Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Mar 1931, p. 7

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IHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCU l9th, 1931 l'ÂGE BUVW SAT. - MON. - TUES. MARCH 21 - 23 - 24 "WAR NURSE" Their story was only whispered until this anonymously written book appeared to thrill the world. Now the drama of the girls who lived, loved and suffered on the Western Front has corne to the screen, soul-gripping, tenderly beautiful, daring! WIth Robert Montgomery, Robert Ames, June Walker, Anita Page, Zasu Pitts, Marie Prevost. Matlnee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Silverware Tuesday Nlght WED.- THURS. - FRI. MARCH 25 - 26 - 27 The Heavyweight Laugh Champions! Mtarie Dressier and Polly Moran in "REDUCING" With Anita Page and Luclen Littlefield. It's a riot! Take a tip-if you want to reduce the blues by a diet of laughs, see the screen's f unni- est pair in this comedy dlean-up! Directed by the man who made "Caught Short!" Matlnee Wednesday at 4 p. m. COMING MARCH 28 - 30 - 31 Marion Davies li "IBACHELOR FATHER" CORBE TT'S HOIS What a treat . . . the whole family will enjoy aur dellelous, spicy Hot Cross Buns. Serve them piping hot and serve them li abundance, because they are sa popular that usually nothing short of an abundance will su!- fice. You can get them every day durlng Lent, 20o doz. Our wagon is on every street every morning with complete Une of Bread, Buns and Cakes. Be sure to hear the -I.hree Bakers" on radio each Monday at 9 p. m. CORBETT'S BAKERY BAKER AND CONFECTIONER *LOCAL and OTHERWISE Miss Evelyn Bickle spent the week- end in Toronto. Mr. Nelson McMarmn isin Belleville for a few weeks. Mrs. Ed. F. Weekes, Toronto, spent the weekend with f riends here. Mr. Raymond Cale, Windsor spent the weekend with his father, Mr. W. C. Cale. Miss Gertrude Newman, Oshawa, spent the weekend with Miss Camre Lathrope. Mis. J. A. Wylie, Toronto, spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. F. J. Manning. Mis. Emily I. Osborne, Toronto, was guest o! her brother, Mr. Wm. Paintan, Westmount, last week. Mrs. S. E. Paisley, Donald and Lamna, Cooksville, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mis. Oea. H. Biekeil. Mr. W. R. Strike was re-elected on the executive of the Ontario Pro- hibition Union at its annual con- vention in Toronto last week. jMr. H. Wilbur Hutchinson, Winni- peg, Man., while eniaute ta Mont- real spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Oea. W. James and also called on several ather old friends. The cottage belanglng ta the late Mrs. W. Chartran, corner Ontario and Church Sts., has been sold to Mr. T. J. T. Cale, Bethesda, who in- tends moving ta Bowmanville li the Fail. The many friends of Mr. J. H. Cryderman will be sorry ta, learn that he slipped on the icy pavement on Silver Street, and seriously injuied his hip. He is doing nicely li Bow- manville Hospital. Mr. Kurtz o! the Commodore Clathes Limited will be at Couch, Jahnstan & Cryderman's Store ta- day (Thursday), with a full lime o! new spring samples ta take arders for custom tailored suits. Bowmanville Teachers' Association held an At Home at Central Public School on Friday evening when a fine social time was spent. The as- sociation is composed o! members a! the teaching staffs o! the Public Schools, High School and Boys' Training School. Regular meeting o! the Women's Auxiliary o! Canadian Legian met in Cauncil raom Monday, March 16.1 Arrangements were completed for a1 euchre ta be held at Mr. R. M. Cot-, tan's, Wellington street, Saturday evening and ta which a cordial invit-' ation is issued ta all ta attend.j Mrs. Muriel Symons and Miss Viv- ian H. Bunner attended the silver wedding celebration o! Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Runnals, Welcome, on Satur- day evening. and Mrs. Symons con- tributed a piano sala ta, the evening's pragram. The happy couple were Ipresented with an address, a silver service, silver vase and two chairs. Mr. W. L. Paterson, manager o! the C. H. Downham Nursery here, which company purchased the Bow- manville Fair grounds last year, gave a very interesting lecture ta students o! the Public Sehoal Friday after- noan on budding. grafting and start- ing of young trees. Mis advice will prove invaluable ta the pupils li their horticultural. work. ROYAL TEA ROOMS Two Doors East of Royal Theatre Now opened where satisfaction is guaranteed. Whenin tawngive us atial. WEEK-END SPECIL Cup of Fresh. made Tea Blueberry Pie & Whipped Cream 15e Try car home made Piles. Fred Bateman Proprletor. ICandy - Tobacces - Soft Drinks LOCAL NEWSJ Mi. Gerald Bradd, Oshawa, was weekend guest o! Mi. John M. James. Miss Ethel Skinner, Toronto, spent Sunday with her sister, Mis. Fred Moore. Dr. J. C. and Mis. Devitt spent the weekend with their daughter. Mis. Wm. Hall, Mixnica. Mr. and Mrs. George Gibbs, Osh- awa, spent Sunday wth Mi. and Mis. B. H. Mortlock. Mr. and Mis. James McDougal, Taronto, were recent guests o! Mi. and Mis. John MeIntyre. Miss Irene Stewart, Toronto, visit- ed her auxit, Mis. A. Colweil, Carlisle Avenue, over the weekend. Miss Mabel Noon, Taronto, has Ibeen visltlng Miss Chrissie Freeman Jand other old fiiends here. IMi. Harvey Brooks le! t Saturday for Brantford where he has accepted a -position in a large hatchery there. IMi. Sam Bray and Mi. Frank IBray, Enfield, visited the former's bîatheî-ta-law, Mi. M. A. James, an Manday. lI an exciting carpet bail game li S. O. E. hall the Sons of Englaxid Juvenile Lodge defeated the men o! Wellington Lodge by 50 ta 48 lust îveek. Mis. E. W. Sisson and daughteis Kathleen and Betty spent the week- end in Toronto with her sister, Mis. îRev.) Gea. Little. Col. E. E. Snider, Inspectai o! Public Schoals for Duiham County, was this week inspecting the local sehools and he will present Nis report ta the school board at its next meet- ing. Mis. Roy MeMaxix and baby Len- are are spendixig a couple o! weeks with Mr. andi Mis. Fred Baker, Scu- gag St., and Mi. and Mis. Cleve Mc- Maxn, Oshawa, while her husband is in Florida. Mi. Gilbert Agar, secîetary o! the Cammuxity Welfaie Cauncil o! Ont- aria, was speaker at the Boys' Train- ing School on Sunday event. hat1 and gave a very enteîtatanig RtaLk %l- lustrated by antein ahides of a tnip, across Canada. On Tuesday Mi. W.i D. Bayley o! Winnipeg who addîes- sed Oshawa students in the morinxg addressed the boys in the evening on the subject "Alcohol, its uses and misuses." '< Mis many fiiends wiil be pleased1 ta knaw that Mr. Maîkus Mayer whoi has been il for several manths at the home o! Nis sister, Mis. T. H. Knight, Westmount, is able ta retuin ta his own home. Mis daughteis, Mis. J. Brown o! Torato and Mis. Fred Levis o! Vancouver, B. C., with their hus- bands spent the weekend with thei parets, Mr. and Mis. Mayer. Mis. Lewis wiil remain for a visit. George L. Mail, formerly o! the Bowmanville Foundry Ca., has jained the sales staff o! the Thickson Mot- ai Sales, 9 Bond Street West, Osh- awa, dealers in Durant cars and Rugby trucks, accordtag to an an- nauncement appeaîing ta this issue a! The Statesman. Mi. Mail is well knawn here and in the suriounding district, having resided here for thei past il years, part o! which tinie he was local manager a! the Standard Bank. Me is a memober o! St. Paul's United . Chuîch- and o! Jerusalem Lodge A. F. & A. M. He wiil con- tinue ta reside in Bowmanville. The remains o! the late Miss An- nie S. McConachie, daughter o! the ate Mi. and Mis. Samuel McCon- achie o! Mlgh Street, Bowmanvlile, who died in London, England, on February l8th, weîe brought here for burlal, the funeral taking place onj Tuesday afteinoon. Interment was made ta the family plot beside her brother, the late Dr. R. N. MeCon- achie. Rev. Dr. Sedgewick, pastor o! the Metrapoitan United Church, Toronto, offciated at the grave. Mi. H. V. Hearst, Assistant Estates Man- ager o! the National Trust Company, Toronto, also attended the funeral. J. B. Martyn wants ta, purchase chaice red and alsike claver seed, sweet claver. spring wheat for seed, and certified Irish Cobbler putatoats. Bring true samples please. 11-2* ST. PATRICK'S CONCERT AT ST. PAUL'S CHURCH ATTENDED BY LARGE CROWD BIRTHS QUINN-At Kalmar Villa Rest Homs] Illowmanvilie, on Monday, March l6th, 1931, to Mr. and Mra. Royal Quinn, a daughter. DEATHS BROWNE-Ât Part Pemr, Msrch 12th, 1931 , John C. Browne, ln his 8lst year. WORDEN-In Mitchell, on March 6th, 1931, Thomas Worden, Sr., ln hie 96101 yeam. FLEMING-In Bowmanville, on Satur- day, March 141h, 1931, Mrs. Jane A.nn Fleming, in her 83rd yaar. ELLIOTT-At Port Hope, March 131h. 1931, John Elliott, beloved husband of Annie Stilwell, and son o! Mr. Robt. El- Iliit. WARDER - In Wiarton, on Sunday, Manoih lSth. 1931, William Warder, in hie 73rd yaar. Brother o! Mr. R. H. Warder, Bowmanviile. TWEEDLE-In Bowmanville Hospital, on Thursday, March l2th, 1931, A-. W. Tweedle, Smithfleld, ln hie 70th year. Interrad ai Greenwood Cementary. McCONACHIE - In London, England, on Wednesday. February 18th, 1931, An- nie Sarah McCona.ohie, daughter of the laIe Mn. and Mru. Samuel MeConachie, Bowmanville. IN MEMORIAM In fond and ioving memory o! my dear mothen, Mrs. Marshal E. Williamts, who passad away so suddenly on March 22nd, 1929. Sadiy mlssed. ,Clara B. Hare. Floral Designa Firsi clase work for ail occazion., %Vreaths, Sprays, Piilows, Brides' Bou- quets, etc. Also permanent Wnaaths for the cemetery in beautiful floral affect. KINGSWAV NURSERIES On Hlghway 2 streets east of Liberty St. Phone 144 BowmanvIlllo Eggs For Hîatching Hatching eggs tnom S. C. White Leg- horn hens; birds aIl bred from pedlgreed stock from 225 ta 260 registered egg liens; 5ic per egg or $400 per hundred. Richard Sandarson, Tyrone R. R. 1, Ont. Phone: Bowmanville 320r2l. 11-30 FOR SALE-Our breeding pan of Leg- horn hans la headed by pedlgreed cocker- els from hans with records o! 211 - 230 large eggs Hatching aggs at $500 parl hundred. Phone 246. Geo. . Bickle and Sons, Liberty St., i3owmanviUle. 1 Baby Chicks For Sale B1aby Chicks and Eggs for fI-atching tram brad-to-lay Barred Rocks and S C White Leghorns. W. H. Carruthrs, Scugog Rd., Bowmanviite. Phone 38.1lt Baby Chiciks hctched in one of Can- ada's mosi up-to-data Government ap- proved hatcherles. Write for catalogue-. Cjal and see us. Located for your benefi at ilowmanville, Ont. E. V. Luinhers, Mara Lodge Hatchary, Bowmanville, Ont. 11-41 To Let1 ROOMS TO LET-By Aprîl lut. Ap- -.py Mrs. R. tiobos. Phone 561. ,2-u -a Pleasing Program Ws.s Presented on OS TORN-Bckoueo I Evenng c St.Patrck'sDay Brown St., 5 rooms and bath, possession f _____April Ist. Apply Mrs. S. 'McKnight,M St. Patrick's Day was right royal- Centre St. 12-1 M ly celebrated in St. Paul's School FONET-Bik8ronsri roomon uesay venng her beng bungalow; modern conveniences; good a capacity audience for their annual garden, possession April lait. J. R. Irish concert. The decarations were l 'hîîp, Scugog St.. Bovman%,iie. 1-tr truly in keeping with the occasion 1P'ARM TO RENT - 97 acres splendid and the committec had spared no e!- îa t Oshawa Harbour; good build- fart ta make the îoom attractive, ings; fall ploughing done; new seeda; bath in clai and design. Rev. Dr. i'ussession Aînri l i, Mi3. Appiy to G. Best, the minister. o!!iciated, as D. Conant, Oshawa. 8-6w chairman In hNs usual affable mani- Ra aeFrSl ner. Ra saeFrSl Pragram opened with a piano se- FOR SALE-New 5-roomned soiid brick lectian a! Irish Airs by Mr. Gea . L. house on Wellington St .,aluolven- Davidge of the B. T. S. Staff: the inces. Apply 10 Albert Hircock, Lib- Junior male quartet, Messrs. Alex. riy st.. Bowtnanville. 4-tf McGregor, Donald Williams, Eric i _ Coombs and Wilfrid Carruthers ren COTTAGE FOR SALE--6-roomed brick n-cottage andi shed, corner George and dered a couple af numbers; Mrs. F. \\'iiýngton Sts. Apply to L. C. Mason. H. Maady recited several selections ,hone 689, or to Mrs. Il. W. Jewell, 6 and in campany with Mr. O. Nich- Liberty Place, Bowmaflvllle. phone 698. olas gave a song recital ail. being 11-3w much enJoyed. A ladies' sextette. FARM TO SELL-100 or 145 acres, ad- Mesdames Faster, Anderson, Neal, -quate buildings, silo a.nd windrnill; two Best. Cawker. Dudley. and a male ztood wells, aoen ever-running creek; quaret.Mesrs.KnihtChase, sitaiiei 8% n ileis 10 Northi Oshawa; 1% quaret. essr. Knghtitor,' drive to Toronto with truck; close Glanville and Hahîmpn affarded 10 î.eni,-.l îsclool and churcli; powing much pleasure in their appropriate donc. Apply L. C. Pascoe. flurketon. selectians; solos were splendidly 10.9' sung by Mis. F. H. Moody, Mr. O. Nichohas and Mr. R. M. Mitchell: Tenders Wanted Mr. S. Glanville as Prof. Blue, vocal lessons at SI per hour. with Mis. M. Fcor niaterî..l adl -- euie o , A. Neal. Miss Helen Yellowlees and the liffererit partsofat to-storey con- Mr. Chas. Carrutheis as pupils. a!- urec i dirici building îo lu ..rectcd forded much amusement: a splendid 1on Lot 35, (con. 5, n rlitngton. A so per- exhibition o! dancing In Iîehand was -11t o oe.a t , wa tr andi dig weli. The jgiven by Mises Bornice Forno .i pi~ articotar .t.iv ly. North- Annie Gardiner, Latîra Davey and . i.ts I ato iti Fain. Nat.iii(ry Grace Welsh in costume, with Miss I )i'CI', Tajniton, or 388 Massý.on Street, Phyllils Chahhis as accammanlet. The Oiac 11-3w program closed with a rather amus- ing one-act skit "Quec'n o! Heartý.'t'lýAIJNDRY WANTED presented by Mess. A. H. Batînsal.\Ilkind.s of! la..(r,î work don. ')rompnt- C. H. Dudley, Mr.s. Oco. Downey and qai4factouil% atil tatreasonahj io. reqs Mrs. A. H. Bounenhil. Irish Jokes t'ýtv tePnst 0111- Po- 12, or cniiiNI were lnterspersed ditring the num- 1 IW Mniorani, IRing Street East, Bow- bers. The acenmpaniFzts for the ev- ýmnll.Poe48 ening were Miss Loîîiqe Osborne,, Mrs. M. A. Neal and Miss D. Plum- ' At a meeting of the offIcial board' mer. The National Anthem con- cf Port Hope United Church, Rev.I chuded a very pleasant and succesa- O. A. Sisco was extended a cordial fui program. invitation ta, remain another year. Loat or'Found DOG FOUND-Black and tan hound, strayed onto premises, Lot 24, Con. 6, P arlington. Owner rnay have samne by epaylng damages. Phone 211r22. 12-3 es ,e, RESULTS 0F MUSIC EXAMS. Toronto Ccnservatcry of Music Pupils o! Mis. J. Albert Cole A.T.C.M., A.O.C.M., all candidate being success!uh: IntermediatE Schaal Piano-Dorathy Edger, pass; Primnary Theory-Evelyn Oke, frst class honors; Elementary Theary- Nellie Mutton, honôrs; Elementarj Piano-Mary Birks, honors, Flaience Shiottpr. pass. Pupil of Mms. Harold Clemens, A.T.u.M.. who was successful at the recent Theory Exams held xi Osh- awa: Elementary Rudiments-Thel. ma Harris, lst class honors. AI candidates successful. Twa pupils o! Mrs. Smith Fergu- son, A.T.C.M., were successful in the rri d-winter exams o! Toronto Con- servatory o! Music. Results are as !allows: Intraductory Piano-jean Spry, honars, '72 marks; Primary Theory-Pauline Wagar, first class honaîs, 12 marks. Pupils o! Francis Sutton, Mus.Bac. F.C.C.O.: Bob Corbett has received notice that he has passed wlth han- ors the Junior Harmony Exams.; Miss Berniece Gilbank passed with hanors the written examination in Pianoforte Teaching. She has now passed ail the Theory examinations required for the A.T.C.M. dîploma with honor standing. AU candidates successful. A Big Money Saver ( 1 st Wanted 1WANTED-O.'irl for gencral housework. 'yApply ai Dingunan & Edmondstone's MII- llin ery Store, King Street. 12-1 SI URS WANTED-Highest cash prices efor aIl fura . Writunfor quotations. Phone -Whitby 81. 1 Stein, WhItby. 11-4 FURNITURE UPHOLSTEREO and re- I covereil; closed car tops cnd Insîde trim- bning. J. A. Fry. Scugog St., iioxman- ville. Phone 536. 10-tf-i. *e WANTED-Robert Pawsofl Iu prepared te repair boote, shoes and rubbers; neat eJob; moderate pnices. Leave at Sidney nMorris', Wellington Street, Bowmanville. yPhone 424. 12-4 Articles For Sale C0W FOR SALE-Young Holstein cow, due In April. Apply W. Craig, Hampton. Phone 198r31. 12-1 1 FOR SALE-O. A. C. 72 Qats suitable Vfor saed. Apply te L. C. Snowdan, SR. R. 3, Bowmanville. Phone 476r4. 12-1 POTATOES FOR SALE-Cornet var- i ety; good cookars; 75c per bag delivered. Alan P. McKessock, Hampton R. R. 1. Phone 167r5. 12-i.! FOR SALE-1iuckeye Incubator, 200- egg: only used one season. For sale reasonable. Appiy 10 J. R. Claughton, R. R. 6, Bowmanville. 11-2' FOR SALE-Qî,cntity o! White Blos- som Sweat Clovar Saad for sala. Apply 10 A. D. Langmaid, Hampton R. R. 1. Phone: Oshawa 1648rl3. 12-4' FOR SALE-Secd Qats. granary filler, Including a small parcentage of barlay and wheat. Green Bros., R. R. 3, Bow- manville Phone 133r14. 12-2 HORSE FOR SALE - Young General Purpuse Horse for sale, 1300 Ibo., sound and quiet. Apply 10 John Wonnacott, Ennlskiiian. Phone 23Sr21. il-tf SEED OATS FOR SALE-A few bush- ela of Alaska Oats from ragistered seed, highly recornmended. Arthur Bellman, fBowmanvlle. Phone 474r12. 12-tf FOR SALE-MIlxad seed grain and two- rowed barley, 40c per busbal foat weight); aiso gond tDurham cow, due 10 freshen. Apply 10 J. L. Metcaîf, Lot 20, B.t'. Darlington. Phone 183r5. 11-tf RADIOS FOR SALE-PhIlco ail] lec- tric radio recelver, complets, for $75.00; Radiola 33 aIllalectric radio recelver, complete, for $75.00. Terms may ba an- rangad. F. J. Mitchell, Bowmanville. Phone 105. 12-tf FOR SALE-Dry hardwood siabs, dry cedar and pine kindling wood; pries $13 per cord on $3.25 per 14-cord, sawed and deliverad; kindling wood ln bondies at 50c each. H. E. Ilanilait, corner Church and Liberty St., Bowmanvilie. Phone 110w. 12-3- r FOR SALE - White Blossom Sweet Clovar Seed; Sead Qats, Victor variety. grown from reglstered eef. This var- iety won first in field crop ln Durham lasi yaar. I aiso have O. A. C. 144 Oats. W. J. Laask, Taunton. Phone: Oshiawa l63r13. 12-1' STORES FOR SALE-3 fraine stores on King Street. Just west of Royal Theatre. Mue be sold. Te ha taken down and removed. Lot of good sash and doora; gond lumbar; glass and wln- dow trames. Tom Perey will show In- terested parties throxigh te buildings. Arnily to Mrs. A. M4.Wttliams, Queen St., Bowmanvilie. Phone 169. il-tf Phone 489 Bowmanvlflb Start Poultry Depi Righi lat-A Proper Incubator MMler's Ideal, 85 eggs, at - $14.70. Mlller's Ideal, 600 eggs, at - $56.10. 2nd-A Reliable Brooder Mfller's Ideal - $12.95 t. $19.45. 3rd-A Correct Feeding System and Balanced Ration Stanuinax Feeds contain the necessary vitamines to pro- mote growth and vitality f rom Incubation until the final Iaylng stage. staminax Feeds are used by the moat succesaful pcuty- men who have recelved the highest reaults ln hatchabilty, growth and heavy egg production. AU Feeds bave been reduced ibisaao. DUSTAN'S Cash HARDWARE WE SERVE YOU WELL BOWMAvNmIL A Woman 's Fancy Turns ToN ewApparel in Spring You'1l find it hard to limit your selection to just one of these New Spring Dresses as there are so many smart ones for your choice. They are ail exquisitely fashioned and unquestionably charmn- ing. They include printed crepes, georgettes, cantons, celenese and fiat crepes, ranging in price from $9.95 Ladies' New Spring Coats Are Arriving. New Season's Fabrics May we have the pleasure of introducing to you the season s newest dress materials in plain and figuned geor- gettes, rayons, printed silks, gloria crepes, figured chiffons. You will find many a suggestion for Spring costumes in our fabric section. Wabasso Cottons, splendid range, fast colors, 25c yd. up Peter Pan Prints, best quality, from .............45c yd. up Ladies' Neckwear - coflars, cuifs and vestees Newest in Ladies' Hats are now being shown in our Millinery Department. Ladies' Pure Silk Full Fashioned Hose, specially priced at $1.00 Pair. All the latest shades in Ladies' Silk Hose at prices from 75c up. Spring OfFers new Economy in MEN'S WEAR Men's Worsted Suits, 2 pr. pants, at ...........$22.50 Younîg Men's Suits, 2 pr. pants, at .............$17.50 Junior Suits, lst longs, 2 pr. pants, at ...........$15.00 Men'a Winter Overcoats Clearing at About Haîf Price -Couck, JoIunston &CrydermanI .iflsW-.. Greet Spring in Fresh,. Clean Clotmes Spintieisth im t rehe p ou arr(e An hts hr e ne hepcue-o vrySen Shprmes ete a foreshean pyocasdrone. Get your clothes in aider before the Spîing rush... better phone for us ta caîl today. LOOK MEN! Buy Your Spring Suit -Here Every suit guaîanteed a perfect fit; tailored from the newest and most exclusive fabis by Canada's$-15 finest taiiors; newest styles and shades. ' JJ Order early for Easter. J SCQTTY Cleaner and Dyer Phone 571 King St. W. Bowmanville ROOMS PAPERED AT $7.00 PER ROOM Wlde vaiiety o! 1931 patterns to choose from. Price ixicludes paper and hangixig !îom rooms up ta 1l2x12z9. PHONE 489 and have us dall with samples. Remember thia exceptional offer is only good for one week. Geo. Pritchmard Palnter and Decorator rI-IE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVULE, THURSDAY, MARCH 19th, 1931 PAGE BZVM,

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