Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jun 1934, p. 6

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PAGEADA TsEMNixWAVIL. THRDY JN is.13 j e W j We l gram.- An -irteresti-ng catet a-t-8 p.-m. gr-and conèert:-Mnr."Fred conducted by Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and'Dawson, buinanist sud elacutlanist, Mns. R. McGiII wben the membens Miss Helen Bulmen, soprano vocal-E BOOKS & STATIONERV got better acqualnted aven a cup o!t ansd plana accompanist, o! Ton-( PAINTS & WALLPAPER tes sud the dainty lunch served. Mis. auto. sud a local orchestra playing CHINA & GLASS R. Wright moved a vote o! thanks 1 at intenvals. Admission: Aduits, tes ta the Enutakillen ladies for their sud concert 50c, tea 40c, concert 25c;c "Big 20" Bw.av1U kind hospltality which was seconded Childreu, tea sud concert 40c, tea by Mrs. Warren. 25c, concert 15c. 24-2r e > LOST IN DURHAM - ï HAYDON MAPLE GROVE Mn. and Mns. T. Brown, Newcastle,'1 miss Elsue samis, Enfield, is visit- visîted at Mn. A. McNeils. i ng Muss Marion Snowden. Mn. and Mns. R. M~cNeil visitedf Miss Lamna Hoapen. Tyrone. spent ber brother, Mn. Fred Cowling, Cart- W Sunday with Miss Lorna Davey. wright, Sunday. I~Miss Mavis Garton, Town. spent Mrs. Sulas Tnewin underwent an Sunday with Miss Phyllis Tnimble. openation for goitre in the Torontoi Mns. Walter Foley is visiting bier General Hospital on Tuesday daughter. Mns. Mark Blackburn, Mn. and Mrs Chas Saper,Mn and Orono. Mrs. Elvin Hicks and Bobbine, Han-, Muss Ada Myers. Cannington, mony. visited at Mn. R. McNeil's. Isp.ent the weekend with Miss Greta Mrs. D. Graham attended the f un- Munday. enal of Mn. Thos. Hooper, Oshawa, onf' Mis.s Jessie YellowlfJes. Solina, Wednesday. Mn Hooper nesided in' spent the weekend wlith Miss Thelma Haydon for several years. FeMan oi rosTrno pn Mn. and Mns. Stanley Woollings, fh ekewt Miss DoiiGomsldrno.aent Toronto, Sundayed at Mn. H. Asb-th ekn wth Ms Mide ton's. Mns. C. Montgomery. wbo bas Snow den. been visiting at Mn. Aston's for Mn. Jack Emmenson. town. spent for some weeks netunned witb them. the *weekerd wth bis sister, Mrs. Anniversany srvices will býe held Victor Wilson. as follows: On Sunday, Jul lst, at M.adMr.Eirem t 2.30 psu. and 7.30 p.im. Rev. G. Catharines. vusted bis brother. Mn. C. R. MoQuade, B. A., B. D., Oshawa,i H. G. Freeman. President of the Bay of Quinte Con-, Rev. and Mns. H .W. Foley, Spring- ference, will pneacb at bath services. brook, spent Monday witb bis sister, Special music by the school under 1 itnI. litMns. J. D. Stevens. the direction of Miss Marion Orcb- MlOnJ ElotMiss Jean Stevens is spending a ard ssitedin the afternoon by Conservative candidate in the pro few days witb ber sister, Mrs. Char- ard ssisted nsofTrot vcl -lie White, Oshawa. M.r. C Wolligs0f aratevocl, vincial election who was defeated for Miss Helen Wilkins, Ebenezer. and soloist, and in the evening by the 1 the second time, on 1Tuesday. He Miss Olive Pundy, Town, spent the Balscon Quartette. Zion. Monday,1 actually polled more votes than in week.end with Mns. Stephen Jef-1 July 2nd, thene will be a pnognam1 1929. ey of sports, also a tea and concert. fer. adMs .D tvn to Full particulars next week. Mn1n r.J .Seeslfto WVednesaay for the West to visit ber 1 and friends gathered at the home of brothers, Messns Arthur and Eber ITYRONE àMr. and Mrs. T. Wray on Satunday Fis evening to celebrate with tbem thein Mns. Ray Snowden and daugliters, - M. Lvi nnu ushom. bvin *twentieth wedding anuivensany. June Helen, Mary and Donna, wbo have Mr. eviAnns i hoe, avigl7th. The guests who annived at been visiting ber parents, Mn. and finisbed a yeans terni at Toronto the suppen bour, sat down ta a long Mrs. R. R. Stevens. returned home Normal Scbool. tale placed on the lawn and decon- ta Toronto. Quarterly service was held SundaY ated with red and white peanies, Dr. and Mr5. Gardon Brown and mornung. Rev. A. M. Wootton prea- lemon hules. yellow roes and iris, daughten. Joan. Holstein. Mn: .J cbed an excellent sermon. the colons of which carnesponded ta Brown aud sisten. Ms. <r.(CI A Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Bradd. Dud- the nemaining table arrangement Risk, Toronto.,neoently visited at1 ley and Floyd, Oshawa; necently vis- and menu senved. Mr. and Mns. Mn. Frank Swallows. The former ited Mn. and Mrs. James Dudley. 'Wray were taken by surprise in be- leave shartly for China. W. M. S. will hold their annual ing made the recipients of a cal- The membens of the Maple Grave quilting and sewing bee in the lection of Royal Wuntau china in Church Sunday School and qom- churcb vestry on Thunsdsy. June 28, cherry blossom design. and glass- munity wish ta sincenely thank the instead of Wednesday. June 27th. ware. Bath made replies of appnec- many friends wba attended the An- Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Little, Jr., and iation and tbanks for the gifts ne- nivensany services and panticularly Dianne, Oshawa, Mn. and Mns. Geo. ceived. A social time was enjayed the suppen and play on Monday af- Arnold and family and Miss Ada. during the remainder of the evening. ternoon and evening in spite of the Arnold, Oshawa; vissited Mns. Wmn. vEny hesvy down pour of nain. Little on Sunday. Anniversary Visitors W. M. S. ladies visited Enniskill- ENFIELD Mn. and Mns. Knox. Misses Betty en Branch on Wednesday. Our lad- and Jessie. Hampton. ies presented the pnagram after[ whucb Ennuskillen ladies servIed a 1Mn. Frank Smth necent.ly visted Mn. and Mns. Archie McDonald, verydainy lnch.1 i TorntoOsbawa. at Mn. M. Munday's. ver st unch. iicoerd n MT. onanto ol . isti n Mn. and Mns. Lynch and daughter. A pocupne as dscoere ina Mn. Cnsia Cle i ~uutig u Oshawa. at Mn. Fred Stevens'. maple tree in Mrs. V. Smith's yard Baw*,manville. IM.adMs etWlis b on Wednesday morning. Mn. J. L. Mn. and Mrs. Webster. Toronto. M.ad I.Br ilis b Morden 0f the Cream of Barley visited at Mn. Milton Samis. enezer. at Mrs. M. Munday's,' Sr. Camo came and caught the animai Mn. sud Mrs. Mervyn Hobbs ne- Mrs. J. E. Cochrane, Miss Edna Mnrse . cent.îy visited at Mn. L. C. Pascae's Cochrane. Mn. Little. Cobourg, at Mrn r. Wmn. Vitue and Mn. Mn. snd Mrs. AIf. Prescatt necent- MnC . nMsoran Dwn, is and Mns. Russell Virtue attended lyý visîted at Mn. W. Smitb*s. Whitby iMa Wb:M. and Mns. An-a ows Ms the funenal of the late Mns. John Mn. sud Mrs. Brunt-on, Toronto, chie lenny NewcatM. atd Jr. Ano- Thompsan on June l4th in Clanke.' have been vsitung au Mn. Edwin On- che's. y ecate.a . nw Mns. Thompson was a sister-in-lawý miston's. dns of Mrs Wm. Vrtue.Mn. and Mns. Af. Pnescott attend- Judge H. S. Mott. Mn. Caimpbell. f' 0fMus.Wm Vrte.ed the deccration day at Fine Gnove. Tonanto: Rev. and Mns. H. C. Wolf- 1 4 -s Cern -teny, Prince Albert. au Sunday. .,aini. Ebenezen. at Mn. Sam Snow- i HAMPTON 1 Mrs. Brauthwaute. Mautreal. bas nns _________________been visitung at ber mother's. Mns. iMn. and Mrs. SW anca ter New J. Hobbs. Mr.s. Hobbs accompanied 'cnvu1.M. n n.S.Btey Mrs. J. Bennett vsi'ed relatuves heu home. and Dorus. Salem. at Mn. I. Mun- oven the weekend. da's. Miss B. Leach, Oshawa, visted in * ----s Mn. aud Mrs. Ernie Laird, Oshawa; the village over the weekend. ENNISKILLEN fMuss Enid Twist. Malvern Mr n.du Mn. CGeonge Buntt visited bis wife, : Mrs. Wm. Webb. town. at iMn. A. at General Hospital, Toronto. Lards. Mn. Morley Hastings. Tononto. vis-' Miss M. E. Vitue. Toronto. spent Mn. sud Mrs. Cecil Found, daugb- ited bis parents aven Sunday. J, Sunday with fruends. tieu Fay, Ebenezen; Mn. and' Mns.J.il Mr. Clarence Smale, Toronto. vis- 'Mn. A. Wearn, Taranto. spent F. Brooks sud son Orland, Oshawa, ited bis mother. Mns. I. Smaîe. 1 Sunday hene with bis family. at Mn. RoFs Stevens'. Mn. sud Mrs. George Banron visit- 1 Mn. sud Mrs. W. H. Moore, spent Misses Greta sud Doris Wilkins, ed Toronto relatives on Suniday. f Sunday with fniends un Cherrywood. Miss Ivy Park. Messns Art Coverly, Mn. sud Mrs. E. E. Staples visit- iMn. Joe Byens, Bawmanville, spent Gardon Osborne. Ebenezen, sud Or- ed Bethany relatives during the Sunday witb bis brothier. Mn. N. land Flummer. town. at Stepheni weekend. Byens. Jeffeny's.1 Mn. and Mrs. A. E. Jenninigs, Osh- IMuas Dalton sud Mn. Orville Asb- Mrs. Simpsan. Moorefield, Mns. awa, visited at Mn. T. Wray'1s, on, ton, visited at Mn. O. Jeffery's, Sou- Maud Cary, Mn. and Mrs. Cynil Luke,i Saturday. gag on Sunday. sud son. John Oliver, Oshawa: Mn. Mrs. Wes. Watchann visited lier iMn. Warren Pyest-on, Douglas. sud Mns. J. Metcalf, Base Uine, at sister, Mrs. Lorne*McGibbon, Ton- Ruth sud Marion, Oshawa, vusted N. I. Metcalie's.1 ante, wha was il.i:M-s. R. Preston. Mn. and Mns. W. Nichols, Mrn.du Sunday School Anniversary Ser- Miss Muniel Wearn returned home Mrs. Walter Suider sud Vivian. Eb- vices will be held July lat and 2nd. Sunday after spendiug two weeks enezer: Mrs. John Montgomery, Full particulars next week. with friends in Toonto. Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. Milford Wil-i Mn. sud Mrs. A. Peters and Miss Mis:s June Ashton entertaiued the kins, Oshawa; at J. H. Munday's. Mary Peters visited Mn. sud Mrs R girls 0f lber class at Public sehool Mns. L. Twist, Mn. Fred Twist, H. Warder, Bowmanvile, on Sunday. on ber seventb birthday. June 12th. sud daughter Etîcen, Mn. Ernest A numben o! aur Young people at-' Miss Alice Ashton sud Masten Twist, Malvenn; Miss Freeman, Miss tended the Junior Farmers' sud! Harold Asbton spent Sunday at their E. E. Haycnaft, Mrs. B. M. Warnica, Junior Institute picnic at Betbany sisten's, Mrs. S. Rodman, Port Penny. ,Bawmanville, at H. G. Freeman's. on Saturday. Our pastor, Rev. J. M. Whyte. will Mn. sud Mrs. Everton White, two Mn. sud Mns. C. E. Horn, Misses pneacb farewell sermons next Sun-1d aughtens. Mrs. W. G. Rundie, Mn. N. and L. Horn. attended the iun- day. Sacrament will bc administered sud Mrs. Frank Worden, Betbesda; eral of their cousin, Mrs. John Je!- at the close af the service. Mn. sud Mrs. Charlie White and f rey, Prince Albert, ou Thursday. Mr. sud Mns. W. J. Stainton sud. da ughtens, Oshawa, at J. D. Stevens'. Congratulations ta Mn. sud Mrs. Mn. sud Mrs. W. H. Moore attended Mn. sud Mrs. Bert Gay, Miss Eve- Aylmer Trimble (nee Marianue the ilve Wedding of Mr sud Mrs. lyuu Gay, Mn. sud Mns. Harold Gay, Niddery) on the arrivai o! a daugb- W J. Clemence. Danington. Mn. sud Mrs. Eben Snowden sud ter. Master John with bis mathenl Miss Margaret Snowcjen. Oshawa; sud bain are at bier mothen's home- ' Mn. A. Moone, Mns. Jabez Moore, Mn. sud Mns. Ray Snowden sud tbre Mns. W. W. Hornunsu n Wal- Mn. sud Mrs. W. E. Saudenson sud ciaughtens, Toronto; Mn. Win. Even- lace were lu Toronto on Wednesday ffiily speut Sunday with Mrs. Wm. son. Courtice, at W. J. Snowden's. Mns. W. G. Doidge sud Miss L. Horn Oke, who us slowly impnaving. Mn. Nelsan Wilkins, Miss E. Bige- sccompanied them, the latteB ne- Mn. sud Mns. J. A. Stainton and 1,w. Mn. sud Mrs. Lloyd Richards maîned for a short visit with Mns. Clfford sud Master Billie Roberts, aud son Donald, Mn. sud Mms. Len. Wmn. Jeffrey. Toronto. spent Suuday at Mrs. J. Richards, Mn. Farewell Blackburn, Rev. George Mason, Bowmanvulle, Pye's, the latter returnung with them Salem: Mn. sud Mrs. Ezît Oke, Miss preached on Sundsy night in the ta Toronto for a vsit. Eisie Oke, Ebenezer; Mrs. Maud Den- absence of our paster wbo was at, The symaptby af the communfty sein, Miss Hilda Faley, Mn. Bert Cherrywood. Mrs. Mason accomp- us extended to the frieuds ai the Colwell, town, at R. L. Worden's. anied Mn. Mason. Miss Ruby Clat- late Mu-s. W. R. Lamb whose deatb Mn. sud Mrs. Hilton Tuuk sud warthy supplied for the organist, o>ccurred in Port Penny Hospital an fsmily, Ebenezen, Mn. sud Mrs. H. Miss N. Horn, who with the choir,1 Sunday, sud whase funeral took E. Tink, Miss Evelyn Tink, Salins; rendened services at Kedron anni- place f nom Port Penny on Tuesday Mn. sud Mrs. Warner Hastings, Miss versary. ta Prince Albert Cemetery. Edith aud Muas Marjonle Pas«De. About thirty immediate relatives Mn. sud Mns Bruce Ryley sud Hampton: Mn. Art Blanchard, Sa- iHany, Mns. M. Ryley, Betbany, Mn. lina; Miss Elsie Stainton, Oshawa; and Mrs. Ceciu MdGill, Mountreal, Mn. Bill NichaI, at Mn. Clarence fMn. sud Mrs. H. Banten, BoRwmani-Ti's Id PARTY VANQUISHED . BLACKSTOCKi EKN (Continued f rom page 3) Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Mahood, tT eE ey Marion and Allan. Bowmanvile.: Rev. Clarence Ferguson. North-1 Belding Full Fashioned Chiffoni rort, took service in Cadnius ini a. m.: and at Nesteton in afternoon. *Misses E. Wright and H a z e 1' rp oe uifsind e Wright, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wright, crisp Organdy D)ressles and She( Oshawa, wîth Mr. John Larmer. pcaec Mr. and Mrs. J. Beacock. Myrtle, pastelsae, Mr~. and Mrs. H. Houston, Toronto, New Organdy, DimitY and with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ferguson. New MVite Summer Hats i sili Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pritchard, ceeadmhi Toronto. Mrs. R. J. Williams, Peter- ceeadmhi bora. with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parr Bathing Suits Mr. and Mrs. 0. Graham, Mr. and; Bathing Ca] Mrs. Jas. Strong were in Prince Ai- bert for the Decoration Day services. Rev. Frank Newell. B. A.. will preach his farcwell sermon in theTh y n day. Phone59 King 1 Mr .- Corbett, Mr. George Mc - e_______________ Laughlin. Cobourg, Rev. W. Creigh -______________ ton, Lakefield, at Mr. J. R. McLaugh- Hon. Geo. S. Henry Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson,M and Mrs. .M adySBwa ille; Mr. and Mrs. James E. Flett., Bow- pg Mr. and Mrs. adySer. Winni-es Pri.me Mini-iter of Ontario and manville, with Mr. and Mrs. M. Gra- peg: vie Mr. and Mrs. eo W aes Leader of the Conservative Party ham.' ish, Part Perry; Mr and Mrs. A. which was defeatedi in Tuesday's Mr. and Mrs. Harold Werry, Jack Kinsman. Toronto; Mr. George Wil Liberal Landslide throughout the and Marion, Toronto. and Mrs. Al- son. Janet.ville: Mr. and Mrs. A. W. province. Mr, Henry retained his own bert Werry, visited Mr. and Mrs. S.I Pickard, Mrs. J. H. Carscadden, Mrs. seat in East York. Swain. J.E.Elliott. Mr. Fred Bowen, M.P. MLaug.Heinryan Mi Laur . S iand Mrs. Bowen. Mr. W. J. Bragg.' MeLaghli. ad Mis Lura - 1M.P.P. Mr. Bert Mortlock. Bowman- Hanibley. China. with Mrs. Fred ville: Mr. an# Mrs. F. Brock, Mr. Bailey. SA EMMiss Dorothy MeBrien, Mr. L. ~'Gibson. Mrs. Gillespie, Mr. Kenneth!________________ Church and Sunday School ser- Gillespie, Towrnto, with Mrs. Win. vices were withtlrawn here last Sun- Taylor day. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong cele-! Church service will be withd.rawn brated their wedding anniversary by'R g u a here next Sunday in favour of Long a motor trip to North Bay and En-!j Sault Anniversary glehart. FLS-DvlpdMDS Mr n r.F. LSqair and Dr. and Mrs. Fred C. Marlow and F 2 DvlpdIM ES sosvtdMr. and Mrs. W. Mof . - daughters, and Miss Ruth Marlow. lc fat, Orono. on Sunday. Toronto. with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace __________ Mr. and Mrs. N. Moyse and sons, Marlow. Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and. Miss Muriel Mountjoy and Miss Ovaltine 45e - 67e - SI.09 Mrs. C. Collacott. Mrs. Moyse re- Aileen Mountioy. Peterboro Colleg- Listermne 25c - 49e 89e mained for a week's visit. iate. with their parents, Mn. and Jad a.ls 55e 69e Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Carruthers Mrs. N. Mountjoy.. c and Mrs. Rutherford in company Mi'. and Mns. Sam Beacock. Tor- i odsPI with Mrs. Rutherford's sons of Col- onto, Mrs. Gertie Stephenson, Rich- Wampole's Grape Saits, 50c, Si borne motored to Huntsville on Sun- mond Hill. visited Mn. Roy Fergus- KRLK' ETP day te, attend the funeral of an un- Ofl's and Mrs. Cecil His. ESA ' B TPR cie who died very suddenly. Mrs. Miss Florence Proutt. Miss Flor- No fus-, or bother - Full Rutherford remained for a couple of ence MeLaughlin. B. A.. Toronto, 1 Pkg. does 5 Qua wek.with the latter's parents. Mr. and - Y. P. L. meeting Wednesdlay even- Mns. John R. McLaughlin. YOUR EYES TESTED ing, June l3th was opened by the. Mr. Thos. Harkness, Milbrook,; President with hymn anid prayer in Mrs. G. Sisson, Mrs. H. Sisson. Cav- K r l k ' unison. The missionary Vice-Pifes. anville. Mrs. J. Johnston. Sask., with K r l k l Miss L. Welsh, then took charge over Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mountjoy Phone 49 P. R. COWLUN the following program:-Bible read- The sympathy of the community ings by Mns. S. Buttery. Topic: Mr. 's extended to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne1__________ F. L. Squair; Readings. Miss A. But- Gniflin in the death of tlhir.ab tery. Miss H. Richards and Mrs. A. daughten Audrey on Sunday last. _______________ Welsh: Piano Solo, Miss M. Colla- Rev. Harny Fenguson, London, cott: recitation, Mas:er R. Hall. Rev. C. Ferguson and Mr. and Mis Sang. Miss G. Thomp-on. A base- W. C. Fergusan, Nothpont. with Mr» bail contest conducted by the leader Roy Ferguson and Mrs. Cecil His. for the social hour brought the A meeting of the Boy Scouts will evening. June 22nd. Scouts are re- SOLINA -~~~ quired ta appear in f ull Scout attire O 'L L A SOLINA ~Icluded in the Peterboro Normal-. ANDYUL LA - _---"__ 1 ite'ý noiv home for vacation are. R C RISA I Mrn__ .L.Ps(e pn Mfs,ýes Susie VanCamp, H az eliGR ER SAN thr. aknd Mr. A LPsce sp rent Mountjoy, Aileen Devitt. Lela Mount- theweken wth ucerig rueds .oy, Verna White, and Mr. Percv Crisco, Nvith lar'ge alumir Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Debarr and Hamiton. Quaker Corn Flakes.. baby have gone to Tyrone ta reside.,fM adMs oetMBîn r. Bl e'~ Mr. and Mrs. Qafa , Br. ndMr. RoertMoerien, Mr. Buk ocoa,pelb iBailiebore, visited au Mr. Thos. Bak- 1 an Mrs. Crews and daughter NaIr- RbnHo lu,2 Mr.andMrs Hany roos ad fma. Mr. Wesley McBrien, Miss Mar- Nrhr iseTie Mr. nd Ms. Hrry room an garet Vaas, Mr. and Mrs. M. Oster, otenTiseTie family, Toronto, visited Mr. S. E. and Marion. Oshawa. with Mn. and Black Ind~a Tea ...... Werry's. Mrs. Robet Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Warner, Hast- Rev. Harry Ferguson, London, who Dates and Figs ....... ings spent the weekend at M,'IH. spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. R. Dr. Jackson's Roman Mg E. Tink's. P. Bowles, addressed a large crowd Kf u n uh Mr. and Mrs. A. Williams, Dor- of old friends and new ones in the KfySbadLsu othy and Mel, Port Ferry, visited at Ujnited Church at night. assisted by Ha-Hon'Cstd Mr. Chas. Howsamn's. Dr. Bowles and Rev. F. Newell. Mrs. arHon'CutdF Mr. and Mrs. Eric Pearoe and Houston (Carnie Beacock) delighted f Cherry Jam, 40 oz. jar. baby Robent, Claremount. wene Sun- aIl present with two vocal solos. Welch's Grape Juice, 16 day guests of Mr. Harold Pascoe's. Miss Laura H. Hambley is now un' A nuniben f rom here attendied the Toronto. She will leave for Chicago: Brock's Bird Seed and C Junior Farmers picnic at Bethany at an eanly date and intends spend- on Saturday and report a good timae. ing the summer with friend.s in Miss Ada and Mr. Frank Pascoe Winnipeg. She wil return to Tor-: are visiting thein brother, George in onto in the autumn and will attend î CChase Saskatoon, Sask., and other friends, f sioa* oleeIhchopn i. in the aetmissînary adconteein iuoe ns in IMay.N Rè Several from here attended An-i Mrs. Creigbton Devitt is lending n.ienar seviesat. Kedron a ,dlher hm for the monthly meeting, 1Maple Grove on Sunday and visit-, of the A.Y.P.A. of St .John*s Church COFFIE5 ed au Mrs. Penfound*s, Oshawa. j on Wedinesday evening. June 27th. 1ý-.0j Mr. and Mrs. Fred Glenney andj The topic for the evening will be Wbutefish, Salmon and f amily, Mrs. Geo. Glenney. Mr. and "Trhe History of Cartwright." Other' Mrs. Dan Wotten, Harold and Ken- interesting features of the program, and1 neth, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. %%ill be in charge of Miss Marion Ar- 1 Berry Boxes.. 75c per1 J. J. Brown's and belped celebrate gue and Miss Evelyn Devitt. Mr. and Mrs. Brown's forty-ninth Young Pcople's League met a.s us-' Chick Starter anc wedding anniversary. ual Wednesday night with President Solina W. I. held the June meet- Hector Shortridge in the chair. l'he ing in the Sunday School roomn on devotional period was taken by Miss a rA I Tuesday ai ternoon with an attend Margaret Sw;%ain. Mr. Erie Cutting,! ance of about 60. In the absence Of missionary vice president., took1 Phone 186 or 121 the President, Mrs. Chas Smith, ist charge of following program: Paem' Vice-President presided. Letters Off"The Wild Rose" by Miss Knox; a thanks were read for f lowers sent talk on Home Missions in aur Cani- bo, the sick. It was decided ta ex- adian West by Rev. F. Newell. A half hibit at Oshawa f air again bis year. hour was then spent discussing Roll Caîl: Noted Canadian Womenf questions f nom a question box, am-! was well responded to. Mrs. Thos. oîug them würe "Should the eider Baker leader of group 2, then took fi people of community attend young charge of the program, choruses werei peopIe's: if u o. should they hold of -i SURE YOU given by the group, "0 Canada" and f ice?" "Should Great Britain pay TC "It's a Good Tinie to Get Acquaint- hiEr war debt to United States?" ed." Readings on FPioneers of On-g tania" were given by Mrs. Jas. Moor- An interesting and well attended LO K N E ey and Mrs. R. J. McKessock, chorusj meeting of Blackstock United W.M C by the group "Spread a Little Sun- f ,a as held in the basement of the IN E -shine" with Mrs. Ross Lee singing church on Wednesdiay afternoon., ID A r1l THUP-SDAY, JUNE 21st, 1934 "ilc, QTqr I SPECIALS en Ladies Shop and service Rose, pair. 75c v urinrshdePair $1. 00 tenr Voiles, $3.95 1Voile Blouses- Sec them. .$1.95 and$2.95 i sa1nd.S o $ 1.95 up LADIES' So SPECIIAJIF Street Bomnile THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE. tain- ireglaiie else In road Ss. n n r.E.M-iddleton, administration, and asked for an in- Coldwater; Mrs. Mary Rathlab, Miss vestigation by the Attonney-Oen- Marie Rathlab, Lindsay; Mn. Frank STREET enals Department. The Council was King, Winnipeg; Miss Alilce Hall, informed by the department that Lindsay. any investigation would have to be Some 'of those notlced at Msnion- TOWN canducte<t under the Municipal Act. il Park on Saturday were: Mr. and -~ .'----- Mns. A. Parker and Miss Margaret MIASON Neglect of constipation Is always Parker, Peterboro: Mns. E. Benson, dangerous. Take Klpp's Uriequalled Peterboro; Mrs. (Dr.) S. McCullough BWA Herb Tablets regularly. Sold by Alex and son Niel, Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. McGregor. Telephone 92. Milton J. Elott, Bowmanville; Mr. sud Mrs. L. Hall. Port Penny; Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Devitt, Bowmanville; Mr. A. McDermott, Port Perry; Mr. and Mrs. William Hall and daugh- ter, Lindsay; Mn. P. G. Morrison, Mrs. S. Farmen, Port Penny; Mrs. Jennue Graham, Bowmanville; and many othens. For job printing te suit particu- Ian people came to The Statesman Off ice. r PrinceS - 15 to pkg. KOTEX 25c 1 19C Absorbine Jr. 89o - $1.89 Olymnpenc 50e - $1.00 Pond's Cneams .. 39e Armand Crean 29C LCutex Prepuirations 32e tESERVER IS DELICIOUS Idirections on each'package iarts of Beets - 25e FREE 0F CHARGE AT Drug Store ýG, Phm.B. We Deliver larry Aluin (S BE SURE 0F BETTER D BETTER PRICES iliumn pie pl~ate free, 25c IL .~3 pkgs. 25c .. . . .. . . .. . .1oc b. bag.............75c- Paper......... 3 rolis 27e .. . . . . . .1.45c lb. ..10c lb. [eal, Bekus Puddy, s. .. . ....35c pkg. Powder, 16 oz. tin.. . .28ç, ~.. . . . .. .. . .29c 6oz. bottle ......... 25#- Gravel .. .... 18c pkg. (Sanlbora's ,ee Lb. d49e Smoked Fillet - Thursday Fr id ay. 100; Case of 250 for $1.50 nd Grain - - Sait limtGrocer Bowmanville WILL COME! N1ONSTRAT1ON BY ip and Stove Co.Ltd (Home PReselcDept,) ERE ine 23Md. 1934 Aor a Steak Broiled oIN 4STANT CAS RANGE With )-A-ftLUE BURNERS REE - band it tin. At the close o! the 'ne wlll be drawn and a Queen Campatove

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