Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1930, p. 2

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THIE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANTVILE, TUURSDAY, DECEMBER 1l, 1930 PAGE TWO FEELING BLUE ? Mrm. Dale was the kmnd o! person who is aiways cheerfui. "Aren't you ever blue?" suggested a f riend. "Oh yres, often. But I don't stay that way long. I take telephone trips to my out-of-towfl friends. It's the besti way i know to keep smniling!" M. G. V. GOTJLD, B.A., LL.D. Barrister, Soicitor, NotarY Mioney to ioan on Farmn and Town propertti. Royal Bank Building, DowmanTille, Phone 35 1. W. R. STWRKE Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bankt o! Montreai Money te Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanville, Ontario. W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Soicitor, Notary MOny ta Loan. Bonds for Sale. Offices: Bleakiey Block, King Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. phones: office 102, House 409. L. C. MASON. B. A. Darrhster, Solicitor, Notari oBIm - Investrnefts Bowmanville - Next to Royal Theatre phones: Offie 6888; House 553. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Denistry, Toronto Unlvef8ty. Oraduate of the Royal Collage of Dental surgeons of On- t&rio. Office: King St., Bowmanvllle. Office phone 40; house phone 22. X-Ray Equlpment in Office. * DR. J. C. DEVITT Asgistant Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Coilege, Toronto. office: King Street East, Dowmanville. Office isours 9 a. ni. ta 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipmlent in Office. MEDICAL C. W. SLEMON, M.D., C.M. Oraduate o! Trinity Medicai College, Toronto. Office and residence: Dr. Beth's, former residence. Wellngton Street,i Dowmaflviile. Phone 259. J. CLARK BELL 0. ., Ch. B.. F. R. C. S. <EdIn.)., 0. P. H. (Successor ta Dr. A. S. Tilley) ans. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- deen University; Fellow o! the Royal Coilege of Surgeons, Edlnburgh. office and residence: Queen Street, Bowmanville. Phone 89. Oince Hours: 2 to 4 p. m.. 6 to 8.30 P. M. CHIROIRACTIC AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY Honor graduate of Toronto Coilege of Chiropractics will be in the Bow- manville office Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenlngs, phone 141J. Residentiai calls made during fore- faon. FUNERAL DIRECTOES F. F. MORUIS CO. Complete Motor or Horse Equipment. Ail calls promptiy attended to. Private Ambulance Bowmanville phone: 10 and 34. Branch Stores: Orono & Newcastle. u a merad Funeral Directoe'. Cana givenprmtadprola- tention. N xr charge f or dis- tance. Motor Ambulance at your aervlce. Phone 58 or 159, Bowmian- men..ont. 3t r AIJOTIONZERS -; B T DL M. LEMON - Auctioneer Faim and Homs Sales a Specialty. Terma moderate. Enniskillen P. 0. phone 197r3. -tf VETERINABY M. G. KErgsirAir, V.S., B.V.Sc. Orono Henor Oraduate of the Unilversty of Toronto. Al cases given prompt and careful attention. Office: Dr. MeMmIry's former office. Phones: Clark 3921; Orono 18-1. ITHE RUSH THE EDITOR TALKS MUST PAY FOR PAPER We have recently read one of the! In giving judgment against a de- very finest books on Prayer we have linquent subscriber recentiy. Judge ever seen, and the publisher offers O'Reiliy. Cornwal, made the state- to send a copy free to any address ment that newspaper publishers had on application. The author. is Mr. a hard enough time flnancing their James H. Mcçonkey. The book is business without being done out o! copyrighted but the author has very the subscriptions. kindiy given us permission to publish If a person wanted to stop Nis extracts f rom his writings with, newspaper the proper xvay was for proper credit. He has written a doz-: him to pay ail arrears. and get a re- en or more very interesting booklets ceipt, or. if hie was paid up, refuse that are flot for sale but are sent free to take the paper at the post office by the Silver Publishing Society,1013: and have a record made of 17Ns re- Bessemer Building, Pittsburgh, Pa., fusai. A man whio owed for-r. news- U.S.A. This Society is supported by paper could flot stop taking a paper donations and the booklets are ail and expect the publisher toý go with- of a religious character. We have' out is pay. read severai of them and every one It may be added that no publisher is a treasure. Following are some ex-, wishes to force is newspaper on tracts from Mr. Mcçonkey's book oni anyone and any subseriber wishinc- Frayer1 his paper discontînued will have n(- Si trouble if hie does so in an hone, t If ye shahl ask anything in my and businesslike way. name I wil do It. (John 14:14) How often a verse o! Scrlpture BL EEHN O PN seems to be a sealed treasure. You BL EEHN O PN read it again and agamn but it is pad- $27,000 HERE THIS YEAR locked against you. No light breaks from its recesses as you search. But In spite of wlde-spread curtail- some day. ail unexpectedlly ta your- ment o! general business activlty this self. it suddeniy opens and discioses year. same major enterprises were its beauties, even as a Jewel casket carried on which tended to offset ln might unclose under the touch of a some degree the prevaillng hesita-' secret spring and iay bare in an In- tion. stant ail the radiance and ioveiness Manager F. Williams o! 'rhe Bell off the priceless gem that lies within. Telephone Company points out that 0 * e by the end of this year his company Just so as you let the Spirit of will have made gross expenditures truth Uit out from the heart of tlhis, for construction and replacements passage the condition "In my name", exceedmng $28.000,000 ln Ontario and note the precious jewel O! truth Quebec. which is laid bare thereby. Not In Bowmanviile the telephone that this condition is flot need!ul. company's 1930 outlay for replace- It is aiways and absolutely so. For ments and extensions totailed up- no suppliant can come to God and wards of $27.000, devoted largely to be heard in prayer save as hie comes changes in aeril cabie calculated to in the namne o! our Lord. But as- provide improved service fcite suming now that this condition is thr'oughout the town. !ulilied in our petition and that we are asking in His name and for that OBSERVATIONS AND OPINIONS which is according to Hîs will. Then -1__ there stands forth f rom the heart ByDvdMrsoS. off this verse these wondrous words: __Daid____onSr "If e a . ... .Ud. What is the matter with the Scot- Consider the wonderfuiness o! this tish people o! this vicinity iAhen they promise.alow St. Andrew's day to come sud Many and precious are the other go without a thought of what it promises which God gives to His means to a genuine Scot.. It was praying chiidren. He tells us that not so in this town 60 and 75 year.s -,...,,'ago and at the banquets heid in the be full, (Jno. 16:24) ; that if we bring all things to Him in prayer His own, unspeakable peace shail possess and keep our hearts in Christ Jesus, <Phil. 4:7); that o! ail who ask from Him not one shahl beturned away; that to any who knock at His door it shahl without fail be opened (Matt. 7:7.81. Famiiiar enough and grac- ious too is His truth that as we ask He gives. So says His Word again and agamn: "Ask and it shall be given you"; :"Every one that asketh receiveth'; "How muoh more wihl your Heaven- hy Father give good things Co them that ask Him.' But herc in the heart of this great chapter. we come upon the greatest promise God has ever given to His praying children. Presuming that the chihd o! God is asking in His name. or according to His wili, the wondrous statement is here made that not as we pray does God give. but that as we pray God works. God th eernl od.f he ni verse, stands, as it were. like an al- mighty servant and says: "If you. my child. will onhy pray I wiil work; if you wilh only be busy with asking I wihh see to the doing.' Not only does He bestow at our cry, but He acts. Not onhy does our praying evoke His bounty, t sets in motion His omnipotence. * * 0 Wherefore, as we enter into the secret chamber o! prayer. nothing will so stir us ta mighty intercession, nothing wll sa 500ri make us master- pleaders with God for a hst world, as ta whisper ta our own soul, again and again, this wander fui truth, "Whihe I am praying God is realy doing that which I am asking!" Thus ta a chlld o! Gad bowed in prayer that the gospel may be sent ta the dark lands, though he may nat see it, yet as he prays Gad baffles the powers o! darkness; as he prays God moves the hearts a! klngs - as he prays God breaks down the bar- in a manner second to none in any city or town aiong the line. Prob- sbiy there were many more of the Scottish element in town to-day. as any who wili take the trouble to think of who was in business on King St. at that. time and know v.hlat it is to-day. There is certsinly a bi«. change when one remembers tihe Towns familiy. the Brodies. the Mfl- nes, Pattersons. Galbraiths. MeLeud. Christies. Simpsons, Squairs and those o! the outer districts as the McConnachies, Staîkers. Colvilies, Stewarts, MlcFees. Kieths and many others. Just the same there were e- nough o! the eement to celebrate the day as it shouhd be and ail that is needed is one enthusiastir indivii- ual to get the slow motions started Thie Sons o! Scotland society was formed here at one time and several yeariy meetings were hcid to comn- memorate the day but the genuine Scottish feeling was lacking in many members and of course it could not help but pars out o! existence. ---- Our town is weli set up with gro- cery stores, no less than 15 or 16 in the corporation, and also there is no lack of gasoline stations, having the same number-iS. We have 4 butcher meat stores, o! dry goods we have 9 or 10, o! boots and shoes, several only boots and shoes and a number with boots and shoes as a side uine; drug stores 3, hardwares 3, book stores and fancy goods. nearly every store in town except grocery shops;, auto re- pair shops 6, 3 banks, 4 barber shops, 2 express companles. 1 fruit store. 2 miUlinery stores. and 3 milk delivery wagons. Sa there is no reason to go out o! town if you wish anything in the above list. Prom what we see and understand ail uines are recorded a- bove can be bought as cheap and as durable as can be had in the city, so why send out o! town? And now. this Christmas, help out your own town nierchants by boosting their business and you wiil be heiping yourself by helping others. God oosens the bands o! superstl- yoke-fellow ad co-worker, has said tion; as he prays Gad opens up the "If ye ask I wlll do." pathways to forbidden lands; as he prays God unclasps the purses o! . coiisider the surenesa o! the prom- His children; as he prays God ralses 'se, up and thrusts forth the gospel mes- Gad does not say "If ye ask per- sengers ta the whltened harvests. chance I shall do"; or, "If ye ask I As he is praylng God is doing. May de"; but "If Yle ask I wil do." 0 . * It is Satan alone Who temPta us ta This is explcitly asserted. "Search question this -I will" o! God's pray- my word," says aur Lard. Find out er promise: ta doubt whether God clerly in it what my wiî is concern- will really he.ar and answer us as He ing the world. Pray accordlng to has answered others in times past. that will. Then as you pray "Lord Just so did he tempt Adam and Eve thrust f orth labarers into the har- ta doubt God's word: "In the day vest" I thrust them f orth! As you thou eatest thereof thou shaît surely pray "Lord break dawn the obstac- die." But Gad's "I Winl" of promise les," I break them dawn! As you to us is just as sure as G)od's "Thou pray "Lord stir men's hearts to shait" o! punishment was ta thern. give,' 'I stir them! Whatsoever ye' ask in my name, I do." over against satan's subtie lies let . 0 * us ever place the eternal certainty o! Beioved, What a tremendous re- these biessed words of promise "I sponsibllity is ours!I What a unique wihl do." Steadfast and sure is His privihege! That ail the power o! an word of promise. "Though t seemis omnipotent God is ready and waît- ta you difficult, yea impossible, ta be lng ta be put inta trlunîphant, ir- done. yet if ye ask I wl]. do. Though resistible action at the prayer a! one for reasons of have and child-train- o! His chldren! That the very hasts ing I long deiay, yet if ye ask I wil o! heaven are marshalled against do. Thougli Satan reslsts wth the powers o! darkness at th at im- flerce and desperate opposition, yet If portunate caTi of yours which is ac- ye ask I will do." clares that ail power in heaven and "'Though ye are In dire need, I wilhl earth is His, and then, as it were, suppiy that need if ye but ask. places Himsehf at our disposai and Though ye Walk in darkness and says, "Now my child you pray and know not the way bef are you, yet I I will work; you ask and 1 wîîî do." wili guide yau if ye but ask. Though 4 the obstacles are mnany, and the As an engineer might suffer a. hearts off my chihdren slow to obey, Stove and furnace pipes ta put child., powerless in itself. ta cali' yet I will thrust f orth laborers into up; cleaning out furnaces; and f orth mighty power, not its own, by the dark lands if ye but ask in f aith." installng new f urnaces. opening the throttle o! his great In ai ages God bas made this Mare are showing a preference machine. 50 God says to us weak- word "If ye ask I wilh do" to be true for the Hecia Furna.ces because it ing, "Ahi power is mine, but unto! to His children.» saes1tan o! coal in 7. Von't you it is given to cali it !orth by Le, buy a new furnace until you have prayer.- If it be true. then, ta flets uy Lthe samne uhr sent i Iearned about the ilecla. God's omnipotene is phaced at aurl f tee to any address: "Believing Is cAe i disposai. w~~~~~er as responsible f o t.Sen" 'Fith" "ie o exercise through prayer as though; Chance"; "Prayer': "The God- we possesseci it oui-selves. Planned' Lif e"; "The Spirit-Filled fl t' iC'i'AT% * *Life": 'The Dedicated Life"; "Chas- R e LE . LO G A NII Behohd here th,* shame off an un-f tening"; "The Sure Shepherd"; "The thý evangchizt'd world. o! two thousand Highway o! Guidance." Plumbing, IHeatlng & Tlnsmilth ears elay. o! our cowardice and'- Iterig iMthetheseceGraves' WormA 1(,ýchildrýef IN TR E Phone. 264W Shop; 264J House 1fheiru h rsni !dfiu- A >E:sftr""u'frKN I~L BOWJMANVILLE tips. For though we have had oi at r aved t s'eceletorm dtrîvingj- power to do, yet the mighty God. aoadi secletfrdiig ______________________________ inking Himsehf with us as a real wurins f roui the system. "'Cari 1 afford it? SEND IT IN MAPLE GROVE REFLECTIONS When you have a littie item- Instaliment No. 7 SEND IT IN. There is no time like the present Can You Recal- TO BEGIN; WHEN the present heatlng system We'll appreciate it. too- was installed in the new church 58 As we aiways do- years ago? - Two Black Giant box If you'Ii send your littie item in. stoveE were mounted on the brick dias. inside the entrance doors. and When you hear that sonething's they are still doing business at the happened, joid stand. MAIL IT IN. WHEN Sam Forscythe was re- You'Il f eel better every day formed f rom a life of intemperance Ail along life's rugged way by the Salvation Army and he built Of you'll think about your paper- a littie siab cottage on the north-east SQ BEGIN. 'corner of the oid "Nash Lot" for himself and "Lizzie'? Sam met If you know of any news with a tragic death in the upsetting PHONE IT IN. of a wagon. It wiil make us smiie f rom forehcad WHEN the great snow fights were Down to chin: staged between the "Northerners" It will drive away the blues and the "Southerners"-Jack Trim- When your neighbor reads the ,e,," ble and John Lawrie leading the So phone Your Home Town Paper- Northern forces and George Stevens PHONE IT IN.I and Jim Fogarty leading the South- When you hear of some occurrence. erners? They were reai batties. off- STEP RIOHT IN. ten lasting an hour or more "after We wili greet you with a "Howdy"* four", ammunition being secretiy And a grin.1 prepa red and the snow balis somne- For we like to print the news. times watersoaked. And it wili heip to save our shoes WHEN "Professor" Allen - alias If we do not have to chase the itemns 'Todie Pie" Allen, used to give free in. entertainments with his ventrul- Phone 53. oquism and Jews harp? He couid put in the shade many artist before ~ ET EEF - the footlights. Mr. Allen ended his WHY EA BEEFcareer in the Home for Aged at Co- bourg. In a new cook book about to be' published by the Beef Gradlng Ser- The fine and noble way to kil' a f o' vice o! the Federal Department of Is. flot to kili him; you wth kind- Agriculture the question, "why eat1 ness may beef" gets a practical answer: "man's, So change him. that he shall cease to; natural fondness for meat is based be so. upon a sound scientiflc foundation, Thnh'1iin Kef. as beef not only contains the ele-1 hne'sli.Key, ments necessary for the proper1 grothan development o! the hu-1 IN BACHETO0R QUARTERS! man body, but it suppiements to a great extent the value of many of the. Dick and Peter kep)t bachelors' nutrients found in grains and vege- quarter'. wh'ch rrnfi-rted l t'cir own tables. Beef is a very valuable personalities. Modern-ciuiet con-' source of protein, the tissue building venient. Neither had much tirme fori element in food; heat and energy are C'urrespondence. whiv?1 as Peter off- supplied by the fat; and substantiai ten said. '15 so unnece,,arY anywvay, quantities of minerai saits and vita- if you have a telephone.« Thev used1 mines are supplied in a form whlch theirs weee they w,,ntc,. to heair is readiiy assmiiabie. f rom someone--near or far. The Royal ]Bank 3üof>Canada 'Two $ensctiondil New ROGmERs RA&DIOs NO o... every home coin have a moder, efficient radia set of proven value and per- formance. Takeyourchoce ... table-type model or miniature highboy... at the lowestprices genuine ROGERS RAIOS bave ever sold for! SCREENGRID CHASSIS with Mtmsaeen-grid tubes and saeen-grid power deec- tion. Two «245" tubes in push- pull amplification. FULLY- GUARANTEED TUBES. .. Every tube, inlud- ingtbcscreen-gi tubes, is fully. guaranteedbly Rogers until August 1931. Siwha garanec goes T/il!.? no caer radi. ELECTRO -DYNAMIC SPEAKER giving rich, undis- tared reproducian t any volume. CABINETS ... Handsome figured walnut, well-built in every deuil. VALUE... Selecivity sensii- viy and distance such as you re from ses costnng $50 ta 100 more, BUY WIH CONFIDENCE ..Rogers quality, Rogers engineering, Rogers reputa- tion acbieved in six years of radio leadership, are behind these sets. ORDER NOW to insure delivery befarc Christmas. Our stock is sure ta go fast t these unheardof prices for genuine Rogers Radios. EASY TERMS ... A small cash payaient will place ither of chese new Rogers Models in your home and y ou can pay the balance whi le oau are =njying Rogers famous prfmailcC. ROGERs FuILLY- GUARANTEED TUBES il-roof in theseModye/s ! n oay and choose one of these new Radios for Christmas!b w ae j e Ba&Enefl BOWMANVILLE -that new barn . . . new tearni *new tractor ? A savings account buit up year by year by banking part of every mnilk cheque, grain ticket or sale of livestock will give you the answer. The farmer with mnoney in the Bank knows he can buy what he needs when he needs it. Bq-mmuwjmF-vm- mmwý YOU WILL LIKE BANKING AT TUE ROYAL E 0 L G. Hefkey, Manager Bowmanville Branch i 4 1

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