Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1934, p. 12

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PAGE TWLV THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 24th, 1934 VALUABLE CONNECTION FOR THE RIGHT MAN An opportuflity of earniflg a substantial income s offered to a local man of high stand- ing who will represent a prom- ment Toronto Fmnancial House in this territory. Please give experience and references in answveriflg. Write to "Financial Advertiser," c o A. McKim Limited, 320 Bay St., Toronto 2, Ont. Ca.Co Fe DURHAM CLUBS TOWN HALL BOWMANVILLE Saturday', May 26 8.30 p. m. D.S.T. Speakers: Dr. LUKE TESKY who will speak on "Socialization of Health Services" and our Candidate Miss Lorna Cotton, M. A., PhD. Hear thc C. C. F. Platform Speclial Trips TO OSHAWA 1 to, 5 persons._. $1.00 TO WHITBY 1 te 5 persons_ .. $1.50 KNIGHT'S TAXI Phones 173 or 98 When Dizzy Spelis Make You Feel Unsafe Just Try Parke's PARK E S LIVER LIVER TONE T IE t stimulates a lazy lover to C ;healthy, normal action and soon restores you to Kheath. i sa harmiesa correc - tive for constipa- headacitesand Idizziness. an SOC - $1 ALEX McGREGOR, Drugs PHONE 92 WE DELIVER NEWCASTLE Splendid report of Newcastle Play- ers annual banquet appears on page Miss Edithl J. Nicholson. Toronto. spent the weekend with Mrs. Frank Allin. Mr. Fred Wood, Toronto, is oc- cupying one of his lake front cot- tages.,- Wooctholme." Mr. and Mrs. Percy Haie visited Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Graham, St. Catharines, last weekend. The Golden Rule Mission Band will meet on Saturtiay ai leinoon, May 26th, in the S. S. hall at 2.30. See advertisement regartiing Dan- forth Silver Banti at Bowmanville. Newcastle and Orono on June 2nd and 3rd. Newcastle girls' softball teamn play- cd an exhibition game with Bow- manville on Montiay evening andti won 20 to 7. Mr. Ernest Haigh, Newtonville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Garroti and caUled on Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson.' Mrs. Jas. Stantien, Kingston, bas returneti home f rom a visit with her sister. Mrs. Geo. Wright, anti her friend, Mrs. P. O'Neil. Mr. andi Mrs. Jack Tuff and fam- ily and his mother, Mrs. John Tuff. Toronto, were Suntiay guests of Mr. andi Mrs. T. F. Branton. Sorry to report the serious illncss of Mr. Jesse Baskerville who was taken to Bowmanville hospitai suf- fering with pneumomia. Owing to Statesman being printeci a day carlier anti late arrival of cor- respondence consitierable Newcastle news is held over tilI next week. Dr. anti Mrs. R. T. Rutherforti are moving next week into their new home on North St.. the bouse re- cently purchaseci from Mrs. W. W. Down. Unitedi Church - Rev. W. P. Rog- ers. B. A.. Pastor. Suntiay, May 27: 11 a. m-Morning Worship; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday Sehool; 7 p. m.-Even- irig Service. Mr. Jos. Deshane who undcrwent a successful operation for appendie- itis at Grace Hospital, Toronto, bas been visiting bis sister. Mrs. P. O'Neil. accompanied by bis daugh- ter. Miss Helen Deshane. Miss Loreen Batty was presented by Mrs. W. P. Rogers at the recent C.G.I.T. and C.S.E.T. anniversary and reunion with the leader's prize for most credits for attentiance. etc.. tiuring the termn just closed. Reserve Friday, June lst, for the comedy dramnà "Lonely Little Liza Lu" to be presented in Newcastle Community Hall by No. 9 Home and School Club. Orchestra in attend- ance. Dancing until one following the play. Admission 25e and 15c. 21-2 St-. George's Church - Rev. F. H. Mason. M. A.. Rector. Suntiay. May 27th, Trinity Sunday: 8 a. m.-Holy Communion: 9.45 a. m.-Suntiay School: il a. m.-Mortting Prayer; 7 P. m.-Evening Prayer anti Ser- mon: Members of the Canadian Legion. led by the Legion band. will parade to the church anti attend the service of worsbip in a body. Congratulations to the Newcastle singers. musicians and dancers who brought home a share of the Music Festival bonors. Jane and Annie Tkatch of Brown's S. S. for folk dancing. taught by their mother. ONTARIO The Election Act Revised Statutes of Ontario Chapter 8, Section 21 THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT 0F DURHAM COUNTY TAKE NOTICE that Ris Honouî- Lawrence Vincent O'Connor, Judge of the County Cour-t of the United Counties of Northumber'land and Dur~- ham, xiii hold a Sittings at the Council Chamber in the Town Hall. in the Town of Port Hope, on SATURDAY the 26th day of MAY, 1934, from the houî' of TWO O'Clock in the afternoon until the hour of FOUR O'Clock in the afternoon, STANDARD TIME, for the purpose of hearing applications of WOMEN Who have become Brit- ish Subjects by marî'iage to obtain Certificates entitling them to be entered on the List of Voters and to vote in accoîdance With the provisions of the above Act. Dated at Cobourg, Ontario, this 22nd day of May, 1934. C. J. McDONOUGH, Clerk Election Board Northumberland and Durham She gained Health, Strength and Vigor with- No longer la it neces-sry for ao dand'on te go. around feeling sick. weak and rundown c .& 1B T f.l Tbl etsbve rotet i. thounands of cases Ihat i t - e b b g o u ik r ii e t the nanyaie .t"whi e foela wllt ^Mn-. W m rîndt iwo.O wrtes E l "I had heen sulering for oser a ycar with inliotetionfl. ead- I a u~ee. Afler tkinot twt ,,h"os of C. C. & Il. T,,nic Toblets 1 a f,-t -,tireIy w,-i tocoin. Tlt'-y mnt h..-Io,-ot aoa ootcoc.' SIf y,,o oInt- Rundown. -otlT.-inot with Ansemis, Stonoacis ie. Nerves, ('an t Sleep. Tlinnes. Pimpiî'-o We kne s. Blues àyou iureli, m-el C. C. & Il. Tonie T'ro.lî t ioht oway. You rcpesto oftroighaotd fbe t, 1hd-.C. &l . IoTonlY~t00ien o-esn re-cd penty of reh.ndlbe iooh l n,i C C &il. onic Toinbleta. wioy. steadly the nervem. Dont goomble wth y,,ur îrociots health-gain amazinot new îtrt-itth anti vitality-it.k and feel years youngcr. Sld aI ail Dru tooS-re"toc iand $1. GET C. C. & B. TONIC TABLETS AT McGregor's Drug Stoire p,,,,, 92 ý1NE WTONVILýLE ' Anniversary Visitors miss Norma Dickinson, Port Hope, with Miss Norma Elliott. Miss Allie Nesbitt, Toronto, with ber father. Mr. James Nesbitt. Mr. and Mrs. Samn Smith, Tor- onto, at th&ir sumnmer home bere. Mr. anti Mrs. Haroldi Coucb, New- castle, with Rev. andi Mrs. Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cowan, Newkcastle. with Mrs. W. Rutherford, Mr. anti Mrs. Partritige, Toronto, with Mr. anti Mrs. George Campbell. Mr. anti Mrs. Wm. Savery, Stark- ville, with Mr. anti Mrs. Laurence Savery. Mr. anti Mrs. Harry Laite anti tiaughter. Castleton, witb Mr. anti Mrs. W. C. Lane. miss Vera Power anti Miss Lillian Holman, Bowýmanville, with Mr. anti Mrs. M. J. Holnian. Mrs. Leslie Allin anti taughters, Misses Myrtle anti Nita Allin, Lake Shore, with Miss Pearl Samis. Mr. anti Mrs. S. Buttery anti tiaughter, Salem, andi Mr. anti Mrs. I. munday anti f anily, Maple Grove. with Mr. anti Mrs. J. Lancaster. Mr. anti Mrs. Clarence Turner anti Sammny, anti Mr. andi Mrs. Robert Graham. Newcastle, anti Mr. anti Mrs. Ross Hallowell, Starkville. with Mr. anti Mrs. Brock Pethick. A large number attentict the ses- sions of W. m. s. convention in the Unitedi Cburch on Fritiay, May 1lth. Mr. anti Mrs. Anderson, Bunker Hill, have moveti into the bouseý formerly owned by the late Mr. S. Knight. Mrs. Sigsworth bas returnedti t her home in Welwýyn. Saskatchewan.. after a pleasant visit witb ber fath- er. Mr. James Nesbitt, anti sister. Miss A. Nesbitt. Congratulations to Miss Elsie Wal- lace wbo won the golti metial for vo- cal solo at the Musical Festival, Bow- manvîlle. anti to Miss Jean Camp- bell who won First Prize for piano solo. Also to the Choir anti quartette. who won such a creditable placing with only two weeks preparation. The Women's Institute which met on May 10th was in charge of the President, Mrs Wallace Holmes. The main part of the program was a oplenditi address by the Summer Speaker. Miss Robson. Mrs. Sigs- w'orth. f ormerly Miss Jennie Nesbitt,I spoke of the work clone by her branch in the West, where they call tbcm- selves "The Home Makers" Duringi the afterncon Mrs. Cecil Williams of Morrish W. I., sang very sweetly. The Anniversary Services on Sun- day. May 20th werc largely attendeti In the afternoon Rcv. Mr. McTavisb, Port Hope, tielivereti a wontierful ser- mon. full of inspiritation on Whit Sunday. lIe Pentecostal Day. The choir sang an anthem anti the quar- tette sang a selection. In the even- ing Rev. W. R. Tanton of Oshawa, delivereti another splendid sermon.- The choir again rendereti an anthem. Mr, Campbell anti Miss Elsie Wallace sang a duet; anti the quartette f av- oureti with a selection. It is as easy to be great as to be small. The reason why we do not at once believe in admirable souls is, because tbey're flot in our exper- ience. CARD 0F THANKS W. E. Gilbank and iamily desire to, thank ail their relatives, frientis anti neightbors who so kintily assist- eti in every way turing the loss of a beloveti wif e anti deax mother. NOTICE HYPNOTISM - Iît-iitropfen for ,-tt gtoc.-to-fit, .publ.ic 1tond pi t e,. \itî- ir .Tup \ýsli -to ,Ont. "ID1 Summer Bedding Ail Plants Top Quallty - Reasonable Primes- Geranluins. etc. in pos AnnuaLs in boxes Vegetable Plants In boxes Hanglng Pots - Window Boxes expertly f llled. Roses-, Shrubs - Perennials -Landscaping - Garden Alterations and Garden Maintenance. Bowmanville Nurse ries J. LARMOUR, Proprietor St. George St. - Bowmanvllle Phone 711 Business ScIbools Operate A Mode! Office and Empicyment Bureau at 1130 Bay Street, Toronto, and sup. pîy expert service of Graduates by day to Office Managers who cali for 8 uch assistance. The demand le keen for boys u p to 18 who know Short- hand and Typewriting. Our register la opentto such. No charge. Cali or wr ite to Mies Meggeson, Drector, KI 13165.1 Mrs. Nicholas Tkatch; Dolly Purdy foi singing. taught by Miss H-attie A. Mason; Reita Cooke. pupil of Mrs. E. C. Fisher. for piano solo; Haroldi C. Allun for trombone solo, and Mrs. W. D. Bragg for vocal solo, alto. St. Georges Mens Club attendeti the rally of ail the clubs in the Deanery at Cobourg on Monday ev- ening. St. Peters. Cobourg, won the championsbip in the inter-club car- pet bowling competition and were presenteti with the F. H. Mason sul- ver trophy. donateti by the rector of St. Georges. Newcastle, anti won in 1932-33 by St. Georges Club. The clubs are planning to holti a picnic at Willow Beach, Port Britain. on Saturday. July 2lst. Dupa.î ne of Publicot \oo ks. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE Wý. offo ite foloiionoglatChoi-n Lay B iare, Rock Cîtieks fromi Go'.i- Iroettîlio.ov .lootl-testedl stock; suhi- j, to rior sole:.-: îty toit. 2111)tl 12c; .Iîîîot-ti, 2253 ttic; .luro' 1:tlo, 450 at 1it'. T'rt-.-aon.-ail Ste iisu tovtoi lttht for thoe balant tce-of thelo t- s i.osîo-a i -ol, - elu ois ou it aItli nc fo.r 1iD31. oier p.ro mpl.Doniialdi E. Oiblooo i3onaiio- ,liie-. Ont. tlone: Clarke .1811 20-2 TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINOTON Court of Eevislon and Appeal DEATHSI MU NDAV-lii o, uiti], o l .lay, May 21st, 1931. Mark 2NuoîIaY, ged 8: 9ears. Funieral front :31,o pi.- Gr,,Vk- Clureli on Wedcnesday, M.ay 21rd, tt 2 1). ni (stand- ard ti me>. Interonit Io it nlowiinvillie (Xnetery. FU LFORD i Plor t I lot.e. oin3ott M.ay 21st, 1931, Aifréd PEtlfori, b.-loved, h oshton, of Lo j ise Austinh, in Iii,79tlb vear. GR:EENAWAY-.At Port itol)e lIosPi- tai., May 16th, 1934, Jua Ann Thomp- son beloved wif.- of Illtot1. Gretit- awa y, in lier 81 st ye:ir. BLACKBURN-At hiîs bomne. lierson, Iowa,.Niay l5tlî,192:;, lI4ron Joloi ttlack- ,tirt. eh] est son; of tlte la te 1,v .. lliack - burn,, Newcastl eag,-d 6S Yetrs. H ERN-On Siturdaty, Ma19oytiî t t bs homae, 91;, 1avutîîort Rot,].Toronto. .ohin Martin I t trtn. iii sbnd o f the -laie Bessie Tueker, liiibis 81st year. Inter- nien t tiOshawa iUition t'ente-ry. EL LINS-Eiitttrdi ito t,rst i Colunti- btts. oit FrIday. May i tio.1931, William L,-v i Ellitîs. b,-lov .-,l I ts, of Mear3 tiy 1-Hi Ca itetli \anee- Kit el.l, intt is 72nd year. luitermeOit Grovesî,l,- .-t,-e3- rooklini. IN MEMORIAM 1 BURANS-In lov-ing itt,-toi y of J-tmes t eo. lBtrots tvto o -,- .4a wty 3May 27 tlt, 1931. NSt tjust to-day. lbit evury .lay. lit silien ce w- rt-menittleix -Wife antd Famlli3 TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE SEALEI. Tende,l,-s olrsselto te ooioerslocnedl and ,iolî-,d T,-tî(,r for I oal ,- wil lie r.- tit-ol toti 12 o'cI0ck nioon (daylight saving), Thursday, June 14, 1934, for te supp.î, of coal aitd coke forlte torninioto iitolliiogstitroîglitotît te IProvinoce of Outario. Fomis of tenro.r wlit sleCifications an otIcondtlions att tclt,-, canri e olton et front thse Porcliatsiug Agenttt, De tot0f Pubol ic WVorks, Ot taw a; andtih ie Nioper- xising Architect. :6 Aetui-Si. fEost, Toronîto, Ont. Te-nders wiIlnont 1,. considlred unIess nmaide on the forins soi tl i o-,l y thet, lite- ptrtntent ant inut ceoriane,- with île- patrtmen ta] speci fica tionrs toindconditions. The right to leroatntl frota tthe suc- e,-ssfulltenderer a, .epotsit. flot eeeti iog lotlier cenot of th,- attouiti fth tender',t, 10 secto r. it.- 'oî'r fit i filmtnt o rf te coît ratet -s rervet(i. Dy or.ler. N. DESJARDINS, lt,- ,trtnietn t of PubIlie Works.Sert-. Ottatwa, y 8. 19:14. 1 TENDERS FOR DREDGING ,toot.-sigoetltol -ttOo5 . qlth , Ltre.glig, Port uI.-,, <tt. ill 1er'-- ceiNt-'il îttl 12 oclock nooro (Daylight savonigi, Thursday, May 31. 1934. T,-,îors xvii osti, ctonhe ,r,- iiluss patrtiit atnt into tcctortltooe -wit lte contions set fort b thler, in. t totibia siititication and ,Ifotrat iof t-qider cat,, ho obtaoît,-t on applîîication to i te uiî,lrsigned ti to arit e office of thel1 District î-ttii,- j, -:,oty I ttiliv, . l'or- otoo.Ont. Tentders miosî InclotIe the tcwog0 th.oplat t and fi-ont te work. Tih,- ,lretlg-s ianti otlit r plant nb ich are oiit ,-oý, l-It', le eut joy..loit titis trnc staii lttov,- 1-u tltly .gistr-i iniUot atia oit otrfore tht irt y -fi rst tt3 n t) 1e9t'o i 2'.or shiaihbave- h-en con- stroct'-'l and re.gstered lino taiiadatlsin0e ati, ,-ol'r niuttonti.,o.eonl'tin iAliy a certif i edlcitqetî'-oin a clart.-red bI atik n rontlndate payablie 10 th,- ortir ofý liohe lonotrable the Nliister of Pic'1,1 W' orks .qîoito .11),-r --it ot ,, lie tion t 'if tii,- t,-i,r, or]le,,r,-r Huoloftlite I),,niiiioto of C'tnadalt or tif thte t'ot.,tit National Railway Comîtany ani lis con- sOtituîentiO Coiiatntes unte'o,,itiotoliv ygto.r- aiiitc-,-il as 10 prinocipaol and inLtrest oy il,.- ioniioitof 4O'toit,o otr tit,-aftiré- ii,tioii,iibondtts antd au o'.rtifjidch,-qtîe if oettiirdi b îî,,k'- ul, an oti'ilii'tott Itn no case shall the sectoit y dý-,-o, lit be i,-ss tîttoit $5l'o.0 liy ortie,, mollis, ut e,, iy uecorai eti -fîo t, ce anti g'irage. lione 741. 19-tf TrO RENT-L.arge brick bIouse, suit- ablo -foi-,i orist uccont o. lat on. Iiqui re tot Ring-t, ty Nurse-rie-s, Bownanv-llie. TO R ENT--{jttet-it Stre-et, foritniv en- t tii t-it, s . A,î.is.1.1J. ?,I;sott &Solit. TO R E N T -1îs-,- oi,-dI io t t;,gt- on t'luivit str,-,t.,n.mode-n e,.îv. ait-ce, s t~ ~ ~~M ;,ci-A"- .Woo,(ii,t ttt-t- -y lto,ti TO RENT-Seven roome.l brick btouse, ail nodti,-u cons-elieroces, on lelgin St. lossîssloto Aîrii IStio. Apivl .F Quick, lt.avnan'.iIiî. Pitone 22'6. 10té OFFICE TO RIENT - Attractive- suite otf roonts foîr ui ti it.ss or tof.-ssloi, of- fie.- locto t-il oso-o' 2asou's lnstrance tic-.Aloly J.. Masout & Solit. 19-1* FLAT TO RENT-Over Sirîte Store. 500 tial.-for l-itng îîoms or office,. cn - sit oi ti f it e tr t.f I1,t-i st tIo ftî ii. 0t : -orl. C. inMar.n* . i.one 68 sTo wngs of . o liarlt onf Il jin Ifor ti ,0 213or C -sm hoe68 Il.lo sh to l. io to,- illb I- fldd in 1 O R N - 1rvt' î,rîî -uot ,i tth. tn ' 'Oithours. in . to,- 7t1,,1924,of i 10.- kP iae prtn nt wt itr.f it . nsd i. t.. lo thuti-1 .- ita'- ich.-. iing roomu, tiniiig roonit. to ht,- serofl2.301). m.to lutotauii ti li iurois oairoi ouo 'I; Lc io h .v. r t eîsnt,-it I It a d for l nite 0 1 wdriotos--, hg rtoo u nd u u.s i r oit- o-1 th y ,î o. --or1:4-fuîlb, rppi Ms. furinott-gio r u-n (cpfiy frtl er13.Streel. 21-1t Al Ioorsoits It:ovitoc bslios aI Ithe _____________________________ Coutran, r,-tuestedt ti 0 tliciio.__________________ J. D. HOGARTH, Cierk of the Township of Oarliigton. Real Estate For Sale ia t,l i n I h1; tîî,îîtcn lis 71h îay of May,.19104.- in Bowmanville Notie t Crditos At ni] rick Bouse on Beach Avenue, Notce c) redtor harwoo florsthroîoghout, and, double IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM JACKS, DECEASED1 Ail pio-osons ltnving ciainis agitinst thel i-s 1,ot.- of W i llant itcks Iiait,. of thc ITiitsltjtt of i arîiitgtoo i tît,- ouity ..f I>oIt*l;orti, FormelI. -c-os-o.w-ho oi ('11 t,,.i- uliottht'ot-22n'i oay of 2%Iarclt 114, r. t--'lt ittiflu-l 1 uo ttndIn l oitt. tîo t rît ttcont orI,-f,,re tihi-fi rst .1a3- of Jutne t:: . foll 1,.or-ilctil:trs of tIoî-lr clioiîs. olt-r Itlvl etli date o- Is of Il. . -- --si n-tI ),- oistri.itod l to n gs l i,, t,,its -iItluItb.-r.-io. ltiig regardi oiitID 1 t- lalnts of wloioiolih..salol ,iiiitti to tt shaI hen hai isnotl i. i AlI-i a oua to.tîis 7i iyof 3i..s-,1931 GRIERSON. CREIGHTON & FRASER, Solicitors, Oshawa. 19-3 Brick Illotos,' for Bal e oitConcession Sîreot t,*i t h on,-acore of landl at a very low orico. Dtiiirik lts-Iliog oit1tt,-ecl Ave-., litîn, oo ,t-i-. ith gooti c.-ilztr andi bolit- no1 o'iriog. t-iintgtrdî-,î. rsi,n(e-orf Ili - It- 3Mr. ItL '1' . -l hes .tot l, sodfor ensi to itt ,titul ulotat-.. Wm. Brock Phone 114W Queen St. BowmanivIlle Upholstering - 1 RE.UPHOLSTERIING - RE-COVERING O ai ol kots of furniture, full range of saîttiles 10 chocs- froîco. Chesterfield si t ts re-cov-r-tl antl'iairei Just like îo",v front $50.00, tOp Exi..-rl workrnan- s 1 li). I-stinîates re- - In your w J. A. FRY,' Scuipo Street 8ownanv.,IIe - ea536 Music FRANCIS SUTTON. Mus. Sac. F.C.C.O. A.T.C.M. etc. l'uoitlbaprî-rare.i for ail examînations. P'rivaIt anti dlata casons nI mooerate rat es. - Bowvmanville, Ont. 40-tyr Repaira R. PAWSON B001 AND SHOE REPAIRINO ISoles sewn on by GJoodyear Stltcbîng Machine. Pnices reasonable. Klna Street East . Bowmanvllle,., Oppos Ite Garton's Bus Station 9t - I Classîfied Ads Phi The Evlyn LAIS Shop one 594 King StreetBomnle Holiday Specials MaY 23rd te 26th Wantedj GIRL'S BICYCLE WANTED-.XIt onc-, tIl gooi, tnlttot. t'itt.îe 41 orwrite Il .. hrt,~,-ril.i:,vittioviie 21-f POSI TION WANTED-Wilfreti grado- at e i 105 t onitnti 1,,i r o, i beaut13 culture pie ositiOont* Wrte T) I.'P.-Drassei-r H. nSt t,-iitoo- lt vnaiivilie. 19-3. LAWN MOWERS-SittriteitCt and adi- jooel. t0. .\it kiuols of wood %work t,îlgeoteroil ioicksnitbing. Cr3tiermtan & 2.orro%% Siver St., ]3oWvrnt0iiile. Work Wantecl Let Ed. Thomas (Io your cartage %work. remiove your sinlrs asiles, or cletîr avay yoîor garbage. Resitience oser Nortiocutt & Sîiitb's tirniture Store. Kinig St. W..,I3ownttonviile. 15-8* For Sale FOR SALE-Voti-,.1 t. Hl Ait- pl1- itrfi, Ei-j, I'ost.-i Etont, Il.l" FOR SALE-ittl,-îi .\fatfa 1ay. î, iiy t,.1. A. Ri,,k. L 1.2, ltownto,- viiIe.Plitolo 1 75r3. 20- FOR SA LE-A elitloîls cru). A.t O 1 31,s. 'T. M. ie .Liberty St., 110w- ntaivil.-.Plitoi.-462. 2- FOR SALE - Oit,- it w ni iktos, compleist, .Aî'i'y Slieîîird . &- 3111Ltd. Ho ttiarv le Fto,' ,15, 21 -t FOR -AE - C.I..bi. Raspberry planîts. R1. 'M. Janîleson, King St. W..j itowma Ilville. Plione 319. 17-tf FOR SALE-Thr,-e acre orclard wilit or vi thi it thoiqeaind1ga.rtag,fin.- be, - tiiofoi- i oit 110. .10ry & I.ov ,i. FOR SALE-51t vard1s tire netting nelv. 50t yttrds îs,-,.pie-ct- veran.iah gaivaniz- "i s1re-itg7 feet lîetl. Phonre 711. 21- COWS FOR SALE-i 1 Jeosy ani Ayr- siti Jertt,,. ,îseyv;, yetrs olti. jlst re - t .Nt ti 'I'. 'o .tley C tk er. hio i au - FOR SALE-S.-ed itotatoos. (3ood quai- itir islu obeirs .\1pi.y evenings. Ar- I ltir lves. tIke St., BowtvnvtiIiC. l 'houe ,-6:12.19 -3wt. PIANOS - $3900 and uit. ail pianos r,--co,,ii ton eti tndiguotro ntee,] fortInn 3.--trs. olin Metoglier. 92 Simcoe Street North,. Oshtawa. 17-19-21 PIANOS - Heintznoan & Co., Masoot & ffiicli,. Gerbart ie1tintzman, and other otakes. aiwvays in stock re-conditionedb ttnd, gutr;nteei for ten years. AIl mod- ern styI'-s. Very Iow- tricos. Johnt Mea- glîir. 92 Sinîcoe St. North, Ositassa. 17-19-21 FOR SALE - Pianos of lte btter - mak,-sDominint, Tintzman. Newconobe, W'.liians: linnos of thé. amallest size or an,* t 1i. have instrumnents that are r,-asoîtalte in price antd terrms. Tele- î.ioooe 1053, Pot-nan ville, Fred J. Mitchîell. 16 -tf FARM FOR SALE-On,-Inl--1ars mi',-or'iss-lt--lacE soîîihlitaif of Lot 12. (on . DI - lrin lou -Ili nit is iortlo of tlit- t.o t h tîit.s oi t ti-- tidi.tleroadi For ttrt,-,,lt os a0lytiy10IL -KR. <1 oniro. . 1 1 t, îî,jt- tt.dtiit rator, of the, Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE- 3 acre Orcloard; has hall ,est of cire for 201years,s pruneti and Spra30,l yearly. Wli be 1ald wlth or 1Stithout bouse - 2 or 3 good building lots. Excellent location for chlcken ralaing. Jury & Loveil. 16-tf For Sale or To Rent FORSALE OR RENT-Hlose ,,ti 2ý it, ees of gtrde.iît-garage and litiios- Apd 111 ' - -. l.' Stot -s tnao o 1-,-. 21 FOR SALE OR RENT,- Brick 11mw-.. 7 7large- rooîîs. foroîtce, eiectricity; gtr- I te- soll, -ooe-hlaf acre of grouniîl I ,id lihom,.- w ii attractive groundîs; mi nittr--t Orooto. Apply Orono P. 0. o' 5.20-4wt To Let ROOMS TO LET - Aîîpiy tb Mis. R. Iloitîs. Liberty' St.,l3owmnanville. 19-tf FALCON BAKING POWDER, 16 oz. tin PINEAPPLE JMlBISCUITS. VANILLA or LEMON EXTRACT, 8 oz. bo Crosse & Blackweîl's with Pectin, 32 oz. PILCHARDS CHOCOLATE PEANUTS LARGE SIZE PEA SOUP... SANDWICH PASTES SALAII DRESSING COOKING ONIONS STRAWI3 jar . . . per... 2 lb. 23c per "2lb. 23e 49.p lb. a4.9e 39 rb.îls $259 - pe3rotin 25o ..... fo p r i 9c3 fo pr bar9c 1...per tin 20e ....2 for 23e per bottle 23c 2 tins 21c ....per bottle 29e per jar 38e 10 Iba. 59C .3 Ibs. 27c S2 for Zlc .25c anti Tumbler F.EE .. . . . . per lb. 15e oottle 18e ......2 for 25e ERRY JAM, ......35c jar - per- tin 15e 1,lb. 12C ..... per tin 10c per tin 14c -. per jar 15e -..ý2 lbs. 7c PINEAPPLES - ALL SIZES - SPECIAL PRICES Fe W. Noules PHONE 599 BOWMANVILLE LOWEST PRICES CONSISTENT WITH QUALITY WHITE SHOES White kid, in Purnp, Tie, Strap and Sandal styles; hlgh and cuban heels; sizes 3 t.o 8; ail flttings. Exeeptl<rnal values at the helght of the season. Prie- ed at $10,98 t@$4095 Sport Shoes for Men In black and white, brown and white, and smoke and brown. fine leathers. fine workmnan- t" shlp. fine styles-, low price, pr. $1.98 and $2.45~n WHITE S H0E S Growing Feet Sizes 2 to 5 $1.25 Sizes 5 to 71. $ 1.69 Sizes 8 to 21 $1.98 In black and white, ail white. cream and brown, smoke and brown;, leather or~ rubber soles - Just the thlng for the holiday wear. $1.98 to $2.45 Men's Quality WORK BOOT SPECIAL $1 .98 Leather or panco soles, sîzes 6 to 11. FACTORY TO FEET SAVE YOU MONEY NABORHOO0 N SHOE STORE COWAN BLOCK KIING STREET Toronto Optometrists 2143 DANFORTH AVENUE Phonle Grover 7078 G. M. BOSNELL, PORT HOPE Wedn.sday - 9 a. m.' to 9 P. M. Oppos Ite John Street Phone 248 or 525J1 G. E. GARNETT, COBOUR-t Saturday . . . to 9 P. M. over A.& P. Store - ,.....~t,-'.. ,-.-,N..,,u.~. .t~, --- s -- s*Ott' e -t - HELMET CORNED BEEF....... GOLU MEDAL YELLOW LABEL COFE CROWN TEA, l's FIVE ROSES FLOUR RED & WHITE TOILET TISSUE ..... AMERICAN BEAUTY SHRIMPS. ..... PEARL WHITE SOAP. ... KIRK'S HARDWATER SOAP CLOVERLLEAF SALMON,. i2's Weston's GoId Standard SODAS, 1 IL baga.................. HAWES' LEMON OIL 2-IN-1 SHOE POLISH, al, colors..... BENSON'S CORNSTARCH . ..-... WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE ..... GOLIJ MEDAL PICKLES ..... WHITE SUGAR FLUFFO SHORTENING ....... WHOLE WHEAT FLAKES., . - -... PLUME CHIFFON DRESSES SUMMNER'S NEWEST AND SMARTEST FROCKS Beautiful Printed Chiffons, ideal for anniversary wear. Dresses that you wlll be proud to wear at any important social function. They corne in fancy cape and long siceve effects. Each dress is made with slip attached. A dozen beautiful colors to select from and complete size range from 16 to 46. These are a striking value at, ecd$ .9 NEW SUMMER HATS ARRIVE MOhite and pastel shade MiUlinery is smart for summer of 1934. Select the style and color to match your cost- ume. The 10w price will more than please you.

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