TkU CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILL, TRUR8lDAY, MARCH 19th, 1931 PAM ETWO WHY SUCH INDIFFERENCE? It came as a distinct surprise ta tiose who have been watciing tic town o! Cobourg and its petition for separation froin tic United Counties to note tic apparent ltiargy or spatiy with whici the Wardcn, Reevc G. H. Hooton o! Cavan, re- gards tic matter. It secîs quite ap- parent that tic United Counties wlll have to spcnd as much money this year as tlicy did last year and should Cobourg witlidraw f rom tic Counties ta avoid an increase in taX- ation o! $16.000 this ycar it would acenitiat tic otier municipalities are tic ones wio are going to pay for it. In a depatch in tic Peterboro Examiner Warden Hooton is report- ed ta have said: "If they miade up thcir minds to separate f rom us, I suppose ticre is nothing we can do about it except to sec tiat tic quest- ion o! finances are taken cane of." Prom tiese words it would seem tiat ticre is nothing tiat can be donc about t, but as we see it. if tic war- den has tic intercst o! ail munic- ipalities at icart, tiene is notiing ta prevent him figiting tic separ- ation on tic grounds tiat otier municipalities in tic United Count- ici will suffer. Cobourg is not by any means tic oniy municipality in tic United Counties which lias iad a big in- orease in taxes througi tic new equallzcd assesment and if tic other municipalities were ta wthdraw tic counties systeni o! governient in this district would crumble ta tic ground. Evidently Cobourg is dis- gusted witi its increase in taxes, but had that tawn and tic otier muni- cipalitic§ in tiese counties brougit thc asscssnicnt up to date every few Years as tic set requires tien ticy would not have iad tic siock o! an increase in taxes o! $16.000 in one year. Howcvcr they, along wth tic ather municipalities have failcd ta, do this and Cobourg should be wl- ling ta, take Its medicine witi tic rest. Ticre is noting to prevent War- don Hooton retalning legal counsel ta pnotect tic counties interests or Of If! nced be to f ight the separation on behlaf o! tic other maunicipalities Who Will suifer by tic witidnawal o! onc of tic blggest taxpaying mun- ipalities itic United Counties of Durhami aid Northumnberland. MODERN TEACHING METHOUS One icars muci tiese days o! modernnietiods of tcacing, and sniong tiese mtiods onc that lias recclved vcry favorable notice is tic use and tic value o! radio in tic achools. In keeplng witicth policyj ,of tic local schools to maintain atj ail times mot modern teaclijag Metiods tic two entrance classes at the Bowmanville Public Sciool werc privllcged ta listen in on tic Opcning Of Palianient last week. Under tic direction o! Mn. F. C. Conley a radio wau lnstalled itic hall and tic pupis icard tic speech f nom tic throne whci explalncd the plans o! the governanent in tic coming ses- sion. Wile polltics are out o! tic resu o! chlidren's education tiey do however give theni a knowledgc of the way in whlci tic affairs o! thein country are conducted. But o! more value by fan than just tic mere 1istenlng in, is tic tact that tiese chidren wlio will themselves have their own say in controlling the des- tintes o! ticir country, are gradually leanning tic pinciples o! govern- ment and arc theneby keeping gbreast of tic tumes. EXERTS A GREAT INFLUENCE Tic foliowing panagrapi clipped froni an exciange paper gives a very £ain appraisal of tic value o! a wcckly newspapcr to tic district t serves: "Without its newspaper the amail town Canadian communîty would be like a school without a teacier or a ciurch witiout a paston. In tic aggrcgate. the country ncws- A VEAR 0F NEW VALUES e Tic ycar 1931 will go down in tic iistory o! Canadian agriculture as a ycar o! new values, o! reconstruction and readjustinent. Tic prices o! farm products have not only f cît tic effcct o! tic gencral depression but i have been forced to ncw 10w levels .tirougi important market changes forcing a huge volume o! pnoducts on to tic domestic market. But f ced stuffs are equally 10w, and other commodities f allmng in line make tic farmer's dollar to-day woti consid- enably more than a year ago. There is no yean in recent times on wiici to base a comparison o! conditions and tic change !orced on agriculture is so great that in tic opinion o! market experts tic figures o! produc- tion cost and values o! recent ycars arc useless for purposes o! compani- son. Tic net netunns to f amers during 1931 may prove financially quite as satisfactory as any in ne- cent ycans. PROSPECTS ARE BRIGHT A cane! ul study o! tic bond situa- tion indicates tiat ail general types o! bond pnices are low according to a statement issued by Donald M Manvin, Economist o! tic Royal Bank o! Canada. Ticre are a veny !cw select gilt-cdgcd bonds wiichi 1anc selUing at prices justificd by pres- c nt conditions, but tic numnber in- 7cluded in tuis group is veny limited. rSince it is probable tiat ticre wil be surplus investinent funds avail- able for tic next two on tince yeans wiici wlll seck thii way into tic bond market, it looks as thougi ticre werc going to be a good bond market for soie timc to come. NATIVE 0F BOWMANVILLE LRETIRES AFTER LONG SERVICE H. G. Hutchinson of port perry Given Long Vacation prior te Golng on Penion List A cancer o! banking service in tic village o! Port Penny since 1888 will bc tcnminated on Marci iSti, whcn H. G. Hutcheson, manager o! an o! commence brandi, will beo'neliýved o! uis duties. Mn. Hutcheson lias been allowcd a special leave o! ab- sence for tirce montis and at tic end o! tuis time will bc grantcd al furlougi o! twelve montlis. Follow- ing tis lie will have neacicd tic ne- quired age to retire on a pension. In May, 1888. Mn. Hutcheson came to Port Ferry as a junior witi tic Western Bank, in thecservieo wiici lic enlistcd in 1887. In 18981 lie succeedcd Wm. McGill as man- ager. In 1909 tic Western Banik was absorbcd by tic Standard Bank and 1he remained as manager until 1918. wicn lic was appointcd manager o! tic Oshawa branci. In 1921 he ne- signed is Position at Oshawa and rcturned to Port Ferry to assume is former duties. Wien tlie offices o! tic Standard Bank and Bank o! commerce wcre unlted in 1928 Mn. Hutcheson continucd as manager.j Tic vetenan banker intends to stay in Port Ferry. He us to be succeedcd by E. Hayes o! Penctanguisiene. Mn. Hutcheson was bon in Bow- manville in ticeliousc now owned and occupied by Mn. James Elliott, King St. He is a son o! tic latei St. John Hutcheson, for many years1 a lcading lawyen here wio iad an office oven tic present Statesmant office.t C. W. Richards, editor o! ThicllI-i brook Mirror - Reporter, rctund1 home on Saturday a!ter an opena-1 tion at Toronto Genenal Hospital. a "A WONDERFUL CANADIAN GROWTH" *Business Directory* LIERL EAERHOORDIN THE EDITQR'S M A IL-BA G_ URGES DEVELOPMENT 0F TRIBUTE TO SENIOR EDITOR PROPER COMMUNITY SPIRIT 1 Calgary, Alta. Hamilton, CanadaI Dear George: Dear Mr. James: I arn enclosing herewith Postal The writer read with considerable Note for subscription to Statesman. interest an article on the front page I wish also to thank you for your of Tic Canadian Statesman, issue of very kind and newsy letter wrltten Feb. 26th, headed: Cultivate "The me some time ago. Especially inter- Spirit of Bowmanville."~ esting were your intimate references Ther is n tis cunty a ealto Norman and the happy kindiy as- Tefr is nthe i cofntry a reasoclations of your business lfe in vile d or towns icsie 0f Bomn- close partnership. It speaks volumes vill, ad tesetows ae nt gxngfor both of you and will always serve to thrive cntirely because of new mn- as a sweet and hallowed memory of dustries or new large buildings, but those days in which you were each ratier if the proper community spirit invcsting the best in your lives, ecd can be devcloped. for the other, and boti for tic sake We would be building a muci bet- of the honored naine of your dear ter Canada if an earnest eff ort was father whose devotion and enterprise being made by the citizens of this had resulted in bringing to such country to dcvclop the towns O! splendid fruition. a journalistic en- thrcc-thousand iabitants up to deavor that will remain as a striking W. E. N. Sinclair, M.PP. p flve-thousand inhabitants and thc monument for ail time. not alone to flvc-thousand population towns to those whom lie served in the immed- House leader of the Ontario Liberal ten-thousand instead of trying to tate vicinity of his beloved Bowman- Opposition in the Legisiature, who strive and stnive for big cities.. ville, but also throughout that Can- was honored by his fellow Liberals in~ There are advantages in living in ada wide domain where his naine is the House on Thursday last when a town thc size of Bowmanvillc, for so uiiiversally revered and his ster- they presented hi with an enlargcd every day you see and nieet 'YOu' lin g characten so highly extolled. portrait o! himself, accompanied by friends and this is worth a lot in In saying that 1 think I sense mess- many expressions of goodwill and o! this good old world. urably at least the great loss you loyalty to his leadership. Thanks We hope that there will be a de- must have f elt in being so suddcnly for his services in the past was also velopinent in this spirit o! Bowman- beref t o! 50 valued a partner, so dear rendered. William J. Bragg, mcm-' ville and that more and more people a brother, mnay I be permitted to Say ber for Durhiam, and chairman o! will consider their home town flrst. also as a lifelong f iend o! your the Liberal Caucus, was the master Yours very truly, family that I have more than once. o! ceremonies. The picture is to Hamilton Advertisers' Agency Ltd. speaking with mutual friends, cx- hang on the walls of the Liberal Russell T. Kelley, President. pressed my great admiration for the Committee room in company witi henoically efficient way in whici you I portraits o! distinguished Liberal HSOYO AL RV have measured up to your great job 'leaders o! the past. Mr. Sinclair HSOY0 APEGOE iof carrying on the task to which you hoped to be in public if e for some SHOULD BE PRESERVED have fallen hein. 1 speak only f rom years yet and expressed the wish a great distance o! course, but it ap- that he mught always he of service MY Dear Old Statesman: pears to me that taking the numbers to the Liberal cause. I think I represent a good many o! on the whole The Statesmanli as your readers near and far when I neyer been more interesting or read- say that we have found Maple Grove1 able than at the present turne, owing DURHAM COUNTY MEMBER Refiections to have aroused veny deep j largely doubtless to that fine subtle ASKS FOR STORAGE PLANTS interest. I found mny own naine quality. growing out o! the kindly mcntioned once or twlce in those human. personal note which you W. J. Bragg Asks For Immediate reminiscences and am inclincd to use succeed in iniecting into its coiumns, Establishment of Plats to Aid the quili for a comment or two. and which lias aiways so thoroughly Apple Growers I was tic regular correspondent characterized it in the past. I am from Maple Grove for several years not unmindful. o! course, o! tic With boti the Dominion and Pro- in the good oid higli sciool days in great inspiration and help which vincial governiments co-opcrating, the early nineties. I was not "Dex- your father must be to you in al arrangements are now being com- ter" and was as much at ses as the vour plans and objectives, as also the plcted for the establishmnent of a rest as to who it was. I f ound out invaluable assistance you receive line o! coid storage plants across the aftcnwards, but I trow "it' neyer f rom your talented and dcvotcd ally. Province specially constructed and wore skirts any more than I did, un- Miss Haycraft. to boti o! wliom. equipped for the isndling o! On- less it miglit be on iallowe'en iiigit. piease convey my ieartiest and kind- tario's apple crop. A great improve- I hope your present reporter is not est regards. ment is expected in tic overseas jealous but I do not note any coin- market in whici Ontario growers mnents f rom tiat quarter. Anyway.. So John is f oliowing in his fati- have long been sceking a firm foot- Mn. Editor, wioever us troubled witî er's footsteps? Isn't that fine? I hold by their erection. these reflections, and I have heard have neyer liad tic great pleasure Mn. W. J. Bragg, Durhamn County's no guess yet as to who it is. is doing o! meeting John, except peniaps as a veteran nepresentative in tic Legis- a good turn to tic old "Grove" youngster, but having known boti lature at Toronto, placed the matten I would suggest'two things, if you lis Dad and his Mother so well I do before the Agicultural Committee of please: One is that when this un- not mind telling hum tiat we expect tic House last week and if his sug- known scribe's quili nîns dry, that great and fine thlngs at his hands. gestions are carried out a plant will we migit have a fnank confession You will be interested to know that be established ither at Bowmanville f rom somebody as to wio lias donc I met T. E. Higginbothsm on the or Prt ope Mr Brgg xpline usthi sevic, wo Dxte wa ani street one morning reccntly, as lie what had been accomplished by a Whistling Jin; also answers to many haci iust blown into town f rom Nel- cold sturage plant in Brighton and o! the questions proposed, for old sion, B. C.. on an early train to con- stnongly advocated tic erection o! time sake. Tic othen is that some-fewilCegtrcadn tcr- otiers across tic province. ýnot for- body siould be found to take this tien scrious loss by fine sustained at getting uis native county as being1 matenial, Charlie Axford's contni- their 8ti Avenue drug store. an ideal spot for tic erection o! a butions and otier matLrial. and pre- Will close witi kind wislics for plant, being one o! tic best apple pane a compîcte histony o! Maple youn continued succcss, kind regards Bragg also asked tic immediate es-; pioneers like George Power and Mn. old guard wliom you niay chance to tablisiment o! tiese plants. 1 Axford and M. A. James anc stili wlth meet on tic way honie to.liinci. or Esci plant wilî cost in tic neigi- 1ius. as you go to tic Post office for the boriood froin $40,000 to $150.000 ac- ITic United Churcli is encouraging mail. Sinccrely, conding to tic size and equipinent. this on tic part o! cvery community L. T. Courtice. Tic present plans o! tic govenn- in tie Confenence and lias made ment, it is sald, cali for tic con- provision for tic safe kccping o! struction of four suci plants before such histories in tic archives o! CANT GET ALONG WITHOUT tic end of tic current yean, four in Queen's College in Kingston. THE BLOOMIN' PAPER 1932. and four more tic following I do tiink tiat a systcmatic uis-- yean and more if circunistances war- tory o! Maple Grove should be pre- Dean Mr. Editon: rant. Ail stations will be strategical- pared. WIII future genenations ever I'm enciosing my rcnewal to Tic ly located so as to serve tic best forgive us if we allow ail tiese pion- Statesman. I tink I sliould fire needs o! tic apple gnowing industry. enr traditions to perisi' the bIoomin' papen if I can't remein- Tic establishment o! suci a plant 1 arn gIad to flnd tiat Tic States- ber to pay for it, but I can't get could hardly be more strateglc ta man still iolds its own in tic front aIong witiout it so you have nie at Bowmanville. place o! interesting and wliolcsomc handicapped. Tic only ting I dis- local papers. I was tcmpted once to like about ut is tic Death columin. Mrs. J. N. Greenaway, Port Hope, go into newspapcr wonk mysel!. but I iust don't cane about looklng at ut sustained a fracturcd le! t arm when my rural mind shied away froin the any more. Seenis ta me sometinies sic slipped and feUl at tic rean of Inside wonk wlien tic tume comc to I wGuld like to visit tie !ew good lien home on Tiursday. start. old-tlmens that anc lcft as tiey are Black Creck W. M. S. o! tic Unit- <Rev.) H. W. Foley. slipping away so fast. Tic ncw type cd Churci near Picton cclcbrated its Tic Pansonage. Sclby, Ont. and general appearance o! Tic thirty-fifti anniversary on Mardi 10. Statesman is qulte pleasing. A short history o! tic society was Cambridge Street United Chunch. Kind regards to ail. and ail tic ncad, sliowlng t was organized dur- Lindsay, celebratcd tic 9lst anni- luck in tic world to you. ing the pastorate o! Rev. E. A. Ton- vensary on Sunday. Rcv. E. Van Til- Even sincerely, kin, now o! Bowmanvullc. Tiree ton o! Burllngton, a former paston, (Mns.) C. Grace McCluskey. charter members are stili living. pncached. 63 Jane St., New York City. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan on Fqrmn and Town property. Royal Bank Building. %owmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE i3arrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal :..ney to Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanville. Ontario. W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Money to Loan. Bonds for Sale. Offices: Bleakley Block, King Street, Bowmanville. Ontario. Phones: Office 102; House 409. L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Loans - Investments Bowmanville - Next to Royal Theatre Phones: Office 688; House 553. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry, Toron- to University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office: Ring St., Bowmanvifle. Office Phone 40; bouse Phone 22. X-Ray Equipmnent in Office. DR, J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Çraduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office: King Street East, Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a. m.1 t.o 6 p. ni. dally except Sudy Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipinent in Office. MEDICAL J. CLARK BELL M. 0., Ch. B., F. R. C. S. (Edini.), 0. P. H. (Successor to Dr. A. S. TiUley) Hons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- deen University; Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edlnburgh. Office and residence: Queen Street, Bownianville. Phone 89. ffice Hours: 2 to 4 P. m., 6 to 8.30 P. mr. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FF. MORRIS CO. Complete Motor or Horse Equipment. y AU calîs promptly attended to. Private Ambulance. Bowmanville phone: 10 and 34. Brandi Stores: Orono & Newcastle. AUCTIONEER THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farm and House Sales a Speclalty. Ternis noderate. Ennlskillen P. O. Phone 383r3. 1-tf CH!ROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY Honor graduate o! Toronto College of Chiropractics wlll be in the Bow- manville office Tuesday, Tliursday and Saturday evenings. Phone 141J. R.esldentla cafla made durlng fore- noon. DANCING LESSONS Phone 215 Private lessons by appointment. if 1- CANÂDA.-Well, welil Who would have thouglit that the littlo vine root 1I uaw iplanted fifty yoare mga would cover the world in that time. j Plsorinted fromm «m i D* lyStar. Matchb , mocUw ofMr. A. G. Mmew4 HERE COMES -YOUR COAL Our truck is awaiting yaur caU to deliver to your basement the ki.nd of coal that hundreds of families throughout this town have found so satlsfactory. You can depcnd upon this ald-establilsed coal yard to furnish stnictly high quaUty coal at ail tUes. Order naw for prompt deUvery. -D. L. & W. Scranton Coal- The Standard Anthracite Stove Coal $16.50 Egt 16.00 Chestnut .16.00 Pea .13.50 Buckwbeat .. ......11.50 Nut Coke .--- 13.00 A d2acount o! $1.00 per ton for camh will be ailowed from above prices. McCllan & Co., Limited Phone 15 BowmanvilIe PLUMBER Sanitary Plumbiflg and Heating Country Work our SPecialtY BILL CLARKE When in Need of a Plumber CALL 665 Estimates GladlY Given Without Obligation. SIGN PAINTING H. COULDERY S ign s Tin - Wood - Brick - Cotton Window Signs - Price Tickets - Sale Bis - Trucks Lettered and Striped Landscape and Seascape Decorations Lessons given in 011 and Water Paintings Phone 135 Queen St. Bowmanvle ACCOUNTANT n. m. COTTON Auditing - Accounting Books written Up daily. weekiy or monthly. Monthly and annual statement and Income Tax Returns prepared. IP. 0. Drawer B. Phones 611& , AUCTIONEER Wm. Maw, Whitby If you should be thinking of hold- üI~g an auction sale. of your Stock and Implements and would like ta have the services of a real live auct- loneer, one who will get you good resuits, and a man who wilI brlng buyers with hini, Just cali up Will- iam Maw. Whitby, Ont. AUTO PAINT SHOP Automobile Painting J. H. NEEDHAM Scales and Slicers Refinished. Delivery wagons painted. Duco Work - Sign Painting General Enamelling. Phone 441 - Rear of Hydro Shop GARAGES Garage and Service Station Batteries Charged - Towlng and General Repairs on ail makes of cars. Acetylene Welding Supertest Gas andciOlîs - Accessories BROOKHAM and McMULLEN Phone 285 King St. W. Bowmanile INSURANCE Fire Life C. H. DUDLEY DISTRICT AGENT THE MANUFACTURERS' LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Automobile Liability CABTING AND TRUCKD4G Ail kinde of CaMt, Truaklug Mmd 114avlng; l0as. and long distance. H. BOMBARD Phono «0 Quuen St., *owmanvUi. EARN $6 TO $10 PER DAY Ambiticus, rellabjo mon wanted at onoe. Part time pay whiio training for Aviation Mechanics, Garage woric, Driving, Bat- tory, Eiectric Acotylene Welding, Houll. Wiring, Industrý'ai Electricity, Machiniat, Brickiaying, Plu:tering, DrattIng, Bartber. ing and HairdroaaIng. Act quIck. ait your aollistion Ini now. Write or cail for in- formatin aDOMINItON TRADE SCHOOLS, LTD. Pastern Headquarters. 79 Queon Wat Toronto. Emjproyment service-comat te comut. 4