Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1935, p. 12

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PAGE WELVETHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, MAY 3th, 1935 i N ew caste -o nhe L ake IR T H S~ The pNeacatatle ts Popularit As An STECKLEY -At Oshawa Hospital.I E MK Al Summer Resort ta Dr. and Mrs. D. E. Steckley. A foi ei nd ecouag-146 Simcoe North, on May 27th. Stove and Furnace NecsleOng ih frhrenlightenifladnorg-C h n fMy id aoiy a daughter, Patricia (Patty) Du- Ne ca tl address the initial letters CG h edoaayine. aoiy i e nd F ti g Saving ime onSundyI.T. standing for Canadian Girls Inl of the sumnier homes here being oc- aie 1anng-C fo*orgGfrcpe either f ulli tue or over week- - Ail shapes and sizes. Newcastle, by orde ftI ui for Imagination, and T ends and on holidays by owners or cia oni.wllg nDyîh raîniflg Miss Jean Rickard, seasonal tenants. M R IG SCinySak n president. conducteddathe service: WhUle Dr. and Mrs. Walton-Ba-11 WANTED- MAID. EXPERIENCED. PASTURE FOR CAT1TLE -APPLY Tops Savng im net undy, un 2n, rs. rA W.GlneY, Lader.eissi Ts sul e mondatHris TOPO A.SER n Apply "B. H. W.", Drawer B, Bow- to W. J. Williams, 17 Rose Street, at 1 a. a. and. itands ceitize o s.areG enaskeLe detole22n-wO shaw a.a be22-2datOHrrCsn sO M-O NS p rin k lers- I put their dlocks and watches ne son; and Rev. S. MacLean ascended Lodge, the doctor has leasedhs Bowmanville. by Rev. Geo. Mason. manville. 2-* Ohw.2-* OlCn pike hour ahead before retîring Saturday to the pulpit for a few minutes to other cottages on the estate as fol- May 22nd, RalPh Thompsofl, son night so that when they arise on mk h noneet n pa lows: "Broadlawfl" to Mrs. Leila o!mr.ad Mrs. Geo. Thonipson. WORKZ WANTED-I AM PREPAR- TO RENT-FOUR ROOM APART- Pails, Cake and Bread Sundy monin the wi hae t e he wam ords o! panspeandHwrdaddugtr rs. Wm. Orono, and aahabl agter ed to do one horse work ploughing ment, electricity, water w o r k s.asan oe Sundy mrnig tey good haex he oerm o rdte .GI.. ovement and Howartd todbe folloed h Ms fMr ndSMras. .E abel, errY gardens. drawiflg ashes. carting, Apply Geo. W. James. Phone 53. Pn n oe correct official time and no go x oet;t efloe yteMs- o r n r.J .Rnbry cuse for being late for church. cerfrteCGIT omn adsChly, "ogwo'toMs etc. Dunlop Strawberry plants - - -- __&__Boxe_ Helen Jones and cousin, Miss Mabe AN~GMB nBwal asnDk tet omn lcfrel culdb . Foe ae n leader, Mrs. A. W. Glenney. in New oserBarkham Hal" to, Mrs. Ida ville, M2tBY Rev.nGo.Ma- vîe2~* aisn&Sn pl tts aktLn Mr. John Lord, Shaw's. has been castle. Miss Marguerite Harris.y so-b e. e. a 2 1 FoerVse n confined to his bed with illness for prano. and Miss Helen Rickard. al- Stinson and ýdaughter. Miss Frances;, eorle.A.1Laing, son ofSMr. . man Otatce. Fomewees. o. angfroi te chir oft Mr. FankSevrn.and Mrs. Peter Laing, Township Mr adMr.Edun hakayCil o heKng" etaCok.of Clarke, and Odla Mae, daughter For Sale TO RENT-ONE HOUSE ON HOR- Boilers - Steamers spent Sunday in Toronto with her Emma Jean Harris, Margaret Pac Mrs. A. C. Campbell haS let her of Mr. Leonard Gamsby and hlsySreteBal Hm" daugher, iss Parl bar.and Gracie Powell collected the Of!- cottages on Boulton St. to Mr. andý late Mrs. Gamsby, Orono. FOR SALE--ONE NATIONAL CASH onle house on Wellington St., the Ml olr Mr. Wilbert Graham. Belleville. fering. Miss Thompson. Mrs. Gien-i Mrs. E. E. Overend and Mr. and Regispro oe. &J alrsfr- "a wHm. J. B. Martyn,Bw- owaile setteweedwt ipaetnyand Miss Jean Rickard on the Mrs. John Canavan, the former in .4- atý, ow owanile 22-2* Evtog Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham. ' 31.0lfl and all the girls in the, 'Tinturn" and the latter in -Tin- manv --e Mr. and Mrs. Walter Seldon and chor t wore white middies and tagel." DEATHS 222*HUmanville.ORE O arMu lr friend have been visiting at Mr. and blue skirts and altogether presefte Athough building a permanent FOR SALE - PIANOS, DOMINION, Concession and Division Streets, Adayhn o a Mrs A O Prkr' ad njyig hea veiy neat and strikinlg appearance. homeurepinte village, Mr. COJ-i ~aa nMna. vaînut, goûd tonle. FPrice $29.00, aîî modemn conveniences. Appîy And antin o a MrsSimcoe Street North, Oshawath.furtPhone in14W.CO22-2 T ONhawConPER -.yZINe springtime beauty of the village. At they came in f rom the Sunday and Ms. Cecil Horrocks and daugh- May 27th, 1935. hillip Coliun tems. Apply John Meagher. 92 Wm. Brook. Box 122, Bowmanville. ati schnol hall they sang as a proces-, ters have opened their lake front his 68th year. SmoStetNrhOsa. heE14APRTMENTTOTIEN- CIPR - IN bY JaFck th Glam.ean afewotagstlef--Hil" or he um-ALLEN-In Bow mnafville. on Friday. E T D A A T E TT E T A V N Z D o L C Brown's softbail team, reinforced iiil bi n i J a c k H a r e .e N e w c a sn dtleo t t a e pH a l -atc h e rf o r t h e s uI 2 0 7 *-G A A N Z D o B L K won against the Starkville team on er the beîedictiofl sang the C.G.I.T.! mer season as usual. Ma 4h 95 .ThreAln O AL-RS A OD0F Cnrllcto, ons hmd the.latrdiaM ndoMa23d coig0f prs.E. C. TronoMr . cpnsforWo lb sue ! aged 82 years. wood shingles and cement just ar- ern conveniences, fireplace in liv- Our shop is as close as Mr.an Ms.Erc ucs.ToonoFu-her presided at the ora.i uatsfrhua attractive cot LA i lt eidne aî ie t Burketon elevator. Phone, ing room, electric stove installed, orpne Mr. ardn Ttl r. oand, rs, tages. Wod0f~" a ucks Mail Street, Londoni, May 28t.h, J. Bowmanville 195r5l. Port Ferry garden and garage, possession ohn he-.en ih e at e . Mr.G r on T teyTr nt ,our phone. a d - uc a OV L - thi ae ei en e al ie Mr spa te veekend wîth herofather. weekend visitar 7Wit r n i.hoe" throughout July and Ags. Stanley Loveli. ini bis 52nc1 year. 193r51.21. ueltPhn38.Al Ms MakadMse d n lzbt onGro.Mr. Geo. N. Bull, NeWýc9stes glad- Brother o! A. E. LovelI. Oshawa. FOR i TaiLOGANt Mrli. Isa king.lb..annd calWredhtonMrrFORGarrod.HICE SHORTHORN Aci at Mrs. Earl Walton is nicely recov- rs. John Garrod and Mrs. Bart Jackson, Mrs. Milton EKL-nDrin __nu- Blllnts e i oo; edR E O A erngfrmlir ecn oerton te r ad rLong and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mat- day. May 26th, 1935. Sarah Jane f ully accredited. S. Chas. Alln, A FRONT Matrfor.eniii, n sandhes r. ahrieFdMr r Thone. widow of William Beckel, R. R. 4, Bowmafville. PoeTNMTIG N late r h ef r appn diciis an d i s exh - A re 25 Y ears M arried ta ewd M rs. F edC la e n Fd s n , i e er. Mrnt r e n Z on 1 6 1 .2 -1 D b olct r h l c l o H ET M T L W pitl d h om eefok Bo m nile hs.Fin s Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Farncomb a d Cemetery. - moTw' in SitreetGEat Mrs. Ross, who has been keeping orebyFml and redS REICHRATH-Ifl Oshawa. on Sat- FOR SALE-PIANOS. - -- mAN ouwng Strr Tde i ove-Poeet264s house for Mr. John Morrow, Ingsdaughter Constance, Mr. and Mrs. y a 2t,13.Vitr &C. Msn&RsHEINTZheM- iYng I awver:aTie, if c poe-hoe2W W.J.EW. ckan onJak.aeEliuda.Mab21. 93.VitoanCdMsoisonshNrdei-JetcIhaenidaahreeol __al-______________ Hîghway East, is quite ill and con- Constable and Mrs. John Garrod's1 ways improving and developfing Manley Reichrath. son of Mr. and er. Price $9500 and up, terms. think you are a client. fined ta hier bed at hier daughter's, slver weddiflg day s past, but maly terbeautiful properties and the Mms. Henry Reichrath. Newtoni- Apply John Meagher, 92 Simcoe MRee ve aldw. Gaa»ttn-hpy memiories o! the celebration sum1id the m enjo ing them 1 ville. aged 1 year. 15 days. St. North, Oshawa. 20-7* linger.d . raa ated Certain of the details were asi h at ELA e oe Indian Grove. RSL -WHT LGH N eodathemeeting in ownsill ei-arefulY planned by tefamily. but Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Rolph,. Orano. Toronto' May 27th. 1935. Henri- Baby Chicks fmom blood-tested Monay veingtaconide te fn-fond friends interjetda lmn spend much time in the enjoymient etta Hambly. dearly beloved wife lhens. Reduced prices after May ancing and installation of a modemron srpise. As the f amily and gtiests of thi aefot otg.o rederick R. Heal, in bier 7lst 15 Phone Alvin Clemetis. Bow- cold storage plant in that town. st rund the festive board with ODm er and Mrontcaer.adsnJm er omryo omnile avhe erHmtn 8t _ Mr. H. H. Ardagh and san, M. the table centred with a gorgMu, ie wýill be in their cottage duing!jGAMSBY - Ini Oshawai. Saturday. -________ Gown Adag. Mss aptel nd nd uchadmi'e for-ter edvacation montbs. as will als r May 25th. 1935. Eleanor iNelie> FOR SALE - ROGERS 5 TUBE w hae on oerea t sen tehoard ouletwnt-fveyer M. ndMr. . unanhae Gamsby and daughter o! the late tion. Wil seIl cheap. Cash or C O O L W '~ summer in England and Ireland. wed, as words of goodwill. congrat been ooming regulamly since the Thomas Henry . Interred in Orono ternis. John Pritty, King St. E.. ilt nLgl 1 tothei BoltoSt.f irst house past Kingsway Nurser- Two unded adt irtoepa-ulations and gifts begat t pour up 27 ies 22- ronsenfyed he anaian egili n them. Their cbildmen presented ctaen g oasirBalonStaemtey dance and music of the colored or- father and mother with a purse of ottaes 95selA.ashv JtohrpoeryTEOT-nMna. TM ______WHITE____ awners. 1935.rRuand i A. J.dTren1uth.eBRICKnHofSEhFOR SA MrNEan- chestra. either as participators or mOneY sddaloM.an m Mrs. Farncomb bas let '"Mea1v, youngesBsnRICheKae m.anUîSnwciyFOnvSAenune t sp caos nt ec m uity hall on fo r r w f G e w o ot ge 1 n Ai d e G e o1ly n w iy c n ei n e, wt spectatrs.in f thcommun .mtte ewcaso!tle ndsCotge ok Cttage" nAide lntMrs. Richard Trenouth. Bowman- two acres of land, six oonis and Came the *Newcstle Mrs. E.. Tbompson wbo wllen- ileinbs5d arIteed ah. malchpaet.a- Mr. A. O. Parker. Mms. Ed. Powell their surprise, an address read by tertaiiE.gust rougbotvheium late. aiill3r ear Ite bance Sat 5licerstam nowba- and Mrs. W. J. Hockin went to Tor- Mrs. Geo. Gaines. together witb eti nea 1 neet a nw anto Fiday ta be with their mother, mer. t EvangeskeHall, BRADLE-At the residence o! bis den, Maple Grave. 222* with beautiful carnations and snap- Tmno ilb pnn Copprsonin-aM.PLun.cr-- S EiHAYTH GT hospial fo treamentto lir draons.a freh aircampduriflg booJunctiori, May 28th. 1935. FOR AE1HPYTOG S MR hosptal or tealmnt a he eye draons James Bradley. beloved. husband Range, No. 9. in good shape: one preparatory ta an opeation for the xm ndMs arrod also received extensandtaAueust. ra fto a rose bowl f rom his bra- Frend.hpe to see Mms. Geo. H. Of AnneDigunbs7t ar exniotbl;neodfahe'- St. George's Cburcb - Rev. F. H. 1hri-a n iseM.adMs Carveth and Mm. and Mrs. Hudson Intermed Fine Hilîs cemetery. tick. Can be seen at Mrs m 1Tetley, Toronto, and o! a flower stowe at their cottages duing part MaPHAIL-In the Sick Cbildren'5 s~W E T E Jue2d udyatrAcn i-oftes me- HsiaTrn, hsdyMy St., between 5 and 6 P. ni. 22-1*WA TE Jun 2n. undy ! tr Acesio 'stand froni Mrs. Christie, Brockville. otesumr at least. Chas. Don- Hpia.orn.ThrdyMa _________________ Day: il a. m.-Momnitig Frayer and The hanomed couple were also recip- m ead gardener. bas been on the 23rd. 1935. Marguerite Joan Mac- FOR SALE - DEERING G R A I N sanlghtSvn ie ulation. including one f rom Mrs. keeping. every-thitig trim land neat. Iandi Mrs. Basil MacFhail. Port separator; 1 Fleury plow No. 21; an2emn hsrie et !svrlmsae !cnrt saefrsnewespatn n hiblvdduhe !M. Bne,6!.ct eaa ra DoayltultonS raving Time. Gammd's sisters in England, Mrs. Mrs.gOlive Meredith will be open- Hope, in hem 3rd yeam. Interred ator: 1 Fleury plow No. 21; 2 Con ng ruie os ta M'S DaiNo- Mitchell and Miss Nellie Claver who ilg ber lake front bungalow and in Cobourg Cemetery. wagon springs. Apply L. R. Wood. de ad rde fmmry is dih peta anhhere ast summem there is no danger o!'tle los -________________Phone___ Rowe, daugbter o! M. Lewi Row.e, also f rom ber uncle, Mm. Harry King~ son" going untenanted. 597ing-tre..B 22v-l.Fbn1M dshW hie Bawmanville, on Ster ammievein.wbose birtad.ay coincides witbM.Mr. and Mrs. AI!fred Boflskill, al- IN MEMORIAM FRSL-INS TNE a Bawanile o Studayevnig.and Mrs. Garad's xedding day. May though they have not yet erected a FOR________S_~ACLE-PCAN, $75N00. Cam on.u ee llb tyihyco B.A., B.D.. o! Trinity United Churcb. ltadwa nti ae,13.a-cottage on their prapedrtyu. are drawn i -nd uchmor Miss Thonipsan. Wbitby, wha was tained bis 9th anniversary at bis froiniTaranto weekly bY the charnis COCHRANE-In loving memary o!f n e s wet acos admc oeat case if yeu thespeialspake attheC..I.. hme n hamPaign, Ill. Mr. King O! NewcasteontheLake. aur dear f ather who passed away froir, almast like new. AIl Pianos buy a pair of these new mod- Rally in the United Church an Sun- guamadMa 1t,133 ontMeedfr ten yereetplY ish. whites. They corne in al day evening, was guest of Mrs. A. It was a day of anniversaries for who are ahwaYs pleased ta greet and -Sadly missed by Leslie, Ivan Jh ege,9 iceSre W. Glenney who also entertaiiied at the Gard family for i, was alsa' welcome the çvarmer weather vst and May Cochrane. North, Oshawa. 20-7* sizes, alilf ittiiigs and ail heels, ta htte ihhaeteo-tewdigdyoMran r.osadrsdns theGarrero IJ.and look at the price range- potunity of meeting Miss Thmp- Gro' agtr isNliadW isnadRlhteMse O AE-EETI TV son personally. the executive officers Mr. Walter Haigh, Newtonville. Breen. M . and M s. -Jas.B tM. CARD F THANKS wrm i h tavn udeat b optt e at ed $1.98 - $2.45 - $2.98 - $3.45 $3.95 - $4.9! o! the C.G.I.T.. Miss JaRikard It was Mrs. Haigh, assisted by hemp1 and Mrs. Chas. Rogerson farndkig elsi te o wa Pres.; Miss Lama Adainis. VicPirs.: slister-in-law. Mis. AI!fred Garrod., 1W. Mr. and Mms. Jerry Breen, Mrs. Teldefooue tee ru hr. A brg malin athe$8ot0. AppY Miss Mariarie L3ycett. Treas.; Miss wha made the wedding cake which ,Gea. Wise and childreti, Mr. Chas.o!TeliesofChumch wSrta thnk aI Jhn ritty, Kgingt .0., first Marguerite Haris, Sec' .was so, much admired and which Wilson, Mm. and Mms. Alec Adair, w of kinly ouht icet o th e bal ouse Patt KingSt. .Nurseres Yaae.n Mrs. Wm. Quigg and fam- 22-1knl buh iktsfrte hus atKnswyNreis United Church - Rev. S. Mac- ,vas as delectable ta the ae as Mm.an picture *'Laddie" at the Royal The-2-1 Lean, B . A.. Pastor. Sunday, June it was pleasing ta the eyes. ihy. mrs. Farncamb and ÏMm. and Mrs 1_______MssF.________Leader______Rea Mam Cniti WrneShlp 2.30 p. mu- fe uprtermidro h enig reey, and others just a little G. Morris. Sec'y.; Mms. E. V. Hoar, NTC MrigWrhp2.0p .-uleeigwas pleasantly spent wth f rther away f romi the centre o! theTeaue.F o C m or day Schol; 7 p. m.-EengSe-jcds summer colanY. i vice; aIl services on Daylight Saving Tue.Th atrincmaywh CARD 0F THANKS Port Darlingtofl Harbour ComnpanyThstlara nhigop the Lay Delegate, M. A. 0. Parker, HOW~ THEY FIISHED [N NEWCASTLE TRAIL RANGERS Ana etn h tl ra nti will be attending the week-day ses- DEANERY CARPET BALL LOOP' HELD FIELD DAY FRIDAY Mm. Arthur T. Hubbard desires ta is exclusive with NaborhOd sionsofteByoQuneCne-BY OPTFR BADGES tak his niany neighbars far the Natice is hereby given that the, Free fittlng lasts to promt o! a PtherBao! u inlrtnte on! he er-wiBOYSe he fgureEofEeaFORfruit presented to hbu Annual Genemal Meeting o! theTh pec atnFeterboman biil reumnf ta he tolpoingsree figucres a! -while un the Toronto General Hos- stockholders o! the Port Darlingtonexrfotcfrt onheundar and bring neubs o! the ttl ont eeae, cre y Picnic and Campflre Progr&fli In- pital; aiso many other friends for Harbour Company will be held at depi rnet On Friday, May 24th, w ad esn aptbi ae:~~cluded in Interestiflg Holiday' their kind words of sympathy. the office of te compafly, Port Dar- front, in aIl wldths, alles bail teamsisfrani this village. one the ers, Cobourg. Cup Winnes-2715 Porn ________________ iona, J o! Bowm195,anvi hea dilhes Fatryta S.Po -a6;hur o! four o'clock in the after- $1 .98- $2.45 and.98 l$3.4 - $.9 -$45 J. Anderson Sm ith Box F co y t a i S. John's, Pot Hope 25 2; St. 1 Last Friday was Victoria Day, a b n s m il e u nto ke ! bs n day, .S.T unefor th 1935 ti fd rt5 $ .8he4 $ . 5 $ . adteother a Newcastle teani e- Joh n 's, B w a vle 27- S.h n sm ivrcpi e flt cnuite yJh ikrCa.Gogs omtvle2 t i a in Newtaiiville, but in New- 1 camung aut at; the top.CI-arlie ex-D.T.fotheeciio!dr Newcastle-23JohnCourt-rcast. it was the Trail Ranger pressed bis feelings un a nice little ectors for the said campatiyfote Thcka ad e. rhani. played esy o! Mm. H. Breretan. Sec'y . cSt e ensuing year and for transaction o! un a tounametit at Newtonviile. Gearges Men's Club. day t was. At 2 'clock this junior The camp Mentor also presented îhe meeting. eacb losing by one run . The other -1 Camp'5ofiC E.h bos Datei o tebysand a memarablespeech. chJbusies my camebefore comnpeting teanis were Orono and GLE UEMSINBN popular mentor, M.Ewi Han- tive o! badges won during the a! ter- Newton'Jille. Ree'.e Grahamni !gured GLE UL MrO BN mu o .S . EbyswitnthiStealth byecrticaksrndca-. TMCeasur. in the Newcastle pick-up teani. He cock, member o! the Ontario Older noon and to b receîved later, badges Dtd at BowanileamyBTeasure sasthe team bhas no manager. J. The Golden Rule Mission Band Boys' Parliametit gathemed at the 1 foar jumping and throwing to Charlie May 3th, 1935. 2- A. Smith, Presidnt, manages the met in the S. S. Rooni on May 18th conmutity park ta try their skill 1 Bonathaf, Dug. Waton, Reg. Mea- 2- factory tean for which Bill Brunt under the supeintendency o! Mrs. at jumping. running and thi'awing, 1 dows. Rog. Meadows, Harld Hoar, SHOE STORE pitched and Tam Brown caught. E. M. H. Ward, and with Fresident and f ulIo miit awnaeor'Harold Hookin and Stn CoucKIa( HoricltualSocietyscaninittee Margaret Pearce in the chair. Jean more Trail Ranger badges indica- a badge fr throwiilg ta Carl Fisher. RPAisOBLC WM N I EST ] responible foi-, the development o! Bonathan pesemted the treasuersi tive o! a certain atheetic standard foIt was an evenitg f ull o! interest R. P A W S Ng th rSa he jnctin o! the report. Group leaders Shirley Couch attained.rM. ackhdotepiz BtanSo Kiflg'sHigbwayin fron o! Mm.Gea. an NommaVanDuse reportd.the Te boys eme grded int class-tokens apmeset-a butoneta ar- SalsnsewnGnobdyGadrcar Sîtchin - --PeVias ta this the group engag- Cut osenBed ceig1 e eto pORT HOPE ~~~ed in a treasure hunt twhich for a DurhamiCony olniI Bed-exedilgÂupr eli u P R HO E Office is open WEDNESDAY of long tume seemed ta be a futile One ers ave been nvited ta join Yrk sfeender, tS id. e tseGarage eac w ek from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Phone 248 for aI abut finaly Charlie Bonath- Holstein Breeders n a plnic at Eln ufo! no the ener, t s c the p roer each week lin hge.fuI! oudImentreso!e thbokcontractdbr 18, re-u ket piled up withà dishes and lef't l 10 a. ni. standard time. N. Desardins. COBOURG. Office is open SATURDAY of each over f rom the lunch. AItogether ut,1Bceay ekfrm 9am.to 9 P. M. Gordon E. was a great day for Charlie for wheti Mm. and Mrs. C. W. Rabm anti Departmletit o! Public Works,3MieEatoNwcsl Garnett in charge. wr matie known, Charlie was her- Stacey anti Mrs. Will Stacey, Mr.Poe lre30A NT~WII ialombe klndly make appolntiaents alded as the champion of the day anti Mrs. George Little, Mrs. Mary Barbery- bushes harbor a rust Poe lre30A NOTEWhO St U PWb'and wth proper ceremony, as ahI Welsh, Little Britain, were holiday that attacks wheat. For that reasofi fo0r Milatîons. were enJoying the warmnth o! the guests of Mr. and MNs. W. H. Rahm, 'they are undesirable un wheat- camp-fume, was presented i wth a Bumketofl.. growlng sections.

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