Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Mar 1931, p. 2

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THE CANADIAN STrATESMAN, BOWMANVILL, THIJRSDAY, MARCH 5th, 1931 KFLNU VI W. CANADIAN CITIZENSHIP The Canadian Advisory Commitiee ai Rotary are strossing particular empliasis this yoar an the question ai naturalizatian. Bowmanville Rot- ar-y Club cooperaied along this ine ln a most effective manner at the meeting on Friday whicb was obser- yod as "International Niglit." John Grudefi, B. A., ai Toronto, a former Bulgarlan, la bis address on this occasion brouglit tbe question: of Canadiari citizensbîp very forcibly beo re bis audience. Witbout rncing matters lie chargod Canadians with la.ck ai interesi and aloofness ta- wards the new citizons entering this country wha iend ta become per- mianent citizens here. bEER as been ample ovidence busily engaged la the work ai push- lng ahead that we bave neglected ta give to the problem af Canadian cit- lzenslzlp the attention ta, which it is ontitled and which it certainly ought ta receive at aur hands. Being Can- adian citizens ourselves, we are prone to forget that there is a steady stream ai foreigners entering this country and making their homes here wha aughita obe lastrucied la the meaniag and significance ai Canadian citizonship, but wbo for many reasons, carne ta regard it as a nocessary evil ta be endured if tbey are ta make progress biere. or as a sort ai heavy boad tax the payrnent of whlch entitles ihem ta regard PUBLIC AT FAULT There's a lot of trutb in the state- ment made by the Orillila Packet wben it says: There has been much roviling of "mon of ablity" of late for their unwilliflgiess ta service in public office. But it is just a quest- ion whetber the public reaily wants the services ai mon ai first rate abil- ity in public afairs. MINU yOUR OWN BUSINESS With the iendency for samo mer- chants ta auncis out inta other lines ai business the follawing comment la thse Farinera' Advacate is quite turne- ly it says: Farmera would keep their finances in f ar better shape if they did their banking at tise banks rather iban with tise erchants, un- plemeni manufacturera and fi enliz- er dealers. There la a beap ai mean- ing la the story ai the hot-dog von- don whoso stand was beside the pal- atial quartens ai a bank. When ask- ed ta cash a choque for a f riend ho refused on the grounds tisat ho had eniered inia a coniraci wbereby ho was bound ta bond no money and the bank agreed ta scîl no hot-dogs. GRIEF HUMAN DESIRES According ta an advertising autis- arity, people are masi easily said samething wbich iisey sirongly de- sire, or for wbich such desire may be created. The chief desines ai tbe. tisemselves as Canadians. javerage persan, il is said, inclusel The exploitation of ignorant 'for- !the following: ignons sceklag citizensisip bas been commanby allcged. It is a moat un- pleasant tbing, even ta be rumoured. There nover would have been a chance ai sucis an abuse if we bad paid the propen attention ta ibis business ai accepiing new citizens and bad made afi h a cenemany in- vesied with the dignity and impres- siveneas it oughita hold. As thinga are.an intending citizen, anulies for Ta make rnaney; ta escape physi- cal pain; ta be camiartable; ta avoid1 effort; ta reccive praise; ta sidestep trouble; toatatracitishe opposite sex; to be popular; ta have enjoyment; ta be in style; ta save tme-and some Chier desires closely allied ta these. Tise abave isi consista principally ai desires f or ibings not absolutely essential ta existence, as are food !ne tio C mi ciiznsi naes eceives them, and cloiiing. Wisen ane stops ta fram Ottawa, f ilis tisem in, makes a tbink afi h, mosi modem -desires are c declaratian upon oatis bfare an 1 for conveniences and luxuries hardly Co authonlzed commissioner, is asked idreamcd ai a century ago. t no questions, and in due course finds In faci. if people were suddenly ta himali registered as a Canadian ci- became satisfled wth tise mero nec- VI izen. essaries ai 111e a mainiy af al l - What dooes it moan ta hlm? Ras ho dustrial and business enierprises been impressod with faci ibat ho is would have ta go out ai business. E isonceiortb one ai a body af free men The creatian ai new desines which d Who are praud ai their heritago,E make for a higlier standard of liv-N proud ai thoir country, praud ai its E lg has been due largely ta the pow- t traditions, is achlevemonts, and its or ai advetisig. a prasperity, and selzed wth a burning 1 New devices and produets wbidh t faith la lis future destWny? Doos aur add ta human satisfaction, camion ; citlzenship moan that ta hlm, or doos Fand onjoyrnont would make slow Ol ht mean meroly that ho l isoncefortis ieadway witbaut advortlsing to n freo îrom certain irrltating limita- 1,croate a desire for tbem on tise part tians, lias a vote, and does not have ai the public.w ta fin1 ln certain forma frara tira ta Ii urn? f t ean n mreta hlm WHEN WILL ELECTORS LEARN? ci than that, thon it 15--for hlm-a poor tblng, and we bave iaibed hlm Yot anatiser proaf ai wiat Baw- bl entfroly as Canadian citizons, lu thai mauville is lsing by rei using ta pur- le we have not succeeded in inspirlng chase the local Hydra Disiibuting le hlm wtl the ight appreclatian and Plant las seen lu a despatcb in tisec understanding ai the privlege tisai daily press. Peterbano, wiich pur- a bas been bestowed upon hlm. cisased is lacal plant several years t Itislata be fearod ihat in too many ago, reports a net profit an opera- ae cases we have iailed: tisai ihere bave tions for 1930 ai $20,019.60, as cam-al been far too many instances in pared with $12726 tise proviaus yean. W wbich undosinabbe pressure bas been Wiib ail debontures cavered and ail ci] broughita bear upon undesirable expenses paid iucbuding transier- s Peopble ta becomo Canadian citizens I nce af funda ta reserve. tise Public ari because somebody Gomewbore bas Utilities Commission ai Peterboro lei MMeen laiis an oppartunity ai profit, bas nequesiod the Hydro Elecric le Now thore sisould be no pressure Power Commission ta reduce this u brought upon anybody ai any trne rates la ihai city by 5-C.. This will t ta become a citizen ai ibis country. mean a subtantial saving ta eveny t That shauld be an act ai bis or ber user ai eleciric ligisi la the iftlock a owri volition, free from any persuas- ciiy.Xit is f ully expected tisai beore b ion or Influence. But we caui see ta 'very long tise question ai the pur- l it tisai thase who do become citizens chase ai tise Bawusauvibbe plant wil boiong ta tise desirable classes: thai came Up for consideration again and fo thoy take the oatis ai citizensbip msy be put ta a vate ai tise nstepay- g with a full understanding ai whatitilers. With tise succeas aosonh muni- t moan,-ilio obligations ht laya upon cipally-owned systema tisere 15 litthow themn as weil as the privibeges it con- doubi ibat tise ratepayers ai ibis ne fers:lit moral value as well as uts town wiI be mare favarabby încliued o phyaical attributes; ias endowmcnt ta support lise punchase. At any rate wi of Individual pride as well as ils im- ilt is oped that more interest wîbl be p prlinatur oi freedam. Tisone sauld shawn in ibis important subject tissu be Mome dlgnty attached ta tise cen- yean by members ai iown counicil. af emony ai administering tise oatb of Chamber ai Commerce and pivatedi cltlaenabp. A man should be asked citizeus than was nated asi year. certain questions tisai wilb make it A great many people wcuita vote oun chear ho undorstands what ho lis a- tise question lasi Juno ta say nothlng bout to da--the cisaractor ai the ai tisase wbo did nat vote, witbouî pleie hlail about ta give ta tise even baving been ta one meeting ta country ai bis adoption,-5amorthling hear the dtais ai tise punchased more tisa a more ompty formula af explaiued sud discuased. ,Words ratibod off la a slng sang voice b>' somebady grawn boartily sick of COMMUNITY ENTERPRISE their reitenation and as aiton as not but isaff hoard hi tise attestant. Tise Staiesman is nat tise anîy It May ho necesaa ta cisange tise bome-tawn paper wisichis 1 endeavor- present law la order to bring this ing ta, awaken lu its citizens a proper about. in ail prohabillty, it would be. community spirit. The Brampton Vory wol. thon; lt us change tise Conservatar commenta thusby: Act- law. hi cari ai hesi bo Uitile marc tisan ion is praduced by the tisougisiful a change ai forn. But if h hoc made citizensa banding tagetiser andi bring In thse right way, aud if the privil-1 about tise desireti resulis. Many ,go of Canadian citizeiSsiP ho ap- ai aur greatest achieveinuts haîve prilaod bi' us atitls tmue value, tisen been carnied outinl this manner. thaso geekiflg i will roalize tisat it Tisus profiting by tise past we feel la a horitMo wo guard Jealausly. ane tisai there should ho ,. lot mare ci - -we d) not confer Ilgbtly or merely at fort put across. When people in a a prise,? but one wblCb we deernita be commlunity are sald upon thir cam-1 tise bWslg t pnlvilego i tbla 1131 1muntyou flud that a feeling aif l- er O eten t a ellw-mn r w-!munsipbinds tienitogethr. They ia. Tholi, and not until thon, wlll are all meeting on comînan ground tisewor5., arn a Canadian citi- and bave anc gîcat common pur- th OrV' o34ti' full value ai Paul's pose. Tis brings tisen in close con- prou4 bUtOf old: "Clyla Rrnianus tact sud by tise co-operative effort b088t the end la accornplisised. Whai wo THE SUGAR BUSH Molly Beva7n The Blue Bell Poetess Sunlight upon the snow, and la the woods No faintest ilai ai Spring; wbile, la tise trees, Rang bang prismatic crystal clcles That send a tinkling echo down thé breeze. Yet, In the maple's heart the sap's astir, Fbowing more freely as each sunny day Reclaims f rosi'a nlghilY ca)tuxn' To and ira Fnam irce to cauldnon andi agalil away, Like humaa bees, tise sugar-makers go, Pbuadering thse preclous neotar; while thse Spring Bides, stili, ber time and smileo amusedly Tc watch tired Winter's tardy harves'ting Make thse sweet syrup's amber clarity Like molten gold framn sme Octoh'r tree. eed here to-day is concentrated ac- Jon in arder that we xnay secure ;me of the rnany improvements that Yould prove beneficial toalal. These îatters can anly be secured by unit- Id action. Some af the organizations ;hould lay plans ta sell this com- Luflity ta the comrnunity. We have ,'erything that goes ta make a bive )mmunity centre. It but waits for ýe citizens ta realize just what we ave. This can be put acrass by a )ncentrated effort, on the part af )ne or all ai aur organizations set- .ng out ta sell the community ta the mmmunity. We have the goods and mn talk with pi-ide of this comnrt.n- iy. ITHDRAWING FROM COUNTIES Cobourg Town Council bas appied for legislation permnitting its witb- drawal from the United Counties ai Northumberland and Durham. if this enabling legisiation is granted and the assent ai the people is given he piÉopasal, It is estiniated that the municipality wii be $25.000 better off in taxes. Cobourg la nat the only municipality that is looking for re- ef from the burden of taxation which seemns ta, emanate from the .ounty Council body. But if legis- ation la passed enabling any muni- ipality ta withdraw it would seemn robable that the withdrawals would ec so plentiful that none would be f t to pay the levles. And since a )nsiderable amount of these levies ire made on the County Council by se Provincial Governent, it would ;em that it would be highly improb- île that the enabllng legisiation vould be fortbcoming. Most muni- ipalities would be very happy ta ;crifice the advantages secured rm the Caunty body for the nount tbey cost, but the general evies must be met in some way. rhe trouble would seem ta bave been hat each municipality bas cajoled ,emselves into believlng that znagk 'easure vaults existed with County od Provincial bodies, and they have ioen drawn upon pretty freely in the ast few years. Eacb had his own nunicipality at beart in the demand br irnprovensents. Tbe illusion bas wne. The realization is here that he treasury is just where it always was-mn the ratepayers' pocket. A 7emedy will be sought. The progress ) tbe case that Cobourg ia making will be watched with interost.XIt joints out ai least that the rate- )ayers are demanding a curtailmeni )f expendituros and all bodies will Jo sveli ta heed the warning signs. Decorating at Lowest Cost There's no need of putting off decorating your home any langer. Right now we wiil suppiy the waII paper, paint and labor at the lowest prices obtainabie for years. i)on't put off. Do It now. Phone us ta eaul and see how littie it costs. Geo. Pritchard Painter and Decorator (Over Statesrnan Oltiel IPhone 489 Bawinanvlle Local Merchants Play Important Part in Building Their Community la Opinion of John Carlyle, Officiai of U. S. Chamber of Commerce, in Article in "Nation's Business." "'Amerca's towns and villages seema ta be fading out. They are f ollaw- ing into oblivion the bigh-wheeledI buggy. the little red schoolhouse and tise quaint custom ai bobbing for ap- pies.', This la the opinion af John1 Carlyle, as recarded la the January issue ai "Nation's Business." the of - f icial organ ai tbe Chamber af Com- merce ai the United States. Mr. Carlyle, quoting f rom thse cen- tury figures ai the republic, says that towns under 1,500 are decreaslag la population, while samewhat larger tawns are increasing. This seerns ta be a general trend, but la by no means infallible. "Thse agricultural population 15 diminishing la num- bers, but growing in per capita dol- lars and appetites. This seerns ta be all ta the good. But what la tthe reason for the shrinkage in small towns? "One reason seerns ta, be the gen- eral storekeeper." Row It Works Mr. Carlyle thereupan quotes a story told hlmn by a Department ai Commerce Investigatar. One ai the chain stores had been featurlag a sock for 29 cent a pair. It would neyer wear oui, it was claimed. The men operatlag the village stores cried bitierly againsi it, declaring they cauld nover compete against prices like that. A wbolesaler deter- mlaed ta help these storekeepers. and affered an equally good sack. "Sell it at a quarter," he said ta his village merchant clients. "You'l Inat make rnuch rnaney, but yau will drive that 29-c-ent aack off the field. IAdvertise it. That's the mast superb bargain ever woven. Every last village siorekeeper Put that sock on sale for i ram half a Idollar ta 75 cents. "Its thse first chance we've bad ta make a uitile gravY,' ihey said. "Of course," Mr. Carlyle proceeds. "the 29-cent sock went an getting the business and thse bamlet store- keepers and the isamleis last.' Another Illustration Another illustration is given ai a merchant wha bad always operated a good general store, that bad brought trade ta the tawu. Farmers came ta buy f rom him, because they knew be wauld have what they wanted, and generally patronized sorne place else in thse bamlet bei are they ei t. But when styles changed. and girls dernanded knec-lengthl! dresses and sibk stockings. thse store- keeper revolted, and declared "I wan't seil tbern. They gotta go sornewhere eise for those contrap- tions.", They did go elsewbere. And the little town fout their going tremend- ously. Staying in Mud Mr. Carlyle continues: "I arn bon- est lanrny convictions that incalcul- able barm bas been donc the hambets by merchants wha bave not gotten oui af the mud. Wben the villagers and hase wha live nearby begla ta drive 20 miles ta shop, the bamlet la ruined. "Buit the right sort ai a store- keeper can keep a village propped on its tottering legs. He can even make it sound agaîn. "Fariner folk da not want to drive ia the city for cvory llttle purchase. A store cqulpped with the canyon- icuces will bold ibeir trade except for the luxury ines. And the good roads take city people into the country for part ai their shopping. They liko ta ride in the fresb air and buy vegetables and eggs at the farm stands. Thse little stores can-if their keepers know how ta do it,-work up a nice business in ice creams and sait drinks and the 1055cr market- ing." Facts Quoted Certain facts are quoted in thse ar- ticle ta quote this contention. The University of Illinois found thai aO maiority ai the small-iawnm store- keepers who are affering their cus- tomners what tbcy want are holding or increasing their trade. A survey made for thse Retailers' National Council notes ihat the stores oi cer- tain towns bave been losing business ta other towns because they did nal give service. They were dark and poarly arranged. Storekeepor ta Marne "This survey stresses the fact that the towns werc bosing ground be- cause ai the f aulis ai the storekeep- ers. Opinion seems ta be f airly gen- eral ihat appeais ta local patriatisrn stir up no red corpuscles in the buy-1 ers' veins. He does nat care partic-1 ularly wbetber this tawn or that graws or diminishes. He would nat stir a hand ta bebp eitber pracess. Wbat be wants ta knaw la bow much money he can get for bis eggs." once more tise annual, but subi ta gt warmer, ibis 15 really tise crt- miraculous, drama la about ta tako ical trne for ibose wlntering plants place, Nature awakonlng inom, the 'like rase bushes, shrubbery, fruit long winten sleop. True in mauy 1iroos, trawberries aud herbaceous parts ai Canada wlnter la silil wiib perennial fiowers. During tiseraid- us aud may linger fan sanie tinte yei, dieai tise day the bot sun la quite but alroady beneati tise frost 111e is likoly ta take tise f rosi out aiftise top stirriug sud in mosi of us tisai oldi six inchsofs ilan sutart tiese ap Il urge ai wanting ta assisi again a- comfiug Up itiste siems above the 01 risea. Btter than sittiug atil. we can grouudc. Ai niglit, whoa thse tempor- r dream ai tise happy mouihs aisead attire f ais again, ibis sap may ireezo i, sud witis a poncil plat aur gardoen sud tise stems burat. The alternate i fan 1931. Sanie tisinga leit undon 1 freezing sud tbawng ai tise top sail n asat season will be guarded against t oo la quite likoly ta break off tise this, wslbe many ai us wiil have tise Itiuy feeding roots sud kifi the plant thrill ai engaging lu ibis fascinating or lower is vitality. To prevont ail aud satisiying recreatian for tise ibis boss, mulcb witis caarse manuno, fiat Urne. Gardening la not capon- cbopped airaw. beaves, or oison Ina- aive, lit is not difi cuit sud when well eniai. Natures owu protecting blank- planued it shauld nat latorfere wiib ei anaw, eau hoeucouraged by leav- any ai aur atiser plessurea. Moreovor. ing tise old refuse f rom lasi year an unlike sanie investusent retumas are top ai the beti. certain, jusi as Spning invarlably iallows winter, and aunrimen i allows LAWNS spring. Na persan even regrets tise tinte apout amongat flawera. voget- No gardoen is complote withaut aA ables snd otiser grawing ibinga. Re- lawn. This really sets off the sisrub- m sulta canuot ho measured in dollars, bei-y, treos sud fiower beds wih te tisough ti s poiod like tise preseut surraunti il besides iumnisising au wison jobs sud money arc nat taa, ideal playground for tise chili en Ei certain tbero is a goad deal ai dol- sud iheir eiders. A wcll establisised a bars sud conta satisfaction inas big plot ai grass will stand ahl sorts af i: suppiy' 0f vegetables, unmnatcised la wcar ami tean as is evideuced by tise quabaty, as tise home varity always golf caurses sud bowling greens we are, rigist at aur doar. findi everwbene. But noie that tise terni 'well establisisod' wss usod, FLOWERS wiich meaus tise following ai a fow simple directions. Iu the final place, It is ah ;very well and advisabie ta anc sbould remember tisaitishe lawnfi grow some ilawers sucis as Sweet 15 a dislinctly permanent affair. We jtl Peas and others, ai wblch wc pize are planning something ibat is toa flowens for cutting snd not f oliage, lun'endure year suter year sud saie- tise vegetabbe gardoen, but ti tise reg- thing when once establisbod lana ular heds we should plant iu clumpa casily conrectod. Wo can reduce or y ai anecocaour and variety sud geu- add ta it, but we have a very difficuit Ci erally arrange ta have tiese malljob li-ded i remedying sny original' stuff at tise iront sud the taller sarts niistakes lu regard ta appearauce.M sucis as Rollyisocks, Sunibasvers, Por instance, ht is fan, fan casier t Dahlias sud Cosmos toward tise rean. usake a lawu level before we sow tiset] We sbauld plan ta have somcthiug grass tissuil, is afterwards. sud,S blooming al htie rnsd if we make tiserciare. we sbauld cultivate sud.r aur sebectian witis this ides lu mind rake tise plot aven as mucis as pas- s it wll nat ho diffilculi ta achieve sible tise lirai thlug. Wisero tise top i almoat continuons bloomi froni late earthis l compased moatly ai sub-soil i Sprng until tise first f rasta iu Sep- iron tise cellan, as la the case iu uew s tember. locations, it imay bo advisable ta re- P surface wltis a two-incb layer ai SHRUBS gardenn ban. Wheu tisis is done, t isawever, i l besita allow auy wecd 1 Tisere should be a few ilowerng seeda ta germinato sud tisen culti- b shrubs lu cveny Canadian garden adi- vate tisen ouitishorougbly bei are we c vises Dominion Horticulttlrlst, W. T. seed dowu. Now. wîtis aur plat bevel. Macoun. Amang tise masi satisa st- sud tise top sail icis sud flue, tise« ory, in ander ai blooming. according sced may ho sown. This sisauld be ta this authority, are tise Spircas. donc as early as possible lu tise Arguta aud Van H-outti, Russian Pea Sprng. aitor the above information Sisrub sud Caragana Fi'utcx. These s taicen ia cousideratian, as grass are sîl very hardy. Iu tise milder is a cool weather plant and makes parts ai Canada anc can graw thse its beat growth during tise Spriug. Forsythia or Golden Bail, whicis"; Tise wark should also ho dlone on a very early and well woth planting day tisai is not wludy sa that tise bath for f lowcrs sud foliage. Follaw-1seed eau be sowu evenly. Remem- iug tisese are Jaîtanese Rose, also beriug agalu tisai aur lawn is ta ho knawn as tise Rose Mock Orange, tise a permanent affair, it la esseutial Hydrangoas, Lilacs, Honeysurkles, tisai wo select nat only the very Weigelia. and if one bas noon for a igieiqaiya edotial f icx small trocs witis attractive flow- 1 but also seed especially recommend- e rs sanie aitise beat are thse Double I d for Canadian conditions. Cheap Flawered Crab, European Mountasu mixtures are camposod ai choap Asis, YcIbaw-waa Japanese Tnee seeda deslgned ta nake a show tise Lilc ad Ctala. y a tie adi- firat yean only. wbube good sced, Gov- ary Crabappbes or r gulan aplile trees erument tested sud appraved. la sold 1 ai sartie gooti vanlet. add beauty and,! fan permanent resuits. îî is a car- usefulucas. f ul blenu ai ironi six ta a dozen di- I PROTEG I]ON iforent vanleties. mauy af thpnm very î,Now tisat tise weat oer bas started i ta protecitishe expensive varioties tise *+Business Directory* LEGAI. -M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan on Farm and Town property. Royal Bank Building, ýuwmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Soi icitor for Bank of Montreal .:nyto Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanvllle. Ontario. W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notar Sle Money to Loan. Bonds for Sl Offices: Bleakley Block, King Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones: Office 102; House 409. L. C. MASON. B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Loans - Investments Bowmanville - Next to Royal Theatre Phones: Office 688; House 553. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry, Toron- to University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office: King St., Bowmanville. Office phone 40; bouse phone 22. X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office: King Street East: Bownianville. Office bours 9 a. m. t.o 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. 0 X-Ray Equipreent in Office. MEDICAL J. CLARK BELL M. D., Ch. B., F. R. C. S. (Edin.), D. P. H. (Successor ta Dr. A. S. Tiiley) Hans. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- deen University; Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Office and residence: Queen Street, Bowmanville. Phone 89. COffice Ilotrs: 2 to 4 1). m. 6 to 8.30 p. m. IFUNERAL DIRECTOR F. F. MORRIS CO. au Camplete Motor or ~ Horse Equipment. (~J Ail calîs promptly attended to. '~U3~7/Private Ambulance. 10 and 34. Branch Stores: Ooo& Newcastle. AUCTIONEER Auctioneer Farm. and Hause Sales a Specialty. rerms moderate. Enniskiflen P. O. Phone 383r3. 1-tf CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STEL'KLEY Honor graduate of Toronto College of Chiropractics will be in the Baw- manville office Tuesday, Thursday anld Saturday evenings. Phone 141J. Residential caîls made durIng foare- baon. CAIRTING AND TEUCKIENG Ail kinde of Carting, Trucking a.nd Vovlng; local and long distance. H. BOMBARD ~hon 130 Queen St.. Bowmanville BARN $6 TO $10 FER DAY Ambitious, rellablemon wanted at once. Part time pay while training for Aviation Mqechanlca, Garage Work, Orivlng, Bat. tory, Electrit Acetylonb Welding. Houat Wiring, lndustr:al Electrlcity, Machinist, Brlcktaying, Plattering, Drafting, Barber- ng and HalrdreaaIng. Act qulck, get your application In now. Wrlte or cl for' in. formation. DOMI1NION TRADE SCHOOLS. LTO. Estern Heudquarter. 79 Queen Wus., Toronto. Emproyment servic.-ca.st te cnt. first season whlch corne on and give bhat satisfactary permnanent result, a velvety. uniforin sward year ai ter year. It is necessary ta saw. tbickiy, one pound being sufficient for twa hundred square feet. A light appli- cation of commercial fertilizer is ad- visable at seeding or shortly aiter- wards. This fertilizer has an ad- vantage over ordi.nary manure In tbat there are no weed seeds in it. Special sheep manure is also recom- rnended for this purpose as any weed seeds in it are klilled by the pulveriz- rng and steaming process ta whicb it Is subJected bef are bagglng. After seedlng, rake igbtly and rail or Pound weil. New grass sbould be cut 'with a very sharp mower, especiaily ,the first time, a duli machine pull- ing out the new shoots, and should be cut at intervals oi about a week Sduring the growing season. Sanltary Plumblng and Heating Country Work our Speciaity BILL CLARKE Wben ln Need of a Plumber CALL 65 Estiniates Glacily Given Without Obligation. SIGN PAINTING H. COULDERY S ign a Tin - Wood - Brick - Cotton Window Signs - Price Tickets - Sale Bills - Trucks Lettered and Striped Landscape and Seascape Decorations Lessons given in 011 and Water Paintings Phone 135 Queen St. Bowmanvlie ACCOUNTANT, R. M. COTTON Audlting - Accounting Books wrltten Up daily, weekly or montly. Monthly and annual statement and Income Tax Returns prepared. P. O. Drawer E. Phones 611 & 32. AUCTIONEER 1 Wm. Maw, Whitby If you shaubd bo tblnkig ai hold- ing an auciln sale, ai your Stock and Implements and would like ta bave the services ai a real live auci- loneer, anc wbo wilb get you good rosubis, and a man wbo wibb bring buycrs with bim, Jusi caîl Up Will- iam Maw, Whitby, Ont. AUTO PAINT SHOP Automobile Painting J. H. NEEDHAM Scaes and Sbîcers Refinîshed, Dolivory wagons paînied. Duco Work - Sign Paintig General Enamebling. Phone 441 - Rear ai Hydro Sbap BLACKSMITHS D. R. ALLDREAD - Skates Sbarpened - Acetylene Weldng Horse Shoeing and General Blacksmithing - Woodworklng - Kting Street B. Phone 506 GARAGES Garage and Service Station Batteries Charged - Tawing and General Repairs on ail makes of cars. Acetylene Welding Supertet Oas and Ols - Accessories BROOKHAM ad McMTJLLEN Phone 285 King St. W. Bowmanvillie INSURANCE Fire Life C. H. DUDLEY DISTRICT AGENT THE MANUFACTURERS' LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Automobile Liability P R 1NT 1N G Your Printing We are equipped to handie every type of printing, frorn Enveopes and Letterheads to large size Booklets. Prompt Service Accuracy and Quaity We are glad to advise and quote on your printing needs. STATESMAN PRINTING SHOP Phone 53 RESTAURANTS OLYMPIA CAFE Bowmanvilie's Papular Eating Place DeUcius Sandwiches - On toast without extra charge. Try oür 40c meai. Is a Penrisyl- van la b ar d Reading Coal &Iran Company sud la sold in ail sizes.f We aiso handie Soivay CokeM Wisere ta buy tise cal Famous READING Fyreweii H enry Lathro pets spcially prepred large size Pea oal hichIs10w lu price Phono 20 Bowmanville ad igin lhieai value. -1 li 10ALem rrwn 11 1 Mng Street E. Phone 537

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