Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1931, p. 2

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOIà VIL.TEMRBDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1931 LEC.AL Olci Books Pour M. G. V. GOIJLD, B.A. LLD. Barrister, Solicitor, NotarY m eyto bsn on Parm and iow1 Into the Statesman property. Royal Banik Bullig Bowamnville. Phone 351.OF iet s V e W. IL STRIEOfc hsW e Barrister. Salicitar, NotarY Soicitar for Bank of Montreal Newcastle Lady Owns Book M e to Loan. Phone 91 MOl7Bawmanvtlle. Ontario. 308 Years Old - Rev. J. W. F. WAED. B. A. M. Whyte of Enniakillen Barrister, Solicitor, Notary a W ndru Money to Loan. Bands for SaleW.defu 0Res Beale BocKig Street, Collection Bawman'ville, Ontario. Phonies: Office 102; House 409. The recent announcement of the L. ~ MASN, B A. finding of old volumes in the poss- L. C MMN, B A.ession of citizens of Bowmanvllî Barrister, Salicitor, Notar7 and surrounding country bas stirred Loans - Investments up pienty of taik and has sent people BownmnvMfe - Next ta RoyailTeare ail over tis part of the country into Phones: Office 688; HOMse 53- the libraries up to their attics, ________________- - - searching in the old trunks, in whlch relics of bygone generations ane DENTALkept, in an endeavour to flnd the DENTALoidest book i the community. This DE. G. C. BONNYCASTLE week the honor of possessing the oid- Romor traduate i ntistry, Toron- est known existing book i Darling- to University. Graduate of the Royal ton Township goes ta Rev. J. M. College of Dental Surgeons of On- Wbyte of Ennisklllen, an ardent book tarie. Office: King St., Bawmanville. collector, who delivered~ to The O00Sc phone 40; house phone 22 «Saemnofc oyo the Bible X-Ray Equlpment i Office. prlnted i the year 1728 or 303 years 1 oid. This bible was orlginally bound DI, 1. C. DEV=T i leather but one cover is mlssing. àIàdta: Dr. 9. W. Ssso oinrytheaEnlih CurhPray- Chraduate o! Rayai Dental College, except for the psalter, ail is mlssing. Toronto. Office: Kig Street East, The book is reaiiy remarkably wel Eowmaanville. Office hours 9 a. m. preserved and whiie the type is a to 6 p. m. dafly except Sunday. littie difficuit to read IL is not be- Phone 90. House phone 283. cause the prnting is illegible. The X-Ray Equlpesent i Office. extremely old fashioned type is used ___________________and the speliing is slightly differentý to the present day, makmng one look MEDICAL 'very close when readlng. A remarkable feature of this sac- 1J' CLARK BELL red old volume is the genealogica] M. 0., Ch. B., F. R. C. 8. <Edin.), 0. P. H. tree showig the descent of Christ (smcoesser t. Dr. A. S. Tilley) rlght from Adam. IL is also notable Ecans. Graduate i Medicine, Aber- for iLs fine wood cuts which repre- deen Universty; Fellow of the Rayai sent hours o! skillied work by work- OoUlege of Surgeons. Edlnburgh. men of three centuries ago. It must Offlce and residence:. Queen Street, bave been a prodiglous Lask ta set Bowmanville. Phone 89. the whole of this book up in type by &Ofie Hours: 2 to 4 p. m., 6 ta .30 p. m. hand. The letters themseives are of _______________________ the oid English type like one sees to- - day i newspaper name plates. Notes FUNE AL IRE TOR accompany practicaliy every- verse FUNER L DIR CTOR explaing the meaning o! various F. F.MORRI CO.words and aiso references made to F. F.MORRI 00.the subject i other parts of the Compiete Mtor or bible. Horse Equlpinent. At the back of the boak In quaint Ail cails proanptiy old English is printed "London, Pvattendebutan. prited by Bonhain Norton, and Pnv e phonoe: John Bill, printers to the King's most 10 ad 3~ Attached aso o the bible is the Branch Stores: "Whoie Books of Psaumes. collected Orono & Newcastle. inta Engllsh meeter by Thomas ______________________ Sternhoid. Iohn Hopkins, and others. conferred with the Hebrew, with apt AUCTIONEER Notes to sing them withall." Enciosed with this wonderful and TREO M. BLEMON valuabie oid volume, which Mr. AucUoneer Whyte left at the office, were other Fsrm and flouse Sales a Specialty. books equally valuabie but hardly as Ternis moderate. Ennlskiilen P. < antique. Going through them we Phoneo1îvrr. i-tj found a volume of Hymns and Sac- red Poems by Charles Wesley, M. A.. late student of Christ Church, Ox- ~iE0EACIC AN DRULESSford, prlnted and sold in Bristol by CRMORACTC AN DRULESSE. Farley, dated in latin figures 1756 11 .TEHEOPY or 175 years o! age. DURWIN E. STECKLEY Next we found a collection o! Mesir graduate of Toronto College bymns for Christmas and New Year's of Chiropracties wIi be I the Bow- Day by Rev. John Wesley, founder ianvile office Tuesday, Thursday of Methodism. This book was print- and Saturday evenngs. Phono 141J. ed in 1806 and is thus 125 years old. Reidnttl icafla made durlng fore- A like volume was the next i the nomI. bundie and was a collection of hymns --by the saine author, only this was printed i London in 1779, making it GABTING AND TRuOKINO 152 years old. AU bnde f CansNext was a copy o! the "Improve- Ai kSd 0 CntflTuckins d ment o! the Mind" by Dr. Isaac Motn; oct nd ong RdI.aa Watts, famous as the author o!f" ph.np US quanent., . lwarmIi. lad our Help iAges Past" and scores o! other well known bymits. The covor announced the book as LAUNDRY WANTED "Watts on the Mmnd." AUiL ds et Iaundry work don. prompt- Next we went back into the middle »khrUe and at reaaonable prie.. ages again wtb a "Practical Dis- rilit PetGUc. Box 12, or eau mmr. course Concernlng Future Judg- W. Marjrmm, King Street Bast, Bow-' ment" by William Sherlock, D. D., SIUO. Phono47. dean o! St. Paul's, master of the lTemple, and chaplain i ordiary to h is Majesty." It is printed i Lon- don "for W. Rogers at The Sun, over, L'A'r!~Tagainst S t. Dunstan's Church i Flee Stret."Athaugh it states 1 SK A T IN Gtbat the writer is chaplai to Hisl at ~mai esty the pref ace on the f ollowlng page is addressed to "The Queen's! ~ RINK Most Excellent Majesty." TAYLORSRINK "Discipline o! Genesee Yearly BOWVMANVILLE meeting o! Friends" was the next Wfth Orthophonie Music volume in the lot and while this was exceptionally interesting it was just TUESDAY, THURSDAY a baby when compared with iLs pre- and decessors. IL was printed in 1842. The next was a silil younger vol- SATURDAY EVENINGS ume being printed in 1847 and while Admiudon %Se; Oblidren 15e usually this wouid be an old book when one bas been spending an hour iookig through old volumes that go back into hundreds of years in age these seem quite ame. This one was I wru'~u~~wT entitled "Morais and Politics" by flesh is also shown. The casuaiee are few. only two belng down and out." Duigthe week also Miss Annie AliCentre Street, brought ta The Saeman office an old f amily bible k whlch is composed o! three parts, the first an English prayer book, the second the Bible, and the iast the k Psalxns in verse form. The date of the printing of the prayer book is not known as the fly leaf is out, but the Bible was printed in 1802 and is 1 29 years old, and the psalter at the har- sLqnrntei n 1RRnr s 431A Counties Council Expecteci ta Pave The Scugog Roaci Roads Commnittee Appears to Favor Continuance of County Road Program le s- le >d le to WALLPAPER If you intend dolng some decor- ating in your homes this spring it wil be ta your advantage to see my offerigs as soon as pos- sible. We are showing the latest and best in ail Uines of Wallpaper, in- cluding Plastics, Panel and Down Growth designs. as well as Sani- tules, Burlaps, Varnish Papers, etc. Prices are better than usual.' Paint, Varnish, etc.. supplled. Aiso saine real bargains in older stock of Papers. Dont forget there is a speciai rate on work for this month. J. H. Abernethy Paînttr and Decorator Phone 431 Concession St. BOWMANVILLE W RI1G L EYS - Latest 3Methods -Mve , !i,,,,nt nor A - Modern Instruments - Hu]. t Ch dlyia'i1 !Ittdi reiid r Lj'ccýjiimnke n o isftikf'. A mia M. M tch ll & o. an".andtheut terace of h isprayv' Drugist - ptoetrsts not," whiIe the hosts of the' spirit,' Phone 92 warring, strangely in beautifully or- _________________________dered lines, wlth the army o! the 2, TUI.-sx I.amsou. a fine Smixture o! choice varieties worth f rom 8c each up, and ail flowering size. 3. Dahlias to the value o! $1.50 retai. I4.. Any tour o! the following list o! Pérennils: Columbine, Helen- luni, Boltonia. Oriental Poppy, Pyrethrum, Shasta Dalsy, Biack f Eyed Suzan, Coroopsis, Delphin- ium, Perennial Flax (Blue),' Forget- me-not (large Flowered), Peach- leaved Campanula, Sweet William. 5. Any two o! the following list o! Shnubs on Roses: Roses-T. K. Druschki, white; Ulrich Bruxmer, cberry-ned; Mrs. J, Laing, Pink; Souv. de C. Pemnet, yeliow; J. B. Clark, red; Mme. Ed. Herriot, copper; Gruse an Teplitz, red; Betty Upichard, Pink; Mme. C. Testout, Pink; Dorothy Perkins, climber, Pink; Exceisa, climber, red; Tausendschon, climber. Pink. Shrubs- CoraiberrY; Weigelia, red; Weigelia. pink, Mock Orange; Japanese Barberry; Spiraea Van Houitti; Hydrangea arborsecens; Hydrangea grandiflora: Potentilla; Forsythia; Spiraea Anthony Wat- erer; Gold-Ieaved Ninebark. 6. Collection of 6 Rock Garden plants value $1.50. 7. Faîl Bulbs. Hyacinths, Da!- fodils. etc.. to the value of $1.00 retail. 8. Membcrs iequirîng aîty plants' shrubs, or l)erennials flot shown abovct can secure a discount o! 25 pt'r cent. by ordering through our Society. t). Any inemiber o! our Sociecty etatr svcuret- ta .Canadlian Hortictl- turist fo - uit' vt'ar for 40c. regîjiar pic tut0cOt or tfor threc yen us for $1.00. No att withi a gardonn (rtn t~ ~~a O ' rt i Fitx. Ifin 1hhe : -t English se",d. f 'i tt i i unds, tf :tuy, Inii (l ffl',:t.a <med of the yeiir lii,, so'te ut. rlon ittwin Trtntt.v Uniitedc Church Choir is planning to Present the cantata "The' Solitude, o! the F an"on' 'Good Friday lu Lhe evening April; j3rd. The conmposer o! this work Is t Dr. Albert Ham, organist o! St. JmsCathedral. Toronto. New Comfort and Riding Ease fer the New Chevrolet Six @ e0 D UE to its longer r ireeibase, the noir ~Chevrolet Six is roomier and more comfortable than ever. The interiors ame uRuuaDIIT paclous. And the greater- lengt of the car resulta insafer, ateadier per- formance on the road. Four long springa . ..L£"Joy ehock absorbera, front and rer... a smiooth, ilent six- cylinder motor . .. fully..n- sulated drivmng compartment . djumable driver's seat Das wa pJntin. ,,tsor is 10 years oid. The three are bound to- The flve year county road paving gether i the one cover. 'Unlike the prograiwich the United Counties majority tis book bas been well o! Northumberland and Durham Sused and shows many sigits of wear. planned ln 1929 will likely be pro- -IL aiso contained an accurate record ceeded wth is year aithough some eo! the Allin famiiy. IL is an except- o! the members duning the last ses- If lonally interesting volume and is no sion o! the counties council express- ,doubt treasuned very dearly by Miss ed the opinion that iL should be sus- 0 Allin. pended temporarily because o! the A31 ain present financial and business strin- gielM. htete Ree ec Sisn !Mllro e R~~~~ed foercyBlnnnofMiloo scredit for beig the possessor o! the asked or ination i committee oldest book in Darlington, Mrm. W. E. as t htpraetwr would be Beman phoned !rom Newcastle with dne on roads this yean. He did not the stary o! one still older. She has wzsh ta, be in the position o! going k i he posesiona cpy f aFrechback to bis ratepayers not knowing eGraminar dated November 26, 1720. htpvn a o ednh ad ethus making it 311 years o! age beat- Reeve Stinson pald tnibute to ig Mn. Whyte's volume by 8 years. George Groor, county roads supern- ILwsfrel we ybrgad tendent, deciaring that the united father, John Toms. Mrs. Beman is counties owed Mn. Greer a great debt also the proud owner o! an Engllsh for flghtig the cause o! good roads. Chunch prayer book printed i 1811 Repiying to Mr. Stinson's question, and once the property o! ber grand- M. Geer said ho bad neyer tried to ï mother. Tis is 120 years oid' This "'n the county road systein except same lady is aiso i possession o! a to make it as efficient as possible. letter wntten to bher grandfather bye The Five Year Plan *his sister 102 years ago i 1829. I1 can't give you a program for Wlth the publishing o! this llst o!f maintenance or construction," Mn. t old volumes we expect many more Greer continued. "The counicil de- Lwill come to light witin the next cided on a paving program for five *few weeks wich will prove that this years at an estimated expenditure o! district us one o! the most heavily $250,000 a year o! which the coun- endowed with valuable old volumes ies' shat'e would bo $125,000 a year. in Onario.It was agreed that the location o! L nOtro the roads ta, be paved and the mile- age wouid be decided by Lhe noads commission. According to this pro- DO YOU REMEMBER WHEN? grami no debentures for road work would be issued after the five years." b Folks ate victuais instead o! vita- Scagog Road Next lmines? Mn. Greer stated that according An 18 day diet was unheard o!? to the schedule o! the pnogram iL Kids ran errands for a cent and was intended Lo pave a section o!f mowed the lawn for a nickel? the Bowmanvfie-Scugog road thro' A session in the barn wlLh Dad the village o! Bunketon. This road Look the place o! physoiogy? is In Darlington township. Reeve Yeu used to go Lo the slaughten George F. Annis o! Darlington i- house for a "Football"? !ormed the committee that this road The boys piayed checkers i the was now i bad condition, and the old back noom? gravel iL wouid require because o! The boys stood on the corner ta long hauls would cost a sum equiv- watch the bobble skirts go by? aient to two or tbree yeans' payments "'One minute, please, wie we o! the debentures for the proposed change reels" used to be thrown on paving. the silver screen? "I think it would be poar economy Lo cut out the paving at tis ime," said Mn. Innis. REFORM OR ABOLISH Reeve N. R. Hartt (Murray) saîd the counties would geL a better price COUNTY COUNCILS ? !rom contractons if a stretch o! fif- teen miles was to be paved. He aise (Fergus News-Record) stated that lasL year when hie was A nmbe ofnewpaersperistinchairman o! the noad commission A nubero! ewsapes pnsi t h e reeves o! every muriucipality vis- stating that we are in favon o! the tdb th comsin a en abolition of County Councils. That coite a th ommissiwon hd ben is not quite correct. We wouid muchcouidasL atokshudb pr hvétec nycunisdone. pfer t aetecunycuiis IL is understood that flfteen miles remain provided Lhey nef ormedofpvmn ulexndrmth themselves Lo same extent. If the o avemenrts fBwuvldet othe l Wellington county counicil is a typ- lage o! Blacspk. Ical .example, theYr are most unbusi- No objectlfýWs expressed by the nesslike bodies at present, wastig counicîl to the continuance o! the ime and money and dolng littLie ex- pavlng program, and presumabiy the cept carrying out orders froan highen work laid out for the Scugog road uup. The councis bave Lti their wiIl be done this yean. power to bing about many changes ___ for the better and there is at least- ___ some control over thein membersblp HORTICULTURAL PREMIUMS by the ratepayers. What we have ___ contended is that county counicilis, Fllowing is list o! premlums o!- with powers growlng always mare clrcumscribed and members seldom f ered wlth memborship i Bowman- rying ta effect any economlcs, mlght ville Hlorticuitural Society: btter be abolished altogether than Tnt nae Gidoi(c contnue s atpresnt.two alike) ail beautiful, popular varieties, IV4 inches up. Many o' -thein are 15c varieties. 71 '%n . il I4 ffle NEW CHEVROLET SIX rRI .1 iasm is gone: he bas !ailed to !eed IL. ic about And right here us the big reason aianmed. why thousands o! men bit high- water marks at tbirty-flve and then et your 'recede.1 )f break- TheY can "do their work with thei eyes shut" and that us the way they husiasm do iL. They have lost the dniving power îourished o! enthusiasus. 'mrations, They sieep at the switch. AlI they see in 111e is the face o! the ime enthus- dlock. Ail they hear is the quitting whistie. If you want to turn hours tnte minutes, renew your enthuslasm. January Vital Statistics Vital statistics for month of Jaa- uary 1931 as compiied by John Lyle, town clerk, show 10 births, 2 mar- riages and 6 deaths lin Bowmanvilje. The greatest misfortune of ail Is flot to, be able to bear misfortune. r Os'. ~, s ,~ ~ c'.;. ~ Capital, 0 36,000,000 Rest and Undivided Profits, $38,947,047 Total Assets, $826,969,537 BOARD 0F DIRECTORS PRESIDENT. SIR CHABLES GaRDoN, r.,,&& Oeumavi-Domion Textile Company, Limited H. R. DRum.moND. ES-Q. Director-Canada d& Do- minion Sugar Co., Limiled VICE-PRESIDENTS MAboa-GEN~. THE HON. S. C. MEwBuRN, C LO. P'ctaPesidt- The Huron and E.ve MOrigage Corporation Siu, FRaEamaucWnL.uaiTAYî.aR Forme General Manager, Banik of Montreai D. FoRBas ANGIJS. EsQ. CJairman in Canada, Standard Life Afsurance Company LT..COL. HERBERT MiOLSON. C.M.G.,M.C. Pre;ident, MoIson~s Brewery, Lunited HAROLD KENNEDY, ESQ. Director, Johnson's (Asbestos) Companys G. B. FRAsER, EsQ. Director, Grcenshields, Limited THE HoN. HFNRY CocîcSHUlr Chairmn, and President, C'ockshuu P!ow Company, Lîrnited E. W. BLAT?.EsQ., K.c. Cbai rrnan and Presidcnt, Canadian Pacif c Raili.îy Comnpany GEN. Sw ARTHUR CUas.îo. G'. C..G., K. C. B. Principal, AlcGill Univcrsity F. E. M[REIaTH, ESQ.,K.C. of'î ,,i 'lercdth, Jioldeui, 1Ieard THIE HON. THou.sAHiEAKN. P. c President, Ottawa Lsght, Heat oid Pow Company, Limited J. W. MCOm.EU, ESQ. Prestdent and Managing Direcîor, St. Lawrence Sugar Refinerses, Limùaf W. A. B",cK, EsQ. Prestdent, The Ogilese Flour M&s Company, Limited A. 0. DAWSON. EsQ. Prefident, Canadian Cottons, Lùniud W. N. TILLE?, EsQ., K. Barrister, of Tiley, Johnston, 'Thomson and Parmenter PATRICKC BURNS, ESQ. Chairman, Burns 6& Company, Limited CHRIS. SPENCER, EsQ. President, David Spencer, Limited, Deparimental Stores Ross H. MCMAs-rrss, ESQ. Presndent, Steel Cmpany of Canada, Liinited GENERAL MANAGERS W A. BOG-JACKSON DODDS BANK 0F MONTREAL Established 1817 OVER 650 BRANCHES IN CANADA Nqew L.ew Prieff The St.adud floeoe -$ 71» Sanard C.~--9 The Standard Fve_ Window coupe 2 T- potCop- - - 14S. (With Rumbl. Set) ml. Sa~ ea 2 Il. U Spldap. - -8 *Sixike wheefr lend. mir a aimà ra~kc iddd mphms a, studd o qipmad t - $470 op. ENTHUSIASDI If you can't get enthusiast Vour work, it's Lime to gete Something is wrong. Compete with yourself;s reetfl and dive into the job ci ing your own record. No man keeps up his ent, automatically. Enthusiasm. must be n( with new actions. new asi iew efforts, new vision. It is one's own f ault if bis ~Tj ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Ltd. IIOWIMANVILLE - OSHAWA - WHITBY ý &IWp Corne for a ride and discovcr the truly remarkable comfort and riding ease Chevrolet ofem ata even loirer prices. Clse»W s VapoUlanahmiways beez on.m o vice go thse pub ic ... Thse CGM ÀC plan of deterrad py mena off es tha lom inacing charges available . .. and the Generai Motors Osaner Service PoUy' pledgae hiMm #maco a

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