Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1934, p. 1

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N. ium <ot 4ter~ With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News VOLUME 80 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 3rd, 1934 NUMBER 18 i Consolation Events Are Completed Before Local Badminton Club Closes The consolation events at the Bad- minton Club were conciuded before the club closed its season on PridaY niglit witli one e! the largest attend- ed dances o! the seasen. The wînners in the consolation events were: Men's doubles-Duncan Smith and L. W. Dippeil; Ladies' doubles-Misses Agnes Vanstone and Mildred Downey; Mixed doubles- Duncan Smithi and Mrs. A. D. Wlie- eler. The dance which followed proved an outstanding success and a f ltting and bis orchestra were ai their best climax to a great season. Rayr Cole ta provide the dance music. While writing of badminton we liasten to correct an errer in lasi week's badminton news whlcli cred- ited Vice-President M. A. Neal as the donor of the consolation cups in the Junior series. Tlie donors were President, Ross Strike anid Vice- President, M. A. Neal. Q ILet us bave faili that rlght mnakes might; and in that f alth let us te the end do our duty as we under- stand it. -Lincoln. PREMIER AT ORONO Public School Bd. Chairman is New Rotary Presidentý Fred Cryderman Becomes llth President of Bow- manville Rotary Club -1 Native of Bowmanvillel and a War Veteran Fred Cryderman, Cliairman of the Public Scliool Board, was the unan- imous choice of the Rotary Club to be President of that organisation for the 1934-35 year, at Friday's meet- ing, to take effect July lst next. Mr. Cryderman is a native of Bowmanville. being born here on September 2nd, 1892, the son of Mr. J. H. Cryderman and the late Mrs. Cryderman. He was educated in Bowmanvllle Public and Higb Scliools and he entered business li1e as a junior in the aid Standard Bank, now Canadian Banki o! Com- merce. Later he was employed i the offce of theeGoodyear ire & Rubber Company. He enlisted i the Canadian Expeditionary Force when -the 136th Battalion was re- cruited in 1916 and he went over- seas with the 235tli Battalion. Prom England lie went to France with the 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles, i whlch he later reached the rank of Sergeant. For a time he was as- sociated witli bis father and brother Lawry in the firm of Coucli, John- ston & Cryderman, Lixited, Bow- manville's oldest dry goods and lad- ies' wear establishiment.' At the present tinie Mr. Cryder- maxi is the Secretary-Treasurer of the Bowmanvllle Foundry Company Liniifed. He is a member of St. John's An- glican Cliurch, of the advisory coun- cil of that church, and is a former warden. He also holds membersh.iP in Jerusalers Lodge A. F. & A. M., No. 31, and Florence Nightingale Lodge I.O.O.F., No. 66. He was married to Miss Vera Penningtoen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pennington, and lias one daugliter Ruth. Poiiowing in the fo>otsteps of bis father, he entered municipal service i 1930 when he was elected a nem- ber of the Public School Board. lI 1933 and again li 1934 he was el- ected by the members of that Board te be its Chairnian. Mr. Cryderman is oxie of tlie most popular members of the RotarY Club anidlie is assured of whole-hearted co-operation in the task that lies before hlm. Fred is a ring leader in a questionabie, underestimated and self-lmposed group o! 100 Per cent Rotarlans of misnomers knoWn as the "Rougli Necks," wbo have thie happy faculty of always doing the wrong thing ai the riglit tisse. and as a resuit they have the record of payin.g more fines to the Rotary ex- chequer for misdemeanors than al other Rotarians in the club. He wil take office on July lst, and wili controi the destinies of the club for the ensuing twelve montbs. When a young maxi Mr. Cryder- maxi was actlvely connected witli the sporting if e of the town. piaying O.H.A. hockey and also football. He stili maintains bis youthful spirit by Huge Entry List M~ Extra Session at Plans for Big Event in Trin- ity Church on May l6th, l7th and' l8th Nearing Compl etion-Time Schedules Are Drawn Up With the time schedule drawfl up,-4he close proxinLlty o! the Dur- ham County Music Festival becomes more apparent this week. Two Weeks fromx today the Festival will be li full swing, and bal.! o! the 280 contestants xiii bave liad their fates CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE LIBERAL CANDIDATE Admintration oF Public and lgl Ne Outîook Assistant mi is o g Editor to Address Men Schools is Explained ta Ratepayers of Tii3 hrhFia ____________________ ____Men e! Trinity United Churcli are invited ta, attend a meeting lntte gardening, playing volley bail and Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie and Sunday School Fboom on Friday, indulging in post mortenis on con- May 4tli, at 8.30 pm., wlien a Men's tract bridge. Fred Cryderman Outline Association'will be organized. Rev. Robt. Grahiam, Assistant Eiltor cf COMING EVENTS Problems With Which "The New OuUlook"' Toronto, wlll give sSchool Boards Are Faced an address n "Th~e Tings by whiçlh The regular monthly meeting o! -Expen d itures and include singing of some good old time Trinity Wemnen's Association wlll be liysns,violin solo by Mr. Norman held in the Sclioolroem on Tuesday Grants Explained Priedli, and selection by tee Osborne May 8th, at 3 psu.___ quartette. Pollowing tee electien o! Regular ssontbly meeting of tee About 60 ratepayers learned con- b effi ers efre hebts wiho sd Womnen's Hospital Auxiliary will be siderable about the administration Of ynebr !tebohrod held in the Nurse's Residence on the Public and HighSeliols o Tes Filday May 4th ai 3.30 Pmn. day night, when the chairman of thee A Y R A ESTATE D. Company Durham Regiment two school boards addiressed the M N EA Badminton Club Dance, Orono, May monthly meeting of the Ratepayers TRANSFERS REFLECT 4th. Cole's orchestra. $1.00 couple. Association. Tickets may be secured f rom mess- Presidexit, Geo. B. Bickle, was in BUSINESS ACTIVITY bers and at the door. the chair and six recommendations Mr. C. Piewman, Executive Sec- o! tee Management Cemmittee were Many Properties Sold Wbile Many tary o! The Ontario Work Board, passedi unani.mously. They included: Lwiil speak aitee regular service o! Changing meeting niglit to Tuesdlay; More Have New Tenants - Ebenezer Churcli on Sunday, May 16 Recommend bo Town Counicil that Mucli Renova.tlng Uniler ai 10.30 a.m. E. S. T. Evevybody South Ward Dump be abollshed and Way invlted. cleaneci up; Requesi council te i- Theregla metig o te Hmestall an ixcinerator systers similar Transfers o! property and people anThoo Cu wlll eein o hoeHaoe-te those u9ed in military camps. moving are sald,> be indications Mf iral Public School, WednesdaY ev- Secretary F. A. Diling reported business conditions. If ibis be a ening, May 9tli. Mrs. Clark conven- membership was now 222. faci then tee recent property trans- er, urs, E.R. ralim, peakr. îgh ehol ~fers and removals in Bowmanville Watch next week's issue for an- Dr. G. C. Boxinycasile. chairman ndiscdtabiorveent lxitheusi- nouncement about Oratorical Con- of tee High Schcol Board, gave an lna codiytions. esaent tfo- R ese rteanulmeigo enlightening address on tee admin- en place: thenEstertSetinn o!mting ofwaistratioxi o! teis important institut- rL.WDiplPncalote 1 te Esten Sctin o th Osawaion. There is, lie said, a great mis- High Sclicol, hlas purcbased the fine rPresbylerial ta, be beld on FridaY, conception of the Higli School bY brick residence of L. S. Caverly on May llth, ai 9.30 a. m. i Newton- the ratepayers in general. As a mat- Wellington Street, who is movlng te ville United Churcli. Miss Isabel ter o! fact, Bawssanvilie pays verY Toronto. Griffiths, Toronto, Board Secretary uitile towards the upkeep of ils own Mr. William Paterson, Manager o! 1for Young People's work, Will ho ilie higli schcol. the reason being that tlie Downham Nurseries, bas ex- rguesi speaker, and the Quiet Hour it is as mucli couxity institution as cliangedi a preperty in StratbroY for in thie morning sessioni will be tak- a town one. Less than 11,/2 milis o! the Frank Bartliolessew house on en by the higbly esieemed President the Bowssanville tax rate is f dv the Queen Street, Mr. Barthoiemew hav- a! the Presbyterial, Mrs. C. R. Car- higli school purposes teis year. lie ing moved te Stratevoy. scailen, Wbitby. AIl ladies wheteer poînted oui. Mr. Chas. H. Mason bas purchas- >members o! the W.M.S. or flot are The chairman also adiedi teat ed tee Haddy preperty, lmmédiately rurged ta attend. every county pupil attendlng the norte o! Trinuty Ohurcli, and vo- school. and about 40% o! the pupils centiy occupled by Dr. R. W. Clark. are county pupils, are paid for by This lieuse lias been completely re- thie counties. lI addition the counties novated and redecorated. contribute largely ta the payment o! Rev. W. P. Rogelrs o! Newcastle talces Necessary the debentures whicli financed te asct meteoi a fine bungalow on eretio ofthene scoolbuid-Cenre tretwhlch la now ready Big usial F stial ing. agvrietgati e for occupancy. The lot was pur- Big usic l Fetiva Providing the school passes ln- chased f rom Mrs. Norman S. B. spectiOn agvr et rn sr-James. .0 ceived ibis year amounting te, ap- Mr. H. M. Cole, chie! accountant C. C. F. SPEAKER proxlmalely $1700. BownianvMle ac- o!fithe Goodyear Plant, has complet- tuaily contributes te the scliool board ed one o! the most palatial homes __________________ iis year $3400 while the United of recent years i Bwmanvllle on Counties terougli grants and count- Centre Street an a lot purcliased ies assessment per pupil pays $15. f ram the Misses Allen, Beecli Ave. 000. Among the recent ressuyals are i addition te these sums Dr. Bon- Ithe followlng: nycastie stated that there were sev- Mr. anid Mrs. A. A. Emmeti, Man- otee amîl undswbili entvers Road. have taken haif o! the iowards paylng for Higli Sohool op- big McArthur Mansion on Conces- tualy othngfor tels work, pupils wlio will occupy the oteer bal!. fl ralsing most o! tee money terougl Mr F. R. Kerslake is baving the1 their ewn e~fforts. Whie cadet grants W D. Sort residence on Concession have been cut of f tee scliool stili Street reciecoratod preparatory te hn-q mainA . %.ma,. in-z n h +,4 f,,,1,- --A waiting the decisions cf the Ad- judicator. Unike the f irsi nuusc festival an extra bal! day is necessitabed 1115 year due 1<> the large entry Uisi and tee contest.s preper. will net close until nooxi on Priday. On Friday night, May 18t1, the, grand concert ai whlich ail fimit prise winners wilh take part wil ho lield in Trinity Churdli, coiTlIiOlc- ing ai 7 psu., Standard Time. Al sessions o! the Festival wilho oni standard tume Evevy session w.lll be open ta tee public on paymont o! a smaîl ad- mission f ee. Adults, morning and afternoon, will be charged 10c, and 25e in the evenings. Cîidrex iwllI ho admltted to mornlng and a! ter- neexi sessions f ree, but wlli be clisrg-' ed 25e for evenixig attexidance. T7he fial concert will ho 25c to ail. Pald up members o! the association uil ho relieved o! rusbing te get seats ______________ on that evening by havlng their seats veserved. This is cone f ree te ail pald up members and they psy no miss Lorna Cotton, MA., Ph. more than 25e admission te is con- Militant C. C. F. Cilisader, and one oert. Those w1'sWng mexubershlP o! the outsianidng women ovators tickets, wbicli are oniy 25c and whicli o! Ontario who will addre£ss a sertes admit one free te aIl inng of meetings on bebalf e! the C. C. P. sessions, Mnay secure thenu froin Mrs. li Durhiami Ceuxty xiext week. Ueo. t. pritchard, wloio 1-tee only Person selling tickets lI Bowmaxi- ville. The f ull tisse sclieduie o! tic Fesi- pleasure an important announcement Ival will be pubilalied inh next week's to e ho ace by The Ststesnuan next Staiesmnan and sseanwhlle ail con- week. At tee present time we are testants wilil receive s copy tlurougb not ai liberty ta make s def Imite the msails. statement, but we are confident tes- All those who are interested in nexi week tels announcement in lbe thie Music Festival will grees ith wehcoxned bY ail. le rs es nt et re te and f rom thia fund practicafly ail the furnishigs for the gymnasium have beexi puvchased. Grants for agriculture, for com- mercial course and for physical training were also recelved li ad- dition to numevous sunis donated by od residents and former students. Froni these facts. Dr. Bonnycasile stated, one could easlly see that to a 'very largo extent Bowmaxille Higli Scol expenses were pald from eut- aide tunds. Speaking o! ecoonmles macle by tee Board the speaker staied test seveval teacliers were receivig esa teaxi the minimum salary and that the school was running a teaclior short for two years, one class hav- lng as many as 60 students. double thie number alhowed by law. No fees are paid for attendlng tee school, and pupils from pooresi f am- iles are free to attend." lIithe past year or two wlien seme atudents bave found ht di!! iculita buy their bocks provision has been made for theen. Speaklng o! the erectioxi o!tee new sdcol, Dr. Bonnycasile, sald that theed building was erected as four teaclier scboei for 90 to 100 students. Wlien teis number grew ta, 300 the Board liad neo alternative but te, build ta, accemmodate ihem, anid thon oniy aller liavlng lef thee matter ini ahoyanco for several years. The amouxit payable by tee town tets year, tlie speaker addied, was not a true picture o! tle unusual amount ht was exceptionally snuall because of iwo tacts, test no lnsuraance liadi to <Coutinuedi ou page 7) Cliairman o! tee Ulilities Com- mission T. S. Holgate la havlng his residence on Temperance Street re- decorated ibrouglout ho! ore movig in nexi monili. iMisa Greer, chue! operator of tee Bell Teleplioxe Cc., wltli ler failier lias rented Miss Greta Wlckett's apariment on Wellington Street, formevly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Dlck Metoal! e wbe have moved te Toronto. The A. J. Adas and William Ad- anms familles, f rom Lowe Street and Westmount. have movod Into tlie Briltaixi Hous on Menvers Road. Mr. W. H. HIi, Bursar of tbe Boys' Training School. lias moved Inta thie norte aide e! C. H. Masen's lieuse on Centre Street, while Ken Poster and bis bride now occupy the bouse vacated by Mv. Hil. The British Anieican OU Ce. bas ieased outright tee garage, ce!! ee sliop and refreshimeni bootli on the Klngsway propeniy froni Mr. J. X. H. Jury. T. G. Burgar, Toronto, la lI charge. Mr. James Murray e! Mcrrisburg bas rente the West End Garage and Machine Shop and takes pos- session May isi. Dr. R. W.. Clark bas movedi inte île late Generai John Hughes' bouse on Wellngton Street. Mr. E. Smihl Ferguson la; occupy- Ing Mr. W. C . Perguson's lieuse on Liberty Street. Mr. Maurice làreslin, orono, lias moved ie tli< house formerhy c- cupled by Dr. 19 W. Sleson on Liber- ty Street. Fire Destroya Barn at Zoralea Farm North of the Village of Tyrone ire of unknown origin destroyed the large barn, slieep sheds and driv- ing shed on the Zoralea Poultry Farm, norili 0f Tyrone, sliortly a! ter noon on Wednesday. The farmi was f ormerly the homestead of the Mc- Lauglilin famlly and until a f ew years ago was operated by Col. Lorne T. McLaughlln o! Bowmanville. The los l sald to, ho very heavy as the barn was one of the largest and best equipped i Darlingion. The residence on the farm was saved by a bucket brigade o! neiglibors whicb was quickly organized wlien the out- break o!f fire became known. It is stated that iliere was ne livestock in tbe barn ai the time o! the f ire. The farm bas been operaled by Mr. F. N. Sharpe e! Toronto srnce lie purchased it f rom Col. MeLaughlin. Mr. Sharpe, wilie a frequent visitor at the farss dces flot occupy tbe bouse. It was net known ai the time of going to press wlietlier the barn was f ully covered witli insurance. Bow- manville Pire Brigade was called to tbe scene but were unable ta do any- thlng to, save the barn. Noted Cowbay-Journalist A.D. Kean Delivers Tkrilling Adventure Staries Star Weekly Feature Writer ROTARY PRESIDENT and New Citizen of This District Accorded B i g Welcome When 'He Ad- dresses Local Rotary Club Bowmanvillo Rotarians were talc- on on an exclting 50 minute tripj acroas Canada ta witness adventures o! a cowboy-liunter-w4laler-ournal-- it on Friday. ai the weekly meeting . ai Balmorel Hotel, wlien A. D. Kean, feature wnlter for the Toronto Star Weekly, delivered an intensely inter- esting and vivid account e! soins adventures wbich had befailen hlmn in bis many years in Western Canada. - Mv. Kean was introduced by Mayor Rosa Strike, and in lits opening re- marks tee speaker gave a word pic- bure e! bis f amily lfie, te provide a background for the numerous storles wbich lie relatoilitee couvrso! bis address. Mv. Kean's gvandfather was born in Scetland and was one o! 15 chUl- dren who came te Ontario li 1820, FrdCydra settling in 1821 near what is now the city o! Guelphi. His father was Chairnin of tee Public School boni in Ontarioi 1856 anid went Board wbe was elected President of west willi Sir Clifford Siftn i the Bowmanville Rotary Club for te the early days o! activity on tee 1934-35 season. He takes office on Prairies. July lis. Mv. Kean himself, was borninli Enierson, Maxi., and ht was net tintil Members ef Rebekali Lodge served he was forty years o! age test lie a very aPPetizig supper in the Odd-1 came te Ontario, the scene o! lis feilows Hall on Saturday evenlng forbears' Pieneer struggles. wbich tllose attending teorougthly Most o! bis life lias been spent on enioyed. The home cooking founld the cattie ranches o! Alberta and ready customers. and tee euche i Britishi Columbia, while li tee course tee evening !urnlshed amusement i o! advextures lie ha'd driven tee plexit y for ladies and gentlemen. stage, driven dog teains. road the freight stage, been a government - photographer, and also a government and Canadian Pacific Railway Forcoe who lias rehoitePeak Q Q FIM r s l i witing ability ht was liard to real-f 15e Ibat it was as recently as 1926 iBrk a r ibat Mr. Kean came easit t Tor- fBrh fO d ente and started lits Journallstic career. Mv. Kean recalled the Okanagan MRS. H. D. CLEMENS Valley iBritisli Colunmbia when Ih was wild-horse country, back li 1901, NEW PRESIDENT 0F when lanid could ho purcbased f romn $2.50 to, $5.00 par acre and lie wit- MUSIC STUDY CLUB nessed the growili o! tee great fruit growing boit until land sold for as Election of Otticers HeId ai ClosIng mucli as $1000 per acre. He saw the Sesion of the Season lu St. widhomse Counitry, covered wlte long Bomo jprairie grass change into idustrial ulaLcreRmo centres and towns wlth depanimental Weduusday stores, banks and al hi ts assoc- iated wlte modem clvillzatlon. Coxicluding a mosi successfui ses- lI a sertes o! graphlc sketches of son the Music Siudy Club helc itIs (Contlnued on Dage 4) final meeting o! tee sesson li Si. - Paul's Lecture Room on Wednesday night when officers for tee next sea- Town la Cleared of son weve duhy elected. Several changes were nmade I the executive. Thousands of Tin Cana Mms. E. P. Bradt, who bas been AtMatinee on Friday Presideni during a mosi successful At season, and under wliose guidance a unumber cf outstanding musical pro- Thousands o! tin cana, whicliun grains have been presented was jon: bul Frlday reposed on tee private oved wlte the appoiniment as H on- dumps o! Bownianville residbncs orary-President i recognition cf lier are now safely plled higli on tee services. Other officers electeoi were: Town Dunip, oui cf havm's way. lIn Presdiext-Mms. H. D. Clemens: lst connection wlth tee Cleo.n-Up Week Vice Présdent-Miss Greta Wick- activities, Mayor Strike sponsored a oit; 2nid Vlce-Presldent-Mrs. Nelle Tin Can Matliee on flday after- Garbutt; Recovding Secretary and noon aitee Royal Theatre, wlien Treasurer-Miss Marion Plckard; six hundred chilîdrexi brouglit strings CorrespondIng Secretary-Miss Loeu- e! cana te, gain admission te the C OsGborne; Executive Commtte- show. Il was estimated it biel Miss Ethiel Morris, Mrs Ueo. Weekes, 10,000 nd 15,000 cana were oletdMiss Margaret Allin, Miss Elizabeth and drawn away by tee town truick Painlon, Mms. D. J. Chambers, Mns. ta the dump. E. Smilth Ferguson, Mms. Earl Pisher, It was an eteusiastic group o! Miss Helen Argue; Planisi-Miss children ihat f inally got settled hIHelen CI. Morris. the tlieatre when Manager TommUiy Miss Aura Rundle, convenor o!te Rosa called the children te, order and Nolmting C«mn.it#tee. pxWeented thanked Mayor Rosm Sivike for listh le report and moved for is adiop- interest. The Mayor made a very tion. Immedlatehy a! ter the business brie! sddress i', whicli ho expresaedi session tee members adjourned te appreclation of the whole liearted give tiiose who wlslied an opportun- manner lI which tee ohidren himi lty e! aitendlng tee motion pictures cleaned the town cf cana, and lie o! tee Life o! Christ li Si. Paul's urged tim to keep the towxi dean Chureli. thveughout the sununer by not throwing refuse o! any klnd ontee streets. wlth 1500, Dcrotey Blckle wlte 400 Mayor Strike also, pointed out test and Rachel Hllderly wlth 100. Harry while the council i d sponsor the Coniers snd IDorothy Blokie received matlnee, it was eiitirely Mr. Rosss a prias o! ten tickets eacl f rom Mn. and tee show was presented by Mr. Boss and Boss Rice and Rachel HiI- Ross without cosit tete town at ail. derly recelved five tickets each. At tee suggestion e! the Mayor the Mr. Ro s atO e ho mmended On chidren gave three lieariy cheers the manner lI wlcli le co-operated and a tiger for Mr. Rosa. wi tete couil in theli observance of A check up oni the numbers of tins Clean-Up Week, and Ubis collection bro&rgliiby 1am.<dhldren reveId of thousanda is fcana usa splencd Harry Conners witli 2»0, Ros Rioescontribution to the dlean-up cause. Miltaon J. Elliott Is Conservative Standard Bearer Former Mayor WilI Oppose W. J. Bragg, M.P.P. - Premier Geo. S. Henry Addressed Huge Audi- ence at Orono Milton J. Eliott, four times Mayor of Bowmianville a.nd former Warden of the Unltbd Counties of Northumberland and Durham, was the unanimous choice of Durham County Conservatives at their large- ly attended convention In- Orono Town Hall on Monday nlght. Mr. Elliott's was the only name to corne before the convention and lie re- ceived a rousing reception wbeu lie waiked onto the platform. Mr. Eliott, was -the defeated can- didate in thie last Provincial Eiec- tion ini 1929 when a recount of the vote reveaied W. J. Bragg, present member of the LegIsiature leadlng by oniy ten votes. The Town Hall at Orono s filled to capacity, with approxlmately 800 in attendance. James Paul, Mani- vers, President of Durham County Conservative Association preslded and was assisted in the business ses- sion by Capt. J. C. Gamney, secretary. Mr. Eliott in a brief addreoe touched on various topies; of provin- cial administration, maldng several suggestions to the Prime Minister Who was the main speaker of thie evening. Premier Henry was introduced by Fred W. BowenM. P., and lin an ad- d.ress lasting un hour and forty-flve minutes the Prime Minister .touched on practically all phases of provin- cial administration. The Premier was given a rousing reception when ho rose to, speak, and bis address was listened to with keen lnterest. Not once during the course of- bis address was he lnterrupted or ques- tloned. The nomination of Milton. J. Elllott was moved by R. U. Hayden, president oft1 Port Hope Conser- vative Assocatmn and seconded by A. E. Bllett of Hampton. Mr. Elliott lias been li municipal life for many years as a member of Bownmanville Town Council, servlng on the Counties Council where ho was the popular cholce for Warden a few years ago. For four years after that,, lie leld the office of Chiet Magistrate of Bowmanvlle. Ris de- feat by Mr. Bragg In 1929 was bis flrst entrance into provincial pol- ltlcs. He wihl now oppcse Mr. Bragg for the second time. On Monday evenlng Mr. Story, a. mlissionary f rom South. America, gave a very, lnterestlng Illustrated. lecture at Trlnity United Churcli. There was a large audience comprlsed mostly , of public sohool chlldren. Mr. Story spoke very fluently and told many lnteresting stortes. Ho showed over 100 sîldes. Mny. beau- tiful pictures of South Anerica amn- ong theni. A silver collection was taken te lielp along wltli bis mis- sionary work lIn Southi America. 5tk Anniversary ler at Divine Service Rev. A. S. Kerr Conducts Impressive Service at St Paul'a Church on Sunday -Wreath la Laid on Sol- diers' Memorial Marklng tlie 115tli annlversary. of the f ounding of the Order, Florence Nighitingale Lodge, No. 66 1. O. O. F. attended Divine Service at St. Paul's United Churcli on Sunday mornlng. The Loodge members, over 100 strong and headed by the Canadian Liegion Band under Bandmaster R. Foun- tain paraded to the churcl f rom, the Iodge rooms. The service at the churcli was of a mosti mpressive nature, and was conducted by, the minister, Rev. A. S. Kerr, who dellvered an inspiring ad- dress on the subJeci, "And Who la My Neighbor?' basing lis reniarka on hestryofThe Good Samaritan. The address was most appropriate and was greatly enjoyed, by 'the visit- ing members and the large congre- gation. The choir rendered, several splen- did numbers lncluding an anthemi wltli Mr. Geo. E. Chase and Mrs. C. A. Cawker takln« solo parts, a chorus by the maie section of - the choir, a -u1br by-he4u1io 4 uate- t Premier Geo. S. Henry Whio made a spirlted defense o! bis governmneni's administration ai the Durham Ceunty Conservative Convention at Orono on Monday 1~ "4- 'I I 1 matonu J. EUlott Wiiliam J. Bragg, M.P.P. Former Mayor o! Bowmanville President member o! the Liegisla- and Warden of the United Ceites, ture for Durham CountY who was wbo bas been chosen Conservative nominated last f ail t again contest candidate for Durham CountY. the seat in the Ontario elections.

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