Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1935, p. 11

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THE CANAPIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, APRIL llth, 1935 PAF EZ~ good smothering ointment if used jwhich ennoble character and which has a love of good books, and ln likewise struggling to live. essness in thishoe Bohpr iNe'ws for the conscientiously will also give good R1VO L expand the mind. a thera lieis finding solace and plea- For several years I have been see- entsan ahl re ihy ap Let me teliWO LD Le m tllofo eteringma r-motherswie haandih imtheig etsimple te oterin1hs edcotetndt 1auu end o mine-a mnwo Ihaepresent joys. These parents are-as home. These letters have been un- pleasures of their omnt.I L5usy Fariner Inoculatiag Leg-ume Cropa and MVIINE flot seen in twenty years. This man always--reeking to direct their three iformly cheerful. They have told a home where thi sa rdto ________________________ Wben legume crops are being Bywas the purchasing agent in a large children along paths which leaci to.siniply and naturally of the farnily's of culture, wherebosaemn planned for spring seeding, consider- JONC IKODindustrial f irmn, in receipt of wbat no hectic goals. The income of this difficulties and endeavours to keep and are weli redw re atr Cultures for Legume Inoculation ato JOHuN C. gieKotequs CpRht> can be called a good salary. Then family has shrunken much f rom going. The children seem to have grows flowers, andweetesn jarmers who are sowing ai! ai!a or tion o! inoculation. This is par- ________________yielded to, the urge te have a busi- what it was when times were boom- ai the happy tises belonging to an adult-tills t1 o n re, &her legumes this spring and wbo tidularly rc medd for suc ness o! his owfl. 80 lie became a ing. but despite this circumstance. their years Tbey play in an or- pure-bred stock; weeteduh hav lt pevousy ued ulure fo crpsas i! lfa seet c sove an(Continued f rom page 2) manufacturer For a time lie pros- tbey are experlenclng a bappiness chestra. They have their sports. Vers aid the mohrin(etrti phree Then cameol thed dcpresuion foic isop copst Theya havet beene abetaopacsnerdied.'hr oipt an te loin dmn f an A- CKand to see sights. They wear home- lence because the al eprec treat one bushel of seed by writing for the first trne. Inoculation con- diffused purcbasing power which enican banks. These two events md n aeoe rse.Te fbgct ie to the Division of Bacteriology. sits in adding a culture o! the pro- will be used for the acquirement ofcue h novnyo yfin' nwo nte fml-ahr r nasvnhhae !hpi uuy Central Experimentai Fars, Ottawa. Per bacteria to the seed at the time more food, better homes. an te usess Ntwhe ovec ofc m it bri s m other an toduberso l fahgh nes in aerth Christasf adi on Try ed o oss na Re-quests sbouid be sent in early and o! sowing. Il is easy to carry out things and possessions which grati!y former employers, and his recent school, age-which for four years birthdays. they receive money gifts abundance of posesos li sbould state approximately when and helps to insure success with the the physical senses. letter to me indicates that hie bas a or more bias; bad a very hard time f rom relatives--glfts of just a dollar matter of the sp]it the culture wiil be needed. crop. J C K content of mind and lot to, which be te make both ends meet. mhe hus- or two. Jewellery and furniture The n The Spring Seed Requirements I am not belittling this desire for had been a stranger for several I band is an engmneer. but for fourhaeeesodegtneedm e. Farer wo esre o ssrethirMARS HAL FORCES TO conditions and possessions which 1years. Years hie has been unable te find But neyer has there been any whin- Muscular Rheutis ude Farer wo esre o ssrethirtake away f romn human hardsbips This man told me in bis letter o! steady employment. His wi!e bas ing-no sponging on friends and kmn Wben one hs a suiee rmmsu seed supply at minimum cost are WAR ON WARBLEc. and deprivations. wbich so!ten and h children-ctll youngsters-and found a job which pays bier about There bas just been a wholesome ac- Ian rbeumatlsmhecntdobtr already taking stock o! their spring ___ease the way o! daiiy 111e; but 1 do o! their hobbies. and o! bis bappi- $15 a week. The children have been ceptance o! their lot. with the sus- than te bave thE rgo ubdwt re<auinements. Those wbo bave seed Ail Agencies, Co-operating te want to point out that lif!e can be ness in them-bow he shares their 1able te go on with their achool 111 e. tenance of hope--hope for better Dr. Thomas' EcletiO.Lete o!fher on illbetaingstps o ivei apilyanaribl wtbot ur ulinghfe nh herasmpeopea Teofthr bs on mub abor ! dys10com. ubbngbe rik nd oninu uti bav ilprpery ceaed nd raed liinae tisDesruciv Pet aving mucb money, and that the sures. mhis friend uýed to paint for almost the navvy type. wilhout bit- J C K ease is secured. Tee' oevr bebore the spring rush. Others. less main quest o! men and women and a pastime. and he bas returned 10 ter complaining. Ail about this I I know a frim bamily in com.fort- tue in a bottieo!ithncnb fortunate, will be well advised this The Warble Fly and the resullant their cbildren sbould be for things Ibis leisure-time occupation. He farnily are other f amilies wbo are ab:e circusstances. There is ne rest- bully estimated. year particularly, to secure what Warble Grub, constitute a real Men- thes- require as soon> as possible, ace to every cattle owner in Ontario -_______- - mnaking sure that they are getting and it is most commendable 10 note varieties which are most higbly ne- tbe manner in which Representatives commended ber conditions such as o! the Department o! Agriculture in theirs.every County have marsballed their theirs.forces in a general -War on the Starting Chicks Warble Pest." It bias become a dist.inctly local Suppiy water witb chili taken Off enterprise tith everybody -Warbl- in suitable vessels. charcoal, sheil ing- fer the benebit o! the cattle and grit or river sand. Feed the Iindustry and aI a decidely 10w max- youngsters immediately on their en- imum cosl to eacb individual cattle try te brooding quarters. A good i owner.-tbe average cost per an- starting masb consists of: middlings. imal for tbe three necessary treat- ground yellow corn. ground oat ments. is very little, if any. in excess groals. each one part: shorts, alfal- o! tbree cents. Scbool Teachers and fa leaf meal and animal f eed mix- Scbool Inspectera are involvedl in tune, each 1'a part; bone ineal 2 per the drive witb special lesens being cent: ced liver oul 1 to 2 per cent; taugbt in the schools; Councillors and sait 1/2 per eent. are eut campaigning and local storekeepers in almost every town Seed Grain Crops Early and village are co-operating in the Tbe importance o! eariy seeding saine spirit by holding themselves in ~TE g} cannot be stressed tee strongly. An readiness te supply aIl the necessary experiment carried on for 10 years ammunition in the f orm of a powder at the Central Expenimentai Fanm, that is easily and readily mixed wilh .shows that wheat, oats. bariey and wýater. Perbaps ne Agicuitural en- peas seeded as soon as the land is deavour o! recent yeans bas caused ready te, work give bigber yields than s0 much intense interesl and con- wben sown at later dates. The av- cern and tbe poor litIle Warble Fly erage increase e! grain sewn early is destined fer complete eradication over that sown twe weeks later was if 1h15 general campaign is con- 14 bushels for barley. 18 bushels for ducted fer another 2 or 3 years. wbeat and 4 bushels for oats. It is enly human perbaps to pro- cra.stinate and seme farmers have Care of the New Pigs postpened treating their cattie in The ursng sw ad literre-the hope that Warble Gnubs might Tbie nrsig and lodfeigite re- net appear this year or that it wa <ure cae ands goed beedirng n d useless le treat unless the neigh- thath the igs will be n ant bons did likewise. Sucb an attitude beatby an th so wil b infitis the poorest kind o! logic Every condition bo produce a second litter barmen sbould treat bis cattie since this year. Supply a milk-producing teteîmasn unno ration. It sbeuld consist e! oats,gadn.ctetd csbtr idigsand sklm-milk. Encour- madi lo. bonete fes, and su- age the pigs te stant eating at an meier bide. Ande fn , ane sou-d elo arog by pacn asome fed ipn a let- the success o! last Year's treat- 10ws tub Ase soon asuthrper- ment deceive him as one yean's treat-I mits letthe mn utdors n ament dees net kili ail the Warble bresb paddock. grubs. True il is nearly the middieo Dair Catie RngsApnil but Ihere is sll lime te iv A common affection o! cattle at the final trealment. The ma4n urge this lime e! the year is ring-worm. is-do net fail 10 Ireat aIl yourN This can be easily centrolled if laken catîle. in tise. Wash the part with soap and water to remove crusta, scraping if nece2sary, then dry the spot and Miss Sufferer had an accident. paint with tincture o! iodine. re- IShe eut bier cerns. Now she uses peating the trealment daily until Cress Cern Salve. Sold by Jury & cured. Sulpbur ointment or any Lovell's and McGregor's Drug Stores. APRIL IN THE GARDEN trees. Shrubs. however, now chais the chie! attent'on e! the home gar- By W. E. Groves, Bou-rnanville dener. Only Ibose varieties that Se many things need attention in, blo aei b umrsel eF - A T U Iv RE the garden aI this season o! the, pruned aI Ibis tise. A fairiy sabe vear Ihat il is net easy to compass rule te folio,,; is la prune in the more than the very important in spring theSe shrubs lhat.bleom after these notes. There wil b e pruning' J une 3Ctb. The eanlien biooming and planting, digging and sowing, 1kinds have to be pruned after the care of the lau-n and paths, and ev- 1 bleom'ng season. The operation erything o! success or failure de- consists o! cutting away ail dead and pends upon a goed start. diseased branches, Ihen those that U RE TO The Lawn are wciik or crossing eacb other..BO Y Y IM R The boundcation o! every flower The remain.ing branches should te garden is the lawn. Green grass weîl t nel rbu htpit cared for is the setling o! practically outward fros the centre o! the ail phanting that may be done. If plant. This treatment keeps the the grass bas been covered wilh plant in correct shape. Roses will manure duning the winter il sheuld now need pruning. Winîer cevering be cleaned off. In passing we would should be gîradually removed as dan- advise againsî the use o! mnanure for ger fros halte frost passes. Much winter lawn dressing. Il Is untidy the saine metbods bave te be fbllow- and dees ne good. If soil was used ed as advised for shrubs especiailyL for dressing it should now be weîî with hybnid tea, hybnid perpetual, rakedr inb the gyrass, or raked off. mess and dwarf polyantba vanieties. î nnew.êt shed«. ait. Civat-.Il1avsethtts -1,' eslz Packets onl ko 4c pet soul put mn. ti die htti oce.Dom[.lo Goar- thoroughly clone. The actual dated Seçaeb.r 21, î ~plantisig o! shrubs, evengreens and 'Pla oemt C r Oua&Ht7. Evr roses is neit difficult. Holes large W pchat dated. ors' enough to accommodate the roots <>,« j". a asfedbumn aare necessary. Manure should net11YN0S LUge Pachel Beautiful Rlowers ... FREE tact wltb recta. Firm plantlng is C U TC -or aoud 2o fer lé 914 Packatsratular nesayth paor ftwsl BOWMAN VILLE C U TC »ajatables wItb frua PIow. o" Imd ai ncsay h prtr elwsl Co"upntofo en l44 ir r M used secures this flnmnessL If soUl is T... T ooO., an.d Winci. ail newly planted stock. Sbrubs : ,ý should be pnuned a little when fnesbly planteci to, balance up the sOO (To te contiued)

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