THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 5th, 1934 I WEDDINGS BIRDS AND TREES Mr8. Clemens, Tyrone -DW the ARE THE THEME 0F Addresses St. Paul'a NXeedam-Hill INSTITUTE MEETING Evening Auxiliary (Prom The Syracuse Post) June Meeting Heid at Houme of Mrs. The regular meeting of the Even- The wedding of Miss Helen Hill of E. R. Bounsail Friday Afternoon ing Auxiiary was hlin St. Paul's b Slocum avenue, and Cedric Needham School Roorn on Monday evening ybv£Wik M of Stolp avenue, took place in First Bowmanvil]e Women's Institute with a splendid attendance. Our Methodist Episcopal Church at six heid the June meeting on the lawn President, Miss M. Hutchison, pre- o'clock. Wednesday. June 13th. Rev. at the home of Mrs. E. P.. Bounsaîl, sidmng and li charge of the Devot -________________________________ Lloyd E. Foster performed the cere- Church St., on Friday afternoon ional period. Thie usual .opening mnony, and Miss Betty Burgun was with a gooci attendance. Mrs. Fred hymn was sung and Miss M.' Allen maid of honor. H. E. Need.ham was Baker, President, presided, and the read the seripture lesson. Mrs. c. Vacation Pointers his brother's best man. The bride program opened with community Lunney read the 2nd Chapter of _______________________________ was given away by her aunt, Mrs. S. singing, the Institute Ode, and the ..The Wonder of the Book" f ollowed_______________________________ R. Johnston of Slocum avenue. Lord's Frayer in unison. Minutes wth prayer by Miss H-utchison. White lace was used for the wed- were read by the Secretary, Mrs. J. During the business period Mrs. Take the piay spirit along with frock-if you go to that kind of a ding gown worn with a hat to match. Thickson. who also read a letter Of Bmngham reported as convener of you, and flot too much else. place-a batlng suit, a cover-ali The bridai bouquet was of white thanks f rom Durham Music Festival the Work Commit.tee followed wth a Avoid poison ivy. It may be re- coat., iight weight hat, gloves and roses and baby's breath. The maid Association. Miss Horn, a visitor for duet "I came into the Garden" by cognized by its leaf which-iike 'ail hose to match and sturdy waiking of honor wore a sheli pink chiffon the day, brought a f ew words of Mrs. C. H. Dudley and Mrs. V. Ott, Gaul" in our Latin books-"is divid- shoes are about ail you will need. dress wth matching hat and carried greeting f rom Hampton Branch. accompanied on the piano ,bv Mrs. ed into three parts."Ifyuaet itafrndwie Pink roses and baby's breath. Roll was called by Mrs. L. Roach Neal, was most enjoyabie. Mrs. A. W. If you have iimited means, avoid Ian yoas ere o visitatiend wof Mrs. Johnston was in grey crepe and was splenclidiy responded to Clees, Tyrone, gave a splendid f eshionabie resorts, else youl be clothes you will need. It ail depends de chine with matching hat and with the name of a wild flower. account 0f her brother, Dr e what program she bas pianned shoes and a corsage of pink roses Program was in charge of Mrs. S. Cullough's travels through China. Don't leave the spot 'where you for your entertainment. and baby's breath. Mrs. J. H. Need- Morris and Mrs. W. H. Yeo's group. The address was most descriptive picnic ail littered with boxes, bags,1 hamn o! Bornanviiie, Ont., mother Mrs. W. Adams gave a very fine and and thoroughly interesting. The in- banana skins. and other trash. ut Leave your cares at home, but o! the bridegroom, wore grey f lower- comprehensive paper on "Birds" cidents of Dr. McCullough as an eye out your camp fire and throw dirt cary your courtesy with you. Pol- ed chiffon with a corsage of pink which everyone enjoyed, many mem- specialist, bis bundreds of patients on it before you leave. iteness opens doors for strangers roses, bers adding a few additionai re- a day and his tour of China was As to togs, sport clothes. one dance ,abod guests. A dinner party at the Green Gate marks as the address proceeded, indeed enough to give the average ______________________ followed for members of the bridal sbowing their interest. A contest person a different idea of China.________________'lnaihpiyfno party and a few guests. Later in f ollowed on birds. Hearty thankS were given boy Miss M. victim live ln n apli o the evening the couple le! t for New The second part of the program Allen and Miss Percy. The hymnn ever after," at least much longer York and Atlantic CitY. They wiil on "Native Trees of Canada" was in- "Jesus Shahl Reign" foilowed by the Home Laundering than hie would otberwîse. aiso visit in Canada before return- troduced by each memxber being ask- Mizpah benediction brought a inostI Round up the wbole faily-at ing ta this city. ed to rintme the specimen of trees on enI.oyable evening to a close. Deiic-' once-and cati upon your do)ctor, exhibition. Miss E. E. Haycraft gave xous refreshments were served and Mayatrfy oueiewhyurdnstadouocltfrte BensonBartona r mead nr ein efolowred a h salsca ou oehas flot been accustomed to doing periodical "once over." Then you eachmemer bingaske toreada -the famiiy washing, is tackiing it to- may laugh at Fate and run along for St. Gregory's R. C. Church, Oslh- brief history of about thirty varie- day. Warmn sunshine and brisk your vacation. awa was the scene o! a charmng ties o! our Canadian trees. "O Can- Parish Hall Shower bezsaeetaalrmn.Gv wedding at 9 a.m. Thursday, June ada" brought the meeting to acoe ~ ree r xr lueet ie 28th. henGrae Brto, dugher Next meeting will be the arnnuai G.iven Popular Recent a good washmng machine, pienty o!cnnn o! Mr. and Mrs. Neson Barton, ow- picnic at Cream o! Barley Camp onBrd hot water. modern washiflg powder manville, became the bride o! Harry July 27th.1 Brd Thursday Nighit and a grassy back yard, and home Combine two kinds o! fruits or two F. Benson. son o! Mrs. Jane Ben- A hearty vote o! thanks was ex- aneigsajo.kd fvgtblinyu jey son. 43 Gladstone avenue, and the tended to Mrs. Bounsaîl, moved by St. John's Parish Hall was gaiîy While we rarely advise anyone to making and canning. Currants and lat Rchad enono!Osawa Rv.Mrs. W. Adams and seconded by decorated witb banks o! peonies and buy a coveted article on the instail- raspberries go weli together. Appies Father Reddin officiated. Mrs. P. Jackman. 'f or her hospitai- orange blossoms on Thursday night, ment plan, yet thimabepro-ndgpsaefvrts.Ape The bride was attended by Miss ity and also congratulations on ber wben the A. Y. P. A. and other able with a washmng machine. It is may accompany xnost other fruits, Hazel Benson. youngest sister of the 70th bîrthday which she was cele- church organizations joined with an investment which will pay for supply extra pectin for Jelling, and groom, wbile Nelson Barton o! Bow- brating that day. Similar goo>< numerous friends in honoring Mr. itseli in bis saved. th anîy xted mrcxed carrts it s o Mnilbrother of the bride, was wisbes were extended to aur Secre- and Mrs. Harold, nee Margaret In bot weather al o! h anl i ie croswt esol beasmst man tary who bad a birtbday the prev- Colville, with a mascelaneous show- change clotbing frequeritly and also string beans; and corn with toma- The bride wsms attractive in ious day. er. About fifty attended the function wear more washable clothing and toes. agowvn o! printed chiffon on long ___________ at whicb an enjoyable program was the f amily wash multiplies in size. fittedlines She wre a arge wite aPresented by Mrs. Alex Coiville, The washing machine makes no adnrm fa itted u t nese, we a aewite mother of the bride, 'Mrs. D. J. complaint and, with intelligent at tmie a and agle with ating South Darlinoeton Chambers and Miss Evelyn Oke, handling. will do it all efficiently. Be sure you are rlght, then hoe accqeso ies ndariedma boeautiu while Mrs. Gunn presided at the Teach the f amily to change tow- ahead. bouqu ael et ! nTlsmn, hroses Couple Mark 25th piano for the community singing. els, wash loths, pillow cases, stock- A hoe li the hand is worth two Mis Hael ensn, ht rids-The congratulations of St .John's ing and other washable articles f re- in the shed. maid, was prettily gowned in yellow Wedding AnniverS.arY Church and the various organizat- quently. It does not save labor ta When the wormn turns, be sure he ch_,ýiffonhe baut whratcofing ac- ions to wbich the couple beiong was use tbem sparingly and let them be- fincls plenty o! poison on the leaves. cessoies Hr buqet aso! elow Married-In Oshawa on June 23, expressedi by Mr. B. H. Mortiock comne so soiled that tbey require ex- Talisman roses. 1909, at the home o! the bride's par- wbo acted as chairman. Mrs. j. tra care ta come dlean. if they everFo Dehnum Immediate relatives and friends ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ells, Hazel Thickson conducted a number of will lose that grimy look.Fo Depium were entertained at the home o! Mrs. Marion, and Mr. T. Cecil Worden. interesting contests, and under the Put away the beavy toweis for To keep the slugs f rom destroying Benson. mother o! the groom, foi- son o! Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Worden. eonvenership of Miss Mary Wallace summer and use smaller ones. eef your delphiniums, add arsenate o! lowing the ceremony. Af ter a wedd- Ebenezer; Rev. H. T. Lewis officiat- and Miss Violet McFeeters dainty ta the tiny guest towel for short us- lead ta dry bran and sprinkle it over ing breakfast the happy couple le! t ing. refreshments were servedi. A three age. Linen towels, which require the soul, then boe it in. on a motor trip which will take them The weatber ideal and mnother tier wedding cake was formally cut ironing, might also give place ta ________________ tbrougb Muskoka. The bride travehi- nature at ber best, made a perfect by the bride. The young couple re- 1 Turkish towels which may be folded ed in a white flannel ensemble w.ith I etting f or the Silver Wedcing cele- ceived many beautiful and use! ul away without irorling. white bat and matching accessories. bration held at the home o! Mr. and gifts, which were drawn in on a de- clive individuai privacy and pride Ms oo o as On their return the will reside in Mrs. T. Cecil Worden on Saturday, corated wagon by littie Wallace Dlu o psession ta, the members o! the Oshawa. June 23roi, 1934. Mr. and Mes. Wor- ling. The bride and groom were sa-fml by assigning to each a color Among the guests was Mrs. Agnes den, the latter gowned in pink ed under a huge white wedding bell. for his towel and washclotb. See Luck is largeiy good judgment li Wrenn, Bowrnanville, grandmother crepe, received their thirty guests with pink and white streamers and that wet pieces are not put itoothe mkn iecocsa h ok x othbrd.who arrived about 4.30 p. mn., coming their chairs were decorated with A. laundry to miidew other articles. the roads o! h! e. If we choose theç tf rom New Yark, Ottawa, Newmar- Y. F. Acolors o! blue and white. Most stains yield ta our improved right road. we are "lucky." If weç Kipp's Unequalled Herb Tablets ket. Toronto, Oshawa and the borne soap chips and powders o! to-day. choose f ooiishly, we biame It on "aour taken regularly wili keep you fit. district. Two o! the guests, Mrs. Ma y Ms eaTryMutP sn If you fear they will not, fruit stainsporuc. Sold by Alex McGregor. Phone 92. Henry and Mes. L. Harrison (nee Mis_________Mont____________________ourngbolig porluk. Grace Lander) were in attendance recently visited her sister, Miss Rets atrhouhhe. fgasad S at the wedding twýenty-five years ago Tri..miidew stains do not corme out li SALYS ALL E as matron o! honor and flower girl. Mrs. Chas Grant and Miss Jessie the wash. they may be removed by a A buffet luncheon was served Dawson o! Toronto are spending a treatrnent witii Javelle water. pur- \,q M- A -fPJl- i Ff rom tables with loveîy linen, silver few days vith Miss Frankie JeweUl chased at the dnj;g store or made at * vases o! roses and silvtr tapers, the ad soufthe ris ws eedingiyhoeDO I ON XT color scheme being carried out li Asuhr litwaex Wash woolens in luke warxn water t1 1 Pink and white. The attendants were proud o! hbyusoa n Hpe to, with a mild soap; rinse li water o! Mrs. G. H. Lander, Mrs. S. H. Mun-hado the bla y'nusehea ad pok the same temperature: and have the the, oissBblackHenurseMenearbyackhast rinse water a trifle soapy. To Henley and Byron Worden. Mr. S, "Aunty" said be, "this boy seemsstrhotrgmeshlptema rocve Miss Bettysts had Hen steyoutMessrs.s elpJack t H. Munroe proposedi the toast t.o the rihavt otiutrs'sba i keep clean longer. The rough weave bride grich.wadably rsporndto "Oh" said the colored lady, "don't goodswhich is advertised te need Yuworry none 'bout dat--lat'il no lroning, is usualiy flot a labor alIso made nice speeches. Many corne right in time. nsaeds mor frcauce thesbig asni flowers adorned the bouse through- _____ore_____________. s i out, comPosed o! orange blossorns, ~~ dries in stif f wrinkies it deniands roses and peonies. Among the many Persian Balm creates loveiy comn- special care to rnake it attractive for beautiful gifts received were a sub- plexions. Velvety smooth. Cools waring again. stantiai sum o! silver money, silver and relieves the skin. Makes it de- The electric ironing machine, with T'MyN tea service. and rnany otber pieces o! iightfully soft-textured. Aluringly its open end, bas come tae almost silverware. After a pleasant re-un- fragrant. Deigbt!ul ta, use,. Swiftly as useful as the wasbing machine. i on and chit-chat many wended their absorbed by the tissues, im parting The bousewfe who uses it will pur- way borne, leaving best wishes and that elusive charm so distinctie a! chuse the family ciothing witb a hopes for a golden wedding celebra- the dainty wornan. PErsa ar view o! its ironing in this machine. RICUMELLO tion with Mr. and Mrs. Worden. The protect-s the delicate skinres e Garments which lie filat can be eas- I Iyoung people closed the festivities and enhances the loveliest complex- iiy ironeel in it. as thase with the with an enjoyabie dance. Their ion. Every discrimi.nating woman kimono sleeve and loose beit. 90 many !riends in ibis community alsa should use this siivery lotion. It ix iA woman can t gel rid of lier troubles by extend congratulations ta Mr. and unrivalled as a flawless aid ta, beau- Tomatoes advertisng them. r.Wet. Tomatocs, once cansidered poison- YELLOW LABEL ous, are now recognized as most val- m uable !oods. They are at their best than picked green and shipped afar. Ri 1 They are one o! aur richest sources o! the necessary Vitamin C, ranking RED PACKAGE with oranges as Baby's daily f ood. Wauld tixat every child in the na- FPItion Might have bis daily portion o!f____________ HALF PR CE tective tomate j ctakee: oiuto frmgrowing up with the multitude BAYSIDE CHOICE QUALITY o lswhich !lesh is heir ta: scurvy, culosis. gali stones and the Uike. oai While the vitam.lns o! most f oods are destroyed by long applied or in- CAMPBELL'S or CATELLI'S toansare almnat s vitaimin-ric.hi S p a h AN HONEST TO GOODN'ESS CLEARANCE AT EXACTLY HALF RII atn ti pos s ee a ndhlh sufer- 'm tmanent.-later. Many a wee danger signal, wblch would neyer appear ta the naked eye, la discovereti by the doctor, for a very snail cost. Thlis WA LKR 'S O RESsyniptom, neglected, h ainrot sure PHONE 164 ILI M IlIED BOWMANVILLE coStlng cash, anxietY, losa of Urne, DIscovereti in Urne, the inciplexit 111 may be nlpped in the bud and the PAGE FIE Best By Every Test/ Si LAWRENCE CORN STARCH Product cf thse St. L*wrenceSuar&h Vo. inited, Port Oredt. Ont. Away with "COOK-STOVE BLUES" COOKING hot, heavy foode for breakfast is wearying work. Why flot give your famifly a treat, and save yourself time and toil? Serve Kellogg's Corn Flakes. Deliejous, nourishing, and ready i a jiffy! Kellogg's are economical tao. Many ser'vings cost enly a few pennies. Made by Keliogg in London, Ont. FOR CON VENIENCE CORN FLAKES . 8I FMSH 4 X~q~ Miler's Worm Powders were de- injury ta Ithe most sensitive systeni. vised ta promptiy releve children They act thoroughly and painlesslY, who su!! er !rom the- ravages o! and though li some cases they Mnay worms. It is a simple preparation cause vomltlng, that lsana~ indication warranted ta destroy stomachia and of thelat powerful action and flot of intestinal worms without sbock or any nauseatlng property. Tin raniOt 0 rUice 25c tihe store p 10 Br29c H0w Pattern 16Pinece reakfast Sets 89e Fels Naptha Soap - bar 7é Clark's Potted Meats 3 tins - - - ý25e "Chef" Park and Beans, No. 1tins - - - Se S.O.S. - 4-pad pkg. 14e 8-pad pkg. - 23o Rubber Rings *o Pkg. Oc Zinc Rings - dos. 25e Parowax - 2 pkgs. 25e Seaiers, Qts. 'dos. 81,3e Shrimps - - tin 15. Crabnxeat - - tin 35o Dominion Peas,No.2 tin 15a Baysidc Pears, No. 2 tins, Light Syrup- 2 for 25. Tuna Fish - tin li SHIRRIFFS GERBERS McLARENS DOMINO DOMINO ORANGE INFANTS Assorted PITTED1 BAKING MARMALADE FOODS JELLY DATES POWDER 16 os Jar except Cereal POWDERS 110 oz. Pkg. Pound Tin 24 c T'2 Tal ~pkg, 5< 15' 19' CHRISTIES ASSORTED CREAMS 1 9c s t' t,.1, v't s i 4 t, t,' I. )RES