PAGE FMV mzx. cà?Atw? cT'ATfflm~AN. OWMANVILLE! THURSDAY, JUNE 2lst, 1934 THE Cl.ÂNiADLIfl1 bJ«Afl4a..,.ý,~* ..-..___ Sna colPAY TRIBUTE TO BOWMANVILLE'S DEAD ON SUNDAY Rev. Roy H. Rickard of Sundy ScoolOakwood Was Special Lesson "Speaker at Newcastle Sunday Sehool of United Churcli Observes Annlversary - Super- REVIEW A COMPREHENSIVE intendent T. A. Rodger Con- PROGRAMME SunayJue 21hSunday School pupils with their Godn ____"fhi indr teachers occupied ail the front rows Goreln Toext " Luking1m:33. o f pews at their anniversary service thee sh assabe:o end"-Lu4:1:3.Sunday morning. June lUth. Vieing LesnPasg:Mia :-5. wth the freshness and brlghtness Wbat if I say of the many boys and girls were That Jesus Christ is Lord Divine; the beautiful floral decorations con- Yet fellow pilgrims can behold tributed by Mrs. J. A. Butler, Mis. Naught o! the Master's love in me, C. A. Cowan, Mrs. J. M. Cobbledick No grace of kindly sympathy<? adohrlde.Sprnedn To cali Chist Lord, but strive flot Thos. A. Rodger conolucted the ser- to obeyvieadepesdtedlgtoth Belies the bornage that with word ' ~scbool and himself in having Rev. pay. Roy H. Rickard, Oakwood, as Mattew' GopelMr. Rickard expressed bhis pleas- For the past six months, in the uea en nemr ntepl Uniform Series the Sunday Schoolupi t bteinchurchewmre ierehelved- lessons have been from the Gospel of so much of bis early religious train- Matthew. The whole Gospel bas been ing. Speaking of the Sunday schol surveyed covering the whole if e of The MeGiII Memorial Gates at Bowmanville Cenietery of bis youthful days hie paid warin Christ. Matthew's Gospel is topical rat.her than chronological. He group- On Sunday afternoon citizenis of who have passedi on when the an-' Full particulars of the programa are tribute to the mernory of kils S. S. ed together collections o! Bowmanville and district will pay nual memorial service and decora- given elsewhere in this issue, 10w. Hndn te asvle bis pprecl- and groups of similar incidents. The tribute to the relatives and friends tien of graves wlil be carried out. l ton o! He ago oinfence u pon is booki becomes more vivid when weliofe tho! bis inlun ce soh o eahrs, remember that Matthew himself was Mrs. S. Mson t h lteassLhian, an eye witness o! much that he des- day of Pentecost there was a great o! the city were. J. C. Althouse of by, bappened witb a painful acci- PirdS o, the ate MeiJse, iland cribed and recorded. What deep feel accession in the number o! bis fol- Toronto, a former member of the dent. Skie was feeding the chicli- others. ings lie must have had as lie re- lowers. From that day the Church G.C.I. staff and now Dean of the ens at the barn when ber foot broke membered the day when Jesus cal- had grown steadily but? slowly, and Ontario College o! Education, and tbrough a decayed board of the f loor, He gripped and held f ast the at- ed him f rom bis tax collector's of- now approximately one-third of the F. P. Gavin, head of the Hamniltonl on wbich she was standing, and f ah- tentiOn Of the chlldren wth hils f ice to become a disciple! Writing people of the earth bave corne under Vocational School. ing !orward received a fracture of conversational talk on "A Journey" years after the events be couldi re- the influence of Christ. In the last Nicsadepws* te late the lef t leg below the knee or "A Way," bis text bemng the pro- caîl the visits to Jerusalem and Cap- century non-christian nations bave Dr. Carscadden were: Mrs. James Mr. F. W. McClung of Pertb nouncemeont a o JesusIg arn t.e ernaumn and the conversation of bis been learnig of him on a very wide Taniblyn and Mrs. James Eagleson Amnboy, N. J., an old Bowmanvillewa.Aonamorhiwytee fellow disciples. One tbing standing scale. Some non-christian leaders of Orono; Mr. Robert Payne of Pon- bo>y and son of the late William Mc- are many sigus t.o wbicb the motor- out in Mattbew's Gospel is tbe coni- are f amiliar with the New Testa- typool; Mr. Harper Carscadden of clung, carniage ule ftat u>wn, ist, f bend o trvemustwithsaety to prehensiveniess of! Christ's pro- mient and bave adapted many of uts Kendal; and Mr. John Eliott of 15 a guest of bis aunt, Mrs. Jane bflisae teligan tes ugîe wbeeof gramme. The thought of the king- trutbs. Tbrough trade, science, edu- Bowmanvile. Brown. He expects to take Up bis il aro eralng long lute agof dom of God is stressed. The richness cation and missionary work it is permanent residence here. It is 38 o1f e, no one can belp i t. h useg of trutb and purpose still amazes possible for Cbrist's kingdomn to per- 1 years since lie lef t the home town, ~Hr o hr uh ob us after nineteen centuries of Christ- meate ah bhumanity within the next ORONO but bas been living the past tbree road signs that it would be wehl to ian development. One result of six 1hundred ears. We can say with even yasinNwTPno berve. T"Be Uselmight ad Kn"e months' study of the Gospel of Mat-1 greater confidence than the author FonteNwJul4 Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Morrow, Tor- ,ed Be Unsris and Kindan thew is surehy a desire to know more: of the Epistîs to the Hebrews: (ro te ew Jne4) Ionto. accornpanied by Mr. R. Nokes, "BelPure and Goodand o True, 0f iis wnderul bok ad th Chrst s Chist he sme ys.tedayand Miss Elva Tucker. Toronto is vis- 1 visited bis uncle, Mr. Andy M1orrow, Tae h eu a"frHsi of whom it tells. today. and for ever." 'Of bis king- iting bier brother, Dr. J. B. Tucker. IKirby. Mr. Nokes, who is a promin- hwaofrubndi!eTeBbl dcînthee sah e fa ed."Mrs. William Firing o! Olhw Nor- ent Toronto Orangemafi holding the is a good road map and compass as A Help to Individuals dm hrsalbened. way, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. A. exalted offce o! Grand Master two1 wel. Questions For Discussion Drummond. successive ternis, WaU the only oc-1 The choir sang appropriately, 1 Cridas. t b n t a prorm erfo n- 1 What are sorne o! the char- Miss Nelhie, principal o! Oro- cupant o! the chair to be so bonored Ll ed Myocl. Pand tlegirsa diviual. I beinswit a ersnalacteristics o! Matthew's Gospel? nlo Continuation School, xvas called since the days o! Col. T. Kidd, a for-Lveth Wrd.Fu tlgis relationship to Christ himself. Christ, 2. Wby did Christ appeal ta in- home ta Gaît owing to the deaiki o! mer speaker o! the legislature. wîtb pretty baskets collected tbe of- did flot tell bis followers tbybrfther. Orono Women's Institute will meet fering. They were Jean BonatŽîan, suddoithdeilo!terhesdividuals? hrfte.RiaCoe oaMrdt n sholddointh dtalsofthirlies3. What is the secretof the grow- Mr. W. W. Powell, a former teacher on Friday, June 22nd, in the Coun- Mreit ooe ra erdib n He merehy drew them ta binrisel! and th of the Christian Churcli? o! Orono Continuation School and cil Chamber. As this is visitors' day Magateeaenig. i rad alowed ihem ta share his friend- 4. What is your vision o! tbe f u- for the past year a student at Ott- and roll caîl is answered by the In ibeeiMar. pRticklard ad- sbip. In this way they learned bis ture of the Christian religion? awa. Normal' Scbool, bas been ap- name o! your guest, eacb member dressed bsrhrspatclryt trutha, caught bis spirit, and were pointed principal o! Neven Contin- is asked ta bring a guest. the young men and women o! tbe ready toa a!!irm that lif!e would have - uation Schooh. Mrs. Isaac T. Chapmari was tak- congregation, bis theme being ex- been a poor, starved experieneT O .C R AD EDradMr.RH.erynd r.nbya ulnce to Bowmanvile pressedi in the tîthe words, Toda' witoutth copaionbipo!ChrstW. H. Ledger enjoyed a short visit Hospital early Monday morning. An Youth, Tomnorrow's Worhd, anddeatl day by day. By the same token tbey CHRISTIAN CITIZEN to Ottawa over the weekend where x-ray examination showed a f ract- canddly with some of the serlous are ready to declare that their hywre entertained by the Member ure o! the bip borie, the result o! a - thinking and their purposes have PASSES AWAY IN GALT fron Durham and prominent gover- faîl she received in bier home Sat- been decided and puni! ied by coi- riment off icials. Tbey made the trip urday evening previous. Mrs. Chap- heariy congratulations to our es- nadeship with Christ. In the Gospel Native of Kendal Had Interesting by moton. man was hurrying to meet a friend ieemed tawnsman, Mr. C. J. Hugb- o! Matthew we read over and over Cr nFed fEuain Mi. A. A. Somerville underwent who was expected ta arrive by train, son., on bis reaching on June l2th o! individuals wbo were cbangedi by Cre nFedo dcto an operation at St. Micbael's Hos- when the mat on wbicb she stepped bis 87tb biribday. Friends wMl be geeing on. Amonghics nproor, edu-ti Thomas Carscadden o! 62 Grand pital, Toronto for the removal a! an skidded across the floor. thnowing pleased to learni that Mr. Hugbsofl cated . ni rc and Ilieae h prual Ave., Gaît, Ont., died in Graît Hos- abdominal abscess. bier heavily. continues active andI is in tbe en- pulecrn le ron thsnirda o! pital on May 25tb, in bis 87tb year. Mrs. George Glanville, Jr., o! Kir-! His miany f riends will extend joyment of excellent bealiki. Christ or by an introduction ta imi To Dr. Carscadden. M.A.. LL.D.. dean________________________________________________ as eadr. eacerFrind nd av-o! Educators, death came quietly. as eadr.Teahe, Fien ad Sv-He was a man who had exerted a iour. Christ spent much o! bis tme beneficial influence over thousands dealing individually wiih people. o ie.adwsblvdb l b ther teaboers ahravet hirtren knew him. Dr. Carscadden was born ________________________________ gtbmiaboois ndorgniztiosaiKendal in Durham County. on but Christ shared bis ile with bis June 13tb. 1848. He was the son a! disciples and witb casual strangers. the late Mr. and Mrs. John Carscad- Ris living power and leadership bavedeo!FraghIean.Hsle been due to bis !irst-band contactsden oatber aa loyal raeann, yslae- wîthibe eant o! andI Christian. The ate A Fellowship Thomas Carscadden was the ast mem-ber o! a famihy a! seven. His Jesus craved fellowship bimsel.' three brothers were: John o! Ponty- He called bis disciples ta be with pool, Roberi o! Wesleyville, andI Wil- him because be needed company. By liam on the bomestead, and three0 co-operation great resuits could be sistens, (Eliza) Mrs. William Ellioti achieved. During the public ministry o! Kendal. (Jane) Mrs. T. Carscad- o! Jesus the disciples shared tbe ich den o! Creemore, andI (Esther) Mrs. felowship wich Christ offered thern John Payne o! Pontypool, aIl o! and eanned about bis programme wbom predeceasetI hum. for mankind. It as di!! iculi for tbemn At the early age o! 16 years Mr. to understand aillibat it contained. Thomnas Cascadden went to Normali The sheer daring andI simplicity o! Scbool in Toronto, ai the end O! oneI it appalled tbern. Gradualhy. how- year was awarded the provincialI ever, they came ta make Christ'5 !irst class teacher's certificate, and M purposes their own, and in the shar- after three years Public sehoal ing o! a common purpose they foundi teaching he resumed bis studisai a d 1 S c fellowship one witb the other. A- Wbitby high schoal. Mr. Carscad- ter tbeir leader was no longer wtb den matriculated and joined the them on earth tbis fellowsbip grew. staff o! Chathamn bigh sehool. one I It was spread until the 'Christian year ater hie became a member Of W Chuncb is now world wide. 'Me rea- the Wodsak olee;havn son wby Christians meet in societies Woodst'ock lie went to Toronto Uni- and congregations is thai they may versity and in 1875 graduated in enioy tbis !ellowship wih one an- Arts: then became principal o! other and witb Christ. When a Charlottetown Academy. P.E.I. for 1 t e church becomes formai the memn- year. For six months he was bouse bers complain that ihey miss a liv- master at Upper Canada College,.::" ing f ellowsbip. Many congregatiOns and for four antI a bal! yeans prin- are being transformed during ihese cipal o! Richmond Hill higb school. dark years by groups meeting for Fifty-three years ago hie becanie comiradeship, help!ul service ta ibose assistant principal o! Gaht C. I., in need. antI a f rank discussion a- after thnee years was appointed the bout religion. It is in ibis fellowsbip principal antI adxinistened the pos- that we become truly consclous of ition for ihinty years. In 1914 ai. the mneaning o! the Christian the age o! slxty-four, Mr. Carscad- Cburch. Christ bas a message for dIen resigned the princlpalsbip o!f individuais. but lie does not expeci G, C. i. ta take the post o!f firsi as-' us to stand ahane. We are stregib- sistant in wbicbh le continued until ened by !elowsblp witb other Chist- the end of 1924 school year. His' ians,, and their strengtb is given ta resignation came after foriy-tbree 1 vice to the school he loved so welh. A Spiritual Kingdorn It was a record that bas been sel- A WorId-Wlde BassÏFi iltiwa rmterlbr resi,"I were sung tIurlng the service, The land in wblcb Jesus llved was assisted by ihe Wesley Church choir. W a small country and bis followers The service ai the graveside lun ahe ed.igifcatphnele.10 teser- itTh MtVer emwer nu er ofoa f 'U h II PI wetr e snifin tele.AderntesMoittlwemdey, when o ine- apte isaingss w slf the er-ess m tI was md e, wa s floals .~ vice o! lod, Tmen be chose twelve tributes.. me paîl bearers were T. disciples wbo were kils pupils and H. Wholton, Jokin Handcock, J. R. belpers durlng bis public mlnlstry. Blake, N. B. Challen, Dr. T. P. At the most Christ touched dfrectlY Camnpbell and C. P. McKenzle. orly a !ew tbousand Uives. On thel Among those atiending f rom out must face and conquer. What ever At this service the choir sang in stand they take taday on sucb vital keeplng with the iheme -J will lift questions as war and social evils, in-1 up mine eyes unto thee buls."1 ludlng the liquor ira!! lc, and te economlc situation, so s alte world of tomorrow be. Youtb bash Real news tips wlll be appreciated the chance andI oppotunity O! mal - by mhe Statesman editorlal sftaff ing 'ibis a better world than ibeir1 Phone 53. b qts 1i'1 ~fU~R~ A - New PATHFlè4DER f 1934 burprise o 1 PmOud Of" isRoof Do You Know That there were approximately'2700 Roof Fires in Canada last year? And in nearly every case the buildings were destroyed. TORONTO ASPHALT SHINGLES Are Fire Safe - Why Run Needless Risks ? Estimates Cheerfully Given. Roof Inspection Service Free-No Obligation Sheppard & CiiiLumber Co. Ltd. Builders' Supplies and Fuel Bowmanville 1-