Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jun 1934, p. 11

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAI'I. BOWMANVILLE, TRURSDAY, JUNE 21st, 1934 1>ÂOE ELEVEN IBusiness Directory LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solictor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanville, Ontario L C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law li alI its branches. Office immediately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate o! Royal Dental College Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg Bowrnanville. Office hours 9 a. mi to 6 P. m. daily except Sundal Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equlpment Ambulance and Invalld Car Caîl Phone 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWMANVILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH Complete Funerai Service Modern Equiprnent -Ambulance A. W. G. Northcutt- Aubrey Smiltb Phone Days 58 Nlghts, Sundays or Holdays Phone 5M3 or 276 What School? Decisions are always In order. Our catalog may heUp you. Wo Bond t on request. We train for Business Pos- itions and help ta place our Gradu- ates. Enter any timo. No forcod vacations. Write to Shaw Business Schools Dept. K-3 - Bay & Charles Ste. Toronto. West-End Machine Shop and Garage Brlng your work now and help us make Bowmanvllle a Boomjng-ville. Expert Machinist ln attendance. For Repair Work and ail types of machine work and Gasoline Engiues - Phone 81. James F. Murray CENT A MILE! ROUND TRIP COACH EXCURSIONS TO ALL STATIONS UNI WESTERN CANADA Golng Dates:* Daily June 10 to 30 Returu Limit: 45 Days TOU1IST SLEEPING CAR paRAVLEGES On paymeut ot a sllght addltional passasge fare charge for each per- son tourlst sleeping car accoml- modation may be see-ured at reg- ular rates. Stopover.s grantedi at Port Arthur, ont, and all stations west thereof. Fuil particulars from any agent Canadian Pacific Toronto Optometrists 2143 DANFORTH AVENUE Phone Orover 7078 G. M. BOSNEILL, PORT HOPE Wednesday - 9 a. M* ta 9 p. M. Oppos ite John Street Phone 248 or 525J G. E. GARNETT, COBOURG Saturday - 9 s. m. to 9 P. m. over A. & P. Store News for the Busy Farmer Poultry Exports S.nce the first of Api il. 240,000 lbs. of Canadian dressed poulbry have becn exported from Montreal to London and other overseas points. in the cor-resporgding pieriod last year there were no similar ship- ments. Demand is active and everY sign points to a record year. lax Shortage Reports tD> the Ontario Marketing Board would indicate a definite shortage in flax in 1934. This points to an opportunity for Canadian f lax growers. Last year, Canada's acreage to flax was approximalely 243.600, with production some 632, 000 bus- hels, tis being far below consump- tion. Shortage in the Uuited States amountEd to 25.000,000. Livestock Thefts The number of thefts by lruckers reported to receivers of livestock on the Union Stock Yards aud at the plants, is defiuitely inceasing, ac- corcUng to investigation by the On- tario Marketing iloard. di Such losses could bie avoided if ai shippers would demand that l of et their shiprnents by truck be made w under a bil of lading. ci The Ontario Deparîment of Ag- si riculture provided the bill of lad- ing with the express purpose of a- voiding such losses. Therefore it woulcl seem that the shipper who is i not availEng himself of the protect- g1 ion afforded by this measure, or. reporting his losses to the proper authorities, is unwittingly condoning- these lhefts. In other words, he is neither helPing himiself or those who are auxious to lighten his burden. Weed Spraying A new phase of weed control la D the use of chemicals o! which sev- eral have proved 10 bie effective. On cc roadsides. along railway tracks and ul for small patches on farms the di rnethod is recommended though the y expense is usually too higis to war- i rant application on f ields gener- _W ally. P Norfolk County in 1933 sprayed ot ils entire county road systemn, 218 ta miles, with excellent results. Not a pt weed ripened seed on thse Norfolk qi County roadsides last year, and in a addition as the number o! weeds be- tb cornes less, costs o! spraylng will also te reduced.T Linaoln Count34 lias sprayed as i mucis as 40 miles o! roadsides li one . season. oxlord County is spraying ti, 10 miles o! county roads this year. Kent County used well over a car- - load o! 15,000 pounds in fighting "'Sow Thistle." The dhernical should be sprayed on the weeds under pressure. A knap- patches and a power sprayer such sack sprayer rnay be used for smal as thSe used in orchards rnaY be used for larger ameas. Oenerally speaking, the spray solution should lie mixed at the rate of 1 pound per gallon o! water per 100 square f eet o! weeds. Besides the weed killers specially prepared for that purpose. there are otiter materials such as sait, old molor oil, coal oil and gasoline that give good results. Late Vegetable Crops Quite a few of the vegetable crops lend themselves to late soviug for the production o! fine quality vege- tables for wlnter use. Beets, carrots, and swede burnips rnay lie sown as late as the nuiddle o! June and have time to develop to a dessirable size feor winler use. The land should lie finely prepared and rich in plant food. Should dry conditions pre- v'ail it la well to sow the seed on the level rallier than on ridges. United Kingdom Exporta Show Definite Increase Exports o! apples f romn Ontario to the United Kingdom have ex- panded greatly since the establish- ment o! a special sales representa- tive, in London, to handie fruit con- signed by Ontario shippers. During the 1930 apple crop Eeason Ontario shipped 135,000 barrels; in 1931, 136,000 barrels; in 1932, 209,000 bar- rels; and fromn the crop harvested last f aIl over 450,000 barrels were exported, reported the Ontario Mar- keting Board. Weington Hog Club Organization o! county groups in the Ontario Swine Producer's As- sociation in older Ontario is nearing completion. Following a prelimin- ary meeting at Arthur, a well- attended gathering at Fergus decided te bring Wellington county into hune. The situation with regard te the marketing o! hogs in Ontario and Canada was f uly explained by W. P. Watson o! the Provincial Live Stock Branch, and a hearty discuss- .on on methods o! improvement in the swine mndustry followed his re- marks. Mr. Watson gave the interesting information that Wellington county slips around 75,000 hogs a year with' -iey e-cn,-them l-in the two haivtngwntered-mwll and-prom'lsing an average o! a 20-bushel crop over the whole county. Sweet clover ls reported te have wlntered well lu Dufferin County. where early po- tatoes and cereal grains are also looklng fine. McIntosh aud Weal- ties are heavlly laden In the or- chards ef Dundas County, but Il la doubtful if many of bthe Fameuse trees will recover f rom winter li- FARMERS NOW FIGHTING HOPPERS v ,~e ~ 's ~' Besides Iheir battle with bhe seeder 10 spread a poison mixture on roubli, fax-mers o! western Canada the ground to kill the grasshoppers. nd middle western states are now The poison is dropped on the ground cngaged in figlting anoîher euerny during the early rnorning houx-s be- whicis threatens 10 destroy their cause the grasshoppers feed at that ýrops - the grasshopper. Tis photo lime. shows farmers using an endgate jry. Olengarry reports widespread have given this event is most com- ~iterest in the seeding o! millet, sor- mendable. I regret very much not ur, etc., and more o! these crops be'ng able 10 attend some o! the will be sown there. functions this weekend, as for some __________________________years now, I have looked upon Carl- wright as my home. I am still hoping to, locale a school nerr home and arn wondering if The dito s M al 1there is any possibililies o! an open- iug in the Bowrnanville High School. Dear Sir: My qualifications are sucl tisatII Will you kindly seud my could leacis Latin. French, Hdstory, ,opy o! Thie Statesman te Burkelon snd English in any o! the Forrns- until I send a more permanent ad- my experience covers aîl these sub- ress? Without reserve I telieve. jects. If nothing better is available Vours is one o! the best orgauizeci I shaîl probably remain in this posit- ocal weeklies that I have yet met ion another year, but I arn ambibions 'ith in rny travels; probably I Sp- 10 climb a 11111e lu my profession reciale il more than some of the scon. )ther papers on account o! the dis- The election campaign lu this rid- Dnce Ihat separates me from the ing has been rather iuleresting, as people wlth whorn I arn est ac- the Literai candidate is a resident juainted. Iu auy case, il has proved haveruce Mines. The Conservatives igreat source o! en.joyment 10 me he become very strongly entrencli- irougisout the past year. e during the past twenly years; nieverîhelesrnany predict a com- Yorarticles ou the Cartwright plete turnover. rownship Centeuary are extremely I trust your paper will continue, ,teresting to one who is acquainted te be so successf ul lu satisf ying youri wibl rnany o! tise people menbioued subseribers.1 aerein; the splendid publicity you1 Marjorie Pryor. chevrolel's Extra Wefgb eans Extra Value More Comifor ... Greater Safety . .. Longer Car LII. E VERYBODY knows, weight means camfort-safety more weiRgit tissu any other car in its dlass! More punds of rued high qaicy materials for extra value fre poun s in the big, spacious Fisher bodies, because Cbev- rolet does flot skimp an roonsinesýs or safety! Mare pounds in thse husky, soiid[y built Chevrolet chassis, to sateguard dependabihity t And best of ail, you eet ail these advautages of ample weight witbout auy sacrifice of economy. Because Cbev- ralet is thse only law-priced automobile that gives voit an engine with overbea4 valves and Blue Plame clinder bea4. Overhead valves are the kind used in racing car engines for greater power. The exclusive Chevralet Blue Flanie head gives more horsepower, more "pick-up", more speed than ever -using actually less gasoline! Whether yau build a bouse, a road, a bridge or an automobile, you must put jute it high grade materials ta make it stand the test of tme. That's wby we say, came ta, aur showrooms and drive the new Chevrolet. "Get the feel" of its extra weigbt - its solid, built-in value - its road-holding riding comfort-and yau'Il neyer be satis- lied with an>' other low-priced car. C1i348 Ready for Immedlal. Deliveryl Motter Six from Standard Six fro. $8«4 '710 D.lliv.Ir. fulv equipp.d e sceoey. Obaws, 0u. Feight and Goemm..aî 1kma exts. N.w IOw Ltin es on the GMAC plms ROY NICHOLS BOWMANVILLE COURTICE 6à JAGE ELEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMA1%, BOWMANVMLE, TTrURSDAY, JUNE 21st, 1934 OBITUARY Robert C. Stork, Pickering W HEN RobcrL C. Stork, Pickerin.g. passed away on June llth. in his 8lst year. o veb naw yfrd s He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Christ- y uv ena a o'd y opher Stork and was born in York- shire, EIngland. and after commng toi ...anci they may b. Canada the family lived at Enf ield.1 in Darlington township before mov- ing to Pickering. Besides his wîdow, woi'ried at home . .. and the former Mary Boyes. two daugh- ters, Mrs. 0. Found and Mrs. W. C. yo reach a telephone . Miller, both of Pickering, and six s sons, William, of Belleville; John, Edward and Fred on the home f arm; Russell of Keswick; and Robert, Jr., of Orillia. he is survived by three sisters, Mrs. W. Bent. Toronto; Mrs. E. Balsdoyn and Mrs. J. Hallett, both Gf Pickering. Mrs. S. T. Cawker, Port Perry Mrs. S. T. Cawker died on May 25, 1934, at the age of 85 years. She was born in Wlùtby, on September lth, 1849, her maiden name being Mary Hannah Thorndike. Deceased received her first education at Dry- den's School, and later attended the Whitby Grammar School. On March 7th, 1866, MissTon dike was married to Mr. S. T. Caw-' ker. the ceremony being performedLog.us nc li Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Caw- Cali them onLogDsac ker have lived in Port Perry for 64 years. aa.. ou can't start boasting Mr. S. T. Cawker and their eight children survive the death of Mrs. toso Cawker. They are Miss Lillian Janeto SOf .. at home; Samuel John, Port Perry, Mrs. W. H. Moore, Peterboro; wes-* Even a fïsherman's family sometimes worry about ton, of Port Perry; Mrs. Geo. Jacobi, him, and Long Distance is the quickest, easiest Toronto; Alymer B., of Port Perry; way for any kind of message. You cau Qeoge O. and Charles H., both oftak10mlsosofralttea30cn. Toronto. One sister, Mrs. Geo. Rat.- tle10mlso ofra iea 0cns clif fe, of Toronto, also survives. Rates are listed in the front of your directory. Tde funeral, which was conducted by Rev. T. A. Nind, was very large- 1y attended, there being eighty rela- tives present, beside a host of friends and nelghbours. Death has removed a character highly esteemned in the person of Mrs. Cawker. She was a woman whose 1f e was centred li her home and family. and "her ch.ldren rise up and call her blessed."~ Every Sunday the Cawker home became L the centre of interest for the child- ren and the grandchildren. As the years passed this affection grew and - Mrs. Cawker was repald by the same her dally life was one of service to WEBKY - PHILP PICNYC loving attention which she had so others, and death has ended a long The annual Werry- Phflp Picnic lavishly given to her family. Her if e wdll sDent. la to te held on Saturday, July 721., memnory will ever be a cherished pos-& at the Cream of Barley Camp, Bow- session. It is not possible to estirn- manville. Relatives please accept ate the good her quiet life accomp- Phone your visitors and personal this intimation. Miss Elva Orchuzd, lisheci. Sufficient it is 10 say that news each weelc to Thse Statesrna. Ennlskilien, Secretary., 24-1

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