Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1935, p. 6

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8ail interested in the library are in- IT rePorted balance on hand $95.77; vited to attend. iMen's class reported. Treas. S. S. ENFIELD Mr. Jack Baker is home from Cli- 1 HAYDON Mr. Chas. Johns. Mr. Barron Supt. ton, where he has been lecturing at gave encouraging report wth 190 on Mrs. G. McCulloch, Whitby, Mrs. the short course there. rol. YandgMiso Bad so aety re- M H. ruI.Hamoy, av benviit Mrs. Eric Pearce and Robert Mr. Roy Thompson, Bowmanville, Hng rsl. HJony, ishav McCuisi- Caeonset atwe xlspent the weekend at home.S.adMsinB d logvre loch Mr..Jh and Mrs amci Caeons Haroldascowe.kwt Mr .and Mrs. Wmn. Trewin visted ports. Finance Board reported bal- Miso eencarhis.si g Mt regudlr. aroeting ofte Soina W. at Mr. C. Virtue's, Enniskiilen. ance on hand, $15251; Am't raised Missokln Snd il vicinity. I. wila beetingo the S.oomm n Mr .and Mrs. Austin Larmer and for M. and M. Fund, $407.07. Brooklin and iin Tor- I.uilda fe o nthe. îS. x chidren, Burketon, visted at Mr.A.Hamdteon Cuthl me ting i laHo Mr. Arthur Hubbard was i o-Tusa feno, b 4h r-hal tmonhCircuingBrntHrhmpo- onto and had an X-ray. He is im- gram in charge of group 4. Roil cal, Beech's.d . RGletadVla onSna colr hn amne provlng uncler Dr. Ferguson's care. a Valentine verse. Ail ladies wel- Mr. andMsRGibranVem toSudySooromwnoe Miss elle Pasoe hs bee sup com. EniskleSundayed at Mr. M:.pu, te President presiedGorge plying as teacher at Union School. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe. Mr. Slemon's. elthPrsdnpsid Gog Mrs. Frank Gilbert has been vis- and Mrs. B. G. Stevens, Mrs. R. J. Mr. and Mrs. H. Freeborn, Bally- Werry at the piano. Rev. W. Rack- itixig at Mr. Gordon Leask's, where McKessock and Miss Ruth, Miss* duff, visited at ber aunt's, Mr. and, harn conducted the devotional ex- her mother, Mrs. 4.nnis. is seriously Nora Werry, Miss Evelyn Tink and Mrs. R. McNeil's. ________nd________________ wa ill. Miss Margaret Scott attended the Mr. and Mrs. C. Crossnlan enter- ltedbyJames McMaster. oMembersio! Several fromn here attended the Grand Division sessions in King St. tained about thirty-flve young people tedfeetcuce ntecr funeral of the late Mr. James Scott United Church, Oshawa, last Thurs- Wednesday night. culi providedothe program. Eldad 1930 Buick Speci o! olubu. Tesay ftTnon.day and Friday, when Mr. B. G. Mr .and Mrs. R. McNeil visited at rvddaoclti by the Scott Hedid t isso's M.Geo. Scott, Stevens, Miss Nora Werry and Miss Mr. Fred Cowling's, Purple Hilln rtesan aodBlo anda 1930 Pontiac Spe liell. ntred at Union Cem Mr Evelyn Tink were elected grand of- Mr. C. Soper's, Harmony. readitig by Blake Stevens. Zion con- etxery.sympathy o! athecUnit ficers Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton, Miss tributed a vocal trio by the Balson 1930 Chevrolet 1- is extended to the bereaved family. There was a good attendance at Freda Bradley and Mr. Bert Ash-brtesadvoislsbyAe League meeting on Monday evening ton visited at Mr. A. Read's, Black- McMaster. A quartette from Har- 12 ota e -~when program comnxenced with stock. pton composed of T. Salter, C. 1929 Chevrolet C I games and contests after which Miss Mr .and Mrs. A. McNeil attended iJohns,5 L. Cryderman and D. Rack- I ENNISKILLEN Fanny Smales. lst Vice-Pres., took the burial services of ber aunt. Mrs. ham rendered humorous selections190Fr Cop C ~~charge. Devotional period was taken Thos. Creeper. Toronto ,at Bethesda in costume, and H. Peters gave a199W petS Miss Elva Orcbard spent SundaY by Mr. Samn Dewell. Roll cal as C emetery. on Sunday afternoon. reading. The guest speaker, Rev.199W iptS at Mr. Geo. Reid's. answered by a verse on friendship. Young Men's Class held election of E. F. Armstrong of Bowmanville wu512 hpe Mr E rl Parot, As bun, viitd Mr B G Sev ns ga e vry i- 1officers at the home of M r. H. Ash- introdiced by G. Barron. His sub-19 8 W i p t C at Mrs. A. wearn's. teresting topie on friendship. Read- ton, Friday evening: Teacher jc, ua"wsgvnt ilsrt 97BikSd tMis. .Wfed er ecntly visited ing, Miss Jessie Yellowlees; vocal Mervin Hobbs; Asst.-Rev. A. . the need of sweetening in the word 1928 uCevroet F Miss Helen Branton, Oshawa. duet., Misses Fanny Smales and Jes- Wootton: President-Earl Tbomp- brother-bood relations of to-day. S Mrs. Etta Page and Mrs. Levi sie Yellowlees. Meeting closed with son; Vice-President-Delbert Mar- Mr Goodwin, President of Oshawa 1927 Chrysier Se Brunt visited Mr. A. Short, Courtice. beniediction. tin; Treasurer-Bert Ashton; Sec.- King Street Brotherhood, was pre-197CrseS, Miss Marion Griffin, Maple Grove, The officers of the newly organ- Silas Trewin. sent and extended a hearty invitat- 12 hyirC visited her mother, Mrs. Wmn. Grif- ized Band o! Hope were installed by1 S. S. was very well attended on ion to visit them at a banquet on 12 hylrC A.inn.ar Mr. A. L. Pascoe at their meeting Sunday afternoon. A short mission- Feb. 218t. John Mills and Class of 1927 Buick Coacý Mrs. . Brunt, Mona adKr Saturday afternoon in the Sons o! ary program was given by the Ramn- Young men serv'ecl the lunch and a 12 hvoe v l s i e d e r a r e t s , M r . n d r s . w . e m p r a n c H a l : r e s - H a o l d b o w G i r l s . M r s . H . A s h t o n l e d i n s o c i a l t i m e w a s e n o y e d . A m o t1 9 8 D r nH a Marks, Shirley. ~Balson; Vice -Pres-Harold Potter; prayer; missionary readings were enjoyable evening was closed by 12 uatH l Sorry to report Miss Noami Vir- Sec.-G-rordon Scott; Sentinel-Bob- given by Misses AdaBec ad singrng Auld Lang Syne. tue is seriously ill. Miss May Lamb, by Scott; Guide-Kathleen Baker; Gladys Martin and a vcal-uetwas27__Pontiac______Cou_ R. N. is in attendance. ÇonductorJean Johns; Patron- nicely rendered by Misses Lorna j7 1927 Chevrolet C Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Misses Margaret Scott and Evelyn Thompson and Mabel Beech.CO TCE..heec J. M c r go ne ar a a o to > T ink . A fter in stallation a shortIC onarvlo iebaby boy. program was enjoyed. Recitation ,ro rc asrtre on onariv !andfineC.W.Siemon, Mar- Frayne Johns; mouth organ muic,j YGEfrdonOhawa hosit.d om ion and Harold, Bowmanville; Mr. Harold Potter: reading. Alan Tay- T R EIfrm Ohw optl decil Slemon visited Mr. Hugh lor: vocal duet. Harold Balson and Mr. and Mrs. J. Welsh. Bowman- ______ville______ Monday at Mr. Cecil Ad- A~nnis. Gordon Scott: chorus, Annie Potter, Mrs. H. Wicke spent the weekendj vllespen Slmnatne h uilsrieBobby Vîvian. congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ebenezer sent some Quarterlies to ofMr. J.homas Jr and rs.Toreno. May--rr-dr--oy A >e ndaromBeinrson to. ama o fn Cuties una cho hRhw The remains being brought to Beth- eI baby boy. Ou i esda Cemetery on Sunday. Sym- MAPLE GROVE [ Miss Velma Bradley, Oshawa, Miss1 Miss Ethel Walter, Weston, is re- patby is extended to the bereaved. . Mildred Bradley, Ebenezer, spent Ported improved' under the treat- Bol Missionary program Sunday morn- Sunday at home. ment lately taken. ing was in charge o! the Missionary Mrs. W. P. Coyne recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Win. Little and Mrs. M. Ostie and Miss Elsie Supt., Miss Anie Oke. Mrs. J. A. in Toronto. Dianne, Oshawa, spent Sunday at Brock, Oshawa, spent Sunday at Werry gave a reading on the life o! Miss Nellie Snowden. Lakehurst, Mrs. Wmn. Littie's. Mr. and Mrs. J .Brock.-- William Carey; Mrs M. .Stainton and spent the weekend at home. Miss Susie Thompsofl who hasi Mrs. Milton Gay has returned b r n r.Fe aitn r Miss Annie Oke sang a duet "Be Miss Margaret Everson, Oshawa, spent several weeks in Bowmanville and Miss Beth, nurse- in-traini ng, at b r n r.Pe aitn r neath the Cross o! Jesus"; Miss Elva visited Miss Mildred Snowden. has returned home. Oshawa spent sunday with ber p are ndmovingtoWilsenfarndofned by Orc ar ga e radi g, "Ply p. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Everson. Osh- Mss M yrtle Brooks. Oshawa ents. a r. .Fr guson, Lott us; a M r o rne b an ly h aie.awa, visited Mrs. L. C. Snowden on spents Sunday with ber parents, Mr' Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rogers and ThompD Fson , ands Mr. lTomp- League meeting on Wednesday Sunday. and Mrs. L. Brooks. famîîy, and Miss Lorna BarberPic- son adsy rarinalto op h nlght opened witb the Pres. Mr. E. Congregational meeting will be Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam. and fain- kering, were Sunday guests a G on are which Mr. arn Mrs. Wm. Wih- Wright in charge, after singing o!fheld on Friday, Feb. l5th ,at 8 p. m.. ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.i Barber's. fj leviMand Best o!iuc . t bot hymn Rey. W. Parker lead in pray- In the hall. L.CRbinson. Peterboro. h îd tic the l h m ed son aelaig et flc ob er. President welcomed S a 1 e m Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Munday and Cottage prayer meeting was hel Heir attehme of Mrs. A. F, failies in their new homes. 'Young People. Mr. Farewell Black- family spent Sunday with ber par- at the home of Mrs. Richard Pooley. frult ear ls. Fer Tebrur 4thwo! he latenMrs. Geo burn, Pres. o! Salem League took ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.Lancaster.,1 n Fd M oyd ence Miss foSfud a colls spenidlba- arw. Service we r takeb charge. Scripture was read by Mrs. Fort Granby. 1Mr. Ped oore. Povdete Sndd onSunday Aoasplnduey t-byRe. r. R . Sevioswe and e. .J Lawrence Squair; piano selection. Miss Ruth Armstrong. R. N.. Florence Scott, Oshawa, spent Sun- tneonS da.AvclutbyR .DrR.PBwesnde.H.J Miss M. Collacutt; recitation, Doug- Grace Hospital, and fniend, Toronto, day ai Mr. N. J. Woodley's.j Misses Nora Adams and Gladys Rey- Bell, at the residence and later at las Pollard; Guitar selection by visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Donald Davey, Keith and nolds, was sweetly rendered. Miss the United Church, Nestleton. Syn- Mr. Sam Cassell; reading, Miss Win- Robt. Armstrong. Ray spent Sunday with ber parents. Josephine Courtice, Prinary class.j pathy is extended to those who nie Lancaster; violin selection, Mr. Our Leaýrue entertained Orono Mr. and Mrs. R. Mcdullough. 1 gave a short reading. mourn the passing of one held in Taylor; recitation, Mr. R. Hall. Vote Young People Wednesday evening. Messrs Harry and Frank Hatherly Gordon Brock bad an unusual ac- high esteem by a host o! friends. of tbanks was moved to the Salem Meeting m"s called to order by the Mr. Bill Walker and friend, Dixie: cident m-hile repairing a truck owned ~ Young People for the very fine pro- home President and a! ter opening 'were Sunday visitors o! Mr. R. Hath- by Mr. McAllister for whom be gramn, by Miss M Dalton and sec- exercises, caîîed on Orono Presidentj erly's. works. when he caught bis face BLACKSTOCK onded by Miss Mae Lamb. Gaines to take charge. and the following Mr. Levi Annis. Toronto. Miss upon somne part o! the truck and ___________ were played a!ter wbicb lunch was program was3 given: scripture. RAY- Adelaide Annis, Oshawa, spent the tore the flesh open along bis aaw MisOveBcokLndas served by the Enniskillen Young mond Cbapman: Vocal duet. Misses weekend at home and visited their and cheek.MisOveBaokLndyI People. Kathleen Stark, Myrtle Smith: piano brother. Mr. Lorne Annis in Bow- Notice was given by Mr. Wiggans with ber parents. solo. Mrs. Rosborough; To pi c, manville Hospital. that some time ago it had been de- Miss Pauline Ferguson, Whitby, is i 4 Which Road to take' was splendid- A baEket social ai Tyrone Comn- ci ded to take advantage o! the f irst with ber parents. ly given by Mr. A. Drummond; piano munity Hall. Thursday. Feb. 14thý nice evening to attend church at Mr. S. Crawford visited at Mr. SOLINA duet. Misses Enid dobbledick and under auspices o! the Women's In-: Ebenezer both for worship and as a George drawford's. - 4 Margaret Milîson: recitation, Cecil stitute, Dialogue, dancing and good mark o! appreciation o! Bey. W. C. Mr. and Mrs. R. Stinson and Lola Sorry to report that Mrs. Edwin Brutton; piano solo. Charlie Buck- debate. Mr. Allan Knlgbt sololst. Mr. Smith's interest and aid in starting visited at Mr. 0. Wright's. Annis s flot improving in lelb ev: Guitar solo, Gordon Brutton: Fred Goodman's Orchestra. Admis- this Sunday School. Around thirty Miss Eva Parr, Toronto, spent the hieath. Aftr te iterstig pogrm asio 25. Ldie wih bskes fee.attended Sunday and enjoyed Bey. weekend witb ber nother. Miss Aura Rundle, R. N., Bowman- A e h neetn rga in2c aiswt akt re Smith's sermon and words o! wel- Mr. Arthur Wright, Oshawa, is ville, visited at Mr. J. T. Rundle's. short perlod was spent in recreation. Mr. Lorne Annis suf!ered a very vstn r ae rgt M.Guernsey MCeln o-Dainty lunch was served by the painful accident last Thursday af-i c M onaeeeig ortc ink r. nd Mrs. e rVaCaptn mavle ie tMr. Jcllak Bkers home Jeague. ternoon wben he was chopping wood A odyeeigCutc ik M.adÜs ee abm n Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hogarth, .. in the orchard. A chip flew and cut' a h cn !nc u n el osvstda r aa rgts Hampton, visited at Mr. Thos. Ba- 1 Is y eysvrl.H a thful recreation when the Young1 Miss Susie Vandamp, Tyrone, ker's. SCHOObisReyeRvery severely . He o Bwas ixTi Peoples League f rom Ebenezer chose1 spent the weekend with ber parents. Mer. ns. SCHOOL REPORTd -- edsialy taenh to Bohavile it as the spot for their weekly en- Mrs. Florence Werry and Billy, fMr. aEbn Mr Hilton Tirk nd..E......, rmosptlwere be ad tih orae bisjoyment. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Cour- IEnniskillen, are visiting friends here. fik amlyEenzeviitd r.H.E spey reove.WeallsLrea tice ,whose farin adjoins the rink. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Lansing, Tor-1 DARINGON pedy ecoery . opened their home to the Young onto, visited at Mr. Poster Fergu- Several fron bere attended the Report o! S. S. 3. Darlington, for League program Monday evening 1 People and varous older friends. son's. League Rally at Port Perry on Sat- January: was in charge o! Miss Helen Trimm. when games etc.. were enjoyed in Mrs. Herman Sanelîs and Miss' urday.SrIV ea Topic by Bey. A. M. Wootton; bymn lits cozy warmth by those not skat- Gwen Wilson visited Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. Jin Reynolds, Tor- Jr. I-eaGîbson 67. "Jesus Lover o! my Soul' after which ing. Around 100 skaters were in Hooey. onto, spent tbe weekend at Mr. Jack .IV-*Billy Henry 82, Peggy Miss Edna Cameron gave its bistory. evidence. Reversing tbe order o! Miss Norma Hooey was a weekend Reynolds. Finnigan 71. Norma Sexsmith 70. Piano solo. Miss Lola Richards; vr-a usoteby got guest o! Miss Florence McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Debarr and 61 Jeaoetcoalf 67 i,5aryFa.e reading. Clinton Bigelow; reading,1 broons out while the girls took a Trno baby, Elizabeth, Kedron, visited frn- Sr. III-Olenin Metcal! 67, Gordon Mr. Henry Wood; mouth organ se- back seat. However, the brooms were Mr. and Mrs. Percy Jobb, and ends here r. W Bu elC-Tri64EvieGion6,Jh lections. Miss Ivy Tabb acconpanied for a skating-football game. Af ter !amily, Oshawa, visited nt Mr. D. Mr. and4. Noble 59 Gdon Metlf n by Mrs. H. Wicke at the piano; Miss choosing sides, and Mr. Boy Nichols Galbraith's. uMbus.sena n day at M r.elCOaolte Mdîn e tc59, 5 'lowMthro' 57,Susie Thompson took charge o! t he Idonor o! the rink, as goal keeper, Mrs. Arthur Read and son have Parra pnrs.nda tM.Wl e Mdlis. tal 24lwt il]- recreation period. much bilarity ensued. Be!reshments returned from visiting ber parents. Miss Evelyn Tink spent the week- Sr. II-Kennetb Power 68, Alvin ~were served latter. A Haydon.h on Pol no end witb Mr. and Mrs. Alan McGlas- Metcalf 62 'illi. tDonald Metcalf 59.1 i_________________ Atfew o!thnle oun Poled-o ban, Oshawa. tMike Bonk 55, tSam Bonk 39. HAMPTON nsa ig atsJntil.rn nWd Mrs. R. J. McKessock and Missl Jr. I-'Daisy Gibson 77, *AlfredI_________________SWrTLETf'Minedynibs Ruth vlsited Mr. and Mrs. Everett Feather 75. Joyce Power 70, Miidred Mr1n r.M.W ocbgv issd bepaents, Mr. nd Mtbr. J Elliott, Oshawa. Metcalf 62 (illU, tWinnie Pow-er 50 dMnrtofind Ms C . Mrs, JhngHvee is---<ting M s R. McL augnts r n ,J Mr. and Mrs. Charleton McBride Robert Bartlett 45.'ldne ofinsMr.Jh Hoyi vitgMs RMcahi. and Burton. Peterboro, visited at Pr.-*Keitb Crago, Alvin Bartlett Mr and Mrs. E. Wilbur spent decil Wilson. Mrs. F. A. Bailey was a weekend Mr. Geo. White's.Fiueiniae' *Hour Sundy in Orono. Mrs. Sain MeLaughlin visited Mrs. guest o! Mr. and Mrs. George Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Berison Cryderman, tFiure iicalless. ous- Mrs. S. Williams with ber son, Mr. 'John Watson. Laughlin, Toronto. Hampton. visited at bis brotber's, Ruby M . Bragg. teacher. L. Williamns, Solina.. Wilf red Williams is stilî quite Mr. Percy Hamilton and Mr. Robt. Mr. Walter Crydernian. j Mr. John Williams visited bis ilunder the doctor's care. Hamilton visîted Mr. Robt. McBrien, Thie annual meeting o! the Solina I sister, Mrs. A. Peters. Mr. Malcom Emerson visited Mr. Toronto, wbo is very ill. public Llbrary will be held next Mr. Jack Gibbs, Tyrone, spent the Miss Edna Reynolds visited Mrs., Frank Emerson, Valentia, who !s il]. uMr. Smof ansco tn d isM eeth Tuesday evenlng. Feb. l2tb, at the! weekend with his sister, Mrs. B. H. John Challis, Bowinanville. Miss Norma Armstrong who bas fnrlo i osn isM el home of Miss Rilda H-ockaday when Mortlock. Mr. and Mrs. C. Woods, Orono.1 been visiting friends in Port Perry Port Ferry, on Saturday. ______________________________________________ visiitd at Mr. G. Armnur's is home Miss Laura Hambly is improving and presenté,d then witb rig ternoon and evenlng sessions will be was entltled 'Flrst thinga Flrst"; a lami, and sîîverware. enjoyed. reading, "It Is Worth wbile to do HAVEYOUR EYESEXAM NEDHampton United Cburcb held Its Ainong the nany familles wbo are Rlgbt" was given by Miss Ferga congregational meeting on Wednes- mvn tti im r:M.adJobnston, and Harold Swaln sang a day evening. Jan. 3tb. with a good Mrs. Frank Bailey, who wiil bc witb solo. -~.. . attendance Bey. W. Backham pre- ber parents; Mm. and Mrs. Lelgbton, On Tuesdav evenlng Mrs. Jas. rf 1 L n 1sided. Renorts were given by var- near Biackstock; Mr. and Mrs. Ho- Byers opened ber home of an Inter- Leilses tus denartments as follows: miss- ward Barcley, will reside at Green- estlng meeting o! the Womnen's As- M lonary Dent. raised $100,17, Temper- bank where tbey have bought a sociation of the United Church, ance Dept. and Home Dept., A. B. farin, Mr. and Mrs. Russel srnlth whlch waa attended by thity. Pro- i C. class, Young Ladies class, Young are ln the house formerly occupled gramn ln charge of Mrs. J. W. ]Brad- iai Sedan....................... $ 325.00 e. Roadster, 6 wh. R. S. with trunk.. 275-00 lf-Ton Panel Delivery ............. 225.00 dan............................. 275.00 C.oupe.. edan .. ,oupe ... Panel Hall .......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... If -Ton Truck .............. edan, 4 cyl ..................... >ach ......................... ch ........................... Fon Truck.................... f-Ton Panel ................... upe.......................... _oach ........................ trs have ail been overhauled and are f irst class condition. rermsIl fDesired 'NICHO ýWMANVILLE and COURTICE 225.00 200.00 175-00 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 100-00 100.00 100.00 75.00 50.00 50.00 LB 'j burn's group included a readîng, Parr; Envelope Steward-Mrs. Ho- -What's ight witb the World?- ward Baiiey; Vestry dlerk-Howard Mrs. Clarence Marlow; a ecitation, Bailey; Parisb Council, Wardens, Miss Jean Wright and a "Tree" con- Rector, Lay Delegates to the Synod test, conducted by Miss Viola Brad- and the following elected members- burn. Cecil Hyde, Clarence Parr, Mrs. Ar- Previous to the Congregational thur Bailey and Mrs. Leslie Graham, meeting o! the United Church on and representatives from the A.Y.P. Thursday evening, a very enjoyable A. Choir leader-J. Smith, Lay Del- pot luck supper was served in the egates-Howard Bailey, Fred Ham- basement. Minutes o! the last neet- ilton; Substitutes-the cburcb war- ing having been adopted, Mrs. decil dens. Howard Bailey and Clarence Hill gave a gratifying report of the Parr. Reports o! the vaious de- Women's Missionary Society. She patments wrere read; the churcli announced that both the W. M. S. Tmeasurer (Mrs. J. McArthur's re- and the W. A. had sent away baiesI port) by F. F. Willan; Sunday Scbool each valued at $25,00 and $15.00. J. report-Mrs. R. Archer; Wonen's A. Jobnston presented the Sunday Auxiliary-Mrs. Clarence Parr; A. Y. School report, and the League ac- P. A.-Mrs. Wm. Crawford, Cemetery count was given bv Eric Cutting. -. RB McLaughlin. Pinancial me- Report o! the church Treasurer was port showed a good balance ,and was also adopted. Officers elected for unanimousiy adopted. Vo tes o! 1935 are: Secretary- Norma n thanks were extended to Mms. Mc- Mountjoy; Treasurer-Jabez Wright; Arthur, (Tre-asumer), and to Mrs. R. Musical director-Mrs. Sadler; Ush- Archer and Miss Mable Argue for ers-Murray Byems. Bruce Mountjoy,I their valuable service as organlsts. Arnold Johnston and Anson Taylor; Members o! the Board-Wallace Get your entry in early for Ker- Marlow, Jabez Wright, N. H. Mount- slake's dhildren's Popularity Con-1q, joy. Boy Taylor, J. W. Bradburn, test.. Clarence Marlow, E. Larmer, Lewis Swain, Jos. Forder, N. S. McNally, ThomTas James Ballagh dled at Gordon Stmong and Gamnet Wright; Starkville, Feb. 5tb, aged 78 years. Envelope Steward-J. Forder; Aud- Internent at Newtonville. itors-Roy Ferguson and N. S. Mc- A mild epidemlc o! flu 15 being Nally; Caretaker- John Larmer; felt in Bowmanville and many peo- Fuel Connittee--John Larmer and peaesedn a rtoI J. A. Johnston. Il r pnig a rtoi At the Vestry meeting beld in St ibed witb the disease. John's Anglican cburcb on Monday night very favorable reports were CARD OF THANKS given. Bey. C. C. Harcourt presided and those elected to office included: Mrs. Aberta Fee wlshes to ex- Rectors Warden- Thos. Smith; Press ber sincere tbanks and ap- People's Warden-F. F. Willan; Sid- Preciation to her neigbbors and esman's Comnittee-Jobn Hamilton, friends for tbeir kindness in ber Harmy McLaughlin, S. Jef!rey, Ira recent sad bereavement, and for the Argue. Levi McGili and Clarence beautiful tributes. First Quality Choice Meats DEEF Rump Roast of Beef, per lb......... 12c Prime Rib Rolled Roast no bone, lb. ..20c Roll. Pot Roast, IL 12c Blacle Roast, IL. . . 1lOc Thick Rib Roast, IL.12c Siî'loin Roast, lb. - . 17c Poi'terhouse Roast, 18c Beef Hearts, lb..8c PORK Shoulder Roast, lb. 15c Butts of Pork, IL. .17c Fresh Hams, whole or~ haîf, lb ...... 20c Home Made Sausage per lb.........Iloc Fresh Tripe, IL. .l0c Breakfast Bacon, sliced, '/.,lb..14c Edmondstone's Phone 21 or 492 GROCERIES Maple Leaf Cheese, ý.2 lb .......... 13c Blood Puddings, lb. Ioc Crosse and Blackwell Catsup. .. .2 bot. 25c Sun Dryed Coffee, lb ............ 45c Habitant Pea Soup, large ..........IOc Oxydol,' large ... ..19c Eclipse Yeast, box of six.. .-.. ....7c Crown Tea. . 1/2 lb. 25c Raspberry Jam, Ige 29c Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs. 23c Corn Flakes, pkg. . .8c Lard, 20 lb. pail, $2.25 Shortening. .2 lbs. 21c Jelly Powders 6 for 25c Pork & Beans, large tin............loc Meat Market Bowmanville q N. J. I PAGE six THE CANADIAN STATMIAN, BOWMANVILLE, TRURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7th, 1935

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