Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1934, p. 10

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PAGE TEM After Accident She i Put on Weight Kruschen Took It Off Again A woman sends the following ac- count o! the consequences of anJ auto accident in which she was in- volved:- "A year ago I hati a very bad1 automobile accident, which le! t me more or les.s a cripple. Having to lie in bed so long. and being unable to move, I began to Put on f lesh. When I was able to walk a little ag- ain, I !ound I was 144 lbs., and be-t ing just under 5 feet you may guess how I was placeci. So I thought I would try Kruschen Saîts, and I must say they have done me a lot o! good in every way-but chie!ly in keeping my weight don. In threef months I lost 6 lbs. Then I le!t off taking the Kruschen, and I soonr went Up to 142 lbs. again. So at once I got more Kruschen, and am again steadily reducing. My weights last month was 134 lbs.-<Mrs.) W.1 Hl. M.E Kruschen combats the cause o! fat by assisting the internai organsÉ to per!orm their !unctions properly', -to throw of! each day those wastet Products andi poisons which, if al-C lowed to accumulate. will be con-E verteti by the body's chemistry Into fatty tissue.E e a A -W Pasteeth, a n ew, glreatly improved b( powder to be sprink led on upper or o weroplates, holds false teeth Ilrm e and Comtfortable. cannot lde, slip, V rock, or pop-out. No gummyný, gooey, tn pasty taite or feeling. Mlakes breath SWeet and pleasant. Get FASTEETH. 35c-. Or 60C'. sîze to-day at any good Vi drug store. Vý FASTEETH-. MADE IM CANADA GC to West-End C Machi'ne Spsui and Garage Bring your work now and an help us make Bowmanville a en Booming-viUe. gr Expert Machinist inbr attendance.fo For Repair Work and ail types of machine work and Gasoline Engines - Phone 81. James F. Murrayde wi il]r Mr Chafing and SIin agj irrtations ILTX y ~res quiddly reIieved byCa Dr.(IASi5Segr he Mo THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILE, OBITUARY Silas Trewin, Haydon on Tuesday morning. May 8tt 1934. deatb claimeti the life o! Sula Tî'evn. well-known anti belove farmer of Darlington townsmhip. Mr. Trewin. who %vas in bis 59tÈ year was born on the homeateac near Haydcn where he passeti awa f ollow ing a long ilîness of nearl three years which was borne wit: wonder!ul cheerfulness anti patienc( His !niends. anti they are a larg number. feel a personal loss in hi paasing anti be will be misset i i the communiiy anti especially il the church at Haytion in which h took an active interest. The laIe Silas Trewîn will b mourneti by all bis neighbors an< f riends who regret bis early pasaing when it seemeti he shoulti have ha( many more years o! service. In politica Mn. Trewin was ataunch Liberal. He was the olties son o! William anti Annie Robbiný Trewin, wbo were among tbe pion. eers of Durham County. He leaves to mourn bis bass. hù tievoteti wi!e who was formerly, Misi Adtiie May Broati o! Haytion. alsc Lwo sisters. Mrs. W. G. Smith, Whit- by township, Mrs. Herbert Sooit, Clarke Union, anti two brothers. W H. Trewin. Haytion. Sidney Trewin, Enniakillen. Two asiters, Mauti and Eduth, pretieceaseti him a f ew years ago. The funeral service on Thursday, May 15th was conducieti by bis pas- tor, Res'. A. M. Wootton o! Tyrone, assiateti by Rev. J. M. Whyte o! En- -îiskillen. intermeni being matie in Bethesda cemetery. The palîbearers were bis nephews, Ray Smith. Frank Smith, Earl Trewin. Arthur Trewin, ['rewin Scott anti Harry Collacoit. The floral tributes were many anti beautiful. anti expresseti the higb esteem of relatives anti fnientis anti were carrieti by nephews. frienda anti neighbors. Those attentiing f rom a distance were: Dr. anti Mrs. G. E. Green- w'ay, Hamilton, Mr. anti Mrs. W. T. Greenway, Mr. Stanley Dix anti Mrs. Everett Mark, Lite Britian. Con- toller W. D. anti Mrs. Robbins. Mr. H. J. Doddts, Mr. Hugb Doddts, Miss Annie Trexin, Mr. Ernest Ingles Toronto; Mn. anti Mrs. Ray Smith, Oshawa; anti Mr. anti Mrs. Chas. Cooper. Agincouri; anti was largely bttentiet by miany others of the îrrounding district.j CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. Silas Trewin anti the bloîhers in sisters wisb 10 thank ail frn- ?tis anti neighbors for ibeir very ,reat kintinesa to Ibeir huabanti anti )rother. tiuring bis long ilîneas, anti or the many expressions o! syrn- )atby anti flowers ai bis funeral. William MeClellan, St. Thomas St. Thomas Times-Journal says: The tieabh occurreti at bis resi- ýnce, 53 Scott Street, St. Tbomas, in Montiay, May 14, of an oid and ispected citizen. in the person o! 'illiam MeClellan. after a lengtby nesa. in bis ninety-firsi year. gr. McClellan was born in Bowman- .11e, Durham county, anti before orming 10 St. Thomas f if iy-five years to was an agent for the Grand .runk Railway ai Shakespeare, Ont., esigning to take the agency o! the inadian Express anti Montreal Tel- graph ai Oshawa, which position he 1 dtid for number o! years. Later he 1 iovedti 1 St. Thomas to take chargej of the Mason Implenient Manu!act- uring Company o! Oshawa. He be- t. came interested iîn thoroughbred horses andi was well-known tbrough- out Ontario andi the Northwest. For some years he was license in- 1spector in St. Thomas anti West is Elgin under the Ross government andi proved himself a very capable official. He was a staunch Libers] h in politics. and a member of the d'Church o! Chris, (Disciples). ýy He leaves to mourn bis death his 137-,Àidw. wosons anti two daughters: hJ. J. Trow. Sioux City, Iowa; Mil- e.tnP.Regina. Sask., Mrs. William ,eArmstrong, 12 Rosebery Place, and 's Lucile E.. at home. n The remains will rest at his resi- n dence 53 Scott Street, until Thurs- ýe day morning. when they will be talc- en to the P. R. Williams and Son le funeral home, where the funeral dwill take place at 2.30 p.m., with interment in the St. Thomas ceme- d, tery. Rev. Mr. Dearnley will contiuct the service. a Mr. McClellan was a son of the ;late James McClellan anti brother SI of the late John McClellan of Bow- - 1 manvillel SI Robert Hlodgson, Manilla In the loving memory we chron- icle the death o! the late Robert jHodgson. wbo passed peace!ully a- way on Wetinesday. May 9th. *Deceaseti was born in Clarke *township, near Orono. on Nov. 6th. 1856. thus being in bis 78th year. His parents. the late John and Han- nab Hodgson, were natives o! 'York- shirrl, Englanti. andi were pioneer settlers in Clarke township. The funeral service helti at bis lateresdence was conducteti by Rev. Mr. Lov1elace, of the United Church, The late Mr. Hotigson was mar- rieti to Mary Carter. daughter o! the late George and Margaret Carter, on October 2nti, 1883, they having liveti happily together and celebrateti their golden wetiting anniversary on Oct. 2nd. last. Mr. Hodgson will be greatly misseti in the communîty, where hîs genial disposition antd loving co-operation in aIl that matie !cr the welfare o! the place made him an outstanding citizen. He is survived by his widow, one son. John C.. of the Fort Wil- liam Vocationial Sdhool teaching staff; a tiaugbter-in-law anti three grantisons. The remains were laid to rest in the United Cemetery the paîl bear- ers being Messrs. George Carter and Wîlbur Reed o! Orillia, Mr. W. H. Robinson andi Messrs. William Dixon and John Keeler, o! Manilla. HAYDON Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery visited at Mr. J. Avery's, Burketon. Mr. and Mrs. Theron Mountjoy visited at Mr. T. Slemons. Ennis- killen. on Sunday. Mrs. W. Ridge, Miss Margaret Ridge andi Mr. Wm. Dobson, Tor- onto, spent the weekend at Mr. J. Wright's. Mr. andn Mrs. Arthur Reati and babe, Blackstock. Suntiayed at Mr. H. Asbton's. Miss Lorna Thompson bas ac- cepieti a position in Oshawa. Mr. Fred Cowling anti son Fred, Purple Hill, visited at Mr. R. Mc- Neil's. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Larmer and chiltiren, Mr. E. Phillips. Burkeion. Mr. Eugene Beech, Oshawa, visiteti at Mr. A. Beech's. Several !rom bere aitended En- niskillen and Tyrone anniversary services on Sunday. Singing practice under tbe leati- ership o! Miss Marion Orchard for our anniversary services, July lst. ilîl commence nexi Sunday ai 10.30 a. m. t] fi k. Use Millers Worm Powtiers anti the baible againsi wormis is won. These potiers correct the morbiti conditions of the stomach which nourish worms, anti these destructive Parasites cannot exisi a! ter bhey corne in contact witbh the medicine. The wormns are digesieti by the pow- tiers anti are speetiily evacuateti witb other refuse f nom the bowels. Sounti- ness impanteti to the organs anti the healtb o! the chilti steadily im- proves. ON 1TARi O THE VOTERS' LISTS ACT Revised Statutes of Ontario 1927, Chapter 7, Section 58, and Amendments NOTICE 0F.SITTINGS 0F REVISING OFFICER IN THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT 0F DURHAM COUNTY TAKE NOTICE that sîttinga of the Revising Officer for the purpose o! bearing complaints or aPpeals wiih regard to the votera' lists to be used at the election o! a member o! the Assembly pending for thie Electoral District of Durham will be helti at the times anti places set forth in the achedule hereinafter set out: SCHEDULE Name of Municipality Date and Hour of Sttings Place of Sittirîgs Cîerk of Revising Officer Last Day for <Standard Tine> Filing Appeals Town of Port Hope May 31, 10 a. m. Port Hope Town Hall A. Mark, Port Hope May 28, 1934 Evening Stting, 7 p. m. Township of Hope June 1, 10 a. m. Port Hope Town Hall W. H. Symons, Port Hope R.R. 1 May 29, 1934 Town of Port Hope June 1, 7 p. m. Port Hope Town Hall A. Mark, Port Hope May 28, 1934 Township of Clarke June 2, 10 a. m. Orono Town Hall A. J. Staples, Orono May 30, 1934 Village of Newcastle June 2, 7 p. m. Newcastle Town Hall H. C. Bonathan. Newcastle May 30, 1934 Village of Millbrook June 4, 10 a. m. Millbrook Town Hall Chas. Thorndyke. Millbrook May 31, 1934 Township of Cavan June 4. 1 p. m. Millbrook Town Hall J. N. McGill. Millbrook May 31, 1934 Township of Darllngton June 6. 10 a. m. Hampton Town Hall J. D. Hogarth, Hampton, R.R. 1 May 31, 1934 Town of Bowmanville June 5, 3 P. m. Bowmanville Town Hall A. J. Lyle, Bowmanville May 31, 1934 Evenirng Stting, 7 p. m. Township o? Cartwright June 6, 10 a. m. Blackstock Town Hall Wm. Beacock. Nestleton Station June 2. 1934 Township of Manvers June 6, 7 p. m. Bethany Town Hall W. A. Jakeman, Bethany June 2, 1934 D. H. CHISHOL31. ESq., K. C., Port Hope wilI be theRevisjng Officer for above mentioned munîcîpalities. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the list to be so reviseti is Part 1 anti III of the votera' list prepareti for the mnunicipalities o! the saiti Electoral District o! Durham. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any voter wsbo desirea to complain that bis, naine or the name o! any person entitleti to be entereti on the saiti list bas been omitteti from the samne, or that the names o! aîîy pcrson.s who are not entitleti to be voters' have been enterfd t hereon, may on or before the last day for" fîling appeals, as mentioneti in the above achedule, apply, complain or appeal to bave his name or the name of any other person entereti on, or removeti from the list. A.ND FURTIIER TAKE NOTICE that such appeals must ho by notice in writing in the prescrib- ed foin, signeti by the complainant in duplicate andi given to the Clerk o! the Revising Officer or lefi for hlm at his adtiresýs as stateti above. ALL PERSONS are called Up to examine the Votera' Lists in ortier to asceriain that their naines are cori'ectly enteredti terein. Chsrma 0ftheEletio Bord or he nitd (ouniesof Signeti> L. V. O'CONNOR, Charma oftheEletio BordfortheUnied ouniesofNorthumberland a.nd Durham. Towrn Hal, Cobourg, Ont., Datedti ibs 17th day o! May, A. D. 1934. FINAL CONCERT 0F MUSIC FESTIVAL A BRILLIANT SUCCESS' (Continueti from page 1) difficult iask o! the Syllabus Com- miîtee, wbich it bati carrieti oui ad-i- mirably. The members o! ibis com- mittee were, J. T. George. chairman, Annie McMaster, Mrs. Smith Fergu- son. Mrs. W. W. Jones, Mrs. W. C. Allin. Misa Haitie Mason Mrs. D. Robb, Misa Helen G. Morris, Miss Marion Orcharti, A. J. Knox. T. W. Stanley. Mrs. L. W. Winslow. Eti- munti Cohu: Francîs Suiton, Miss Jean Dickinson, M. J. Tamblyn, Mrs. J. A. Cole. Mrs. E. C. Fisher, Martin Chenhill. Neil S. Stewart. Mrs. L. Swiîzer, Mrs. Geo. Campbell, Mrs. C. H. Dudiley, Mrs. H. D. Clemens, A. Snelgrove, Mrs. Ada Jones-Sati- tuer. Mrs. Rosa Pearce. Mrs. Geo. F. Annis. These com.miitees together witb Hon. Presideni Col. E. E. Snider. President, E. P. Bratit. Vice-Pres- itient, J. T. George, anti Secretary- Treasurer, Principal J. H. Johnston, form the management commitîee o! the festival. Special tribute shoulti also be paid to Principal J. H. Johnston. who as secretary of the association hati the mosi difficuli iask of any member o! the organization in pre-j paring anti rounding into shape thej muliarious affaira o! the festival.j Mr. Bratit aiso expresseti apprec-r iaiion to the Official Boarti o! Trin- ity Uniieti Church for the use o! their auditorium. In closing his remarks Mr. Bradi suggestedti hat it might not be long before tbe Durham Festival becomes tbe Durh.am anti Northumberlandi Music Festival holding festivals in iurn ai Bowmanville. Port Hope n Cobourg. This of course woulti pro- bably entail a five day festivlat s'ith two adjudicators. It is udr stood that Northumberland resitienis1 ire already negotiating with Ibis in ninti. Space tioes not permit any debaileti report o! the numbers ini the pro- gram but suffice it 10 say Ibai each and everyone was well receiveti by he largest audience ever to assemble in a Bowmanville auditorium. The full program o! events was as fol- lows: THURSDAY, MAY 24th. 1934 1. Rural Scbool Chorus. Unison - Starkville lMrs. D. Robb) "I've Been Roaming" - Horn Shield donated by Lions Club, Port Hope 2. Piano Solo, Il years anti untier - - Jean Campbell, Clarke "Scherzino" - Haydn 3. Recitation, boys, untier 8 years - - Leslie Gibson, Newcastle "Landi of Siory Books" - R. L. Stevenson 4. Recitation. girls. under 8 years - - Muriel Tennani, Tyrone "The Moon" - R. L. Stevenson 5. Piano Solo, 13 years anti under - Reita V. Cooke, Newcastle "Dri! ting" - Krohn 6. Recitation,, ginls. under 15 - - - Atiele Morion, Kendal "The Gi! ta o! God"' - George Herbert 7. Recitation, boys, under 15 - - - Jim L. Powers. Orono "The Daffod-ils"' - Wordiswortb 8. Violin Solo, il years anti undei-- Jack Hare, Bowmianville 'Whip-poor-will" -Linti 9. Rural School Part SoGng - Sbarkville School (Mrs. D. Robb) "Santa Lucia" - Unaccompanieti Shield donated by Festival Association 10. Boys' Unebangeti Voices - - - Glen Brooks, Bowmanville "AhGrove" Il. Ginls' Solo, untier 12 yeara - - Doroihy J. Purtiy, Newcastle "Gay La La Gay is the Rose" - Wickett 12. Harmonica Banti-d Boys' Training School, Bowmranville (A. R. Vu-gin) Own Selection Shield donated by Festival Association 13. Violin Solo. 13 years anti under - Theotiore Rock, Port Hope "Chanson Triste" - Tcbaikowsky 14. Piano Solo, 16 years anti untier - Wm. H. Wickett, Port Hope "Polish Dance Op. 3, No. 1" - Scbarwenka 15. Boys' Solo. untier 10 years - - Donald Cox, Bowmanville "The Lamb" - Macey 16. Open Class Chorus - Port Hope Public Sehool (T. W. Stanley) "Viking Song" - Coleridige-Taylor Shield donated by Orono Continuation School Board 17. Violin Solo, 16 ýears anti under - Walter Hall, Bowmanville "La Cinquantine" - Gabriel-Marie 18. Urban Chorus, two pari song - - Boys' Training School (A. R. Virgini "On Wings o! Song'" Mentielssohn Shield donated by Port Hope Men's Forum 19. Rural Scbool Part Sc.ng. two room - Orono Public School iMrs. D. Robbj "The Nightingale's Melody" - Wilson Shieldi donated by Mr. E. P. Bradt 20. Orchestra - Trinity Sunclay School, Bowmanville (F. Suttoiu (ai "Hungarian Dance" Brahms No. 3 (b) "Moment Musical"- Schubert Shield donated by Bowmanville Rotary Club 21. Soprano Solo - - - Miss Elsie Wallace, Newtonville "Tbere's a Whî.sper in the Air" - Brahe 22. Mixeti Quartette - - Triniity Unitedi Church, Bowmanville "The Long Day Closes" - Sullivan 23. Ginls' Solo, untier 16 years - Aileen Wight, Bowmnanville "Daisies" -Hawley 24. Mezzo Soprano Solo - Mis Margaret Allun, Bowmanville "Sunday" - Brahme 25. Maie Duet - W. Cai'ruthers anti A. McGregor, Bowmanville "Watchman, What o! the Night" - Sargent 26. Tenor Solo - - - - James A. Hancock, Courbice "How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings" - Lititle 27. Ladies' Quartette - Triniiy Ladies' Quartette, Bowmanville "Flow Gently Sweet Af ton" - Spilmnan 28. Baritone Solo - - - Mn. Geo. L. Davidge, Bowmanville "Belîs o! San Maria" - Irelanti 29. Urban Choir - Trinity Unitedi Church, Bowmanville (F. Sutton) "To Thee O Lord" - Racbmaninoff Shield donated by Port Hope Rotary Club 30. Piano Solo, open - - - - Clairmnont Morgan. Idia 'Melodie" - Padierewski Op. 8 No. 3 31. Contralto Solo - - - Mrs. Flornie Robert.s, Bowmanville "StilI as the Nigbt" - Carl Bobm 32. Mixeti Duet - Miss M. Allin, Mr. Geo. L. Davîige, Bowmanville ,Comne Sing to Me" - Jack Thompson 33. Violin Solo. Open - - Oscar Jamieson, Bowmianville "Berceause" fron Jocelyn - Gýodrd 34. Basa Solo - - - Orville K. Osborne, Bowmanville "Two Grenadiers" - Schumiann 35. Mixeti Chorus - Triniiy Church, Bowmnanville (F. Suttoni "The Lord Ia My Shepherd" - McFarren Shield donted by Bowmanville Music Study Club 36. Rural Cburch Choir - Zion Uniteti Cburcb (Misa A. McMaster) "lLeati Kindly Llghb" - Sullivan Shleld donated by Festival Association 37. Cornet Solo - - - Charles Cawker, Bowmanville "On the Banks o! Allan Water" - 38. Tronmbone Solo - - - Harolti C. Allin, Newcastle "Beatitiful Isle o! Somewhere" 39. Male Quar'bette - Trinity United Church, Bowmanville "Oh Who Will O'er bbe Downs So F'ree" - Pearsal 40. Bandi - - - Canadian Legion Bandi, Bowmanville (Conductor, R. Fountain) Overture - "The Wantierer" - King Shield donated by Port Hope 1. 0. D. E. Accoxpaniment Playing - Charles Cawker, Bowmanville Mrs. J. V. Oit - Soloisi Folk Dance, Solo - Jane Tkatcb, Newcastle. The Durlhaîn Music Festival As> ville, Port Hope Mens Forum, Music sociation graiefully, througb the Study Club, Port Hope, Orono Con- press, acknowledges bbc followîng tînýuation Scbool Boardi. Special Pnizes anti Donations: Chal- Cash Conflibuýions raceiveti to- lenge Shicîtis, Danated in 1932- 1. wards medals: W. R. Strike, Oeo. W. O. D. E., Poli Hope, Rotary Club, James, George E. Chase, Dr. C. W. Port Hope. Liozis Club, Port Hope, Slemon, Dr. J. C. Deviti, Abert R. Rotaî'y Club, Bowntanville, Music Virgin, W. W. Horn, Hamptoli. F. C. Study Club, Bowmanvîlle, F. W. Bow- Hoar. C. A. Wight, M. H. Wight, P. F. en, M. P., Newcastle; Donabeti In Morris, Dr. V. H. Storey. D. R. Mor- 1933-Music Study Club. Bowman- rison, M. H. Staples. Orono, Oea. F. [Annis. Ebenezer, Bowmanvllle Pub- sdhool club. Bowmaniville Rtotary lic School Board, Hampton Women's Club, Bowýmanville Music Study Club Institute, Bowmanville Women's In- Bowmranville High Scbool Board, stitute. Bowmanville Home and 1 Home and School Club, No. 9 Clarke. Mwowng Song Do YOU like cheery breakfasts? Ilere's one your famiîy will enjoy. Kellogg's Corn Flakes with milk or cream and sîiced bananas! Kellogg's are extra refreshing. A real energy- food - easy to digest. Kept oven-fresh and flavor- perfect by the heat-sealed inner WAXTITE bag. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Your Last Chance to enjoy the unusual savings featured i FOSTER'S GIGANTIC SALE 0F Summer Dresses Thshuge sale positively end s an Saturday. Scores of women visited our store, last week-end and toolc advantage of the extra special Iaw prices f eatur- ed in this sale. It wiIl be a long time bef ore you will have the opportunity to buy again at these prices, so we strongly advise a visit ta aur store this week. SIX SPECIAL GROUPS AT 4$3.95$5.49$6.50$9. 75$10.95 CHILDREN'S DRESSES.. .$1 ta $2.95 BLOUSES ................. $1.50 up SEPARATE SKIRTS........... $2.49 WEEK-END SPECIAL-Dainty Organdie Dress- es, adorable styles, gorgeaus $2. 5 up colors, priced from ........$ o9 Foster's LadiesWVear and Furriers Phone 106 Opposite Balmaral Hotel ONE WEEK ONLY - MAY 28th, 1934 Blankets WASHED, DRIED AND CARDED 400 Each 2 Far 60C Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning W. J. Bagneli, Agent.-- Phone 152

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