With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmnanville News VOLUME 80 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY lOth, 1934 NUMBER Sà . r- .-1 * VI 1 i GOLD MNE PRESIDENT TAJ-~c, 1t~ Music Festival L>nens Wednesdav MEN'S BROTHIEKR UUU O--1 -- 0F TRINITY CHURC Record Entry List Assures Success New Organization Formed at Meet- j- ing on Friday Night - Assistant Editor of New Outlook Was Donald Heines, Noted Radio Guest Speaker THANKS FOR THE Artist, To Be Official Ad- At a men's gatisering in Trinity BUGGY IDE, FOLKS judicator - Busy Time Sunday Scisool roomn on Friday ight, Triuity Men's Brotherhood off icially By mail, by telepisone, Aliead for Music Loyers camne into beiug with tise election o! andi by word of moutis weofDra officers sud formation of commutte- received scores o! unsolicit- ofDra es. Mr. Oea. W. James presided at the ed testimonials ta the tisor- - meeting wiicis opeued witi tise sing- ougisness in wiicis States- Durhain County's third annual lug of tise Doxolagy. Mr. G. L. Wagar man Classified Ads. are Music Festival, which promises ta be gave a short prayer a!ter whlch a read during the past week. an outstandiug success, opens in period of community singing of <ld Tue reason was this, under Triuity United Churcis, Bowmauvi]ie, favorite hymus was înduiged in witi tise heading "Livestock for on Wednesday next, May l6th, aud Bob Corbett, wiso acted as pianist Sale" appeared tise foilow- so numerous are tise entries that tise throughout tise evening, presiding at ing typographical e r ror cisurcis wiil be in continuai use f rom tise piano. A splendid viollu solo was wiicis was drawn ta our at- 9 a. m. ou Wednesday mornlng un- given by Norxnan F'riecli sud a vo- tention by many readers: til 12 noon on Friday. lu addition ta, cal solo by Orville Osborne were otis- "For Sale - Oood steel tired tise brilliant concert by gold medal- er etertaining numbers ou tise pro- top buggy, due ta reuew ists on Friday evenmng. gram. now. Pisone 167r13, Jack Onpg 5we ubsitsefl Tis gust peaero! he veuug Reynolds, SolUna." scisedule of events, togetiser with tise was Rev. Robert Grahamn, B. A. As- Just one hune misplaced, tiine at whlch each class will be sistant Editor of The New Outlook. sud we publisised many caîled. Ail tisose planning ta Par- Toronto, wiso gave an lnspiring ad- tisousauds each week, but ticipate or attend should muake Pr dress on "The Things by whicis Men it again proved tisat States- Ply~~vs~ iyaqau~iwt h Live," carrying throughout bis ad- inuads are read. tUrnle ifulthe vaintdclasses. eIt dress tise spiritual* theme o! tiings tieo h aiu lse. il the speaker said, thse foreinost a- _________1______ siould also be particularly noted it moustisin eîu fou tyes ! foodtiat ail events tisroughout tise fes -Id fofothboyfotise mlud, for * tival are on Standard Tire. foo fo tie bdyfo elihtfl M sicl Pogrni Tise f inest vocalists, instrumental- hi tise beart sud for tise soul. In tise eihflM sclPor C church could be found tisree o! these is Featured at Meeting ists, choruses. orchestras sud bauds H. f ood for thse body, for tise mind. for lu tise County o! Durham wll take to tise speaker added lu stirriug plea of Trinity Women's Ass'n. part in the festival, sud every muni-- s ta tise men of the cisurcis ta support ___ cipality lu tise county wlll be repre- tiseir cisurcis bth morally sud fln- Trinity Woruen's Association met sented by contestants. West Dur- - ancially. lutshcso omo usa, iam bas carrieti off the major prize, Tise speaker was iutroduced by inth e o rshlpon peda May awarded lu tise two previous festi- T Bey. E. F. Armnstrong, pastar a! tise 8h h osi,-e dwas lu vais sud it will uot be for tise lacis churcis. and Dr. J. C. Devitt. Sun- chageo! Mrs. ea. W. James sud o! practice or entisusiasin if they do daySchol upeintndet, xprssei ler cîrcle, Mrs. James presiding. not repeat tiseir success at tise forth- dhea Scio ofthupterintednt xpesto The meeting opened with quiet comiug compeition. tise aGrcatino!tsagtm.gt music, with Mms. E. Anderson at tise Tise adjudicator for tise 1934 Fes- P Mh pr. Graisam.inti piano. A hyinu was suug; Mrs. L. tvlwl eM.Dnl enswoT Tis reor <i tse omuatngA. Tole led in prayer; sud tisetvawilbMrDoldHuewh connittee was preseuted by Dr. W. scripture lesson was reati by Miss sisould neeti no introduction toa auý.0C H. Birks, sud submitted tise folowing FlrneWerry; tise worsisip perioti one wso owns a radio sud who has CI slate o! officers sud comaitteemen Fonced ihaohrhm.M heard hlm on Canadian Radia Coin- r wiich was unanlmiously adopted. T. W. Cawker. tise president. took mission and Maple Les! Prograins M Hon. Presidet-Rýev. E. F. Ami-. charge o! tise rest o! tise meeting. each Sunday a! ternoon. Donald fo strong; Presideut - Mayor W. R,055 Business was discussed, sud tise sec- Heines is bimself an outstandîug tl Strike: Vice President - Chas. A. retaries o! tise various circles gave Canadian musiclan sud contestants t Wight; Secy-Treas-E. Smith Fer- interesting reports. An unusuaily cannot but profit by hiis iudginent Pý guson; Conuittees: C. H. Mason. deligitful prograrn followed, con- sud criticisms. He is assistant ta tl Dr. C. W. Slemon. I. G. Hefkey, Neil sistlng o! a piano solo by Ruths Dr. Ernest McMillau. Dean o! tise ta Mutton, Wilfred Hamley: Be! resis- James: a violin solo by Donald A- i Toronto Conservatory o! Music. Ai ment-H. D. Wightmn. Ray Dilling, derson, accampauied by Mrs. An- I On Friday uigist tise Festival wils J. H. Bateman. W. P. Corbett. derson; a chorus by scisool ciildren close lu a blaze o! color wheu tisea President, Boss Strike was irtro- under tise direction o! Miss Helen final concert, !eaturiug all gold med- l duced sud outluedth ie aima o! tise Morris. with Mrs. M. A. Neal at tise alists sud !rst prize winners. willW organisation wicb was to, promote piano; a vocal solo by Betty Bet- be staged. This musical treat sud inaintain Christian Feliowsip tdes; a vocal trio by Eric McIlveeu, siould excel anything that bias ever amongst is members, tise congre- George Roberts and Irvine Brown: been staged, mnusically, lu tise town. d gation o! tise churcis sud the coin- a vocal solo by Helen Williams; U Tise executive of tise Association munity genersily. Tue neeti for lay boys' chorus; a vocal solo by Pau.l under tise able leadership o! Mr. E. luterest sud activity ln. the church's Symons; sud anotiser chorus by tise P. Bratt President, sud Mr. J. H. < beaaI was stresseti sud an. effort wisole group ofchelidren. Hearty Johiston. Secretary-Treasurer. have wmil be made to have ail maie mein- appreciation was expresseoi ta Mr. le! t no stone unturueti to make tiss bers o! tise cisurcis become affilateti James sudliser circie for procuing musical eveut outstauding. wth tise new organization. lu wich sucis a flue prograin. sud ta Miss With tise continual annual growth J tisere wli be no fee for membership. Morris aud the childreu. o! tise festival a !ew more years may At tise conclusion o! tise meeting- see tisis amoug tise largest festivals ti refreshmntus were sered by a coin- Miss M. Sargeant, Toronto, sPent lu Ontario. lu saine of tise Western CA mitieiseaded by H. D. Wlghtnau tise Suuday wlth lier sister, MissOntario Festivals au entire week is and W. P. Corbett. Betty Sargeant at Mr. J. H. Werry's. given over to tise festival sud ilu _____________________________________________________some cases several buildings are H utilized. It 1.1 t" J J As tise sponsoring inunlcipaiity for v Beer nd W ie Legslatii C ndemned tise second time citizens o! Bow- manvilie sisouiti consider it their W~ attdane s wboesshe are oi b y O shawa Presbyterial at Blackstock dttanendre lscess by large- operation at every session. Do't bi - ___________________ _tink f or a minute ailtise enjoy- tl meut a! tise festival is wrapped up Ask Lieutenant - Governor inl Friday nigit's program. MauyB To Refuse Proclamation SALEM1 plan ta attend otiser sessions lu Swicbtise adjudlicator's commenta 3 Until Non-Partisan Vote Y. P. L. meeting was wtbdrawuaesuCIerslg Taken - New Minister last week. i Coming to Enniskillen osud family rbro o ali. mt-South DaL tt n Mrs. F. Honey visited iber cousin, LJrIng o Mebeso!tieOssaaPrsb-Miss M. Barrett at Newcastle las t I tery a! tise United Cisurcis o! Can- week. Jh rnTrno p M usical F sia ada, lu session at Blackstock Thurs- Ms onPig ootsetF sia day passed a resolution expressing Montiay witis iser sister, Mrs. Fui- djsapproval o! tise gambling spirit ler Catar. HsFuge Success as evideuceti by tise people o! Can- Mrs. Man.ning, Oshsawa, called on ale; andi also of the sweepstakes Sunday to inquire for ber sister, Mrs. resolution wiicis is being considered Alex Wlkins wiso is stili very inI. Tise annual musical festival, under lu parliameut. Tise resoiutlou called. Mr. sud Mrs. S. Buttery sud lt- tise direction of Miss Marlou Orcis- a on members o! parlamnt ta vote tle tiaugiter visiteti with Mr. sud ard. A.T.C.M.. supervisar a!finusic. against tise measure. Mrs. Lancaster, Newtonvllle, ou Sun- took place lu Ebenezer churcis ou Tise presbytery lu anotiser resalu- day. Friday evenlug. May 4tis, wisen tise tion expressed appreliensiano! tise Gladti learn that Mr. W. Can's pupils o! Maple Grave. Courtice increasing number o!f<dance halls sister sud niece. Mrs. Piper sud Miss No. 8, sud Base Line Nos, 3 and 4, wiich are holding Sunday mnidnigbt Warren o! Oshawa, are improvlug were greeted by a f ull bouse antiP f rouecs. Iu regard ta tise question niceiy after being operateti ou 1551 whicis was uudoubtedly one o! the e o! tise proposedi beer andi vine leg- week. best festivals presented. Tise programn isîstion lu tise Province of Ontario Mrs. F. L. Squair spent Saturday opened, witb ruassei sluglng, "O, tise presbytery conderunedth ie atti- uigist wltb her sister, Miss Stepisens Canada," national authem. wltis ttide o! tise govern.ment lu bringing town. Miss Peardon sud Miss Step- chiarmans remarks, Bey. H. C.E lusitisenlegsaue sud aisotie <iP lens returnied home vitis ier sud Wolfralm filUing this position l is positin wboacquisett uStis mes-usual genlal manner. Tise third sure wisen it was voteti upon. 'ThesetSudy number was a chorus. "We're Hang-3 presbyterY appealedt th ie Lieuten- Sunday' Scisool is holding a spec- iug out tise Weicome Sigu." by Base7 sut Governar ta refuse to proclaim iîal Motiser's Day prograin on Suuday Line No. 4, cisorus, rhythm baud, tise bill until tise matter was sub- wseu tise pastor wll assist wltis a Courtîce Junior boys; "LaugWnlg niltted ta the people lu a non-par- special motiser's day message aud boys sud girls," Maple Grave Sen- tissu vote everyone is urged ta àttend. lors; dialogue. "Taklug tise Census," The presbytery certîfieti two stu- Bey. A. S. Kerr delîvereti a fine Courtice Seniors; action sang, "Tue dents for ordination at tise ap- message lu bis sermon isere, Suuday. Train,", Mapie Grave Juniors; vo- proacing session o! tise Bay O! Tue subject beiug "Life must go on, cal solo, "Aton Water," Joe Wojn-c Quinte Conference lu Belleville. Th ise 111Vlctory is Complete," baseti on akoskl. Base Line No. 3; two-partb studeuts were: E. L. Beecis, wbo for tise text: "Brlug us not over Jordan." chorus, -Ail Through thse NigisI,". the past year bas been assistlug Rev. --Base Uine Na. 4; chorus. ".Welcomet A. S. Doggett at Cedardale Unitedi Merry Springtlme." Maple Grave1 Churcis, sud Ellsworth Toli, son o! Report o! S. S. No. 9, Darlngton, girls; dilîl, Base Uine No. 3; har- Bey. S. L. 'raIl. wba wlli taise charge for April: monica selections, Maple Grave; o! tise Unitedi Ciurcis at Witby lu Sr. IV-Margaret Irwlu 68, Bert two-part cisorus, "Tue Minstrel. J--y.9-Mr.1TI 1.i1.n lu orina- Francs 66. HRuda Richards 65. Boy." Courtice Seniors: recitation, 1 own %'.onsicaers %i.ntroa t. urracing iand Appointment of Town Solicitor Dr. J. Clark Bell Prominent Bowmanville medical e practitioner who has been electedt Presideut of the Michipicoten. Goldf Mines, a new comipauy with a cap- t :alizatlou <of two and a bal! milliont dollars. Thse mine Is located lu the Algoma District, next lia Parkhlill 'old Mine, whlch is produciug thsef ighest grade are lu Canada today. lis election ta this office is a tributer to the hîgh regard lu which Dr. Bellt is held lu the mlnlng industry. r TWO GREAT STARS ARE8 TOGETHER FOR FIRST TIME IN NEW PICTURE Among a series' oif extra fine photoplays comrng ta thse RoyalI Theatre this week Is "It Happenedj One Nlght," with Clark Gable andt Claudette Colbert In thse starring roles. These two great stars have never played opposite each other be- fore, but their brilliant succeslu this picture will likely briug themt ogether lu many More. "It lisp- peued One Nigbt" Is adapted f rom f lhe f amous stary in tise Cosmopoli- E an Magazine by Éamuel Hopkinsf Adams. Botis the story and tise pic- turization are amous thse year's out- standing, aud the ýcting of Gable and Miss Colbert is :Superb. No one ;hould miss seelng 'this great Col- umbia picture whlch cornes to the lopyal Theatre on Monday and Tues-' day, May l4th and 15th. 7CN1ING EVENTS Trinlty Suudlay School will com- nence thse churcis school, ou Sunday, rune Srd. Cadet Inspection wll be held st the High. Scisool campus ou Thurs- Iay, at 2.15 p.m. An Oxfrd group f rom Oshawa il bave charge of tise Feilowshlp, Hour on Thursday evening at Trin- ity United Church. Yau are lu- vited. Trlulty Eveniug Auxlliary of the W. M. S. wll meet in thse Sohool room on Tuesday, May 15ths, t 8 pin. Program lu charge of Mms. N. Gar- >utt aud her group. Chapter 1V o! the Study Book wilI be studied. The Ontario Training School for Boys plan ta hold an Open House on Saturday, May 19th, commencing at 3.00 pin., wisen the work of ail De- >artments will be on exhibition, lu- cluding a Pisysical Training Dlsplay in the Gymnasum. n. uthe eveulug there will be thse Preseutation of Prises and Oratorical Finals. Muls- ical program. Public cordlally lu- vited. CHURCHESI ST. JOSEPH'S R. C. CHURCH Rev. Fatiser McGuire. Pastor Sunday, May 13th: Mass at 9 a. m. D.S.T. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. W. G. Blake. Hamilton wll preacis at bath services. i a. m.-Morning Worshlp; 2.30 p. m.--Sabbath Scbool; 7 p. m.-Ev-' enlng Womshlp. Speclal Preacher. SALVATION ARMY Sund.ay. May 13. Special Motiser's Day Services conducted by Col. and Mrs. Levi Taylor: 1l a.m.-Holiuess Meeting. 2 p. m.--Sunday Schaol; 3 p. m.--Special Mothers' Program; 7 p. m.-Salvation Armny. Ail are welcome. ST. PAULIS UNITED CHURCH Rey. A. S. Kerr, Minister Mms. C. H. Dudley, Orgaulst and Choir Director. Sund-ay, May 13th: il a. m.-"The Cost o! Goodness", 2.30 p. m.- Mother's Day Service; 7 P. m.- "Seelng Jesus." A cordial welcome ta, aIl. ST. joHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. c. R. Spencer, M. A., Rectar Capt. Cecil Johnson, Assistant Mrs. J. A. Gunu, Organlst Suuday, May l3th: Holy Comn- munion 8 a. m.: Morulng Prayer il a. m., Sunday Scisool 2.30 p. m.; Eveulng Prayer 7 p. m. Confirmna- tion Class, WedneedY 8 P. M. TRMNTY UNITED CHUECR Bey. E. F. Armstronlg, PaStor Fraudas Sutton, Mus. Bac., Organiat aud Choir Director. Sunday, May iStis: il a. m.- Mother's Day Service, subi ect "Thse Mother o! Jesus": 2.30 p. m.-A Mother's Day program n l the Sun- day Scisoal: 7i p. m.-Hospital Ser- vice, subJect "ýCarry Your Corner." You are cordlally invlted ta enjoY tisese services. Invite your f riends ta these speclal auniversaries._ i _ - _ _ Miss Rutherford, who addressed St. Paul's Evenlng Auxlllary on Monday evenlug. was guest o! Mis lautchison while lu town. New Mulch Gravel Road May Be Laid This Sum- mer - By-law Will Be Introduced for Appoint- ment of Regular Corpora- tion Solicitor Ontario Street, recognizeti for mears as tise tustiest street lu Bow- inanville lu the summer time, wil likely be given a permanent surface bhis summer if plans belug f ormu- ateti and. discussetiby tise Town Councl can be flusucet i wthout adding ta tise debenture tiebt o! tise town. Officiais a! a paving company whlch have been very successful witis a uew iow cost surface attend- ed the meeting anti explaineti the paving ta tise councl. It was es- timateti that a 20 foot pavement fron tise Queeu Street intersection to tise Liberty Street foris o! Ou- taria Street wauld cost $1700 ta $2000, tise former figure if a seal caat was not put on, andtihie latter figure if it was. Prom tise explanation matie tise roati woulti be constructet f rom a tisree incis gravel mulcis which woulti not crack lu wiuter time. Rteeve R. 0. Joues who bas matie a study o! tbis type o! payement anti bas lu- specteti some o! tise work lu Hope Towushsip is mucis impresseti sud was a! tise opinion that this new low cost surface woulti be ideal for tise work ou Ontario Street. Il was suggested that f ive year debeuture be issueti anti that under tisis plan tise debt woulti be sinaîl anti iartily noticeable ou tise tax rate, especially 'wbeu ciargedti t resitieuts o! thse street. It was sug- gestedti tat 8c per foot woulti caver tise cast au tise five year paymeut sud tiat a resideut baving a flfty foot loit would be nequiredti bpsy ouly $4.00 on bis taxes lu esci o! tise five years. Tue matter was !lnaily referredto, 0tise Roatis aud Streets Committee ta report ta a speclal meeting if uecessary. Suggest Town Solicitor Another important item o! busi- ness discussed. was tise appointinent o! a towu solicitor. Not since tise tiestiso! tise late D. Burkse Simpson, K.. bas an official solicitor been appoluteti. Beeve Joues stateti. anti he thaugist il woulti be ativisable ta bave one appointeti . Advice was needed ou the position o! tise ttil- ites Commission andtihie Town Councl sud inany otiser contentlous matters aud the Beeve thought il un! air ta expect Mayor Strike or (Continueti ou page 3) One o! tise biggest speckleti trout it lias been aur privilege ta sec was on display tisis week lu Mason aud Dalc's window. It was caught by Aiex Cameron sud was a magnifi- cent specimen weighing 21'/2 ibs. anti beiug 19 incises lu leugtis. Rev. J.F. McGuire Gives Enlightening Address at Rotary Tise f olly o! thse theory o! social- ism was ably isandleti an FrldaY when Bey. Father J. F. McQulre Pastor of St Josepb's R. C. Churcis, gave au analytical adàdress ou "Soc- iaiism" at the weekly lunchean o! tise Rotary Club. President TOMMY Boss presideti anti among the guests were Provincial Constable W. E. Smith, wisa is shortlY ta become a inember, Messrs. Smith sud Martin o! tise Bell Telepisoue Ca., Tor- onto. A. D. Westuin. Cbatham. and A. E. LavelI, A. V. Swal sud Eti. Bradley o! Oshsawa Rotary Club. The guest speaker was lutroduceti by Bey. E. F. Armstrong, Whso palid tribute ta tise flue example a! cit- izensip displayed by Father Mc- Guire since comlng ta Bowmanvile. Resuit of Depression Socialisin. Pauser McGulre salid, f intis a ricis anti fertile soil lu tise worltide dissatisfaction whlch ex- ista at the present lime, sud thons- anda dcing ta its princîples as a drownin-g man would toas straw, not for the aid it can give, but as a re- lie! froi tise problems wlth whicis they are f aced. Sarnetimes social- is i l not any more substautial than the straw. Tue speaker proceededti t show f rom bis pemsonai vlews, wisicis have resultet f rom exhaustive study o! tise matter, wherelu soclalisin fails ta beue! il maukînti. I do not hold auy brie! for capitalisin or auy other 'isin', tise speaker salid, unles Il holds tise truts. Soclalisin would endeavour ta substitute for democracy public ownersip o! ahl publie wealth sud Ils distribution. thus brluglng under MAYOR STRIKE HEADS Widening oF Provincial Higkway to Provide Work for 350 Durham Men TYRONE Mr. and Mrs. R. Virtue visited at Mr. W. Cochrane's, Orano. Miss Myrtie Brooks, Orono, visit- ed at ber home over the weekeud. Rev. and Mrs. G. McQuade, Osh- awa, recently vlslted Bey. and Mrs. A. M. Woottau. Mr. Thomas Pooley suffered a stroke on Saturday. Miss A. But- tery, nurse, is lu atteudanoe. Mr. and Mms. Elmer G. Boyd and Mr. H. A. Setvens, Toronto, Mrs. Enoch Stevens, Hampton, recently vlslted Mr. aud -Mrs. Robert Burgess. Mr. J. D. Colwell bas returned home after visI.ing Mr. and Mms. Phillips at Gorrie. Glad ta report their son, Mr. Mebourne Phillllps, is lmprovlng a little. Mrs. Euretta Woodley, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Woodley. Edlth and Joyce, Mms. Robt. Burgess, motored ta Oakwood on Sunday aud visited the f ormer's brother-in-law. Mr. George Martindale. who is very ill at the home of Miss A. Penrose. W.M.S. met ln the Sunday school room on Thursday, May 3rd. Mrs. Hodgson, President, preslded durlng the devotional session. Mrs. Hodg- sou read the soripture;, Mrs. A. W. Annis read the devotional leaf let 11Jesus and His Friends"; Mms. H. HUl and Mrs. S. T. Hoar led lu prayer. It was declded ta h6&d the qulltlng aud sewing bee lu June. Mms. J. Dudley and her group gave thse f ollowlng program: Mms. Dudley gave part o! a chapter lu the Study Book; vocal duet by Mrs. Theo Down and Mms. Floyd Dudley, ac- companled by Mms. A. M. Wootton; readlng by Mrs. F. Dudley, "The House that One Lives In." Meeting closed with a vocal duet by Misses Eva Collacutt aud Helen Trim. on Thumsday evenlng the KCitchen orchestra. who were the members of thse choir, presented a musical romance eutltled "Thse Joy o! IMie" lu the Community Hall. Mms. B. Wright presented the stary part of the drama, whlle Rev. A. M. Woot- ton as '«Sir Kitchenette" leader of the orchestra, lntroduced his flue company o! massiclsa whloh pre- seuted many eutertalnlng numbers of music lu choruses, solos, duet.s and qttgrtèttes. Those who wilssed seeiug this musical romance mlssed a real treat. Mrs. A. W. Clemens as convener o! the group and Bey. A. m. Woottan as orchestra leader deserve much ctedit. Miss Patter- son, dramatlc teacher at Ontario Ladiles' Colleige, Whltby, gave sever- rai splendid numbers between the acts. Work Starts This Week on Filling Ditches - Men Wiil Be Paid 25c Hour Wage and Will Work Eight Hours Each Day Wars on the wldeuing a! tise Pro- vincial Hlgisway, bath east aud West o! Bowmiauyllle, is ta start alinost immeia;ýelY accord:nà ta lnfiorns- stion giveu ta, Mayor anti Reeve a! tise vanlous munlclpalties lu tise dis- trict at s speclal meeting iselt inl Orana hast rlday. Mayor W. Rm. Strike, aud Secretary a! the Welfare Board, Fred Pattinson. represeuteti Bawinvllle at the meeting. Be- tween 300 and 350 meni wM Il am ployeti on tise proj est anti a scisedule o! quotas was draw uUp aI the Orono, meeting. Bowmanvilfgill M sPP»~ about 60 men, wile the townshlP Of Darlington will aupply about 50. W. L. Saunders. Port Hope. De- partinent o! Hlgbways Engineer, wll bave complete charge o! tise work wblch la belng doue untier tise di- nectlion o! tise Department o! Public Higbways. Ten mnunldlpalltles were representeti at tise meeting whlch, was presîdeti over by H. C. Hudson. representlug tise Department a! Works, Toronto, untier wich depsrt- meut the Employmnt bureau& are conducteti. Bac Halldcay a! tise Oshs- awa einploymeut office ws sio preseut. Escis muulclpality sulimitteti a lisI o! unemployed dtealring wark on thse bigisway. Tise work wll entail tise widien-ing o! th isebgiway by tise !illlng lu of ditches but no paving will be laid as suggested by rumnors curreut ln thse district. Despite thse !act tisaI Bowman- ville had 103 names ou.its poster o! men seeklug work, anly slxty wll be use inlutise work, tise preference belug given to marrleti men. This will take care o! all marrieti uneni- playeti. Mayor Strike stateti Tues- day. sud a number o! single men vwll also get work. The men wll be palti at thse rate o! 25c per isaur for an clght hour day. anti a f ive anti a bah! day wcck, msklng s full salary a! $11.00 whlch la considerable betler thsu tise *5.00 or $6.00 allawcd on relief. Tise work wlh be commeuced eltber a.t the lat- ter cuti o! Ibis wcck or thc bcglunng o! neirt. Mr. anti Mr. R. H. Plckarti and tiaughter Paullue, Kingsville, have been apendlng s few days wltis his brother, Mr. A. W. Plckard. ..- -~ PLAN TO ATTEND THE OARTWRIGHT CENTENARY Reeve Norman Green and the Municipal Council of the Township of Cartwright request ail resideuts of the Township ta Invite their frlends and relatives ta the celebration of the Centen- ary of the Township ta be held lu the village of Black- stock on Saturday, Sunday and Mouday, June lth, l7th and leth, ini comxnem- oration and honor of the pioneers and early settiers of the munclpallty. Watch The Statesman for f urther particulars of this big cele- bration. Maple Leaf Band of St Paul's Church HeId Thank-Of fering Service On Monday, April 23rd, the Maple Leaf Mission Band of St. Paul's Church held its Easter Thank-Of- fering service when the f ollowing program was presented ta an inter- ested audience: Hymn, "Can a Little Child Like Me"; followed by the call to worship and response pray- er by President Helen Wilams;1 Scripture lesson, Psalmns 1 and 23, by the Baud: Sentence prayers by Marion Mutton, Bessie Stephens, Dorothy Sellers, Marian Dudley, Violet McAllster, Marian Stephens, and the singing of the Lord's Pray- er; recitations by Louise Sellers and Jean Pattinson; solo. Jean R.lce; meniory verses by the Baud; piano solo, Marian Dudley; Watch Tower, Marian Dudley, Helen Williams, Ruth Virtue; solo "Does Jesus Care?" by Eva Welsh: recîtations, Doris Vallant. Marlon Mutton; solo, "Jes- us Bids Us Shine", Ruth AbernethY; readings, Mary Cowan, Helen Bird, Evelyn Woodward, Vera Rulter; solo -Take Time ta be Holy", Helen Williams: minutes and roll cali bY Secretary Marian Dudley: Treasur- er's report, Mary MeAllister; off er- tory prayer and response; trio, Dor- othy Sellers, Marlan Mutton, Rach-' ael Hilderly; duet "God 1Sees thel Little Sparrow Fail," Lucy and Doris Lyle; dialogue by eleven girls, "The Mother Goose Village Mission Baud";- Frleudshlp Prayer. Mr. Kerr pro- nounced the benediction. 19 LAKESHORE LEAGUE FIRST SCHEDULE IS ANNOUNCED TODAY First of Triple Schedule Opens Ma.y 24th When Bowmanville Wil Entertain Newcastle Entry - Draw Made at Newcastle At a meetlug o! the executive, andl representatives o! the teams lu thse Lakesisore Basebail League, held at Newcastle on Tuesday ulgist, the !lmst part o! a triple schedule was drawn up, witis May 24th, as thse openlug date. Bawnanville will have as is guests ou tbat day thse New- castle eutry lu the league. The ob- jection o! the group ta belng classed lu the Intermiediate A. Group bas been sustained aud tise league to be i the O. B. A. A. Intermediate B. Group. Another meeting will be held ou June lSth, ta draw Up the second part o! the scisedule. In the unavoidable absence a! President Tommy Boss, Dr. J. A. Butler pro- slded. The complete Lakeshore Lea- gue scisedule, f lrst series follows and we suggest that it be cut aut and retalued for future reference: MayX2-Port Hope at Cabourg !Newcastle at Bawmauvllle 26-Bowmanville at Port Hope Cobourg at Newcastle 30--Cobourg at Bowmauvllle June2 -Bowmnauville at Cobourg Part Hope at Newcastle June 6-Newcastle at Part Hope June 9-Port Hope at Bowmanvllle Newcastle at Cobourg June 13-Bowmanvlle at Newcastle June 16-Cobourg at Port Hope PUBLIC SCHOOLS TO HOLD ORATORICAL CONTEST FRIDAY Under the auspices o! the Home and School Club, pupils O! the Jun- ior and Senior Fourtis'Classes a! Central Public Scisoal will engage in an Oratarical Contest lu tise Opera Hfouse ta-morrow evening (friday) at 8 o'clock. A number o! pupilS will take part lu the cantest which has always attracted a large audi- ence and whicis h#s been worthwhile. Tue Home and Sohoal Club sponsora tisis coutest annually lu the inter- ests o! public speaking lu the achool. Tuhe result isas been tisat an ever iu- creaslug nuniber o! Young people are able ta volce their tisougis at meetings lu a most accampllshed manner. Four prizes are belng of- fered: lst boy, Sr. 4th; lst girl, Sr. 4th; lst boy. Jr. 4th; and lst girl, Jr. 4th. lu addition ta the speak- lng the sohool choir under the dir- ection of Miss Helei G. Morris Wll 'provide a number o! choruse. TO de! ray expenses a silver collection wlll be taken Up. IMiss Agiles Haddy, Toronto, spent Ithe weekend at home.