Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jan 1934, p. 1

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With Which Is incorporated The Bowmanville News VOLUME 80 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY l8th, 1934 N BUSINESS MEN TO EDITOR'S 86th B31RTHDAY ROTARY CLUB WILL CitznsiArerso Taxes Wl S lusser Tropliy Donor Presents Plaque STAGE GALA HOCKEY SOSRCUT di agV teddGteigFia NIGHT HERE SOON POTATO CLUB HERE Benelit 6y New Rebate Schdl Membrs f Tront Maie eafMembers of Club Furnish Seed Hockey Team Expected To Be PotatoesCI ndAgriCultural RFRMSPAEe-ow oni a pca Goodyear's Busiest Man, C. MAKES PRESENTATIONP Nelties Hokeature adpresentative Provides NecessaryFRSessiERTon oncArran e fo S.Slusser, Cornes From Program Il aduatedsso r ea te to AwarrrangLocal fo a gala hockey Bowrnanville Rotary Club mem- Nmnto o euy Pakrn a Arrapyf rnih nemnts e t hibers will sponsor a Boys' PotatoNoiaonf night in BowmanVille, at whicliClub in this district, as a resuit o!fev' fic nMna PlandtiSaetyToh o the stated desire o! about 20 Rotar-Re aOfcc Club of 'Toronto will be in attend- iasto upNextte frtispr 4ance, were not completetl ai the pose. Beoea uineof 600 people meeting of the Business Men's As-poe Bre anS. udr ice Peietads*ito nTeda ih swsThe club will corne into existence Menr. . lussnaer Vicethesiodeard sopcatid on ntfscaionight 8.5 W8through the efforts o! E. A. Sum- ya ihpoi Giee r eel. rN ootificatione wafsarivmers, Agrîcultural Representative. be of rnterest and benftc hs O h oSn o o f th l s e rý e v ra l se r v c l b n h r v n eci tiz e n s in a r re a s o f t a x s ws4a s Ohi, pasnd tnor o th e -could not make any immediate visit ae now Cspon sorintheclbperovinTcnCunile aseca phte Bowmanville but Frank Seke las srn heclb.dbyteTwCon Bowmanirille Plant on Friday night. poie htte ilcm eeTepoeueepandb r etn edo e It was the third successive year at soe future date. Smesi o oaint u-MyrW .Srk that Bowmarjville had won the aw- A speciai committee is making ar- ply a boy with a full bag o! certified The bylaw provides frareael motswtotals ieacdn ervsthr hnpotatoes. In this way the Rotarian tax penalties rom thos hc e ard, having now completed 35 rangements for teivsthrehn asnappy hockey game between takes the responsibility o! overseeing , an fetv nJnaylt n months withouteama osbutlsqeeaccident the boys' work inasrnuch as lie "der the provisions o!f ya as Th vnn' rceinsoee ocsndncadsvrlohrM. A. James makes a point to visit the boy's plot ed last year. with a ma.gic show by Bert John- interesting features will be staged. Senior Eio !TeCnda at least once during the sumier Udrtenwshdlwe ston, noted Canadiafl magician, Further details are expected o, b Statesman. wbo celebrated bis and get acquainted witli the boy's '"I taeax idbfr wbose clever performance received a available within ten days. 86th birthday on Sunday, Jan. 14. parents. The Rotary Club usually I a discount o! 41A wi: alwd hat epnei pluefo.Tlie meeting, wbicb was poorly at- Mr. James suf!ered a stroke aha. a special luncheon in the f ail at )ntaxe paid between erar 8 the audience. His final trick, thiat tended, also discussed the advisabil- mnl gobtas bet whicli the boys are entertained. IadMrilt % dson;o peo! tliread in 30 needies o uigleMr. C. S. Slusser ity o! affiliating witb the provincial Vo the table for the irst tirne on Toespligabgt h ost 'i ewe plo! thred ismth, brolughtic-rei Retail Merchants Association, and, Sunday and participate in a birtli- rcietobgx!ptaosbc f pi 5, %dicut n ae Mrforhnsmonso enths.td applue.vcPrsdno!GdeaTre&tedres!Hn..H.Sevens, ay dinner in bis bonor witb rnern- te!.Controller James Simpson paid betweef April lstadMyl, Mr outn lopeete lvr Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio, and in regarding unethical practices by bers o! bis family. The Agricultural Representative1%dicut vetiloquist show. charge o! Goodyear F8ctories chain and departrnental stores, was takes the responsibility Vo obtain o! the City o! TorontVo will be the l !eti en htfu e At the conclusion o! the concert, troughout the world, wo pre- dlscusse. cu ebr n o ieter h pae tteFrmi t als I feti e Mr.arr Nasontoo te pat- sened heSlusser Sa!ety TrophY The next meeting o! the Associa necessary instructions. He also vis- United Church on Sunday, Jan. adedt onfJahae iraiwl bptke S!o sr r . clEH.Voktefrnt M.C. ateBwnnlil pato n-to il eteanulmeig Whem'ui.G. Noules its the plots severa.l urnes during 21st, at 2.30 P. M. Ris subject will af ro Vie bl i adbr heTrto a.*Susse , Mr. E. a.cKken Kin8d- dy eot ilb eevd!o h the season and orders a PotaVo Ac-, be "The Lieague o! Nations and F'ebruary, wlth the crepnil ian Superinteidert r akKd secretary, treasurer and committee ,j hievemrent Day wbere the boys show Present Day Problems." Mr.reasfote ueeigmot. ney o! Akron, :and Mr. A. M. Hardy, chairmen. New officers will be elect- AFeputy Uggve their potatoes and take part in a Simpson was one o! the officialibtsfo h uc local plant Mr. BrH. s. CAGERMrT ed and a norninating cornnittee judging competition. Two boys f rom Canadian delegates Vo the League Mayor Strike, commetn o h 1 Hardy on behalf o! the plant we- B .S A EST composed o! T. A. Dustan, Geo. W. onys coned the is loitors Vo Bofa.tihe OPNSA ON James and W. H. Bettles vzas Passe in a competition in the faîl againat bis subjeci. He lias been identifled Nelles, stated, "We aremeighr OPEN SEASONien W P Crbtt other county teams. The winners o! with the cause o! Labour for a ibis evening undertesadwo safety work that had been one o! FRIDAY NIGHT -% _ -is ompetition ilien represent On- great many years and is one o! sorrow as our DeputyReepse ar.d serin gmaing nterss io! the pitdb PeietW.P obTowVaSokda oua htaa o .Ia M. Slusser "Goodyear's busiesV St. Paul's W. M. S. AUXUiI onl hce sPplar taxioCagainst other provinces at the the recognized leaders o!f liv aWay srto. ar uew r i Mi'. SSlusser.Aux.lIrymoveme W.t.l MeCanada T.w ThenForumRoveryinsorrairVoovbeart o! bisdapaTe Fogu mnan," in a brie! addi'ess, Poin The basketball season will open in S.PusAxiayo h WMS ee fTw oni are fortunate indeed in securing for h li as been a vaubemuiia ou tati al he2 yar e adFrdy etattd om ftnmrs G . hase1 monilu wl a sor course15 liel oui VbV in i the hyale hmad the local High School gym o o nFriay e ya hoero! r. GTEha rse Pas ses WthPneumonia othhenbailsbeorganusei ed bislm and no doubt lie will be greet- servant. I am suretotate an lien homeen, rs er, agames cai. tBethany. The club must have a ed with a capacity audience. es tto sy ally i h an cmig oBowmanville hs was way !ollowing a brie! opening cere- et i.Kir wsi h hi. Af ter Short I 1In e ss g-miniumoou15boysbut sIs oae is irai public appearance lere. Mr. mony. In the a ternocon the second Meeting opened witb singing the ýmnmmo 5by u ti oe hyhv utie Slusser saw a great industrial fui- Literary Society program wiUl be olgy Mrs. Lunney read John1 runeral on Friday that 25 Gr 30 members will be sec- ure for Canada . He commended Mr. taged by the Commercial Forms ai 15, followed by prayer o!ered byl ured. MRS. J. CHILDS PEIETsenptfo m themly Hardy and thie entire Bownianvile 2.30. Mrs. Morris. A ter the business was 0F LEGION AUXILIARY J.HH.ursnaewsug plant on the mragrilficent salety re- Atsvnoctkieofca pn ransacted tie program was given Deputy Reeve William G. Nelles, J.- gested f ryCois Cuciap cord hey had ahee.Sm e tsvnocokteofca pn by Mrs. C. Carruthers' group, Mra. a resideni o! Bowmanville for the INVITE TRINITY PASTOR othLaesAularCiaanglsce o heo oad sadbt u' ntratl ii sfeywle Myo . .Stie will be inspiring thouglitstfo the yar on membe o! Vi Towu ouncil work resent togeher witb memers o! wanchwe have entered. Mrs. Kerr passed away in BowmanviAtle Hospi- Legioneetin ofbe olng of . ices; ereCre waintute o 1teA poscres that h is a boeeareted lHigli Sehool Board. Games read thie prayer hymn "Standing on tai on Wednesday mornilig, January e.Ms .Cwn n oe sesetw dofescnrthat tsempoyesareAta arglyattnddeeetngo! ee: Priden.MW.s.J. Co ls; H. Mdctonoe tatnhis apcoufr safe u tei wok.Mr. Slusser stai- sclieduled for the evening are: thie Portal.." There was a splendid 7th', f rom pneumonie.. Mr. Nelles, the Official Board o! Trinity United 1isi iePe.M5 .Cwu n owrassmn a o utejr ed that the company owned a large Whtby Jr. Boys vs Bowmaiiville atene . wlo was in bis 74tli year, was taken Churcli beld Tuesday evenlng a re- Vice H.Kgrees.-Mrs. .W acb;& asitioi o iis ouci Vodel lt coal mine in tlie States and that Jr. Boys. ill about a week ago and f aled Vo solution expresing appreciairi o!feayM5.H ig Tes-r.asi idaled en ipsdo ibroglithi aciden prveitlO CoburgSr.Girs vsB.HS. i'.Mr. and Mi'5. R.. H. Allen, Churcli rally wlien the disease grîpped hm. te splendid services i'endered by R. Dusenbury; xecutive-Mi5. Liv- by the Court o! Reiln wor th mie ah d grie Vhret GrlseS eeirlrs., w Streaieome VoOtroe unesine m mbes oabi ReomEeF.Arm trtg d rineth pat ig, rs. H. uni Mi. T os. MrsoAleriManisg a-Heuntr motis wthout a losi reacdntobugS.By sB...Sierfi ndsonthe occasion o! their f amily were CaIe oBwmnllto e as thand initig ndhlm to-lQuld Fowrandck C rs o-MrSmission Vo ut dowuate.Re- and tuis was extraordlnarY lu view Boys. Golden Wedding on Wednesday, i a thouglit ti heb might re- tîuMsthieiisemn pso u i r.Jcb, r.Gud red to rpryCm tt. . o! the dangeri nvolved. lu conclus- Admission o the af ternioOn pro- January 24th, f rom 3 o 6 and f rom cover, but a relapse 'oagIy this week for another year was unanimously LivingShiP Com.Min. Livingforri ion Mr. Sîusser hleartily congratula.t grain is WOC and o the evening 8 to 10 p. m. Mr'. and Mrs. Allen brouglit deaili Vo relleve hlm. caiTieci by the Board. Tlie resolution E. -King, Mrs. L. Clapp; Inside Aplctio o 5 rn r ,,-.1 ed Bowinanville ontercod! game 25e o aduits, and 15e to stu- are the parents o! Mi'5. Ii'win R. Mr' Nelles liad su!! ered f rom i'a- was ai~olde yM' A' ur ,Cn eiy was referredVoFnceC - whicli ail Goodyear was proud. dents. Bragg, Bowmanvlle. ter 'requet ilnesses for sorie srong lu very apprecatve terms venei'Mrs. Gould; Auditor--Mrs. mt o~ bc The donr ie i ved the a d- __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ on s, a d i wa re a e b and the invitation accepted.1 Tait, Mrs. A. Clapp. ite o rp rtb ornm rp y a dp eetdi te many wlio saw hlm ai h recent lu-- .P.se t le t wnas slctrl h pln.i.Hardy accepiing on be-a d augurai meeting of w the u otay Ceebats t.. irhd y ppeetea o! .Bewn aansî cn hlet±fthe emnployees, and ilien in- h looked fai' from beîng we vcinrgsee utelclplç tz e: ý',troduced Mr. E. H. Koken wio spoke O ii n rgeso ra csigWlimGog elswsbr nvcinrgsee brie!ly and read a telegram o! con- Ida Townsbip, H sornnd o! iund moRtaey because lie had had somecurt.Mr.con-' grtlton from Presideiit P. W. Qul ndI C C he n!ierand was ilie youngest bisnrofsidrt andlrmIfl ectioi wtbhe cs adha ltchfield. Mi PiiipNe les.Herecelved i The final speaker' was Mr. Jack secondary education ai Caledonia W itn C.harter Peie tas C ar a knowledge o!filie fac. idei)Ako h ettea! Higli School. For a greai many _______________ Arrangements wer aefo od enein rouns oflaugliter wt i Women'se Canadian J i a eerp prtrigaN oindalutieon Hl i3 , îî bunorous referexices Vo Mr'. Slussei' THEY WON IT AGAIN CLbo h anaclianlu Pacific R.ailway at Huge Birthday Cake Dis-1 ROTARLY SPEAKERJa.2nith 1____-_1 eard nr ig A -Brigoadaeta atwfor the purpose o oial~ 6ý«e- -Zand Goodyear events. the e riaef alwnd - sevnretiring some years ago when lie tributed - Rev. W. R. Doffic eersllaTluili vn !a techairs wr clearedd dancing dressab W. A. Shane started a grocery business in Bur-ofcr ilati commenced with Sn'ell'S Orchestra.. lingion, retiring froin ibis work and Tanton of Oshawa Was election. Radio'sTnchnia I i a e1sComing toBowianville ten years uetS The top floor whereRdosTcnc ilie concertrof GustS akr fwheas lield was reserved foirounydaninago. M' Nles was a membe !eaepf h a ~ n lebottom foor for square Sipl xplained 1 Burlingtofl Lodge No. 160, A. F. & COMING EET dancng ltbtheRocy Muntin-I A M.ando! he rder o! Railroad Bowmanville Rotary Club's 101h eer'sOrchstra inteselyinteeaiin addreasTelgales eaeamme Annivei'sary was ftitilngly obaerved '.Tenx i vn llb h th0o!lor h el1 haddveoiet M. Nelles &si eareamebron Fridlay when the regulai' meeting HgTh ol At Hmebnigldy ofparticulai' inieresi was the dec- o h rwbaddvlpe'to i ihe topnofth fma vileTonloor. n f heTlbheo heceil-f a irh H omeSChoolng"A le adt en o orailOi~~~~~S on radio ~~broadcasting was beard by Veo the BoravleTnCuniin!iiecbtoklefomo!air-Fbuaynd ingapaes members o! the Womeni's Canadian January 1931 wlien lie secured a day Party. Charter President Tom eray2d lanterna and decorations. whle the Club ater moniby meeting lu total o! 489 votes. comniig ourtb in Holgate was accorded the lonor o! oeCokn was a mdel f rn layOi, ~ ~ ~ Hall~ Monda the ~îî. Hewas re-elected lu 1932 chairinif or tlie daY. an office lie s.........Tea, lu Si. Paul's LcueRo.o feature I m osiL . W . Dablel, a.d. ..lei . .fl. .Saturday, January : h the wor !M' .M adso-a!t oi. Ms .W ipIand 1933 and opposed Col. L. T. Mc- filled lu a Sale ! HomeMaded oklngat Si ng a model f arni layoui witb ouse Presden, was in the chair, and a- Laugllin fer the office o! Deputy manne. Sl fHm V aabrie!busines periodsiellu-Reeve ai the municipal elections ou A feature o!fithe bead table decor- and ai,!ecdfeswilha trdcdtesekrotedaM' Januai'y lat. this year, being elected ation was a buge bandsomely decor- ked, oclards, razing cattlc and trabifbsnss2ro h n ohn's ai . H a wl esre poulti'yWRAo ne Chie! Engineer o! by quite a large majoi'ity. Mr'. Nel- ated biriliday cake, the produci ! ome thand co lu.ar hld l in he barnyaid. Teewere toue h pae ftedy r Rai SainCC.lshsbe atflmm fRtrainalPeayqua'tai's l hcao. ing.aEuc.r andDancelu t..gy. many complimentary c ommie n t s 1. madeYbfremdugtreies.Mi'. Shane ii'aced tic bistory o! Triniiy United Churcli since coming As a mnark o! iribute Vo Rotary In- HreanIe radio_________bioadcasting, as we ko ttDe- vil.ýqaresi Ciao ngaiu !Cheantrld bi colo 7de1 -temta leststy 9an - oday, back to the time when De e 8.sed is survived by is wie, f rom w om. a letter of congatla-nl8. o en r I Foresi invented thelesrai radio tube, who was orm erly M iss Ada Buck; tions was rece ved, the sing ng o ! u s a ,F b f wlbe, aks coi wii hogl omparable wiih one son, Fred W. Nelles o! emn yCuty'i fTe followed mission 25c. RayCE ' rhsr affair. wase mosttenioy-e King.will !urnisb muslci- abe vi a ilie ~ ~Men's CanadiaiClbwlmeta day ngt, wiVis .esi e tE * ll w hep a c ofg asso t on ecaane.Ofruw, stan d aeben ofnt or r-fýt va V lc ied u ownavulewe'e i solenfeti vas sucli as Stratford gaii uto ease01h aris S.Pal5U l'dC uc e l ' gr s isO!fse asbou thneo Baten-andahoK-P' psdiuss pla. forf iete sbe n n atoi ndacodngy the Vîmssand te racial distinctions lu A. t. Rer', M.A., instr;Mi. C. "àcnoarystads avebee d a:: :4 . Torothe and re- M iss Scoaidlliebe autuor o! m any se , s o d a w a t d r m h f la n g ruja i itng a nm de " o one la Vie count y. H .D dl ir alait ha de ad r i'e sdCt a ohurch * e t br ut erent s e gdhra dU a g b ha-o k rs s d K t B u e fo tnte A da ccn n ! clil oc m ee u ii oo ca s M ' h n utlîned he op eratiOns i i~ C ilt l h h r i; taî R tai'y's greatesAnnoat luees S c ele ie d ca u ho iai e n îd î ea o ord leawaitetueur pro- i ..n A .rlit.ftfld g o ld m e d aM r . tha n e re la y c dy m .ch o l a n d L a d . f c î e i c , u ti p e dE g a ' Ica or is av ll bl . " 5 ~lu th t ai , ut ulas L ewicl - es B i le lah; sp.lu as ud l d .A ter g aw ct n tat tris aaiaibilt! re. ne'aodthtteeare noV ardgriaaro3iecuutry. One of re u h eeri." Cordial weî- ces Influen:ce uoevr ountry in from Vie Unversiy o! Toronto, she dieu Managemet aeMkf< McMilan. conductor o! tic Toronto f rom any other class." This lu e!-te trsigprin !bsa-cret Il. hs World. W av ee onlued emuicSceeosujo ntuailsin and o- Wh sn ekEteran h al SypoyOceta en jdc-feci means thai one wlio bas receiv- dress concemned studios and studiol o71tyUie hrh-Sna,' ehv oe tyoi'nay Oeatra, bnibng adillcd odmdla eo a o tcnqe uteoddy tdo T'ut utdCuci-Snaas Vo wierc chvegn, odeiciesi Scien se oit areeasfor, nLe! ouekepr W tVoHv hsbe sue.enter the solo tenor clasa hs er elther made the music unreai, or if Jauuai'y 2lst: il a. in.-"Cbi5inl we baebn going, and Vo wbei'e Vo tht end, si tsvrlyaso o Dne.TeEs a els Thyeoito scmmnigabth a etrayde rqar, ugwt ev utismd tteCuc" .0P .Sna ewl egig intensive study o! cookery and allied lucludii'g TheEayWyCkBo, bas betntassuasd. bot and unsanltary for tue artiste. Scliool- 6.45 p. m...-Song Service; There are tiree tbiuigs 1 liRe about subiecta aitlhome and abroad. Marketing audMi lnigru or 300 mnembers and all music teach- The Festival ibis yeux will be beid Today Studios were erected witi Cel- 7 p. m.--Rotariy Night; the Rotary Rotary, tue speaker added, f un, fel- Miss Scott began writing !eatui!e Planning the iy Telte crs and supervîsoma arc belng urged lu Triniy Churcli auditorium, lu the utex walls wici prevented rever- Octette will slng; Subjeot, "Men lowahlp and practical service. The articles on DomsVl Science for three valuable ok a b ban o encourage the ciiYo ui u monili o! May. Further details will beration. but the very latet studios Who Dare." You are cordally l- fellowshiP and practlc9l service id- Canadien national magazines, work- d t 'The Sbaemnfr 5 o ils In l the varous classes. be available vey sortly. (Contnued on pge 10) vited o these services. (contlfled on pae7)Igdrnthlaeryrsote

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