Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Feb 1935, p. 9

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN> VILLE. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1935 He Feit Miserable After Meals Acute Indigestion Relievetd lm by Kruschen The treatment wh-ich put this nman right must surely be worth try. mng in every case of indigeýstion. Read what he says:- "Two years ago I suffered very much from indigestion. losa of ap- petite, and a most severe pain in my back. Food soured in niy stamach. I f elt most miscrable after meals, and had no desire ar appetite for them. A f riend advised me ta try Kruschen Saîts. I did so, and I anm most happy ta testif y that after a short time I feit t.he greatest relief. 1 cantlnued taking Kruschen tillI feit mysel! cuite better and a new maxi. I feel as llght-hearted as I did twenty years ago."-W. B. What Kruschen dici for him it wiUl do for everybody else who su1ffers from indigestion as lie did. The fact is that "the lttle daily dose" of Kruschen f irst stimulates the flaow of gastric juices ta aid indigestion. and then ensures a complete, regu- lai and unfailing elimination of all waste matter everY day. Do Ywu Want Your Daughter To Be Pretty? Here's how one girl put roses into her cheeks and rounded out a thin face Mothers who are anxious for their daughters to be healthy and attractive will be interested ini the story of a cer- tain young girl wba, was pale, run- * down, underweight, when sbe went ta a conipetent authority ta have her blood tested. Sbe weighed only 91V2 pounds. The test revealed the trouble. Her blood was too poor in quality ta keep up ber strength, weighit and vital- ity. Her blood waa below normal in thse number of red corpuscles and ini vitally-necessary baemoglobin. She was instructed ta take two of Dr. Wiliams' Pink Pilla (Sa called because they have a pink sugar coating) three trnes a day for a month and then return for an- ether blood test. Thirty days later a changed, happy girl camne back. She had gained nine pounds. Her blood tested almost nor- mal in its haemoglobin content and was slightly better than normal in num- ber of red corpuscles. She feit a tre- mendous lot better and looked iL She had rases in ber cheeks and everyone said that "bier face had rounded out and shc was positively pretty"l. Charming colai and soft dlear skin depend almost entirely upon UicebWood, because the blood cardes the vitaity and nutriment that builds the crt- pleion. The soft, clear skin of every pretty baby la proof of it. And the girl mentioned above is living evidence that good looks wbicb have been lost througb inipoverished blaod can bie re- gained by taking thc proper remedy. There la no need for sa many girls ta endure a sallow, unintcresting com- PhKon nor to remnain listless, nervous and easily tired out. For when these aresy-ptoms of blood that la Iacking in tality, Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla will retore strength and "pep" and tone up good looks, too! Equally effective for pepple of aIl ages. FuUl-size box 50c at your nearest drug store, 38H HEADACHE 5h INDIGESTION quiculy ralieved by MI P Qu\%etre «'If ry three baby boys were rest- legs witb colie or peevish frons their teeth I gave thein a Babys Own Tablet and they were soon asleep," says Mr@. T. Tweedy, 475 Mill- wood Rd.;, Toronto. These swest little tableta rernove the cause of fretfulness and the cbild becomes happy and well again. All tbe coin- mon alIments of ittle folk are Zrormptly and safely corrected with r. William' Babys Own Tablets. Ptice 25e at your druggistts. s ALTTACKN f le cause of RHEUMATISM LUMBAGO SCIATICA ItU)gACAPS Cive lnmediat. eiffrmpi Md t the sane ime thc7 illstartcn in tbe blOOd ai Uric acd and allier impuntie, * bkhidi ionthse sYstind adeu.e rieunui- tisas, adalice. lumbago, ibacmhe. A reglua teetmmtof RUMACAPS will give you - rafd. a- of JO 0Capsula,, *1.0 RUMAÀCAP RHEUMATIC CAPSULES ALEX MOGREGwOR, DRUGS Phono 92 Wc Deliver Wretched f rom Asthzna. etrength Of body and vigor of nilnd are lni- eltably impaired by the visitations of asthma. Who cani live under thse cloud of recurring attacke. and keep Sbodiy and mndi at their f ull effil- lencY? Dr. J. D. Xellogg'a Asthnxa Remedy dsalpates the cloud by re-i v We record this week thse passing ofanother of aur warthy and life- -long residents o! Cartwright tow:n- 1ship in the persan o! Joseph Ma- hooti, belaved Isbanti o! Eliza Mc- Kec, in bis 77tb year. Deceased Iwas a son a! thse late Mr. and Mrs. James Mahooti, andi was baru in 1858, near Cadxnua wbere be bas al- ways resided. He was a member of thse United CIsuncI. He was il1 only a short turne when he passeti away. TIse f uneral an Saturday after- faon toak place f ran bis home, ser- vice being canducted by bis pastor, Rev. H. J. Bell, interment taklng place in St. Johsn's Anglican Ceme- tery, Blackstock, '"until tIse day dawns and thse shatiows fiee away."' Beaides bis sorrawing wi!e, be leaves ta mourn bis passing twa chldtren: Mrs. Creightan Devitt o! Burketon, and Mr. Garnet Mahooti o! Bowmanville. There are six grantichiltiren andti Vree sisters. Mis. James Nesbitt, Miss Frances Mabooti, Nestîcton. and Mrs. John Nasmith o! Edmnonton. Three bro- thera and anc sister predeceased him. Pail bearers were Herman Wilson. Perey Williamson, Marvin Nesbitt. William PIsilip, W. D). Ferguson, anti Dave Wilson. Flower bearers were Laverne Devitt. Harry Franks, Orial Etigerton, Cecil Hamilton. "Asleep in Jesus, Oh! Isow sweet'" Mrn. 'lou. Creeper, Toronto. On January 3lst, Maria Patter, belavet i wfe o! thse late TIsas. Creep- en, formerly o! Tyrone. dieti suddenly in Iser 85tIs year, at Iser resitience. 256 Havelock St., Toronto. Thse late Mm. Creeper was born in Rochester, N. Y., ta wbich place ber !amuly maved frani Banbury, Ox- fordshire, Englanti, in 1845. Cern- ing ta Canada, a few years hater, ase resideti in Cobourg, noving shortly therca!ten to, Leakard in wbich neighborhood se spent thse greater part o! ber lu! e. For over 25 years ase lived in Tyrone where ber busband, thse late Thos. Creep- er, conducteti a general store, later in Hamipton, andi finally Toronto where ase bas resiieti for over twenty years. As a young girl Mrs. Creeper taugbi achoal in Leskard, the sanie scbool in whicb ber thcee brothers, the hate Charles Patter. B. A.. ane-time Principal of Whistby Callegiate. the late Rev. Austin Pat- ter, Dundas, Ont., anti Albert Patter, late o! Toronto, taught long years ago. NEW BANK 0F CANADA GETS DOWN TO BUSINESS The new Bank of Canada, "the govcrnorship of Grahami Ford Tow- Towers, Victoria building wbich bank without a vault," Is getting c rs, organization has begun and the bouses the new bank and, the French dow.n to serious business in their 11ready for business" sign is nearly and English brasa plates on the new home in Ottawa. Under the complete. Layaut shows Governor doorway. Creeper residence, 256 Havelock St.,' gave a recitation, and M. Harrison -was rnarked by many tokens of es- favored wlth a vocal solo. tecm. A profusion of floral offer- Annual meeting o! the lot owners ings froni relatives. friends and of the Cemetery Company was held members af Centennial U n i t e d in the town hall, Orono, on January Church. of which Mrs. Creeper was 21. Thse financial statement reveal- a meniber, gave mute testimony of ed an operatlng profit for thse year respect. Crowded in the living roonis af $878.72. Board o! directors for and hailway friends and acquaint- 1935 are: C. J. Hughson, President; ances paid their last tribute. At the R. H. Alun, Vice-President; C. F. conclusion of thse service thse funeral Awde, Secretary-rreasurer; Dirc- procession proceeded to Betbesda tors: Edward Morton, Richard Cetnctery, near Tyrone. Here, sur- Wood, Richard Brown, Heber J. rounded by many aid friends, in thse SoucIs, James Nixon, Ernest J. rolling his and pleasant country- Hamm. Burials for the year: Aduit aide, where she had spent so many 34; Children 3. happy years of ber youth, Mrs._______________ Creeper was gently laid to rest. 0 To those who mourn thse loss o! 1 "Aunt Maria," as se was affection- WEDDING ately lcnown, Mrs. Creeper, could se have spoken, would have lef t tis FuksOe mnessage ta ber hast of friendsis luke--we Toronto, in Durhama County, and ta TIse marriage took place quietly those gathereti at the graveside: on Saturciay evcning in St. Dewi "This is not a tume for grief, Welsh United Churcb, Toronto, a! for there is no finality in death. Gwladys, daug hter of Mgr. and Mis. 1 go now but shaîl await your T. Owen, ta Mr. Edward Newton coming-where there bs neither Foullces, eldest son of Mr. and Mis. sorrow nor suffering, and no John E. Foulkes, !ormerly of New- more tears-where yau and I cateOnRv.JehEaso- sha sc urIoedons ace ta ficiatmng. TIse bride wore a very' face and clasp theni close ta aur becoming gawn of blue suede crepei hearts thraugh ail Eternity, f or- ihsletrm ngadpr ry ever nd eer an eve.11bat and carried a bouquet of pink1 roses. Miss Megan Owen, aister of the bride, attended as bridesmaiti iORONO and was gowned In maroon crepe Mrs. Creeper, !rom early chilti- no..d, was siudiaus, thaugbtfuh and (Fram TIse News, Feb. 14) deepy seligiaus. Naturally sincere, ana a paýsonate lover o! trutb, se Dr .and Mrs. John Chester anti abhorreti shallow-ness, aham or pie- family a! Toronto spent Sunday at tence. Instînctivcly se sensedth Ie ber father's, Mr. T. Smith. deeper sgnificance a! things spirit- Bill Powell o! Napance, represent- ual. anti aithough ortbodax, se hati ative a! thse Daly Tea Company, bas lîttie patience for creetis or tIse been at Kumrite Inn tIse past two meaning o! creeda. Religion, with weeks. - Ien, was not a pose ta, be assumed Mr. George Stutt, well known menely op occasion. Rather was it Western borseman: a!f Wapella, a vital part o! ber lu! e anti influ- Sa.sk., spent tIse weekend with his enceti every thaugbt anti action. TIse brother. Mr. Willam Stutt. asat o! ber generation. se saw ber Mr. W. H. VanAllen, who owned Isbanti anti four brotbers, one by anti worked tIse former James Brati- one, go sihcntly ta their last repose. ley fanm for some five years, bas Ativancedtiun years, se was fully maveti back ta Toronto recenthy. conscious that ber ife, tao, in tIse A number froni the village attend- course a! nature must sbortly close. cd an evening'a entertainssent for This probabilty. she o!ten philoso- frientis anti !amihy at tIse home a! phlzeti upon, but ase did nat fean Mis. John Morris, north o! Orano. deatb. Death. to ber, was not sasse- Rev. J. H. Osterbout, pastar of thing ta be regartiet with trembling, Park Street Unitedi ChurcIs, anti Mr. or spoken a! with bated breath. A. J. Tambln will attend Oshawa Rather was it a natui'ai transition- Presbytery on Thurstiay at Oshawa. a gentle pa.ssing ta a far superlor Mrs. Fairbairu, wbo bas been state. Death. se prepareti for anti canfinedti thIe Kunirite Hatel o! looketi forward ta as ta an assuretid t sts euto o 11 bappiness wbere sbe wauld be greet- lt s h euto o i eti by fientis anti hoveti anes long slelgbing party, la able ta be anaunti since in ashes blown away. agafri. Mn -and Mrs. John Ma!fatt au- A keen Jutige a! characten, ber naunce tIse engagement of their untierstanding o! buman nature anti daugbter, Doris EdltIs Vivian, ta Mr. buman !railty was unusual. She Leonard Fnetierlc AltIrcati, son af knew, as fcw even shall, that no two Mrs. Fowler andth Ie late Mr. Fred lives are patterneti alike, that G-ad Aidreati, o! Pantypool; tIse marriage fashioneti us ail tifferentiy and that jto take place lu March. He ahane shaulti it in jutigmnt. Mr. anti Mrs. W. J. Martin o! Passesseti a! many rare anti lavable Orono annaunce tIse engagement o! traits of character, Mrs. Creepen was their second daughten, Gladys Mar- neyer known to apeak 111 o! any ane. ton, ta Mn. Erneat W. Strlckhand, Rather she sought tIse gooti In those oniy son o! Mr. anti Mr. J. Strlck- she met anti 8o commandedth Ie hove landi of Newfaundlaild. TIse wetid- anti respect o! a wlde anti even lu- lng wlll take.place In March. creasing circle o! friends anti ac- aacECbmnawh-ow quaintnces.fariner o! the Klrby district, passed Despite ber advancedi years, Mrs. away Tuesday, Feb. 12th. Deceased Creeper diti noV gîve thse Impression was tIse eldest son a! tIse hate John of age. Ishe was Young ln thougbt; Cbapman. He is surviveti bY bis ber niannerisms were as ane lu the wldow andi fafrilhy o! twa sons, Orley, prime a! ife, anti ber volce as Young at borne, anti Percy, Oshawa. De- anti fresh lu Inflection as a girl O! ceasedi hati been la failhng healtIs for twenty. The Suntiay mornlng be- tIse past few manths. Interment at fore ber death se spent sanie tîme Orano Cemcteny an fltiay. at the piano singlng bynins to her Mn. George Forbes, who la under- own accampanent-a pastime o! golng treatment at St. MlcIsael's wbich she was very fond. ThougIs Hospital, Taronto, wrltes Thse News falhng lunIsealts, i la haer years, se that he untierwent an operation twa Iwas not Incapacitateti In any way weeks ago and la dalng well, ex- anti ber mind was exceptlonally pectlng Vo eave tIse hospîtal soan keen till tIse moment o! ber passlng. and bacic Vo tIse aid home town. TIse closlng events o! Mms. Creep- Speaklng o! Mn. Ern J. Hawke. also erlty, Jat a aIs udhewsed . hlkewlse exp pat e tlngSt. Mleave forhoe cr' st as wr mne o lt hv smp . ieeapai et ! Bt Mica srhoe I On tIse evening o! her death se was shortly. Little change lu noticeable. ln splendid spirits andi apparent be cams, la Mr. AV!leld'a condition. good IsealtIs. Towartis mldnlgbt seé League meeting Ilut Manday was becaine suddeniy 111 andi althougb in charge of Miffl Margaret Million her physîclan waz lmmedlately suni- andi openet i wtI sing-song andi nioneti, notblng could ble donc. Ia a games. TIse toplc "Eust meets West few moments ase was bcyond al bu- la Trinidati" was takea by Miss man aid anti passedi peacefully away lKathleen Stark. Chas. ]Buckley and ln the presence o! ber two chlldren, Jlln Tamblyn favoredth Ie gatherlng Bert anti Alice. wiVh a, trombone andi cornet duet. On Sundiy, at 1.30 o'clock, a ser- Shîdes on Trinidati were shawn, thse vice, conducteti by Rev. Mn. Chester lecture being given by A. 0. F. Mc- of Centennial Unitedi ChurcIs, et the Donald. Misa Etina Shackleton with blaclc bat andi carricti a bo-u- quet of spring flowers. Mr. Regin- ald Fouikes attended as best man. Af ter thse ceremoy a receptian was helti at thse home o! Mr. and Mrs. John E. Faulkes on Aldwych Ae., Toronto, which was beautl!ully dec- orated i wtb flowers for tbe occas- ion. Mr. and Mrs. Edward. Fouikes wili reside in Toronto. PAGE NINU 1 OBITUARY J. A. Nelluon, Lansing, Mch. The death cccurred in Lansing, Michigan, of Professor J. A. Neilsan, for sanie time on the faculty of tIse Ontario Agricultural Colleg- a.t Guelphs. TIse late Mr. Neilson was a former resident of Port Hope and was well known in Bawmnanvilie, be- ing cannecteti for two years wltI thse Department of Agriculture where he was engageti as an extension Isrti- culturalist. He was a member of Ontario Lodge A. F. & A. M. No. 26. Prof. Neilsan, wIso gained continent- wide distinction as an expert in nut culture, Isat been engageti for tIse past few years in devciopment o! that Uine of work at Michigan State College, Lansing. andi priar to going ta the Unitedi States. diti cansider- able research work for thse Ontario Gavernment. !LOCKHART'SSCHOOLI Monthly meeting of Laclchart's IHome and ScIsool Club was beld at tIse schoal on Wednesday, Feb. 6tb, with over 60 members present. Miss F. M. Galbraith o! Bowman- ville was thse g-ucat speaker. She outlined thse aimis and value af Home and ScIsool Clubs. This be- ing "'Founder's Day" Miss Galbraith flttingly paid tribute ta Mrs. A. C. Curtis, tIse founder. She emphasiz- cd again and anew the importance o! tiravving parent and teacher to- gether in order to get thse mare co- operatian. The speaker outllned thel f ive dif ferent types of mintis that wc have in the warld today. First, ts '"Individual Mind"; this type o! per- i son is selfish and self-centred. Sec- ond, "The Family Mmnd," represent- ing tIse persan wha cares only for' h is own family. Tbirdly, "The! iCommunity Mind." whose interests' are nil when situations or circum- stances do not directly affect bis comn-unity. Fourtb. "The National Mind." It is being realized mare ahl the tisse that nations cannat hive by theniselves. Then thse fifth and most desirable type us the "Universal Mind"l-the mmnd which us interest- cd in and works for the betterment osf nankinti the worhd over. Miss Galbraith mentioned the f act -that ahl parents think their chiltiren ta be brigbt. "Among the other class- es there are brlght lazy pupils and duil lazy pupils," she saiti. In or- der that a chîlti may progress at scbaol it bs neccssary for bis whole body ta be present: the body, tIse mind and thse heart. TIse truant officer may bring the body, but only the teacher lu co-operation witb thse chilti can bring thse mind anti heart ta schoal. Less than 10% a! tIse child's waklng hours is exposed, ta educ aVion at achool. It la necfssary that tIse ather 90% be -properly cared for. TIse club was fortunate ia baving a great deal o! autside talent pres- ent. Mis. R. Thampson. accomPan- led by Miss Lillian Naylor, both of Bowmanville, sang at two different times. Mis. P. Hare, Newcastle, re- citeti two numbers witb encores. IBilly Bowcn sari? a solo, "Passing By." Marguerite Harris sang a number and encore. accom-panled by RPalpIs Gibsan on thse guitar. Jack Hare at tIse piano and Ralph Gib-j son with the gultar f avored. wîth a duet. Ellen Allin o! Orano, accamn-I panied by Eilee Riddell, sang two beautiful sacred numbers. Bessie Blackburn read the Home and Sehool Club creed. Thse president, Mrs. F. Bowen. un- covered a birtbtiay cake which Isad four reti candies araund tIse outslde with onc large wbite one lu the cen-i tre. TIse four candîca reprcsented thse age o! aur club. The white one wa3 in rememabrance of Mrs. Curtis. Because Miss Gaibraltb knew Mrs. Curtis. she lit thse white. wbile Mrs Armstrong wha with Mrs. Russeil Osborre was the faunder a! No. 91I Club, lit tIse red candles. Mathers were present agalu wben -the Junior Roed Cross bad its Val- entine Party at tIs chool. History taîka, recitations and sangs were given by thse pupils. Six of thse pu- pls played twa selections wlth their, vialins. Program was folhawed .by ref reshments. Thse annual No. 9 Dance was held at Oroncoan Frlday. Feb. iStIs, wltb aver tbree bundred pre-sent. Mr. Ray Brawn was tIse winner a! thse dressed goase; Miss Emnma Jean, Harris won thse duck; Mr. Tom Cow- an won tIse chickcn; while Mr. Han- vey Cortien o! Bowmanville won the- dressed pigeons. Wlnners af five buntireti. uchre, andi lucky tiances are too* numeraus ta mention. Nearly 306 wene systematically and efficiently serveti witb a gener- oua lunch by thse ladies under thse supervision o! Mrs. Howard Bowen. ROY NICROLS. BOWMANVILLE COURTICE 1 PAGE NINZ SER VICE ACCOMPANIES OUR MILK Wben you order Bowmianville Dairy produets they are dellv- eredi at thec same tîme every morning by a courteous iIk- man who is lnstructed to give you the best possible service when he bringa you the best li mllk, cream and butter. Cali and we'Il start today. Bowmanville Dairy W. H. BETTLES Proprietor Phone 446 DOWMmvle I KENDAL Mr. George Luxan is under the doctors care. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Evan Quantill who have a baby daugbter. Mr. and Mrs. George Elott, Saskatoon, Sask., are vis i t in g f rlends here. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Dunibar, Perrytown, visited ber mother, Mrs. Wesley Efllott. Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell LowerY, KCirby, attended the churcb service bere on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Olen and son, Millbrook, were visitais at ber slster's, Mrs. John Patton. Miss Cora Linton and Mrs. How- ard Linton and daughter, Orono, visited the latter's mother, Mis. E. Underwood. League on Thursday evening was ln charge of the Mlssianary conven- er, Miss Nellie HUi, who toolc charge of thse toplc. Bible reading was giv- cn by Miss Marguerite Bell, and readings wcre given bv Annie Wright and Jean Mercer. Valentine games were conductcd. There was a fair attendance at thse oy.Fter supper on Thursday night. A good prograni was put on in the church by these artists: Readinga by Misses Anne Tbomnson and Audrey Patton: solos by Miss Elale Wallace and Mr. Georgre McKenna: duetz. MIeses Elsie Wallace and- Franices Elliott: piano solo, Mis. George Camnpbell. For years Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator has ranked as a reli- able wormn preparation and 1V always maintains its reputation. You'II find out that we like to word< and you'Il also discover that you like our work. This is Heat Headq ua rt e r s. When you want perfec heat in your house get us on the phone and tell us to hustie. Phone 651. BERT PARKER Plumbing - Heating Bowmanville Mora 6.51 ME NN -;;- Vor take VITONAIL, fanons Toic e Vtly aad svsruous prSesS a oa, MICA ftMlOTSCO.422 Viettu St.. W.st TUN

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