Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jun 1934, p. 9

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURBDAY, JUNE 2lst. 1934 I OBITUAR Elmer J. Beilman, Colingwoo Following i1-heaitis for some years andI a serious condition for tvoi weeks, Elmer J. Belinian. the oldest. practising pharmacist in Colling-1 wood, succumbed to a hemorrisage early on Friday morning, June lSth. His death occurred at his home oni Ste. Marie Street.1 'Me deceased was in bis fi! ty-' nintis year. He was born in Bow- manville. a son of the late Mr. Ed- ward Belîman, andI Mrs. Belîman. Af ter attending the public andI high scisools there be entered upon the study necessary te fit bunself for a druggist. On bis graduation f rom thse Ontario Coilege of Pharmacy he came te Collingwood, where be pur- chased tbe drug business of the late David Oliphant, and bas since, for tbirty-six years, continued it as a golng concern. Wbile active andI possessed of great ambition, in re- cent years, lie has bad to take mat- tems more quietly, bis healtb being sucis that the pbysical strength was far f rom equal to tbe demand wiich he placed upon it. lHe, isowever, continued until bis deatis, indeed up te a fortnigbt before bis passing, he gave bis business personal direction. The deceased marrned MautI. daugbter of the late James McLean andI Mrs. McLean, wbo, with one daughter. Agnes. who, at tbe recentt examinations in Medicine, complet- ed ber fi! tb year, mourn his pass- ing. His aged mother, wbo is now called upon to suffer the losa o! thse fiftb member of ber family within six years, lives in Bowmanville. as do two brotbers, Albert and Artbur. Another brother, Norman. 15 in Tor- onto. By way of public service, Dr. Bell- man served as a member o! the 4 tow,,n council for several years. HIe was also a member of the Independ- enV ForesVers andI the Chosen Friends. The funeral service was beltI on Monday afternoon at the family home. wben Rev. William MacMil- lan, MA., o! Presbyterian Church, of wbicis be was a member, officiat- ed. Interment was made in the Presbyterian Cemetery. To the bereaved wife and daugis- ter beartfelt sympathy is extended by a wde circle o! friends. Messrs. Albert and Arthur Bell- man, Bowmanville, attended the funeral. Jesse Baskerviile, Neweastle A deeply saddened and sympath- etic neighborhood ceased att labours on Wednesday afternoon, May 3Oh, and urned out in families althtbe funeral of the late Jesse Baskerviile, aken away f rom wife and familyý andI friends, ail wbo beltI hlm dear, in the midday of his life. Wben the hour for tbe service had arrived the sideroad for long distances in eitber direction f rom the bouse and the1 grounds which be had aken sucis a delight in keeping so trim andI dean andI attractive, was lined with cars f rom near and far. Fields and lawn andI garden, trees andI f owers were ail as beautiful as ever, but the isand that bath led tise way and iselped in THAT "LIKE THE DICKENS" FEELING IS LIVER Wake Up Your Liver Bile. Feel Fit. You Needn't use Calomel To Do IL. It'. your liver. failing to pour out the vital twa pounda oi bile, daily, intc, your bowels. that makes you feel go of-colour. Lack of bile rosace poor digestion. Food .tays ton long in your bowels and decays. Your aysteni is poisoned. Yeu go through the msery of ra, bloating, pain, heartburn. i oi. have ,% dark browa abomninablo taete in your mouth and bad breatb. Ynur skin'a unhealthy and oten your head aches. Your wbole mystem Beemna out of kilter. How can you resaonably expert ta, clear up a condition like this by' merely' taking salta, min- eraI vater, cil, laxative cao y or chewin gumn or roughaga? These oly move the bavais, an that'a not eoough. You mugt waka Up your liver bile. Av.id calomel (mrcuyl. Taire Carter'. Little Liver Pilla. They'rspurely vogetabîs. meti, aure and .ate. Tbeyu mare you fielnia Lun.dred pr cent botter in a very short tiios. Don't vaste your mnoney on substitut@. B. deflite. Ask for Carter'a by name-and Cet them! Look for the nai, Carters,. on the red label. 2..ail &Udruggst. 49 KING AND SONS REVIEW PARADE In f ull dress uniformis, topedb The King was accompanied by bist taîl shakos. the King of England, sons as he witnessed the trooping of George V. the Princes of kWales the color by the Royal Horse Guards, left, and the Duke of York are in bonor of bis miaesty's 69th birtb- seen riding on their favorite munsday. as they arrive at the paradegrud making andI keeping tbem so was( now stiil andI coltI. It would touch a tbem no more. The body f rom whicb. the spirit had ascended now lay in v a casket covered with flowers froma friends.c Rev. W. P. Rogers, o! thse Unitedt Cburch. thse famiiy pastor, cond'uct- ed thse service and conveyed a syrn- pathetic andI comforting message to1 thse bereaved family and relatives.1 Mrs. W. D. Bragg in the course ofg the service sang "When I Shail Fal Asleep." The pail bearers were: Will Harris, Elvyn Middleton. Tru- man Clark, Milton Graham, Howell Rowand and, Austin White, two cousins and four neighbors. Following are those wbo brougbt or sent floral tributes: Family, a wreath; Mr. and Mrs. John Middle- ton and f amily, spray; Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Toms and Mrs. Smith, spray; Mr. antI Mrs. J. H. Smith, Mr. andI Mrs. Af red Smiths, Mr. and Mrm. Carl French, Mr. andI Mrs. Mercer. sheaf: Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Plunsmer and family, spray; Mr. and Mrs. AI- ian Martin, spray; Mr. Albert Cornes and Mr. andI Mrs. James Howe,j spray: Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Cale. wreath; Mr. andI Mrs. Philip Steph- ens and family, spray: Mrs. EtIna Bragg. spray; Mms. Smytise, Mis Aura Rundie and Miss Holman. of Bowýmanville Hospital. spray; Mis VeaPwrs and Mrs. T. Graham, cut flowers; Newcastle United Churcis Choir, spray: Young Men's Bible Cla.s. Newcastle. spray; Lake Shore Sunday Scisool. wreath; Lake Shore Home and School Club, wreath; Mrs. Chapmnan and Miss Ruby, eut f lowers. Ainong thse f riends f romi a dis- tance were: Mr. H. N. JOY. Mrs. Gra- bams Robinson, Mr. and Mms. Bob Steen, Mrs. Ed. Steen, Mr.,and Mms. T. Taylor, Mrs. Austin, Mr. and Mms. J. H. Smith, Mrs. Mercer, Mr. and Mrs. AifretI Smith, Mrs. Carl Frencis, Mrs. Flinn. Mms. G. McGregor. Mr. -Gordon Clark and children. Mr. Al- bert Cornes and Mrs. James Howe,I all o! Toronto: Mr. and Mms. Allanl Martin, Brighton; Mr. andI Mrs. Ar- 'hur Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Will Lewis. Welcome; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Branton. Whitby; Mr. and Mms. T_.orne Plummer, Port Hope; Mr. andI Mrs. Oscar Scott. Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jeffery, Mr. Howard Crydermnan and Misses Foley, Maple Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pluin- me r, Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Cale, Mrs. Fletcher. Miss Vera Powers, Mr.i andI Mrs. Frank Cryderman and Harry. Bovnîanville. The late Jesse Baskerville was the y-ounger son o! the late Simon Bas- kerville antI ever since bis marriage when bis father retired into New- castle be bas continued to reside on and work tise iomestead on tise base uine, east o! Newcastle. lIe was a good farmer and took a pride in having everytising tidy antI neat. His f ields were clean and productive and hbis stock aiways ini good condi- tion. He was a meniber andI sup- porter of tise Newcastle United Churcis, and be and bis fanuly isade always taken a lively interest in tiseV enterprises o! tise churcis andI itsc various organizations. Besides bis widow, formerly Miss Mina Scott, deceased 15 survived by one son, Wil- bur, at home antI two tIaughers, Mrs.t Gardon Clark. Toronto, and Mms. Artisur Bragg, Ranier, Alta., wiso 15 bere on a tbree montbs' visit, witis ber little son, one of tIeceasedes tbree grandcblidren, also one brother, Wil- liam, in Saskatchewan. TRUE RICHES1 By Fred Scott Shepard f If you hustie, If you rustie, If you plow antI sow antI dig, i Save each penny,E Few or many,1 You may get a bank roll big. r But if slaving, AndI if saving, Centres only in yourself, You are clearly Paying dearly For your boarded bit o! pet!. If wbile livingil You are giving Unto others as you can,1 Thougis your bank book Have a lank look, You witl be tise richer man. There 15 treasure That we measure By tise money stored away. But the isoarded Wealth is sord.it, And as worthless as is dlay. Love's bestowing Keeps on growing, Tisougis te men it seem noV so, E'er increasing Witbout ceasing, In its far outreaching flow. Your printing reflects your per- sonal taste. Have your printing donc in an up-te-date printing plant. You can buy and selI anything, through The Statesmnan classifiedj Ads. L IL A CS thse best garden varieties. Jan van Tolis i nteresting on account o! tise By W. E. Groves, Bowmanvîlle large bouvardia-like flowems. Tise clusters, too, are very long, thougis Lilacs are among our inost beau- somewisat slow o open. For forc- tif ul sbrubs. Tisey grow in any good ing, the best white variety is conced- garden soit, but an enricised soul andI edtt be Mme. Felix. The trusses o! an open situation combine to pro- flowers are large, tihe ftowers are duce tise f inest o!f ftowers. To real- pure white, andI every brancis ize the f ull beauty o! a lilac in bloomus. Mmne. F. Morel 15 noV new blooms, it should be viewed f rom but it is a magnif icent variety, violet above. Many o! tise best Englissh i color. The clusters are very large gardeners use lilacs f reely in plant- andI graceful. This 15 a use! ul kind ing sunken gardens, andI in sucis a for cutting. Perle von Teltow 15 one iocation with plenty sp4ce allowed of thse newer purple varieties be- tise plants, tise effect is alViat coming very popular. One o! its cauld be desired. Massed groups are characteristics is immunity te dis- naturally more showy tisan indivitI- ease. tise vigorous growtis appearlng ual specimens, andI in planting iVta witistand ail attacks. Because o! migbt well be remembered that its color. a new variety, Ruhin van double varieties do not usually flow- Horstentein, is findlng muci f avor. er as f reely as tise single kinds. Tise buds are dIeep reth, becoming a To slec a fw vrieies s ot-iitle paler on opening. To slecta fe varetie as ut- Ail tise above are single varieties. standing is noV a simple matter, but AnUmîber of doubles, however, are it is easlly possible Vo name a nm- i-n tise front rank o! any selection a! ber of kinds o! menit that, accord thi popular flower. Charles Joly, ing te individual taste, would war- an oltI variety, purpie in color and rant thdistitnction. Some o! the very florif erous, stlll attracts much older varieties corne into tisis cae attention. Mme. Lemoine 15 tise best gary, even thaugis tiey may bef arî double white. Tise flowers are large removed f rom tise Frenchs iybrids wtscmatcutm ihe now£0 opuar.Tis Peianlllc ~Buchsner is pale violet in color andI stlI holding its own among tise ilîne s equally at home in the garden or family. ILs dalnty follage and pan- greenisouse. President Carnot 15 idles o! bloom tIuring tise montis of lavender in colon with long gracef ul May makes 1V well worth a place in Vlsers. It 15 just a littie later Vian every collection. Thse Rouen lilac is dustvrees tisought o be supenior Vo Pensica, There is anatiser race o! hybrids one o! its parents. IV booms very tiîat shDuld be a distinct acquisitilon. f reely, andI grows about ten feet iTise flowers begin Vo open at tise iigis. Tomenteila is a beautiful van- end o! April andI are nearty over iety found by Vise late E. H. Wilson. wisen tise vulgaris isybrids begin. At He came across 1V in eastern Tiibet present, tise range o! colon tIoes noV at a very bigis altitude. Thse blooms extend far beyond lavenden. but al are large andI rosy plnk in colon. ThseVise known varieties have large pan- Hungarlan lilac is stili anotiser un- Idles o! flowems particularly graceful usual valety. It 15 very hardy, in f orm. Thse hybrids bean tise gen- blooms freely andI wlll grow almost cmal name, Hyacintisiflora, andtI tn anywhere. The culture o! these andI or tweîve varieties are now on tise similar kinds is atIvisetI. market. Thse vulganis isybrids are now s0 A isost o! otiser varleties are avail- numerous that a selection wlll not able, and, where garden space la noV secure tise approval o! ail rentIers, ilmited, a mucis larger selection la but we venture o indicate some var- recommended. But in vlew o! tise ieties tisat are bound te, be founid in f act tisat the lilac season is noV long, tise collections of tise best lime giow- a limitetI plantlng la advised for tise ers. LutIwIg Spaeth ls a single var- average garden. Lilaca are partie- iety wlth large duli ppnrple blooms. ulanly interesting sisrubs te, grow IV Is one o! tise best o! tise dark l1- andth iere are no other flowerlng acs andI can be forced qulte readlly. shrubs Vo match them n beauty.A Chartes X. la anotiser dark single few o! tise most cholce varleties variety. The clusters o! flowers are shouid be found in every garden, o! mediumi size, and iIt h still onse o! however amail. JVITH PORK AND TOMATO SAUCE DAKED DEANS FROM RED RIPE TOMATOES KETCHUP fbnvn WI EI.r,. u rIE't' 2 CHERRY ICING CLUL I TH GPV IE£ Layer Calke SPAGHETTI ach 180 READY TO SERVE Aare JEWFEL BRAND SRfOKTENING 2 i SUNNYFIELD PASTRY PLOUK 7 lb. D8 OL ON weet 28 or. PICKILES Pickles LJar , FOR HEALTHFIJL BATHS oltCKS2I LIFEDUOT Toaet 3CAE2. cHiSTIE'S ASSORTED CREAMS l, 8 CROiCE YO(INCGSOFT.MEATED LAMB LEGS FINEST PEAMEALED BACON DackPie S3IOKED-PICNIC STYLE-SHANKLESS PORK SHOULDERS à & P SELECTED DEEF ]ROASTS SHOULDER lb. 10,0 DLADEor or CHUCE MSORT NaD SAVORTIGIIT L(JNCIIEON SLICED .HAM SLICED lb. 30e Reef Dologma, FRESII CAUGHT FRESH RESTIGOUCHE B WHITEFISR m. 17o 1 SALMON Pe PAGE NInE lIED. 19. TINS LGE.17 lIED. ]O TIN MED.25 TINS 2, as 240 'b- 250 Mb. 290 L. 12 2 Ibo. 250 '*O lb. 300 Feels 5OIbs.Slimmerl Af ter Losing Only 5 Lbs. -I stared takmng Kruschen Salts a ronth ago," a young woman writes. I have lost 5 lbs. in weight. and 1 fei as if I have lost 50 lbs. I arn full of vigor. whereas before 1 was istless and worried over littie things. But if my troubles were ctoubled, bhey would flot worry me to-day- thanks to Kruschen."- (Miss) V. P. Here's the recipe that banishes fat -take one-haif teaspoon of Krusch- en Saîts in a glass of bot water be- fore breakfast. Be sure and do this every morn- ing. for "It's the daily dose that akes off the fat." When you take Kruschen daily it means that every >article o! poisonous waste matter and harmful acids and gases are ex- pelled f rom the systemn. Moctify your diet. andI take gentle exercise. The stomach, liver, kid- neys and boweis are tuned up, and the pure, f resh blood containing .hese six saîts is carried to everY part o! thie body. Then follows ,that Kruscben feeling" of energetic riealth and activity that is refleet- ed in brigbt eyes, clear skin. cheer- ful vivacity and charming figure. MAPLE GROVE ANNIVERSARY (Continued from, page 1) [y in this parliicular sphere. Mr. Houghton of Oshawa also contri- buted two fine solos that were much enjoyed. Mr. H. G. Freeman, Superintend- ent. wbo presided and Rev. H. C. Wolfraim, pastor made the announ- cements and assisted in making the program complete. The evening gat.hering f illed thse shed and the service was profoundly interes ting. Judge Mott's address or as he fam- iliarly called rit "a talk" was on "Adjusting." He spoke of adjustmng plant life, animal if e and huinan life. After dealing briefly witb the two former, he asked a very pertinent question "Are you earning your job?" This question d.id flot apply to those out of work or to those wbomn mis- f ortune bad le! t unemployed, but to ahl those who were working every day. He also gave some valuable suggestions to husbands and wives in adJusting horne 111e regarding each other and towards their child- ren. His remarks on adjusting bu- man life were plainly spoken truths and could flot help but impress ahl with the sincerity of bis utterances. The school and congregation joined heartlly in the singing and were ably assisted by Mrs. T. W. Cawker, and Mrs. J. E. Anderson, accompanied by Mrs. Nellie Gar- butt, aIl o! Bowmanville, who, sang two very suitable duets which f itted in beautifully with thse theme of thse evenmng. Owing to the heavy down-pour o! ramn which commenced early Mon- day afternoon and lasted well into thse night, the sports program had te be cancelled. The ladies prepared a splendid supper and a good crowd enjoyed the good tbings so abund- antly served. Thse Janetville Young People pre- sented their play "Go Slow Mary" to a large audience, -but thse best- ing of thse rain on the tin roof of the building consid.erablY married tihe bearing. Thse play has a good moral tone and the players, six boys and f ive girls presented their parts with fine effect. Miss Evelyn Millson, the d.irector, introduced. the players. and deserves mucis credit for thse presen- tation. A couple of recitations were Lgiven between acts by Miss Jean Stinson. Proceeds about $267. 38 Dresses lu a spectacular weekend sellIng IN FOUR PRICE GROUPS Group No. 1 Group Ne. 2 A smnart selection of LonensOf Washable Crepes in pastel and Cotton Prints, I gay 8 shades, in ail the wa.nted 9 colors and charmlng styles. _____ colors and new styles, ail ___ SPECIAL .. . .........sizes. Very Special .... Group No. 3 Group No. 4 SilkCreps - grop ofSuiter andsTik creao SilkCreps - grop ofSUagRS nd Two-Pteceals MU White Flanmel Suits, iM dresses sharply reduced for u particularly attractive style. this selling. Silk crepes i 5 You must see them te sp- 5 preciate them. They were ____ solid colors, prmnted siIks extremely good value at $12.95. They are a wonder- and polka dots - Special fui value at ...... Foster'sLadies Wear and Furriers A O ~ S Phone 106 Opposite Balmoral Hotel Livig Isues n Chna 2tb. Meeting opened with a hymn after singing another hyxan, Rev. Livng ssus I Chna and prayer led by President Mrs. A. Mr. Rackharn gave a very lnterest- Theme of Address at E. Billett After the business was ing talk on the last chapter o the Hampton W.M.S. Meeting of the program. Miss E. peynolds Meeting closed with the Mlzpah gave the devotional leaflet "Jesus benediction, after which all enoyed The mon thly meeting of the and His Friends"; Rev. W. Rackham a social hli hour. W.M.S. was beld at the home o! led in prayer; Mrs. Burns read the Mrs. A. E. Billett on Tuesday, June scripture reading. Matt. 26: 17-30; Have you rend the advertlsenients? QUALITY 1ING1f<bIf,<Ts et '~CRACKED WHEAT A itthe bealth-buldiiig Parts Of 'le 24-oz. u'kcat iv, a lieu' 1typec oflor that Wrapped niakes a delicioùs bread of surprisih'g Loaf and more thaîs delightful flac-or . . . 9c RAISIN BREAD ____Fuil of plurnp mYeaty raisins Wapp.d N -,akes really uosderful toast Lafpe i7,/I OOD hou-TYandI»u-SAlSFINareterdl fte> ,,,7ek7,;Ymadrn A&P Daker OUIR OJVN Valencla Cake ib. 1 5o ONE WEEK ONLY - JUNE lSth, 1934 25 per cent Discount on ail DRY CLEANING of $2,00 or over Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning W. J. Bagneli, Agent. Phone 152 --l had been oufferlng for over ai yer wth Indigestion, head- aleep. Ater taking twe boxes of C. C. & B. Tonte 'fablets I i fet entirely weIl again. They cant be beat as a tonie." i If Fou are Rundown. suffeing with Anosmie, Stsmach Trouble, Indigesison. Coated rTongue. Readachis. Poor Appe- 0 titi. Nervise. Cant BShep. Thinnesa. Pimples, Weakness. Blues you surely need C. 0. & B. Tonte Tablets rlght away. You ' need plinty of rlch, red blood, and C. C. & B. Tonte Tablt. restore strengtb and fibre tu the blood. bulld you up ln every e way. steady the nervs. Don't gamble wlth your preclous bealth--galf amamlng new strengtb and vtalty-Iook and _______________ f elrem 5Z1yOungsr. Sod t ail Drug Stor.s-COc and $1. GET C. C. & B. TONIC TABLETS AT McGregor's Drug Store PHOIE 92 RIPE CAFIFORNIA NO. 1 GRADE CanteleUpeS 2 For 230.1 New Potatees 71/2 libe. 250 CALrOR.'IA VALENCIA ORANGES Don. 19e MDoSm 330 fol- THE TE REAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC Co_ zmmzmmmý q

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