PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATIESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 2lst, 1934 C' 2 for 49ce~ VACATION SPECIAL Gillette Razor --$1.00 5 Blue Blades - .25 Total - - - $1.25 Ail for 49e GOODES ICE CKEAM FREE-TUdoT Plate Teaspoonl Bricks - Bulk - Cones wth each large tube - 43e ICE COLD DRINKS BelI'very made promptly AILEX MloGREGOR, Drugs p]3ONE 92 PRESCRIPTONS A SPECL#ALTY WB DEIVER TCOMING EVENTS Reserve Fciday. June 29th, foc tise big Supper ut St. Andcew's Pcesby-1 tecian Csurcci.1 Reserve Friday, June 29tb foc tiseJ supper on St. Andcew's Chucclis lawn. Supper f!rom 6 te, 8.30 p. m. Band in attendunce. Tise regular monthly meeting o! tise W. C. T. U. wlll be held ut tise home o! Mca. W. C. Wasingtonl on Tuesduy. June 26th, ut 3 p. m. Trnity Evenlng Auxillary o! tise W. M. S. wlll meet In tiese chool room on Tuesday, June 26th. lnstead o! June l9th, at S p. M. Program. i charge o! Misa Helen Cryderman and ber gcoup. Note change o! date and arrange to be present. Bowmunivlle Women's Inatitute wlll bold next meeting a!tise home o! Mca. B. IR. Bounsaîl on Frlday, June 2Mt, at 3 p. m. Meeting In charge of Mca. S. Morris and Mca. W. H. Yeo. Toplc: Birda and Trees. RoU Call: Name a wild flower. Anl members attend and bring a friend. vices wece ably conducted by Adj. Tuckec. Tise Adjutunt wlll be wlth us next week f or a short time only, so ase gave ber !acewell addcess, Sunday aftecnooxi. We shall miss hec capable belp, in tise singing espec- ially. The football game between Ty- cone and Couctice was beld Frlday evexiing on Muic's f ield endlng wlth a score o!f4- in f avour o! Cour- tice. A very regrettable accident c- curced durng, tise second half of tise ganse when Taîbert Geacing, son of Mc. and Mca. jos. Geaclng, broke tise boîtes in bis clght leg whlle klcklng tise bail. Mc. E. Varcoe cusbed bis car to tise spot, Talbect was laid wlthln, and driven Vo Bowînanvllle Hospital whece tise leg was set by Dr. Bell. On sunday Taibert was ce- pocted as restlng comfortably. This aummer Talbect stacted te work at Mc. Roy Nlcisol's garage. Sevecal have offeced substantial, contribut- ions towacd tise lad's expenses. Ssoppers wlth an eye to tisrift] read the ada firat, then ehoP. The naine of Janetville Station is e MrJo.Wbber, Greenway, Man., WINS IN S. ONTARIO UNIVERSITY 0F TORONTO changed to Viewlake, it is learned, LOCAL & PERSONAL1 is vîsitinig relatives 'n this district.EXMNTO RSU S the reason being te, avoid confusion ~ ~ Mr. joseph Grigg. Winnipeg, Maxi., Former BowmanviUe H. S. Students A i betweefl the station and the village is visitiflg bis sister, Mrs. C. 0 of Janetville. The change took Mrs. Mary Young. Toronto, recent- Curtis. E .Jns otWSFcuthy fArtsA place on June l4th. ly visited at Mr. T. C. JeweUl's. Mr. E .JýeFr William, asFcult Y 0fArt Mr. W. F. Ward. Zone Representa- Mrs. Stephen Hutchinson bas been tnWenesday guest of bis tive o! the Canadian Legion, was in visiting hier sister, Mrs. Lois Sais, cousin, Miss Rayrles. Latin (French or Greek option) plhaan fo rshe gh completing Codrington. Is. . Tabb and grand-daughter, 'Division 11-ist Class Honors, Mar- pasfrteAnnual Zone Rally Mrs. Win. Thompson, Toronto. Miss Frances Rowe, are visitiflg re- Modem Languages <Eiiglish and I p which will bring to Oshawa legion spent. Sunday with ber sister, Mrs. latives n Rchester, N. Y.OlG Rcad membezs f rom Bowxnanville, Ux- W. B. Tapson. Mr n r.o Sad fail ____ rench)-2nd elass honors, Marg- bridge and Whitby, on Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. j. Symons. Creigh- visited f riends in Seagrave and at- ae .Dcsn June 28th. Thse new zone represent- ton Mines, are visiting their daugh- tended Anniversary services. at . DCuseGrd Cn.g ative wil be chosen at this meeting. ter, Mrs. F. W. Nelles. Mr. Simupson Yelland, Exeter, Ont. W.S Cor, Grdeatirgo, Mr. ad Mr B. Y Hady andsisîe ~ r an IS.rnH.'Janes Silver Medal (ai, Men's Mr-n r . .Hdya d 'e ih Mrs. Roy Web-Fec or Greek Option) -Marion Betty, Toronto, spent Sunday with ýio Wednesday of last weekc.'a ikr.bou Mr. and Mrs. 'F. A. Haddy.. and Mrs. Roy Webber attend- Lily Denton Keys Prize <English bou Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ellioti, ed the decoration service at Pine Essay) open to all the years-Mar- Womer ingE M.atn, Msp le t C e .eed t Grove Cemetery, Prince Abert., on garet D. Dckson. heel, P, FLOsR C.MrJ. Clr ndMio lance sday. Osbore. Miss Pea.rl Latin (Frenchor Greek Option)Miss Craig, Winnipeg, Man., are visiting Osboneand Miss Lila Truman. Tor- hoisreMar he frmers daghtrionoGentB. Warder. rubber ,mer's brother, Mr. E. L. Osborne. cmec n iac-r ls SERVICE Ms Jean Dawson, Bailieboro, and1 Blackstock Scouts were victorious honors. P. Morley Vane . . SPECI. Miss ide areTootwrinabi aewtth tOsaaPsCoreGrd -abzC guests o! Mrs. J. N. Lawrie over the Troop at Oshawa on Friday night 1 Vanstone. senegal Selected Choice Flowers weekend. when they secured a 16-6 victOry.W.EN.Snli Second Year o e Mrs. W. A. Buriner, Miss Vivian: Mrs. Wallace, King Street, brokeW.EN.Sear Pass Course, Grade C-Robert P. W m Expert Floral Dning Bunner, Mrs. Muriel Symons, Paul her arm in two places when she Former Leader of the Ontario1 Corbett, John M. Minore. Careful Delivery and Kelvin recently vsited Mrs. W. Elipped and fell at the borne of ber Liberal Party, and Maycr o! Osh- Teachers' Course-Levi M. Annis, top, (hi H. Symons, Welcome.i daughter, Mrs. Forrest A. Dilling, awa, who was returned to the Leg- Economics. "BON VOYAGE" FLOWERS St. Paul's ladies held a very suc-1 Queen Street. isature with a majority o! over FrtYa cessful Home-Cooking sale and sup- In the list o!fcinisters o! the Un- 5000. His many !riends througbout FrtYa dellere te teaers ailng per on Saturctay afternoon. Pretty ited Church at Blackstock histoncal this section o! the Province hope to Egis adHsor-dcls flowers and a tasty menu were review last week the namne of Rev. see him included in Mr. Hepburn' s honors, Pauline E. Wagar. from any Canadian or pleasing features. J E. Griffith, now o! Toronto, was new cabinet. Science-2nd class honors, Wil- Anrcnport. M. ad r. T. H. Lo * r a d 'adtantl' omitted. liam H. Brown, Alec M. Birks. Miss Dorothy Lockhart. R. N._ le! t The Canadiari Legion Band will Grig reGadgBRthI.M Tuesday afterncon on a six weeks' present. a band concert at the Cream St. iPaul's W. M. S. Mase uraie Enlsi îbe W .E r v s ti !of Barley camp on Suniday af ter- -ls, Ru . . ri Egg. h ibe -KINGSWAY o Id !riends enroute.1 noon at 4 o'clock. The program wil St. Paul's Auxiliary o! the W. M. Fas, R ty of M. si Miss Marjorie Cole, daughter o!f f0110w the decoration day services atS . met. at the home of Mrs. Chas. Fclyo ui FL W R SIP Mr. and Mrs. J. E. L. Cole, who bas! the cemietery.i Carruthers on, Tuesday a!ternooIi. Second Year-Staiiley L. Osborne. FL WE HO taught Public School for several The Board of St. Andrew's Pres- The President, Mrs .A. S. Kerr. was Faculty of Forestry Phone 72 Day or Night years. near St. Catharines bas been bterian Church bas engaged the in the chair. Meeting opened with Fourth Year-2nd class honors, appointed on Bowrnanville Public services o Rev. W. G. Blake o! Ham- the smnging o! a hymn -Ail the Way A. L. Kenneth Switzer. School staff. iltori for a peciod o! six months. i My Saviour leads Me" f ollowed by Third Yea-2nd class bonors, _______________________ Tbe many friends o! Mrs. J. W. Mr. Blake bas been supplying in the1 prayer. Mrs. F. Pattinson read the George D. MiUson. Brooks. who bas been laid up for church for several weeks. ccripture and several short prayers Graduate Studies several months as the result o! a Thse June issue o! the B.T.S. News,1 were of!ered, !ollowed by thse Lord's Bceo fPdgg-iryB stroke and who was gaulyie official magazine o! the Ontario prayer in unison. At the conclusion Bceo !Pdgg-eC .U covering. will be sorry tc, leara that Training School for Boys, is o!ff the of business period Mrs. J. L. MordenGibn.U G et Y ourshe fell on Sunday a!ternoon and press and proves to be one o! the gave a most interestiIig and instruc- Master o! Arts-Muriel H. Sissons.1 broke hec bip and is now in Bowman- most newsy editions in recent ive paper on "Japan's early History..-< ville Hospital. montbs. Elon Marshall is editor in Mrs. W. H. Adams gave a synopsis CHURCHES for thi chie!. and Mrs. L. M. Densemn is ed- i O! thse f if th chapter o! the Study Law n M ow er Cogauatost Miss Ada An'- ioilaviser for the magazine. Book "Living Issues in China." Meet- F. Anrus,Cotie in passing the'Raeswows oscr xr ion. A social half-hour was then Rev. Father McOuire. Pastor loricR adest SundayiJunee2 b Mas atx9.0 Ineredae iaoExmiaios fcopies o! lstweelk's Cartwright Cen- enjoyed. Sa. D.S.T.assat .0 In Shape ~~IteTroediteao nExvaminaiofnMsio!enniaî edition of The Statesmanam.DST tiseTornto onsrvaory ! Msicand this week's edition carryrng re- ~ T NRWSPEBTRA held at the Ontario Ladies' CollegeST N EW P SB ERA Whitby. Ada is a pupil o! Mcs. J. pot !th eerain1ayd o NESTLETONI CHUROR We have just received a new Albert Cole, A. T. C. M. 1bys' 5iUl their orders to The -- Rev. W. G. Blake, Minister Congatuatins o Mis EsieAl-These copies are sold at 5c per copy. tevcnt sCnena uss oTusa t8p .Sna IDEAL LAWN lin who won the gold medal for Rt ExeCop. Rev. Tos. MCKifi' wre: e inhrvis at l a. m. nd7 Pdm. highest standing in A.T.C.M. pianoR.E.Cm.Rv hs em eeSricsa11.m.nd7pm; MOWER GRINDER solo performers at Ontario Ladies' of Coîborne. Grand Superintendentl Mr. R. Waldon. Linldsay. with Sabbath Sehool 2.30 -p. in. College. Whitby, and o Miss Marion of Ontario District, paid bis officia f riends. ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Slemon who won thse special prize visit to Palestine Chapter R. A. M. Mrs. Wm. Hannah, Janetville,Rv.CR.SecrM.A.etr with al the latest improve- frgettpcresipan u- on Monday night. On Sunday Mr. %vith Ms. A. Spinks. Mre . . . uneM, cganis ments which leaves no guess ing thse year. contributed by G. D. McKimn preached at the evening ser- Mrs. George Bradbucn, Janetille, Sunutay, June 24tb. Fourtis Sun- Akno.vice in St. John's Anglican Church with Miss N. Taylor. day after Trinity: Holy Communion work now. It grinds cutting Akion and was guest o! Rev. and Mcs. C. Mca. Patterzon, Oakwood, with 8 a. m.: Sunday Scbool 10.30 a. m.; bld n pe nvst i. Dr. and Mca. C. W S.lemon, Mr. R. Spencer. Mcs. Richard Williams. Mr. oydSlemn,,Local workmefl o! the Bell Tele- Mc. and Mrs. Roy Malcolm with Prayer 7 p. m. ~ 100 mower Miss Annie E. Allin, Mcs. J. E. Allun, ~ he nal ri Mr. and Mca. F. Malcolmi. $100pe er Mrs. P.W oster, Rev. and Mrs. E1poeshowed commenal tat Mc. Gordon Pollard. Winnipeg. is' ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH F. Armstrcong, Miss Viola Brown , in their characters when they came: visiting bis, aunt, Mrs. S. McLaugh-, Rev. A. S. Kerr, Minister Repairs are extra. Mrs. (Dr.) W. H. Birks, Mm. W. R'. upon a bird s nest in a isollowed out î in. .Mca. C. H. Dudley, Organist and Our 20' experience Strike, Mrs. Geo. W. James. Mrs. J.I telephone pole at tise corner of, Mr. R. J. Fallis and f!amily Toc- Choir Director. H. Joisnston, Mcs. G. L. Wagar, QuMra.Diiin tees1Eet onto, with Mr. and Mca. Wmn. Bea-' Sunday, June 24th: il a. m.- assures Mc.fstsatryiganwplth oto fte Sacrament of tise Locd's Supper will yuo aiatry and Mrs C. H. Mason. Miss Blanche' îng aoe witpohelets portin onsecock.b sevc;BliininSt o job. Ccaig. (Winnipeg), Miss Helen Ma-iodpl ii ie etwswrdOi Mc. and Mcs. Jos. Taylor, Miss b bevc;"eivn nSieo -son. Mrs. Frank Williams, Mesars.,t tenw pole and tise bird unirol- Cline' Hamilton. with Mr. and Mca 'Everything"; 7 P. m.-"Jesus Way ACETYLENE WELDING Donald Williams and Newton Hack- etd This unique birdiosol iSwll AbÏ ' ok.' fRegarding Lie" A cordial wel- of ail kinds done. ney. Mrs. A. M. Hardy, Misses Hilda eani its original position until, A1s. Doke, Miss M~arjorie Nesbittt, corne to ail. 'Brown, Marjorie Bradt, Marion Sta- bidir bl o!y Toronto, with their motiser. Mrs.i SALVATION AEM "'R ~1 I pies, Mcs. H. D. Wightmaii, Miss ITise largest crowd in years is ex- Blanche Nesbitt. ' Sunday, June 24th, Farewell Sec- . . AIIQread Margaret Wightman. wece among pect.ed V attend tise Goodyear's an- Miss Iva Williams, Lindsay, and vices Tuckec and Lt. Gooding. tise Bowmanville guests at tise Comn- nual ici nStra.we ie isIa ilas otHpseti .m-Holiness Meeting; 2 p. m. Ring St. E. Bowmanville mencemenit Exercises at Ontario Recceatiorial Club will sponsor a trip tise weekend with tiseir mother, Mca. -Sunday Scisool; 7 p. m.--Salva- Ladies' College, Wihitby, on Wednes- to Niagara Falls. N. Y. Tise em- Richard Williams. tion Meeting. Welcome services Vo day afternoon, June l3th. ployees and their families will travel Miss Evelyn Philp is progressing thse new officers, Adjt. Fred Bowers, These a by bus tc, Toronto wisere they will f avorubly, and was bcought home returned missionary f rom South Af- famous catch tise boat for Niagara. Buses f rom tise Sick Children's Hospital, ica, on Thursday, June 28tb. at 8 CAMP9 Iwill leave tise local plant at 7 a. m . Toronto, on Sunday. P. m. All are welcome. comfort and tise bout leaves Toronto at 9.15 Mca. E. M. Wilson. Mc. and Mca. 1'RINTY UNITED) CHURCH ru ANOTHER CORBETT ADVANCE a. m. Tise boat will leave on tise Morley Greaves. Lindsay, Mr. and Rev. E. F. Armstrong, Pastor -TDI return trip at 6 o'cloclc and at 7.40, Mrs. James Moore, John antd June, Francis Sutton, Mus. Bac., Organist bd tise lest load acriving in Toronto at Bownianville, ,witis Mr. and Mrs. and Choir Director. ir1îice< W 111.40 p. m., and the tired but happy Percy Edgectof. Sunday. June 24th: il a. m- W W h e a t G erm B read picnickecs will arrive home nts e.Caec egsn ots Flower Service; subject "Tise Gos- wee small boucs o! Sunday morning. port, had charge o! tise Centennial pel O! the Flowers"; tise Sunday natural A ceal good time is planned for services in Nestle on Presbyteran Scisool wull meet after tise second FOLDI] For years scientiqs have worked on the prineiple of retain- Niagara, but tise trip itsel! ahould Cisurcis on Sunday, June l7tis. He hymn; 7 p. m.-Rev. A. M. Wootton, lng wheat gei in bread flour, but have beeau insuccessfiiL prove well worti wiie with tise was assisted by Rev. V. Walkec. B. A., o! Tyrone, wilU preacis. Next anid col They have now f ound a method of addlng the wheat gem at scenic attractions o! the Falls, tise .. Sunday, July Ist. wll be commun- cu the time of bakinh. and so the most nutritive part of whea.t. whirlpool and capids. I._'URCEion~ and ceception service. You are CM whieh bas been left out of bread, la now a iegular part of - e - T________ i odilly invlted to these services. cr- COBT' ETE RA.Telephone Pioneers Meet in Toronto Mc.Fen- - vrsci5 ecvey ro Wheat germ is strengthening - is nutritive - and brings r rn vro' eoeyfo 30 tA Tie hrlsFleetfocd Sise Cisap- lMsrecveNoticeness la vecy slow. yeu al the advantages o! live wheat. t heo! aretihse hone pi o! Mc. Wm. Macahl ow.ex ti~ N t c t r d t r Are You Troubled wth Constipation ? Arica is holding its annual con- !ecing !com a vecy pain! ul finger. and f t if you are, tcy DR.. JACKSON'VS ROMAN MEAI. BREAD vention at Toronto on Fclday' and Mcs. A. E. Pisair spent Thursday ALL persofls having dlaims against C'aoice Saturday. June 22nd and 23rd. Mc. with hec sister, Mca. Upton Stevens, teo the t ownte ofWila dward lngni ank inini, ppuar ocl mn-the County of Durham, Gentleman, de- WEEU ager, wis is a Bell pioncer o! 27 Mr. and Mca .Ccsafle and ceased, who (lied on or about the thir- Potl Dob t ' alkery fa Wliamppla oa aBomalleM. adMs iso ntleih day of April, A. D. 1934, are noti- yeacs standing, will attend titis meet- !amlly, Mc. t unday M rs. os&Iad id to send to 3.. Crawford. Wing- Beauti Phone 3 Cake and Candy Headquarteis ing and will be accompanied by Mcs duite pn Sna !tron aLm, Ontario, on or before the twcnty- coppel Williams, Donald and Helen. 'tise Cream o! Bacley Camp. third day of June. A. D. 1934. full par- to ch* MissMinne Conish Oshwaticulars of their cdaims in writing. Im- * The Telephone Pioncers o! Amer- MisMine onii, saw, dately after the sald twenty-third ica was ocganized i November, 1911. visited ut Mc. and Mca. Rulpis Tool- day of June, 1934, the dassets of the on a continent-wide basis, as tise ey'a lest weekend and cenewed old said testlttor wilf be distrlbuted amongstI naine implies. The cequicemnent for associations by cevsitàg herc 4]d ter ie n1yttue daims of hin rte membersbip la 21 er service in home wbere Mr. and Mcs. Rice now gardecutoa the ae not wic h V A CA ION SU PP IESsacily confified to tise Bell Company. Congratulations are extended to second day of June. A. D. 1934. Whe panitiser actinescepisonehveth rvalodaustcynda alnotr neces-m Otaio t' T se membership which o ! course, M . and M a. Per y Reid on tse ar- J. -. CRAWFORD, F R ,v hnplnigyÎ'vctinsethtyuhaete was sunali at tise beginning, embcac- ia !a iitadabl on iaa.Otro h~ Ifoflowing First Aid supplies - Camera, Filins. Bath- ing only those who had seen service baby boy on Sunday a!tecnoon. Mca. 23-2 Solicitor' for the Executor.1 7ising Cap, Thermos Botties, Flashfight, ToothpBfite, prior to 1890, but bas> since grown to Reid la at Mcs. Paine's home, Rlt.son Toothbrusli, etc., etc. We carry full rtoeks of eseh. an enroîlment of thirteen hundred Road Oshsawa. membeca in Canada. Deputy Returning Officers foc this SUMERSPEIA EERRAD FASHIGTS ulid o!tie ers~1 .scit division in tise Election beid In Mc. aÀ [Ai shade, Kas er), pri e .in LI'shae (kne ih ikHser , ie asti. 75 ioleproof), priced at ........ 5 ýNOXPhone 120 Save on These iii.Specials he Home or Summer Cottage at Morris Co. COMPLETE 3 - PIECE BEI> OUTFIT - $14.95 are hlgh grade mattresses, apringsand beds, wlth ail the 9Simmofl eatures of strength, oomfort, and long lite. COT - Foldlng steel construction, wlth $ 9 rtable mattresa complete ........ O0 COUCH - Oxford design, couverts int. double or twlu -Sample eniy, dfrom $39,50 to .....................$ 29050 SETTIÊES - Strong hardwood frames lin9 d and green finish - 10 Day Specil at ..... 9? NO CHAIRS - Asaorted styles2.6 ors, priced te clear at.. ..q e o 2 6 STOOLS - Very handy for the home or 9 Saturday Specli...................9? >S BUGS - ......4' 6" x 7' 6"--$1.35; 6 x 91-4.85 to 50% Off - Typical vaàues lu thia lune Rug Clearance LORS - Venetian styled sise 8 x 20, wlth seailoped edfea ine silhouette decoratiolis. eof designs.. . ...............$1 0 K-END SPECIAL - FAMOUS RED SEAL CEDAP, CHESTS ve moth protection g'uaranteOd at reductions up to 40%. if i carved walnut chests with cedar linlng aud, ahirght Sstripping. Complete selection oose from ... $13*95 to $24.e50 F. Fe MORRIS CO. *e the True Quality of LING TI RE rality Appearance d compare nI IWIite is Big News ~rt Oxfords Ai1 White Caif Sport Oxfords, Spattern, leather sole and heel, at $4050 n's Ail White Calf Oxfords,' 10W ýain toe, perforated pattern, at. .$3.50 Ail White Caif Strap Shoe heel, leather sole (Hurlbutt) ... $2e50 mýde an error in your favor in the price we ask. 2. We have a complete line of Seiber- ling Tires. The "Special Service" tire is a popular type for any test it may be p ut to. Made in four and six ply - eahhnvn the same weight tread. The price is right too. SEIBERLING Special Service TIRES General Repairs to Ail Makes of Cars Fair Prices Ce A. DBARTLETT BOWMANVILLE FUNER" DIRECTOUS PHONE 10 NTrURE ..450