Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jun 1934, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIULE. THURUSDAY, JUNE 2ist, 1934 PAGE RGHET WE DELI VER Pure .... Clean PASTEURIZED Fresh Milk -TO- Bowmanville Bowmanville Beach Hampton Enniskillen Burketon Blackstock Caesarea Newcastle Newcastle Beach Newtonville In ail these centres Bowmaai- viDle Dairy Milk 15 recognlzed as the cleanest. purest, a.nd rlchest mllk available. If you ba.ven't trled It yet Phone 446 and we wUil caiL Bowmanville Dairy W. H. Betties, Prop. Phone 446 MArRIUNft MU RCLEg A N D eîiaeteeo be-diet, anti * J OnT ,I4Outi riee Y aga in, if pollens are responsible, a uang IUMACPS.necessîty may keep a hay fever vlc- EjAsk McGregore Drug Store for tîm worklng in a district wbere these <RU M % S abounti hi U A C A PS ometingmay b JUNE MEETING 0F Jer_ theHAMPTON INSTITUTE HELD ON THURSDAY 7(~o«~ J\Ç~Ç LW~fFine Prograin and Social Time En- by joyed by Meinbers in Basement î7&Y RüNck 'OYS f United Church COIG~I~Hampton Womens Institute met on June l4th, in the church base- mient, witb the president, Mns. C. Johns, in the chair. Meeting open- ed with the singing of the Institute The rides KichenOde, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. Minutes were reati by the Secretary, Miss Lulu Reynolds, Our great grantimotbers coulti do chaseti at first, to be replaceti later and approveti. Short business dis- ail their cooking for a large family by those of better quality, althougb cussion followed. The meeting was in one or two general utility pans or in the long run. it is economy ta, buy then handed over ta Miss Ruth kettles, but the modern housewif e those which will endure. . Johns, who was in charge o! the has searae utnsi, epecilly Ketles ithwid botomsandProgram which was presenteci by the has st earate ute for eacl etesw iebotm niCentre group as follows: Hymn, fol- vse t brpporate for each t. straight sides use the heat without lowed by an interesting eating by sere.ifshhns t Igt s wasting radiation about the kettie. Mrs. J. Cowling; vocal solos, Mrs. K. Thneybride, if sthe s tring ansav Be! ore buying baking utensils, mea- CaverîY, accompaniet by Miss Elinor tensils which will make ber bouse- sure the insitie of your oven. Baking Sykes, anti Miss Lilian Jebson, ac- keeping mast efficient, shoulti givel sheets shoulti be two inches smiail- companieti by Mrs. Jebson. were careful study to what alie neecis anti er than the oven. andi wben baking much appreciateti; Miss Lulu Rey- make a sbopping list before she vis- dishes are placeti inside the oven noldis gave an interesting talk, of- its the allurîng bousebold dtepart- there ahoulti be room for a circulat- fering somne original ideas for the ment o! the stre ion o! air about it. advancement of the Institute work; She shouiti consider the size o! Nest mixing bowis consume smail National Anthem brought this part hier storage space anti the amount space ini the cupboard anti offer a o! tbe meeting ta a close. A social anti kinti o! cooking te be tione. For variety of izes for vaius use&i hai! hour was enjoyeti anti refresb- exampie. if she plans te keep lier Triplicate saucepans, which caver a ments serveti by the group in charge. job for a time anti to buy her pies at single burner are an econuxny o! fuel. July meeting at the bomne of Mrs. T. the delicatessen, she wili flot neeti a The double boiler may serve many Sykes on Juiy l2th. Program anti rolling pin or moimg board, at first. uses, each part being useti separatey lunch in charge o! the East group. As a makeshift. she can use a milk at times. A steamer might be fitteti Ah ladies welcome. bottle anti ber dlean table top. to the bottom balf. f one knife may serve as both The coifee pot aboulti be of porce- United Church Choir breati knife anti carving knife, anti lain, enamel or glass. Other metais she wiIl not neeti a speciai kettie for give an undesirable flavor ta coffee. Presents Concert At deep fat frying, although it will be a The aluniinum gridtile or fry pan convenience ta buy a wire basket will require less grease in cooiing Newtonville on Friday wbich will fit easily inside one of! anti a tbick bottomned one will be___ hier kettles. less likely te bumn footis titan a thin Enjo3'able Program Weil Received Cheaper materials may be pur- one. By Audience-Mn. George Camp- _________________________ - bell, Director, Is Honored on SALLY'S SALLIES Silver Wedding Anniversary Cherries On Friday evening theUnited __________________________o! Mr. George Campbell, put on a splendid cqncert. The Choir was Cherries - juicy, romantic, sweet, asse yMs agrtTmo saur, cheery anti wholesoint. Wasn't Newcastle, wbo contributeti three the Creator kindti t invent them! humorous recitations, al 0f which This yean we are supposedti t have were encoreti, anti Mrs. Keeber, of a lot of themn anti let us eat our Toronto, who rendereti two contralto share. solos anti encores. The program As ta methoti, the most delight- osteofapnodtbyM. fui s t pic thm fom te tee.Campbell anti Jean, a piano solo by The next best is ta buy a quart, wash Jean Campbell, soprano solo by antir athem 'afy ms.Ptte niELsie Wallace, duet by Mrs. Keeber suaChe yiies mus bt. hn otanti Elsie Wallace, self"ctions by the Cruies eep better taontmoftCampbell Orchestra and t.he Quar- fruis whn caneti on ccout o!tet, as weli as selections by the choir. their aciti, wicb tiestroys the bac- Mr. J. J. Mellor acteti as chairman teria of ferment. They holti theirr in bis usual 1 asngantiuoru flavor well. To preserve the ricb manner. ph weang humorous color o! canneti cherries, keep them I.> welî receiveti anti the audience in a tiark closet or caver theiii with soe hi prcainb hi ta turn upside down ove-r a can. ta the numbers. Much credut is due ta shut out the light.IM.Capelitanighecir Cherries may be matie into sauce. Msre.lataampelntraeninembershpar- preserves, candieti. canneti without ' asticlastose wheo took separt grdforuine ud mdein apis, Womans work is never dunib. parts, anti Mrs. Lane, organist. for I grunt fie ati ati ina .im. __________________the efforts put forth ta be able te spiceti, pickieti or drieti. To leave a rentier such a fine musical program. tilicias i aor. Whenroeintthe shions, Fads, Foibles Proceetis amountedti taover $28.00. a deicios favor Whe opnedtheAt the close of the concert Mr. can of cherries may be matie into 'rre dressmakers shears bave Melior paiti tribute to those baving a gelatin moIti or the juice may be beer' cuttîng into sheers, of late. taken part, anti then calleti on Rev. draineti for drinks, anti the fruit Sheer. gos.amer f abrics are tielight- Thos. Wallace. It being the twenty- useti in pies. fruit cup, or baketi fui for bot weather. Fommerly sheer'fifth anniversary of Mr. anti Mrs. anti steameti puddings. things were re-serveti for afternoon Campbel's vwetig. Mr. Wallace While cherries are in season dont anti evening dresses. Totiay they are reati an atidress anti presenteti Mm. failta aveat eas on chrkymatie inta ais with knee length or, Caînpbell with a purse o! silver on pie. f ull length coats, on tailoret iunes.: behalf af the Board of the Church For a cherry pie. mix one cup of Tiey are femînizeti by itie. i riliy as a token ai appreciation for the sugar anti one tablespoon cornstarch coiars anti a bunch ai cloth flowerssplendid service hie has rentiereti anti pour over tbree cups pîtteti cher- at the neck, a bit ta one ide or in1 since coming ta Newtonville, in ries. Mix lightly. turn mbt pastry the midle; or a large. sait bow tie.1 training anti dinecting the choir. lineti pie tin, dot with butter, caver Ms sblLig rsteta h with top crust anti bake. These sheer coats are ta be worn Choir, re aingaitresiont be h e over sleevelesa dresses. They are us- hira nadeso eafo uaily aiftiark, serviceable colors. or- the chair anti Miss Mabel Wallace, ti'dy white cotton anti inen coats at the proper time. presenteti Mr. Thgane Si lo co antirs.Goesaeo n Mrs. Campbell with a basket of TheSu me Skn 00so anti crios. Gloves: antfloers anti a piece ai silver. Mr. aIlsts aiafe, ivolous aderiafon.gar- Mrs. Campbell %ere entirely gete. ace aranty ati hifon. taken by surprise, but bath thanketi Manufacturera have tieviseti new Thi~s season is mamked by un- teinrsfrheg!tinafw cmams anti powdema 50 that you do usual combinations oif materials: appropriate wards. Aiter the sing not have ta become as black as an taffeta akirt with oirgantiy blouse ing of the National Anthem the ld Indian when you live outdoors. if, anti jacket; tiark silk f rock ltaedi-h hrh netint hs yau want a sun tan there are creamsi white linen top coat. who taok part ta lunch in the base- wbich may be useci ta give you the Roses are actuaUly blassomiiag ment ai the Church. tan withaut the peliiinary ai a forth on -straw bats. A bunch o! the < fierce sun burn. It enablea you ta tan saine may serve as a corsage, to, tie evenly anti painlessly anti lubricates suit anti heatigear mbt an ensemble.lu the skin s0 that it tioes not became A any hf f efm icp I coarse by exposure. propriate with lacy gown, beauty- There are creams which prevent calrd hair anti manicureti na is. tanning. They may be useti as a They indicate the new elegance wo- base for the summer powder. There man is a&ssuning, the new femnininîty. are also sun-proof powtiers which îoseod Hnts <~ enable us ta return f romn a vacat ion still of peaches anti cream com- Serape carrais anti new potataes A MEALTH SERVICE 09 plexion, if we hadti his when we with the back o! your peeling knif e ASSOCIATION AND 011 1started forth. anti it will not cul too deep mbto the NUACCOPIK Sunimer pow&ers are usuallzi a skin, Save Yourseli much running IN CANAnA shade darkeir ihan winter powtiers; UP anti town stairs by putting at A.LLERGY since we live more in the open anti the foot off the stairs things whicb ____ are exposedt t stranger light. Shaties are ta go up anti at the heati ai the1 tiafc ta yum hva may be variedti tamatch the gown stairs those whlch are ta be taken, I nis a f ac trat ou maysphaveona as well as the complexion. tiawn. Then you. or whocver takes the; ig aeo soleuposo If the wind anti sun do get in fihsio htyumysrgl 1 u ordow, my crryalog ,for breath, all f rom the same cause. their xork upon your skini, there with bim whatever is thene. If yau T u hsfatinahrwriw are bleaching creams antifd cl want ta get samething f nom up or migbtsa th at hay ftevewr, shma, creams which will do mucht e iaf tisjtant about it on anti hives anti ather skin disortiers store your indoor beauty at the enti a pece of paper anti lay that on are relateti anc ta the alter in that tif the season. the siairway,to be usedti he next, tbey ail represent a reaction which lime you make the trip. Do you bave iskaw s lery a ule at youx bouse, that the meru- Twn salery ber a te imiy re a as te - he pollen a! some grasses will bercausethe faever;aaestrawbermtheay F or littie babies 1basin anti thee bath tub a! ten they; miga uie y ee tawc o ies yanty Best By Every Test!f ThroUgh a series of injections, in proper doses, the person who is sen- sitive to pollens may be desensitized, provided the responsible pollens have been recognized. Tolerance to foods may be buit Up by gradually increasing f romn the most minute ainounts, such as one single drop of milk for example. The reai purpose of this article is to bring to the attention of our readers. the maniner in which such cases are properly deait with by dis- covering and removing the cause. Obviously. it is a waste of time and money to take medicines ta over- corne a condition that is due to ai- lergy or sensitiveness. Questions concerning Health. ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical Association, 184 Coliege Street, Tor- onto, will be answered personally by letter. NUMBER NINE HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB PRESENT COMEDY "lLonely Little Liza Lou" Brings Credit to Gron» of Young Artists - Presented in Newcastle Community Hal -Lonely Little Liza Lou" madie ail who were at Newcastle CommunitY Hall on the evening of Friday, June lat, feel sad and glati in turn. She was a typical Lillian Mortimer play heroine. An unsophisticateti moun- tain girl plucked from bher home of untranielled freedom and placeti in an ultra-fashionable environmenti for which she was untraineti, she stirred ail one's pity and sympathy: but in the endi true goodness and purity of beart and incd prevailedi and Liza Lou won the love anti ad- miration of her husbanti's associ- ates and also that of the play fans. They were mostly quite young pcople. some of themn without any previous stage experience in the castj of No. 9 Home and Schooi Clubs play, but they acquitte i themseýlves most creditably and brought consid- erable pleasure to tho-ze composing the good size'd attendance. Besides this Home and Schooi Club is de- ýerving of praise and commendation in interesting the young people in an educational enterprise of this kind and encouraging them to en- ter the field of amateur entertain- ment. There must always be a be- ginning ta anything at all and this for severai in the cast, although noti for ail. was their beginning as play actors. The complete cast included: Loneiy Little" Liza Lau Wilcox, a Virginia wild flower-Thelma Law- ery, sweetly fresh and altogethe charming andi adorable; Biily Wil- cox. her newly marrieti congressman husband-Wilbur Blackburn; Mrs. Benham, Billys housekeeper-Acy Bowen; Clarice Mayne, a French maiti, who could parlez-vous ta aa nicety. Ott.awa accent-Mary Bow- cn; Pete, Billys faithful coloreti ser- vant-Henry Bowen, Jr.; Fred Nor- worth, Billys frienti, most polite and genteel R.oy Patten; Elmer Peeting, Liza Lous country cousin-Edwarti Marchard: Lady Juliet Stanton, Billys superior and modish sister, would shine in the most f ashionable circles-,Jessie Geddes; Lord James Osmondi Stanton, her newly acquir- eti titieti husbanti Jack Lowery; Louden, a detective of brains and1 ability-Chariie Glenney; Miss Lib- by, Liza Louas coloreti servant, loyal anti capacious-Mrs. Howard Bowen; Louden's Assistant--Sidney Pollard. Much of the stage furniture and properties was loaned with the courtesies of F. F. Morris Co.. Bow- manville, for which Mrs. F. W. Bow- en on behaîf of the Club expresseti grateful appreciation. The property coinmittee, Stanley Rickarti. Walter Blackburn and Carman Patten, saw ta it that everything was arranged in an attractive manner. A very pretty and popular feature in connection with the production o! the play was the presentation af lovely bouquets of flowers to Mrs. Percy Hare andi Mrs. F. W. Bowen in appreciation of their services as Director Advisor anti Director Gen- erai of the play. When the curtain had fallen a!- ter the third act the orchestra came on anti the young people finished off the evening with dancing. An atiditional interact numberi was the rendering o! their Music Festival selection by the gold medal Osborne Quartette, Russel, Earl anti Orville Osborne anti Norman Frietiui, ail No. Niners. They receiveti en- thusiastic applause. You havent reati The Statesxnan until you have reati the advts. MORE TIME 0IF YOUR -OWN Kellogg's Corn Flakes take thue bother out of breakfast. No cook- ing. No pots and pans to scour. And everybody likes them! Kellogg's will give you more iours of freedomi to do the things you enjoy. They're rich in energy-easy to digest. An ideal supper for children. Always oven-fresh. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. Fw ORt CONVENNENCE CORN FLAKES È [11E1>411111 says MISS ETHEL CHAPMAN, famous cookery editor of the. Fariner m AGIC easts so littie - and yau can always count on better baking resuits. Actually- it takes less thon 1 t worth of this famous baking powder to male a bigi three-layer cake. Don't nlsk poo-quality cakes by uslng Inferlor baking pow- der. Always bake with Magic and be sure! 'CONTAINSNOALUM." This U~IUIAE..IEu tatement on every tin le your guarantee that Magie Bakîng M A G IC Powder la free froin ,Ium or XADE IN CAN4ADA any harmful Ingredient. .j' Laundr DONE FOR Less Money 4'î> THRIFT SERVICE 9 lbs. for 75c (Over 9 lbs. 7c per lb.) DRY WASH 12 Ibs. for 75c (Over 12 lbs. 6c per lb.) A trial order will convince you this 15 an economical and satisfactory way of do- ing your laundry. WE CALL AND DELIVER W. Marj'oran' Phone 478 King St. E. - Bowmanvile Ask Mother- She Knows Mother took this medicine be. fore and after the babies came. It gave ber more strength and energy when she was 0r,. ous and rundown ... kept her on the lob al rbroughi the Change. No wonder she rec- ommends in. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND wILsoN'S REALLY KLL One pad kilis flies A day and cvery day for 2 or 3 weeks. 3 pads in each packeî. No spraying, no stickiness, no bad odor. Ask your Druggist, Grocery or General Store. 10 CENTS PER PACKET WHY PAY MORE? THE WILSON FLY PAD Co, Hamilton, Ot CORN STARCH Product of the St. L*wrence Starch Co. Limited, Port Credit, Ont. If your neighbor borrows your .1W . 10 Statesman each week. Mark this par- éIU agraph and he'lI probablyus .-cb . . . . . $1.00 ta end of 1934. W1Ien you buy Redi Rose Tea you boy "' GOOD TLÀ" THE CEYLON TEA BUREAU advise Canadian women to buy «Good Tea". We are heartily i accord. Forty years ago we adopted the words "Good Tea" as our slogan and year a.fter year, since 1894, we have told Canadian women they might identify <'Good Tea" by the trade-name "Red Rose. Many tried Red Rose Tea-thousands of homes have used it for two generations. We menit this confidence in our name by insuring a quality that proved worthy of our slogan «Good Tea". Red RoseTea "is oocl tea 94 [ Chrïm Arrom

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