Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 May 1931, p. 11

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IN THE DIM and DISTANT PASTi 25 YEABSl AGO (From The Statesman, May 9, 1906> Metbodist Epworth League officers recetlY elccted are: Presideni-Miss SidUa Mason; lst Vice Pres.-Miss G. Young; 2nd Vice Pres.-Miss M. E. Jones; 3rd Vice Pres.-Mlss Jeu- nie McLean; 4th Vice Pres.-miss May Vaustone; Rec. Se'y-P. C. Vanstone; Treas.-H. H. Todgham. Mn. and Uns. Chas. Cox entertain- ed about tirty frieuds on Tuesday night iu houer e! the thirtieth an- niversarY cf their marriage. They were presented with a peari cutlery set. Mr. William Quick lef t yesterday for Motreal where he salis by the Allan Uine "Virginian" for Liverpoeol on a business aud pleasure trip ta the Old Land. Editor and Uns. M. A. James bave reCeived an invitation ta a piano recital by Mfr. Percy S. Hcok at Mc- Deugal Meihodisi Church, Edmon- tan, Aberta. Enfleld: Mr. W. Ormiston Jr. sip- ped a caload of fat steersta Ton- auto on Monday. Mr. Thomas Wt- te» bas lest a valuable horse. Newtanville: Congratulations ta Mr. aud Uns. W. Lane on the birth of a daughter. Miss Lorraine Mi- Mmo» as returned ta Oshawa Beth- une Cellege. Hampton: C. N. Ruse bas pur- cbased the Michael Cryderman fan» now eccupied by Mr. A. B. Cryder- man. Most of the farmers i this district bave finlshed scedlng. É Coutice:* Mr H. Gay and son ve the cotnract *ta buld Mr. J. eund's new barn. Mr. W. Mc- 00. manager of the Courtice Cheese and Creamcry factary, stant- ed te make cheese on May isi. Newcastle: William Rickand Esq., Je expecied home soon f rom Les An- geles. He vas the guest of the ex- mayor of Regina, an old Newcastle boy. Mr. William Eddy. A home boy necentiy out f rom Eungland, liv- ing with Mr. Samuel Turner, Trick- ley's Corners, vas instautly killed by llghtning durlng the electric Storm en Wednesday. The tva horses he vas drivlng vere aima kllled. One of our bet kuovu and most higbly espected citizens I the verson of W. H. Chapin, passed to the great beyond, in bis 75th year, ou Friday. Bowmanvlllo Deatbs: We are call- ed upon ta, announce the death of another aged and nespectcd resideut i the person of Mary S. Nunu, reflet of the late Robert Nu»» ... Samuel Saper passed avay at bis nesidence on Apil l7th, ai the ripe aid age of 83 .....Arong the oldes sud Most respected of our citizens vhe have passed te the great beyond ve men- tion Mr. John Murdochi wha died Aprl 25ih, in bis 83rd year. He vas a pantner ithe fIni» of Murdoch ]Bros., grocery and sced business. OBITUARY Willam C. Pasooe I The death of William C. Pasco., years of age, occurred on April 2Smd, 1931, at Saskatoon. Sask.. vberc he had resided for the bot 20 yeors. Mr. pascoe vas bamuhI Oakvood and vas i businesshI that village for manY Years. He leaves ta moumu bis lois bis wl! e, vho vas a sisten of Mn. Morgan Levis, of Peterbono; a daughter, Iys. ond a son, ClaYton; two sisters. Mrs. M. j. Lewis. of Peterbono, and Miss Bertie Pascoe, of Toronto; and ivo broihers, James. o! Winnipeg. and Lewis, o! Toronto. His other brother. George, died twe yeans ago. Deoeased vas a cousin o! Mm. J. E. IL Cale, Bovmanville. aud Mr. T. J. Cole, Maple Grove. Jobn G. Ashinore, Lindsay There passed away on Friday, Ap- il 25th, at this home, 97 Glenelg St., Lndsay, one of the pioneers of Emily Township ini the person of John G. Ashmore, son of Wm. Ashmore and Mary MacKenfly. He was born near Brockville in 1846, and when three yeors aid moved with bis parents to Omemee and located en the Ashmnore homestead now occupied by bis son Jef! L. In 1871 he was vas married ta Mary Ann Thurston o! Dunsford. vwhose deatb preceded his by 17 years. The deceased gentleman was pub- lic spirited and highly esteemed in is commuiiity. As a member of Sal- em United Church, he held position as trustee. He served as a school trustee for many years and was a mqmiber of the township counicil for four years. In the L.O.L. 952 he beld m&t of the different offices and in pdfltics was a staunch Conservative. The funeral services held at bis homne iu Lindsay and iu Salem chur- ch were couducted by Rev. Dr. Hol- Jing ef Lindsay, asslsted by Rev. Gardiner o! Dunsferd. Nkmbers of L.O.L. 952 and visitiug members of! Lindsay aud Dunsford officiated at1 the grave. AU members of his f ar-, ily were present. Albert of town, Wrn. aud Jeffers o! North Emily. Mrs. Wm. N. Thurston, Dunsford, aud1 Mansel , B.A.C.A.. of Toronto, mem- ber o! the f irm o! Clarksofl and Diii- man. He is survived by bis second wife, formerly Mrs. Jean Rundie of Bow- manville; and four aged sisters. Mrs. Jua. Walsh of Toronto, Mrs. James Stewart of Bobcaygeon, Mrs. Henry Padget o! Emiiy. and Mrs. Frank Sanderson e! Lindsay. QuicklyEndsltchof EghCzE MA Dut a moueaIl ed 'Soo<afr. Sa1. 'room Poo b eumw c - - ameny0- al qumos a bmm ce a 50 YEAES AGO (From The Statesman, May 6, 1881) Why does flot Bawmanville imi- tate other towns by bavlng a holiday for tree planting? One of the oldest residents cf Cava» dled on Tuesday in the persan o! Mr. Thomas Falls, aged 102 years. He was a native of Ireiand. Manning and Norsworthy sbipped to, Wnnipeg on Saturday, 9,000 lin palis, 16,000 pans, aud 3,000 dippers. Dr. Boyle acted like a wbipped boy at the council Monday night. He f eels very sore and is prepared ta make almost any concession to avoid anotber such dressing as he got from Mr. Horsey. Navigation is now open ai Port Darlington. The Uine boots cail reg- ularly now on Mendays. Wednesdays and Saturdays. The schooners bave ail gone eut. The Fiera Emman ar- rived f ram Trenton with pine lui»- ber for McCiellan & Co. Mr. Levi Morris' hearse bas ar- rived and is really a very bandiome one. It carrnes a bigh finish, and the trlmmlngs are exceedngly ricbh and beautiful. The f inge and tas- sels are gold and harmanize uioely with the interior accompaniments. The bearse is probably eue of the prettlestinl Canada and is a great credit ta aur towu as well as to Mr. Morris' taste. Bethesda: The B. C. Cburch here 15 about ta undergo repairs-a com- plete reflttlng and re-arranging of a portion of the Interior. Additionai ground is aiso being added ta, the cemetery... IXis 5with regret ve learu ihat Mr. and Uns. Foley are about ta remove from among us. Mr. Foley has for a long turne been intimately connected witb the Bab- bath Scbooi and Church and Con- sequentiy bis lois viii be f li and flot easily supplied. From Sbort's Corners cornes ibis pocticai effort by The Statesman correspondent who describes a trot- ting race for a side bet cf $5: Dick Waltcr's "'Tam O'Shanter", Witb Bob Hinton for bis driver, Was matched lait Thursday nlght Againt Cochane's "Cartwrgbt Bla17,er." The spleciftcd turne arivcd, With harses on the spot, Sain Hall did coach tbe Blazer in the memonable eue-mile trot, On the word belng given--Go. A goed start was then effectcd, But mon Sem» Hall was fan ahead, And Bob looked quite deected. Wbcn the balf mile post was neached Oid Tam was for bebind. Bob holiered. yelled and screechcd Samn did net scem ta mind. Bob cut and yellcd ta, go, But no more vas in oid Sbanter, when Bob let loose the lines Away vent he on a canter. The judges then declared That Blazer wus the winner; Dlck had five dollars less, But not much bss a sinner. TWO 000» RECORDS Tva goad records ln the R. O. P. bave Just been ftnlshcd by a pair of slx-year-oid Holstein cava bred by Oscar J. Luxton, Bowmanville. sud nov owncd by Noble I. Meteal!, also of Bovmauville. The onc cov. Lucy KLomudyke Burke,i hem lactation period e! 365 days gave 17.281 Ilis. milk contaiing 721.25 Ibs. butter. whiie the other, Rag Apple Alcartra Burke, i 323 days produced 13,022 lbs. milk containing 613.75 ibs. but- ter. giving ber an average test ef 3.77 % fat. Both covs vere sircd by Cedarbauk Alcartra Burke sud vere milked twice daily. Rocky Mountains Are Ideal Hoiday land BeuYunrivslled, health-Sivinçg aftftud, all the B mfoIrts that modemn ingenuity mu devise and "«something to do"' all thie tii». awat the army of travellers from ail over the. world, which annumlly invadea the glorious Camadian R.ockles through thé Banff Springs Hotel and the. Cbateau Lake Louis. These etately up-to-date hostelries, wbicii open on May 15 and June 1 mpectivdy, aue net oney key- pointe to the mont 6eautful mouatalu territories in the world, but are, themselves, iocated in nettinça of a *beauty whieh bas ta b. seen te b. truly appreciated. On the main line of the Canadian Pacifie Raflway, *which owni and operates themn, they are equipped flot only to be "homes fromt home" te the travellinj public and holiday-seekers in the generally acceptà smee, but ta furnish entertainment for thefr guete in many and varied ways. Aute drives' trail-rides, boating, fishing, zwimzing, golf, tennis, hiking and mountaineering, ta say nothlng of the famous Indien Day and the Highland Gathering, are ail part of prograins whichyears cf experience hvbrought te perfection. Experts in ail uines are in attendane te b. of services t the hotels' guests and real cowboys, red-coated d'Mountiee' and true Stoney Indians lend color ta a bundred ,Uaio let umquely $cturque emez. There is neyer a duil moment at Banff or Lalo LeuUS. Thone in something for every tante and the rounding eto uldey b dafdn 'i cool a1 spacious bail-rooms, toasmart orches- tre, i nethe is ". tof .attractions offered. Th utro show: (1) the Banff Springs Hotel; ý2) a typicai Stoney dis.; (j) thé Chatean Lake Louise. EAILWAT TIME TABLE CasmaianNational Railar (Standard Time) WEST SOUND EAST SOUND 8.50 a. . 9.28 a. mi. 7.22 P. m.6.00 P. w. o 9.38 P. nM. 11.23 P. nM. 11.59 P. ni 0-dalIy exoept Sunday; o-DaIIy except Saturday. Canad"a.Pae R failvy (Standard lime) WEST SOUND EAST SOUND t 6.17 a. mi. D 9.42 a. in. o 6.15 a. Tn. 0 2.47 P. nM. D 2.47 p. m. DI11.27 p. ni. *7.16 p. n- t12.20 p. ni. D-Dally; *-DaiIy except Sunday; o-Daily for paseengers to Toronto; t-DaiIy for pointe west of Toronto. CamadIanNational Railvay Tyran.Statio Effective Sunday, April 2Sth. Instead of Monday. Wednesday and Frlday, trains go Tueeday, ThursdaY and Saturday. Going West - About 11.45 a. m. Going East - 6.45 P. nM. Nghts of Agony corne in the train of asthma. The victimi cannot lie down, and sleep is driven f rom bis brai». What grateful relief is the immediate effect of Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Astbma Remedy. It banishes the f rightfuùi conditions, cicars the passages. aud enabies the affllcted one to again sleep as soundly and restfully as a child. Insist on the genuine at your nearby druggist. WE SUL Hamilton pBy- ctCoke An absolutely Canadian produot nmade for Conadians by Canadian workmen. Ouaronteed ta give abooute satisfaction. A& the.Mam Who Dur.. IL LEHIGH VALLEY »ATH tACITE M eCMI 7769hat aad. Dumt by million o asumers. The une ci this Cool in Four home wiftdemonstrte ta you Its superlotY. Thee p$.e are -Weffesuve: stove Cool............................. $1M, sa ................................... $8.00 Chestnut...................... ........ Ilffl Pea . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .$1L5 Buckwheat............................. $11je Coke ... . . . . .. . . . . . ... . .. .. $13.0 A discount of $1.00 per toS fSo ah vil le allowed frosaabwe e . J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Suppies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville Better f lavor THERE'S something in these crisp, sm- brawu flakes that tempts you -thrills you - teases you ta teste theïr goodness. It's PBP -the glenious flavor that euly Keilogg's PEP Bran Flakes have. Until you taste it you have no id.. how deliciaus bran flakes can be. Better health And Kellogg's PEP Bran Flakes are nich in healthfulness. Here'. what you get in every serving. Whole wheat-far energy and naurishment. Bran-just eneugh ta b. mnildly laxative. Deight the children with a heaping havi ef Keleogg's PEP Bran Flakes. Enjoy them for lunch, for lat. eveniug suppers. Made by Kellogg in Londan, Ontario. In the red-and-greèn package. PEP BRAN FLAKES Acid Stomach c.ni$.8* Rbed by Fanwus Vge2abE. Pill Mn. Frank C., ai Blackburn? -Sitm: " bave auffered hag rons acd stomnadi ,ad conatipatiOfl, but smnce being ad- Vised t. ry1 ronderfui Carter's Little L=PMrI ca eat anytliiag." Dr. Cater's Little Liver Pille are ne oIr diao. laxt ie . T h ey are A L #EGEABLE and have a definite, valuable tosmeaction upoU the.liver. They ed Coipta, Indigestion, BoouUU, 1HeadcheaPoar Comphat- h.. Ag &vggiats.25e&c&STd Piqs. *4 lN Te Swiftl89e RidfointAgocy Nov ycu're esy ta go ta vork agai oryou ough t nov baUvenye rab Joit.Ease onyou ra>e o Joiont-Ease 'ML9 A Canadian made Anti-Knock Gas at the same price as Regular Gas New Power-New Speed-NeV Smoothness Fil up at the nearest RED INDIAN pump and judge for yourself MCCOLLFRNEA McCOLL-FRONTENAC OIL COMPANY LIMITED Oj!cu and Plants et Wnnipeg, Regina. Clgary. Vancouver. Toronto, Moncton and &Montmie Ditribution Warehoses ut other conveuMant points Makers of the Famous CYCLO GM (No-Knock) MOTOR FUEL and R»I INDIAN MGTROILR N I À 1 TEE CANADIAN STAT(AN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 7th, 1931 PAGE uav TUE CANADUN STATMOMM, BOWMANVMLE, TRUFMAY, MAY 7th, 1981 Pàm zLiý PEP M FUM wm

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