PAGE M3X PHONE FOR FOOD Phone 186 HARRY ALLUN, GROCER Christmas Fruit, Candies Nuts., Groceries Our store is now well stocked with good things to eat for the f estive season. A full assoit- ment of candies, nuts and eating raisins. Valencia Raisins .................20e lb. Bleached Sultana Raisins ........20e lb. Jmported Cut Peels .............20e lb. Oysters, per glass ..................35e LEAVE YOUR ORDER FOR POULTRY We are prepared to buy or seli any quantity. HEINZ DEMONSTRATOR COMING Will be at our store next Saturday with Heinz's '57 Varieties.' Neyer too old to learn, so corne in and learn something new about Heinz Produets. Fish Headquarters - FuI-O-Pep Laying Mash Qyster Sheil and Cnit. IIARRY ALUN, Grocer PHONE 186 BOWMLANVILLB I Give Her Something Sweet! Add a box of candy to your Christmas gif t and shell get a thrill that will make your remembrance twice as sweet. We have a choice of assortments in dainty glUt boxes . . . place your onder now. From 50e Up. 50C up jBowmanville BakeryI Charming Gifts of Distinction Have you thought o!f iee stationery for Christmas glfts? If you haven't, you are forgetting anc of the most charming and useful gifts, for stationery is somethlng every waman can use ta great advantage. And especially stationery f nom us . . . we specialize in the best and have styles ta suit every individual requirement. In attractive git boxes. 25c to $3.50 THIIS LIST MAY HELP YOU SOLVE THIAT GIFT PROBLEM Doils 25c - Christmas Cards 5e - Pens and Pencils 25e - Colpont Indian Tree China - Bnassware Table Lamps of Smith Pottery $4.50 - Pictunes and Mottoes 50e - Christmas Decorations & Wrapplngs. They give pleasunable entertainment and pleasune o! ownership . . . they give people knowledge and expenience . .. and as Christmas pif ts they are ideal. Don't fonget ta give a few bookis for Christmas.. Nrq Good Books Simplify Any Gift List theyre the solution off many a gif t problem. Anci they make such wonderful presents. Book.s for grown-ups: books for boys and girls; pictune booku. for tots; special gif t editions. Newest fiction by well known authors at $200: also Star Dollar Books and other $1.00 books. J. W. JE WELL 1113G 20", BOWMANVnJ..E THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1930 -HÀYDON 1 HAMPTON IBLACKSTOCK Mr. Bert Ferguson and Miss Elva Reeve Williamns is attending Counity Regtilar mieeting of Victorian XVo- Ferguison. Enniskillen. visited at Mr. Council at Cobourg .Nr. and M.\rs. mcn'i Institute wsas lîeld at the homte E. Bradicys. . .. Mr. and Nirs. [amîes Theo Salter visjted friends at Port Kennedy and famiiy and 'Miss Lottie Perry.. Miss Alice .\ki.ter, Lindsay, 'of N.Ir.,. F. Baiicy. lit the ab)sence of Cottrel, Toronto, visited at '.Ir. H. is visiting at Mr. A. E. Bilett.. .th president, Mrs. Russell Mouintjoy .\..hton's and Mr. S. Woodiey's ..... Ni 1rs. Mr. Tom Sykes and NIr. Fred Biiiett, îo h hi.Arloto h n H. Ashiton and Miss Mabel Ilechl Toronto University, spentîthUc eek- tt cneto ledrcntvi spent a fewv days ini Toronto last end with their parents I)ere... MIr. ..E ttiecnetoihl eetyi week .... Giad t0 licar Mrs. 'Milton SIC- Biilett attendcd tuec banquet at the ronto was reccivcd. Miss 'Phoenix mon is much improved .... Large atten- Royal York whlicli ws iîcd in lionor gave a very intcrcsting addres.. on (lance at Stindav Sciiool ani ciîurchi of Ex-Premiier Fergus.ýoni.M..\r. and "Training the Child up to Schooi Age." last Suindav. Sîînday Schiooi ai 2.00 Mrs. R. Metcalfe, iXî-.e Une, adiiThere xvas an exclhange of Clhristmas pin.ThtH%,dro i.. going throiigh famiiy and Mr. F. Treiioiîîiî, ()shaw a, olîr village sliortly.... The sclîooi chli- ,;petit Sunday with MNr. and NIrs. A. gifts among the menbcrs ...Mrs. dren arc vcry busv preparing for Trcnothi. .. . Congratulations to 'Mr. L.1 Everest and 'Miss Elizabeth Everest, Chrisîmnas concert... The Sîînday Truli tîpon winning the first pun/e il Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr .and Sclhool lias purcliased severai ncw the "Laymorc Egg o<.ig contesi Mrs. Frank Stinson ...Last week boo0ks for the liihrarv. . .. Irs. Charles att lite Royal Xinîcr iVair, receîitiy.I fricnds and neighhbors gatlhered and Garrard and chilidreîî wlo lhave heen 'Miss Eva Sotich hlas reînirned front a surpriscd Mr. and M\rs. Vance and visiting with her sister, Mi\rs. Harold recent visit with friends in Detroit daughitcr, Miss Edna, Purpie Hill, Gay, Oshawa, has rcîurncd home. anîdXidsor. .. . Giad to report (at the prcvious to their moving to Port Master Bruce Garrard has been visit- tinte of going to press) a very decided Perry. Dîîring the evcning Mr. Vance ing wiîh his cousin, Niaster Donald improvement in thet health of Mr. J. xvas presented with a mantel clock, Motintjov. ... Mr. Norman Wleisli andi Curtis who lias been seriorisly iii.XVC MIrs. Vance, a silver tea service anti Nir. NieVicar, Toronto, visitcd ai 'Mr. wisIl Iiiiin a spcedy recover ...... M anv Miss Edna with a cedar Hope chcst. ... C. Avcry's. kiddies from our village werc in Bow- Rglrmeigo h ....xa manville on Satunrdav 10 greet Old lîeld on Thursday evening at thc home SALEM Santa and to share ini the tustal gener- of .adMr. .C.mih The ous treats lie liad for flieni .... Mr. and îva, a good attendance of members and Mr. Gordon Lapp, Field '.ccretary Mrs. D. Flintoif, Cîtîntice, visited Mir. visitors. In the absence of the presi- of Boy's Work Board will speak ;Il and Mrs. G. Armnour. ..... Mr. and Mrs. dent, the chair wvas taken by Mr. J. the afiernoon service licre next Siin- N. Coon rnotord toth States las t Smith. Mrs. R Mahiood led in pray- the aniua l cetioti of officers for thie winiter %vitiî Blacksîock frjends. tv Phoenix and Florenice Phiair and Mrs. Xoîî 'coplus- League anîd tliteSîiiii-)r. F. Langford, of te Religionis Edilî Clarence M,\anlow and Mrs. F. Stinson. Scitool xiii bueld..Mr. ai e atioîîai Board, Toronto, occupicd lte Two contests \vcrc put on by Mrs. T. ,Nirs. F. J. Foster and Margaret vidit- pulpit very acceptabix Sunday evelning Smnith and miss Dempsey. Lunchi cd witiî Mr. and M\rq. E. Reid, New- in the interest of tue M. & M. Fund was served and a social hoîîr spei, 10115 lie, on Sîinday. .M.\r. and Nir...MnI. C. H. Burroxvs, Oshîawa, visit-duig hch usexssupidb G. Cornishi visited Oshiaa frieîîds on cd witli Mrs. Goodman on Suîîday... Mr. M. C. Smith and Mr. XV. For- Fridax-. . ..NMaux in )tir coîninuinitv Mn. anidNMrs. WV. W. Horn visileti rest, v'ioliîiists, with Mr. Oliver Smith %vur srhioeked anid grieved to icarn of friends at Blackstock on Stintla .. ai the piano.... .Mrs. Johin Fordcr and the suddcn death, on Suinday evening, Mr. Ivan Steplitns. Tononto, M.\rs. G. Ms .Drysettewe-n of NIrs,. H. li aînm, Manvers Road, VanCanip and soit, xitiî tlieir mnother, ai Peterboro. Miss Marjorv Mariow, and deepcst sympathy is extendcd t10 Nirs. W. G. Stepiens... M.\r. W. G. Toronto, spent Sunldax- ah home.. Mr. Hamm and family in their very Robbins, Bow'manviiie, visited Mrs. L. Miss Dorothy Stevens, Peterboro, sad ioss .... Mrs. C. M. Carrutiier., Robbins ... . Mr. and M.\rs. Thos. Wii- spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. visitcd lier parents ai Coiborne ia..i cox ieft on Tltursdav to spenid tht XV. Marlow...Mr. and Mrs. James vcek and fotîîd lier faîter'.. licattu inter sitit their dti-ughter, M rs. F. McLaugltlin spent Stindav w ith M1r. uinchanged. M.\r. Rutherford lia., been Denscmn, Bowmianviile. andnti Mrs. F. l3aiiev.Mr. and Mrs. in poor hecalîli for soute tiiine pas. -1 . R. McLarighiin, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie - r.I. .Carrîîiîr..and Vr. X . ar-Grahîam, speni Sunday in Toronto anti r.tiC.ns iiottitieto (and VrîuW.nCSr- SOLINA brouglît .Master Donald Grahlani home day * . . . oCobonuonSut-fnom St. Miclîael's Hospital. Donald's dy anu Mrs. Carruilien..retincu Miss Lena Taylor has been vislting many friends arc glad lic is able to be homte with tleim. . .. Congratiuiat l'I.]i. t< Torontto friends .\.M. and Mrs. Roht. home. .... Miss F. Parr visited hcr sis- Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink on receiving Armstrong and sou itnii, Maple Grove, her, 'Miss Eva Parr, Toronto... Messs. a vîsit front the stork on Thiîrsdav' visited at Mr. B. J. Stevens'..Mrs. Mnit and George Proutt were iii last. jack Reynolds, Miss Rulth and baby%,R ipley aîtending the funcral of their AXrthîur hiave returnied iîonw aller a aunt, Mrs. XVm. Hoocy. M r. H. TYRONE pleasant visit with Toronto friends ..Parr, Toronto, visited lus sister, Miss Mr. Ellis Smithi and M.\is. Muiriel of IMary Parr....Miss James Hall has. Miss Donothy Walker, Toronto, Tlîaîesfond spent the xi cend wiith rctturned to Toronto. . .. Mn. J. Rhaîni spent the week end with Mrs. Jas. thein sisier, Mrs. Alan NI'-Kessock ... lias -soîd lus truîck to Mr. NI. Gra- Storie.... ..Ir. F. L. Byamn, Doreen anti Mn.XV. Hoar, Newca.,ric, is visitiig1, hau ..M.adMs .Bie pn Yvonne, vîsited ai Mr. J. Liilicrapp's, bis sister, Mrs. E. R\. T i or...a.. i oo..r. and Mrs. aly pn Canninigon ... .NIrs. (Dr.) C. XW. Sic- anti Mns.Geo. Whiie pti te vcîlîjRoal-. oroldsnt n andMrs. mon, Town, Mr R. S. Virtue, Oshawa, end ini Peterboro r-le aet, Mr.oalWh ane d pnt snday ith visited Miss F. Virînie xho lias been Clialeton M.\cBride...tCongraulation>. r pant Is, . W M and Mrs. Gin ili for two weeks. .M Nr. Harold Skin- to Nfr. and Mrs. Hilton *itk, Saliîi, eoCr'awford spent Sunday in Ton- ner attended Ottawva Fair la'.t week on the arrivaI of a baby giîi . . .. Sorv youlo andi broîîght N.,Irs. Oliver hontie and receivcd several prizes. .... Tyroue b lecarit that Statilex'\, voiigest soit of fnomn Lockwood clinic. Mrs. C. Miar- eaui now hboast two cliain stores-Red N '.Ir. anîd Nrs. Ed. N\lillsoii, is in Bow- low speîîî Suîîday with lier parents, and White Store, Mn. F. L. Byam; ntauxilie Hospital xitiî peritonitis. We Mn. and Mns. S. Siwain ..Rev. Mr. Suipenior Store, Mr. Harry Stinson . . . . %wisli hit a speeuiv recovery-..Wo- Whittaker, addressed the Nen's Chili .NIr. Janmes Dudley Iost a xaltîable itiin'., lisîittite xii îtet titis Thurs- of the Port Penny United Clittrcu, toit cow last wcek fronti eaîiîg frtî,uîî(lit%- afterîîooîî at 2 î.îîiiiite Sunday December 9th, on "Pîctuires of lie appe.. .Nu..Florenîce iJoxn andulSchioîl room. Program iii charge Of Arctic." Miss Gertrudte Newmnî, Oshawa, nu- groîîîî 2. Report by delegate ho in- celtly vi.iîed N.I r. anîd NIrns. Tlicîîîlcînc sute convention xili be given. Down... Gladt 1 sec Mr. Evercît Vin- welcomne..Remember the ------ tue out around a........ Nin. Wesley Division mueetinîg titis Thursday even---- Little, W'alkenviile, visited lus grantd- iîîg in the Stînday Scliool room at aIM motiier, Nirs. Wm. Little. ... Mn. johin 8 p.m..Monday evening oun regular Chialmers ieft here Thursday evening league meeting was held and was'i on a trip 10 Eîglauîd 10 visit friends change of lte second vice presdentE .... Mn. Franîk Hatiîerly lias rettîrteil Miss Helen Baker. A communicatY oun hionte afîer suending a nîîmher tif ' as neccivcd negarding lte itrYuG montlîs aI Nir. M. Watsoîi's, Dixie.... schooi ta beliîeld in Coboîîng in 44ti Women's Institute and Ladies' Aid any of 1931. Messrs. Wesley YeI- will meet at the home of Mns. W. lowees and Ernest Twist wcre ap- Stewart ou Wednesday, I)cc. l7th ai 2 pointcd delegates. Devotionai period C o'ciock. Roil-cali to be answered by was in charge of Mn. Chas. Shortridge. 88 IJe a sily I! thie exchange of Xmas gifts. Every Mn. Alian Baison favoured witli a voc-al l ady in the com.munity weicomne at our solo in lus usuai plcasing miner. îîîectings .... .The clîildren and grand-. Topic on "Rural and Industrual ja-St c of U e chiidren of Mn. and Mrs. J. C. Dudley pan" wsawieli taken by Rev. J.R. met ai the Duîdley bomne,, on Tucsday Bick. A pieasing feattîne of th l________________________ December 9, to celebrate witîhteir ing was the Victrola records puto parents te 45th anniversary of ticir by Rev. Bick. These records xserc xetding day. A fowi sîîppen was miieli 1 messages fronti Dr. Oliver, our itituten - eujoyed by ail. The tab)les heîng 1 ator and Dr. Peter Bryce, thîit h uretiliy deconated ini pinik anîd white. secretanv, ait(] also Soute rIiia Thte bride andî groom sycre thiene- selecticîns. An enjoyabie flower'o-IV( cipienhs of many heautiful flowens and test was cnjoyed. Meeting ___'ý PEARI gootivisies for maîy ihappy yeansj wiîlî lie i.eague beniediction. TO) ï yeî to corne. f xeek xiii be election of offis O .Reîîeîîîhen otr Chrnistmtas.ocetW ENNISKILLEN i Tiistax exeîtiîig lec. 23rd ...W ture in'pieased t10 have xith u Newd nrs. M iddieiiroî k, Nir. and \Ir,..oîîr chîureiu service Stînîlay aftenn a widE Roy Nfiddiebrook and famnilv, Toronto, D r. Franuk [angford oif Toronito, owha visitedlthie fornîiers sister, Nrs. Jas. sîtoke on the xork beiîîg doue by oIl oos Bradley. . .. Mrs. T. NI\cGili and Mis., lii',ionaries hotuhboule and ab oad. able ji Rex'a, visiteil 'Mr. and N.f r... S. May, Two excellent anthems 'Oh Worshi abep Toronto. Nis., Reva NIcGill attenditîIhie King't'tti "Scek Ye the Lr"lt a parîy ai Buinxxash Hlu. . .. Mn. and wcne renîîered hy the choir limier it. e plete N\Ir- nsW. I iî'rring atteiiieil the funî- lcadenslîip of Mrs. John Baker. T p"miv is cnal of titi forîîîcer's sister-iu-ltîxv, Nis solo inilte auîthîcut was taken byNMr. Joliii Herring, Oshîawa. . .... Ir. anti Harould Siliutlivortlt . . .. N Mndtutti Nien. Mrs. J. Blackburn, Uxbridge, visiteti Gilbtert Gih.,on anîd ston Douglas, Miss 5ct ,Nir. and Mns. Bowman on Sunday. ,,* Latura Xikett, Oshîawa, calleil Oiu Nirs. Jolhn Cari!, Uxbnidge, visited lier IMns. A. L. Pascue ou Suiiîlay.. Re-I iiîileu'M Nr. Jas,. Stainton, on Sîînday... mîeîîiîen thue schîooi conîcert inithie S. S. 'flic ladiesliîeld tlîein annual bazaan j ooiltiti., Fnitlayniglit ...A very cei- (,n Tiuîr..tay' Duc. 4tlt. Bcginning ah f oytîItl im ti ti.,wa spemîl in the S.S. 6 pt it . ta 'tfc'tei sitpur xvt., .ervc'tl roouît on Fridltu evening Ixviîeî thu( Yeu C( antît utc utclu, sooii nî htt..y ciiittg iiieniiur.. of tue XVoniîeis' Iiu,i li- ilifuri ,it ti uiuîî u.... Nltunioî tir itig tuutl tiir iisbdsingin Chaue lu- Cthisi SANTA CLAUS SAYS: GIVE USEFUL GIFTS Here's a list that wilI be helpful in making shopping a pleasure: Thermos Lunch Kit ..................$1.50 Thermos Vacuum Bottle ...............75c Toy Electrie Irons ...................$2.00 Electric Curling Tongs ...............$1.25 Electric Soldering Irons .............$1.50 Pyrex Dishes, from ....................15c Flashlights ................................ $1.25 Candle Sticks, plated ...............75c pr. Flatware and Brassware ..........$1.25 up Hockey Sticks ...........................15c up Hockey Skates and Boots ........$5.75 up Coleman Lamps .....................$8.00 Pocket Knves ...............................25c Ingersoll Watches ...................$1.50 Electric Warming Pads .............$7.OO Fire Place Sets .......................$5.00 Electrie Toasters ....................$3.00 Cutlery Sets, special ...............$8.50 Knives and Forks, ½/ doz .............$6.00 Alarm Clocks ..... ......................... 98 Scissors.................................. 25C up Crumb Tray and Brush ................0c Electrie Heaters ..........................$7.00 Fancy China Bowl ....................65c Pitchers ...................................... 50c Tea Pots, crockery ................25c each BIG REDUCTION IN HOCKEY SKATES Every pair in the store sacrificed in price while they last. RICE & CO'Y. pposte ost ffie BoniavilEr I 4 ýift Problem Solved- from our Large Fui and Fancy Articles The ever popular gi.!h Waterman's -Parker's Sheaffer's -Eclipse The newest creation is the Lady Patrician Pen & pencil set of rare beauty. Pens 98e to $10.00 GlUt Sets $2.00 to 815.00 PCSPNISDES,,er CUTEX SETS Popular gifts greatly lmproved in appeanance featurlng complete manicure sets. mounted on handy Bakelite Tray. 60e t. $4.00 PERFUME AND TOILET PREPARATIONS Separately or in matehed sets, by Yardley, Hudnut., Deauville, Langlois aud( others. 85e to S10.00 Chrlstimas. M'.s. fuuti... xl Sîmultuv, i i1) , M-s. Geo. Carn of Gilford, Mr. and tut 7.15 uî, oîur lutistor, Rex 'j, .. . ti tux ,Slîaxx, Hautiphon, Misses, %% X i't. xi] tuIdni ... tit ai r.ugenuitu i t, Vira tutIituia Carr, lBowî'natxîllç. MlXi wu'lctiuuc' '.uit tilt' xs'eek-end ah Mn. Howard SlHtOTING MATCH XHî i,.____ lJr A Shooting Match will be held on FARMERS' ATTENTION the Promises of Mr. R. C. Scott. WE ETS iSolina, Lot 23, Con. 5, Danllngton, on Gilbert Adcock, Tax Collector, wîî WE W TS Saturday, Dec. l3th, at 2 p. m. Fine be at the Town Inall, Hampton. onn tunkeys and geese. Rifle and shot-. Monday, Dec. lSth, from 9 a. m. to gun to be used. 3 p. m. to receive taxes. f I il IE <e' il- --l )pposite Post Office FOUNTAIN PENS Bowmanville