver- siender silver flower basket. Gifts' town by a muster of Great War Vet- seen and admired, was about the sarymnd w ee Selghte wib te-0f slve andln werealso ud erans bearing their decorations of busiest man of the afternoon en- cseontyhev.us. MacteaSn. New articas.weMras any m scellneousil heroism, sacrifice and service, the deavouring to pictoriaîîy secure a 1ate h ui yteSna rtce.M.adMs onywl School in the morning, and New- live in Reaboro. and carry witb tbemn cadet corps under Bruce Dawson, fac-simile of Millbrook's Big Day. tonviiie quartet in the evening. the best wisbes of a host of friends. along with somne other organizations The weather was so threatening that Mrs. Cecil Wilson gave lier home Her many friends offer hearty and bands of Millbrook and Port. at first picture-taking was despaired on Thursday evening for the Ladies' congratulations to Miss Agnes Whit- Hope. of but the actual ramn ceased as Aid Presbyterian Church, when 25 taker, daughter of Rev. Dr. and The parade presented a riot of the parade proceeded and the cam-laiswr een.IwsdcddMs CE.W takOhwad colour with the Lindsay Band boys era-man scowling at the dark skies,laiswrpeen.1wsdede Mr.CE. hiterOhaaad in catchy speckled brown and gray, headed off the procession and start- Vo buy cernent for renewing V.be former Rector of St. John's, on lier .Millbrook in white shirts, Port Hope ed the machine to click. church steps, and the prograni in- graduation from Oshawa Hospital in red uniformis, the sombre char- Dr. Williams inform.s us that Rev. David R~ogers cluded the foliowing: Piano solo, on June 4th. Agnes won the Dr. F. acter f Vetran mfti drss, te evey pictre ofsome 00 f t 0f flm 0fSt.issmas.ent.. SnativeofoMss EAlyn Sader'o:J'A eap o'J. Rudile frize fr SuricalTecc-- acte of etern muti ress theLbas tureopfoec3 t. Wataof l EnfimlOenSt. hosontebrate hisLivin"'," Mrs. Grant Thompson; vo- nique. and the Dr. G. L. Bird prize khaki cadets, the children apartha undotpret htahl niklnw cebtd hs cal solo "The End of a Perfect Day" for Surgical Nursing. Among those from the bevy of colour of the girls' arious entertainmient there is going eightietb birthday on June 8tb. by Miss Eileen Jarvis; vocal duet, present in the Collegiate Auditor- dresses, were ail in red. white and to be in Millbrook when the Dur- Mr. Rogers entered the ministry of "Building for Eternity," Mrs. Her- ium for the Graduating Exercisesi blue bead attire, while the numer-ilbam County Pictures augmented by the Methodist Cburch, 'n London mnSmlsadMs ee de-adRcpina h 5hAnvr osfloating Union Jacks lent a1 Milbrook's Big Bay events is flashed Conference. over sixty years ago. mnSampiandt Mrs. PecMder- andReo tetiondat tbefthe Annie- gracious dignity everywbere. across the movie-picture screen in Forty-five years of bis active min- Mountjoy and Mrs. Perey Edgerton. tal were: Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Har- Before the Cenotaph a baît and the near future. istry were spent in Huron and Mid- A dainty lunch was served by the court, Mrs. F. F. Willan, Miss Aileen left turn was made wbile a bugler Tbe master-minding and crown- dlesex Counties. Retiring about fif- bostess and hier associates. Devitt. Miss Normna Hooey, Mrs. of the Port Hope Band sounded The 'ing success of this patriotic produc- teen years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Rogers Mrs. Harry Philp opened bier home John Hamilton, Miss Florence Fair, Last Post. tion is unanimously credited to Mr. settled n St .Thomas among their on Tuesday for one o! the most in- Mrs. S. A. Devitt, Mrs. Wmn. Craw- It seemed like miles of cars fol- Shenhaîl who is East Durham's many friends, wbo are extending teresting and best attended Wom- ford and Mrs. G. Forder. lowd te prad to thePai Msicl Drecor ! Shoos. felicitations on the completion of al en's Institute meetings of! the year. Fifty were present on Wednesday Grounds, the scene of the patriotie In the evening an elaborate comn- full fourscore years. His hosts of iGrandmothers were important dur- afternoon for the Women's Institute activities. The Grand stand already munity street dance concluded the old friends in Durham County ex- j îng the afternoon and occupied meeting beld at Mrs. Nor n a n filled, the crowd surged over the day's festivities. tend best wisbes on reaching the seats of honor. Mrs. Harry Mc- Mountjoy's. The Seripture reading grounids surrounding the sports' ________ls. agln edte 0hcate fws ae y r.RsslMut enclosure. A new flag was dedicated' coeaincas aglnra h Uhcatr0 a ae yMs us]Mut and unfurled at tbe masthead C D U Proverbs. and the roll caîl was ans- joy, and interesting suggestions for while the massed bands under gen- _____ ____ wered by "Incidents of Pioneer killing cut-worms were given in the eraissmoShehaî flle th ar -_____ - ____ ______ Gordon Strong and son Ralph, at Days." The members decided tO roll cail. Hardwood ashes. sulphur,' eralssio Shnhal flledtheairMr. Robt. Bruce*s. Mr. and Mrs. apply for a short course in wOOl; bran mixed witb paris green, andi once more witb those ever effulgent Mrs. E. Sanderson was in charge Ray Blair, Oshawa, at Mr. Geo. andi the "basket" quilt in white and arsenic Of lime were among the strains of the National Anthem. of the Bible Study at League. and Fowler's Miss Irene Hyland. To- mauve shown at the District An- remnedies. Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy Reeve Percy Stinson of Millbrook, the topie was taken by Miss Muriel ronto, Mrs. T. Hyland. at Mr. W. D. nual was exhibited. Mrs. G. Thomp- was appointed pianist, and otber who by the way, like the shoe black- Fallis. Miss Leah McQuade played, Ferguson's Mr. and Mrs. E. S. son presideti for bier programn which committees decided on were: Fruit;i ing is 2 in 1 this year. being botb a mouhorgan solo, and readingslPerguson andi daugbter. Bowman- was full of variety. The numbers and flower committee-Mrs. Jas. Reeve of Millbrook and Warden of were given by Mr. Lloyd Thompson ville, at Mr. A. E. McGill' s. included the song "When You and Strong, Mrs. T. Smith, Mrs. Robert these United Counties, was in bis and Mrs. Walton Larmer. 1I Were Young Maggie" by the Archer; Park comMttee-Mrs. P. best form 0of speech throughout the Anniversary services were observ- 1H MN IE NC U grandmnothers, with Mrs. R. W. Bailey, Mrs. A. Bailey; Gift commit- day. Cablegram acknowledgemnent ed on Sunday morning and eveningH M GPIE NCU Philp telling the history of Vhe song tee-Mrs. Lelth Byers, Mrs. P. Van- of tendereti birthday greetings to in the United Church when Rev. S. adiswieM.Gog ontn ap n h omte orvs King George was read. There was MacLean, Newcastle, was the inter- STAG ES CLOSE RACE And itrs re Mr.Gre JohnFonlCmp-n the comPimpiz itteVreviseBy Scripture reading and prayer, and esting speaker for both occasions. ______ A h ou e" ig( rn dpas) b 1 th.es aaid rprize lstMr. L. By- an excellent short patriotic address The Sunday School children's choir Bowmanville Homing Pigeon Club lows th V va ogue"*Thonskates)byM. ersad tMrs L.e Mountjoy. t wor by Rev. W. Simpson of St. John's supplied music in the morning, and flew their sixtb old bird race on ondi Minuet" by Mrs. Harry Philp: a course in "Reconditioning of Pur- Anglican Church at Ida. Following Newtonville quartet during the ev- Saturday, June 8tb, from Chatham, and a fascinating story of willo- niture," or second choice "Re-ar- High Scbool patriotie airs, the mass- ening service. On Monday. a sup- Ont.. 206 miles air line. with the ware by Mrs. George Proutt wbo rangement of Furniture." Mrs. Leith eti public sehool chiltiren Of Mill- per and play "The Wild Qat Boy" following results: exhlbited two pleces of willoware Byers presided for the following brook. Cavan and South Monaghan, front Kedron were mnucb enjoyed F. Bottreli 5 hrs, 40 mins, 3 sec. which have been In the f amily for program: Reading, "Background,"1 in the best volume and training and well attendeti. Proceeds $47 F. Bottrell 5 hrs, 40 mmns, 14 sec. over one huntired years. Miss Nor- Mrs. W. Hoskin; reports of the Girls your reporter bas ever observed on Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bathgate ma Hooey playeti a violin solo. and Conference at Macdonald Institute, such an occasion, encircled the Brit- Chas. Gibson, Osbawa, at Mr. Chas. & Sons 5 hrs, 42 mins, 35 sec. Mrs. Grant Thompson gave a comn- Guelph, by Miss Aileen Mountjoy ish Isles in national sentiment. Gibson's., Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Woolner 5 hrs, 44 mins, 19 sec. prehensive study of pioneer customs and Miss Norma Hooey; chorus by Those Cavan Irish kitis could Wright and Miss Jean Wright at Geo. Bathgate and equipment. A "flower" contest six girls f romn Arcber's school; a strangle the Sco's Burr-r like a cat Mr. Jas. Ginn's Mr. and Mrs.* & Sons 5 brs, 45 mins, 51 sec. was won by Mrs. W. Jackson who reading "Somne Rules for Happiness purs. George Nesbitt, Miss Helen Elliot, W. Woolner 5 hrs, 46 mins, 22 sec. was presented with a pretty flower -Try Them," Mrs. Cecil Ferguson:, This Lindsay Boy's Band under and friend, Toronto, aV Mr. Jas. L. Richards 5 hrs, 52 mins, 53 sec, vase. A dainty lunch was serveti, anti a violin solo by Miss Norma the very capable direction of leader Nesbtt's Miss Marjorie Gal- and Mrs. Jas. Malcolmn, Port Perry, Hooey, accompanied by Miss Evelyn Shenhaîl, wbicb bas been organ,- braith, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. L. 131 NEMNTEPLI was announced winner of a prize Sanderson. Lunch was served. izPrI for only a matter of montbs is len. Osbawa, at Mr. Herb. Gal "Behold, happy is the man wbomn for the oldest grandmother present. Recent Visitors: Miss S. A. Short- going o go places. They officiated braith's, Miss Birdie Fallis, Osh- Goti correctetb: therefore despise Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. ritige, Bowmanville, with friends. ail afternoon for tbe various exer- awa, Mr. Frank Walters. Courtice, not thou tbe cbastening of the AI-~ Batty. Newcastle, and Mrs. H. Jol- Mr. anti Mss. O. Larmer, Miss Phyl- cises. The girls' Dance around the at Mr. C. Fallis'. Mr. and Mrs. migty."-Job 5:17. low, Bowmanville, with Mrs. W. J. lis Larmier and Mr. Harry Larmer,- Clemens Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Millbrook, Mr. anti Mrs. John Lar- *MUMUUMMUMMUMMMMMMUUMMUUIUMUMIUMMMUUUUMUUUUUUUUU ountaioy, Mr. anti Mrs. Henry mer, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Larmier. at P 1.....u..*u..UUUUMUuMUUMMUMMUM MMUUMMMUuuuUUPUUUU Mountjoy, ait Mr. Wm. Samelîs'. Mr. Austin Larmer's Mr. anti Mrs. 'T Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stewart and Harry Graham, Toronto. at Mr. IV a" ebitre, etty andi Donald, Miss Oscar Grabamn's- Mr. and Mrs. S. N' au: mm' Madge. Hutchison, Peterboro, Mr. Swain, Miss Jean Byers anti Mr. C gaz a Ceciu Wilson andi daugbters, Miss Herb. Swain at Mr. Oakiey Carley's, w~ MM May Lamb, Enniskillen, Mr. and Cavanville Mr. and Mrs. Albert M~ un~ Mrs. John Hooey. Mr. Roy Hooey. Jones and Miss Marion Jones, Pet- Mv - mu Mr. Burney Hooey. at Mr. Hermnan erboro, at Mr. Robert Bell's Mr un ie Samelîs' on Sunday, the occasion and Mrs. Clarence Graham and Iai un being the fourteenth wedding anni- family, Oshawa. with friends. Mr. IL( M NI versary o! Mr. anti Mrs. John Hooey. anti Mrs. A. J. Newton, Mrs. J. Iui a Mr. and Mrs. James Pbilp, De-__________ _____ a troit. Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. H. * Pbilp. Toronto. at Mr. R. W. Pbilp's YES..nd ON SALE too a Mr. anti MrssP. Malcolm wîth V ES .. and O N a Mr. anti Mrs. Morton, Orono Mrs. Geo. Nesbitt anti Miss Marjorie Nes- I~These blcnds acthe result of "* bitt, Toronto, at Mr. Harolti Nes- EbeA ae bitt's Mrs. Bruce Preelove. Mill- years of expcrience andi devclop- brook. with bier parents .. Mr. anti tilntexerttets avereeatdl 1j6 Mrs. Robt. Dickey. Mr. anti Mrs. tIO R N IN G ioen teirper est ae eetei John Dickey at Mr. IH. Lackey's, ccTyoile oit1iie popular blentis * raserviUle Miss May Noon, Tor- of Coffce, anti you Il appreciate what onto, at Mr. J. Noon's Mr anti -'eslCbfe-1b.l man * Mrs. W. Williams, Miss Leona *Wil- 1Al.~ 3 1lb 23 liams, Mr. Ralpb Sadler, Mrs. E.! _________ b 1-b tn * Taylor, Miss Marion Taylor, Mr. I/ Ralpb Emerson, anti Mr. John Tay- * lor in Peterboro Miss Gladys Mc- i Kee. Toronto, with ber parents, Mr. * anti Mrs. R. McKee Mr. anti Mrs. Oliver, Orillia, at Mr. Lewis Pallis'. -. ww-e ww www~,w - . I BLACKSTOCK 1 * di, Vaipi DOMESTIC vrete q c PICNJC PICKLES 28-oz. jar 25e Pkgs1 2Vhite, Cider anti Malt 163/a-oz. bot. jShortening HEINZ VINEGAR - 14é *HABITANT c HP. SAUCE-- bot. 29C tins elch's 2 19 GRAPE JUICE - med. bot. 2519. IPea Soup 2 2 1 c Clubhrnse S e GLASSCO'S c 32oýFree Running or Iodizeti M arm lad ja 25 SALT - - 2-lb Pkg. 16C* * Assorteti Meti. size tins * * HEINZ SOUPS- 2 tins 27t *COHOE c Qae m -1. inPLJFFED RICE 2 pkgs. 25e. iSalmon -1c QarI<s V4-tins McLAREN-S JELLY C3BPnsgic iPowders CHRISTIE'S FIG ROLLS lb. 15C FRY'S COCOA - - V2~ lb. 23C *k. PUMPICIN - - - tin 10e Poss B anOVALTINE SmI. 38e: Nled.SSC SURPRISE Basi F E5SOAP 2 IRADISHES-- 2 for 5c la Leaf Lettuce . 3 for 10TO ATcAl 1*9c ICABBAGE . . . 5c lb. JUICE2 iSWEET JUICY 2 CSa Cakes MM au Mrs. J. Ashton bas been in III healtb. Several attendeti the League pic- nie at Hampton on Saturday. Sympathy is extendeti to those bereaveti in the deatb o! Mrs. Fred Hudson, Burketon. Miss Irene Graham bas returneti to Maple Grove where she is em- ployeti for the summer season. Congratulations to Mr. anti Mss. Lewis Swain on the bîrth of a son' on June 6tb, in Port Perry Hospital. Miss Dorothy Stephens has been engageti as teacher of Honeydale sebool, a short distance nortb of Port Perry. Mr. anti Mrs. Royal Whitfielti en- tertaineti a few frientis for the bap- tism o! their tiaughter, Ruth Aileen, Rev. C. C. Harcourt taking the bap- tismal service. The local girls' basebali team de- feated Bethanv girls at Janetvllle Fielti Day. The boys' team also playeti Pontypool anti Janetvllle wlth a winnlng score. Miss Ferga Johnston was in charge o! League on Wednesday night, anti the Bible Study was giv- en by Rev. H. J. Bell. Miss Eva Brown gave a very interesting toplc. Many attendeti the funera.l on Tuesday of little Wllma Kelusky, daughter o! Mr. anti Mrs. W. C. Kel- usky. Harmony. Interment w a s matie in the Unitedi Cemnetery, Cati- mus. Women's Associatloù of the Unit- edi Church met at Mrs. Lelgbton's for the June meeting. Followlng business, varlous Items were pre- sented on the program whlch was In charge of Mrs. 0. Wright: Reati- lng, Miss Mae Lelgbton; vocal solo, "The Spanlsh Cavalier," Maurice Samelîs; anti a readlng "Flntilng a H-orse-Shoe," Miss Viola Bratiburn. Twenty-flve were present. Rev. anti Mrs. C. C. Harcourt op- eneti the Rectory for a meeting of St. John's A.Y.P.A. on Wednestiay evening. Followlng the tiscusion o! business. lnteresting papers were given by Mrs. F'red Hamilton on WHEN you hear Kellogg's Rice Krispies snap, crackle, and pop in milk or cream, it's time to dip in your spoon and take a taste.pleasing journey througb flavor and crispness.; You will enjoy Rice Krispies any lime. Extra de- licious with fruits or honey added. Nourishing and easy to digest. When eaîen hy children at the evening meal, or by adulte at bedlime, Rice Krispies invite sound sleep. At grocers everywliere. The P'AGE NINE Here's a Real HIEALTU HABIT A BIG PITCHER, FULL 0F GLEN RAE And because it's there on the table, right where everyone can reach it, the old pitcher says, "Drink me!" Not one will resist it Jim and Betty, Dad and Mother - ail will drink their share. They know it's good for them - know that' it's the cheapest health insurance that they can buy. Glen Rae is like that. It builds up energy, stores up resistance to sickness, keeps minds and bodies alert - alI at the same time it is tempting summer appetites with its creamy, rich look and f lavor. GLEN RAE DAIRY R. R. Stevens & Son, Proprietors PHONE 4083 BOWMALNVILLE >etcb and sons Arnolti and Donald, joy, Ketiron, at Mr. W. Hoskin's.. Toronto, at Mr. Harry Oliver's .... Mr. anti Mrs. J. Blight andi son, M[r. anti Mrs. W. C. Ferguson, Brooklin, at Mr. Arthur Rtahm's . Northport, with tbeir daugbter, Mrs. Mr. anti Mrs. Geo. Bowers and fam- Cecil Hill.. Miss Deck, Toronto, 1lly at Mr. Walter Ferguson's, En- witb ber sister, Mrs. H. J. Bell . f ield. Miss Ruby Ramsay Rouse, Mr. anti Mrs. Leith Byers at Mr., concert pianlst over CFR, anti Mr. gerwin Mountjoy's...Mrs. Mar. Leslie Gibson, Toronto, at Mr. F-red 'ooti Heard anti son, Wootiville. Mr. Taylor's anti Mr. Wm. Taylor's... End Mrs. Perryman, Mr. anti Mrs. Mrs. A. Neilson anti daughter Lona, Lorne Hoskin, Mr. A. Wilson. Col- Toronto, with Mr. anti Mrs. Jas. imbus. Mr. anti Mrs. Haroldi Mount- Brooks. WAXTITE bag inside the red. and-green package keepa Rice Krispies oven-fresh. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. Quality guaranteed. MOTHER -G00SE STORIES ae told hy Keflogg's Slnging Lady appear on the baeka of Rice Krisples packages. Chlldren love them and thse more Rice L'impie, you buy thse more etoWIOs you gel. gd'ioWRICE KRISPIES a

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