- ~ ~ ~ t' ~.. PAGE IIn the Reali 1U1U018 AM DEMPRATED GM Oiawa Arena Scene of Get Dattie mr Monday Nlght - large Ice Surf ace Disatrous to Locals As was expected. yet not expressed, and as hoped against but with a cer- tai amount of forebodlng, the Bow- manville Junior teain waa defeated li the second playoff gaine in Osh- awa on the big arena Monday night.j The score was 5 ta 0, givlng Oshawa the round by 6to 4. Therelasno use kicking about the resuit. For one tblng it is ail over now anid for an- other thing the boys played their very best and not even the mot cnit- ical could have much to say about that lat awful gamne. The big and perhaps the only Uing which impeded the locals dur- img the gaine was the large ice sur- face. In the first place they were unable ta, back-check ta any effect, and secondly it seemed such a longj way ta go af ter skating around on1 the local rink wth its linlted ice1 surface. On their own ice Oshawa was the superior team iu practically evcry part of the gaine. Not that rhey had thingsa ai their own way, for they did flot. and if the locals had had any luck at ail they would have equallsed in the last f ew min- utes when both Oke and Jamieson had tough luck and trlpped right in f ront of the net wth only Hurst to p'iss. The most pleasing feature of the gaine was the nuinber of Bow- manville people who attended. The arena was about three parts f ull with an attendance of between 2500 and 3000 people. 0f this huge crowd the supporters of Bowmanville could be plalnly discerned and heard. Making just a conservative estiniate we would say that letween three and four hundred were present f rom here. Oshawa took its big lead in the first period, the samne as Bowman-i ville dld here last week, with threeg goals at the end of the period tying1 the round. Al it wanted after this1 was one goal cther way for any team1 ta win but luck was with the home1 team and they scored Just that one in the next period and another in the last. Peterson scored the first1 goal on a long shot f rom near the Nlue lie about il minutes f rom the1 start of the gamne. Two minutes lat-j e Graboski broke through aud scor-1 ed another but went off the ice shortly hurt. Peterson scored the third and equalizing goal at ightcen minutes. Piper came close for the locals several times during the per- ied. In the second frame Drlnkle scor- ed on a pass f rom Peterson five min- utes from Uthc start, but the locals held thein at bay and conslderablY worried them for the rest of the per- iod. Qraboski was easlly the moat outstanding man on the ice in this perbod although Peterson was the bet throughout the gamne. For thirteen minutes o! thc last x perlod the locals kept Oshawa f rom scorlng although severai very close abots were made at James who kcpt them dcean. Peterson scorcd the fifth and his third Just seven minutes i' from the end and then the locals ade their blggest attemnpt o! the evenlng. Oke went rlght through on bis own and nearly scored but trip- ped when he had only Hurst ta pas and Jamieson did almost the self mine thing a minute later. Both were so close that the whole anena was hushed in expectancy. Piper took every opportuxilty ta, shoot even if from the centre and he was rlght cm every tme and made Hurst work bard. Right at the lsst James left bis net ta Jarnieson and went Up the ice but the bell rang and stopped any chance he might o! had of going through. The final score was 5 te 0. Bowmanville - Goal, James; de- fense. Jamieson and Oke; centre. Piper;, wlngs. Lunney and Waltan; sube. Bagnell, Brown and Osborne. Oshawa - Goal, Hurst; defense, Loortie and Maundreil; centre, Drin-t ki.: wlngs, Bradd and Peterson; suha. Orabosii E. Maundreil and Wilson. Referee-ýC. Rice, Whitby. LOCALS LAT TRENTON LOW TO ENTER GROUI> PLAYOFFS TwuitouPailEs to Pasu Stront Bow- imafle De! ense ln Fast Game Heme on Wednsday, Pcb. 4th. In the final scheduled gaine of the season Bowmanville Juniors rcached the playoffs serles whcn Uiey defeat- cd Trenton in a bard fought gamne at4Tylo- ena o Wednday e- Th second f am a many pen-1 alties although most o! the Infract-1 §oms were only minor affaira. Jamie- son and Lumney wcrc playlng Weil ogther and mter many akirmishes au whlch halos o! horsehoe could be seen floating around Chambers lu %te Trenton nets, these twocombin- ad ta bore a brilliant goël and equal- ICECH PmHOCKEY IZAGUE m ofSport lmIMMOORtADEE Me tin Draw Up DeBele Thuruay Niglit - Al JACK GUNN'S BOYSDEFEAT Cuchsare Eptedt OSHAWA IN PlEUT PLAYOFF Pricpt 1 Plans for the Church Hockey Sesai Ice Surface Pools Red Shhrts League bave been completed for the --L«llsrUy telar Hcke year and a meeting is being held ta- -L o in>'4Stllr1o. ey nlght, Thursda>', ta draw up the taWlntol. chedule. Al games this year wll be played Bowing before a mlghty onlaught ou the Rotary Rlnk at the public f rom the whole Bowmanville Junior School and teanis wll be drawn up tearn Oshawa Red Shirts met their unden the hcading o! Juvenile, 12 firat defeat o! the season at the ycars and under; Junior, 14 ycars hands o! Uic locals la the flot Play'- and under; senior, 20 years and un- off game at Taylor's Arena on F1- der. No member will be able ta Play day night. The score was 4 ta 1, and ou two tearas; no O. H. A. players but for a last minute goal the visit- will be allowed ta compete; and 0. ors would have been sent home wlit H. A. rules wlll govern the games. a whitewashing. Old timers who aaw Gaines wlll be played on Monday the game say that neyer in many and Wednesday evenlngs and Satur- years bave the local team showed ta day aiternoons. The executive is such good effect. Those who have composed o! the f ellowing members, f ollowed this season were even more wth the church they represeut foil- surpnlsed for the>' played a brand o! lowing thein naine: Presldent-Mr. hockey differeut ta what they have Wm. Patterson, St. Andrew's; Secre- playcd this season and the>' display- tary-Mr. F. C. Coule>', Trinit>'; W. ed the hardest game o! backcheck- Carruthens, St. Paul's; B. Campbell, lng that one ceuld wlsh to sec. The St John's; W. Clarke, St. Joseph's; ice was good aud the crowd a little G. A. Edrnondstaue, Rotary Club. langer tbau usual. Bagneil playlug Referees wlll be Alan Campbell, I. G. his firat season with the teain went Hefkey aud Fred Cryderman. ail out and uearly worked miracles. It members o! the Rotary' Club. was laughable to sce hlm, small as he la, go ight into the big Oshawa THE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT defense men without even as much as a flinch and he aise scored a goal Those o! our readers who think when the opportunît>' preseuted it- that Thomas K.rkpatrlck, teachen self. To saine who did not see the at Maple Grove in the elghtles and game it might be thought tbat be- nineties, and William "Dictionar>"' cause the Oshawa teain lest se easily Montgomery o! Solina were vocabu- the>' were featuring au off night but lar>' experts I their day, should the case was net se. The whole o! read, mark and inwardly digest the the gaine they played their usual followlng version o! The House That braud cf spankling hockey but it was §Jack Built. It must bave been wntten the indomitable courage o! the local i mnu>' ars ago as it appeared, pre- youngsters that preveuted the visit- face included, la The Canadian Stat- ors !rom scoing until the lait min- esman o! August 30, 1878. ute o! the game. Lortie, thought te.- Note-The foilowing is probably be almost invincible. was unable ta the fincat grandiloquent paraphrase make an>' headway at ail during the In existence. Observe how the evening and while he occasionaîlly author avolds tautology-always re- broke thnough the forward Uine he iterating the saine Ides but neyer ne- neyer passed the def ense. If there peatlag the saine language. Even the was anythlng wrong with Oshawa at simple usme of John is expressed la ail we would say that it was over- Engllsh. French. German, sud Rus- confidence. The>' de!eated the saine sian, while the poor cow, dog, cat teain twice before this season and and rat are nolled over sud over the>' had ever>' nlght te belleve that through the complicsted venboslty. they could do it again but evidently The whole pictune is the work e! they taok the matter toc llghtly sud scholarship and patient genlus. It did not realize what odds the>' were was wntteu by Anon-that modest agalnst. There was net a man on but immortal authon who has witten the whole local team who was net some e! the best things in every deserviug o! cnedit: everyoue did his language:- best and while some were more e! - Beheld the mansion reared by daedal fective than others it would be use- Jack. less ta pick and choose betweeu. See the malt stared linsu>'y a pIe- They ail played a wouder!ul game theric sack. which ful>' delghted the big crowd. Iu the pnoud cirque o! Ivau's bivouac. Bowmauvllle get their lead iu the Mark how the rat's feloutous fangs firat period. Starting right lata at- nae'1 tack they scored, Lunney !rem Wal- Thenvaden.trsi onspvlo ton, lu the flrst minute of tie game. Teladensoe.nJonspvlo Penalties were frequent, but the lad locais held up their own end Anon, with velvet foot sud Tarquin throughout the frame. Bagneil took strides, a swinging ide shot lu front of the Subtile Girnaîkin tais cuarry Oshawa net and pocketed theiec- .gildes- ond goal and Lunuey shortly after Gimalkin grim, that slew tie flerce sconed anotier with a dead ou shot rodent !rom the blue Uine. Oshawa neyer Whose tooth insidious Johanu's sack- scored at aUinla h15 perlod. cloti rent. The second penlod was thc hardest Lo! now the deei-moutied canine's o! tic game for the locals. Lotie foes asaault, and his team mate Maundreil tnbed That vexed thc aveugen e! the stolen their loue efforts when forward line malt, combination would not work. Wal- Stored la the hailowed precincts o! ton got li ured durlng this perlod the hall sud had ta be carnled off the ice for That rose complete at Jack's cneatlve the rest o! the perlod. His services cail. werc plaily rnlssed. Oke also gel a Hene stalks impetucus cow wth bump on the head whlch neanly put crumpled hemn him off. too. Despîte close shots on Whene tic exacenbatlag hound w..s both sides there were ne goals scored tam la the peiod. Who bayed the fellue slaughter beast The last peniod, Oshawa were ex- that slew tended te the limita te equalize if The rat predacious whose keeu fangs possible. The speed neyer slacked rau through dowu but if anything iucreased until The textile fibres that involved the. the gaine became the. fastest displa>' grain o! tie season. No matter what Osh- That la>' in Hau's inviolate demain. awa did there was a inu for hlm Here walks fonlorn the daisel and te check him. The fasns were crowned wth rue golag wild as the minutes drew near. Lactiferous spoîls f rom vaccine duga, The prospects e! whitewasbing Osh- who drew awa were so allurlag tiat the>' for- Of tbat coruculate besat wiosc tor- got the geais can be sconed la the tueus homn last minute sud this is Just what Tossed ta thc clouds. la flerce vin- happcued. Oraboaki who had ail ev- dictlve scomu, eulng been having the lime o!is The harrowing hound whose brag- 111e chasing ail over the ice wtbout gart bark and stir any effect managed ta get thc Puak Arched the Ulthe spine sud reancd the. on tie east side o! the. net anld slam- Indignant fur mcd it anound thecocrner on onc o! Of puas., tbat wti vermicidal claw these fluke shots that wcne more that Struck the wird rat la whose insat- than anythlug. The gaine ended late maw thus Bowmnanville 4, Oshawa 1. La>' reeklng malt tint erst la Ivan's Dowmanville - Goal. James; de- courts we saw. fense, Jamieson sud Oke; centre, Robcd li seneacent ganb that aeemcd Piper; wlngs. Walton sud Lunne>': nla otii suba, Bagnell. Veale sud Brown.. Too long a pre>' lu Chronos' mon IOshawa - Goal. Hurat; de! ense. taotî. LArtie and Maundrdl: centre, Drinik- Behold the man whose amorous lips le; wlngs. Bradd sud Peterson; subs, lacline, Graboski. MacDonald, Authora. Pull wth young 24w' osculative igu. Refence, A. W. Armstrong, Oshawa To the loru malden wboec lac-alblc _____ ___- anda Drew alba-lactîc wealth f nom lacteal lac the score. Lunne>' aid the. scor- glands ing sud Jamieson the necessr>' Of Uic Immotal bovine, by whose passlng. The perlod ended ail square. hem., A Pouits>' King To hlm who robed la garments tu- digent, W. J. Aberetby o! CampbeUford Exosculates the danisel lacrymose, camne home frein the recent poultry The emulator o! tint homucd brute show at Plcton wlit 42 ftrets, 29 sec- morose onds, 9 thirdsansd 1 fourth Prise won That tossed Uie dog tint worried the wth his champion chickena. Besldes cat that kifisi these regular Prise he carried sway ii. rat that ste the malt tUit lay la 2 talver cuve and 14 extra eash prim. thie boume that Jack but. Large NumIbers Att Boxing Tournanr Before a large crowd of local citi- zens and f rienda Of the achool f rom other points the flfth. annuel Boxlng champlonshlp Finals were held et thc Boys' Training School on Frlday evening. The evenlng Proved Most entertalning and casily the best dis- play of boxlng ever put on by the boys. Each succeedlng year the boys appear ta become better ac- compllshed li Uic scientlfic art of self clef ense until this year they ap- proached perfection. Dr. 0. E. Rea- man, Superintendent of the school, welcomed the guests and called on Earle Cunningham, Physical Direct- or, ta introduce Harry Price of the Ontario Athletic Commission who later was one of the Judges. Mr. Price in turn and amld cheers in- troduced such* other celebrities as Alex Sinclair, who refereed, Elwood Hughes, athletlc director of the C. N. E. and the man who arranges the marathon swlms, and lastlY Jack ouest, winner o! the Diamond &cuns and prominent athiete o! To- ronto. Results of the tournanient f ollow: Freimies January 3(Jth. 72 lb. class-Joe Kenwell defeated Cecil Hason; Wllfred Jess defeated Raymond Mulilgan X; Frank Devis defeated Robert Roberts. 85 lb. Clasa-Orval Eflis defeated Norman Dybali X; Sam Salsberg de- feated Edwln Morrison; Albert Stoutley defeated Harold McKnight. 98 lb. Class-Andrew Hansel de- !eated Albert Smith. 110 lb. Class-Dorien Mitchell de- feated Le i Sumerfield X; Frank Roberts defeatcd Victor Mitchell X; Gordon Miller defeated Havelock Nicholson. Semi-FinalsFebruary hi. 60 lb. class--Geo. Sumnierfield de- f eated Jack Watts X. 72 lb. Class-Harold Reid defeated Joe Kenwell, Wilfred Jess de!eated Frank Davis. 85 lb. Class,-WiUie Simcoe defeat- ed Orval Ellis; Albert Stoutley de- feated Sain Salsberg X. 98 lb. Class-Wm. Hood defeated Andrew Hansel X; Kenncth Jabour defeated Alf. Mlddlemiss X. 119 lb. Classa-Gordon Miller de- feated Dorien Mitchell; Wilbert Stewart defeated Frank Roberts. 125 lb. Class-Donald Lakeman de- f eated Harry Walker; Lloyd Lee de- feated Joe Blanco. Unflmited Class-Earl Bleeks de- f eated Kugene Hans. X-Eýxtra Round. Offciais for the Preliminaries and Sem-Finals were: Referee-J. E. Cunningham; Judges-C. T. Rose, j. M. James; Timers-Alan Camnp- bell, E. P. Bradt. Finals Fnlday Nlght 98 lb. Class-Kenneth Jabour 91, Bigb SM c11WmAv"l tend Annuel In a ast ngm mmst thiegh ment at the B. Te Se ot 26ope.HIgi schei lut ale in telocal divisien. Port Hope cagers Iwere minus saine e! their regulars, de!eated Wm. Hood 93. due te slckneas, and although Uic 110 lb. Final-Wilbert Stewart îlo, tearn was weakeued, keeu opposition defeated Dorien Mitchell 109. Mit- was Provided. Sîcinon and Vanstone cheil was boxing for Gordon Miller were thc principal scorers for the who was taken ta hospital wli an loOasI. BowmanllcVntone (5), attack o! acute appeudicîtis. Siemon (14), Osborne (3), Iugram, 72 lb. Final-Wllfred Jesa was li- 1D. Adamsa (1), C. Adams (2), Houe>'- Jured, sud bis eppoucut, Harold inu, Wright, Morris, Colmer (1). Reid, fought Albert Smith lnanauex- Port Hopc-Leonard (3), Symons hlbltloij wth ne decision. (3), Wilkinson, Ryau, A. Emmet (4), Unllrnlted Final - Earl Bleeka Murphy (4), Cerbetl. Refere- 151 2, defeated Russel Le. 135. Curuminga. 60 lb. Final-Lloyd Bastine 591/2, defested Ueo. Surynerftld 60. Ken Ware guapenci 125 lb. Final-Lloyd Le. 125, de- f eated Donald Lakeman 125, mter Ken Wame, erstwhile bad man o! an extra round.' the Port Hope intermediate teain, 85 lb. Final-Wllle Simcoe 85, de- liss been suspended indefinitel> b>' !eated Albert Stoutle>' 80. thc O. H. A. !eilowlng anether o! bis Lloyd Bastine was awarded a spes- displaYs ef ungevernable temper at il gold medal b>' Dr. V. H. Store>' Oshawa Local fans who have accu school physlcian, for belag tic sec- hlm pla>' tus season arc net surpris- ond best scleutlfic boxer la the tour- cd that thus has happeued sud wlll uameut. agree that lie has getten bis deserts. Willie e was awarded thi s a great pît>' that Warc, Who is a Harry Price gold medal for being thc fine hockey player, sheuld at bis age most sclentlfic boxer. bu unable ta goveru s waywsrd tein- Harold Waltera, unliimited champ- Per. There la never a gaine but what ion o! 1926, feught Ted Smith, un- Ware is tic centre o! saine contre- lited champion o! 1927, li an ex- vers>' sud whether It is is wn f suIt hibition bout wlth ne decision. ornont remains for those whe are Officiais at Uic finals wemc: Re- part o! thcse controversies ta de- feree-Alex Sinclair; Judges-El- cîde. Whlle we are naturail>' semmy wood Hughes sud Harr>' Prlce; ta sSc auy playen suspexided frein Time-Jak Oust.hockey, we hope this suspension wil TlmerJack uestbu a lesSOn ta hlm sud other play'- crs who occasonallY "bac thelr UNMTD COUNTY NEWS lieads'" la battle. Sport la a splendid training ta control Your temper. Reeve M. J. Holman o! Clarke sud- Ex-Warden W. T. Wood o! Millbrook Cobourg Rotary Club la holding a sud Wsrdcn Ueo. Hootan were nain- , thrce-day Hobby Faim lu tic Armer- cd auditars o! Cririnal accounts at lies in April. This wlll bu tue second Counties Council. annual event o! thus klnd. The 1931 Counties Reforestatien i Coiniitte. consista, b>' election, o! Reeve N. R. Hartt e! Murray' sud Depuy-ReveF. B. lovekin of Clake owshi.À' Jweet Deputy-Reeve C. E. Reider was FROM CLEVE] sppointed ta take care o! the Regis- tr>' Office at Bowinanville durlng tic Mr. Cupid has beei yean wi tite privilege o! speudlngfo a not more tîsu $50 lu repairs at on job fo l on e ahe tisse. "Send candy.'Tk Cobourg is expecting a huge crewd corne in and select y ou Jul>' l2th for the Orange Walk tine here. Then yoi sud lias already recelved acceptance her heart. e! their invitation frein many lodges la tic district. Durhamn Couxit> For those Who amn lodges are cxpected te go ta Cobourg. Would recommrend a The Capitel Theatre at Port Hope hungry appetites. entertained ail poor cildren o! thie town at the showlng e! "Tom Saw-a ye'thin ohrada>'. t vas decMdrk Bowmanvii Twainr" th mrtda st a b>' Mar that ail oblldren should sec this greati picture even If thelr parents were unable ta bear tue cost. Dodge Brothers take pleasure in an- nouncing this appointment to seiliand 1 Suggestion ER MR. CUPID en on, this Valentine e, and his advice is: ke a tip from him and your "Sweet" Valen- )u'll be sure to reach not living on love we our baking to satisfy ilie Bakery X. W. Jacob% ,PvopvIk and Plymouth motor cars oued Dodge trucks, give every assurance of cou.- service thie dependlable Dodge line, plete, prompt and economical servio comprising the Dodge Six, the Dodge Eight-in-Line, Trucks, Buses, Taxicabs, and the Plymouth, only full-sized quality car in the Iowest-priced field. -expertly and courteously rendered. We feel confident that this experi- enced, forward-Iooking dealership wiII add mony thousands of friends The experience, the focilities and the to the olready large group that equipirnent which are thereby placed at the disposai of awners of Dodge both Doulge and Plymouth cars have mode in this territory. TM CANADUI! WTMM~M. EOWMAIIvnLUTau MAY, FUMUAay 12.,1001 flOUSEiROTH ER5 Announce. dhe Appointment of WM. J. CHALLIS DEALER KING STREET EAST - BOWMAN VILLE Je De CARRUTHERS Red Inudien Sm-vice Station - Sales and Service iQ, DOOGE SIX and EIGHT, TRUCK<S, BUSES and TAXICABSS P L YMO0U TH -'teio c%es-pid, fuII-slzed quality car in the world. Poultry bresicra cf Port Somedis- trict expct to raine about lIMM chieka noext yMa conmtUng one or the larget hatch ev er known la the district. DECORATING, I amrnuow preparcd and wold suggest you havlng your decorat- ing started eanly and rece!ye the benefit of the reduced pricdh. 1 wlll cail at your home and lntro- duce to you the ncwcr method of wall decoration, more superior ta paper and sanitary. Panelci work a speclalty wlth paper or paint. Nothlng but firat-clas workmansbip guaranteed. Hand- wood floors bleached and rcflish- ed. S. G. PRET.àiON Painter - Paperbaug - Decoratar Phoe .70 ChurclaStreet Dewmaavlfl