Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1934, p. 8

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PAGE IGHTTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22. 1934 I ~who diÇd mn infancy; and Eva, Ms IMIIII5L% IIuLI~ IFred Mitchell of Bowmanvill;as two grandchildren, Eunice Sinclair IDIGESTION? cI ai '"'F u A R y cf Lindsay and Kenneth Mitchell of Then Of~ a retiring disposition, Mrs. Sin-1 clair was devoted to her home and Tr K U CH NJames Byrnes, Lindsay Mrs. E. M. Ramsay. 328 Somnerset 'church and was very active unti] her Try KR SCHENThe death occurred in Whitby on Street. west, vdth whom he made last illness. a N E PE SE Thursclay November 15th, of James his home, to Beechwood Cemetery.b A private service was conducted atNOEX EN E yres wllknwnciizn fLind- Teservice wscnutdbyRv yteRever.endAlxneS.Kr1 say. Mr. Byrnes was 83 years of Norman Rawson of St. James' in Bowmanville, followed by inter-1 If you sufer froro loss of appetite, age. He was born in Bowmianville, United Church. ment in the family plot at Littleie indigestion, sour stoinach or a miserable the son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick WlimG at.Ohw Britain United Church Cemetery,1 feeling after meals there's nothing like Brnes.; early settiers of Ops towýn- dimGBat.Ohw where the Reverend Mr. McKee as- Kruschen for relief. The little daily dose ship. His if e work was farmmng and The passing of William G. Batty, I sisted. The floral offerings were a of Kruschen first stirnulates the Il ow of he lived in the vicinity of Reaboro at his residence. 15 Charles Street, beautiful tribute to the respect in gastric juices to aid digestion, and then for a great number of years and Oshawa. on Thursday, November 15, which Mrs. Sinclair was held. The ensures a complete, regular ald unfail- took a deep interest in the a! fairs removes an aged and highly respect- bearers at Bowmanville were. Mes-a ing elirination of ailiWaste matter every of Ops township having been a eci citizen and as well a member of srs. C. A. Cawker, A. Mitchell. Fred1 day. member of Ops Council. He was ai- a pioneer family of this district. Preston, L. B. Tapson. T. H. KnightE If you sufer, you'il welcorne the so secretary of the Reaboro Cheese Mr. Batty, who was in his 82nd year, and Col W. J. Hoar; and at LittleE OPPortunity to try Kruschen Salts now Factory for several years. Mr. Byr- hadi been iii only a few d.ays, suffer- Britain, Messrs. John Mark, C. Neth-V positively free of charge Ask your drug- nes retired fromt.f arming about 20 ing with a weak heart. when he erton, C. Mark, T. H. Knight anda gist for the Kruschen Giant Package. years ago and part of that time was quietîy passed away surrounded by C. A. Cawker.N This is the ReguJar botule, togethea jij> spent in Lindsay. He is survived by members o! the famiiy.N a separate FREE TRIAL bottle. Use his wife, formerly Margaret Mur- The late Mr. Batty was born in DE FE RS the Trial bottle first. Then if you ar phy. Interred at St. Mary's Cerne- East Whitby township and was the DISATEERS flot entirely convinced that Kruschen tery, Lndsay. son of the late Christopher andS will do evervthing ciaimned for it, retum . Mary Batty, pioneer f armers 0f the the Regular'package unopened to your W. GI McCarty, Lindsay. district. He had lived in Whitby forP dniggist and he will redeem it at full The death occurred Monday morn- a few years before coming to Osh- value But act quicly or your Free ing, Nov. î9tn, of William G. Mc- awa where he has resided for 26 Trial Bottle will be gone. Your druggist Carty, at his home, 63 Cambridge years. He was a member of King bas only a limited supply. Street south, Lindsay, after a few Street Church andi was held in high months' ilness from heart trouble, regard by those who knew him best.C ______________________at the age of 60 years. He was a Besides the bereaved widow, who b J&Cigi Sto Mae pioneer raiiwayman. Mr. McCarty was Elizabeth A. Tremeer, he leaves s -was a member of Faithful Brethren three sons. Frank and Earl of Brook- ir la Lotige No. 77, A. F. and A. M., Lind-, lin. and Clarence T. of Newcastle,. id to a h say; Past First Principal Midland and adaugbter, Mrs.FlthrW -tr is dangerous Catr .A . ida;Bri y ern Man popl folihl nelet a ald Lodge o! Perfection, A. and A. S. R.; The f unerai was held from the condtionof the etomach untilit dev.Iops of Spry Chapter Rose Croix, Barrie; f amily residence. 15 Charles Street, into gavere *indigestion. If you suffer with 0f Haulton Consistory, 32nd Degree, Saturday afternoon, service being Gas Pains aftar Eating. Biaating. Belch. A. and A. S. R. He was also a mem- Smith. Columbus. and Rev. P. L. ing,)iiartburn, Nausea, you muet tone op yor etomnacbat once. Forquanastsurest ber of the Canadian Order of Octd- L. McTavish, assisted by Rev. Dr. lina ltedy ofpKRKSToven A, an alk. fellows. Mr. McCarty was also a Smith, Columbus. and Rev, J. P. fln eiey of pGtKrove vlu. TomALa member of the local lodge of the JulI, Brooklin. Interment in the McGREGOR'S DRUG STORE Brotherhood 0f Railway Trainien. Unicn Cemetery. i and chairman. He was born near Among those attending the fun- ____________________ Bowmanvilie, in Tyrone vicinity, and eral from Bowmanville were Mr. and N entered the employ of the old Grand Mrs. F. A. Poster and Mr. Gea . W. S A k M t eTrunk Raiway in 1895. For the past James. f As M h r- few years he had been conductor in1 charge of the Lindsay-Midliand pas- Harry H. Cawker, Oshawa 1loi S e K o s senger train. He was a member of The sudden ceath of Alderm.an tu:y acb not erto hsmicnbe Cambridge Street United Church. Harry H. Cawker, at bIs home. 27 Well known Oshawa business manM fore and after the babies cae Mr. McCarty is survived by bis wife Ritscn Road South, Oshawa, early who passed away at the Oshawa11 It gave ber more stent and one son. Dr. Ross McCarty, a Friday morning removed an esteem- General Hospital in the early hours v and energy wben sbe wns nerv- member of the staff of Lincoln h05- ed citizen wbose faithfulness in pub- of Wednesday morning last week. as M ous and rundownl ... kepther pital, New York City. One brother lic service had gained him the re- the result of a fractured skull sus- nu on the job ail elroughbfth survives in Herkimer, N. Y. cpeet of ail who knew him. The an- tained shortly after ten o'clock on Os Change. No wonder sbe rec- nounicement of bis sudden passing Tuesday night when a sedan modelvs ornemends it. Arthur Salter, Toronto came as a shock ta his many friends. automcbile which be was driving 1 I I P Kn'M 'S Arthur Salter, oldest son of the He was in attendance at the testi- crasbed in the rear of a Smith col LY IAE.PIKH late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Salter of. monial dinner given in honour of Transport truck driven by Jos. w YEGTALECO PO NO Osbawa, died suddenly at his resi- His Worsbxp Mayor W. E. N. Sin- White. Toronto. The accident took air ______________________ dence. 514 Roxton Road, Toronto, clair Thursday night and delivered place on the up-grade a short dis- J Tuesday, November 13th. He was in1 a short add.ress. He was ini the best tance west of Irwln's refreshment mi bis 57tb year. Mr. Salter haci spent cf health. stand on the Kingston Road about Ta DI I U . - the weekend with relatives in Osh- Deceased was the son o! the late two miles west o! Oshawa. Mr. R. awa and the news o! bis death came Mr. and Mrs. -Emmanuel Cawker and 1 Jacobi was picked up by the driver bi HEADACHE as a sbock ta the relatives. Deceas- was born fifty-nine years ago in 1 O! the truck in an unconscious con- U INDIGESTIONi ed leaves his widow and four child- Darlington Township. He movedi dition andi rushed to the hospital in de, quickly ,ilieved by ren, Marion, Evelyn, Loraine and 1 with bis parents to Oshawa some the car o! John Bradley, of London, I Morgan. aIl at home; one brother, thirty-five years ago and was assoc- who was passing at the time. He Ba D.I SESW. C. Salter. of St. Catharines; one iated with bis father in the butch- was given medical attention by Drs.fe _________W.A._eyols,23_____buinss_______wa ao- .. M,, I th itand ato g Buk tOshawa; and bis step- Bird o! Oshawa. It was decided I Oshawa. Interred in Mt. Pleasant hear evidence of the circumstances lie- Cemetery.I surrounding the accident. and make h, an effort to ascertain the cause ofan PEARS0NSCapt. William Stuart, Ottawa. .I the fatality. The late Mr. Jacobi e ____ E__ N___U_____N ___E was well known in Bowmanville. oth His many friends in Bowmanviiie havingý been very active in sport ing r mu ~ ~ will be sorry to read o! the death cicesafw ersao o! Captain William Stuart, promin -___ ___________________________ ent Ottawa cit'zen and the man who Wa ere-ted Bowmanviile Post Office. Mrs. Elizabeth McNeil, Clarke Tp. i Capt. Stuart's deatb came quite M suddenly as he was about to place Dahcm nMnaOt tvs a wrathon PrlimentHil into Elizabeth MeNeil, widow o! the hou THE OTHER FELLOW'S JOB mmr !hsfre ordso late Arcbibald McNeil who prede- N ArmisticeDa.Jsash aabu ceased ber in the samne month thir- F0r A Minnesota editor moralizes to lay the wreath be collapsed and teen years ago. Deceased was a Pco thusly:- "If we coulct aIl switch died a few minutes later in the daugbter of the late Mary Ann and Tuf businesses all the way around for 1RHouse ,of Comnhons William Seymour, and was born in 7 Just one week, we'd be a lot more! Capt. Stuart made many friends in ~ the township of Cartwright. She Lad sympathetic of the other fellow'siBowmanville wbile supervising the ' leaves a family of tbree: Cbarley, was problemrs and knosw a lot more than construction o! the Post Office. His witb whom îhe made ber home; Mrs Egn we do at present about the cause of wife, formerly Rachel Rodgson pre- Frank Ogden, Osaca; and Russell at at bis sbortcomings and of bis apparent deceased bim 18 years ago, and Oshawa. She is also survived by two failures. Let the banker seil prunes, surviving are two sons, Bruce Stuart. sisters: Mrs. Orin Ogden, Clarke; terx the grocer pull teetb, the dentist of Bruce Stuart and Company, tbeý and Mrs. John Neai, Cobourg; be- Aca run a garage, the garage man edit Ottawa shoe f irm, the great hockey sides two brothers. Geo. and William i Tor the paper. the editor run the bank player. who was a member of Ott- Seymour, Orono. Deceased wa s mci tbat's the biggest jump of any of awa's Silver Seven. andI also captain- Harry H. Cawker higbly esteemed by a large cîrcle o! sea them! for just six little work days eti the Montreal Wanderers in 1909; friends. Interment took place at S and we'd aIl have our eyes sa wide and Allen Stuart; two daugbters, iated with F. J. Clemens and oper- j Orono Cemetery. mer open to what -the others are up a- Mrs Nunnick, wife of F. C. Nunnick, ated a butcher shop for sorte tenSt gainst that we would neyer have the chief o! the extension and publicity er on King Street. Ris interests MsShrtrfoBwmnile i courage ta criticize, nor would we be brancb of the Central ExpeIimentail were not confined to one business, Ms hi.Cx omnil. Bc unsympathetic again. Then if the Farm, Department of Agriculture: bowever, as he took over the Martin A bigbly respected resident o! >rlii whole caboodie o! us were to move and Mrs. Ramsay. wif e o! E. M. Theatre andI operateti it until he sold Bowmranville community in the per- and on various farmis and operate them Ramsay, Vice President cf the E. M. bis interest to Ernie Marks. In 1931 son of Mrs. Lillian G. Hill, widow of C. for another six days per each, we'd Ramsay Company; three brothers, he was elected aldermnan in the Christopher Cox, passed ta ber eter- At ail be s0 wise and understanding that Alex Stuart. superintendent of the scuth-east ward. During bis f irst nal reward on Saturday, November Dru the peace and harmony prevaiiing Federal District Commission; and year in the City Counicil he sat on 17tb, after about four years' ilîness thti would make this little old commun- Thomas and Jack Stuart; and one. the Board of Works andI Pire Pro- in wbich she suffered intensely but ladi ity just about the best place in the sister, Miss Mary Stuart, ah o! Ott- tection and City Property Commit- bore it ahl with a cheerful count- Dri woril to live. It can't be done, cf awa. Another son, Rodgsen, "HotI" tees. In 1932 be beld the position tenance and great fortitude. Lyn course, but we couid take the tbougbt Stuart, alVe a f amous hockey player. cf chairman of the General Purpose Mrs. Ccx was bcrn on December tril, ta ourseives that we don't know any- iiwas accidentaily killed at Belleville, Commttee for two years. In the 31. 1859, in Port Hope. being a L thing about the other man's ob. ad Ont. in 1907. council o! this year he was the re- daughter of the late Mr. andI Mrs. and concede that for ail we know. hte is ThfueawshedNvltb presentatîve of Mayor Sinclair onHiIAfetedaho!brpensee bandling it in good shape." from the residence cf bis daughter, the Rousing Commission. While not she was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. was _____________________________ __________ accustcmed to making speeches he Mitchell o! Mapie Grove where she exPl _____________________________________________ expressed bis opinion on occasion grew up and wbere she spent many i-ea without fear or favour. His clear usefui years in churcb and Sunday Blet insight and intuition earned hirn the Scboci, as many o! ber pupils re- vil'E respect o! the members o! the member with grateful feelings. She -07 counicil. Mr. Cawker was also dir- afterwards lived in the Salem neigh- a v G ive M or T ho ghtector of the South Ontario Agricult- bcrhooti previcus to ber marriage, Peai To YoSocietyufon eeF.&al e. In nd Maxee Gr 20,M1887, w ithaMr.Cox. Libteral a rceat sadmire nfW.E .tesh e bmas een wel carsen for ca To V %ii 7101p if-r Siebnclai,nK.up C A. Ahy e rson and daughterilw Suh _________________Britain. MariPes-a, on An)ril 2nd. at 1850, daugbter of James Mark and o b Loica DeLonff and was ef English iv *J. M A SO N ~' O Nand U. E. L03'alFt de-cent. In oc- men je? A O N & S Nto>ber, 1872, she was married te "KING 0F PAIN" bacc Dougaîl Sinclair andi resideti at behi REAL ESTATE - STEAMSHIF AGENTS Gandine for four years, a!ter whicb ho BOWMANVILLE tbey moved to Lindsay. I ng, 50There were four chlldRen. Dan E. aci Sinclair, wbo passeti on ln 1922; two and City; Kenneth E. andI P. Elmier of Bowmanville. andI one tiaugbter. Mrs, (Dr.) C. C. Rartmnn 0of Oltis. Alta., wbo visiteti ber mother during the past suminer. One daugbter. Aii. passed away on December 31. 1928. The paîl-bearers were ber tbree sons and tbree nepbews. Messrs Noble, Bruce and James Metcalf. The funeral tributes were very beautiful expressive of the deep sym- patby of a large circle of relatives andi friends and included offerings from: Tbe Family. Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Hartman and Mr. and Mrs. M. Maybank. Olds, Alta.: Mr. andI Mrs. C. E. Smith and family. Edmonton: The Sharpe Family. Toronto; Mr. andI Mrs. John Lane: Mr. and Mrs. Eber Snowden: Mrs. W. E. Jewell. Bert and Mabel; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings; Mr. and Mrs. Wrigbtson Wight; Mr. andI Mrs. J. L. Metcal! anti family; Jury & Loveil: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allin; The Soucb Family: Mrs Evans and HaroldI: Mr andI Mrs. John Cox. Mr-. and Mrs. Cecil H. Dudley: Mr. andi Mrs. Neil Mutton; Sbaws Home and School Club. Interment took place in the famlly plot in Bow-manviile Cemetery. CARD 0F THANKS The famiiy o! tbe late Mrs. C. Cox desire to thank ahl their nelgb- bors and frlends for the synipathy and kindnenss extentied to tbem dur- ing the iilness and deatb cf their nother and for the beautiful floral tribute. ORONO <Prom, The News, Nov. 8) Mr. andI Mrs. Lelanti Keat andi .augbter Eleanor, Toronto, are visit-J ig Mr. W. E. Davey. Mrs. Annie Sturgess. Syracuse, M. Y., accompanied ber sister, Mrs. S.Cutteil, home, andi is remaining Juvenile prizes at the League Ral- owe'en party (omitted from Ilast week's report) were: Best comic cos- ;ie, Ross Canleton; best cbaraoter ,stume, June Goode. On Priday week a very pleasant .'ening was spent at the home o! 4r. and Mrs. Glen Phintof! when a iumber o!f friencls motered fromn shawa andI paidti tem a surprise riit. Mr. Fred Cowan. who bas been rnfined te bis home the past two veeks. was taken ta Toronto for ex- nination and treatment. A vocal quartet comprising Messrs. &itcheil, Shutthewortb, Sutton and 7aylor, under tbe direction o! Mrs. R . Brown, assisteti witb Remem- ýance Day music at the Port Perry Initeti Churcb on Sunday. Mr. AI- en Haw is to be guest soloist. Mr. Maurice Windatt, teller at the lank o! Commerce, bas been trans- erred te Cannington branch. Priends o! John Buckley will be la ta learn that altbeugh be was Eriously injured in a motor accident car Woodstock two weeks ago, he as been able te leuve the bospital id is now at Guelph, andI at hast ports tIoing weIl. He, witb the bers o! the chemistry class, was ýturning frcmn an inspection o! the gar refineries at Chatham and 7allaceburg. Mr-. andi Mrs. J. R. Cbapman andI r. andi Mrs. Eti. Ellerby, Hamilton, sitetI Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Oster- out. Mr. John At! ieId o! the Provincial rest Station bei-e. wbo bas been in 3or heaith, was taken te Toronto uesday.I The prize saddie horse, Egmonti idy, owned by Dr. R. H. Henry. as solId to J. A. Hume o! Port Hope.: ,mont Lady won nineteen ribbons aIl f airs tbis season.I Mr. andI Mrs. A. A. Drummond t nded the opening of the Ryah ,ademy of Arts exhibition at the Dronto Art Gallery. Mr. Drum- ond is exhibiting a painting o! the" i coast at Perce. Quebec. Sunday. October 21, was tbe W,- en's Association Sunday at Park 'eet United Cburcb. Rev. J. E. ckell o! Napanee was the guest eacher. The choir in full force id under the direction o! Mrs. W. Lynch, rendereti special music. the morning service. Mrs. A. A. rummond tcok tbe solo in the an- erm in ber usual gooti voire, andI a ies' quartette comprising Mrs. uimmond. Miss L. Allin, Mrs. W. C. -icb andI Miss Myrtle Smitb con- iuted a number. .eag-ue meeting was helti Monday id was in the charge of Miss Kath- ?n Stark. The following program t given: Scipture by Erma Fuller: lanation by Kathleen Stark; a ading by Elsie Rowe and by Poster ewett: piano solo. Mrs. Neil Col- e: vocal solo. Mrs. A. A. Drum- *nd; tonic by Annie Yeo who gave vei-y able talk on The Christ o! ,ace and Goodwill. Orono Lodge L. O. L. No. 409, at eir regular meeting on November h. beltI a past masters' night. A 'e one in the face.- Liv-es o!-g-r-eat m ahi reminti us we can brlng the con home, andI departlng leave hind us footprlnts on anatber's me. Let us Iben be up andI do- eotherwise we may be donc; stili hlcvlng, stlll pursulng - advertise d get tbe mon.-Exchange. f *1 BEE HI E GOLDEN CORN SYRUP A GREAT ENERGY FOOD «'AS LITTLE CHILDREN" o! eartb. Another striking charac- teristic o! the child-thougbt is (From Christian Science Monitor) teachablenesa, or receptivity. This One O! the qualities wbich makeI quality o! open-mindetiness learns little chiltiren so lovable Is sincerity. quickly and thinks clearhy. Guile andI deceit are no part o! the Other evident characteristics o! child heart. It is quite amuslnig to childlikeness are loveliness andI loy- observe a chiltI playing at pretense, abieness. The writer once attended when bis words attempt 10 tIeceive, a program presented by a kinder- while bis eyes andi smie give the garten class for the parents. The wboie stary away! What a tIeptbh ittIe folk sang, tIancedý antI played o! meaning is reveaieti in that one with spontaneîty, sweetness, andI word "sincerlty"! ItI bespeaks bon- una.ffected joy; their present icyful- esty, frankness, unselfishness, sim- ness se radiated the natural "beauty plicity. o! holiness'" that the audience feit There are many other Ibought- a bint o! the presence o! the king- quaities cbaracterisîic o! chiltiren dem o! heaven wbich Jesus came ta wbich we must seek and express if reveal. Wbat a di! ferent world Ibis we are to gain the "'kingdom o! wouid be if aIl its inhabitants were heaven." Par, as Christ Jesus ex- pure, even "as littie children." plaineti, "Except ye be converted. To unticistand God requii'es the andI become as little chiltiren, ye progressive giving up o! belie! in shalk net enter mbt the kingiom 0of material theonies, doctrines, anti beaven." patcs h eeeaino h One o! the dominant chai-acte ris- 1iprvactces.the regenerau!the tic ofchidJienes i puity tht 1proportionale 10 one's sincerity, hu- is freedom from f aise malerial the- mility, receptivity to the trutb, andI ories. The chilti thougbt. untoucb- icyful forsaking o!fci-roi-. All the etI by the bewihdering conglomnera- joys o! childlikeness belong ta him tien o! materiai belief s, is free from wbo expresses in bis daily life tbe their confusion even as the remote spiritual qualities cbaracteristic of skies are free from the heavy mists lttle chihdren. Royal Theatre ____ BOWMANVILLE Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. - November 22 - 23 - 24 BIG DOUBLE BILL - TWO COMEDY DRAMAS Murder in the Private Car With Chas. Ruggles, Una Merkel, Mary Carlyle and Russell Hardie. Ladies Should Listen With Cary Grant, Edward Everett Horton, Frances Drake and Chas. Ray. Paramount News Monday - Tuesday - November 26 - 27 JEAN HARLOW in The Girl from Missouri With John Barrymore and Franchot Tone. Madhouse Movies - Betty Boop Comeely - Cartoon - Fox News Musical Review-"What Price Jazz" Matinee Mcnday at 4 p. m. Wednesday - Thursday- November 28 - 29 You Belon g to Me With Lee Tracy, Helen Mack and Hellen Morgan. Metro News - Comedy - Cartoon Matinee Wcdnesday at 4 p. m. Chestnut - Stove - Nut Vulcan High Grade Pennsylvania A NT HR A CITIE DELIVERED IN 50 WMAN VILLIE $l21o9PR5TO Ycu'il like this fuel. It is economical in price and has ail the fine qualities cf much moi-c expensive coal. PEA COAL at................ $11.00 Ton BUCKWHEAT COAL at ...... $ 9.00 Ton PEABLO COAL at............$s 9.95 Ton Phone 173 or 98 to-day and try this fuel. We know you'Il be satisfied. Coal, Coke, or Wood at Lowest Prices OUR SPECIALTY - We are prepared to do any movlng job. No job toc large or toc small, and cur prîces are reasonable. J. W. KNIGHT CABTAGE - - - TAXI SERVICE The distress and1 danger or -retnrded diges- ition" can nenrly aways be avoi led by siiiijily taking, after meals, a h ttue Bisuraîed 1%ag- nesia (Bismuth in Miagnesia)... This protec- tive aikahi swiftly overcomes acicl stomnach", nllowing digestioa b procee I corafoi-Iably and *.. cornpletely.. Hrabitforming Laxativesaraie quite unnecesary.... At any Drug Store, ln Ita Protective Neutraizier- N OT a. Laxative PAGE EIGHT

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