PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWM.ANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH l5th, 1934 HAMPTONI Mr. Stanley Cowling, Peterbor- ough Normai, was home recently. Ice harvest is stili under way, the of the blocks being 28 fiches. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Homn, ac- companied by Mrs. R. Avery, and Mr. Jackson Wray, were in Toront.o on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wilkinson, and son, Douglas. Toronto, visited her father, Mr. E. TruIl, and other relatives on Sunday. Rev. W. Rackhama on Sunday night spoke f rom the words "Thou Wall Paper NEWV WALL PAPER MARES A NEW ROOM 1934 Papers. plain and pat- terned. lower ini price. pleasing in design a type f or every room. Sunworthy - Sun tested and semi-trinimed. Brmng us your dimensions and ]et us tell you how reasonably work can be done. J. W. Jewell PHONE 30 - "SIG 20" THURS. - FRI. - SAT. Specials Each week we list special prices with the idea of sav- rng you money. Take ad- vantage of these prices by phoning your ordens ut once. SQUIBB'S DENTAL CREAM 44% 1il ofMagnesia 13- 27ts 8value ..Çoc 25e Boracia Acîd 18e $1.25 Absorbine Jr. 93e Eno's Fruit Sait 59C Pinkham's Comp. 5.9c $1 Fever Thermometers 39e Castoria, 40e size 24e Creaipsn's33cv Thompn's.Sha 33e Lfehuoy Soap 3 for 19e Dr. West's Tooth Faste, 17e Combination Attaeh- ments 39e J. W. WORRALL OPTOMETRIST At Our Store Mondays 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Fridays - 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. RUMACAPSBox of 50 IFor Rhematism Alex McGregor Prescriptions a Specialty PHONE 92 WE DELIVER >preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies, etc," Psa. > 23. Dr. and Mrs. R. Davies, and fam- iiy, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. John Challis. Miss Mabel Chahls, Bow- manville, visited at Mr. H. Wilcox's on Sunday. "Gleaners,*' Young Ladies Bible Class, with their teacher. Mrs. Lew- is Allun, met at the home of Miss Ruth Johns on Tuesday night. Fol- lowing the usual form 0of meeting fancy work wvas engaged in, and refreshments were served before ad- journing. Young Peoples' meeting on Fni- Sday evening was in charge of Miss Florence Burns, 2nd Vice-President Program opened with a hymn after which the Lord's Prayer was repeat- ed; minutes were read; Reginald Rackham read the bible lesson and the devotional1 was given by Miss Jean Hogarth; Miss Ruth Johns gave a reading. The topic was pre- sented by Mr. Rackham. Mrs. W. Greenaway gave a reading; hymn was sung and the meeting cosed wit.h the Beniediction. ENNISKILLEN Miss Eva Souch visited her broth- en, Mn. C. W. Souch, Hampton. Mn. Floyd Pethick, Toronto, speri the weekend with his parents. Mn. and Mns. S. R. Fethick spenl Sunday with Newtonville friends. Mns. E. C. Ashton visited hei daughters i n Toronto and Pont Fer- ry. Miss Reva McGill. Toronto, visited hen parents, Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Mc- Gili. Mn. and Mns. Patton. Onono. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mns. Jas, Bradley. Mn. and Mns. Levi Brunt spent Sunduy with Mn. and Mrs. Joe Av- et-y. Bunketon. Miss Venu Shuckelton, Bowýman- ville. Mrs. Wm. Rahm and June Oshawa. visited Mn. and Mns. J Shackelton on Sunduy. Misa Margaret Dalton and Mn. Or- ville Ashton visited Mn. and Mrs Stewart Rodman, Fort Ferry. Mrs. Rodman returned with them. Mn. and Mns. Wesley Oke, Misses Elsie and Winnifred Oke, attended the funenal 0f Mrs. George Robbins, Mulvenn, on Friduy. Mn. Oke ne- ceived the sud message of the death of his nephew. Mn. Stanley Avery oc Tononto. TYRONE <- Mn. Levi Annis, Toronto, spent the week end ut home. Mrs. H. Wicke spent the week end at hen home in Toronto. Wutch for opening of Connforth's Shoe and Hurness shop next weelî Mns. Edgar Rosevean and Miss Helen Rosevea.n, Cobourg, visited Mr. Gussie Rosevean on Saturday. Women's Institute and Ladies' Aid will meet ut the home of Mn. W. Stewart on Wednesday 2lst, 2 p. n. Rev. A. M. and MrsI. Wootton and John visited the fonmen's par- ents, Rev. and Mrs. Wootton. Peter- bot-o. Messrs. Harry and Frank Hather- îy, Dixie, spent the week endci wtl thein parents, Mn. and Mns.R. Hatherly. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Little and baby. Oshawa visited the former's grandmothen and father Mrs. Wm. Little and Mn. Wm. Little. Miss Tenu Fenguson, Missionary Supeintendent took change of the following pnognum at Sunday School: 'House of Friendship;" Duet, Misses Helen Trimm and Eva Collucott; ne- uding, Miss Myntie Brooks "Helped in Time of Need;" Miss T. Fengu- son gave a veny instructive address ooncerning oun "New Cunadians.' The Wohelo group of the C.G.I.T* met in the vestny on Salut-day. Program pnepared by Mildned Bt-ad- ley as follows: Reading by Susie Thompson; -Jesus calîs us o'en the Tumuit," was sung by the girls; Eva Collacott favoured with a piuno solo; aften which a very instructive demonstrution on nursing was given by Miss Elizabeth Bigelow. Lea.gue prognam Thursday even- ing wus in charge of Miss Helen Tnimm. Mn. Ross Pooley led in pnuy- et-. Topic by Miss Tenu Ferguson. "Enrichment. thnough Chut-ch Relu- îionships" was venv intenesting; neadinig. Mn. Gussie Roseveun; piano solo by Miss Susie Thompson: reud- ing. Miss Edna Camenon: reading, Miss Mildned Bradley; piano sole, Miss Irene Camenon; neading, Miss Lolu Richards. A soap contest brought the meeting 10 a close. Take C. C. & B. Toulc Tablets For Health--Strength--Vigor TROUBLE? ve you Stomach Pain. HAVE Y US O A HTROUBLmp in lchingHadce aiertburn, Bioating, Gan, Sptting of NMuci-_s,.GnawLnmp lnpStomach, Fo iare PanBfreo.ftralg Cme Sr ot h, Indigestion? When causeti by a run-down condition y u need C. C. & B. Tonlc Tablets, and at once. They wii buiid up the aytemadt us relleve you quickly and permanently, Improve appetite, digestion and generai heaith. Pi eBlackhe ds, Sores, Blotches, Pale, Eczema, Malaria, THE BLOOD Chilf), FeverishaRun Aown, Debilitated, Weak. Emaciated? THE BYeu sit1reea need C. L. & B. Tonic'lablets. They, by renson o their tonic efiects. bel p te restore strength and fibre to the blood, sa It wi!! furnlah nourlahmnent to the whoie body. c. c. & B. ýronlc Tablets conta.n Yeast, Iron and Extract of Cod Liver-three great tonica n one. iirt NerousDeblity, Weakness, Jerkin * .fum lng, Excitable THE NEWVrn Out, Fee i Like Falling hien len Ciosed anti HE E v Feet Together, eteaa gh.Po eoyMlncl, or Fet Numb, Lack Energy, Strength, Ambition?, You need C. C.. & B. Tnnic Tabler, They. by reason of their tonlc effects, bel p tn restore nerve tissue ta normal condition eteady the nerves, banish the blues, make >ou tee f ull of flfe, vîgor, ambition, and many years younger. ~IIILU~~~ Under Weight, lllow Checks, Fiat Cbest. Scrawny Neck. Dys- lflRR~p epsia. Thi n BloodCi . C. & B. 'lonîc T'ahiets help ta buiid you THINNESSutp n every way. W'iii thereby impro-ýe your appearance. IlTC.C. & B. Tonic alt RE AN U I evosnstomnachIl, enriching the bloo.~, building upth eou system, gencrate vitaity. create nerve force, restore fll strength, pep and vigor-so yon can enjoy lifes pirasures ta the f uilest. are tor sale at aili rug Stores. Go to C.C.&B.yNI T B E , ur ,lruggist today and order a suilpiy. it (mnans t he beginnlng o! a new fle for you--opening the door ta a brihter -,,i and liappier existence. The tablets are nexpenivve'Thbe prices are 50e and $1i I A i,,x, %fer $250. For Sale in BOWMANVJLLE at McGREGOR'S DRUG STORE Phonie 92 it t it S. MAPLE GROVE Miss Edna Swallow is visiting friends in Toronto. Miss Joan Ayling spent the week- end with relatives in Oshawa. Hampton Young people visited our Young people on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Gertrude Derby, Whitby, is visiting her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freema.n. Mrs. L. C. Snowden and Miss Vera Baker, Solina, spent Friday ut Mrs. Schofleld Irwin's in Oshawa. Mrs. L. C. Snowclen, Misses Betty and Mildred and Master Bob Snow- den, visited t.he former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Baker, Solina. Ebenezer Young people presented their play "Ah on Account of Polly'* on Wednesday evening last to a fuir sizeci audience, each t.uking his or her part well. Proceeds $10.00. Congregational meeting was held Friday evening in the hall. Very satisfactory reports were heard f rom the different organizations, and a social time enjoyed by alI. Solo was given by Miss Eileen Hockin; duet, Iva Foley and Edna Swullow; Pas- tor Wolfraima acted as chuirmun. NESTLETON Sorry to hear of Mrs. Geo. Fullis' accident on Saturday. Norman Argue, who was a, patient in Port Perry Hospital, is home. Fred Crawford, Nestleton, and Wray Edwards, Port Ferry, spent Monday in Toronto. Glad to report that Miss Dorothy Porteous. who is in Port Ferry hos- pital, is recoverîng nicely. The hum of the suwing machine is aguin heard as the furmers are busy getting their year's supply of wood eut. Leugue was held Tuesday evening. Progrum included: Bible reading, Miss F. Fallis; Bible study, Marion Taylor; topic, Mr. R. Suggitt; reud- ing, Leona Williams; solo. Leonurd Joblin. Some of the play-off s of the Rural Hockey LTeague have heen 1ayed. by the speakers; and the judges, Miss Vera Baker, Messrs. B. G. Stevens a.nd E. R. Taylor, gave the decision in favor of the negative. Mrs. Lloyd Ashton f avored with a vocal solo. and Mrs. Gordon Werry gave a rea.d- ing. A short contest was engaged in aftier which the group in charge served a dainty lunch and a social time was enjoyed, ENFIELD Mrs. H. Stinson visited near Jan- etville. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Hobbs. Hay- don, visited at Mrs. J. Hobbs. Mr. James and Miss Helen Stark have been visiting at Raglan. Mr. Wallace Scott has to take sev- eral weeks' rest on a.ccount of il health. Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Mcçullough, Orono, have been vjsiting at Mr. Jno. McCullough's. Mrs. L. Rahni has returned to Richmond Hill after a lengthy visit at Mr. A. Prescott's. Mr. a.nd Mrs. E. Ormiston and Miss Julia, Bowmanville, visited ati Mr. W. J. Ormiston's. Mr. and Mrs. H. James anid Bobby Delve, Columbus, visited at Mr. J. Hepburn's and Mr. L. C. Pascoe's. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. M. Sanùs and family, Maple Grove. having purchased the farm of Mr. Garnet Cochrane. They moved in last week. The many f riends of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bray extend hearty congrat- ulations on the 49th anniversary of their niarriage on Sunday, March llth. A quiet gatherrng of the f am- ily was held on Saturday when a pleasant social time was spent. The Women's Association held the March meeting at Mrs. J. Stark's. Mrs. W. Ashton gave a splendid pa- per on Temperance, and Miss Helen Stark gave a very interesting read- ing on Farma Life, and Mrs. G. Bo marn favored with a piano solo. Mr. Stark and Helen served a delicious lunch. ORONO Port Ferry won f rom Honeydale, and (Fromn The News, March 8th) Greenbank f rom Prince Albert* Fin- Misses Glenn Gamey and Lulu aigmsbgSMac,3h ac Lycett lef t lust week to enter train- your "Statesmun" for the final ne- ing at the Nicholîs Hospital at Pet- suits and the holder of t.he Peel1 ýBros. trophy for 1934. erboro. D'f Mr. Robert Cowan, "~Big Bob" as She was familiarly krown in his SOLINA younger days, died at Newcastle on 3.Manch 8th. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moat and S Mr. W. R. Westlake visited Tor- littie duughter June, Toronto, spentt le onto fniends. the weekend at her fathen's, Mn. J. Mr. Gnose and Mr. Loon, Raglan, E. Richards. k visited at Mr. Chas. Blanchurd's. Mrs. Marshall. Misses Louise and, Miss Vera Baker was recent guest Edith Cowan, Toronto. were among of Mrs. Schofield Irwin, Oshawa. the relatives tha.t attendect the f un- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid andieral of the late Wellington Cowan. fumily visited Mr. Geo. Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. Willam Hour have SSa.lem. moved to the Russel Bragg farm, r. Mns. W. T. Baker and Miss Lou- west of Shaw's school in Darlington dise spent Monday with Mrs. J. Pen- township, and flot to the Osborne found, Oshawa. farmn as stuted in a previous issue. Mn. and Mrs. utha . osman The funenal of Mrs. John Hock- Miss Mary. visited a r Earl How- i, who passed away at the home oft -sum 's. Stoufiville. Mns. B. Milîson. Sturkville. wus at- -About twenty-five of our young tended by Mn. and Mrs. L. W. Buck- people attended the Ministrel Show ley and Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Curtis. in Bowmanville on Friday evening. Winners at the fit-st social evening t h Mis. Alan McKessock and baby put on by the Agicultural Society, ZElma are visiting lier parents, Mn. Orono, Wednesday week, were: Five and Mrs. F. A. Smith, Thamesford. Hundred-T. Cowa.n and Miss K. d Mrs. Smules has returned to, Dun- McKay; Euchre-W. H. Barrett and barton ufter spending the winter Mrs. Huzel Farrow. here with her son, Mn. Jas. Smales. Members of the Library Board re- Mr. and Mns. Leslie Collucott and quest that anyone having books in f amily, Muple Grove, spent Sunday their possession belonging to the Swith hen parents. Mn. and Mns W. ibrary for more than two weeks, ,e H. Westluke. return samne at once to enable the Mn. and Mns. Sid Hockaday and committee to conclude their stock- SErnest, Misses Lizzie and Rilda taking. -Hockuday, visited at Mr. John Chai- S. D. Renidaîl. inspector of Con- d lis'. Bowmanville. tinuation Schools, on his annual - Mns. Walter Panranden and Misses visit of inspection, spent Monday SMary and Evely-n. are visiting Mrs. and Tuesday ut the school here, this Parrander's mother. Mns. Brummell, being his finît visit since his appoint- Columbus, who is iM. ment; and on Wednesday, the in- i. Mrs. L. C. Snowden a.nd family, specton of Public Schools. Col. E. E. -Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ho- Snider. paid his officiai visit to on- egarth and Bruce, Hampton. visited ono school. -e ut Mr. Thos. Baken's. Pupils in Musical Theory who Missionury programn at Sunday tried examinations necently are: 0 School was in charge of Miss Fanny Betty Rowe who obtained flnst class e Smales who gave a very intenesting honors in Primary Theory; Mrs. W. n story of an African boy, and Misses C. Lynch, finst. class honors in In- Evelyn Tink and fleen Balson f av- termediate Fonm and honors in Pi- -oured with a vocal duet. ano Fedagogies; Geo. Rowe, pupil of ri Good attendance ut Division meet- Mrs. Lynch, obtained honors in -ing on Thursday evening. Af ter the Primary Theory. business a. short progrum was given. Mn. Arthur Saunders. Toronto. -Roll cail was answered with Irish spent FI'iduy week ut Mn. Arthur jokes. A short skit was given by Manning's. calling on a nunaber of 0 Misses Margaret Scott and Fanny Iriends. Mr. and Mrs. Saunders -Smules und Mr. George Werry. A have decided to return to their farmn contest was enjoyed and the girls here after six yeurs of city life. Mr. served lunch. Ge o. Rogers, who is the present ten- ýs Our sympathy is extended to Mns. ant on the Saundens place. goes to ;t Fanny Arnot in the deuth of hen Courtice district, Dalington town- brother, Mr. William MeCullough of 5hip. Yelverton, this being hen third bro- Sund uy monning services ut Park ther to pass away within a yeur. Mr. Street United Church were featured and Mrs. Ernest Porter. Detroit, by the mule choir, Mr. N. Porter Mich., visited thein aunt. Mrs. Ar- presiding ut the organ, the singing not. and accompanied Mns. Arnot of the men being much enjoyed. and Mr. and Mrs. Norvul Wotten to Another special feuture was the the funerul on Thursday. ceremony of ba.ptism., the infant son League meeting on Monday even- of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lynch being ing wus in charge of the 2nd Vice presented for that ceremony, which President. Miss Helen Baker. De- was taken by the pastor, Rev. J. H. votional period was taken by Miss Osterhout. Mae Westlake: Mr. J. Milis very Regular meeting of the Y. P. Lea- ably took the topic; readings wene gue of Park Street Chunch wus held given by Miss Fanny Smiales and on March 5th. and took the form 0of Mn. Bill Chadwick: and a piano duet a skating party. Those who did not by Misses Ada AIlin and Helen Bak- skate enjoyed a pragnamn consisting er. Games were then pluyed. of reading.s by Misýses Huzel Xinter There wene about sixty present ut and Eileen Riddell: a solo by Miss our Women's Institute meeting in M. Wood. and a talk by Mn. Robent the S. S. noomn Thursday ufternoon. Sherwin. contests and games were Meeting opened with the President, then participated in. On the return Mrs. Alan McKessock, in the chair. o f the skaters. a bounteous supply of Nominuting committee appointed for hot dogs and tomnato soup was set- the electicn of officers for next meet- ed. ing were Mrs. Jas. Moorcy, Mrs. E. Resiolential changes the past week R. Taylor and Mns. H. E. Tink are: Fnom the Ruiney residence, Plans were made for holding a home Fouth Main street, Mn. and Mrs. made cooking sale in Oshawa onl Wood te the Reid farm; W. J. Wat- Saturday. Murch 3lst; committee in son and famîly t0 the T. Cowan res- charge. Mrs. C. Howsam, Mrs. C. D. idence ut Memnorial Park entrance, Pascoe. Mrs. Jack Baker and Miss Princes.s street wvest; Mn. und Mrs. Fanniy Smales. Mns. Howsam nead Chai-les Taylor fromn their residence, a letten from the Chesley Woollen Chut-ch street south (former Wil- Mîlîs sta.ting that the present price liam.son place' bat-k to their farm for .sending old woollens to bc made nüan MeCrea's chut-ch; Mr. Fred W. int blanket.s was only good until Green te the Taylor nesidence; Mn. the end of April, so Mrs. Howsam W. Sherwin. rcîîning fnom farming, and Mrs. Hardy wvere appointed to î.o his dwelling on Princess street.' look af ter sending woollens. Miss1 Park Street W.M.S. meeting on Fa.nny Smales, leader of group f ive. Tuesduy afternoon week was well took charge of the program. Roll uttended and un interesting pnogramn cal .as answened with Irish jokes. Was provided. Mrs. Robent Rainey, Leader of the group welcomed the vice Piesident, presided, a.nd reud ladies of Enniskillen W. A. who gave the sciptune lesson and gave some the program. Mns. Theo Slemon helpful thoughts. The devotional gave a very interesting pupen; piano message was reud by Mns. C. C. Cain, solobyMrs. Harvey McGill. A very 'and Mrs. Drummond's beautlfully interestinig debate, "Resolved that rendened' solo "Heur My Frayer" wus the school1 exents a greaten influence an inspiration to aîî. The flrst chap- inmoldngchat-acter than does the te 0 hestd book, "Lady F'ounth home." Affirmative was tuken by Daughten of China" was ably pre- Mrs. <Dr.) Ferguson and Mns. Ry sented by Mrs. Ostenhout. Quarterly McGill, -and negutive by Mrs.. Wll tea wus served by Circle 1, under the Ashton and Mns. Russell Gilbert. leadership of Mrs. G. Mitchell a.nd Many splendid points wene advanced Miss F. Cobbledick. BACON BC FRESU FILLETS FA'SCY NORTHERN SELECTS OYSTERS Realir Fresh Collee la Crotind Bel ore lour Eyes I SALEM Miss Gladys Cunn, Tononto, spent the wveekend with hen parents. Rev. A. S. Kerr delivened a very fine pnuctical sermon here Sunday afternoon. fnom t.he text, "0 Lord revive thy work in the înidst of the years." Mn. and Mns. L. Collucott and fam- ily, Maple Grove, and Mn. and Mns. E. Doidge wene dinnen guests with Mn. and Mn. G. Connish on Satun- day evening. Y. P. L. meeting on Wednesday evening was opened by the President with a hymn. and prayen by Mn. P. Caton. Secretany called the t-oll which was nesponded to with a verse of original poetry. Meeting was, in charge 0f Mns. S. Buttery, Christian Endeavoun Assist. Vice. Bible read- ing andi comments wene given by Mrs. A. Welsh; violin selection, Mn. C. Collacott; toopic discussion, Mn. W. G. Wenny; readings were given by Mn. P. Blackburn and Mn. E. Doidge; piano solo, Miss M. Collacott. For the social hour a Chinese spelling match was conducted by the leader. Attendance 19. HAYDON Miss Mabel Beech visited at Mn. Austin Larmen's, Bunketon. Mn. Thos. Slemon visited his daughter. Mrs. C. A. Briggs, Toronto. Mn. andi Mrs. Arthur Read, Black- stock, Mn. Stanley Woolings. Jr., andi friends. Toronto. Sundayed ut Mn. H. Ashton's. A numben of the young people wene entertained ut the home of Mn. and Mns. W. Thompson last Friday evening. Gooti uttendance ut chundh on Sunday aftennoon. Rev. A. M. Woot- ton pneached a spenditi sermon on "The Education of the Heurt." Mn. Theron Mountjoy uttended the International Hat-ester Co's convention ut Hamilton and visited his uncle, Mn. H. A. Bird, Mount Hamilton. Service next Sunday night under auspices of the Intermediate S. S. Class. Mn. Hanrison, Enniskillen. will give un uddress. Miss Elsie Carruthers will give the uddress that she gave ut the Onatot-ical Contest ut Bowm.anv-ille High School. Mns. Cecil Crossmun and Mns. Mil- ton Stainton will give Huwaiian music: Mn. Wilfned Carruthens. solo- ist, Bowmanville, anti othen musical nu.mbens. Every'one invited to at- tend. Service on Sunday evening wus langely at.tended. Miss Wilmu Wotten taking the chain. Progrum opened with a chorus by the Intermediate Girls S. S. Clasa; vocal quartette wus nicety nendened by Misses Wilma Wotten. Eileen Cowling, Ruth Mc- Neil and May Tnewin: neuding, "The Stone" by Mn. C. Avery; piano in- strumental by Mn. Fred Goodman, Tynone, was much enioyed; un in- teresting address 'What's Wrong wîth the World anti ils Cure" by Mn. H. G. Mucklin, Tynone: vocal solo wvas nicely sung by Mns. Lloyd Ash- ton, accompanieti by Mns. H. Wery Mn. Fred Goodman again favoredl with a piano solo; also anothen chorus by the girls. Sei-vice closed with Mizpah beniediction. BY USING Vanstone's ChickStarter This masb has given excellent resuits for the Iast two years. Price $2.50 per bag at the miii. Manufactured by F. C. Vanistone Phone 77 Bownianville p 50 lb15e lb. 6 Lb lSe PIECE OR lb. E SLICED 25 FOR VIM VIGOR andi VITALITY TAKE NYAL'S Strengthening Tonic 12 oz. bottle $1 .0 It's a great bracer and improver of health. Kerslake's Drug Store Phone 49 Prompt Service Seeds Summer Bulbs Flower and Vegetable Seeds Now on Sale BEGONIAS BEGONIAS - Tuberous rooted single double crested in 6 separate colors 1IOc each, 3 for 25c GLOXINIA BULBS 15c Choice Flowers in Variety Assorted Boxes of Flowers 50c - 75c - $1.00 SHAMROCK PLANTS for St. Patriek's Day, Mareh 17 Kingsway Flower Shop W. E. GROVES Box 163 - Bowinanvifle, Ont. Phone Day or Nlght 72 Dei aiPoud lb. 1,e RUMP O R Roas fld'ITMU'ISTEAK OR SIRLOIN SR EXTRA .SPECIAL-PEAMEALED FROM RIPE TOM1ATOES COOKED HIZ TOMATO Le1479HIN SAGMT d. I10e RULK OUJR OWN PERFECT STRIKE SOA&P CHIPS 4 ]J».250 SALP4NSOCKEYE 23N-. %310 A>I3IER ORANGE IONA BRAND MA,àRMA&LADE 8 o-Ja go CCoo& ul. Tin HEI R -FAMOL!S 31cCORMICK'S I3 SOUPS-Creamed 2 Med. 230 B OA .~ 1 .CORETis111SOA a.e DAKING POWDER 5 lb. Tin 73o 16 0&.Tin'l5 jSMOKED MED. lb. 16eJ FINNAN HWADDIE lb. 12e ISILVERBRIGHT pT4901 SALMON Il5 IByte15 JEW'EL BRAND SHRORTENING 2 Ibo. 190 GILT EDGE-BREAD FLOUR 9B. $2. 24 R,. BAC, 55C FANCY ARIZONA LETTUCE MAD5 CRISP CELERY ERS2 o 9 NO. 1 ONTARIO ONIONS 101Ibo.25 FÇLORIDA SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT u25 THE TEA GREATATLANTIC & PACIFIC Co. 1 LIMITED OF' CANADA a a - -- ! .......... . .......... PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTT.T. , THURSDAY, MARCI-1 15th, 1934 Start Your Chicks Raght .1ý 1 j L