THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLET, THURSDAY. APRIL lith, 1935 PG E~ BottiesI Botties I Who's got the botties ? Bowmanville Dairy is very anxious f0, coUect ail its botties around town. These bottles cest us 6c and 10e for the pint and quart sizes, and it is very necessary to, have these on hand. Anyone having any of ont botties are asked te, phone 703, when we will makie arrange- ments to pick them Up. THANK YOU. Bowmanville Dairy W. H. BETTLES Proprietor ]Phone 446 Bowmanvlie C OAL OKE 0F HIGHEST QUALITY AND BEST PRICE LUNE CO. ANTHRACITE $13.5@ Ton VULCAN ANTHRACITE $I2.995Ton COKE $]1:.25 Ton J. W. Knight Phones 173 or 98 DOWMANVILLE LOCAL & PERSONALi Miss Aletta Maynard spent the weekend with relatives in Toronto. Miss Janie Parkburst, Tononto, visited Mrs. W. Inwin over the week- end. Mrs. William H. Osborne is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. Charles Blow. Oshiawa.1 Dont ovelook the 10w pices inl high quality beef Wes. Cawker of- f ens on page 7. Mn. and Mrs. W. L. Paterson spent Sunday with Mn. and Mns. I. G. Hefkey, Belleville. Mn. and Mrs. Geo. W. James, Wil- liam, Ruth and John, visited Mn. and Mrs. R. D. Woods, Toronto, on Sunday. Miss Edna Bottrell, Mn. and Mrs. Norman Bottrell, Toronto, spent the weekend with their f ather, Mr. Thos. Bottrell. District Annual Meeting is May 31st instead o! May 2lst, as was1 stated last week in Women's Insti- tute report. Mn. and Mrs. E. B. Watson and Manjorie spent Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. David Alexander and rela- tives in Toronto. Mr. Ray Everist andi Miss M. G. B. Warder, Toronto, spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Warder. Mr. Jack Living attended the Royal 50th Battalion reunion in To- ronto Monday naght and met many of bis wartime comnades. Mrs. W. G. Robbins lias eturned a! ter spending the winter with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. L. Brown, Detroit, Micb. Miss H. O. Burke, Lindsay, Miss Nellie Burke, Belleville, and Miss Sybil Burke, Toronto, wene weekend visitons with Mrs. Thomas S. Hol- gate. Mrs. G. L. Wagar was called te Bnockville last week owing to the ill- ness and deatb o! ber sister. Mrs. J. Robinson. The interment took place in Stratbroy. Lost - 666 niilk bottles some- wbere in the homes o! our custom- ens. This is housecleaning timie so see that these bottIes are returned this week to, the Bowmanville Dainy. Mn. and Mrs. E. V. Hoan and Charles. and Miss Dorotby Hoar. also Miss Ethel Hoar, Osliawa, and Mn. Harold Hoar, Toronto, attended the funeral of their uncle, Mn. A. M. Westington at Port Hope on Satur- day. In the current issue o! the Boys' Work Board of Ontarios publca- tion. credit is given Don WMliam and Alec Colville o! Bowmanville, who conducted the local share seli- ing campaign in which they soldj $150.00 in bonds as compared witli $5595 raised the yean previous. Mn. and Mrs. John Elford o! Nes- tleton wish to announce the engage- ment o! their youngest daughter, Mabel Pearl, to Frederick Dayes o! Cadmus. youngest son of the late Mn. and Mrs. William H. Dayes o! Yorkshire, England, marriage to take place the latter part o! April. Tailored Lace for E aster Here's something new that will delight the particular dresser. Tailored lace for afternoon and street wear. Navy blue and sheer, wth white collais and euffs. See them. MORE NEW THINGS Real Chamois Gloves ln natural shade, smart for Sprlng, $1.50 Pair. New Blouses in polka dots, crepes and plain taffetas. And This Week-End - Another new seleetion of Sprng ats. The Evlyn LADES' Shop Miss T. Murphy Phone 594 Mm. F. Oke Soda Fountain Now Open Corbett's Soda Fountain is now open. We are expert dispensers of the latest Ice Cream ereations. Try one this week-end. TRY ONE 0F THESE SPECIALS Rot Cross Buns, fresh dally, dozen . 20e.. o Chocolate Marshmallow Draps, dozen .. 20 Cream Rolis, dozen 30e Cracked Wheat Bread, loaf . ...5c Order these speelals by phone, at the store, or ftram aur drivers. A wagon on your street every day. Corbett's Bakery Phone 3 Distributars Dad's Cookies Bowmanville Weelk-end Dargain FRIDAY AND SATUR DAY ONLY We have a number of very choice cattie which we are f eaturing this week-end at very attractive prices. Don't miss these big values and you'Il be back for more. CHUCK or Rolled Boiling SHORT RIBS POT ROAST B E E F of DEEF Lb. Lb. Lb. 120 to 15eC 100 to 120 Cawker-The Dutchu PHONE 64 BOWMANVILLE ene wlh teirPre., n.H. Wcrti ____________ in charge. Our President Mr. Edgar I~ .WRAL piln Wright took charge of the followlng J .WRat aur s tore i program: hymn: Rev. Wm. Parker aMonu 1 asmtorep m àrgave the devotional; Miss E. Par- ________________________ ker sang a solo entltled "Llfe's tr rR.allway to Heaven"'; readlng was UNITED CIGAR STORE You Know?";, Junior quartette, Edgar Wright and Gordon Stevens Messrs John Slemon, Bruce Ashton, ng to buy or rendered a selection entitled "~The SAclvt. Church in the Wildwood"; topic was bh is visiting CHURCHES given by Miss Gladys Page on the ichmond Hill. ' Teaching of Jesus on Sincerity"; idmu, i vi- S. ADRE'S RESYTEIAN Misses Muriel Wearn and Annie admsisvi- S. N CHUS RR YERA Oke sang a cluet "Soi tly and Ten- rs.. E. .Smakeith s derly"; the quartette rendered an- Rev W.G. lak, Mniser other number "I've Lost my Doggy", Easter. New Miss Louise Osborne, Organist recreation was in charge of Burketon await you at Sunday, April l4th: il a. ni.- Young People, everyone enjoying nderman's. "Hosanna in the Highest"; 7 p3. m«a- ocalhalf hour after which a' Groves. Galt, "h ee odsfo h rs. bountiful lunch was served. Con- parents, Mr. ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH gratulations to Burketon on the or- ýon Sunday. Rev. C. R. Spencer, M. A., Rector ganization of a Young PeoPle's rs. W. James Mrs. J. A. Gunn, Organist Society.9 non, Oshawa, 'eo. W. James Sunday, April l4th, Palmn Sunday: 8 a. m.-Holy Communion; Il a. m. FORMER PRESIDENT i te erdo!-Service of Witness, attended by ON ROC MM N n te erdofHis Worship Mayor Strike and the OFON A I C M A D 111le, have re-1 Town Council; 2.30 p .m.-Sunday he Canadian Schoo1l '7 p. m.-Evening Prayer. (Continued from page 1) ewith credit-' je Lestrange ST PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH bers of the Canadian Legion. years of age, Rev. A. S. KCerr, Minister Col. Ackerman touched on the kand 560 lbs. Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Orgamist subject of the dismissal of war veter- is Creator, in and Director. ans by the present Ontario govern- îroduced 14.- Sunday, April l4th: 11 a. m.- ment and spoke of the special coin- 29 lbs. of fat.TeMaosPrcaain AGt mittee on which he was Iermitted Id twice daily Cuhe " rsundoay tionv"rybody .0to towork in connection with this. p. m.--Sunday School, Lenten slîdes, Speaking directly to Mr .Bragg, lie - Dr. Clark; 7 P. m.-"Who I This stated that the report, if acted upon King of Glory". A cordial welcome by the government, will have the 'N S to all. support and approval of every ex- ENTS serviceman in Ontario. TRINITY UNITED CHUUR Turning to, Legion activities in gen- f or the an- Rev. É. F Armstrong, Pastor eral the speaker stated that there St. ohns Fancs Stto, Ms. Bc..Orgnls wee sîl]some who believed that the ýt t. ohns Fancs tand Choir Lade, rgaisLegiontwas an organization bent on and Coir Laderseeing how muoh money and sym- ifellows' Hall Witness and Palm, Sunday: il a. patliy it could gou1ge out of the pub- it 8 p. m. Ad- M.-Rev'. Dr. A. Barner o! Toronto lic. Governments do not under- le 100 lb. bag will preach; 2.30 P. m.-Sunday stand our problems. he added, and School. classes for everybody; 7 P. tiiey cannot be expected to unless we m.-Rev. Dr. A. Barner will preach. show them. 26th, for the You are cordially invited to these He urged that a special commlittee re. A lucky services. be appointed in each brandi which. talso other Next Week Is Passion Week would see to it that every returned 13-3 Rev. Dr. A. Barner will speak in man who is unable to care for him- 4the Retail Trinity Church each evening except self through unemployment of war Lwill be held Friday, at 8 o'clock. cause is cared for. They were your 1 6th. at the Good Friday Services comrades in war, he said, and they 8 P. M. Ev- 10.30 a.m.-Vý. Barner will preach mnust be your conijrades in peace. be resnt.ata uionseric inSt.Pau'sDon't break faith 'ith tose who o bepreent at unon ervce i St Pal'sdied. and let those who live to suf - an lu wîîChurch. fer, suff er without aid. in St.uJohn ' 8 p.m.-Sacred Cantata. in Trinity In closing Col. Ackerman stated kpril 15th, atCur. that the whole world was a sepul- d election of <t- - chre to the heroes of the war. EverY ,Laughlin willi 1 country and municipality had its Vancouver to ENNISKILLEN monuments to the memory of those m open meet- Î) who served but the greatest memor- Conratlatonsto r. nd rs.iai of ail was engraved in living Congatultios toMr.and rsheaclu in those who the Legion are Cyril Avery mnee Gladys Wotten) on helping to, bring Up in lite to be G ~their recent marriage. Ms a loyal and f ree. Prosperity is onlY IG ~~Mrs. Wm. Oke visited at Ms a for the free Col. Ackerman added, -'1' bez Moore's.. and freedom is only for those who iham Miss Idla Ferguson, Oshawa, visit- have courage enough toi defend ItL ed at Mr. Walter Oke's. Past President W. P. Ward ex- solemrnized at Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Souch, HamP- pressed appreciation to the speaker eAtwood, on ton. visited at Mrs. J. Pye's. for his inspiring address, and the rch 3Oth. of Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Siemon. Bow- vote was seconded by Comrade Ed. Reg. N., dau- manville, visited at Mr. Hugh Annis'. Hoar of Newcastle. David Cun- Mr. Wmn. Pointen and Miss Reva Mr. Bragg, in replying to Col. Ac- and Wallace McGill, Toronto, visited at Mr. T. kerman stated that the report re- id Mrs. Leslie McGill's.. ferred to had been tabled in the vW. J. West Mr. Stanley Turner and Miss Win- bouse that afternoon, and that it was attended nifred Oke, Oshawa, visited at Mr. would be unanlmously adopted by *yn Cunning- Wesley Oke's. every member of the bouse. Mr. hee.The Mr. Orville Ashton and Miss Mar- Bragg also brought greetings from &ed cbarming garet Dalton visited at Mr. Orr Jet- Gen. V. A. S. Williams, bead of the caring corsag- fery's, Seugog Island. . . Provincial Police and an old Dur- Orval Whit- Mr. Ward Gilbert and Miss Winnie bam boy. est man. On Cole. Toronto, were Sunday guests Col. G. C. Bonnycastle, L. W. Dip- ir motor trip tM.E A. Werry's.PakrCo pel and C. Tommy Ross also spoke M.adMrs. RichardPakrCO briefîy. Reg Harding and Jack Liv- iom will re- bourg, were Sunday guests with Mr. ing thanked the ladies for the pre- SW. J. West adMs .Briatr ~ddig 0 th an Mrs D.Burmaser.paration of the splendid dinner, thdityofye Rev and Mrs.Win. Parker, Miss and Mrs H. Ashlee, president of the thiry yarsEileen Parker and Miss Annie Oke Auxiliary replied. visited in Toronto SEîturday. Tis fine annual gatherng closed ___Mr. and Mrs. A. Wearn and Alan wthth ignof0Cad. Miss Muniel Wearn and Mr Lawrence wt h ign fO aaa lINTS Wearn visted friends at len MaJor. MMITTEE iîy, Ms H. J. Werry and Mr. and Mrs. G. Wenry spent Sunday at Mr. page 1) R. Ormiston's. Mr. Ira Travelle, Oshawa, Miss mt te replace Maudie Ashton, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Rodman, Port Perry, mlttee was visited at Mr. E. C. Ashton's.K A wlth Public Mrs. J. Hall. Yorkton, Sask., Mrs. vth regard to E. Middlebrook. Mrs. W. C. Hock- lighting sy- ridge and Mr. R. Cressor, Toronto, EASTER CARDS I1 Uighting. were recent guests at Mr. Jas. Brad- ;n reported a ley's. Beautiful Designs - Correct at orh est Next Sunday evening W. M. S.Getng emperance St. Easter Thank Offerlng service. Rev. 2c - Se - 10e - 25c Wm. Parker in charge. Special ______________ vi11 attend the musical numbers by Trinity United > John's An-. Church choir. lay next, thel Mr. N. Byers has ret.urned te his MORE NAIL POLISH home affer spending the wlnter wltb o orM NY niinIon Organ bis son, Mn. O.-L. Byers, Toronto. ryo M NY ion In counicil Miss Margaret Morar. and Mr. ion to nsure Chester Kinigborn of Hartley. Miss2 9 rof the town Ethel Bate and Mr. James Endicott, iainendanent Lindsay, spent Sunday with Mr. and for this large battis of rs commilttee Mrs. E. J. Harrison. atter, was de- Sunday evening Rev. Wm. Parker's io N GLol subjet was Christian izesp,0 1V G O nlttee was in- during the service Misses Elsie andI -the Nid Polish made populur by Lother public Muriel Moore and Messrs John SIe- the screen stars of Hollywood. Ap- .reception of mon and Gordon Stevens sang a plies more smoothly--sets more lus. Je delegation Quartette entitled "He Died for Me"'. trously, and i WILL NOT dsip, 111l visit Can- Communion was administered at the peel, crack, lfade or streak. A perfect 1some of its close o! the service. polish-a larger borde ata lowercoat= aî plnts. League meeting on Wednesday ev- wiîî report ening was in charge o! the ist Vice- Cero ro or the stagîng President, Miss Alice Ashton. The Cero summer. opening number was a piano duet Committee by Misses Elsie and Muriel Moore ~ o! cîcîum entitled "Over Hill and Dale-~ de- " !ust layer votional was given by Mrs. A. ipres- id the eeto cott. En! leld; vocal solo. Miss Elean- rs as follows: or Sykes accompanied by Miss Betty1 ViceCuai- Knox, Hmptonn; topic was; well igiv- TEK GII EASTER NOVELTES EASTE] n Bs ik se s Page1.00 ann Bas hcke tes Page .&0 3 for 10e, 5c, 10c, 15e I Neilson'm 25e, 30e, 60C SPECIAL PRICES THURS. -FR.- BAT. Cas torla . . -23e lfebuoy Soap . 3 for 19e Kleenex .. . 15e- 2 for 29e A.B.S.&C. Tablets. 200 ..23e Sulphur, Molasses and Cream of Tartar, 1 lb. . 23e Putnam's Corn Remover ..24e N. R. Tablets ... 17e, 34e, 68e Burdoek Biood Bitters .. 77e Kotex .. . . . . ... 19C Selitz Powders, 7's.....e Russian 011, 16 oz. . 39C FORMALIN Prevents Smut 32 oz. 40e - 16 oz. .250 PREVENT MOTHS Moth, 1 lb...... 9c Math Bag....... ý19e, 35c, 59e Larvex, 16 oz. . ,. .......5$1.00 Math Killer Crystals, 1 lb. 39e Moth Tox ... ... 75e NolR E 1EV E HEADACHES, COLDS and PAIN 450 . $1.00 - $2.00 Shavi Sie 2 Bals& A Reai 35c - 1ul1Y & 254e NEW Mi 25e - PRESCRIPTONS A SPECIA Alex McGi ]Pa" tDRUOS R CANDY ;haw Chocolates Sand $2.00 s and Moin's 50e - $100 lalmolive ring Cream LC ge. 39C '>"Size [ANFORD'S un of Myrrh aling Antiseptie .65C - $125 y Guaranteed. SGIN PIILLS 390 4.à THATr CORN BWE-JAY CERTAIN SAFE 14 ta box Two Boxes - 45a <T egor WB DELIVER PAGE SEVER PLANTS EASTER LILIES - 3 blooms, 50c; 4 blooms, 65c; 5 blooms, 75c; 6 blooms, 90e Early ordering is requested at these prices. Calceolarias ......- 75e Cinerarias ......... 50c, 75e Hydrangeas 75e up Roses (Baby Polyantha) ..... 75e, $1.00 Tulips in Pans, 10 - 12 bulbs ...... 50c, 75e FLOWERS Roses. dozen . ... . ..... $1.00, $1.50, $2.50 Carnations, dozen .......... 51.00, $1.25 Daffodils, dozen .. -. .. ... . 135c, 50e Snapdragon, dozen 5........ 1.00, $1.25 Sweet Peas, bunch.. 35c, 50e Tulips, dozen ... ......O5c, 75e W. E. GROVES KINGSWAY FLOWER SHOP P. 0. BOX 163 BOWMANVILLE Phone 7Z Easter Qfferings NEW FLOOR CQVERINGS In two, three and four yards wlde, at saving prices See our stock before buying. Prieed to suit any purse. EASTER HATS You can't afford to bUy your new Spring Rat any where else. Ail new f resh samples. Values tW 53.00 for --ý........ FULL FASHIONED HOSE Aillg-uaranteed lst quaity, ail colors and sizes. per pair . . .......... 7 MEN'S FINE SHIRTS Wie loplilin and faney colors.77 AUl sizes. regular $1.00 for............ 7 0 MEN'S FINE SOCKS Fine silk and lisle, ini a varlety of designs 7 and colorings, regular 39e for..........27 FOUNDATION GARMENTS A speciai purchase, nothing worth less than $1.50 a pair. Girdies, Corsets or Corselettes, Your Choae .-ý................$ ,0 NELSQN'S King Street Bowmanville -À,