THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY l4th, 1931 PAGE TMN FINE SPEAKERAR4 ________ INSITUT HEAS ER* The Newcastle Independent rxnr~I7(IDV~ ~ (Contlflued from page 1) ______ rII LV Uftt) the airpiane. The de! ________ve IM E O K ! to a miracle was "the discovery of THURSDAY, MAY l4th, 1931 Then there was a change in bow women work. The advent o! electric- NEWCASTLE United Churcb-Rev. W. P. Rog- Golden Rule Mission Band of the ity and labor saving devices bad beenI ers, B. A., Pastor. Sunday, May 17: United Church will meet at 2.30 p. a grat oon.Shestrnglyadvsdla. m.-Morning Worship; 2.30 p. m. Saturday li the S. S. Hall. Buy ~co-operation between women and Mr. and Mrs. Emerson R. Fisher, m1 SnaySbo; .m-Evef- St. George's Church-Rev. F. H. th m nw fr M y 24th. me -a h cn b l h ther. Her Ottawa, Spent the weekend with his i . S n a c ol .m ao ,M . etr u d y a ou hi o o a e - ahcn thelwoant ho madebrother, Mr. J. R. Fisher, and Mrs. img Service.Mao,.ARctrSndyMy cito25 uotation ntewmnwomde .lelunsd. Pleased to report that Mr. Robt. lth, Sunday a!ter Ascension Day: i C to 25C hier housework a god was rather Fishe,"unsd. amusing, as it was showfl this was W. A. o! the United Church meets Gray, wbo suffered a series o! strolces 9.45 a. m.-Youflg Men's Bible Study one means of driviflg a man !rom bis this Thursday at 3 p. m. at tbe borne early last winter and whose condi- Class; il a. m.-Morfling Prayer and home. A womnaf should be a homie- o! Mrs. Fred Grabam. Motbercra!t tion became quite critical about two Holy Communion, 2 p. m.-Sunday Lending Library maker as well as a bousekeeper. program by Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard's weeks ago, is somewbat improved. School; 7 p. m.-Evensong. Ne ito de.Dont scold if you f!ind the house group. On Sunday morning, May ltb, Mrs. Bone, Oshawa, has been vîsit- Ne Fcto Ade.littered wtb papers and magazines Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gibson held a Mothers Day, Rev. W. P. Rogers ing bier brother-in-law, Mr. Isaac occasioflally, its more bomelike than family re-union last weekend in hion- preacbed a fine sermon in the United Selby, and family while Mrs. Carl where there are none to be !ound. or o! tbe home-comiflg o! tbeir mis-~ Churcb for mothers f!rom the text, Selby bas been out staying witb bier Stmpd Nedlworkf sonay so, Rv. . H.Gibonand The unfeigned f aitb tbat is in thee, fatber, Mr. J. F. Osborne, wbo bas She elatd te ealy istoy owhich dwelt first in tby grandmnotber been quite iii with blood poisoning AULnnTwls2eadu. the Institute and tbe need for its f amily f rom India. Lois, and thy mother Eunice", an ex- in bis band, but is now improving. AilLienToeIS20 ad P. organization, bow tbe o!ficers might Municipal Council at its regular tract f rom Paul's second letter to Mr. and Mrs. P. O'Neil, Toronto St. be chosen and the need o! each re- meeting on Monday evening Passed a Timothy, bis dearly beloved son in bad a visit f rom tbeir niece, Miss ceiving tbe discipline a!!orded by bylaw adopting daylight saving time tbe minlstry. Mr. Rogers also told Victoria Vincent o! Madoc, wbo mot- AUl Leather Cushions being in office. She emphasized the to corne into efect on June lst and o! the origin o! Motber's Day and ored up witb tbree !riends from need o! a nominatlng committee for continues until Sept. lst. how tbe practice bas growfl o! wear- Trenton where she bad been attend- Specl at 59c. the selection o! suitable persons, and Newcastle W. M. S. meeting was ing a white fiower for mothers wbo ing as a delegate tbe meetings o! urged those chosen to play tbe game held i S. S. room on Monday, May have passed and a red fiower for Wornan's Deanery o! tbe Anglican or in otber words to be a sport. A 4th, President Mrs. W. P- Rogers in mothers wbo are living. The follow- Cburch. presiding officer needs dignity, tact, tbe cbair. Af ter devotional exercîses ing ladies, ail mothers, cornposed the 11 V l and should know wben and bow to Mrs. (Dr.) Butler, president o! Mis- cboir, with Mrs. L. M. Fisher, Carl's J., VW . JeuleL use bier authorîty. She strongly sion Band, gave an address in inter- motber, at thc organ-Mesdafles _____________ urged aIl to be broadmiiided in re- est o! Mission Band announcing a Howard Alun. J. H. Middleton, Elvin Phone 30 - King Street gard to otber's opinions. No one per- tea to be beld in June. Secretaries Middîeton, Jesse Baskerville, H. R. son, society or church bas ail the reported on work in different depart-Pec, alo; Msms HarrY Big 20 900ketore Bomnll nwedgc and in this age o! changes et.Ms oer rub ugs- Coucb, John Douglas, Barchard, B. was must keep our eye on the goal ions frorn Brancb meeting at Peter- Moise, J. H. Jose, E. C. Hoar, Win. and not on ourselves. Let us belp on boro. Devotional period was taken Hannab, A. E. Mellow, J. Hendry, J. the work o! the League o! Nations by Mrs. Hares group. Scripture R. Fisber, J. E. Matcbett. A. pollard, by seeking to establish peace in our reading was given by Mrs. Hare; E. J. Rincb, N. L. Rickard, W. P. oWn town and neighborhood and prayer by Mrs. Rogers; report o! Rogers. Ed. Tbackray, sopranos. The belp Canada rear bier bead among Brancb meeting by Mrs. Cooke, dele- f ull cboir wbicb was trained by Mr. tenations o! tbe world. gate; duet, Mrs. Pollard and Miss W. J. S. Rickard, wbo bowever for SSIHD bey earty vote o! tbanks by Mrs. J~. C. Stud ok o Japan once bad an opportunity o! sitting A ve y Ms Hancock. AndJapannse in a pew, sang two antberns, "l'Il med by M ss acafadscod-h tea was served by mnembers o! Mrs. wear a wbite flower for you., Motber 'HIEECONOMY RW. cd y Ms. arnca as ccodedtheHares group and was much enjoyed. Dear," and "Somiebody is Waitiflg speaker for ber excellent address. Members and f riends kindly note for Mle." Mrs. Elvin Mlddleton and Mrs. F. H. Moody f avored witb a next meeting will be cbanged to latMr.AbtPoadasoan a duet, FINEST QUALITY FRI THE EXAMINATION sweet solo "Beautiful Isle o! Dreams" Tbursday in onth."MY MotlberAttbe Sunddalso s cboo Do you know that the most that was well received. Mrs. Smitb Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Cibson and session in the afternoon Mrs. N. L. N Ferguson accompanied ber. two cbildren f rom India, arrived last Rickard gave an address on Motbers important Part o! a pair o! h ertr eotd o h Wednesday and are now visiting bis o! Farnous Men, and Mrs. J. C. Han- M throgh wichyou ndero be plans for the canvass in aid o! the Gibson. Newcastle-on-tbe-Lake. Mr. mothers. T tluoug wicbyouunerg b- blind. Tbe president then callcd onl and Mrs. Gibson and cbildren cross- fore the glasses are made. You1 Miss Haycraf t wbo read an address ed the Pacific on he mprssof CLARK'S BRAND can undoubtedly get a cbeap pair to Miss Edith M. Weekes. wbo lis Japan on wbicb tbeir Royal Majes-________________ o! glasses but witb tbem you Wll retiring as secrtary-treasurer a! ter tics. the King and Queen o! Siam.__________________ prob bly et ver po r ex ni- 17 years and Mrs. Beliman, the old- and suites and General Sir Arthur pratobablIfgtha ero exam-oni est member, on behalf o! the Instit- Currie were f ellow passengers. Since I K not borugh3ndthe resripion wrhst wacb i appreciation o! ber have visited frininth Western ~DEFO TH cî not right the glasses will not be, f aitbful service. Miss Weekes ack- Provinces and also Mrs. Gibson's re- I VL L JC AS to you, wortb the case that con- nowledged tbe kind words and gîf t latives in Huntsville and Owen OA' tains them. Remember its the very suitably. Son. fte hirlngtpbybatS l deamntion th a countspandit Reresments were served at the and rail, Mr. Gibson and family IihntTECHCE0 PA dosesnt g w t c e p par o close by t e Executive and a social t oug t a change .in the m ode o ! r c l s i g S l H H I E O A glaises. bhalf bour pleasaiitly spent. travel would be nice and s0 at Owen______ -The newly lccted officers are: Sound bie bougbt a car in wbicb tbcy I-' < 1i Prsidnt-Mrs. F. C. Colmer; Vice- rnotorcd to Newcastle. Rev. Mrw. Gib- This is undoubtedly the bîggest « &Y G . . osneIi Vpresidnt-Mrs .F. 1Purdy; 2nd. son is bore ne six months' furlougb rnoneysaving carnîval we bave rR UNHE. EA VicPresidnt-Mrs. W. L. Buttcry; and tbere are rnany in Newcastle offcered to tbe people o! BowmanvilleFO LUCETA OPTONRTRIS? ereayTrauerMs J. Thick- and vicinity wbo would like thc op- and vicinity. Hard tîmes preacbed.CR N son; Directors-Mrs. H. Alun, Mrs. portunity o! hearing him preacb and by an. talked by ail, and in f act Office Over Floods Stops B. M. Warnica, Mrs. W. B. Pollard, tell sometbirîg o! Incita, ber people, actually cxisting and known to be, R N Port HopeMrs. A. W. Pickard,_ Mrs. Hcwston. and the present situation. causes us to drastically cut prices in ______nmtteMr.S.Mrrs an attenipt to solve a serious situa- ANOTHER EXAMPLE Office Boum: Mrs. A. E. Wrcnn, Mrs. Davies and tion. The price tags wili show that y=MDTee « r.A ann;Dsrc ietr OBITUARY this is more tban Talk. for nowbcrc 9.30 a. nM. ta 9.30 P. ML Mrs. Frank Jackman; Pianist-Mrs. Ms on ikr, ecs l se We sa tsc w p erpbs n its L Toronto Offie: Ruby Daniels; Assistant-Mrs. A. W. Ms-Jon up toNwcsle esyouto wtkemad ane. 213D frhA&Piekard; Auditors-Mrs. E. R. Boun- The funeral o! the late Martha u oyut a datg.FINST CREAMERY1 saîl, Miss E. E. Haycraf t. Jane Powers, widow o! the late John WMW RS HE -- Riekard, on May 5tb, drew a large In patent. Icici satin, etc.. regular concourse o!fiends and relatives. $3.00 - $4.00 - $5.00 * Rev. W. P. Rogers conductcd the ser- Prices slashed to 4.vice at ber late residence, and in bis $149 - $1.98 - $2.98 SOGC Oa.address paid tribute to the if e and AL A&P E S R &tbrougbout ber long 1.1e o! neanly 86 Women'S Leather House Shoes .Ïyears bad kept an even balance be- To Clear 98c N eux\e.* tween bier home, ber fan'ily and ber T E church, giving to eacb a just pro- MEN'S DRESS SHOES ~i't\~% ~ ' ~portion o! ber tijue, attention and In cal!, patent and kid; regular care. Her pastor contrasted the es- $3.50 - $4.50 - $5.50 E % A 1b " % cl -tate she was leaving with the estate Prices slashd te, into which she was entering, leaving $1.98 - $2.49 - $2.98 bebind transient and temporal tbings to inherit an eternal home EXTRA SPECIAL CA N D andi enter into abiding bliss. From Mcn's durable Work Boots, in panco FXTRA WEEK-END the standpoint o! those on eartb she or leather soles. B p RO ETE t was going away; it was a separation. To Clear $2.49 inOIR But for bier and those who bad gone 28 on before, ber husbanci and a f ew BOYS' BOOTS AND OXFORDS l c G248l,* months ago, bier brother, it would be Reg. $2.50 - $3.00 - $400 ~'-~# ~ D~tX %~tNW~e a happy renr.~ a npors Prices slashed to the municipal fiag drooped at bal! $1.69 - $2.19- $2.69 RA mnast f rom the tail staff near the CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS AND) Cornmunity Hall. OXFORDS F i- Wben the new brick parsonage g $20-$25-$30 was built for the residence o! Metb- Re.$00-250-300jF R à1 odist pastors, John Rickard purchas- Prices sahe te, Our prices d from the trustees of Uic churcb 98c - $1.49 - $1.98 This W e~k le old parsoflage on Cburcb Street, Tenis and Running Shees ilb Thi wa abut 1 anr oledit. also put on sale at a great discount. q Thmi ws bt 21 hea r s onbhSpace does not permit us telling o! Frnkmrier. T r.e n dhen their son althe bargains bere. Corne look ard and daughter Ina le! t the f armn around. You will be surprised at the and B gand came to live in their new home prices. rBeeds eddinin the village. Mr. Rickard died 3 N Sh ssurvlved b e oW . M ns W a Rickard. Reeve o! Newcastle; lber MN'@RODCOH HIT ____________ daugbtcr. Mms. Milton Wight, Provi- ESBRACOHS RT dece ix randcbildren, Dorotby, Reg. $1.50 - $2.00 - $2.50 Evely, Joh and ean R1kar,%andPrice slased t Welcom: Mi..CrcmlMeat Manager 1. F N t rr iioIy r.e and MrAthu~Pi1wr. R u)-RTE. Store W ei F . F . o rris i biis. Mr.and Mrs. T onnRobbin,, 1iKig SWeei IMrcc. Moffatt. Les;kîIr: lMr. Chas. Opposite Corbett's Bakery KKgSre n il Miller, ~Toronto; Mi'. and Mrs. Jonas iM nth ore Phne10FURNITURE DowmaflIae Ic.Thornton, Mir. A. Henry. Mrs ________THE r GRD on 0John Miller and others f rom FLO H RW Orono, Mr. and Mis. Fuîller Ca toc', Salem; _________________ Mr. and Mrs. 0. Davidson. Oshaw.*" ARECORD RWB of A 6& p Speckdi Clear the Une for the A & P "«Flyer." It cornes to you this iwecki with a "record run" of Values that signal "'ail clear" for your %ve.'- end buylng. Carload af 1er csrload of the finest, foodstuffs gathered by A & P food buyers, whose judgment you have learned to respect for bcth quaUty and value. . . . AILL ABOARI> FOR ECONOMY! LESH CREAMERY ONTARIO !E L NYtELDPser. dCreamery, 2Is 7 .2 is ~ HOICEST TOMATOES GROWN [JP Tlger Brand OTE15ec IRTICULAR WOMEN FjabTOILET CAKES f 7FLOW ERS OAP . -r, ED BEEF DENTOS TN16c 0F A & P LOW PRICES Corn Plakxes Pkg.J»e CHEESE ES oDNiyTnu,~2 ls25 m., tu..! ,SHIPPE) DIRECT FROM PLANTATION TO OUR TEA WAREROOMS Our Own 8 c îyCellophane Wrappet 2 PKG.25C SPECIAL S %IADE IN OUa OWN PKG. H91NUTS DAILIGIIlT BAICERY O L0F- D ANN PAGE WRAPPED 6 lq and EETBE on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables show you remarkable savlngs. Delivered daily 10 al] Stores. ~~PPLES CUBAN-GROWN,2 37 LARGE ýNAS YELLOW, RIPE 3 Ib.IL19 1 NEWL b1~ES FLORIDA EJC 23 Valeela OOD oz. 35 je e9'REW MEATSI PcainealBack BythePiece lb.9 1J N SLICED, LB. 27e 2 5M IB Choice Young Fronts 1l. 15eI R OÂAST&T -ooFIlM -0 EmR lb. 10c WhitemSLKE IPGONlb. 250 1b. 120SalMOn RED SPRIN IiECEb.30qg lb. 2e jSLICED, LB. 33e Low~~~ Reua 'PCoffee Prices cek L-. 290 Red Cirale lb. 33o Bolkar lb. 390 rG. McCoy. Grocery Manager: P. Williams. ver-Extra Charge 10Oc. Phone No. 83 BOWMANVILLE t ATIAYNTC &PAcnuC TUA (o» - -- xMTr),OF CANAD)A A Sweet Special For Saturciay For one day only - WlUard's Famous Chocolates ln 17 varleties, regular 40e lb. For 28c lb. A NUTRITIOUS FOOD Silverwood's Ice Cream, made f rom rlch sweet creani and i a varlety of flavors. Try some. We are stocked agalu with that great favorite ORANGE WATER ICE which was so popular wlth both Young and old last year. It's deliclous. Bread - Cakes - Buns - Chocolates King Street Fast Phone 3 Bownmanvlle i J