Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 May 1934, p. 6

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PAGE SIXTHCAAANSASM ,BOMNI.E THRAYMA 3la 13 *Sehools on May 23rd was held in tý MAPLE GROVE chiurch. This annual event was lai Sely attended by interested parer and friends. The f ollowing progre. Miss Joan Ayling spens the week- was an evidence o! the successf end with friends in Oshawa. vork being done: Opening Choi Miss Nellie Snowden. Lake Hurst. by Hampton Srs.; 0 Canada, ai South, spent a few days at home. the National Anthem; Chairmar Rev. W. S. P. Boyce, a former pas- renarks: Chorus;-Welcome Ever tor. will occupy the pulpit on Sun- body, Hampton Srs: Rhythm Baný day. -Mitchell's Jrs: Rounds.-Sing Miss Betty Pingle. Town, spent Round. Sing Together. The Sprir the weekend witb Miss Helen Met- -Baker's: Song, Fairy Queen Mrl.anMr.JD.Pc Hampton Jr Girls; Recitation, Fat Mr. nd Ms. . D.Picarcs vssited jiîy Traits.-Muriel Smnith; ChorusE aI, Mr. H. E. Tink's. Solina. and took The Ram., Sleep Kentucky Babe.- in anniversacy services. Mý,itchell's Srs: Mouth Organ Selec Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wilson visited ions - Baker's: Rhythm Band Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy. S.olina. Hampton Jrs: Duet. Where are y( and attended anniversary services. goineg my Pretty Maid.-Doree Mikýs Vera Shackelton, nurse in Baîson and Hans Geisburger fro: training in Bowçmanville Hospital. iMitchell's: Chorus. Hark! The Las visited with Mrs. J. D. Pickard on -Hampton Srs: Song. Little Sleer Monday.* Head Dly.-Baker's Jrs: Recita' Miss Mildred. Snowden spent thelion, 0 Dear Little Goose - Jess weekeFnci with Miss Doris Grooms. Memis: Song. When Polly Put ti Toronto. at the latter's aunt. Mrs. Pepper in the Tea-Mitchell Girl S. E. Werry. Solina. Chorus. The Clacker-Baker's; Aci Mc. and Mrs. J. D. Stevens and ion Song. You Mustn't.-Hampto Miss Jean Stevens spent the week- Jrs: 3Part Chorus. The Lord is M2 end with her brother. Mr. Fred R. Shepherd.-Mitchell Srs: The pr< Foley. St. Catharines. inouncing of the benediction, by Re, Mc. andi Mrs. Clarence Tink and Walter Rackham, who was chair family spent Sunday with Mr. and man for the evening. brougbt an en Mrs. George Whit3 and Mr. and joyabie evening 10 a close, f ollowin Mrs. H. E. Tink. Solina. the presentation of a beautiful mix Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Coliacutt andled bouquet from the achools takin t.wo daughters visited with her par- part to Miss Orchard. who made ents. Mr. and Mrs. Westlake, Solinia. sitberpyo hns and took in the anniversa jutbl ely0 .hns Mr. and Mrs. Will Muriday. Mr. ami Mrs. Steve Munday, Court- TRAINING SCHOOL CADETS wright. attended the funeral on 31AKE FINE SHOWIN( Wednesday of tiseir father, the late Mr. M. Munday. Sr. iContinued from page 1) Mca. H. G. Freemnan and niece. At the close o! the display. whei Miss Marion Foley, spent the week- the platoons were gathered aroun( end with the former's brother-in- the saluting base, Deputy Ministe. law and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sorsolei, representing the Miný E. R. Freeman, St. Catharinea.. ister of Public Welfare highly comn ____________ ________ j mended the boys on their appear. HAMPTN 71ance. their accuracy of performance centrated on the commands. H( Mrs. James Burns .vsited Solina congratulated Superintendent A. Rl f riendLs on Sunday. Virgin andi Earl Cunningham, theiî Mr. Stanley Cowling. Peterboro, instructor. on the splendid display visited bis home over the holidaY. 'We are not preparing you for war,' Mrs. George Burtt is receiving Mr. Sorsoleil said, "but we are teach- inedical cure in Toronto Hospital. ing you 10 carry out orders efficient- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reader and son, ly. When you go out into life yos Owen, Scugog, visited aI Mr. A. Pet- çwill find that those who are obed. er's. ient to commiands are the ones wh< Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Mountjoy at- are successful. To learn this at tended the funeral of Mr. Levi Ell- school is 10, fit yourself to be em- mns, Columbus. ployees or employers, and to become Master Jiminie Woodley, Tycone, effective citizens. If the occasion baLs returned home af 1er visiting at should arise, y'ou are also preparec Mr. W. Chapman's. to protect the empire and nation of Mr. and Mrs. J. Clatworthy and which we are so proud," he said in daughter, Ruby visited relatives at conclusion Fénelon Falls and Cameron. Lt. Col. W. j. Hour, O. C. Durham Mr. Clarence Sinale and Mr. Arn- Regiment. also commended the boys old Sewell. Toconto. were holiday on their performance and particular- visitors with the f ormer's mother. ly lauded the efforts of the 86 year Mr. T. Wcay, Jackson and Eileen. old David Morrison. tramner o! the Miss N. Horn, accompanieti Mr. and bugle band. Mrs. W. W. Horn 10 Toronto on Sun- Lieut. Pef! er very briefly congrat- day. ulated the boys and selected Sgt. Mr, and Mrs. R. H. Reynolds and Major Mike Cojacari as the smartest daughter, Lenore. Toronto were the boy on parade. Mike was awarded a guests o! Miss Edna Reynsolds on the ivrist watch. donat-ed yearly by Harry 24th. AlUn o! Bowmanville. Sunday Scbool will be helti in the The parade closed with cheers for morning next Sunday owýing 10 Zion the King, Mc. Sorsoleil. Mr. Virgin. Anniversary. The evening service will the Inýpecting Off icer and ]astly be witbdrawn. Mc. Cunningham, and as Mr. Sorsol- Practice for the singing for the eil remarked. Mr. Cunningham did Sunday Scbool AnnivecsacF- under better in the way o! cheers than did the direction of Mr. T. Salter. com- the King himiself. menced on Tuesciay nîght. The visitors wece then invîted to Mc. andi Mrs. E. C. Horn and visit the buildings and see again the daughter. Acy. and Mrs. W. G.j display of handwork. hobbies and Doidge and Miss N. Horn. made a, vocational work that wece put on two business trip 10 Toronto. on Fciday. w;eeks ago. The Musical Festival under the A "large number o! visitors then direction of Miss Marion Orchard. 1cepaiced 10 the Dining Hall where Enniskilleii, given by the scbolai s members of the school staff ses-ved of Bakers' Mitchells' and Hampton ýaftecnocn tea. PROTE CTION for 0 0F YOUR FAIR V'ALUATON Foster s MODERN Fur Cold Storage and Year Round, Alil Risk World-Wide Insurance for One Haîf of One Per Cent Extra WIIY NOT DO IT TODAY Phone 106 WILL CALL We Specialize in REMODELLING AND REPAIRING FURS Alil furs sent to us for repairs are stored free of charge. Ask about our ail risk insurance. Your f ur coat protected in storage, in your home, and on your back, against every known risk. FO0S T ER'1S Ladies' Wear and Furriers Phone 106 Opposite Balmoral jHotel he -ts aul l'us nd a ng, ;es. ,ou n k, 2y t- sie Is: ,t- &y 0-t b- ig a:E E1 Gn rI i SALEM Miss Gladys Cann, Toronto, visit ed with her parents, on the holidaý last week. Several f rom this community at tended the Anniversary Servicesa Eldad, last Sunday. Rev. A. M. Wooton's fine sermo: here on Sunday cont.ained many les sons learned f rom a study of th~ multitude that followed Jesus, es pecially those who formed the f ring of the crowd that listened to im. Young People's meeting Wednes day night. May 23rd was opened b, the President with hynin and praye in unison and then left in charge o the Social Vice President, Mr. IE Werry. wbo presided over the fol lowing program:-Bible reading, Mi F. Blackburn: Comments on samiE by the leader: topic. by Mrs. S. But, tery; A fine vocal solo. Miss H. Knox Readings, by Miss H. Darch and Mr K. Werry: several hymns xvere sun, and for the social hour an Art Con. test conducted by the leader. aftei which the meeting closed wit.h th( League Benediction. Attendance a. bout, 30. Salem Sunday School Anniversar3 will be held. on Sunday, June 3rd. Service aI 2.30 p. m., Rev. A. S. Kerr Bowmanville. preacher, 7.30 p. m. Rev. S. C Moore, BA., B.D.. Toronto, preacher. Music by the scho.-l. as- sisted by St. Paul's Quartette anc Mirs. Alex Colville. Bowmanville. Or Vlonday. June 4th: Mert's softball game. Hampton vs Salem, at 6 p. m, At 8 p. m. Newcastle Dramatie Club wiul present their play "Cralnberry Corners." Admission 25c. childrer IOc. AIl services on standbard time. TYRONE companied by Mr. andi Mrs. Lorne ~Griffixn and littie daugister Jean,1 COURTICE Ispent Saturday in Toronto. Mr. 4> and Mrs. Stinson visited Mrs. J. G. ý Marlow Who is in Wellesley Hospi- Mrs. Milton Gay, accompanieci by ý.tal, and Mr. and Mrs. Griffin visit- Mrs. Wm. Wade, lef t last week for ed their baby daughter who is in the Williamsburg where the former will Sick ChiIdren's Hospital. revisit Dr. Locke. at The concert on May 24th evening The large strawberry patches in was a decided success. The pay, this district have been so badly de- n "Mary Made Soine Marmalade" was pleted by lasi. winter's extreme cold s-put on by home talent and each one1 that many have to be ploughed itaking part deserves credit. Th'sse under ypîy ftecomnt geMr. E. Eckel, Mr. Hooey, Mr. Harold goes out te Mr. James Sulley, bis Swain. Mr'. Hector Shortridge. Mr. sons Russel ami William, and his s-Eric Cutting, Mr. Joseph Bradburn. ctaughter, Mrs. Eci. Wade. Ebenezer, )yMiss Viola Braclburn. Miss Ferga in their recent loss of a loving wife Mi ohston. Miss Frances Mountaoy, ami mother. fMisViola Bradburn and Miss Olive Morley Wilkins had the misf or- ZVanCamnp. Between acts Mrs. Sad- tune to lose one of his young heif- 61er rendered a splendid solo and ers that was pastured on the fai-m Mr. George Sadler aise gave a vocal of George Vetzal and M. Nicholson. e, solo. Miss Vivian Sadier gave a Fromn appeatances it wvould seemn treadàng. Rev. F. W. Newell %va that the animal jumpeci the f ence Cchairman for the evening. and broke one of ils hind legs. As r. _________________ several herds are pastured in this r. s section their respective owners be- Lg ENFIELD l gan looking up their animais, and î>_ in the search Blake Courtice discov- r ered that fouir of his were snissing. ie Mr. C. Avery, Oshawa, visited at. Further search revealed the fact i- Mr. J. Avery*s. that in one place the top stranci of Mr. R. W. Pascoe has been visit- barbed wire had been cut and sev- -Y ing in Brussels. eral panels of rails were down. A 1: Mrs. G. Bowman bas been visiting gateway had aIso been lef t open. rat Mount Forest. Two lseifers were found on the C. N. Messrs. Ait and Elmer Prescott Railway track and the others came have soid their ranch in Reach. from aiongside of il. Mr. Wilkins Dr. and Mrs. W. McCullough have despatched a butcher te put bis an!- i been visiting at Mr. John McCul- Mai out of ils misery. n iough's. Il Messrs. Albert ani Levi Niddery 1. and W. Gray, Toronto. visited here ENNISKILLEN this week.I nfarnily. a Mrs. Jhnve Sm is.~i Mr. and Mrs. H. Siemon, Toronto, ing at Mr .Obcageon av be rai-visiteci Mr. John Siemon Sr. Mr ad rMisons clo. Miss Muriel Moore spent the week- Nihlo.end witb friends in London. atousr.rvn edin A. E. Werry n the arrivai of a baby ji tU.boy. L_ Misses Marjocie Rowe, Marion j le Allin andi Elsie Carruthers, Bowman- SOLINA Z.ville, Miss Bocea Murduff, Lindsay, i cr Mc. and Ms's. Percy Williams, Bow-1D Y. manxille, cecently visitedti he lat- AnnLiversary Visitors- ters' daughtec, Mca. Fred Goodman. Miss Bernice Gilbank, Shaw's, at Mca. Wm. H. Broati, Toronto, Mrs. Mr. A. J. Balson's. -Dodds. Lambton Milîs, and son, Mr. andi Mca. Norman Mutton, u Hugh. visited Mc. Luther Goodman' Oshawa; at Mc. W. H. West]ake's. Mc. and Mcs. Wmn. Phillipa. Bow- Mr. and Mca. Frank Bray and 0 manville, visiteti with Mc. and Mca. baby, Enifielti, at Mc. Walter Par- Fred Goodman cecently. rantiec's. We were in error stating that Mc. Mc. anti Mca. Will Ashton and ePooley bad another stroke in last !amily, Enniskillen, at Mr. N. C. week's news. Yellowlees. The W. M. S. will meet at the Mc. anti Mca. Chas. Weccy, Mr. andi fhome of Mca. A. W. Annis on Thurs- Mca. Tom Penfounti, Oshawa, at Mc. 1cday, June 7th, at 2.30 p. in. Mrs. J. T. Rundles. A. E. Billett and other Hampton Mc. and Mca. Victor Wilson, Maple 'ladies are assisting on the pcogram. Grove. Mca. Jas Hardy. Uxbridge; An invitation 10 be present ai this at Mr. Isaac Hariy's. meeting is extended to ahl ladies of Mr. andi Mca. John Lai-iler. Mc. r he congregation. and Mca. Ernest Lacnser anti family. Mca. R. Jobnston, Newtonville, Blackstock. at Mr. E. R, Taylor's. Mn,. J. H. Werry andi Miss Florence Mc. anti Mca. Harvey Pa.scoe and Weccy, Bowmanvitle, and Vivian f amily, Mc. and Mca. Crosaman and Rowan. Bethany. Mc. and Mca. Dave Icene. Kecicon. at Mr. Will Leask's. tMoffat anid farnily. Oshawa, Mc. anti Mca. Thos. Osborne. Wbitby: Mr. Mca. John Hill and family. recently and Mca. John Challis and Miss Ma- visited Mr. andi Mrs. H. Hill. bel, Bowmanville: at Mi'. Siti Hock- Miss Florence Dowis. Oshawa. aday's. spen, the weekend with Mcand Mrs. Taylor and son, Norman, Mca. Theodore Down. Messrs Ray Coates ansd Kenneiji Mc. and Mca. W. J. Bratit andi Trout, Toronto. at Mr. Chas. How- !amily. Oshawa, visited at Mc. Jas. sam's. Dutley's. Mr. and Mca. Char.;. Mackey and Mr. andi Mrs. F. L. Byam. Doreen litIle Miss Hilda Mackey, Bcooklin, andi Yvonne, spent Sunday with ber with Miss Mary Hogarth andi Mca. pacents. Mc. and Mca. J. Lillicrapp. R. Pascoe. Cannington. Mn. Lilliccapp reîuî'n- Mca. Bert \Villiams, Toronto. Mrs, ed home xith them foc a few tisys. Robert Armstrong andi Jim. Mr. and Mr. and Mca. Wesley Taylor anti Mrs. Clarence Tink anti family. f amily. Mr. anti Mca. Harold Bucg- Maple Grove. at Mr. Geo. Whites. ess and Muriel. visited frientis ai Mc. and Mca. Walter' Bray and Keswick on Sunday. Miss, Grace Miss Ethel. Pickering: Rev. G. C. R. Stephens cetucned with tbem. McQuade. Oshawa; Mc. anti M's. J. Chucch service will be withdrawn A. Wecry, Enniskîllen. at Mr. A. L. on Sunday mocning. Sunday School Pascoe's. at 10.30 a. m. Mc. anti Mrs. Frank and family. Mc. Levi Minis. Toronto. spent IMc. anti Mca. Russell Robins anti the holiday aI home. 'Ruth, Mc. and Mca. Fred Robins. Mc. and Mcs. Wmn. Little and babe, Mr. Myron Robins.,ZMon, ntI Mr. Ce- Oshawa, apent the holiday with his cil Pasr-De's. gcantimotbeî' ard father, Mca. W. Mc. anti Mca. Orley Chapnian. Little and Mc. W. Little. Orono; Mc. Allan Wilbur, Kirby: Mc. Mc. J. C. Alîtireati is back 10 bhis and Mca. Carl Wilbur. Taunton: Mca. bouse in the village for the sumimei' EMer Wilbuc. Hampton; at Mr. months. Jack Kivell's. _____________ Mr. Frank, Riekard andi Miss Eve- DEVITT'S CORNERS Coc n aiy ehsa r -Î5 W. J. Bragg. Providence: Miss Ada Mr. James Ogden. Peterboco. vis- Allun. at Mc. Jack Baker's. iteti Mc. James Brown on Sunday. Mc. and Mca. Neil Yellowlees and Mc. andi Mca. Stainton of Toronto Mca. J. J. Lord. Bowmanville: Mc. spent the weekend at their cottage. anti Mca. Edigar Horn and Acy. Orma Hylanti and Victoc Cutting Hampton; Mc. anti Mca. Hugh Minis motoce t Bobcaygeon on Victoria Enniakillen: at Mc. Jack Yellowlees. Day. Mc. andi Mca. Mel. Morgan anti Mc. Harvey and Mina Bruce. Toc- !amily, Taunton, Mc. anti Mca. Hacny onto, visiteti their parents Thursday Jose anti !amily, Newcastle; Mr. anti evening. Mna. Hugh Annis, Enniakillen: Mc. Miss Mary Stcong hins been visit- andi Mca. Frank Gilbert anti Betty. ing f ientis at Enniakillen. En! ield; ai Mc. Gordon Leask's. Mcas. George Stcong viaiteti hec Mca. Chai-. Gag!ý, Toronto, Mc. uncle, Mc. James Adams, who ha.s Lew Welsh, Weston: Miss Veca Ker- been rinder the coctors cace. siake. Hampton; NMc. anti Mca. C. Avery. Haytion: Mr. anti Mca. Nor- t -------'*~man Leach. anti family. Taunton: j BLACKSTOCK iMr. Nelson Fice. Zion; a' Mc. Frank ________ -~ ~i'.Westlake'a. Mc. ani Mca.Acthbi ReaMrvsand Mt ris. Fred Tamblyn, Oro- Mr. andi Mca. Ashton, Haytion. no: Mc. Fcank Gcoat, Mi'. anti Mca. Miss Violet Dever spent Sunday Lewis Cryelerman anti Doris, Hamp- wiîh Mn. and Mca. Osmondi Wright. ton: Mc. anti Mca. Haccy Jose anti Congratulations 10 Mc. anti Mca family. Newcastle; Mn. Edgar Wright E. Harris on the arrivai o! a baby anti Missa Annie Oke. Enniskillen. at girl. Mn. Haroldi Pascoe's. Mr. anti Mca. Clarence Ginn anti Mn. anti Mca. Fcank Cryderman famîly spent Sunday wtb Mc. anti Ianti Haccy, Bowmanville: Mca. Mca. Harvey Ginn. Hoitige, Lindsay: Mr. anti Mca. Eve- Miss Mabel Victue, Toronto,' bas cett Hoar andt Chaclie. Miss Docothy been vi5iing hec cousins, Mnr. anti Hoar. Mr. Russell Smit.h. Bowman- Mc., Lewis Swamn. ville; Mc. Kerr anti Miss Ethel Hoar. Mca. E. Hockritige anti niece, Dun- Oshawa: at Mc. Chas. Smith's. dalk, have been viýiting bec tînrle Miss Marjocy Annis. Dunbarton; anti aunt. Mc. anti Mca. S. Swî,Àn. Mrs. O. Quiokshanks, Peterboco: Mr. Mr. anti Mca. Joseph Foctien anti Luther anti Miss Icene Pascoe. Zion: famîly, anti Mc. Donald Dixon viit- Miss Etina Reynolds, Hampton;, Mc. eti relatives in Cavan on Sunday. anti Mca. Alan McGlashan anti fam- Miss Genevieve Beacock anti Miss ily. Oshawa: Mr. anti Mca. Dennis Olive Beacock. Lindaay, spent Sun- Pickand, Maple Grove; at Mr. H. E. tay witb their parents, Mc. anti Tink's. rsi. Wesley B3eacock. Mr. anti Mca. Haroldi Jebson anti -Mr. anti Mca. Fred Bailey anti Mn. !amily. Toronto; Mr. anti Mrs. Geo. a.nd Mca. Arthur Bailey vîsiteti Dr. Gibson anti Mat-ion, Oshawa; Mn. and Mca. Grabam, Toronto. on Sun- and Mca. Donald Yellowlees, Jean day, Dr. Graham being qulte ill. anti Helen, anti Miss Elva Perciman, Mc. anti Mca. Isaac Whitfield, Mr. Columbus; Mc. anti Mca. Hilton Tlnk and Mca. N. Green anti son Master anti family, Ebenezer; at Mc. Wal- Jack. Mr. anti Mca. R. C. Brown anti ter Vices. familY. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mca. Arthur Langmald, Mr. anti Mrcs. Jack Gibson, Cobourg. Mca. Fred Langmaid, Mca. Garbutt, Dr. C. E. Whlbttakec, Rector o! St. Ma.stec Joe anti Miss Besale Snow- ohn'sAnMglican Cbucch. exohangeti ten, Oshawa; Mr. and Mca. Harny ulpits with Rev. J. H. Colclough, Wllcox anti Madeline. Hampton; West Hill, on Suntiay, anti Rev. F. Mc. anti Mca. F. L. Squair, Mc. anti W. Newell, paston of Unitedi Churcb, Mca. Geo. Stephens, Salem; at Mc. xchangeti pulpits with Rev. H. J. Roy Langmialtis. Beil of Hastings. Mc. anti Mca. Lew. Beaton, Mc. 1Mr. anti Mca. W. C. Ferguson, anti Mca. Walter Kilburn anti famlly, Torthpoct, spent May 241h anti ce- Oshawa; Mc. anti Mca. Walter Mac- naindec of week with Mc. anti Mca. key. Buffalo, Mr. Luxnb anti Miss 7ecil Hill anti Mn. anti Mca. ROY Lumb anti Miss Stevens, Bowman- 7erguson. Rev. Clacence Ferguson. ville; Mc. anti Mca. F'rank Worden, Yothpoct, who had been In Toc- Couctice: Mc. and Mcs. Cecil Cross- )nto, calleti foc themn on Satuctiay man anti Jean,, Ennliakillen: at M r. tfternoon. Fcank lhompson"s. Mc. andi Mca. P'rnk Stinson, ac- (Conlnut on page 7) 1q nY c F o al Miss M.E. Virtue and Mcs. B. Palmer. Toronto. visited their aunt Mrs. P. Mountjoy. Rev. J. M. Wbyte andi Mc. J. A. Werry are attending confecence at it iBro>ckville Ibis week. Mc. anti Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Cli!- ford and Verna. spent sundywt i Mrs. W. Sheppa cd, Zion. d Mr. andi Mrs. c. Ferguson and babe iToronto. spent Tuesday wvitb bis brother, Dr. H. Ferguson. dl Men and teamns are busy repairing the big hill. It will be a big imnprove- ment bo have it wid-ened.T.MGî rand Miüss Reva McGill had an enjoy- able motor trip to, Peterboro and eBethany. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Rodman. Port Ferry. Mr. Stanley Wray, Toc- ciiusc É TI L 1 1 onto, spent Sunctay witb Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ashtoni. Mca. W. Rahm and June spent Sunday with Mc. and Mca. J. Shac- keleton who bave moved. into the laIe James Mountjoy's bouse. Mr. and Mcs. Everett Oriniston and Julia, Mr. C. Mason. Mr. R. Step- bens. Bowvmanville, Miss C. Stephens. Hampton. visited Mr. and Mî's. D. Burgmastec. Mr. anti Mca. Wesley Oke, Misses Gectie and Winnie accompanieti Miss Elsie borne t Toronto. Gertie spent a few days wit.h Mc. andi Mra. Melcalfe. Toronto. On Sunday. May 4th the reaie o! Mr. anti Mcs. Adam Sharp mta the home of Mr. and Mca. Meced.th Henry, to celebrate the 151h anni- versary of the weddcing of Mc. andi Mca. Sharp. The plan for the gather- ing were carrieti through without informnation reaohing. the happy couple. At a suitable lime during the evening an atidreas was read. It con- tained expressions o! thanka bo the Giver o! aIl good gifts, il expresseti tbe good will of the group towards Mr. and Mcs. Sharp. Following the address a beautiful dinner set was presented by relatives and a ailver basket from the children. Mc. Sharp ceplieti in fitting terma. A very plea- sant social evening was much enjoy- ed by ail. Resîigouch. or Gaspe Salmon ihavalblePhom.tiol.dtlgoh.I,, about the 24th of May to the .ssd of Augusi Soinor ldL -.kL. o ni sgoe.h. un...o ,hso,.n being colugis for commercial puîpot ll og the -4- W,0. .khsd..> oln, .Ahý . ,so coost of New Bruniswk e nd as lot nortcid. as o ý dn,.,g Ok. . ,ok -, n,435V -o 175 PH) Labradior. _,11 %ilsoo, F.,. ! Altiiosigh i eo f,. tise No.rhAtlantic, " 1 -i..I.ooydo.god lg Con,,<.,i ,,, I~ Salmon derive tisei, name h0.. thie ,in , s4ich . J. I oo.n tlsey spare.S . - Ui Solo ...h, Thse Pink., Prm Astisof Restigoiscis.Salmon ilof .Il 1dl) .5>pi dldW. . fimet texture-comparcable ta thre inelt Sci ot _ 11 l .Iy nh -.o.dId rnd ., o, sno.y ,q end Englhis Salmyon. , io on17 ¶0I}%., do,,.0 eooroo LOBSTERS EACH 22e A & P QUALITY SELECTED DEEF ROASTS, BNED PRIME IRIR AND ROLLED lb. e9 IF DESIRED RUMP lb. 15e Shoulder or Chucik lb. IOo SAUSAGECSTY lb. IOa SLILU> BEEF BOLOGNA 2lb.25. CH1EESENEWL»2 lbS. 25e TANGY O0W lb. 19)c [IRAN 0 PUR 11O- I%<ORTED FIA VORS POST KC~ IOc JJellyPowilers 2 RINSO :uae'(19 R6N0 9 LobsterNo a T?*-27t ;CamPbell's îo2 SPECIAL SALE 0F OUR OW?< ENCORE MAYONNAISE ai 6 oz. .32 oz. laIr z l7ar 3 lar 3 LARGE. RIPE, >'ELID TXA G Bananas lb. b6cTo SOI TII CAROLINA ?MW POTATOES r'ROiW.N natees 2 Ibs. 25o 7THE 2 A. T ANTC PACI --T C ' o. QUALJTY SIIOFS Men's Black Caif Oxford, new toe, brogue pattern, single sole, leather heel, priced at.......... 5 * Men's White Caîf Oxford, in brogue -pattern, Z Z Goodyear welt sole, $ 5 rubber heel, at ..... 35 Men's Sport Oxford in black and white, Good- year welt soles, leather heel, at ....$4o50 Men's Football Boots, made in Northampton, England, at ........... $4925 Watch for announcement of Scholl's Foot Speciali st next week. . 'I -1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUP.SDAY, MAY 31st, 1934 e

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