Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1935, p. 7

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PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIL, THÎURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7tb, 1935 ____________________-j~of the afternoon soon f roze the brass I I ' instruments and the playlng had te Laca ia nd Pe rsa i a N '~ ~OBITUJARy stop, but the procession seemed only JohnMcCýHoch Enfeld and bandsmen marched te the sol- g ~~~ ~ HN 5___________________ ____________________3l cuoh nî emn beat of the drums. At the I PHNE on undy, Jnuay 27h terecernetery veterans filed slowly past -eeand Mrs. H. Baskervile, Tor- Local farmers are cutting ice on SILVER WEDDING passed to rest a hlghly respected POPpy on the casket, each repeating onto, visited friends here this week. Vanstone's pond and-*report a verY amri-tepso ofM.Jh "Ltuntfrg.'Tesiles If you are in the market for a fine quallty about 20 inches thick. DAY IS MARKED McCulloch, in bis 82ndyear,iathiS of the tquiet afternoonewasashatter- used car read Nichols' advt. on page Magistrate Jones, Toronto, wil BY P EE TA IN Hoe ws on t33 on.8,ar.ndn a~ ttfnal v Bb' orle w a ie six. address the Men's Canadian Club.P ESNT TON Hes on mCo h lat e M. i nd "Oeld Bob'iessmirtlrm Balance of Dingman & Edmond- Feb. llth, on Modern Methods O!fr.Jh culcworsce eelft hl i prtacne stone's Ready Made hats on sale at Dealing with Delinquent Youths. M.adMs ush odn al on Lot 35, Con. 8, Darlington. Het eev i ra eadte 59c te $1.25. A full report of the presentation Gae rn ihA~js was born in 1853 and was educated heavens.Tefrngatywscm Annuel meeting o! Trinity church of a 50 year jewel ta Thomas H. rvPentdWhAdes at En! ield School belng a pupil when -os Thef Co rdegHupage, Humcoi- congregation is being held in the Lockhart at Florence Nightingale adSleSrvethewsantedneo!or80plirie-s, Rogers, Fewster, Bennett, churcli tonigbt (Tbursday). Lodge on Wednesday night will be ppl.MnlMtes pne end Dr. Dorothy M. James and Miss given next 'week. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Worden, VIn 1874 he married Miss Susan and Huffman. Mary Northway, Toronto, spent Sun- Herb. .amieson & Sons have pur- Maple Grove, were pleasantly sur- Vite, one of bis school-mates, and Lef t ta mourn bis pa.sslng are bis day with the former's mother, Mrs. chased the Markus Mayer property prised Saturdaq, evening, Feb.. 2nd, started farxmng on Lot 33 and re- wl! e and t.hree sonis, Chare H. N. S B.Jams. t te crne 0fKin an Siverwhen their brothers, sisters, nieces, mained there until shortly bef ore bis sOloist Royal Grenadier BandTr St.Andew' YongMens Cass Srees ad wll emve hei tieand nephews gathered ta celebrate1 parents died when he maved back ente; Vernon, Principal of Mmr St.Andew' Yong en' C ass tretsand vlwii rem o ther tire their silver wedding anniversary. ta the old homestead ta care for the ial Public School, Weston; andrViv- held a social evening at the Balmoral at teratin vulcnzig pl as soo After the company had assembled aid couple who needed considerable ian, in the Customns Service, Burn- Hotel last Tuesday. Mr. R. M. An as-Teratingae conied t the chairman. Mr. Cecil Bellman, attention paid ta them. He finally ley, England. sie was in charge. A supperand an TeBwigAly otnet called the guests ta order and the purchased the old homestead. re- Beautiful floral tributes were re- address by Dan Williams were fea- attract plenty o! fans ta sec the follawing address was read by the maining there until he retired fram ceved from Charlie. Vernon and tures o!The prganegeires alnd ispeialmatches. groom's sister, Mrs. Albert Belîman: business. on retiring they maved Vivian; Canadian Legian Band, Ca- Invitations bave been sent out for Terls' bowling ouis gaining n- Dear Russell and Ethel- back ta bis home on Lot 33, where nadian Legion, Chair o! St. John's the annual At Hame of the High Tterest, andsag may otuheedCaurtirh. r.andMraWRwladfCl- Schoal on Friday night. A splendid ville feud is reaching exciting stages. w pen ta er aohap n t. s eDuid. slf e a aYTe ae egbos a n programin s belng arranged, andI Goodyear Recreatian Club held itsweepeettaveyapyvnt urn hi lie esa mnyTeSem eibrs Cp.ad dancing and refreshrnents wili be in-I annuai theatre nigbt on Wednesday, Russell Worden and Ethel Wilkins changes that science and invention Mrs. C. W. E. Meath, Mr. and Mrs. cluedintheenerainen. wben the Royal Theatre was paclced piedged their troth "till deatb do us bad wrought in ail those changing J. Mathews, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie cltacapcit fo the picture "Thet. pat" We are to-nigbt delighted ta years. He enjoyed good healtb until Coombes, Mr. Ed. Silver and Misses Mr. C. A.Cameron, ellbeilable tatecelebratefrwitehpyourey"urea few weeks ago. His eyesght re- Alice and Ada, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mr. y lC. A. Cameran.lleilr-MihyBca."Toeatndinge o silver aniniversary. in these days a! cently failed hum, and baving a bad ThamPson, Staff of M e M o r i a 1 Hasngselcoute isbercandidate for the second show had ta line Up aut- uncertainty and divorce, a privilege f all fram the effects o! whicb hast- Schaol, Weston. legal partnier, Mr. A. R. Cameron, a sde the theatre. not always accamded. eneid bis death. former successful and popular tes- Tbraugh the efforts o! W J .Bragg Yordoosaenww pnt He was a prosperous fariner and CR FTAK cher at Bowmanville High School M. P. P., ten Bawmanviliicmen le! oraasaeno eopnt wben h e retired he had a herd o!fAD0FTAK back around 1907. this week and wili be given a us, as they se frequently have been pure bred Durhamn Shorthamns that fml !telt oetJ S eofiii eestmaeamonth's work on the Minden-Co- in the past, for You possess that were bard te beat. Deceased was of The fml ftelt oetJ cheuponficth eactivte o! Cpid. woconk Highway. In one mont.h they Christiani atti'ibute enlogized ini a cheerful disposition, a good neigh- Lowens wisb te express their sin- chcI n the nboJanuar th fCpiwle repiaced by ten others wha Sripture -given ta bospitality." We brar nda d dvted hubbd cere thaflks ta Mrs. Smyth and Nur- rnea 10bths and 9 dhe etds I ib ie a month's work. Ail have many times enjoyed Ethel's and father and much respected by aseofteH piat rndwh Bawmnvile bu ns arriges.Per-o! the men sent were single but one. clnr r n usl' aeo large acquaintenceship. He wasaLeon nd eio Badadth Bowmanville but no marriages. Per- humour. Our eyes, tea, bave feast- Pesbyterian ail bis life. einadLgo Bnadth haps tbe weather bas had something Congratulations ta Mr. Guy F. ed upan the neatness and beauty of Mr. and Mrs. McCulloch hdf~~ firing squad, and teaail who express- ta do with this situation.hu Luttrello!Too theso olMand yaur home. Yeu have been blessed ingly observed their fiftieth and six- terrcn dbraeeti h Mr. Jabez C. Vanstane, son a! Mr. Ms rhmLtritelte a witb prosperity, and rightly se, God tieth anniversaries o! hi their weddng.as o! a d be e busbn an fa- and Mms. F. C. Vanstone, wha naiE. o!C Blromanviile wbo in the heips those who help theinselves. By the latter being observed last Sept- tber. abloe usadan a resides in Kitchener was aiwarded cE R. C Cl asno Med f in ac jont -______fforsYu_________ he !irst prize in bis primary examinat- cunany i ws nouce frm au ji t ntiring efforyou 11Webe ions before the Institute a! Charter- the Institute o! Chatered Account- jposses ns eial rpry Funeral service Tuesday, January ants recentîy. and are an example teail11oa what 29tb was conducted by Rev. Parmy O E IG P B I ed Accountants recently. His many o'misteOdT eSkin may be accampîisbed througb co- Jones a! Knox Presbyteian Church, O E IGP B I fmends here offer congratulations.. Df' isteOdTm ktn operatian and camradesbiP, bath o! Oshawa. His remarks were very LECTURE AT HIGH A mIe hous ed hesîningî~Parties. next Tuesday and Thursday whicb a noted educatar bas said are comfomting ta the bereaved. Mrs. D. ATranity ounied urhe onSndayn at Taylrs Aena. Prizes, Tuesday, the secrets o! successful marriage. Archer and Mrs. Parry Jones sang a SCHOOlL A SUCCESS eveitynin iedrig eral oSu se- Oidest married couple, Raast o! beef; You have been graclous enoug.h te duet very barmoniously and with lvenirtnesderiseagoelms- lst Lucky No.. 24 lb bag Floeur: 2nd share your home with an aged moth- much feeling "Abide with Me". Pail Teseons by hes asgth ev. E. F. Lucky No., 10 lbs white sugar. er, and bath you and she are ta be beamers were: Messrs T. Bowman, (Continued fram page 1) Th emnb h atr e.E -Thursday prizes. Oldest married congratulated upon hem attainiment L. C. Pascoe, Gea. Hepburn, FredtaWetfrhesvstesceto Armstrong, an "A man forty and couple, Box o! Gra2eries; Fimst Lucky a uha dacdae e p' mtA!Pect n letTr dcto bc hyblee a ave'.~vs ui o inemstan sg-No., Picnic Ham: 2nd Lucky No.. 10 mne.wtyrmakaditrS mithga, al eighors.nd ibetnTr- eaingwhile therselieamed a gestions. mne it lbss n ners ilgr alnihos Issugar. Came and have a good in l! e are chamming. We wisb ta Sainin, hie o! hsewo ornbs lssma tapeaet erelv fre About. twenty f riends and relat- tre extend ta you aur heamtiest congrat- are, besides bis sorrawing widow, twopaicacaer ives met at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. A sharp increase in local deliosits ulations and best wlshes for the daughter, Mrs. W. Hudson. Undem- owia arte tbcntr mr Gordon Cowle on Monday night ta in the Penny Bank o! Ontario is years to corne may you be spared bil Man.; and Miss Ida, at home; and more People Ieamned ta read, celebrate wth themn the 7th anni- noted in the repart a! Inspectaer J. ta celebrate many other anniversar- and thre sans, Dr. W. McCullach, and education o! the masses spread vesary o! their miarmiage. The event R. Littleproud for November and ies. As a remembrance o! this bap- Orana; John McCullach. Culver City,rail.Ccutigibaeswe was a complete surprise, and the December 1934. Bowmanviîle Public ny occasion we ask you ta accept Ca. ndOierMCloco te!uded andict was chararistico! happy couple received many beaut- Schaol pupils are depositing at the this silver service. Cald.;mtandlove bruloh, oe the timnes and ithoase c ould mead.c o eing a gts. Tentrem ayir o! the ev- rate a 31% o! thce attendanle Signed an behal! o! the brothers. at Harristan; one sister, Mrs. Oea. would read only the f mer type o! enig ws sentin laingcars, hic isa ecied ncrase whîesisters. nieces and nephews. Gibsan; and twelve grandchildren baoks. while later a tasty lunch was served. S. S. No. 6, Dai'ington is depositilig At the apprapriate turne Mm. M. and one great grand cbild. Later came books, the novels. Whenhe apeaed bf ae Mais-Up ta 22% a!f its attendance. The Wilkins, the bride's brother. present- The floral tributes were beautifulwhcapeedttebmneo- traen F. apeS. d Ebb fohawa Poice total cash deposits howevem reflect ed thehappy couple witb a silver !rom the farnily, grandchildren and wins.At first thtye O! aok was Cout tis ee, Wllim aokpriciphî th imroemet. hetea service and tray. others. Internent wag at Union beld ta be o! daubtfui benefit be- pCeadtdtgiîtyta ec iliagmstooen total amount a! deposits for Bow Mr. and Mrs. Warden responded Cernetery. cause it taught people ta day dream, plae ulyt eevn tlnmanville District schools on Decein- very graciously. a!ter which congrat- btSr atrSotbogtbc goods f rom Couch, Johnstan & Cry- ber 3lst, 1934 was $3,427.45, as coin-1 ulatory speeches were made. Miss btSr atrSotbogtbc derman's store in Bawmanviile. pared with $2,999.40 at the saine Be-nice Belîman Presented Mrs. Robert J. Lowens, Bowmanville the respectability o! the novel by Cook was given suspended sentence. date the year previaus. An increase Annie Worden. mother o! the groom, hlchweremo ity sial eet h The naines o! those f rom whom Cook is noted across the whole province, wha is in hem 88tb year with a beau- (Contlnued !ram page 1) whih e tyeo!mmd. Dysickbe tei the received the gaods are known ta Po- deposits at the end o! Iast year be-1 tiful bouquet o! !lowers, a gi! t from hgettp fmn.Dcesi h lice, and a province wide hunt is ing $1208315.28, as compared with the great grand chiîdren. comnussioned off icers and officers next century did mucb to increase being ruade for the men. $1,194,249.91 the year previaus. A The evening then passed with alike. His self sacrifice, bis Ioyalty public înterest in reading, but the ___________ ___________total o! 473 scbols deposited in songs and cards. FoUloWing the pro- and devotian ta duty, won f om him price a! books soared ta extremely 1934 as corniared wth 471 in 1933. grirersnntweeevd a place in the bearts o! every man bigb levels and the poorer people Rev. W. J. Todd, 4 Bookvale St., the dinning oom by the nieces o!f îbwo ecm ncnat cudntafr ara. Ti s m. m àm Belfast, Nartbern Ireland: In e-1 the bride and groom. The table was I is rather significant that "Old braught about the publication O! IL IIRI~ newing iny subscriptiofl ta the centred with pink candles and a Bob," wbo started bis musical car- periodicaîs witb serial stories, which AStatesnuanfo anather er I wisb large wedding caemdeb th er more than bal! a century aga, brought the best a! wrlters within Il A LENII ELL to thank yau for the egularty with bride's sisters.b'tb before the advent o! modemn musi- reach o! the average persan._ which i was sent lest year. and the Mr. and Mrs. Worden were the cal Instruments, should bave been In the last 150 years practically deightful articles o! interest ap- recilients o! many pleasant mess- privileged in 1932 ta broadcast over ail have learned ta read. The mec- pearing an almost every page. Nat- aLes froin Winnipeg, Echo Bay, New the Iatest developinent, radio. Mr. hanized World brougt Witb it greater uralîy, I arn deeply interested in the Liskeard, Tara, London and Tor- Lowens conducted the Legion Band Production and cheaper books, with geerl ffir o tetown and dis- noi aorin broadcast f rom Short the result that practically ail who trict. and arn pleased ta learn that Wave Station VE9GW, Bowman- learned ta read in cblldhood*, read t rade ta inuchim iproved. During ville, which was heard and reported for pleasure as they grew aIder. I the recent Week o! Prayer my .. from ail over the world. There were four reasons advanced < tboughts were inuch in Bawrnan- C U C E Two years ago faiiing bealth de- by Mrs. Creighton, as ta why people ville with my frlends of former days, HJ C E manded that he reîinquisb the pas- read. First. as a past turne te bring and I was silently expressing the <C s$ ition he filled witli se much grace pleasant relaxation. Secandly, one hope that ministers and people alike ST OEH BC.HU H and honor, but he bas lived on as reads ta escape into a worîd o! o- mlght be geatly cheered and bless- ST SE 'SRC.HU H j an inspiration ta members o! the mantic falsification. They wanted ed through the meetings beld. MY Rev. Father J.* F. McGulme, Pastar band, and teaial who knew hum, ta see the glamoraus things o! life, kindest regards accompany this Mass at Newcastle at 9 a. mn.; tbroughout bis life, and now that' in other words they required a nar- note ta ail thase o!frMy f riends yau Mass at Bowmanville 10.30 a. m. be ets eternaîly beneath the soul, cotic ta take thein away froin the FOR EVERYBODY may chance ta meet. ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHflRCH bis character wîll live on ta be a humdrum o! everyday existence. Fron l ho50ceac. M. J HaoldFox Prncial ! Rv. . R Spnce, M A. Retari elp te others wha were pivilegcd Thirdly, people read te obtain assis- No oenelie di0eapinh. Mpict.nHColiaedocatrininal o eIn- 'Sene, .A. e ta teknow hum, tance in the business o! living and No ne eedbe isapoited Pito ColegateandVoctioal n- Mrs. J. A. Ounn, Organist M ~r. Lowens farmed for saine years lastly, they read ta deepen and en- Mechanical Valentines for stitute bas resigned, ta take e!fect the klddles. August 3lst next in order that he Sunday, Feb. lth, Fifth Sunday on the Manvers Road. He was a ricb the quaîity o! their living. The Cadsfo Fieda~a May pursue post-graduate study at a!ter Epiphany: Holy Communion faitbful inèmber o! St. John's Angli- f irst and lest reasons migbt be said Crswfr eeea nd Harvard Universlty in a course Iead- 8 a. mn.; Maning Prayer, Men's Club can Church, and up until the time ta be the chie! easons, the speaker The mo teandaative ingtaward the degree o! Doctar o! Service, il a. mn.; Sunday Scbool o! his last illness seldon failed ta added. seecin e ae vr ad duatal.M. axu aso-- a 2.30 p. m.; Evening Prayer 7 p. in. sing n tbc choir each Sunday. Rain The speaker then discussed what Dont ~elate -o! M. and Mmer .W oess!tis S ~ E ' RSYEA or shine. ice or snow, 'Old Bob" se constituted a goad book, what was seletn. In ave vmn aentin.W. ones s tig- T IDE ' P E B TE LL oved bis cburcb that be weathered art in writing. Tragedy was con- February 14th la the date, nation the Picton Gazette says: e.W G. Blake, Minister on Tuesday afternoon, citizens o! because, it net necessarily amused For Your Parties - "Mr. Fox bas brought the school tae Revss w.ouise Ore rai theai wsos ta e pa resent. hsionerd e igt exessaiysino!at, Valentine Favors, Tailes, tea avery hlgh state o! efflciency, MisLusObanOgis aiwako!iepidtbteabsoeom idtncsarygvea- Place Cardsansd Serviettes. perbaps the best in its history. The Sunday, February lUrth: il a. m.-!j memary when they attcnded the isfaction, but rather because it In- news of bis resignation will le learn- "Abraham on Mount Moriah": 2.30 'funemal service in St. John's Cburch. creased ane's sensibility towamds 11f e. Je e z ed with regret by ail those interested p .m.-Sunday School: 7 P. m.- The churcb was wel !illed with In conclusion the speaker suggest- Je o e e l in the maintainlng o! a high stan- "The Prodigal." Special music. Ev- friends. relatives, veterans, bands- ed that it is good ta get away f rom BOOKS & STATIONERV dard o! educationi ef!iciency at erybady welcame. men, andflo hrhe.Dr u eua edn n aeah £ANT WALLPAPER Picton Collegiate and at the saie STPU'SUIEDCU the inomning he lay In statc in iday, and in this connection she sug- CIA£GASturne providing for the chldren o1S! ALSUITDCUC h chancel o! the cburcb, bis cas- gested the reading o! detective star- HNe & 30AS this county the educational oppor-ý Rev. A. S. Kerr', Minister ket covered with the Union Jack, ies, o! travel and a! fancy. In any Phn 0tunitles ta wbicb tbey are entltled." Mir5. C. H. Dudley, Organlst and beautiful floral tributes sur-' event. Mrs. Creighton advlsed one ta and Director. raunding hum. Before the funeral read ta suit their own sentiment and Sunday, February 1tb: il a. m.- service started two sentries, J. Ken- tempeamant, and for that reason, "Facing Difficulties"; 2.30 p. m.- ned.y and A. ýC. Fewster, mounted she did net recomniend any part- Sunday School, Ad i B il Cîas, gaid over the cesket, their arms icular books, althougb nie dld dis- Bowmanvilîe, A.ho as been un Oshi- casket le! t the cburcb, and latei' Carolina Jubilee Singers wbo de-1 awa Hospital for the past six weelrs, fîred a !a.rewell volley over the llgbted a large audience a year ago, A B O R H O Othe resuit o! severe inJuries b. e- grave as be was lowered Inta hus will present a program in Trinity ceived wben be was knocked down îast restlng place. The Canadian United Church an Monday, Febru- SHOE STORE by a car wbule crosslng the Areet un Leglon Band, as a tribute ta Uts amy l8th, at 8 p. ., sponsored bY Cowan Block King St. Bowmanville home though confined ho bis b.d sion tbrougb the business section, Admission 25e and 15c. They wlll __________hav__________fo________he___________________,_1____________ nityeven 6-1srvic A nother 5KG WEEK of Outstanding Food Values- CROSSE and BLACKWELL SPECIALS C. & B. Tomnato Soup 4 TINS 250 C. & B. Pork anid eans LARGE SIZE 1OC C. & B. Tomnato Juice 13 OZ. CAN 50 C. & B. Tomnate Catsup 2 BOTTLES 250 QUALITY Soap Chips FRYS Comoa 2 LB FRY'S îlot Chocolat. FINE QUALITY BULK Black Tea LAXO HEALTH Cereal Pot Barley CHOICE HAND PICKED Cooking Deans 5LB. BOX 420 S. MIN 210 1,j LB. TIN 230 390 5LB. BAG 25e LB. 5c SLBS. FOR 25e FISH SPECIAL Silverbright Salmon, whole fish ..l. 14c Fresh Fillets- - Qysters FuI-O-Pep Egg Masb - yster Sheli - Grit Harry Allia, Grocer Phone 186 or 121 Bowmanville Children's Popularity Contest. This is open Wo any chlld fil teen yeaxs or under. AU you need to do is corne and register the narne. We will explain ail details and supply a sheet of rides. now on display ah Kerslake's Drug Store. Register Now if you need a pair of Glaises or ho lie fihted for a Truss, consult us and compare our prices and ser- vice. We absoluhely guarantee satisfaction. Kerslalke'S Drug Store P. IL COWLING, Pbm. B. Satlsfying Optical Service--------- Phone 4b DELICACIES FOR DESSERT Make your desserts more temphlng. Finish thre meal wlth somethlng pleaslng. Thre besh way ho do lt la ho let Corbett's provide your dessert. Try auy of thre foUlowing - we know you'll like hhem: DANISH PASTRY, dozen ...... 25o MINCE TURNOVERS, dozen .. .......... 25e CREAM ROLLS, dozen .... ... . 30e DATE NUT LOAF ........ 10e and 20e If you are fond of home made candy, try our HUMBUGS, per lb.. 30e See our Windows for Ssturday Speclals. Our wagon la on your street every week-day. Corbett's Balkery Phone 3 Dlstribuhors Dad's (lookles Bowmanvle FOUNDATION GARMENTS We handle tweo f Uic best Unes of foundation garments made - thre Gossard and thre Nemo-]Flex. Even a good garment means nohilng un- leslh la properiy f itted. Miss Mur- phy of The. Evlyn Sirop la a traàned corsehierre, who will guarantee you perfect fit sud satisfaction. When you need advlce on foundation gar- ments, go ho Thre Evlyn Sirop. «The Evlyn» Ladies' Specialty Shop vMuable prizes

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