Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Mar 1934, p. 10

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PAGE TE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THtJRSDAY, MARCH 29th, 1934 ices miss Dorothy Rickard is honme lumber and building material bu' m f rom Macdonlald Hall. O.A.C. Guelph. ness in Seattle. Wash.T Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gimiblett, Five Hundred and Euchre under oîc Maple Grove, spent Sunday with lier the auspices of St. John's Choir e parents. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Bar- Club, Wedinesdiay. April 1lth, t e:h rabaîl. held in the ballroom of the Queen's M<I Mr. Harold Gibson returned home Hotel. Newcastle. SS on March 1th weekend f rom Tor- United Church - Rev. W. P. Rog- Chi onito where hie had been taking a ers, B.A., Pastor. Sunday, April lst:me lleutensnt's course at Stanley Bar- il a.m.-Reception Service and Sac- hea racks. rament of the Lord's Supper; 2.30 Mr. Frank Woodhouse and bride. p.m.-Sunday Sclhooî; 7 ' .-pe-pri. who were married at Schomberg at ial Easter Service. Both church ser- c the home of the brides parents on vices will be held in the churc Hti Saturday, Mardi 24th, spent the auditorium. The choir is preparing ove early part of this week honeymoIi.- special music for the day. t ingatMr:an Mr. rumn lar's Passion Week services at the Un- o and meeting a number of Frank's ited Church are being held every ev- C old friends i.n this locality. Mrs. ening this week in the S. S. hall with par Wood.house was formerly Miss Ber- the exception of Saturday. Mon- 1 nice Arehibald, Schomberg. . day's service was in charge of the d The achievement'5 of Durham's Y.P.L.; Tuesdays-the W. M. . ily Agricultural Representative. Mr. E. Wednesday's-the Seso;Tus-Tl A. Sumrmers and bis Junior Farmers day's will bc eonducted by the Cm~anc are making Durham f artous f romn mittee of Stewards. aud Fridays - ed. ocean to ocean snd beyond the seas. the Pastor. triy F The Weekly Sun and The Family Monday a! tei'noon, April 2nd. the PSi Herald and Weekly Star, with a cir W.M.S. of the United Church will ai culation extending over the whole holo. its Easter thank offering ser-bo Dominion and beyond its conf!ines.: vice in the S. S. Hall.ti and other farm papers have given to wide publieity to the exploits aud BISHOP OWEN AT ST. GEORGE'S mu success o r uiesand b1 young agricultursi, proteges whofr Confirms Clasof Six the four times in succession hav e capt- Rt Rev. Drwyn T. Owen, D.D,,sha ured the Quinte Seed Judginig Tro- Lodmihpo ootpi i n phy aud nearly aIl the idvda second official visit ta Newcastle on bar prizes. Tuesday. Mardi l3th. when at St. son Mr. Geo. Trenwith and sister, Miss Georges Church in the evening he thi Trenwith. and daughter, Miss Dor- laid hands on and conflrmed s class c othy Treuwith, Mrs. Alun sud Mrs. of four Young womeu and two Young wag Beni. Moise were guests of Mr. and1 men, preseuted by the rector. Rev. duc Mrs. P. O'Neil at a birthdsy party F. H. Mason, M. A. Rev. J. Scott S last Wednesday eveuing. March 21st, Howard, M. A., and Rev. Lorne all on the occasion of the birthday Of Thomas, LTh.. also assisted in the enq their grandison, Master Kerineth îînpressive ceremony. Mrs. Alf red an, Keech. An attractive iced cake. Farncomb wa5s t the organ. sud.tpa made by Mrs. Moise, fromn the top of the appoiuted hour for the service an3 wb±ch flamed 13 candies denoting the chure]. warderis. Mr. W. H. Gtb- ear Jim.mie's age, graced the centre of son and Mr. Howard Gibson. carry- tha the bountifully laid teS table. ing their official staves. led the pro- rea St. Georges Church - Rev. F. H. cession of singing choristers sud c Mason, M.A., Reetor. Sunday, April clergy from the vestry by th-e side tei lst, Easter Sunday: il a.m.-Morn- and central aisles to the chancel, sta ing Prayer and Holy Communion; Rev. Lorne Thomas preceding Bishop op 2 p.m.-Sunday school; 7 p.m-Ev- Owen. earrying the richly jewelled tel ensong sud Sermon. crosier. the emblem of epîscopal duc Passion Week services are bemng rank sud autbority.co held titis week at the United Church As the service proceeded, the eau- ac sud the meeting on Monday eveiing didates, suitably attired for the cere- b was in charge o! the Young Poeple's mony. kueit before the Bishop in old League with Winnifred Rickard pre- turu and be. laying bis bauds on the 1 sidi.ug. There was a good attend- (Cotinued on pg ) w suce o! both young people sud ad- pag 8 ults. Mr. Chas. Gleuney read the LI1 i scripture lesson; Misses Winnifred S L Mser Riekard. Hilda Rowland and Mr. ..tlî>wl bur Baskerville led in prayer.; musi- The subjeet of Rev. A. S. Kerr's prc cal numbers were a vocal duet by fine sermon on Sunday was "The be Misses Marie and Dorotby Henning. man who always looked on the dark er accompauied by Miss Bessie Black- sidie. the buru; piano selections by Miss Anna-. Y. P. L. meeting Wednesday even- belle Hendry sud Miss Mary Clem- ing, March 21st. was opened by the Sc" ence; and s quartette by Misses President with hymu sud prayer by nir Winnifred Rickard and Gertrude Mr. F. Cator. Citizenship Vice pre-th Bonathan and Messrs. Wilbur Bas- sided over the following program: a kervile and Stanley Riekard. se- Bible reading. Lorne Foster; Mr. F. te companied by Miss Annabelle Hen- Blackburn very ably conducted the cot dry. The dominant feature was an ,worship period; Mr. E. Doidge took d<i Easter pageant in whieh quite a the topie discussion: readings were sc number of the Leaguers took part. given by Misses W. Lancaster. B. gî( Meeting closedi with the League Cator, M. Collacott and Mr. W. G. tic bened.lctlon. Werry; Mr. W. Taylor f avored with 9g1 Mr. sud Mrs. Geo. A. Pearce, Eb- a violin selection; sud Master Ron- 1 enezer, Mr. sud Mrs. Ira F. Pearce. ald, Hall with a recitation. A few P.i Bowmsflville, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. impromptu speeches were calledi for Mi Scuithorpe, Hope, were recent guests and responded to for the social bour. di o! Mr. sud Mrs. W. H. Pearce. Meeting closedi by the presidient. At- Ca Crowds f rom f ar and wide attend- tendance 25. fir ed Mr. D. J. Galbraith's big auction Mr. sud Mrs. W. Moffat and f ar- ai sale of stock sud implements at Bel- ily, Orono, visited hier parents. Mr. mont ou Monday a! temnoon of this sud Mrs. F. L. Squair. on Sunday. week sud secured many good bar- Mi'. and Mrs. A. Welsh sud f Sm- gains. Now that Mr. Galbraitb bas ly spent Sundsy wth Mr. and Mrs. disposed o! his farm sund ebattels, ahl Savery. Newtouville. their frieuds will wish for him sud Glad to report Mr. L. Squair su!- pl Mrs. Galbraith many more years 0fi ficiently recovered to come home ou Sel a quiet, restiul life in the retire-ISunday. Ar ment o! their coinfortable village Mrs. C. Cuîtis. towu, was a week- Ad home and with that esse f rom the end guest with Mr. sud Mrs. E. cares sud worries of managing a big Doidge. La !arm which at their time of life they Miss Ella Collacott, Toronto. wss Re so richly deserve. home over the weekeud. a Durham Lodge A. F.&A. M.put e h on th fourth degree on Tuesdiay ev- ENNISKILLEN enlng, Marcit 27th, sud entertained "Th Bos." Th baque gust The Women's Association will give Ar speaker was Mr. A. R. Virgin, SuPt. an Esster program at the monthly dr, of the Boys' Training School, Bow- meeting next week. . P. manville. Miss Annie Oke. Miss Muriel Bak- 1 a Mr. E. J. Symons sud Mrs. C. J. er. Soina. Mr. Edgar sud Fred~c Staples Welcomne, called on their Wright. attended the hockey gameirr aunt. Mrs. Geo. P. RLiekard. last in Toronto on Saturday uight. Mondsy. Mrs. Staples also visited Miss Margaret Allin. Misses Gertie her aunt, Mrs. J. 0. Rickard., Bow- sud Winnifred Oke. sud Mr. George niville. Davidge. Bowmanville. Mr. sud Mrs.; Word was recelved by Mr. JC>. E. E. Staples. Hsmpton, visited St Coulson of the deatit of his nephew. Mr. Wesley Oke's. Mr. Samuel Hunter of Seattle on Mr. W. H. Moore spent a f ew days Marc]. 26tb. Mr. Hunter wss the with bis sisters. Miss Lena Moorel elde.st son of the laite Mr. sud Mrs. andMr. Charlie Rice. London. Willam unte an wasbor an Miss Leah Bell. Bowmanville, spent educated ini Newcastle. For many the weekend wth Miss Muriel Moore. years bie bas been eugaged in the Dr. Clarke Dorland sud wife, Ot- tisville. U3. S.. Miss Audrey Dorland, !Bowmanville. visited their parents. Mr. sud Mrs. J. Dorland. Mr. sud Mrs. L. Swain sud fam- A4.uthlir baving ly. Blackstock. visited hiaut BA~8A ~Mrs. P. Mountjoy. and Mr. sud Ms George Reidi. f Suuday eveniug service was well for attended. Mrs. Wn dmBw manville. delivered a very interest- ing sud belpful missionary address. The Music was given by s ladies'i Garde Loy rs jchoir assistedi by Miss MargaretA- Gard n Lo ers lin of Bowmanville, Mr. GeorgýeCDt- idge. accompsuist. Mrs. . Newtou and child.reu, o! 1I 1i ..--. - ~Illeifle IL Stirring Appeal Made For Social Reform (Contlnued f rom page 1) es. sud just sud fair returus to nployers and emplos'ees alike. The speaker con tended that the d type o! distribution by the inde- udent merchaut wss an asset to Lcommunity sud that it was o! >re value than the mechanized stem o! chain, store distribution. tain store workers. he added. are ere cogs in a machine, witbout art or soul for individual enter- rise. Canada is fsced witb su incom- rable merchandising situation. uge organizations that bave grovm- ýer s period o! mauy years have irown out their tentacles f rom )ast ta coast. Witb this great ex- unsion has came the mass buying. Not many yesrs ago, the speaker Ided. there wss conteuted fani- y ife in the average Ontario ton. hen came mecbsnized distribution. id a profound change was effeet- He claimed that centralized dis- ibution of products. with highly id executives sud with employees [ved about as cheekers on a ard, sud witb no more compunc- on, had braken dowu this com- uity life sud had reduced wsges. Mr. Hougbam then launched into ie evideuce of the Stevens enquiry io".iug instance after instance o! tîlpractice o! business sud show- ig that nine times out of ten. a rgain in a store is a eut-rate at tneone's expeuse. sud that some- iing bougbt very cbeaply in the thiug lhue will prabably me-an 10w iges. or somnething in dairy pro- acis. 10w returuns for the farmer. Speaking o! Mr. Stevens person- y. Mr. Haugbsm said that this quiry was not an election. stunt. .d that in ahi bis 20 yesrs around rliament he did not recaîl wben y minister was 50 desperately in irest. He has started sometbing at no one eau stop, sud no one aily dreams wbere this will lead. Citizeus hsd the choice o! two ai- cunatives, either a co-operative ite or a corporative state. A co- perative state meant a free sud in- fflîgeut co-operation between pro- ucer sud habor, distributor sud usumer. This ideal state can be ccomplished. but if il fails it will einertis that will kili it, witb the Id ides o! letting George do it. The whole matter rested on -hether business men were goiug to ut profit or service first. Wbeu rvice is the dominant motive men .11i make more profit. and the more rofit they make the moi-e they will elauded, for it will mean the great- rthe profit the greater the service .ey bave rendered. There is beiug boru a social con- ience. in which people are begin- ng ta reahize that tbey are iudeed ucir brother's keeper. One bas not social conscience because he gives o relief, Ibat is onhy a social nar- otic to make one believe tbey are ing the right thiug. To bave a icial conscience is to realize the -est ueed for the uew social jus- ice that will provide the greatest >od for the greatest number. Vice-President T. S. Holgate ex- )ressed the gatbering's thanks to Er. Hougham for his sphendid ad- [ress. Alîsu Knight. wtth Charlie awker at the piano. pravided two ne vocal numbers before the close )fthe program. CO-G EVENTS - Base Line Three will present their lay "For the Old Flag" in the :hool house on Tuesday evening, pril 3rd, at 8 o'clock. Admission: duits 20c, children 10c. The Salvation Army, Division St.: antern Slides. f rom Last Supper to esurrection, Thursday. March 29th. it 8 p. m. Admission: Aduits 10c, rijdren 5c. You be sure and corne. St. John's Church will hold its innual Easter Supper on Thursday, pril 5th, at 5.30 p. m. Menu: Cold Iressed pork. jellied veal, m.ashed otatoes, salad and pickles, pumpkin ind apple pie served with creamn and ,eese, bread. butter and tes. Ad- nission 40c. RALLY and DANCE under auspices of 2Oth Century Club of Durham County Newcastle Community Hall MONDAY, APRIL 2nd at 8 pm. Speakers- HO'N. VINCENT MASSEY HON. GEORGE McýlQUIBBAN, Liberal Leader Ray CoIe's Orchestra Dancing - Bridge - Euchre Refreshments Provided ADMISSION 30c Purchase your tickets f romn Stanley Robinison, T. S. Holgate. Wîlfrid Carruthers. Lloyd Oke, Ailan Knight, ]Bo%-manville, Miss Dunreath Dudley, Newcastle, and Johin Baker, Hampton. This rally is non-partisan. Everybody Welcome Toronto Optometriasts 2143 DANFORTH AVENUE Phone Grover 7078 G. M. BOSNELL, PORT HOPE Wednesdai' . 9 a. nm. to 9 p. m. Opposite John Street Phone 248 or 525J G. E. GARNETT, COBOURG Saturday- 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. over A. & P. Store MARRIAGES. GRINEAU - WOOD 011Sat-as .Marci l 2411',at St ' .Aiîir-',s l'r,'bIyter- ian 1 'uch Ilw iziul- . lui1-v. W. T. i'ii. Vincen t i'ru uu.u T .ls .r Woo(i, ilaugltr of'Mr. NW il. andIl ii. liat, \Ir.iT. Wo i aIl <f I irliuiloTu. WOOD-CLARK-t)iii S utlIa .M.rchl '11,. it St. .tuirts 1.,iî'iui tutu ii-du.i tovnuiurIl l I.i W..-J TOitItit.Sattl I tr W l s i f Nî \V. Il. Woodlz u iat, îti sun Wio Tl) Nlus 11,11v fClar. al1 cf 1i.rugt- WH ITE-FRV-A 't St. luti-ITuti 'Il u i ne -I l' a r s o n z g , , N 'i il l I i . Il% . l t'- \ . S . Iritiiu, on S tilirlý,î'. NI ai 3tr Ii: i 'itiTliuiol, Stiltotu :1l1 N r. . . li. I DEATHS JACKS-In uInlouiu l.. lu 'fitTh lzuIýY. 2.tutni 2t i. î'12î. "illu,r .1.î Par- linzon 7tit iti 2 tuirs SYMONS-\t Ibit I ip, iTtli...N Music FRANCIS SUTTON. Mus. Bac. F.C.C.O. A.T.C.M. etc. Pl'uiils prepar-dilfor tilt e'aminaions. t'rivate and clas s sns at moderate rates. Repairs R. PAWSON BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRING Soles sswn on hy Goodyear Stitchîng àMachine. I'rices reas9onable. Silver Street. Bowmanville -tf Harness Repairs Ilaîsantdi bonIs ,r 'ai ursci tplronti ut sXork gu.r nt,' ,i. 2T APPLICATIONS CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY of Northumberlanld sud Durhami .t.iîl ic t ions for tiilofsition Of Siller- it, lu t ntof Ia -.î t soci-t yttv rtuler~ Ti- tii,- 'r,'siffi-rit.'Mr . . 1foTatl. tort .licuaiiIt. shîuulîl -tt, tuz.. .\î .t' qua lificatui s and lsailrîi ,.ittt AUCTION SALE ture sud bousehold conteuts of the Presbyterisu Manse on Queen Street wil be sold by publie auctian. in- cluding Chesterfield suite. Windsor. boudoir sud occasional chairs. small table, rugs sud inoleum. organ. 9- piece dining room suite. library table sud book case,' leather rocking chair and settee. day couc].. bedroomn suite. 3 simmous ,Iteel bc-ds and mattresse '*,dressers. wasb stand. toiletware. cedar chest. refrîgerator. porcelsin top table. wssbing mach- ine. dishes. garden tools, coal sud oih stoves. Pontiac car in good condi- tion, sud other articles. As Mr. Todd is going bsek 10 the Old Coun- try, everything must be sold. Sale at 1 o'chock. Terms cash. Wm. Cbhhlis. Auctioneer. 13-1 O.' A.' C. Bred-to L ady N BARRED ROCZK CHICK AN HATCHING EGOS from Durhaml Countys Largest Exclusive Barred Rock ..Ontario Breeding Station." Write, or phone. for our free Circular and Price List. Read about our 100% clean Blood Test. and the tact that ail our chicks are produced under the Domninion Goverflment Hatchery Ap- proval Policy. DONALD E. GIBSON Bowmanville, Ontario Phone: Clarke 3811; Bowmanville 300r3 M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Building. Blowmnanvillc. W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanville, Ontario L. C. NIASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in alI its branches. Office immediately east o oa Phns Theatre. ofRy. Poe:Office 688; Homie 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bîdg 1 Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a. rm to 6 p. m. daily except Sunda3 Phone 90. Flouse phone 283. X-Ray Equipment In Office. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equipment Ambulance and Invalld Car Cal] Phone 10 or 34. Assistant. 573 BOWMANVILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH Complete Funeral Service Modemn Equlpment - Ambulance A. WV. G. Northcutt - Aubrey Smiftlh Phone Da.ys 58 Nights. Sundays or Holidays Phone 523 or 276 Upholstering UPHOLSTERING - (in afl kinds oli furiîrturi'. Ail work guarant.ed. Sam-: pli»s sniates free. J. A. Fr Scu- gog st rî,rt, Blowmanvllle. Pho)ne &38. 5-tf-Pe ClassifFounds FOUNO fii th, S u 'Stori'. onit - iluu îîrS i an iiipy i v ul ycthange- lursi. uu Mut' l~'y , iTit u lîuvu, ir ;f eoi ls .'.tuiu.u zar13-1 Wanted MAI O WANTED-I'or g.i'u. uts - -W ANTED-l:t. .\rl st . alad ziOit 1, 1)ure A I 1 v i . r"on To izacobi W-ý77ANTE Il- \l.ni t i trziîlf uîr1 oi' ut . ti,11,, rit t' iluiitg. .Xîiîly lut i. o I 1to ,yau z, tzuf;, iTtil 1.-11 For Sale FOR SALE---Qtuiitit. rIiz 1r-U, ui (As .1u1,r l 'il, T il' t. .îîl ' î.lu FOR ,SALE - Alluutlt tt . t . nroi" FERCOALE PIANO FOR SALE -1 NI tti .Tisîtit . iuurant-I for tnI tiS. 1.riux. 11-4 1 FOR SALE OR WHAT HAVE YOU- t"iglislu it ri Ti, tutiTOOTi tlot. iniito \Vluu.'ii -ls.itou inzint Nliiiit,-t. HEINTZMAN & CO.. Nrtiinr Glrirt1 tiuittzflnin ad N,-%%ul'\Vil- lizuin. Iltiucalort piu os.iî.itut.tfor t1us,.r. 12 Suiîu Si. North, John Ni 0shîî' iz . "rîi.12-4 FOR SALE-5 1,ussngr. twtin ignition. Auvaicîl Six Nislit pa.lrivittel' owttii-t. sntoît nilu. WtIi1tir.ýI,'nets- t,.ttry. niust blu. t.iîl 0closeizînes tate. Aiiîy ,iýToNiugr Baink Nontruol,îlots- nuzinill'9-tf. FOR SALE-i 'uticktu ntdlitcrin g -g front Tancri-il Stain Leghtornsr,21 0 ,)46 c (itînIl.js iuadt.t lv cockerels from1 ?312 tuirn. Also ii.fewt pure Tancre d cock- ,rls. 'ust oni t huIr ii sol ici t- itGeorge tt Cilt.îuirtic'. 11-3 DESîRABLE PROPERtTV FOR SALE- In IHampîrtonr it0i11 s-îttuigh Wa . i out, iri"s it zIi, Viti4o' ouifl appl, tre.-s ai tt ii,- oul firut. 2 stor-y fruutue, toit-s., t rronrr, itîrdt andt sott i O' futitizue'. . i tlîtrinc urtloftI. utjjuI'. ; ili iltu hritisi . gonît latin sitîr I autiînd ibis To Let TO RENT -tti,otts, ot011 ru Tr' FLAT TO RENT-lI)ir,.ctly or -r 5,I- ri t-,-Stor'. ios. siit rtonet-- .\hIrY 10 Mn .". (,. 2Iuiîior I,.(i'.SMason. Putone 553 antI 6". TO RENT-'. roonroul brick uotise. I'o'ss-slit Alril 1.5th. Apptv W%. F. Qtiick. ttoitiuuvitt,'. Pthone 21_6. 10-tf FOR RENT-Farmn of about 65 acres, atuitional zir-ige if destred; cons'en- ijtlvIcu1.i n Cîsha'.s'a wsttticity 'vaten stil; ampI" tbiliidings; immedate pos - tu-osii. Apîtly to G. D. Conant. Oshawa. 12 -2 For Sale or To Rent 12 acr,,ý orciiztrii, 10 tures r«-ý..t* for crop. Aboutttrîii-iinrttutof Itioîr ii viil. Ios,-ssioiu ut otîce. ,l-i -t tit corîn îîands.' toits15for sale, Il. tit. i 'o Imu- cottT, l, R . 5, owitant-ulte Pltone.163 12-2* I Royal Theatre, Bowmanville COMMENCING ON MONDAY, APRIL 2nd Three shows each week. Entire change of programn every Mon- day, Wednesday and Friday, except where contract forces us to run pictures for three days. Stili the saine great series of shows at no extra charge, but three a week instead of two. Wene- a .I ur1a March 29 - 30 - 31 ,aHFoId me doser!1 Whispor to me softly. Toll me that you love me- I'm no lifoless puppot nor 'cs creaturo that lives by LOPPlaUSO-for AJesse L. Lasky Production with LILIAN HARVEY Gene Raymondi Leslie Banks Mstinee Good Friday at 3 P. m. Matlnee Saturd.ay at 2.30 p. m. The Tiieme Song oF Spring Gaiety Is New ClothesI To carry you gaily through this ses- son you simply must have new clothes. A new suit, a new dress and coat, s new hat, new hose, new gloves. new accessories. And where better eau you be assured of quality, of low price, of real service, than st Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. If you are sure you wsnt the srnartest clothes iu town, this is the store that wil show you them, sud st sniazingly low prices. Corne in, look around sud see for yourself. In the Men 's Store It matters lit.tle what you want, or what you want to pay, we have it. New suits, new topcoats, new shirts, new gloves, new ties, new hats, new hose, everything. And the price is right. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Phone 104 April 2 - 3 They say its ber greatest suc- cestu! Going some-after allhber bit'.! Bing sud Marion singing love-sud making love! Its sheer delight Fif i D'ORSAY, Stuart ERWIN, Ned SPARKS. Patsy KELLY Mfatinee Monday at 2.30 p. m. April 4 - 5 YOU KNOW what sailors are, but you've never had such fun with them beforel M tinee Wednesday at 2.30 p. zn. COMING SOON Ail Star Cast ln "Footlight Parade" Janet Gaynor ad Lionel Barrymore in WiII James Great Outdoor "Smokcy" Joe E. Brown iu "Son of a Sailor" ý ýý -l .MM6 b* -. - Notice to Creditors N THE ESTATE OF ROBERT COWAN I'r.xI: NiT11-1i. hat ii p rs h lut Tul Ti , uiuîTlx ,of It u riian . l: qnu r , il- î,,i.w hi-iti- i onor abourut thi' tth 'L'y i-f .ro'.ll, 1 . in ti,, Vill.gi of Nîw.sTî r. lr» .notifil To s,înt hl Tii Tii. uI 1i.rsigl%.A on or Ittori th. 2:ri ly of .Xîil, 1 93;, fou larticul:irs anl1I'rofof rIl 1hir claai .lninilîoItly Aftt. io' said l 3ril 10V of .Xjil, 1934. tho oft n tti' said Estat,' ivili h.' i .tnlr il- a.î tifg th.-' parties i-Ot itledl thlur, To. luLviflg rigarul only to T t' claiTfs of winhucuth,' EN.-etors shali uT Itat of1ATU it ownirinvill' luis 22iiuly nIMa:rcl, 19i31. ALLIE REID, of the Town o Port Hope. and JOHN W. BRADLEY, of the Vil- lage of Newcastle, Executors. By their Solicitor. LAWRENCE C. MASON. Bowmaniville, Ontario. 12--3 CofHeTuck Opt. Eyesight Specialist Author of: Optometry Feature Service The Child and Its Developmeflt Specializiflg exclusively in muscle anomalies, eyeslght and glasses. Phone for appolntment 1516 Oshawa, Ont. Disney Bldg. Opp. P. 0. 1 e: -'l 1 Bowmanville LIMITED

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