Vol.77 M A.With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vo.7M .JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 7th, 1931 $2,00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 19 Vote and Work For Thme Bylaw-- Bowmanville's Opportunity SEASON FOR SOFTBALL OPENS ON MONDAY NEXT Mayor Elliott WW Piteh Firat Bail. PrimesWill Be Added Feature Under the auspices of the Bowýman- ville Business Men's Association the Softbaii League will swing into ac- tion at the Public School Grounids on Monday night, May il with six teains entered. Mayor Elliott wiil pitch the first bail at 7 p.m. sharp. An added featuire of the opening1 game will be the giving away of five1 20-lb. bags of sugar to the spectators1 drawing the five lucky tickets. Onta.rio Softball Association ruies viii govern the play and among them 4-e the folowing: Size of bail will be a 12" outseam. If a player had played ) .one game with any team he must secure hs release from the captain before another game can be played for another team. If any player has played three gaines for one team he is not en- titled to be released. Captain's of each teain and sports9 committee to settie ail protesta. The umpires for the season will hi *Earie Cunningham, Ted Large, Frank1 Bottreli, W. Edger, W. Wilcox and Wm. Crossey. In the case of the non-appearance of au>' o! the above officials, cap- tains of the two teams will decide onj umpires. Ground ruies will also be9 decided b>' captains and umpires be-1 fore the commencement of any gaine.1 The team leading the league on9 June lst, vi represent Bowmanville1 in the tournament to be held at; the1 big Communit>' Day on June 3rd the King's Birthday. The first sched- ule for the season vili hi as foilows: Ma>' il-Front Street vs High School. *Ma>' 12--Goodyear vs Whlz. May 15-Business Men vs Foundry. May 18-Whiz vs Front Street. May 19-High School vs Foundry. May 22-Goodyear vs Business Men. May' 26-Foundry va Whiz. May' 28-High Schooi vs Front Street. May 29-Business Men vs Good- e. ~ Jne 1-4oodyear vs Foundry. June 2-Whiz vs High School. June 5-Front Street vs Business Men. June 8-Foundry vs High Schooi. June 9-Goya vs Front Street. June 12-Business Men vs Whiz. June 15--Whiz vs Goodyear. June 16-High School vs Business Men. June 19-Front Street vs Foundry. June 22-Whiz vs Business Men. June 23-Foundry vs Front Street. June 26-High School vs Goodyear. Jane 29-Front Street vs Whiz. June 30-Business Men vs High School. Jul>' 3-Foandry vs Goodyear. July 6-Goodyear vs High Schooi. bt Jul>' 7-Whiz vs Foundry. Jul>' 10-Business Men vs Front Street. July 13-Front Street vs Goodyear. 1>'y 17-High School vs Whiz. The firat achedule leaders will play those in second place in a three game series to decide the winners of the first schedule. These wiil then play the winners o! the second schedule which has yet to be drawn. Fday night the finals o! the Bdminton Tournament will bc play- ecomniencing at 8 p. m. sharp. Anulmeeting of the Bowman- ville Tennis Club wil hi held in the Council Rocom on Tuesda>', Ma>' l2tb. PAVED STREETS WILL NOT SUFFER THROUGH GAS INSTALLATION A numben o! natepayens bave J eitben 'been misinformod on bave came ta, a vrong conclus- C ion cancenning the laying o! the gaz mains in Bawmanville 1 and are afraid that aur paved streets viilbo disturbed toa a great extont. Mn. Mimner. the 1 engineen vha viii have charge o! the installation, bas stated i eniphatically that ver>' littie pavement viii be taken txp ai( oni>' in cases vbere it la ab- solutel>' necessan>'. Most o! the gas mains will ho laid at the side o! the streots and pipes cnossing streets in mnost cases wiii be divon through unden the pavement. Accrding ta the agreement the company is required ta replace ail pave- monts as they find tbem and this is a ver>' exponsive apen- atian sa that fanr their ovn benefit tho>' viii nat cut into the pavement o! any street un- lessaubsalutel>' obiigod ta do so. if the campan>' doos not ne- store any distance ta the satis- f action o! the tava. the tavu can fix it up and the company viii pay the coat. Oea. W. Allen. consulting gas engineer vho conducted an in- dustrie.l surve>' in Oshawa lat year, advisod the Public Utili- tics Commission o! that cit>' te -xtend their mains and neani>' -1 mile o! nov mains vere laid vithaut anc piece o! pavement being cut. Ratepayers WiII Vote on Gas Franchise Bylaw on Saturday Next Pols will be open from 10 a. m. to 7 p. m. daylight saving time - Large vote is expected. On Saturda>' a! this veek, Ma>' 9, the electors o! Bowmanvilie go te the poils and vote on tbe bylaw te grant a thfrty-fivc year gas franchise ao the Ontario Shore Oas Company', wblch la represented itbe deal b>' ts president, Ben E. Tate. For the last three o! four veeks, a campaigu of education bas been carried an, with a view te glving Uic electors ever>' possible item a! information egarding the bylaw and the f ran- bhise agreement, and on Saturda>' whll come the test a! the reaction o! the electers ta the opportunitY that is placed bef are tbem. On this bylaw, ail municipal elect- nrs i Bvmanviule are entltled te vote. On money b>'lavs. oni>' rate- payers bave a vote, but since this la not a mone>' bylav, Uic privilege o! castig ballots la extended te ail electers wbo ordinarl> are entltled o vote for the election o! mayon and councillors. This point bas been ne- lerated time sud again in the course of thc campaign and sbould hi cleani>' understood. In ail, there are ,pproxlmately 1800 naines on Uic ilat if those entltled te vote, and since Saturday la a fairl>' convonient day, aheavy vote sbould be poiled. The poliing stations on Saturda>' wiii hi opened at 10 a. m., sud viii 'emaiapen until 7 p. m., so that anple appartunit>' la provided foani electora te get te the poils. For the purpose o! assisting those requiring' transportation te get te Uic poila, tho gas bylav committue viii have cars at its disposai at Uiecocmmittee 'ooma iMart>'n's Bowling Mie>', King street, sud Uic use o! these can be secured by telephonlng ta No. 36. AU1 information regarding Uic votera' listsan udUi bylaw Itself can also hi secured at tbe commlttee nooma on by telephoning that ninniber. The polllng places blc have bcen flxcd for Uic voting are as foal- love: West Ward: Coundil Boom. Niorth Ward: Pumpliause, Chunch St. South Ward: ]Public Scbool, Victoria street. After Uic pols bave closed, the ne- ima vwii hi compiled b>' The Statesman, sud the result o! tbe vot- ing made knovn at The Statesman ofice as soon as it la availabie. M¶R. BEECHNUT CAPTURED HERE ON TUESDAY M<rs. C. S. Haliman Wins $25 Avard For Capture of Myster>' Man The elusive Mn. Beechnut, the mystor>' man wham haif a! the tovn have been vatching for, fon the past six veeks, paid another visit te Boy- manvilie an Tuesday, but anlike his previaus visits ho did not get ava>' without paying a $25 revard te bis capturer. The lucky lady vas Mrs. C. S. Hailman. Mrs. Haliman had wnltten Mr. Beechnut some tinie ago daning hlm te pa>' ber a visit. but llttle did she expect that ho vould cail personail>' at ber home as lie did. It vas shartiy befane ten o'clock vhen a knock vas beard at Mra. Hallman's door. On answerig she saw a big man wha enquired if she had a suit for a persan named Rich- ardson for the Oshava Laundry. Mrs. Hamlman teld the gentleman that ho must bave made a mistake f or she knew o! no Mn. Richardsoni in the block. Aften a littie !urthtr conversation the Myster>' Man le!t, but luckily or unluckily ho fongot tc beave his cailing card. Mrs. Halimar suspected as soon as ber visitor bac left who ho was and dressing she went in seancb o! hlm. Seeing hiiv enter bis car across the street anc go east she headed in that direction only te sce him tunn and came back weat at the Post Office. The f aci -vas that Mr. Beecbnut bad fongotten o leave his card and ho was return- ing ta do so. Mrs. Hailman hurried bac: Up thie street and met hlm a: hoe was returning ta bis car a! te: having crept stealthily up the stairE and le! t bis card in the bail. "You are Mr. Beechnut." she asked hin and ho vas forced ta admit that h( was. Within a short time Mrs. Hall- man became the possesson o! $25 ir cash for ber efforts in finding th( gentleman. Talking over the radic the sanie evening Mn. Beechnut toic haw ho tbought that ho had foolec Mrs. Hailman and boy surpniséd bg was when she met hlm later on thg street, ho believing that she vas stil at ber home. A former Bovinanville boy, Loimn Butson, driver for the Oshawa Laun dry, alsa caught Mn. Beeclinut ne cepntly, but the scene o! bis captur WELLINGTON SCOUTS VISITED LOCAL TROOPS Vstlng Scouts Spent EnJoyable Weekend in Bovasanvile Wellington Troop of Boys Scouts paid a visit to the Bowmanvilie troop last weekend and returned to their homes on Sunday with very pleasant memories of Bowmanvilie, the scout troop and ail of those who enter- tained them during their stay. They were unab4e to get ta Bowmanville ont Friday night as was hoped but they arrived early Saturday, 21 in number and under the supervision of Scoutmaster Bowerman. Their first trip was made through the Goodyear plant where they witnessed for the first time the manufacture of rubber gooda. In the afterncyon the visited the Boys' Training Schooi where they enjoyed a short period i the swim- ming tank 3 passing their tests there. On Saturday evening through the kindness of a member of the Rotary Club the scouts were the guesta of the Royal Theatre where tbey wit- nessed a splendid show. On Sundayi morning accompanied by the local troop of Boy Scouts and Cuba, in al seventy on parade, they paraded to Trinity United Church where Rev. J. U. Robins, pastor, preached a very appropriate sermon. They left for their homes on Sunday afternoon much pleased with their stay here and extremely grateful for the hos- pitality of the local troop and citi-1 zens. GAS 00. PRESWENT Ben E. Tate President o! the Ontario Shore Oaa Company, president e! Canudian Fuels Ltd., andi vice president o! the Utilities Paver and L&lit Corpora- tion o! Chicago, anc of Uic langest Utilit>' Corporations lu the vanld. vho addresscd a meeting o! ratepe,>- crs hi Uic coundil noom on Tuesda>' niglit in the iterests o! the 35-year gaz distribution franchise ,askcd o! Bovmanville rutepayens bg bis com- pan>'. MEr. Edgerton Doncaster o! Osh- ava, formeni>' o! Bovmanvî1le, bas purcbaaed the Corniali Terrace on King Street East !rom the Lewis Cornisli estate. This propert>' bad been in Uic Cornnia famil>' for over bal! a century. Ben E. Tate was Speaker at Large Gatkering of Ratepayers 1Tipe a Vice-President of Utilities Light and Power Corporation and President of Obtario Shore Gas Company addressed ratepayers The keen interest vhlcb la big1 evldencd i the gas franchise bylav on vhich the municipal clecters a! Bovmanvillc viii vote on Saturda>',i vas shovn at Uic public meetingi beld hi Uic council roora on Tues-i day nlgbt, vben the hall vas filhedq te, avenflawing vlth an audience whlcb manl!cated close attention te, the mass a! facta and figures plaoed1 hifone it in connection vith the b>'-j lav. The reception given te thei vanlaus speakers vas o! the mostj friendi>' character, the chie! interest1 eilng centred i the appearance o! Bon E. Tate, vice president a! the Utilities Paver and Ligbt Corpara- tion, and president o! the Ontario Share Oas Company., Limited. fan vblch the franchise la beig sougbt. The arguments a! the speakers vere lurgel>' centred an the thouglit that Bowmanvllle bad everytbing ta gain and nathlng te base b>' passing this bylav, vbile the numeraus ben- efits ta Uic town vere stressed b>' al the speakers, vbo lncluded, in ad- dition te Mr. Tute. Eugene C. Lang. chie! engineer a! the Utilities Paver and Liglit Corporation, Councillor Rosa Stnike, Reeve W. H. Carruthers, Ex-Mayor F. L. Mason o! Oshava, and Gardon D. Canant, Oshava, counsel and directon a! the Ontario Shone Gaz Compan>', Llmlted. Mayon Eliatt pnesided aven the gatherlng. and mentioned that it vas quite ap- parent that the elocters o! Bavman- ville vere veil satlafled vltb the tornna o! the bylav. Bon E. Tate Ben E. Tate,i opening bis ad- idress, said it vas the aim a! bis 1company te become part o! the tovn io! Bowmanviile. Tnacing the vide- spread operations o! the Utilities Paver and Llght Corporation, ho i aid the company vas no strungen .in Canada, since it apenatod extens- 1ively in the Maritime Provinces, and v as aiso operating in Great Bitain a n a large scale, supplying public sutilities ta aven 500 tavns and cities 1thero. The assets o! the company i ereoaven bal! a billion dollars, sc Ltheevas no question as ta its abil- ity ta carry out its obligations in iBovmanviilo. D Expnessing great faith in the f ut- Sure a! the central portion o! On- j tario, Mn. Tate outlined the plans e for linklng up ail the communities e in the district inn gaz distribution i system. The gas systeni vould not hi a campotiton with hydro, but e vauld fil a ver>' dofinite need i the -commanitios sorved, and vould play -a large part in their deveopment. ,e In repi>' te questions, Mn. Tate said it vas haped ta bave gazsoner vices operting iBovmanvilo hoe ýy fore the snov files noxt . vinter, os ,e the distribution system could bo i oe stalied i about four months' time, t and Uic nov apparatus being in- stalled ut Oshava vas sufficient tc provide su adequate suppi>' o! gas for Bowmanvlle. It vas the hope o! the compan>', also, te muake this a coke-consumlng district, but be stressed thut Uic compan>' vould not distribute coke direct, but would sel it tbrougb the established deulers. This business, bc said. vould have a great cffect on barbon development i the district, and ho regrctted thut it was not pas- sible te Uic present tume te land coke ut Bovmanvile barbon. In clasig, ho hopcd that Bovmanville vouid become part o! the Ontario Shore Gaz Company, and that the Comi- pan>' vould hicome part o! Boy- manville. Councillor W. Rosa Strike "There bas been same talk." atat- cd Mn. Stnike, "o! Ben E. Tate beihg a mythical churacter, but teniglit vo bave produced hlm and ve feel sure that you are nov satisfled that >'ou have met Uic man vitb vbom the tavn la directi>' dealing." As a local citizen ho teld o! bis cannection vltli the gas franchise and o! vbat ho knew concerning its vonkig. He regretted the !act that o! ten in the past ntepayers had voted against anything that the cauncil had thon. aughly ivestigated but ho hopec that with sucb efforts being made with this question te place the facts in an honorable manner befane the ratepayens that the>' vauld have !aitb in the council and vote solidi) fan the bylav. Mn. Stnike sav no future for Boy- manville unloss it would take this opportunit>' of acquiring a modem public utility. Ail the langer cities iand tovns had gas plants and Boy- .manvillo must have gas ta keoî àabrat o! the times. Without it he sav littie chance of any nov indus- tries iacating bore. As fbr privately avned gas systerns. the past bad 1praved their ineffoctivenoss and a]l ithe finer gas systom of the country vene nov privatel>' awned. In the Ontario Shore Gas Com- pan>' ho mv a companiy with huge resources and one wham Bovman- ville could safol>' entrust a frnanchise. The company vas ratod von>' hlghly and even despite the depression its -stock vas sellng for a higb pniceona -the Nov Yark stock excbange. s Ho gave two reasans vhy Bow- smanvile needed gas. Finat, bocausE ri the gas utilit>' vas the pon peaple' ýt utilit>'. Most o! the people a! tb'i ttown cauid. nat afford the installa- ýe tion o! an eiectric range. In grani. y ing the franchise the paon pcop.t vene not required ta take It if thej dld nat cure ta. Tho second neasoi ;e was for industrtal purpases. Bow. -manville cauld nover keep up vlth i -ahead a! thc district an nearby mun ts icipalities vithout gas. Thore vi l- no Canadian compan>' that could se e, eougli future i this district fori bo (Contiued on page 6) Town WiII Comme Minor Street MAT DAY FETE IN ST. PAUL'S SUNDAY SCHOOL EuJo7able Event Staged by Mrs. Hall'. Group of Womian's Association The May Day F'ete put on by Mrs. G. L. HaU's group of St. Paul's Wo- men's Association, was held Frlday afternoon and was a splendid suc- ceas. The lecture room was very at- tractively decorated with appie blos- soms, while the small tea tables were pretty with spring flowers. The unique candy booth ini the form of a prettlly decorated umbrella. with a variety of home cooldng, added greatly to the pleasure of the visitors who were served dainty afternoon tea by the waiters, Mrs. Best acting the part o! tesa hostess. Durlng the a!ternoon a delightful programn was presented, includlng piano solos by Helen Williams, Clif- ford Hall and Mr. Davidge; vocal solos by Mrs. F. H. Moody, Mrs. Oeo. Hall, Miss Helen Yellowiees and Mrs. C. F. Rice; readings, Mra. Moody; vocal duet, Mrs. J. E. Anderson and Mrs. Hall; a flower dance and drill by elght littie girls under direction of Miss E. Peardon. Accompanists were Miss Louise Osborne, Mrs. D. R. Morrison, Mrs. Best and Mr. Day- idge. DAELINGTON Report of S. S. 3, Darllngton, for April: Br. IV-Harold Forsythe 73, Aloy- sius Kush '71, Annie Kush 70. Jr. IV-Orace Truil 67. Br. Ill - *EWse Flint 78, May Storms 71, Haze1 Flint 66. Jr. III-*Hazel Truil 79, *Louise Foley 76, *Helen Rundie 75, Berniece Roberts and Maurice Morphy 71 (equal), Hazel Roberts 67, tVera Gibson 48. tBammy VanCamp 41. Sr. 11-Eddie Forsythe 66, Arthur Forsythe 66. Jr. IL-Je6an Metcal! 75, PeggrY FrInIan0. Sr. I-*Mlton Storma 78, *Eveline Gibson 75, Gordon Truil 68, Viola Roberts968, Marie Roberts 60. Sr. Pr.-*Madellne Metcalf. Gor- don Metoal!, *Glenn Metca2lf, LIou- ise Forsythe. Jr. Pr-*Mlke Eonk, KXenneth Power, *Alvln metcalf, *Donald Met- calf. *Honours; t-Païlure on total (below 60). 317M. fra«, teacher. TYRONE Miss Orace MacKa£y spent Sunday at her home at Beaverton. miss Aura Rundle. Bowmanville, recently visited Miss F. Virtue. miss viola Shortt bas returned to ber home here for a few days. Miss Edith Joint, Town, visited Mrs. V. Smith and Mrs. H. Burgess. Miss Elva Virtue, Bowmanvllle, vislted ber mother, Mrs. Laura Vir- tue. Messrs. Harry and Frank HatberbY Dixie, spent Sunday with their par- ents, mr. and Mrs. R. Hatherly. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Bysin, Doreen and Yvonne, spent Sunday witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. LilllcraPP, Cannington. Mr. James Virtue, who bas been visitmng bis brother, Mr. Edward Vir- tue, le! t on Saturday for Seattle, Wash., 'U. S. A. IMrs. Arthur Saunders and Mrs tFrank Bragg, Toronto, Mrs. Jabe2 Moore and Mr. Arthur Moore, En- niskillen. were Sunday visitors ci eMr. and Mrs. Byron Moore. S The Women's Institutu and Lad- eies' Ald will meet on Thursday, Ma3 el4th. a t2 30 p. m. at the Commun- ity Hall. Mrs. Hugh Bertram, Ston- cey Creek, wiil speak on "How tc Conduct an Institute Meeting anc SHow to litilize the Talents of thr nMembers." Roil caîl: "How to mak( my head save my heels." Ail ladl<ý invited to attend. Please note thi change of date. R. On Sunday at 10.30 a. m. Rev.J R.Trumpour will preach a Mother' Day sermon. At 7 p. m. the Yourý yPeople's League will hold a specia iservice when Mr. Saywell of Oshawi .will be the speaker. Music wil i Sfurnished by the young people.1 number o! leaguers are expecte -f rom Hampton. Sauina, Enniskiller ýe Haydon and Salem. A flreside se' L_ vice will be held after the regula . service. [y ýn COMING EVENTS V_ The regular meeting of the Hom e and School Club will be held in Cen ence Work on Repairs Immediately Work on Hunt street expect- ed to cost about $300 - New sidewalk will be laid from Concession to Well- ington street. Wltb the sale by the tovn council o! three lots o! Queen Street, oppos- ite tbe residence of Town Clerk John LYle, three modern brick veneen reai- dences are llkely te hi erected i the near future, Councillor W. J. Mar- tyn iformed the 'couneil on Mon- day nlght vhen hée moved that the lots be soid te 1Mr. J. E. Flett for $200. The prie of these lots brought one o! the few divisions o! the coun- cen this year, vlth Councilloin Jones, Martyn, Nlles, Elliott and Dcputy Reeve Relider votig for the sale, 1and Reeve Carnuthers and Coundil- lors Strike and Lockhart agait the sale. The opposition arose over the price vbicb vas conaldered b>' those opposlng as far too amn. Mayor EMlott stated that be vas for the sale and althougli the prie vas 1sinall ho thouglit It advisable te sel as tie lots had been on the tovn's banda for a number o! years and no revenue vas beig derlved f rom them whiie an actual bass could be shovn. Monday's council meeting opened shortly after elght o'clock but it vas not until after 11.30 before it arose. The meeting I brie! vas as foilova: Council ai present, Mayor Elllott h-I tic chair. Communication f rom T. A. Carton and J. W. Knight cailing attention te the bad street lightlng east o! the Balmoral Hotel on King St.. vs-k rcferned te Public Propent>' and Fin- ance Coinmittecs. Wm. Hyslop, Elgin Street, peti- *tioned for flhlng o! a 4ltch near bis Lpremises. lie off ering te pay for the itile. Re!erred to Roada and Streets Com. r Women's institute vas granted permission ýo hold a tvo-day bouse 1 to ouse canvasa hIaid o! Canadian e Bowmanvile Bah ý = o %came back vith a slgncd petition asking for the usual $100 grant. Re- -f crred te Finance Committee. 1 -The Merril Banker Supply Co. flot- mcid Uthevn that Uic company vas iholding it responsible for more than $200 damages tbrough loss o! time and damage te a truck vbich blt, a Ihole I h Ui hay Itovn. (Contlnued on page 3) HAYDON Mr. and Min. Stanley' Byam, Good- vood, Mr. and Min. J. Graham, Maple Grove, vislted at Mn. D. Gra- hum'......M1r. Norman Welsh and 0Boy, Toronto, Mr. sud Min. A. J. Adamns and Ernie. Mr. and Min. jStanley' Head, Oshawa, vislted at Mr. C. Avery's. . Mr. Milton 51cm- *on and sons vlslted at Min. C. Jobns' -Hampton, on Sunda>'. Miss Mabel Beecli spent a few days iTarante last week.... Mr. John Trick, Mr. ansd Min. C. Soper, Mn. and Mrs. Alvin Hicks sud Robbie, Oshava, n Mrs. M. Moore, Miss Kate Moore and ,r Mr. Douglas Moore. Bowmanvillc, vlsited at Mr. R. McNcill's.... Min. R. Slcmon spent a fev days at Min. J. n E. Eilott's. Bovmanville ....Min. El- r- gin Mountia>' and Fa>', Min. Russell eAunger spent a few days i Toronto and vere entertained at the Royal z. York. Mr. and Mrs. Leonarc ýz Bradley, Tyrone, MEr. and Mrs. J. Bradley, Enniskillen, visitcd at Mr, >fE. Bradley's.. Mrs. Elmer Bradley la under the doctor's care,.. Mrs. F. Publa and Mna. A. Grant, Toronto, Ly Mrs. M. Moore, Miss Ente and Mr, Douglas Moore, Bovrnanville, visited at Mn. A. McNell's . .. Mr. Eugene ,Beech, B. A., Tarante. visited ut hic dhome here .* Special Motber's Day iservice next Sanda>' anden auspiceý :c o! Sunday School and Church a' es 2.30 p. m. Rev. J. R. Trumpour vil] le have charge o! the service. Ever>' one welcome.. League programa lasi jTuesday evening in charge o! 4t2 ,s vice president, Miss Muriel Thomp- son. Bible reading, Misa Helen Hall ýa tapic vas veil given by Mrs. A. Hart a on "~Peter. the First Apostie"':read- b nswere asa given by Mr.l A Crosaman, Misses Ada Beech su( ed Lamna Thompsan. At the close ev. ýn enyane enJoyed a musical contest., r- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Aunger havý ar purchasod a nov car. Misa Laura M. Wickett. TorontA visited Editor M. A. Jamnes Tuesda: last. Mr. W. L. Mountia>'. father. ani ne Miss J. H. Werry, Kedron, visitei n-frionds in tovn lat weok. -_. Mn.-an Min.C.4Quatriliand M SCORES SUCCESS AT MASSEY HALL John Kent Acquits Himseif Admir- ably at Toronto Conservatory concert Mr. John Kent, son of Postmaster C. B. Kent and Mrs. Kent, scored an outstanding success in bis perform- ance at the annual closing concert of the Toronto Conservatory of Mus- ic at Massey Hall, Toronto, on Tues- day evenlng, according te musical critics and others who attended and vho later pald tribute to Jack's per- formance. Massey Hall vas packed f or the occasion by an appreclative audience vho were more than plomB- ed with the performance o! the PuP- ils. The critic of the Toronte Evcnlng Telegram, writlng o! Jack's perform- ance, says: "One o! the Most bnil- liant performances of the evening was that o! John Kent, wbo with bis teacher. Vlggo Kihi, played the Chopin Concerto in E Minor-Rol- mance and Finale. Young Mr. Kent's technique la beautlfufly fin- labo! without being the least pedan- tic; bis playlng marked a ver>' lovely tonal quallty and a keen perception O! rhythm."' Augustus Bridie, pertiapa the most exactlng critic i Canada says of Jack's performance I the Toronto Star: "The Chopin Concerto iB Minor for tvo pianos, gave John Kent a chance te show that ho bas learned te measure the cadences of Chopin witb fine sense o! tempo rubato and te *lay with true poetry o! tone not beyond bis technique." ' Miss Jessie McD)ougaILl daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. James McDougall. for- mcly 'o! Bowmanvhlle, vas also on the program, and Augustus BridIe of The Star describes ber voice as «the dark-toned spiendour o! Jessie Me- D)ougall's opulent contralto i tbre splendid songs." Miss McDouzaVs' teacher la Miss Jennie Taggart. The Telegrsmn says: «Jessie MoDougaILl contralto, accompanied by Miss Jen- nie Taggart, vas heard vithaee- ance i a group of three songa, Most çfective o! vblch vas Brahm's 43OP-o phlc Ode which wv as hppy Ma- tor7ofetthe rlchdark .qu.a - t e fbeil voie In the lover register. Among those wbo attendcd the re- citai from Bowmanvifle vere: 3&. aud Mrs. C. B. Kent, MOs. J. C. BOIL Min. R. M. Mitchell, Mxl. and Mm ILE c. c. Southey, Mrs. H. W. Burk, Miss Sybil Burk,,Miss Edith Huflier. Mr. Jlm Devltt, Mr. Art Kent, Miss Janie Mason, Mr. and Min. Geo. W. James Min.* C. A. Cawker and lIns. A. M. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hamlton, Bowmanville, announce the engage- ment o! their eider daughter, Elonar Marion Murra>'. te Francis Charles Crove, son o! the late Mr. Charles Crowe and Min. R. J. Calrnduft, Bobcaygeon; marriage te take place i st. Andrev's Cburch, Bowman- vinle, carl>' i June. w. c. Cavenly, vdil knovn local grocer, announices this vcck that ha. bas joined the Red & white Chain stores. MEr. Caverly purcbased the grocer>' business o! Fred W. NelleS about thre years ago and bothho and Mr. Nlles viii nov be a part of the Red & white Chaini. Mr. Cav- erly's store bas been entirel>' neno- vated tbrougbout and a pleaslng nev Ieffect obtained vithin. The outaide. Dbas been adorned vith the bright red J o! this chain store. Cbai stores I cl Bovmanville bave nov reacbed the, number o! seven-1 A. & P.. 1 Do-, minion Store, 2 Red & White Stores Yand 3 Superior Stores. PICE 0F GAS dCANNOT EXCEED $1.50 1000 Cu. rr. . Plus a 40c service charge, î customary i ailgaz utilities. Il The price o! gaz must be re- duced as conaumoption icreas- 't es aven the vhole system until h a price o! 95c net per 1000 cu. f t. is reached. These prices appear reason- eable and fair wben It is realiz- ed that Port Hope pays $2.50, A Cobourg $2.20. Barrie $1.60 per 1000 cu. ft. plus the usual ser- vice charge. re The compan>' cannot possib- iy exceed these prices because if it doea. the Town bas the 0, right ta cancel tbe franchise '>' and own the vbole system I Bawmanvilie vithout any com- id pensation to the company. The price o! ga, i any case, . -s not-f-xed-hi thbla-only- Àl .1~ i '- 'I