THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. APRIL 4Vh, 1935 PAGE SEVEN COME AND SEE THE BIC SHOW oF 1935 Bowmanville Boys' Review OPERA HOUSE, APRIL 11th - 12th The Programme Includes A SHORT MINSTREL SHOW, 2 ONE-ACT PLAYS GYMNASTIC DISPLAY, CAMPFIRE SCENE STUNTS AND SKITS. ALL BY OUR OWN BOYS Admission 15c and 25c Ail seats reserved. Plan opens at MeGregor's Drug Store Monday, April 8tb, at 10 a. m. Gardening Tinte SEEDS - BULBS - LAWN GRASS SEED FERTILIZ ER CHOICE FLOWER and VEGETABLE SEEDS - 5e and 10e pkts. BEGONIA BULBS - Double, single andI crested, alI colora - 3 for 25c. LAWN GRASS SEED - The bet that money can buy -50c lb. FERTILIZER - SACCO-A reliable general purpose plant foodI, 1 lb. 15e - 5 lbs. 45c - 10 Ilis. 75e A fine assortment of Flowers for this week-end. WATCH FOR OUR EASTER OFFERINGS in next week's Statesman. W. E. GROVES KINGSWAY FLOWER SHOP P. 0. Box 163 BOWMANILLE Phone 72 'Caverly's Specials Wonderful Soap . 10 bars 25e Jewel Shortening.. 2 for 25e Clark's Pork & Beans, 2 squat...... 2 for 17e Tomatoe, Ige tin. 3 for 25e Red & White Coffee, 1/2's - 22e Red & White Coffee, l'a . 39c Kellogg's Wheat Krisples, new cereal.... 2 for 25e Sultana Raisins .. 2 Ibs. 23e Pearl Soap.... 5 bars 19e Clover Leaf Cohoe Salmon 1/2 's .. .. . . . .. . . 4e Soekeye Salmon, l'a ...35c Soekeye Salmon, /sa 18c Crosse & Biackwell Soupe, 3 for 25e Rice, regular 3 for 21C Rice, finest.. 3 for 25c Cooklng Fige, per lb . ...8 Evap. Apricots, per lb. . ,. 27e Evap. Peaches ...... 17c Macaroni..,.. 2 lbs. lic Chicken Haddie. per tin .14c Lobster , b-1b. 34c; '-l.14e Chateau Cheese 1A-lb. pkg. 14e Javel Water, per bottle . ..7e Shrimps, per tin .. ...23c Dleed Carrots and Beets, per tin - - 10c Broken Wainuts, per lb. 40e No. 4 Peas, per Vin .... lc Packaged Garden Seeds Fresh Bulk Garden Seeds Caletti Macaroni, per tin. ...7e, 9c, 16e 7 lb. Pastry Flour ..24e 24 lbs. Pastry Flour '73e Sugar Krisp Corn Flakes, 3 for 23e Broken Orange Pekoe Tea, per IL., -- 49c New Carrots, Cabbage, Lettuce. Tomatoes, Celery, Etc. W. C. CAVERLY RED & WHITE STORE NEXT DOOR TO CAWKER'S BUTCHER SHOF Phone 62 Bowman ville Service 0f Witness Sunday., April 14th The greatest single factor ln the devlopment of any communlty l: the Christian Church. Every great reform down through the centuries and those demanded to-day are ail basically Christian. We are all affected by the teachings of the Church whether or not we attend. We ail recelve the bene- fits of the Chureh whether or not we support It wth our money. May 1 urge ail our citizens to publicly recog- nize their debt and their alleglance to Christian principles by jolnlng wtb us ln attendlng one or other of the fine churches in this eomrnunlty on Sunday, April l4tb. W. R. Strilce MAYOR On behalf of the Municipal Council. tAn elderly woman, Mrs. Peter IWalker, mother of Mrs. Thomas Bennett, Jr., Scugog St., Bowman- ville. was found dead near her home several miles north o! Coîborne, on Tuesday morning about 8 o'clock Death was caused by exposure. Mrs. Walker, who had been very 11, had returned on Sunday from visit- ing her daughter here. She was missed from her home between 12 and 3 a. m. on Tuesday. A search party was organized and covered the neîghborhood. but the body, fufly clothed, was noV lound untiî 8 a. m. An interesting news Item appear- ed in the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix whereby Doreen, 13-year-old daugh- ter of the late George Jamieson of Rosetown, Sask., and niece of Mess- rs. Milton andI Herbert Jamieson of Bowmranville, who has been totally deaf for 9 years. was able Vo hear. A radio echncian arranged a mic- rophone, an amplifier and a set of head phones. Doreen spoke into the microphone andI was able o hear her own voice and she was also abl6 Vo hear the voices of her mother and sisters. Doreen wlth her parents visited in Bowmanvllle about four years ago. A very seriaus accident occurred Sunday night on the Provincial highway just east o! Bowmanville Cemetery, when an eastbound car driven by Walter G. Warren, Ca- bourg, struck Morland Anderson, R. R. 4. Bowmanville. who was walklng on the highway. He was accompan- ied by Chas. Clemence on a bicycle. Clemence escaped uninjured. Ander- son. however, is in Bowmanville Hos- pital suffering from a fractured skull andI in a criical condition. Dr. J. Clark Bell attended hlm. Pro- vincal Constable Ed. Purves invest- IgatetI the case, but no charge was laid against Warren. A fine congregation greeted Rev. Geo. Williams, Toronto, in Trinity UnitedI Church on Sunday morning when he gave a splendid review o! of four points o! missionary work. He also addressed the Sunday School in the alternoon. In the evening owing Vo the ilînesof he pastor, Rev. E. F. Armstrong, the exchange wlVh Rev. MilIyard of Pet- erboro had o lie cancelled. Rev. J. W. Bunner and Mr. G. L. Wagar very kindly took charge, the latter giving a very interesting and helplul adI- dress on "Prayer" whlch all greatly appreciated. Mrs. T. W. Cawker sang a solo in the morning andI Miss Mar- garet Alun, a solo in the evening. The possibility o! the amalgamat- ion of the Durham and Northumber- landI RegimenVa was discussed on Set- urday at the annual dinner af the officers of the Durham Regiment at Greenwood Towers. Port Hope. A business meeting was heltI durlng the, afternoon, followed by the annual dlnner whlch was largely atended. Among those atendlng f rom Bow- manville were Lt. Col. W. J. Hoar, LV. Col. G. C. Bonnycastle, Major E. S, Ferguson, Major the Rev. C. R. Spencer, Major A. H. Bounsail, Capt. Floyd Dudley andI Lt. Selby Spencer. Among others who attended were Col. R. J .Gill of Broekvllle, former- ly of Bowmanvllle and Major Gen- erai W. H. B. Anderson, Officer Commandlng MUlitary District No. B. LOCAL & PERSONAL 1 Miss Irene Wentworth, Simcoe spent the weekend with Iriends here. Rev. H. B. Kenny, -Consecon, has returned alter spending the %Interi in Florida. Mrs. Clark Bell will be at home Vo friends on Friday afternoon, April 5th, from 3 Vo 6. Mr. George Lunney. Collingwood, sPent the weekend with his daughter, Mrs. J. H. Johnston. Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Washington, Toronto. calletI on his mother, Mrs. W. C. Washington on Friday. Mrs. N. S. B. James. Mr. Stuart R. James, Miss Marion Piekard spentI the weekend with friends in, Toront.o Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Hutcison nàI Mr. Arthur J. Trebilcock, Toronto, spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. P. C. Treblicock. Mrs. Ena Adam who has been vis- iting her mother, Mrs. P. C. Trebli- cock. is now enjoying a visit with friends in New York city. Mrs. H .A. Tait and Mrs. G. A. GiUlispie who have spent the winter at Bradenton. Florida, are leaving oday (Thursday> for their homes here. Mr. C. P. Rice. who has been ser- iously ilI in Bowmanville Hospital for several weeks, has sufficiently recovered to be removed Vo his own home on Sunday. Twent.y members of the Morning Hour o! Trinity UnitedI Church at- tended St. Andrew's morning ser- vice on Sunday, March 31st. Sac ra- mient was observed. Mr and Mrs. Geo. L. Hancock and daughter. Aileen, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hancock, Peterboro, Mr. Clarence Alun and daughter, Clare, Newcastle, were Sunday guests of Mrs. J. T. Fee. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur James Jones, Prospect St., nee Miss Alice Maud Fry, Cefn, Rogerstonel who will celebrate their silver wedding anniversary. They were married in Newport, Mon., Eng- land, April 4. 1910. His many Bowmanville Irienda will be pleased o learn that Mr. Mort. Murdoîl. Manager of Domninion Stores at Lindsay, was one of the prize winners in a contest conducted bY his company for biggest increases in business during the month o! March. Euchre Party heltI on Monday ev- ening ,April lst, by the Ratepayers' Association in the S .0. E. Hall was a great success, when over one hun- dred were present. A dainty lunch was served by the ladies' committee. An address was given by the Vice- President encouraging members Vo continue Vo take an active intereat in the association and in the wel- lare o! our town. A general sing- song wa enjoyed belore the final closing. A remarkable robin about hall white has been attracting attention for the past week near Trinity Un- ited Church. The white is in length- Iwise patches', andI one side is mostly white underneath. When it flues, long white tail-leathers show. like the llicker. With one car to the ground it listened for a worm crawl- ing, then braced its leet against the ground and gave one strong pull without once stopping till a huge earthworm was out, for Sunday din- ner. Balance Sb ASSETS: Distribution Systemi LUne Transformera Meters Street Light Equip. Miscellaneous Con- struction Expense Plant Total versity, spent th e weekend with- his1 THIRD MYSTERY FIRE IN parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wilson. CARTWRIGHT TOWNSHIP Mr. Jack Crabb and Miss Irene Wenworth, Slmcoe, visited the for- Marking the third of a series of mers brother, Mr. H. L. Crabb, over mysterlous flires in Cartwright t.he weekend. Township within six weeks, the Mrs. F. M. Tamblyn returned large barn belonging to Mr. Lewis home Iast week after spencling the Henry, three miles southwest of winter at the home of her brother, Blackstock, was totally destroyed by Mr. B. S. McMurtry, Toronto. lire at 5.31) Wednesclay morning. Rev. J. H. Oke. Toronto, was a Nineteen small hogs, one lamb. and weekend guest of his brother- in-law. a num-ber of lowI were burned to- Mr. R. E. Osborne, and attended gether with several implements and Trinity Church on Sunday evnn. a load of grain. The remainder of evnn.the animais were removed by Mr. April Ist meant other things than and Mrs. Henry who were milking merely Al Fools Day. It meant that when they noticed the lire. They once again radio licenses werede intended moving this week Vo the The price is the same as last --ea f arm belonging to the laVe Mr. Jos. $200 and they are procurable lrom Mahood, Cadmus. The building was F. C. Pethick or the Post Office. partially covered by insurance. ABSTRACT STATEMENT Bowmanville Public Utilities 1934 WATERWORKS DEPARTMENT OPERATION and MAINTENANCE: Pump House Operation $ 133.32 Pump House Mamnt'ance 22.54 Mains andI Services Maintenance ... 294.20 Meter Maintenance . . 358.98 Hydrant Maintenance 176.01 Billing and Collecting 763.64 General Expense . .1,163.00 Interest and Fixed Charges .....11,635.42 $14,547.11 EARNINGS: DomesVic Service Commercial Light Service ..... Commercial Power Service Street Lighting.. Merchandise TOTAL EARNINGS NUMBER 0F CO% Domestie Service Commercial Llght Power Service ..... Total REVENUE: Revenue H-ydranV Revenue Net Profit $10,795.28 5,115.00 1,363.17 $14547.11 $62,306.90 2,729.06 89.70 724.87 11.91 346.17 1,815.32 2,177.08 1,098.56 3,03 1.67 2,418.991I 1 ,561.001 12,770.74 EXPENSES: $29,541.77 Power Purchased Distribution System, 10,014.12 Operation and Main- tenance ..... 46,527.51 Line Transformer Maint. 4,187.74 Meter Maintenance .. 810.83 Consumers Premises Exp.. -$91,081.97 Street Lighting, opera- tion and maintenance Billing andI CoUlecting qSUMERS General Office, Salaries ...1,052 andI Expense....... . ..173 Undistribtited Exp. ..... 34 Interest . . Sinking FuntI and De- 1,5 benture payments . 159 Depreciation. Net Surplus ..... Total $91,081.97 Iieet as at December 3lst, 1934 LIABIITIES: $43,954.11 Debenture Balance ... $58,742.95 7,599.91 Other Liabîlities 714.001 17,166.45 Reserves: 2,921.51 H.E.P.C. EquiVy ........ 17,224.43 2,368.39 For Depreciation 4,822.50 $74,010.37 Total $22,046.93 Bank and Cash Balance $15,60'7.75 Acet. Receivable 10,027.40 Inventories . 2,303.30 Equlty in H.E.P.C. 17,224.43 TOTAL ASSETS Surplus: Debenture paid Operatlng Surplus Total Surplus Total LiabiUities. Re- $119,173.25 serves and Surplus $12,257.05 25,412.32 $37.669.37 $119,173.25 The statement imnîediately above shows the record o! activities since the local commission has operated this utllity. For detalled explan- aion of the above figures, see news story on page 1. F or jEarlier Closing Bowmanville merchants who have signed the petition fav'oring the closing of stores at El p. ni. week days and 10.30 p. m. Saturdays rea follows: Merchants who have agreed Vo Ithe early closing include: WC.Caverly A. & P. Stores Jas. Marr R. H. Dilling J. W. Jewell H. C. Osborne W. L. Elliott Selrite Store T. W. Cawker Hydro Shop A. L. Nicholis Dominion Stores T. A. Dustan A]. Matthews W. J. Dudley Jack McDonald S. G. Chartran Mason & Dale F. F. Morris Co, E. S. Naylor Walker Stores Harry Alun F. S. Coulter Evlyn Shop Rice & Co. Nelson's Store G. A. Edmondstone Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Before shopping be sure Vo read the merchants' advts. It's a hrilty habit. Miss E. M. Werry, Toronto. spent the weekend with Mr. andI Mrs. J. H. Werry. Mrs. C. M. Murdoff, Lindsay, spent the weekend wth her father, Mr. J. T. Allin Mrs. A. E. Ingram, Detroit. Mîch., ia visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ingram. King Street. Mr. Leonard Wilson,, Toronto Uni- BETTY BROWN CHOCOLATES We are exclusive agents in Bowmanville for these lam- ous sweets. Boxed in at- tractive Easter boxes. 25c - soc - $1.00 MOIR'S Handy Packages Dainty little boxes contain- ing 18 assorVed pleces. Only 25c box Easter Novelties Bunnies, Chieks and Eggs 3 f or 1 Oc - Sc each The New Health Bread Watson's Cracked Wheat Bread brings delinite and quick relief Vo sufferers o! constipation. It contains the crushed whole wheat, with every element for health building. It's delic- ious. Try it o-day. Loaf 5c The Weekly Special Week after week we geV a seil out on our Special. ThaV's because people watch our windows or ask our driver for it. IV provides a worthwhile saving. Phone us Vo reserve you a special this week or see our drivers. Watson'sBakery. LUNCH ROOM PHONE 970 SODA FOUNTAIN Week-End Values AT THIE CORNER GROCERY Magic Baking Powder, new low price, lb. tin 28c Maple Syrup........ Qt. Gem 50c; Gallon $2.00 Habitant Pea Soup ........... 2 large cans 19c PALMOLIVE P RI1N,C ES S SOAP. SOAP 12toe29C ýw-FLAKES___ COMPErXIOS ~I Mi.ClheLa on YOUTNFUL Mkscte atLne 5 for 23e 15e or 2 for 29o Sardines.... ..................... 6 tins 25c Crosse & Blackwell Catsup........ 2 boules 25c Choice Quality Plums, tin.................I10c Choice Hand Packed Tomatoes....... 3 tins 25c Aylmer Solid Pack Apples, gallon tin........ 48c Cherry Jam, 40 oz. jar ................... 29c For Lenten Meals - Salmon, Fresh Fillets and Smoked Fillets. Ful-O-Pep Starter and Egg Mash. Harrey Aillai, Grocer Phone 186 or 121 Bownianville Manly Strength Drink More GLEN RAE Milk Doctors advise it . . . health authorities have proved it . . . Glen Rae milk builds bone and muscle. From childhood up, no .W . other food f ilis so important a place in the diets of men who want to be MEN! Glen Rae can become you best habit. Drink it often, drink it regularly. Glen Rae Dalry R. R. STEVENS & SON Phone 408J HYDRO --ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT Operations 1934 HYDRO - ELECTRIC SYSTEM Home and Sehool At Home The Home and School Club held its lirst "At Home" in the auditor- ium of the High Sehool on Friday evening. About 200 people gather- ed to enjoy the dance which a great success. Charlie Cawker's or- chestra furnished an abundance of good music for both round and square dancing. Principal and Mrs. J. H. Johnston received the guests at the door, alter which hey went upstairs Vo the auditorium where Miss E. R. Graham and Mrs. F. Jackman ook tickets. About mid- night a dainty lunch was served by members of the Club aI er which every one departed for home hoping it will become an annual aI fair. St. Paul's Y. P. G. At Tuesday night's meeting, St. Paul's Y. P. G. were hosts Vo the members o! Hampton Young People. President George Graham opened the meeting and welcomed the visitors. Prograin was in charge of Hampton Society and consisted of: Devotional with Jackson Wray reading scrip- ture andI Florence Burns aking the lesson and prayer, solo "Ivory Pal- aces" Douglas Rackham; Accordian selections, Mr. Mills; address "oeak- ing Municipal Office" by Mayor W. R. Strike. was very interesting and educational; reading "Miss Dorothy entertains the Minister". Miss Ruth Johns. Recreation and sing-song followed by refreshments closed a very helplul and enjoyable evenling. J. W. JEWELL SOLE FLO-GLAZE AGENTS IN BOWMANVILLE Phone 30 "«Blg 20" Bowmanville GROW SOYA DEANS A NEW DEAL We guarantee paynient in cash for your crops at a price per bushel not less than the price for standard wheat. Write us for our Growers Contract, and particulars. SOYA MILLS LIMITED 45 Richmond Street West - Toronto, Ontario CRACKED WIIEAT BREAD THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 4th, 1935 PAGE SEVEN