-F. - THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, J. HERMON wants POULTRY and WOOL at Fair Prices Phones: Bowmanvile-235 Toronto--Trfllty 3949J Address: 274 Augusta Aive., Toronto. 46-tf m Saturday Pure Lard, 1 lb. prints .............2 lba. for 21 c Javel Water, large bottie ...........................1c Weston's Fancy Biscuits, with Yo Yo ....25c box Fresh Salted Peanuts ..........................18C lb. Falcon Peas, good quality .............3 tins 25c Large Bottle Olives .................................25C Bulk Sultana Seedless Raisins ..........2 lb.. 23c Blue Rose Rice, extra quality ...........3 lb.. 25C Palm Olive Soap ..............................4 for 25c Pineapple Biscuits ..............................23c lb. We have just received a large shipment of PINEAPPLES Med. size 2 for 25c; Large size 15c each. F. W.,NELLES We Deliver Phone 599 Rowinanville AUTO REPAIRS Regardless of the job we are ready and willing té undertake it .. . and carry through to a successful finish. Our equipment, together with great mechan- ical skill, give positive assurance cf sat- isfactory work. And, incidentally, satis- factory work includes also low prices. Tis is the place yen can get your car re- paired cheaper, quicker and better. Let us prove it! Repair Shop open 24 hours daily. WEST END GARAGE H. D .CLEMENS, Proprietor Phone 188 Bowmanville Wool Wanted Bring in your wool and get HIGHEST CASH PRICE Don't sel your wool tili you get our price. MARTYN'S BOWLING ALLEY W. J. MARTYN. Phone 36 Bowman ville SPECIALS J~E 4th, 1931. them, saying - l'il learn the little tragic tales of the eifects of strong rascal not to do that no more," drink. He was a rare cliaracter with *The Newcastle Independent* THURSDAY, JUNE 4th, 1931 Thursciay - Friday NEWCASTLE Mr. Geo. Foster.Buffalo. isvisit- ing lis brother. Mr. Wellingtonl Fos- ter. Mrs. Atkinson and babe. Toronto, have been visiting lier sister. Mrs. H. S. Britton. Miss Aberta Trenwith, Toronto, visited lier grand! ather. Mr. Geo. Trenwitl. over the weekend. Rev. W. P. Rogers and Mr. Fred Grahamn, lay delegate of the United Churcli. are attending Bay of Quin- te Conference in Belleville. Reserve Friday. July 3rd, ta, at- tend St. George's Churcli Garden Party-strawberries and creani, or- chestra and good prograin. Councillor and Mrs. T. F. Branton attended the wedding of their niece, Miss Helen Tuf and Mr. George C. Fenning ln Toronto on May 26tli. Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Connell. Tor- onto, and their son. Mr. Douglas Connel, Northi Bay, vislted Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jose on Victoria Day. Mrs. Wmn. Otton, Thedford. for- mierly o! Newcastle, visited lier sis- ter, Mrs. T. F. Branton, last Sun- day. having been ini Toronto attend- ing the wedding of lier niece. Miss Helen Tuif . 'Ine comiittee of Newcastle Com- miunhty ±mauilave arrangeci foi an- otiier oi ineir popuir ai jancs ofi xrhîaay, duile tn. zneii s uo±ciiesl.ia or usnawa. jjanciflg trkni d p. ai. 'tilckets ýi.o per couple. z- St. Ueorge's uilurutn-±ev. F. xi. Ma.on, M .e. ector. bUnaay., june -un, kFirst b5uilay aiter iriniTy: a. m.-S.ncay ,jcnool; li a. ni.- Mvorfliflg rayer ana Hloly tCommun- ion; îi p .m.-Evens5ong. Ail services untiil urtler notice on dayigiit sav- ing tune. Miss Minnies Pearce went to To- ronto on Saturclay last to take a position from June ist on the To- ronto Star, having spent the inter- vening week foUlowing the complet- ion or lier course at nue Canada Business Colege, with the Canadian Statesiflan, Bowmianville. umited Church-Rev. W. P. Rog- ers, B. A., Pastor. bunday. June -1, Conferelice Sunday: il a. nm.- Mvorming Worship; 8 p. m.-Even1flg bervice. Mr. G. L. Wagar ' M. A., Bowmanvile, wili preacn at botbi dhurci services. Dayliglit savmng turne, whule it is the orticiai time or the village, will be observed for ail services. on Sunday. June l4tli, by resolu- tion o! the Session, the Newcastle United Churcli wil celebrate the sîxth anniversary o! union by inaivlg- urating at tiie morniflg service tii new H-ymnary, and members o! the congregatioIi are asked to procu.re their copies. whidh may be had ln i variety o! styles, in readiness for that date. St. John's (Bownanviile> young men's softball team played against the Newcastle Tuxis Square team in an interchurdli game on the com- munity green here on Friday even- ing and won by a smail margin. Tlhe local boys got in readiness for Thursday evening as per schedule and by the tiine the visitmng team arrived on Friday evening they seemed to have lost their punch. The sale o! the f urniture and household articles o! the late Mns John Rickard passed off very suc- cessfully ast Saturday afternoon under the direction o! AuctioneerJ Coulson. asslsted by Bil Coulson, H C. Bonathail. Clerk, and W. F. Rick- ard and M. H. Wighit and sons, aI o! wliom were kept busy handling oc keeping a record o! the multitude cl articles that liad been cohiectinE during the long ie o! deceased. The United Churcl f el in liue has Sunday with the Reeve's proclama. tion placing Newcastle in the cate gory o! urban municipahities praci. ising daylight saving witli the resul that there was but a sliglit f allirl off, due to the earlier (by suntime . o! wdrship, from the ordlnary at tendance at morning service. Indeei 1 the junior choir. it being the las Sunday in the month. was out i unprecedent force and f iiled th choir ho!ft to capacity, sanie o! th eighteen young ladies present bein obliged ta occupy the tenor sectior Miss Audrey Brown, recentlyc Rochester, N.Y., grand-daughterc Mr. T. W. Jackson, sang i the ci on Suuday as its newest memnbe Pastor Rogers preached the thirdc a series o! Sunday niorniug sermor on, The Gospel o! the Kingdor from the text. "He that winnet souls isWise," Prov. 11:30, andd rected the thouglits o! the congref ation along the two possible liri o! Exegesis. f irst. it takes a wi man to win souls; second. the wit ning o! souls is a manifestation the highest type o! wisdom. SEEKS GAS FRANCHISE HALF OUR HEADACHES START WITH OUR EYES Your eyes are end organs o! the brain. Is it at all surprlsing that eyestraln is the source f 50 many headaclies? If you feel a drawn sensation over the brows, have a tendency to frown or pucker Up the eyes, or sufer a burning, smarting sensation in the eyes. you ought to, serlously question the condition of your eyesight. You may or may not, need glasses, but for your own as- surance you sliould have your eyes examlned without delay. G. M. Bosnell OPTOMETRIST Office over Flood's Store Port Hope Phone Number 248 Office Hours: WEDNESDAY each week 9.30 a. m. to 9.30 p. m. Toronto Office: 2143 Danforth Ave. ,ed, itiI- Chicago, whidli necently secured 35 yean franchises lu Bowmanville and Whitby by overwhelmiing majorities, is seeking a simihar franchise in Newcastle, and in order to give the ratepayers o! the village an oppor- tunity to lear and discu&s the Com- panys proposition, Reeve W. F. Rickard called a public meeting in the council dhamber ast Wednesday evening. There was a good attend- ance and mudli interest was mani- fested lu the posslbility o! Newcastle obtaining gas for heating, cooking and industrial purposes. Reeve Rickard presided and W. R. Stnike. legal counsel for the municipality, made an opening explanatory ad- dress. G. D. Conant, legal counsel for and a dinecton o! the Company, laid the company's Plans and pro- postion very cearly before the meeting. He and Mr. Milner. gen- eral manager o! the company, ans- v'ered quite satls!actonily a great variety o! questions !rom those pres- ent. The council will probably take the matter up at its meeting on June 8th. I reached shelter stones were flying around me. and the old man was shouting: 'Run, Enery! Catch un! and MI drown un.' Henry soon gave up the chase. In a short time I véntured back tili I came near enough to see what was taking place. Farmer and hired man were tryrng to catch the sheep that had been f irst led into the pool. When they got hlm into the pen with the others. the old man said very emphatically:- "Enery I baint gwine to wash no sheep there. Let's go orne." I watched them climb the hiU, and was just congratulating myself on getting out of the di!! ic- ulty so easily, when the old man turned round. In a moment his face lighted with a savage joy. He had seen my clothes, and revenge was easy. He ran back and picked up my shirt and trousers-the f ull outflt- and started towords the road with PAGE TWELVE WHY I SPENT A DAY IN,- BICE'S WOODS By James L. Hughes Fi! ty years ago there was a fine mili pond inimediately west o! So- lina. It was knowu as Bice's Pond. The litthe stream o! today was then a good slzed creek. and provided suf - f icient water to mun a sawmill. At the west end o! the dam was the waste gate beloWw wich the water f ehl several feet. The soil just blow the waste gate was a liard blue chahk. We used it in the scliool in- stead o! the commercial clialk used i ordinary schools. before crayons were sold in this country. The f ail- ing water during the spring freshets had cut this chalk away sa as to formi a pool about thirty f eet across and about eight feet deep. Around the edge o! this pool the water was shallow. It gradualhy became deep- er tili it was about three feet in depth and then it deepened at once to eight feet. The cday or chalk wal around this deep central pool was perpeudicular. s0 that any one not accuainted with the conditions would walk in f rom either side and find the water grow very gradually deeper tili it iearly reached lits waist, and then unexpectedly drap into an apparently bottomless hole about fi! teen feet in width. This central liole grew shallower towards the southern side where the creek ran away froni the pool. One Saturday morning I lad gone to the pool irnmediately after break- f ast for a swifl. I spent many o! my Saturdays in and around the swimming pool, usually having Charhie Bice and Joe Ruse for comn- panions. We dressed only for meals, and enjoyed the water and the sun ail day. saf e !rom observation be- 10w the higli dam. On this special Saturday an old gentleman f rom a !armi some dis- .tance west o! Solina came with lis .hired man to wash lis sheep in the .pool. He was originally f rom Dev- Lonshire. I was in the water. and~ 1lie came ahead to find the proper place to wash the sleep. He lac .neyer been there before. He asked ,me wlere the sheep washing was doue. I told hlmi quite trutîfully 'that it was done in the pool ir Iwhldh I was standing at the tume. 1 "Be it very deep?" lie enquired. 9 The spirit o! misdhief led me to tsay, "Oh! No. See me walk across.' 1 I could "tread water" and witb my liead and shoulders out o! the water I apparently walked across e the pool and showed him the Pen in ewhicli the sheep were kept. -He cailed to the hlred nian: "Brini e mon vore Enery. This is fine. Il e baint deep. Thicky boy walkeÉ e acrost it." a Henry and lie were not long ir ,r getting the slieep into the pen. Th( old farmner hinmseli took the fins 9sheep. and guided it into the water it The sheep started for the other sidi n o! the pool. The faner leld il -back woohlu botli lands and slowl: - ollowed it, saying ,"Not too fast ýe old feller." )r He lad just turned lis head ti le say to the hired man, "Bring ahoni n another Eneny. its very fine." whei ýy lie slouted "Golhy!" and there Wa no evidence that he lad been in th ýd pool at ahl except his straw ha fioating on the surface o! the watei The water was not very clear. an n for somne time I could not see ar J. trace o! the hast man. I becani 1- alanîned. when I reallzed that b Lcould not swlm, and I was on th Llh point o! diving ta try to rescue hir cr wheu I saw bimi under tlie watE f working bis arms and kicking vii g9 orously. He could not get lis liea above the water however and he WE st going in a cirche around the centi a- o! the pool and getting no neani e- the side. t It becanie evident that le wou, lt drown unless lie got assistance. so ig swam in and cauglit hlm by t. e) hair. whidh was long, and led hi: t- towards the southern side where ti d creek rau away. As soon as le g ýst lis lead above water I !ound f nc in~ ils language that bis anger at r e deceit was mudli grater that li le gratitude for helplug hlmi out, g while le was stilI flouuderlng on 1 n. knees lu the water I heft hlm ai o! started towards the woods wl!i O! were qulte nean the dam. ain It was well that 1 dld so. Be!< Subi tan tial Saving,,,i on.Substandtkl ,?ozt,, you neyer sacrifice qualîty. A & P foods are good foods sold at lower prices because A & P cash-and-carry business cuts out eveny waste and ev nyuslss expense ln selUing. Every A & P purchase mneaus substan- a LOBSTER 2%e29 * 2*7. AYLMER BRAND CHOICE QUAIJTY PINEAPPLE cq" »olqAT37 PIEARS B AYLMER CHOICE QUALITE LOUMSAM PLUMS BIANANAS Ac FANCY CALIFORNIA LARE RIP CÂNTALOUPES CHOICE YOUNG FRONT-S- OUR 0WN ANN PAGE BREAD EFuni 24-05.. Wrappd Loaf6. SUGAR KPT310 Ibo. 500 LAB LEGS de-n LOINS ON M',-% n1L00 2No. 2 SQUAT19 BACON 13 â P«n.270 SLICED OR CENTRE CUTS, LB. »Ce jFRESHF FRUITS AND VEG ABLES FINEST CUBAN PINEAPPLES 2 le LARGE SIZE, 2 FOR 25e 23eIL9 lb. 30o lb. 220 BOILED RAM E EU . MiVEAL, PICKLES lb. VAIRIETY LOAFAND PIMET28 MlINST A & P QUALITY BEEF BLA RLOAST .14 SODAS ~ff5iKS2 lbs. 210 PASTRY PLOUK 98-LB. $219 GINGER SNAPS 2 Ib. 19 BREAD FLOUR 98I' F1511 A £&P COFFEE J WHITEFISH lb. IL6e 8 O'CLOCK lb. 290 ratiitaU svf MIOUCM RED CIRCLE lb. 330 SALMON pmSlM. 330 BOA lb_9 SLWCU. LB. Mc __-_,______________39_ Meat Manager: i. McCoy. Groccry Manager: P. Wiiliau. We Deliver-Extra Charge 10c. Phone No. 83 King Street BOWMANVILLE - TM GREAT ATLANTIC & PArnIC TEA <4. LIMITE» 0F CANADA.u.I....E I watched him. anxiously fearing his long grey hair hanging to lis that he meant to take my clothes shoulders. home with him. but he hid themn be- hind a stump away on the hiîl. I WHEN Tommy Kirkpatrick. in- was somewhat relieved. but I knew structing lis class in geography one I could not go out to get them withi- day at school. had demonstratedlul- out being seen f rom ail parts of the ly about the earth being round,. nov- Iil onged ing on its axis. etc. To test bis class How Ilne for Charle Bice or and make sure they liad taken it al joe Ruse! But neither of tliem came in, he asked the question wliy tlie that day. nor did any other boy. so world didn't look round. In a flash I had to stay below the dam ail day Zick Gay answered "The world don't and it was a very hungry boy who look round cause it ain't got no got home to lis mother when dark- eyes' -a fine credit ta the master's ness made it possible for him to get teadhing. eh?) lis clothes. WHEN Mrs. Harnden, on the hiii. i P00WH F TE EBABIRU ES ta angonsbaUl AT THIE LOWEST pRICE IN yEABaS-FULL GRASS BUTTER sCVREEORK 22 SUNNYFIELD PASTEURIZED CREAMERY, LB. 4 lu" IrE TRAT SCEOOLOIRL COMPLEXION PALMfOLIVE w 4 Ca*.s25o f ,- -~-~u LAGLE CONsu> LMBBYS-PBEPABED FROM CRIS? WRITECABRAGE SAUERKRAUT il ~B Beauty through Modernizing ItIs no big job to remodel and beautif y your present dweling. Many people have accornphlied astound- ing resuts at surprislflgly 10w cost. We invite you to see us concerfling afly remo<lelng programi you may have in mind. Our experience, together with the lumber supplies we offer. wlll lielp you accomplish beautiful results. Sheppard & Gili Lumbe r o. Ltd. (FORMERLY McCLELLAN & CO.) KING ST. EAST PHONE 15 BOWMANVILLE Installment No. 27 Do You RecaU? - WHEN Edwand Carswell o! Osh- awa, famous ail over America as a tempenance lecturer. would occas- ionally favoun an "Open Division" with a lecture? He wouhd keep lis audience in screams o! laugîten witli lis funny stories, and next minute have theni in teans over lis Smith boys and the two Brown boys remainjng for about two years. They all went West and were lost siglit of with the exception of Charley Brown who has kept up a regular corres- pondence with lis old Sunday Scliool teacher for forty years. Charley Is now a grandi ather living in Van- couver, B. C. He lias "made good" and attributes no small share of bis success to the start in hf e lie got at Maple Grove. - 1 1 1 1 un ILle bRux 1 ub. 38a smeed