Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1934, p. 8

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PAGE IGHTTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUR.SDAY, MAY 24th, 1934 jBusiness Directory Church 'Activities LEGAL NI. G. V. GOULD, B.A., 11.1r. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville W. R. STRIKE Barrîster, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanville. Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law ini ail its branches. Offce immediately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Offce 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Colege Toronto. Offce: Jury Jubilee Bldg Bowmanville. Offce hours 9 a. nm to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Offce. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour. any day F. F. MORRIS CO. Modem Motor Equipment Ambulance and Invalid Car Cail Phone 10 or 34, Assistant. 573 BOWMANVILLE NORTHCUTT & SMJTH Complete Funeral Servic Modemn Equipment - AmbuLnce A. W. G. Northcutt - Aubrey ml Phone Days 58 Nights, Sundays or Holidays Phone 523 or 276 Crowded out last week) St. PauI's Young People Tbe regular meeting o! the St. Pauls Young People's Guild was beld T'uesday evening. with President Eric Coombes in the chair. In de- votional period, Scripture reading was given by George Graham, and prayer by Rev. A. S. Kerr. Duringthe business period, minutes were read and roll called by Secretary Miss Hilda Hall. Program was in form 0of a discussion period witb the topic "*World Peace," which was enjoyed by everyone present. There were 15 members present. Meeting closed with Mizpah benediction. Trinity Evening Auxiliary Tbe Evening Auxiliary of Trinity W. M. S. met tn the school room on Tuesday evening. Meeting opened witb Mrs. W. A. Shane. President in chair. Af ter a hyrmn the president gave the opening prayer. Mrs. W. C. Ives, secretary, read the minutes. Mrs. Nellie Garbutt took charge o! the worsbip per'iod wbîch opened with quiet music and a hymn, Mrs. D. R. Morrison presiding at the pia- no. Scripture lesson %vas read by Miss E. E. Haycra! t. The subject "The Unseen Compan.ion-,ihip' was pro- sented in conversational f orm by .Mrs. Garbutt Mrs. L. W. Dippel. I Mrs. B. E. Lighamn and Miss Dorothy Hoar. Miss Marion Pickard singing a very appropriate solo at the close. Roll was called and the members divided into two groupa to take up the Study Book under leadersbip o! Mrs. I. G. Hefkey and Mrs. W. A. Shane. Meeting cloýed with Mizpah benediction. Trinity Y. P. S. Miss Helen Cryderman held a very interesting discussion at Trin- ity Y. P. S. on Monday evening on "Enrichment Througb Comrade-1 ship." The programn was in charge1 of Fadola group under the directionr o! Miss Rena Farrell. Oscar Jamie-e son favoured with a violin solo. The opening hymn was "Corne let usi 'We'11 Fi00x It *- A leak ln your sink or any of your plumbing is a nuisance that lias te bc rectifîed in a hurry, and the work done right. Our plumbers are al- t ways ready to take care of hurry-up a jobs, and our work is absolutely V guaranteed. Place our phone nuni- ber, 346, on your list of special phones for quick service. What About Eavetroughs? Do you know that your home may ~ be more qulckly ruined through de- fective eavestroughing than anyr other way? Tour roof suffers and your walls sufa', and the resuit Is a cold damp house. Durlng the sum- mer let us inspeet your eavestrough and do the needed repaire. You wilf actuaUly save money. - ti ToWestern Canada if and he acifc C astci PHOigDsUNE 10-30 iMncLusie i o aggechekd e rthAMIE inTOIS SEEICAS tanal on pymet o amai piviegechare, lusberb fae ad tic( lai aovndnthrain Se ic Ctoas otidi Ilkt vldfor this creChOrnasange an poit itin45das r dteOfse lsafe. Wy Chlrn ieyar fae-n nertev,-afo teaut ae Regina 100%/ PENNSYLVANMIA AT ITS F114EST YOUR LIVER'S MAKINO YOD FEEL OUT 0F SORTS Wake Up your Liver Bile -No Calomel needed When you f sel bine. deprsaed.m@Dur on thé worid, that'a your liver which in't pournoz fi& daiy iwo pounda oft bqwd bile itot your boweia tilgestioa and eiininatioa are being atowed ap. ftxod in accucoulating and decaying isuda you and mkigyoss bai wretched. Mere bowe-l-mogvers ike maita. oit. minerai waer. laxatisve candy or chewing gain, or toughiage, dont gO far nough. You nsed a liver etimuat. Cartera Iàttta Liver Pilleain the beat one..Bain. Purely va. table. Sure. Aak for tham by name. Ratina ainhatutea. 25e. as aul drutgiatL u 1 . 1 Sing o! a wonderful Love" afiter upon which the 23rd psalm was repeated SCidone in unison. Mr. Armstrong offered a Q1cQr g live." prye adthe scripture was read -~4Aa4J '~"" How by Jessie Yellowlees. Master George e d.id r Roberts sang a solo. Misses Mary L ssofl while and Nellie Mutton played a piano went duet "The Glow Worm" Af ter a vocal - heurs solo by Mrs. W. Roberts. Miss Cry- THE LAST JUDGMENT sytiPý derman t.ook charge o! thc' discus- ___whoI sion. Rev. E. F. Armstrong closed the SnaMa 7ho! soi meeingwih te bneicton.On Golden Text: "*We must ail appear self isi Monciay, May 28t.b. an out o! doors kn supper meeting is te bc held at Hap- befotre the judgment seat o! Christ." kin 1py Val.ley. weather permitting. A -2 Corinthians 5: 10. decrei good crowd is expected. Lesson Passage: Matthew 25 :31.- moral 146. deeds s St. John's A. Y. P. A. God's Dreais liere 1 The regular meeting o! the A. Y.P. Dreams are they-but they are God's ment A. of St. John's was held on Mon- dreais! 1day evening in the Parish Hall. The Shaîl we decry tbemn and scorn 1 5meeting opened with a devotional them ? Chrisl 1pet-bd with President Bert Mortlock That men shaîl love one another ? souls in charge. Bible reading was given That white shall caîl black man 2. by Albert Culley and Mrs. J. A. Gunn brother. noo iM presided at the piano for two bymns. That greed shail pass f rom, the 3. At the conclusion tif a lengtby bus- market-place. son ir lness session Miss Helen Gunn. con- That lust shaîll yield to love of the 4. vener of Group 2, took charge of the race. world programn whicb consisted of a piano That man shaîl meet wttb Goci face 5. solo by Miss Lorna Thompson. a to face- tbînk piano duet by Mrs. J. A. Gunn and Dreams are t.hey ail, or as Bobby Evans. and a vocal solo by But shall we despise then- Dorothy Pritty, with Miss Lomna God's dreams! Tbompson at the piano. The speaker -Thomas Curtis Clark. GEMl of the evening was Mr. Ed. H. Dev- itt of Higb School staff. who gave The Searchuîglit, 31-33 a much enjoyed address on Camp By order o! the Dominion Parlia- Life. illustrating bis remarks w'ith ment, there bas been an investiga- "Pol 30 lantern slides o! scenes at Camp tion o! business practices. Thie scale od Kilcoo. at which he is associate di- of! wages. hours of labor. first and ",od rector. At the conclusion of the a d- ast costa o! materials have been sinceh dress a vote of thanks was extended passed under review and managers to the speaker and the remainder of lo! large firms have had to give evi- taket the evening was spent in dancing. dence on oath. An employer o! iab- wy ____ ï - or when askecl whetber lie had te ways Presentation appear or not said. "No. in safe. or act' I've paid more than the minimum that( At a largely attended meeting of wage law requires."' This Investiga- divtdu; the Young Peopie's Guild of t.he Un- tion bas brought to light unhealthy ther t ited Chut-ch, at Glen Williams. on conditions in several trades. How -Chr Thursday evening hast. Mrs. F. Leon- would our lives stand up if we had ard White, o! Milton (rnee Mrs. Mae to give evidence about ourselves. ness i R. Fry). formerhy tif Glen Williams. telling tbe truth, the whole trutb mo ral wh'o recenthy became the bride of F. and nothing but the ti'uth? And of the Leonard White. editor o! the Canad- what if our ctuestioner and iudge sensibi ian Champion. Milton, was made the should be Jesus Christ? How wouid -Pl recîptent o! an electrit grill and xe face bis kind but fearless gaze? as ber hymnary. Mrs. White, i 'efore ber What would be Christ's test? Macau mat-nage. was an eIder in 'the church1 and President of the Women's As- Social Service. 34-36 -r sociation of the Glen Williams Un- The usual test o! chut-ch member- and f r ited Church.-Gorgetown Herald. ship is belief. The churches have treatir Mrs. White is a sister of Miss Ethel demanded subscription to certain be treî Brennan, wbo recently joined the creeds. The formai liat o! questions staff tif the Bell Telephone Exchange is ctincer'ned with "Do you believe' bere (Bowmanviile,, and Editor P. Christ was much more concerned NotI' Leonard White o! the Canadian about the way people acted towards greatne Champion is the eldest son of the their fellows. About him he saw lit gre, late Richard White. Editor of the peonle who were bungîy and sick. For Milton Reformer. formerly o! Solina haif clad paupers and sinful con- cows. c and Bowmanville, and is a nephew victs. Sureiy religion bas nothing to ian Lii of the late Rev. Dr. M. P. Talling o! do with such people. the seIf-nigbt- edy.E Torento. eous thought. but Jesus uised the at- ventsk titude t.owards those in need as a___ test o! the genuineness of religion. ACQUIRENG A BIGGER SENSE He himself spent much of his time 0F THINGS ministering to the outtasts. the lep- ers the sick. and the publicans and Observing the state of affaira in sinners of bis day. The calendar the common walks of lie. one must o! a city congregation listed ten dif- admit that many of the troubles ferent social service activities for which be.set mankind arise f romn the one week. Nearly every Christian small sense of tbings entertained by communion bas orphanages. rezcue tbe majority o! individuais. We !ind homes. bospitals. fresb air camps People living in cramped and nax - andi hospitat visitors. The inspira- row circumatances. from which they 'ion for it ail bas corne from htm make no effort to extricate theni- who went about doîng good and who selves. because their sense o! home ivas among men as one who served. bas not expanded beyond limiteti Spiritual Motives. 37-40 ideals. Othiers regard as tedlous and S4xne think that if they do unto monotonous 'their tasks, because otheî's as they woffid be done by. h- they have as yet only very little wl esfiin.Teei oet biltis. ofThenwat pralcypsm religion. however, than being active biliies Thn, wat vey saIl in social service work. It is not aI- sense has mankind in general o« together easy always to !ollow the what constitutes supply ! We regard Golden Rl:asiiulicniei money as our supply. believing tixat ne sRul e asiritua incntie i witbout it we cannot ]ive. But ho ncsaywh sl-aecuc limiedunsabl. ad fuctatig w calendar tbat listedti ta social ser- the alu ofmony, nd ow uervices for one week hati over a dozen the dvlueno! foney. antihow poor teaching and worsbip services. The were a vital necesslty. haslgreuplit iplet oilservice is As a bird's powerful wings bear it spiritual eoont Jesus Christ who ove hi felow en.In fact upward. se rigbt thougbt will currîy Christ said that if we help a chilti. the thinker far when it Is turnea in- ieacpo ot ae oatap the right direction. Our need theni vsit the ofcko bwehprisoearamtp. is to free our tbought. lift it abovenew sitrtts the sam elppinhis teyes the contemplation of life as merely nasta i thh e a d n hdir ety Physital. and set it winging into con- stog ehddn tdrcl templation o! the great spiritual for hlm. So closely did Christ iden- truths about Goti and man to be tify himself witb su.ffering biuman- found in the Bible. For it is a fact ity. A federateti charities' organlza- that ail the littleness and limitations tion in a great city teok: as the common to buman experienceie watcbword of its tampaign the one froma flsesens ofGod arisean word "Inasmuch." It was unneces- s'ho is made in His likenesa. sary Io complete the sentence. soi Let al] wbo find themselves belti well lcnown bas it become.' n cramped and narrow plates by Sins of Omission, 41-45I the limiteti sense o! thinga they have For wbich do you feel the sharp- hitherto entertained. begin at once est guilt. the actiual evil deetis you oe tut-n thougbt in the right diret- bave done or the possible gooti deetis tion. As the glories of infinite Mind you bave lef t undone. In the eyes Lre steadlastly contemplateti. their of Christ. to leave a gooti deeti un- concept o! God will grow and en- done is a positive fault. The ais, large, and with it will tome a .ioyful o! omission are actual sina, peî'haps sense tif freedom. and power througblin some cases worse than sins o! the spiritual ability to rejeet the commission. To cheer for soldiers faise bellefs o! limitation, lack anti as they mat-ch away te war andi then discord. to1 leave amputation cases almoat frientiless in a miiitary hospital year Give evet-y man thine ear but few after year is net only unpatriotic thy oic.---Shaespere.andi ungrateful, but it *is a sin ag- hy vite.Shaespere.ainst brotherbcod. To allow chiîd- Don't tell us that the folks tif the t-en to play in dirty gutters in a ld "lYs were more sensible than the downtown slum and neyer make an folks o! today. Our grandmothers ef f ort to get them a playground or a wore bustles and pantalettes.- Atch holiday in a f resh air camp lis to, do -o Glob.e, an injustice to thildren and injure C HEVROLET gives you fully.enclosed, protected 'Knee-Action". Chevrolet offers you safety glass in the windsbield and ventilators of ali models, at no extra cost. Chevrolet has a strong and solid Body by Fisher. Cbevrolet's braking systemn is bigger and more powerful than ever. Chevrolet pioneered the Starterator - the controlled automatic start- ing system that eliminates dangerous "stalling". Chevrolet is pioncer, toi, tif the YK f rame - the strongest, most rigid ini its class. Anid Chevt-olet's headlights at-e the famous twin-beam, foot con- trolled type-with new, pre-focussed bulbs-pro- viding more light and a safe passing beam. No other low-priced car has ail these outstanding safety features. No other gives you the additional beali'b-prolection of buit-in Fisher Ventilation. And only Chevrolet gives you dependabilit y-tested and proved by thousands of Canadians-that insures safer and economy long after the car is 'old". -ImI 704am",:4/ 74v4faoii A GENERAL MOTORS VALE. PRODLJCED IN CANADA SAPETY GLASS ______ In windshield and vent ilators of al IW iE1 Chevrolet models at no extra cosI.. Does n01 dis color or "blister". ; STURDY, SMART FISHER BODY .. . Strong as modern coachcrufi <'an make it. Beautifuily stream . ined. Designed and built by the world's largest makera of automobile bodies. IIGGER, POSITIVE IRAKES ... Greater brake-liniiîg area ilian ever for greatest safety. Air-eooleîl drums for free. loin fron warping and repairé. "Soft," casy foot pressure. EXCLUSIVE YK FRAME . . . A new kind (if rar-founîlat ion, pioneered by Clievrolet. latiîy tinte, strongcr tii n an>, olhr in its ls a. Built like a bridge for streiigih and rigîdity. PRICES BEGIN AT MASTER STANDARD$ six 844 six 710 Del iv.'rd, fully equi pp.d a factory, Oshawa, Ont. FreightI ad government licne exra. Esy GMAC tarma. Roy N&Ichols BOWMANVILLE AND COURTICE 40c A QUART Ticta Water Oit'W Co. of G MontrèaatToronito Buy VEEDOL at Bartlett's GarageI iaction. "Inasmuch as ye have* cthis." "Do this and ye shaîll .,*This ought ye to have done." 7much Christ himself did ! He! not counsel others to be active' esitting at ease hims-elf. He tabout doing good, workmng long randi expendang hus energy and pathy in unselfish service. Those live in this spirit grow one kind Duls. Those wbo live for sordid. sh ends. grow quite another 0 f souls. In time the destiny nes fixed. flot by the arbitrary ee of a judge but because of the il consequences of our own ,.Thus we may judge ourselves and now as before the judg- tseat o! Christ. Questions for Discussion Would we be wifling to have t look into the cellar oif our Are go rnien--s undertaking many soc91 service projecta? What leads you to help a per- in need ? How is Christ judging the dto-day ? Which is more helpful. te co! heaven and bell as places sspiritual sta-tes ? IS FR03! LJFE'S SRPBO Politeneas oltteness is to goodness what sare to thoughts."--Jonbert. .e truest politeness comes O!f rity."-Samuel Smiles. while one cannot under- to change another, one is ai- capable of rightly governingý own reaction to the presence j ts of others. Thus we see one's reaction is due to in- ai tbought and character ra- than to the nature of the deed." ristian Scienlce Sentinel. ýe only true source of polite- is consideration-that vigilant 1sense which neyer loses sight erights, t.he dlaims. and the ilities of otbers."-Simnun. iteness bas been well defined nevolence in small tbings."-; ilay. ue politeness is perfect ease *eedom. It simply ccnsists in ng others just as you love to ated yourself."-Cbesterfield. hing is more simple than iess; indeed te be simple is to, eat.-Emerson. treatment of caked bags in or garget, use Douglas' Egypt- ,niment-the quick, sure reim- Saves time and expense Pre- blemished stock. , YoaII always bc Proud of this Roof Do You Kmow That there were approximately 2700 Roof Fires in Canada last year? And in nearly every case the buildings were destroyed. TORONTO ASPHALT SHINGLES Are Fire Safe - Why Run Needless Risks ? Estimates Cheerfully Given. Roof Inspection Service Free-No Obligation Sheppard & CiiiLumber Co. Ltd. Builders' Supplies and Fuel Bowmanville PAGE MGHT

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