Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1935, p. 10

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PAc-lm" &I.NTH CAAAN TA SMNBWMNIETUS Y.MY3t 15 FRUIT GROWERS TAKE NO DEFINITE ACTION ON STORAGE (Continued from page 1) hood of $30,000 and where a valu- able feature of the plant was that ir having ail sales of apples under one head it prevented the 'working' of growers by truckers. E. H. Darling, Hamilton. consul- tant engineer, who bas been build- ing cold storage plants for the past five years explained the technical details of the building and displayed a sketch wbicb might be suitable for a Bowmanville plant and would cost around $100,000. Kyle Squair, chairman. asked for discussion of the question. The following were some of t.he opfiin of the growers at. the meeting: Chas. Wight: What particulai advantage would it be when the bulk of niy apples are Baldwins? I amn always willing to adopt anY pro- gressive idea, but have ordinary storage of my own. We should es- tablish an organization before we go into, any proposition of this dimens- ion. Chas. M. Carruthers: I would flot like to throw any cold water on cold storage but there are big- doubts in my mind that ive need cold storage in this district as the crops are cut in two for the next ten years and we cannot expect to get taxation lowered by asking the governments for more grants. Mr. Irwin Colville: We have got along through ten years of good crops with ordinary storage and would suggest droPping the ides for a fewv years. Today. witb crops cut in haif, is not the time ta, start cold storage. Milton J. Elliott: I have neyer been strongly in favour of a cooper- ative Fruit Growers' association and the problern should be considered carefully before this district is load- ed up with a cold storage plant. M. J. Staples: We have had mostly hardy apples and ordinary storage should answer our purpose. I havte great doubts whether it would WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? WHAT ? about painting your home or buildings this year. WHEN ? Do it now when the weather is suitable. WHERE ? To get your paint? Why at Jewell's, of course~ because they are sole agents in Bowmanville for Fo- Glaze, Canada's finest paint. Wide range of attractive colors suitable for every purpose. Flo-Glaze Paint S1.40 qt. Old Colony Paint 85e qt. Substantial reductions on gallon and f ive gallon lots. J .W.Jewell BOOKS & STATIONERY PAINTS & WALLPAPER CHINA & GLASS Phone 30 *1 be wise to undertake a plant in Bowv- manville. I do flot want to go away 'tsith the idea voted down. but we -must have more information. I do not want to commit myself without seeing more o! the track ahesd. W. Frank Rickard: If we do not get cold storage there w-ll hav ob another plant erected for orinary 1storage. If ut- could financP s 30 or- 40 thotîsand dollar plant. it 'toulcl be s good ides. J. H. H. Jury; A cold storage plant would be s great advanaet this community, especially t ml growers. Now that crop is rt-duc edi we should take care o! what we have and if we do not get the cold stor-j age here some other district nearby will probably obtain it. Russell Osborne: We can well s!- ford to push s cold stocage plant there will be many difficulties. locally if evecyone gets behind it. but Most o! us dont feel we can vote it SELLSR down as it would be the best thing sELLSR for us but would need the cooperat- Comr, nrz r. D : ion o! every grower. S.Jh. .n. -C:- t E. A. Summers: More figures are Sa-. u w,. .r.uovn- -' necessary to put before the growers - - - - - - -. before tbey could involve themselves qn.nJ-;e.-a- cyof n o.- in an expensive proposition. The f:cnzt ch,:c- 'n:.B.r 1 'vay I have it estimated the interest 105,h an; D':: ! on investmnent alone would on a -on. - $100.000 plant run over $4500 per , ht- conac:a:o..I: year. 9nd - 1830. *ha- Re--. A. B Roland M. Cale: I would rather o! Cobourg. condnuct4--z':-An - say nothing as I have storage o! My alîcan ser-.u'e -: nB-'-- - -- own. but it seems to me that this i,'tva. in 1335 tha:-u -- cs- mieeting isflot a representative menced on the !irst gathering, showing that growers are wtas replacedi in 1855 o- -. --ec not psrticularly interestcd in a cold church build:cu. Inr 1'p stora,ýe plant. above are ' 1,' Mc. C.r ! G. B. Bickle: We have built up our own storage as have others at great expen'-e and at the present storage today ,v-7 be ao,,- fÇa-e :;n moment do flot feel it wize to comi- the near futu:e. IThey z-' :ok mit ourselves for large s.-.ms o! mon- f orward and a':m at l- ey in a cold storage plant. I W. F. Rickac'd bo-ar or'e s ce- H ioward Gibson: We are behind , soluior wh:.ch ;;as no-,adop*en to the movement as long as itis flot the effect that, the met...2- S f toc) cooperative. We Iuae to market our oivn apples. E. H. Darling: I see cold storage developing in the U. S. A. to greal txtent andi cannot see any future for Ontar-io Gx-o'veî-s unît-sa they go into colti arorsee and pusb it. An group o! growers wvhich ignores colt The Young Lady Says 0 0 a We have always hacl a special fondness for small shops -places where you can feel quite certain of finding a collection of carefully chosen clothes. On a sunny day this week we discovered The Evlyn Shop - at the cor- ner o! King and Silver Streets. When you suddenly find yourself with an import- ant week-end engagement and not a single thing to isear t this is the shop for you. Every dress in the collection has its special allure whether it is a dark pinted crepe or sheer, gracefully designed for larger figures or a f rilly evening gown that looks like sweet young things dancing in the moonlight there is a stunning collection of good-looking Shirt- maker frocks in ail the pet shades for summer. Prices -are very reasonable as you will agree when you sec the delightful dresses. They range from S2.95 to S18.95. Corner of King and Silver Streets - Phone 594 The Evlyn LADIES' SPECIALTY Shop VICES TO NLXRK HUNDREDTH A1'%NMV'ERSARY c~re -'--r ~r.tsof Sgt. Maior Petbîck. - ~. --- -. .r :ne - o~e-bdy lues in the churchi ars nmed:ately south o! the -- - cCh Scoot Densen'. shown in5. - cepresn-. ..s . v - k-theor.y Sth generatuon meme -:. ýnt _ n ----.C ?R -!th'- cn£rezatoî:attending the M.tr.A- ------ --- - : 2.- a-, -the present t'me. Both 'C -Da - Ms ersen: andi Mrs. iHumphries1 .-c D--sr baptîzeti. confirmed and a- -n -- :ea :n -tht' cb-rch. while Scott. who 7 ..- - - - ar c'o tS oapt:zed thece. 'tvll be confirni- - t 6 - - - .-zn - ':d-tthece oy Rt. Rt-v. A. R. Bevenly, el --DD.. Suffrazan B.shop o! Toronto, r Mrs D-' .z -. J:r.e 9.h. A complete history o! t- S. John*s Chu,-ch, in sescialinif- ccc M n* w. cmmence în the I c-t ac. !'.-c.- -.-:2. *ext , eo! The Statesman. SALV TIO ARM ISoth«er.', 'tho have contributd SALVA ION RMY I 'ro:ec amoun.-L. THÂNKF[JL FOR M RE CaD*nr J. Ba-ten wishes to thank. SELF DENIAL GIFTS cesary informatrion regarc.gco-- ~ ~ ~ ' 1struction and operatior. coud b 01e : 1 obtained. and the meet'nz e.ý.a*4ý, De-a ac7c-.r -. e iadjourned with rno def:nte act:or.ai_ : ý . -. fo: 0 having been taken. It was after lwr wn.R.'-; E. F YI1 a. mi. when the meeting adjourned r--' r:-T.o,- C and the story hasnt been half told- Bar'r-* ý Ba H .R H. Bà*-e- ___________________________ Dr. J. C:ark Be1. Miss Beak:y-. M-- Baile:.-. M Ina B-irrz.C. Ca-*:. a. WED INGH. M. Co)e~. F. Cr3-derman. Mf7. W WEDDING F. Dae. Mr- GeKo. Dîý,kns-r.. Mr- M. El!")*M-, .Gî'IPspve, A. Mi Hoskin-ffhiffen 'Hardy. Mr'. E. Hayden. MNrs. Mar:a Hobbs, Mcv.. F. Mclndoo. D. R. Mor- A very pretty wedding was sol- ,risýon. H. M. Nans,)n. M A Neal. emniized May 25th, at 2.30 o'c Ock, Mn. j. No-kc- . A. Richards. Mc-. E by Rev. A. Beauchamp Payne, at St. ickard. c Thos. Sellers. Mc'-. C. Thomas' Church, Belleviîlle. when. W. Slemor,. Dr. V. H. Strjcey. Se'r.*- Elizabeth Julia. only daughter o! ýStores, E. C. Southey. W. H. Thck - Mr. and Mrs. J. Whiffen. was united, son, A. R. Vrgin. G. W. Youn2ý1 in the holy bondLs of matrimorly to Jerusalem Lro"ge A. F. and A. .%I o William Jamte.- Hoskin, cf Bowman- 31, 5 anor.ymo.-,us donors. and ahot ville, son o! Mr. and Mrs. J. Hoskin j___ ____ o! Oshawa. The church was beautifully dec - i orated wth Callis llies and fernis Do while the guests' seats were marked, D dds'5OOContest with the conventional white bow. As Lohengrins Wedding March 'tatj W IN N Iplayed b3- Mrs. Hunter. the rdi W I NR entered the church on the arn o! Thousands of entries were received in ber father. wearing a gorgeous gown Dodd'a $500 Testimonial Contest recently of whit.e baronette satin and lace ý1 dveried in this paper. The Contestants Idesigned on princess lines. Her love- t hemeez determineal the corret answe. ly silk net veil was caught witb a1 The most popular ranlting of the letters under i reatb o! orange blossom.s and she cosderation, (the correct anaver) wasasa carried a bridaI bouquet of Butter- cliows: 21, Nfr BatelleN',nt.2, NM Wl. f ly roses and maiden hair ferni. 'Me o,,. Wnn;en,2 3, W. l'eavock, If iifn. 4,.,,I-, bride also carried a novel lace band- Legault. O o5, Ne.buzal. uIt, 6 i kerchie! sent to her by ber aunt in Bni.[ovo7 r.Clat he "u 8 F ir >tiîî ',katoo)n; 9.,'l.C. it.,r France, wbich had been worn by ber frno 10, Mtr, Beok, vancou-r. on ber wedding day thirty-nine Cheques have been mailed to the fol- years ago. lowing prize -iners:- The bidesmaid, Miss Clara Mc- $200 won by: Ewan, wore a sea green Parisianne ' dress over green satin with Regec Mrs. Cordon .rmitage, Sturgeon Fals, Ont. bonnet and dainty muif to match. $25 won by each of the f ollowing: On ber muf was a quaint ittle cor- Mrs A '. MBîtn, Clarence. Anna. (. NS. P. Rh-autntmî, ýe) u1ri-.air.-.. l Rirr e r saeof sweet peas. % Ir, . 1. H Htriii,onnBplwtttul ont, The groom was attended by bisI Me,. J. NI. (l;hnn, Grandora,bSak. brother. Mr. E. Hoskin. During the $5 won by each of the f ollowing: s igning of the register, Mr. Ross 1tr. I. Iaight. Jr, Centre, ille DiKîhy, N S Hunter sang "0 Perfect Love," Ne..1) Nriritrn Brockville, Ont.; Mr, f_ Litti, R R. 5, ,h,-Lturne-, Ont.:Clîtrit, l Ater the wedding a reception was Algonquin. Ont., J. S. Black, 3 18 W. llth A, held at the home o! the brides par- Vancouver: J. Wt. Laac.aîn, Br'tadvmt-w, sa,k. 'tr'. J. 1il. uyla, 1ighy, N ... MNI GIl. enta and a luncheon was served to risarie, Irt-wdalt., Sask.; '.I,. H. Bt-l, 126 Ben- ,about twenty-five g uesat s, T h e son Ave,. lronto 1)Douglas Lucas, . R. 2, ,- brides mother, Mrs. J. Whiffen, re- oi' iis ' .(titRiR I Chilliwanlt il C. Mn,. J. keynîlî,, Ctînfanj.. Nan. MNr, E. ceived in a dress o! navy blue crepe wüher 49 IWtlI nd Ave., St. CathaientNIe. sheer with matching bat, and Mrs. Rd. Cookl, i.rNan.: Mîi.,. M. Shanît,, 5 St' Hoskin. mother 0f the groom. wore Shrîtourne St., I(ronta; IMe.. Anthony Buser, The ELt.,, Ma.: 'tirsC. Armstrot.ang , lt a navy blue jerico crepe dress with Sa.,k. Ni,.0, J. Etnttnd, Les Chtnaux. 't.utîrvui, bat to match. They both wore a Que.; Mes. G. Sttith, 150 Danî,îrth Ave., Tinon- corsge ! Taismn roes.t'.;%M, E t. Johnsotn, South River, Ont.'tint. corsge o Talsmanrose. I. McGtîwn, Niîdnd, Ont.; N. 1) irwit.. 4 The bride's table was centred witb Etîtnburgh St., Sattlt Ste. Marie; Mrs. . rîty, the wedding cake and pale pink and 585 Eitn St..,'-trh,'t M. .lin. 7559i tapes ad Biarlif roes.Detîjet, Montrtal; John Lysack. L.uiywooti white MaesadBirlf Oe.Nan.; Mr,. E. 1). smth. 6i4-4th Ave. E., (>-n Mrs, F. Gillett and Miss H. Butcher Sotund; i). R. J. Batemnan, R.R. 2, ilrinst.tn, assisted in serving. Ont.: Ro.y i-bisttr, 125 Welington St. S.. Han.- An iton; MeIs. A. 1'. Pllock, 56 Lans.downe Ri S, An interestiUg feature was the GaIt; NIr. S. Olmiteadi, 246 John St. N., Ilarnil- !act that the groomts parents cele- tnn; nI..E-I..i. Ilank, Rotuleau, Saïk.. Mis.. NlacF;tlcltn, 2 VW Fernwootl Ave., Winnipegt; brated their thirty-seventb wedding Me's.. arîi Iick,, R.R. 7, Pictttn, Ont,.Jee ii anniversary on Saturday. fliojkin., Vit P ierry. Ont.: MissL. )1). Cil Later the bride and groom left bY at St,- Saittt John, NB.; Me'.. R. E. ltulI. 259' ElAvt., Toronto: C. OxIty, Oxfortd, N..S. H. motor on a short wedding trip, the T. Barroti, Braetr Bank, Halifax Co., NS.; Mis bride wearing for travelling a Royal 'e, luntt-r, 0va Rond Brantfortd, Ont,; Mn,. Blue crepe dress witb Englisb mono- R. ILB. MacDonad, 'tVetviIIe, N.S. tone tweed coat and silver fox f ur Full particulars of hcw the contest was with gî-ey acce.sorles. Upon thein judged anmd a copy of the correct anaver wiii return they will take Up residence i b sent upon request. 'lhe Dodds Medicine Bowmanvlle.-Bellevllle Ontario. Co. LI<., S4 WellhWgon St. West, Toronto 2. -nemv.bers o! the Comnmittee for -e' spp-'-- especially those who, e - -n t .eir tUme. soliciting: al- -~'- r.:r s*trs o! the dîffenent ri,-- '-e-s who so, kind'y announceti a ppeal from their pulpits. andi tv-.'and staff o! The States- -ranfr -e' ery generous amount z-ar- ce -o'ed to puhlicity*. Trn--a.aîo Army feels that n 11e"arm hearted, friendliness.1 ar.ocenc:yo! those who. xhethenr o:.c.at o_-n he large or simall. are lo.pow-r hehinti the helpitlg !-ana' niakes it possible to carry on -rc' rta' work for mankind. Trinity Young People Visited Orono Y.P.S. And Provided Program Tr.ni'y Y. P. S. journreyed to Orono or Nfonday e'.enîng to spend a social er.--ning and to compete in tht- Poster Cn.%-t in v-onnect:on xith the Miss- ioriary enterpri-e. Tht- pro7ram was irn charige of the' Cult ural group led h; Clare Allin. Worshîp Serv ire op- '-ned hy sinitîinu hynin: sipture r-nd hv Clare Allun; prayer by Don- '. :Hoar; Story. -Her Roadway., -î.nad bv Muriel Hender -on: solo verY rîîel-y iend-red hy Helen Argue; Trnîîty Octette ren dered one- o! the .in(, number-. after which Miss Hel- (n Cry'h-rman deali. w:th the topir. Boks, For Reuudnr,'. in a very e!- f;î'mariner. The' Instrumental trio. Mrs. H. D. Wîghtman. Miss Margaret Wightman andi Mn. Oscar *harni;t-son played two enjoyable nuni- beýrs. Mn. Normaîn Frît-dl favouned wîith two rld favounitpa. The- Fos- terý-!our !rom Orono and one- froni Trnity were tht-n exbîbited. Mn. ,Johnston o! Orono describcd the winning poster on -Your Duty to Our Nothianti, showing some o! the- thinits that must be sent to oun Northern Mission Fields. The jud- ges were: Mi.ss Marion Wagan, Bow- imanville: Mr.s. C. C. Harcourt, Blankstock and Mr. Johnston. New- castle. After a few rt-marks hy Mn.ý Jobnston and Miss Eva Brown, Missionary convener o! the. Oshawa" Pre.sbytt'iy, Miss Marion F'ickard led in a sing-'ong. Lunch was senvedi andi a sorial ime spent. after which meeting closed by !orming Friend- ship Circle and singîing *Good-night Round." Oshawa Prpsbytery Picni;' la to be ht-Id in Hampton Park o>n SaturdaY. June 8th. at 2 P. m. Standard lime. Trînity Y. P. meeting for Junc 3nd la cancelled and our st meeting will be June lOtb. Fashion Favors Flowers Paris is aIl a twitter about f 10w- ers this spring acconding to the lat- est fashion reports White pique blos.somrs on coat lapels Pale !ab- r-ic rosebuds under cri-sp blue straw bat brims are a couple o! the less severe modes one- o! the more exti-eme fads is a twin flower clip o! coral with leaves o! beaten gold, which are snaPPed at the throat o! silk dresses or clipped. on kldskln shoes, or used as a buckle to, clasp a belt around the waist. EAT- a bowl of de. licious Kellogg's Rice Krispies at bedtime. You'11 satisfy hunger sensibly and sleep better. Rice Krispies are 8o crisp and crunchy that they actually crackle in milk or cream. Nourishing and easy to digest. Every package of Kellogg's Rice Krispies has a Mother Goose story on the hack. Sold by grocers everywhere. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. Quality guaranteed. RICE get KRISPIES hungry SALE 0F HATS A sale of up-to-the-rninute Hats in the heart of the season. Take advantage of this sale to save, l)lenty. RATS Regular to $2.25 ON SALE. $4 RATS Reg. $2.50 and $2.95 ON SALE ...5 In Straw-s and Feits. MODISH FLANNEL COATS Thats what fashion decrees for the summer of 1935. They are rnost reasonably priced too. They- corne in tailored and belted styles and beautifully lined with angel skin. Your Choice at $12.95 each. Substantial Reductions in SPRING COATS We have placed on sale a group of tweeds and light coats, in plain cloths, at greatly reduced l)rices. You can save from $3.00 to $5.00 on these coats. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman King Street LIMITED Bowmanville St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville Celebrates Centenary in June g, MATS FOR ALL PURPOSES - AT BIG SAVINGS GRASS MATS CongoletifliMats Rag Mats Axmlnster Mats Synirna Mats, etc. Prices 2!c to $5.95 Nelson 's Lower Price Store Phone 595 Bowmanville An eye specialist is the only competent persan ta, decide the proper lens for your eyes. Don't buy "store" glasses as tbey cannot be f itted to the exact needs of your eyes. Likewise, don't buy your in- surance blindly as only a trained insur- ance agent can properly fit your own insurance to protect ail your property needs. We represent the better old stock f ire insurance companies. J. J. M«ASON c& SON Phone 50 Bowmanville THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUP.SDAY, MAY 30th. 1935 PAGE TEN x

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