I~AE Otf~TEE CASADIAN grTZTMI BOWMANVLZA, THURSDAY, Ji I HIGH SCHOOL WINS GOODYEAR WRESTLE LEAI) GIRLS' SOI EASILY FROM PUBLIC INO F"RT STREUE Jue 25--Zioai INT ERA M O P R CHOOL ON MONDAY 11 OIALLGU Blacist IN TE RALM F SORTBowma LRuns Up Large Score to RemfaIi in Front Street Takes Narrow Defeat Tyrane CETRL NTBI TNNS FRONT STREET ALMOST Second Place in LeaguC Wo Leave Rubber Men Undisputed Jufle 29-Courtic LEEGNTHEDLONI TENNI NSWAMPS BUSINESS MEN L.eaders Hampt LE&U CEUEDANIn a one sided bla game onl Mon- June 30-Maple Whibyan Bomavile holdChanige of I'ither WasSalvation of day night Higli Sehool had very lit- Newcm WhibyandBoniavile hOld Association Representatives tie trouble in defeatiflg their junior Gioodyear gained the undisputable july 3-Blackst Have Met Saturday in Opening Friday rivais, the Public Sehoal students, by lead ln the softball league on Tues- Bawma Game a score 15 ta 2. From start ta fin day night when they defeated Front Zion a Business Men camne very near get- ish the junior studentS had littie Street, wha were tied for flrst place Tyrane Unfavorable weather an Saturday tin.- very badly beaten in Friday's chance of pulling ahead, their op- with them, by a score of il te 8 in July 7-Newcaç a! ternoofi caused the postponemeflt sol tball gamne wth Front Street and ponents being much smarter bth at one of the most interesting gamnes Courti of the first scheduled gamne of the the change of pitcher was about the the plate and in the field. Herli. of the season. Framn start te finish Maple Central Ontario Tennis League lie- only thing that saved them. As it Clmer, pitchiiig for the IHigh there was nat a duli moment and Hampt tween Bawmanvilie and Whitby at was the -gaine ended 16 ta il for School, played a good game ai- either team might have won. In July îG-Zioai Whitby. Bowmanviile Club 15 Front Street. After the fine display though nothing spectacular. He the final f rame it looked as though Maple grauped with Oshawa, Whitby, Ca- the Business Men made against the pitched consistently well and while Front Street rnlght wrest the victary Newca. bourg and Peterbaro in the schedule Goodyear earlier in the week it was lie only actuaily struck one man out f romn Goodyear but a smart double TyranE which is as f ailows: expected that they would extend the he mnade his off erings hard ta uit Play finished the game withaut the Juîy 13-Bowmi Intermediate Schedule Front Street ta the lirait on Friday and harder still ta keep on the Front Street bemng able ta equalize. Courti June 6-Bawmanville at Whltby. night. But something went wrong ground. Osborne aisa pltched a fair Bath CaîweUl and Smith, the re- Hampt Cobourg at Oshawa. and it seemed ta bie with the pitoli- gamne but was batted ail over the spective twirlers, pitched godbal Blacks Peterbara Bye. ers. Alan Osborne went ail ta pieces place. Bath pitchers had records of the formner playing his best o! the July 16-Hampt June 13-Oshawa at Bowmanviile and We make things worse for his 1 strike-out and 1 walk each. season. Gaodyears were perhaps the Newcw Peterbaro at Cobourg outfit, Smith, the opposing artist, Public Schaol managed ta annex better ail round team, flelding bet- Zinan Whitby Bye. was at the top of form sa that whlle 1 iufl in the 2nd f rame. and 1inl the ter than Front Street and hittlng a Blacks June 20-Bawmanville at Peterbara the Business Men's battery was shot 8th, and they were fixed more than littie heavier. The rublier men bat- Juîy 21-Maple Whtby at Oshawa they had little chance We hit Smith's once with two men down and the ted first and took a four run lead Ziona Cobourg Bye off erings. bases loaded only We lose thelr last which took the Front Street until BaWflE June 27-Coboturg at Bowmanville The Business Men batted first and man withaut an opportunitY af pull- the third mnnings ta catch Up. ori Peterbara at Whitby Smt a o utl r ntis ing up their score. The breaks Just Goodyearthn en rih aed July 24-Hampt Oshawa Bye. innings. He struck the first man out seemed ta lie against themn. The wth a three and four la the next Za July 4-Oshawa at Cobourg and walked the next two and then High Schaol started right in ta bat two innings and cinched a good lead Blacks Whltby at Peterboro struck out the third. In the secondI heavy, scaring 2 la the lst and 5 in an which Front Street caatinued to Courti Bawmnanviile Bye' inniags he toali things lu hand and the 2nd. Public School held them gain until the last framne. The boys July 28-Courti July 11-Oshawa at Peterboro struck three men out one af ter the then for twa lnnings only ta let from the business section held the Hampt Whitby at Bowmanviile other wthout a man reacltlng a them away with another la the 5th. Goodyear scoreless la the last four BowmT Cobaurg Bye. base. Business Men railied a little One mare in the 7th compîeted their inniuigs but were heîd down ta oae july31-B a July 18-Bowmnanviile at Cobourg bit in the third and managed We score. run themselves. Jl 1Bak Oshawa at Whltby complete a run and then nlot on a Ted Bagnell and Harold Semon ap Peterbaro Bye. it. This one run lasted until Smith scored the only hamers of the game Stew Candler and Cale gat inta a Newc& July 25-Cobourg at Peterbora was cailed away ta Play lu anather one right af ter the other In the 7th nasty mixup in the faurth innings Tyrar( Bowmanvifle at Oshawa gamne and John James Wook the innings. The teams were: when they crashed into each other Aug. 4-Tyrar( Whitby Bye. stand on the maund. James pitcl- Higli Schoci - H. Calmer, P: G. when bath were after an a'utfield Maple .Aug. l--Cabourg at Whitby ing for his first time this season and Adams, c; D. Willams, lb; H. Sle- fly. Cole got a bad bump on the Bawin Peterboro at Bowmanville wthaut any practîce whatever was mon, 2b; K. Osborne, 3b; T. Bag- head and continued ta play, and Newca Oshawa Bye. riglit off. He walked three men 1h rien, s s; T. Spencer, r f; N. Hack- Candler hurt his knee and had We Aug. 7-Tyror( Aug. 8-Peterbaro at Oshawa hus first innings and the Business ney, c f; W. Bagneil, If. retire f or the reat of the game. Oke Maple Whltby at Cobourg Meni cauglit up cansiderably when Public Schaol - D. Osborne, p; taking his place in right field. Zinan Bawmanville Bye they added 7 runs. That was in the Muta, ; r.Mcea. b;R.Weco ~rd showed two wa Aug. i0- e Au. 5Plyofswith Eastern eighth and by that Urne Front liamns, 2b; Caverly, 3b; B. Slemon. and twa strike-outs, whîîe Colwel MaplE Wlnner. Street had reached a scare o! 13 ss: 1aby, rf; Martyn, c f; Wise- had one walk against hlm. Jamiesan Aug. 12-Baini Club Secretaries are: H. J. Gale, and in the rebuttal innings they man. I f. sored a lamer for the Front Street Courti Whitby; S. D. Everson, Oshawa; added three more. In the Business Uriipires: S. Candiler and J. Cale. in the fourth, and Moorcraft did the AIl games cs S. R. James, Bowmanville; Miss Men's last frame they brouglit in samne in thé ramne lnnings when Cale sharp. standard Olivia Howard, Cobourg; Mr. W. M. three more a! ter twa men were down and Candier gat mixed up. The Cruthers, Peterbaro. and anather gaod lit would have WABDEN'S PICNIC îîne-up: ______brauglit them in another three. Pr ah Jn 7h 91PoeG Needless We say Front Street dd nat Pr alouste, uelh,13 Goodyear - Calwell. P; McMur- PoeG PIGEONS HELD OVER FOR require ta play the final innings. ter, c; S. James, lb; Moorcraft, 2b; A gang o! IM[lM MTTHERJamieson scored the only lamer of Mr. Gea. H. Hooton, Warden a! Hoblis, 3b: E. Colwell. s s; Simmons, commenced woC FIEWAHRthe game lu the seventh lnnings. tle United Counties of Durham and r!; Murphy, cf; Goddard, If. la this districi Tue teams were: Nrhmelnetnsacril FotSre mtp opr placing pales ei Bowmanville Haming Pigeon Club Business Men: Osborne, p; Dfl norhmelndixed acril Fon tet-Smtp o Prtyns fiew their fi! il old bird race from ing, c; Richards, lb; R. Brawn, 2b; nvtation ta everyone ta attend a c; Jamiesori, lb; Cale, 2b; J. James, prylms CaaoOt,18mlsarlnJackrnan, 3Mc:b;Cull, ss 1!.rrf;Btscfwithin the next Cardoc On., 58mils ar Ue, b:J. Brown, s ; c picnic taelie held at Part Dalhousie 1 al s ader;Bts f is expected We c but on accaunt o! the rain the birds Knight, r f; Martm ,c f: Jim Cul- on Wednesday, June 17th, 1931. Cle,1fla large part o wefo t ilberted un.Th i 230s.md ey fTue committee ia charge have ar- Umpires - P. Williams and E.1 Bowmanville in ModyJn 8h uebrs ae Front Stree t: Smith, P; Hooper, c: o Large. and clotltlng ai wonderful timne when yau consider Jamieson, lb, Cale, 2b; James, 3b; rangd an excellent program a that they were lu the crates !ram Hawley. ss: Candier, r t; Bates, cf; sports lncluding softball tournament F1riday evening until 2.30 p. m. Mon- Jack Culley. If. for bth girls and men, horeshae day. Foilowlng is the result: Umpires: Frank Williams, E. pitching and many other kinds a!ofvIA Pete Waalner 3 hrs, 15 mins, 9 sec. Large. sparts. Yeu are invited ta came and W. J. Martyn 3 Irs, 16 mins, 25 sec. F. Bttreil ... 3 is, 29 mins 53 sec. A DREAM COME TRUE brng your family. Free musc andW F. Bottreil.. 3 hrs, 30 mins, 16 sec.- dancing wil lie provided an tle boat. Pete Waalner 3 Irs, 30 mins, 30 sec. Not se many years ago a mani lad Na. 2 Ferry, whlch leaves Cobourg L Habs,.. 3 lis, 35 meins. 16 sec. a dream. It was considered only ai at 8 a. m. standard turne an that Wni. Walace 3 hrs, 36 mins, 22 sec. dream - an impractical toy - for date. Premier Oea. S. Henry wlll len. Richards. 3 hrs, 37 mins, 45 sec. some time. But today that dream s W. J. Martyn 3 lis, 37 mins, 55 sec. an integral part of aur busy lives- lie the honored guest at the picnic. Wm. Wallace 3 lis, 38 mins, 29 sec. a means of keeping in touch with ____H._______._L_____ctan Le&n. Richards 3 lirs, 40 mins, 40 sec. events and people anywlere. u e.H.Hoo, .L acaha, ________ IL Hoblis.. 3 lirs. 41 mins, 16 sec. the teleplone. Warden. Counties' Clerk. VM 0 TBALL LEAGUE t Courtice ,sck at Hamptoni ianville at Newcastle ie at MaPle Grave. âce at Blackstack ptn at ZMan. eGrave at Bow'ville astle ai Tyrone. ;tack at Newcastle anville at Courtice at Maple Grave e at Hampton. stle at Zion ice at Tyrane eGrove at Blackstack ptan at Bawmanville. i.t Hampton eGrave at Curtice istle at Blackstack ne at Bowrnanville. naaville at M. Grave ice at Newcastle ton at Tyrone Lstock at ZMon. tan at Courtice ustle at Maple Grave at Bowmanville rstock at Tyrone. eGrave at Hampton at NewcastleF nanville at Blackstock ice at Zio. pton at Newcastle at Tyrone zstock at Maple Grov.' tice at Bowvmaa'.'Ill'. ice at Maple G: ove ton at Bîackstok anville at TYIrOnc at Newcastle. .stock at Courtice ton at Maple Grave mstle at Bowmanvillb ne at Zion. ne at Blackstack ýGrave at Zion aville at Hampton ,ste t Caurtuce. e at Courtcý, ýGrave at Newcqtle at Blackstock. ,aste at Hampton [Grave nt Tyrane £stock at Bowmanvllc îanville at Zioa ice t Hamptvn alled f or 6.30 p. M. .- tinie. 'ang Stant Work Bell Telephane men ,rk on Thursday last :t repalring and re- ad equipment an the Thle work W lie done Kt twa or three moaths cst well on ta $10.000 f which will stay la an the shape a! board ad other expenses of Gum Collects Carboni KOOLMOTOR GASOLENE Free from valve-stikdng gum When there's excessive sumn in your gasolene your valves stick . .. carbon collects. .- valves become warped a . require f requent grinding. suii>~ Stop this with KOOLMOTOR, the origi- " nal high-test, anti-knock, green gasou e lene, mode by Cities Service mini-qumn process which remnoves harmful u. CITIES SERVICE PURE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Cites Service Oi Company imited cities Service-ont of the ton largest Industrial organizations on the continent broodcasts Frdays, 8 P.M.( D.T.)-WEAF and 37 stations on N..C lnduding CKGW, Torontolu KOOLMOTOR GASOLINE SOLD IN BOWMANVILLE AT KEMP BROS' GARAGE 1OPPOSITE A & P STORE PHONE 248 the men wrkiag on the job. Bell Mr. Fred Coaley, Bowmanville, re- Telephone Ca. officials stated re- cently visited his Parents at Wel- ceatly that preparations are beine' lington. made for the installation o! a com- Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Caverly ad moa battery systemn here la 1933 aadI daugliter Rena. and Mr. and Mrs. no doulit these general repairs onI Caverly o! Hamiltn, recently vlsited the systemn are being done previaus Mr. and Mrs. . Burluglan, Wel- ta the general change aver. lington. '-4 WNE llth, 1931 W,