Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1931, p. 9

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TEE CANADUN STATKAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1931 PAGE lIRE "Husband off to work, children off to school, -how do you do it?"'- "Oh, tbat's easy if you serve Shredded Wbeat. 1 just take tbe biscuits fromn the package and serve them witb creain, or with bot niîlk on cold win- ter days. My family neyer tire of it, and of course that pleases me, because Sbredded Wheat is a great body-builder. The neces- sary vitamins and minerais are there, and su is the bran which is su important to good health." SHREDDED SHR HEAT WIHALL THE BRAN .......................0. F THE W HOLE WHEAT THE CANADIANSI4REDED WHEAT COMPANY. LTD. ADEQUATE PRQ-TECTI ON Withtizues as they have been one is apt to neglect theixr inisurance. You cannot afford to uacrifice the protection of your home, store, build- ings or contents when the premiums are so reas- onable. Check up right now and see exactly what your position would be should your premises be gutte by a fire. Delays are dangerous-do it to-day. Corne in and talk oveti your insurance problems with us. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Broken Phone W Kng St E. Bowimanville PHNE15 LENIGH VALLEY MNHRACITE Pm Coal 7Iat Sgiafea And we wiD be glad to 511i your bts wth These prices. are now effective: Stove Coal 15..1. 16.50 Egg . ...516.00 Chestnut $16.00 Pea $13.50 Buckwheat . ..511.50 Coke $13.00 A discount of $1.00 per ton for cash will be allowed f romn above prices. J. A. HOLGATE & SON' BildeArs' Sulies ;land Fuel- for CoI LAST OF EXTRACTS PROM OHEISTIAN GUARDIAN CloMUs Observatons of 014 Volume Loaned te Statesmau by Ex-Mayor Holgate Thiis is the fourth and last of a sories of articles regardlng a century old flle copy a! the Christian Quard- lan published i 1831 and loaned te The Statesman by ex-Mayor Thomas S. Holgate. One hears a lot in these days of self made men, and evidently these 1people were Just as much i evidence i days zone by as tbey are teday, for the issue of the Guardian of Jan- uary 29, 1831, one reads the f 0110w- ig, telling bow some fanious people have made good and the steps tbey took ta do this. This article reads: Dr. John Prideaux, blahop of Wor- cester, obtained his education by walklng on foot te Oxford, and gett- ig employment in the firat place as assistant i the kitchen of Exeter College. Sir Edmunci Saunders, chie! jus- tice of the court of the King's Bench, i the reign of Charles II, was or- iginally an lerrand boy i the Inns of the court. Dr. Isaac Maddox, who i the roign o! George 2nd, becamo first1 bishop of St. Asapb, and afterwards of Worcester, and whu wrote an able iel ense of the doctrine and discip- line of the Cburch of England, bastj bath bis parents at an earby age, and was placed, i the flrst instance1 with a pastry cook. James Fergusan (maybe related te 0. Howard) thse celebrateci writer on astronomy la one of thse most re- marleable instances of self education wblch the literary world bas seen. His father was ithse humble con- dition of a day laborer." Ini every issue of the Guardian i this file volume is found mucis of lnterest andi about baUf way tbrougb a whole page consisting of thous- ands of words is taken up by an argument on transubstantiation of bread and wlne, those i the argu- ment beig a Cat'.iolic e<itnr of Kingston andi the editor of The Guardian. Thse argument, as pre- sentec f rom bath sides, la intensely iteresting andi wbile that type of argument was a feature of news- papers 100 years ago one sees little of it today. The style of writlng an obituaryt was also different a hundreci yearsc ago. Those o! teday appear rathera conservative when compared withh some that appeared in hi e Guard-t ian. One we noticed started as fol-c lows, "Mrs. Clarisy McLeod closeci ab life of deep afffiction on 29th of No- vember, upon a beci of Christian triumph, Ithse 66th year of lber age.v We need flot enunierate ber afflic-v tions or Christian graces; they areh better recorded elsewhere. It la enougis for us te, say, that thse goad-a will ut Him who dwelt i the bush was with bier; thse fire dld fo pcn sume her Christian graces, nar did C thse floodi drown bier confience n r Him, whu said 'II will neyer beave or s forsake thee." t In the issue of January 18, 1831, s announcement was made of thse election of members for York would take place at the bast o! thse montis. The candidates were S. Washburn i andi William Lyon McKenzie, the st latter a forbear a! Hon. W. L. Mc- w Kenzle Kig until last July, Prime p] Minister of Canada for a period of! j eigbt years. Evidently there la tc something in this isereditary talk tj after ail for bath mon have made ul names for themselves i Canadian bl istory. a An Item ut interest appears i tise world news coiumn wiich states hi that a surgeon by thse naine of Til- pi stone living at Congleton i England tl wlshed to celebrate i some tangible ta way the Coronation wbich took place fo that year. Hie therefore iviteci a fr party a! sixty-two mothers ail havlng st twelve or mare cbildren te attend li a tea party. The total number o!f f cilidren of these slxty-two women ai was 839. One lady wbo bad eleven ev asked for a ticket statig tisat as she to wouid soon be the mother ut tweive she thought se was entitled to, one. The doctar however ref ised te givej bier one andi ber twelfth baby wasE barn on thse mornig ut Coronation I1 day and she got ber tea sent up to jL bier. One of those wbo bad been invited was tise mother of 15 and she did flot put in an appearance sa encauirles were made and i t was found that she had the day previous given birth ta ber i8th child. She got ber tea also and deserved i t, as the next sentence remarks that this h( woman was 31 years of age. Two ni sets uf twlns were Included in her I family. W We could keep on taking extracts nl from tbla interestig volume for wl some weeks to corne if space would ur permit. Every page bas some Item sa wbicb la well worth reproducing and Ul it is ittie wonder tisat this paper Ul tives-money or reputation. I venture te say that atter one bas laid by a few extra dollars and bas seen bis name hi print a dozen times tbese two motives, I take it, are the calm appraising eyes of une's bilci- ren. They are our Judges; their opinion counts more than that ut ail thse rest of the world. Samuel Butler tbought It was a great mistake that the generations over-lap. He pointeci with approval to tise example of the maths and beeties whlch spin their oocoons. surround tbe new lite with enough foodtot start It successfuy i tise world, and thon quietly de and get out of the way. It would be mucis botter, ho sald, if eacb one of us could corneite the world wrapped i twenty thous- and dollars, whicb would see us tbrough te maturity, unencumbered by any acquaianceship wlth parents or relations. Sucb a world wauld make Just a- bout as mucb progress as the beetles have made i the past ten tbousand years. We keep golng, not sa much for money or fame, but i the hope that aur kids can say with prido, '"That's my father." j~c~tltk Service 1 OF THE $aatarb tjowalkBsxiaffou .1111 QUART FLEMING,. MD. -ASCAESIECIAitAy Blood Pressure We saY this, because worry and fus- slng only make the condition worse. The bload mn aur bodies is const- Worry itself la a commun cause of antly Ini circulation. The heart, lncreased pressure. whlch fils with blood between beats, An increased blood pressure xnay thrusts out this blood each time lt be due te one of many causes. If contracts, thus causing It ta circul- the heart loses some of its power to ate. This thrust, or impulse, given contract, the pressure lsa aUected. by the heart. is carried right along Other reasons for an abnormal1 blood the blood stream in the.arteries, and pressure are loas of the elasticity can be feit at variaus points in the which healtby arteries have, or kid- body, notably at the wrist, where it ney trouble, or the occurrence of [s called the pulse. some acute or cbronic disease. It The degree of blood pressure Is easy to see, therefore, that there varies in different peuple, indeed, it are manv conditions which are the varies i the saine persan, firo rfeL, ufderlylng cause of alterations1 hour to hour, depending upon a in the biood pressure. number of factors, such as activity The gravity, or atherwise of an and rest. Variations i the blood increased blood pressure depends, pressure, withln certain imits, are first of all, upun what is causing the normal; outside of such llnxits, if the trouble, and thon as to whether or condition persists, then it is abnor- not the cause can be removed or mal. If the blood pressure la per- corrected by pruper treatment. sistently above or below the normal, In addition to the treatment di- this is a sympton which suggests rected towards the removai of the some disturbance of the functions cause. it Is usually necessary that of the body, or % eJstence uf some a new or altered mode uf living be iiseased conditiof,~ followed, at least for a tie. This Frequently someone states that he does not mean that the persan be- ls suffering from, high blood pressure, cornes an ivalid; indeed, far f rom, such an individual being evidently lt, because exercise or work whlch under the impression that higli bbood does not fatigue is actually heiptul pressure is a definlte disease. It i mst cases. But it is necessary is not a disease;, it Is only one symp- that attention be given te diet, rest, tom wblch may lndicate disease. Ini fresh air, and such uther apparent- the way that sugar or aibumin i the ly simple, but important matters. urine la a sign of dlseaae. su la hlgh The individual Who is overweight blood pressure a symptom. of same must reduce. Alcohol must be given .bnormal condition. up. About the worst thlng that can Just what treatment la needed happen to sameone whose blood varies from case te case, as no two pressure la high la for hlm to become are exactly alike, and that la wby the type ofidividual who thinks or each needs advice and supervision talks of nothng else. Thislssbad on the Part of the famny docor 5 for hlmself and lt la bard on bis that each may be told how te live frlends. It is not suggested that an i accurdance with the particular abnormal biood pressure be Ignored, requirements uf bis case. but once advice has been received Questions concernlng Health, ad- rom the doctor as te treatment dressed te the Canadian Medical and as te huw ta live, It would be Association, 184 Coflege Street, To- ever su much better for the patient ronto, wifl be answered persoauny to fo011w the advice and stop tuaslng. by letter. 3ladder Trouble YOUNG WIFE, AFRAID 3otheranyPas4OITald of sturnacis gu, I liveil on 'oup for 5 montha. Then I trieci Ad- Seven Out ef Ten Are vicitims But lerika and now I eat moat anythlng Writer Teils How "Uratabs" Brng wltbout any gas."-Mrs. A. Cannai. Swift. Amazlng Relief With Adeiarlvsstacsg n Rcneed vtal orceTEN minutes! Acta on BOTH upper "Na one knows botter than I. the. andi bower bowel, rernoving obd pois- Lorror o! joyîess days andi sleepless1 onous waste you nover knew was nigbts. There bave been times wben1 there. Don't fool with medicine 1foît hopeless and boîpless-and 1 whlci cleans onWy PART o! bowela, vhon my weaknoss causeci me the 1 bu t lot Acilerika give stomacis and ast intense humiliation. Only, those bowels a REAL cleanlng and get rid risa bave zone tbrough such tort- of ail pas, Jury & Loveil, Drugglsts. Lres can possibly realize my great 47-tf mtisf action wben Dr. Southworth's I--_____________ URATABS brought me quick relief. URATABS are truly wonderf ul, and Douglas' EgYptian Liniment is re- give tbem full praise." Sucis amaz- marka-ble in its quick, effective ac- Ig evîience serves as convincî'r' 1 tion. Relieves instantly burns, roc!o! isepowr o URTAB '~sprains. toothache and neuralgia. reiieve thoso distressing alments Ivlabefrsretra. ru n )ften a handicap tu those in middle quinsy. te.I Bladder Weakness, bring on so many listressing aiments whicb 50 of t,>n tad to, serious diseases that every MOHJO ;fferer !rom Lamonoss, Pains in Dack andi down througb groins. scan- I< ,ybut freiuent uination, C*etting- TW Nô EI E Lack o! Force-shoulci try the amaz- îg value o! Dr. Scuthworth's URA- Restored to Healtb by Taking rABS at once! Any gooci druggist will supply you on a guarantee of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- atisfaction or mcney back. i table Compound Girl of 10 Gained 7 In 2 Das With Mitchell, Ont.--"1 bidlittle Vwin PoundsIn2 asWt babies and for quito a whîie after I was so weak 1 could Mccoy s bc(. se ofcipains Cod Liver Extract Tablets lso athe aak. I and got very litile She writes- I iust frnshed talc- sleelp. 1 took Lydja îg 2 boxes of McCoy's - I amn 10 E. Pintilizlit's \7eg- iars cf age - bof ore taking I1tbeCenpud 'eighed 54 pouncis- I now welgh eaci soon Ipotind 31 pouncis."f able te get uli ani Mother: If your little one neecis , donywrk. 1Iliae nore weight - more energy - rosy -'ta âcî three boti les ,eeks andi gooci appetite, put your and 1 arn fine, do rny wcrk without aitis i McCoy's - Try them ftur 28 troible and ain iaining in weight andi lays - if you are flot delighted - streingh. I wîil 6ladly recornrnend the noney back - 60 tablets 60 cent at , V( tale Cornpound to anyone." -- my druggist anywhere - matas JMas. P. STAmrN, Box 220, Mitchell or McCoy's. if Ont. wi 61 in ci fa ci m cir ft 0 "Isure it was here y. V ALUABLE papers-agreemenoe, deeds, stocks, bonds, policies-ail these things are subject to constant danger from loss if kept on your farm. Fire and theft, too, are always a menace. There is no need to run these risks when a Safety Deposit Box costs as littie as $3 a year to rent, yet gives you every protection. Asic t sec onte ex,et ore you art in the Bank~ THAT'5 MY FATHER A young professional man took me te a country tewn ta cail on bis parents. The olci couple have rais- ed eight chlldren. of whom six are living and doing weII. The father runLs a smail store. III wanted you te meet my people," my friend salci Inter. "Tbey are poor, but rmn very prouci of them. When any une talks pessimistlcaily about marrlage of buman lite in gen- oral, I like te remomber tise record 0f these two old folks." On my way tram a sunimer botel te a near-by golf course I plcked up a caddy, a bright-eyed youngster of thirteen. "Are you staying at tise Inn?" ho asked. I nodded. "Have you met tbe nigbt engin-1 eer?' 1 I said that untortunately my con-c tact haci been entirely wltb tise day staff .1 "You shoulci meet hlm," tbe1 youngster sali proudly. "'That's My fatber." It la assumed by those who vlew1 tbe social structure with dia! avor( that men work tram anly twu ma-j N HERE COMES YOUR COAL OuS truck la awaltlng your So et deliver te your basement the klnd of ocai that hundreda ef fainilies throughout this towm have foani o mtlafaotery. Yeo aa depead upen tMa eId-etabllahed ceai yard te furna" utrictly Mhh u&Miy ceai nt anl Ures. 0,4cr now for prompt deliwery. -D. L & W. Scranton Col- The Standard Anthracite Stove Coal .. . .. . . .. . .. . . ...$ 8.0 Eut.............. .... ............ 1.00 Chestnut - - - ---- .. . . . . . .11.0O Peu.c . ... . . . . . . . . 13.50 Buokwheat . ............11.50 Nut Coke .. .. . . . . . . . . . . 13.00 A discount of $1.00 per ton for case wil bc aliowed heom abeve priecu IcClellan & Co., Limite c Bowmanvillé Phone 15 LLI There is nothing repulsive in Mill- Persian Balrn invests every woman ergs Worm Powders, and tbey are as1 witb subtle charm. Delicately frag- pleasant to take as sugar, so that f ew rant. Cooiing and healing. Dispels chicirn wll efue tem.In omeail rougbness or chaflng. Makes chilrenwillrefse hem.In omesklns delightfully soft-textured. Ev- cases tbey cause vomiting tia'ougb ery wuman shoulci use- this peerles their action i an unsound stomach. toilet requisite. Daintiness-beauty but tbls is only a mainfestation of -refinement-Persian Balm achieves these i every instance. Softens and their cleansing power, nu indication whitens the bands. Promotes clear that thev are hurtful. TheY cem be and youtbtul loveliness. All women thoroughly depended upun te clear whu care for additiunal charm un- ail worms tram the system. hesitatigly choose Persian Daim. ftil For Your Radiator Te.the.bitg baloff jour mnd... Yo« don't have te treat youi car 11k. a baby this oel weather if you' put oui anti-freeze soluon ln yogiredietor. y« « eauéve It eut la the coldest weether mal knw tha" It lu Petetel hm mmd. - Zo o Tqivtuie& 0» fMU«ngwMlen bt Y= U iMWater. Coeu là aldgat jour 0014 weetheu, lamurnos. OuiragSe là c»M. uhhta" d"Y. CLEMENS' West End GARAGE KÎgSLW.g Bowmaaviil. - I The Royal Bank »M of Canada Bowmanville-Brandi h- L Q ,Hefkey Manue 1544 Wînte r ProtectionVo L ME CANADUN STATZBIUN, BOWMANVMLàj& TRUPJ3DAY. FEBRUARY 12,1931 PAGE ram Kini St. Wi« BowmMffle

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