Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1930, p. 9

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PAGE HImm TIM'CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THUR.SDAY, DECCEMBER 11, 1930 IIn -the Realm of SportI JUNIORS PLAY HOCKEY TO-NIGHT Sheniff Plaxton Donor of Trophy in; Pre-Season League Junior hockey players are getiing a real break this season. Sheriff Plaxton, the renowned and veteran sportsman of Whitby has arraigned to have a new district league formned ibis year. These hockey gamnes are to be played bef ore the regular 0. H. A. schedule begins. There are five ieams competlng, Oshawa, Bowmanville. Orono, Port Perry and Whitby. There is no entry fee and each team is allowed f ree practice in Osh- awa's Arena to get in shape. The flrst games will be played in Oshawa Thursday, Dec. 11, when Whitby meets Bowmnanville and Port Perry plays Orono. Oshawa drew a bye. The winners draw to see who will play Oshawa on Monday and the winner o! that game will play the remaini.ng team on Wednesday. The notable sherif f is presentig a dtrophy for annual competitie.n to the wlnner of the series and it looks as! if Bowmanville bas as good a chance as any of tbem. r Norm. Taylor was out of luck this week with all the rain and mild weather. but when he considers that all the wells are dry and that the warmn weather is a big help to the unemployed he will almost rejoice. It must be awfully iough though to see your week's work slowly melt away before your eyes. The ice king is not down-bearted ini spite o!f t aIL. He dlaims there will be plenty of cool weather before the winier is over andi SPORT COMMENTS Bowmanville High School are practising bard at basketball. They are also working strenuously t e in shape for hockey. Getting in shape to a high school boy means more than jusi physically; he must also be in condition for his studies. Before he is allowed to play on any flfty per cent or over on the set of exams Just flnished. Some of the boys sure are worried, too. We know of one who has 49.3% so far. We wsh him luck. INTERMEDIIATE AND JUNIORi At a meeting of the representative' of the teams in 01H.A. interinediate and junior groups presided over by, Convener W. H. Lowe,. heldata Port' Hope on Friday, the follovving sched- ules were adopted: Intermediate Schedule Dec. 26-Oshawa at Orono. 1 Bowmanville ai Peterboro. 29-Orono at Port Hope. Peterboro at Oshawa. Jan. 2-Port Hope at Bowmanville. Oshawa at Peterboro. 5-Peterboro at Port Hope. 9-Bowmanville at Oshawa. Peterboro ai Orono. 12-Orono at Bowmanvllle. Port Hope at Oshawa. 16-Orono at Peterboro. -Bowmanvllle ai Port -Hope. *I 19-Oashaàwàa at -Bowmanville.- We were down watching a physical " 23-Port Hope at Peterboro. training class in the B. H. S. gym- IBowmanville at Orono. nasium a littie while before Com- 26-Peterboro at Bowmanville. mencement. Mr. Miller had them Oshawa at Port Hope. were vaulting the hors-a leather Feb. 2-Orono at Oshawa. covered piece of apparatus with two Play-ofl games February 4 and 6. handles on the top. The boys grasp First teazn in standing to have cholce these handles and leap over the end lof games. of the nag. They have too many Junior Schedule exercises on this apparatus to dev- scribe. It was good to watch sone 1Dec.29owavletOhw. of the fellows who hadn't done much ' 1-Trenton at Port Hope. work of this type. They sure were * WhtbHop at Bowmanvie funny, but others could handie the-otHoea owavle junips with ease. With this train- Oshawa at Whitby. ing. in a few generations the gen- 9-Bowmanville at Trenton. eral physical fltness of school child- Port Hope at Oshawa. ren should improve greatly. 1 2-Whitby at Oshawa. 13-Bowmanville at Port Hope. * * "16-Whitby at Trenton. l9-Oshawa at Port Hope. Earl Cunningham's illuminated 20-Bowmanville at Whitby. club swinging wvas quite a novelty at 21--Oshawa ai Trenton. the Boys' Training School Concert. 22-Port Hope at Whitby. It xas claimed to bc just about the 23-Oshawa at Bowmanville. finest feature on the program. There 27-Trenton at Whitby. was quite a litile preparation nec- 30-Port Hope at Trenton. essary for this work. Wooden clubs Feb. 2-Trenton at Oshawa. were hollowed out, flashlights insert- Whiîby at Port Hope. ed and a covering placed over the 4-TrerÀon at Bowmanvifle. end of the flashlight. Quite an idea Play- off games February 6 and 9. whichmadea vey atractve ad 1 irst team in standing to have choice teresting nuxnber. of games. Course In Physical Training he !s; not, worry±ng about one lmute thaw. For Hockey Players, Athletes, and Citizens Generally - Conducted 0 ~i Specially for Statesman Readers by Earle Cunningham, The public sehool rink ir coSning Physical Director at Boys' Training School a)ong famously. Mr. Kennedy is We have now reached tihe point cise 1. Leg raising. rarin' to flood 'er ai the firsi sign o! where some who are lacking in will-- ExÏeise 2.-Assigument 1, Exer- cold weather. The school chîldren are power, or as Charlie woud put it, cise 2. Bit up and lie dlown 8 times. lacking in intestinal fortitude. will Exercise 3.-Assignineni 1, Exer- going to have a great deal o! enjoy- stan to slacken off in their training cise 3. Bit up and lie down 8 tumes. ment ibis winter. It should also be or give it up eniirely as a bad Job. Exercise 4.-Assignment 1, Exer- thse beginning of some fine hockey Of course we know tisai hockey play- cise 4. Sut Up and lie down 8 times. material. ers do not belong to this particular Exercise .-Starting position sainie class o! people. If tiey did. they as Ex. 4. Keep head and arms well Iwould not be h ckey players. Let u locked together and forcing both well Lasi week the marsis near the oldt sate mosi emý_ haiically t'raat t ) b- back, raise the body hall way oniy Honey Bridge was f rozen over and effective this training must b? car- and hold for two counis. Then sit gliersfro th Soth ardlos noried on consistently and exactly as rght up and relax. Now. half way glier frm iseSoth ar loi oprescribed. You know Rome wasn't down and bold for iwo counis. Righi time in taking advantage o! it, but built in aday. At leasi tisai is whai down and relax. Do ibis 3 tumes. they can swim in it ibis week al- they tell me and I feel rather inclin- Exercise 6.-Assignment 1, Exer.- though we have flot received re- ed to believe them. All big jobs cise 6. Trunk raising. take ie, inluding thse one you Exercise 7.-Assignusent 1, Exer- ports o! any swimmers up to date. have undertaken as a hockey player. cise 7. Leg raising. Vanstone's Mill pond also was the I h is a common f ault among people Exercise 8.-Lock tise amis in tise scene o! much enjoymeni for wbo atiempi a course of training isollow o! the back again and corn- skaters as usual. Many are the fine such as ibis, wiiisout active supervis- bine exercises 6 and 7, raising bth hocey layrs hathqv lerne toion.'tisai they become ridiculously the trunk and legs, (both legs to- hoceyplaer tsaihae ~aredtoimpatient. They stant oui with a gether), aitishe sainie tume. Do Ibis skate on the famous milI pond. world of enthusiasm: picturing 4 times, relax 8 counts and repeat. 0 --- heniselves as a modern hercules in Exercise 9.-Assignment 2, Exer- ano urne. Then after a f ew weeks 8. lex and extend thigh and leg Sherif! Plaxton certainly made ao faitisful plugging they size up' the as instructed aliernately 16 COUlîts fine move wÉen he began ibis S. P. situation and are doomed ta imned- Tisen double alternately. tisai i' A. series. In Toronto ibis title standi iaie disappointimeni. Muscles haven't flex one thigh and ieg as you exten'] for Sportsmen's Painiotie Association staried to sproui ail over iheir bod- the otiser, 16 couinis. Lower to uh- but n Oisaa i stndsforSisrif ies as they isad expected. so thev floor and relax 16 counis and repea. ýbutin Ohaw it tans fo Sh rif weigis the amouni o! effor-t ith re- Exercise i0.-Assignment 1, Exer- Plaxion's Actions. Mr. Plaxton has! suits obtained, promptly lose ail cise 8. Sut Up and stretch down been responsible for many fine! faith in Santa Claus. and quit. itouchring toes 8 times in quick suc- sporting features. and we helieve this! Probably it is just carelessness: a ve- cession. Down and relax 8 counits. one f te fnes. I enblei he ui o! nat iaving anytising iiiar Do this 6 timesý. Bc sure 10 keeu one ! te fnes. Itenalestheticular 10 work for apari frorn iheir knces sif,. legs flat on floor and teams to procure some much i d own well-being in mosi cases. i toes poinied away f rom the body and training jusi when tise finances o! You hockey players can netoer ai- head and anms locked togetiser. the clubs are ai the 10w ebb. It gives ford to be careless. You have a vcryj Exercise I.-Assignmeni 1, Exer- them thse training and experienc? definte objeci in view so stick 10 your'cise 9. Do the entire exercise work conscieniiously and resulis arp tbrough and repeai. wiihout the teams laying out a ceiit, bound 10 show when tise leagume. ea- 1 Exercise 12.-Assignment 2, Exer- Al tise teanis entering tise serieu.i son opens. If you have satisfactor- cise 11. Raise and lower heels 50 should be very grateful 10 Mr. Plax- ily overcorne the muscu!1ar soreness tises. tonan an oises isohae mdetisat attended your ear!y woixk-oits. Exercise 13.-Assignment 2, Exer- ton nd ay oterswho ave adethat is ailI hat can be expected thus cise 12. Breathing exercise. this pssible far. You are now in a position to Exercise 14.-Assignment 1, Exer- 6-0- open up a little and gain real benefit cise 10. Road work. Jog oui to tise The the niht îe aw copleand condition tisat will put you ripht Boys' Training School as before. Tis oherniht e aw cupl Ion edge for the opening game. Continue on up tise main drive and o! juniors doing a bit of running or This work should reaily have 1;een right around thse oval 'main roadi. road work. Where were the resi o!f started six weeks ago. 5h11l l'Il bel ITisis is approximaieiy l1% miles. the fellows? The whole ieam should my f aIse teeististat sorne of you- Turn a round and walk home as be- be xerisig ad dingroa ~ scalywags havent seriously gotten fore. be xerisig ad oin rod wrkdown ta business yei. 1 hope rim Exercise 15-Breathing exercise. every nighi. If you isaven't be.gun th-~ wrong. but if you isaven't what'.g 1hý bath and to bed. exercises tisai Earle Cunninghiama has big delay? When are you goiu t1r I mighi explain tisai we tell you to taken a greai deal o! iroub!2 10o re- stant? It is this semsonr we are train- run oui b ithe Boys' Training Scisool - ing for iust now; not nexi year. In because ibis is a known distance fig- pare, you are sadly neglecting yoiii 1anoiher three weeks the leazue wil urlng the iown hall as tise siarting training. open. Tisere is still time. BUT. caui- point. O! course those who live a _________ ion: Do not aitempt Assignmnent considerable distance f rom the iowrn No. 3 until you have spent a fuiil hall will eiiher run fariher ihan the Thse f ellows who put on the par- week mach on the iwo previous as- flnishing point or turn around he- ailel bar work ai Commencement Put signrnenis. All set boys? You fore they arrive ai the flnishing point Mr s.A hould bave all your exercises well in according to the distance they live on a fine exhibition. Mrb.A aud by now. Lei's go and snap on eiher side o! the starting point. miller was responsible as instrutor rightinto it: There is noihing hard and fast about and did bis part well. Asslgnment No. 3 ibis distance. We merely want you Exercîse 1.-Assignmnent 1, Exer- 10 run aPproximately that far. British Badminton Team Here are the British Badminton experts who are the return trip about the middle o! December. They Htouring Canada from coasita coasita measure are travelling acroas the Dominion by Canadian Pacific. their prowess against the besi Canada can off er. They Fromn left to right they are: D. C. Hume, R. C. F. arrived recently on Canadian Pacifie liner Duchess Nichols, Major E. A. Wiggs, preideni Quebec Bad- of Athoîl and play in Ottawa, Moose Jaw, Winnipeg, minton Association, J. F. Devlmn, Sir George Thoma, Calgary, Vancouver, Victoria, Edmonton, Toronto, R. M. White, R. L. Condy, editor Canadian Lawn Kingston, Montreal and will Bail from Saint John on Tennis and Badminton Magazine, and H. S. Uber. The LegioiCorner A Department of Notes of Imterau to the W. laVetff.. Of BowmmnVili.Md DiafrioL LEGION RECE]IVES CHARTER had been organhzed since Bowman- ~lle branch came into being, and, Considerable Business Transaeted -Membershili Growlng Ten new members were admitted. Six new members were initiated. Six new applications were received. Approval given to hold a VeteraiES' Benefit Night at the Royal Theatre on Thursday. DeMnber l8th. The picture will be "Raffles." The pur- pose o! the benefit is to provide Christmas Cheer for needy veteransi that since Nov. 1 over 800 new mm bers had been adrnitted to brances in Ontario. One branch in Slrncae had sent in 113 new applicatiolus. He also spoke aI the develcpment of the Legion in Northern Ontario, wbere it had been f ound necessary to create four zoues irsteed of anc -xhich existe(i. Stressing the point 0f service in lhe Legion's airas and objects. th e and their families. ispeaker urged Bowmanville Branch Letter f rom Bowmanville Welf are t, keep thatiIn the forefront. He in- Committee asked for assistance for troduced Comrade Spencer as a zeal- relief of the needy and unemployed ous worker for the Legion, and as a in Bowmanville. Grant o! $5.00 valued member of the provincial cx- f rom the general funds was passed ecutive, wbo would be a splendid as- for this purpose. set to the Bowmanville branch. Letter was received f rom Comrade ordSpneimisirg W. F. Ward, B. A.. wbo is in hospital CoresaideSpnter, ni tn onspen- in London thanked the Brancb foradrslidontedasofs- its good wishes and advising that bis vice and sacrifice for whicb the men health was improving. now in the Legion went overseas Endorsement given to a resolution during the war in response to the call of the Whitby Branch of the izegion o! duty, and urged the menibers of thai as a means to create empîc'y- the branch to keep these ideals si1 ment and in consideration of the before them in the tirne of peace. health and well being of attendants He welcomed the Bowmanville' and nurses in -public institutions that Branch into the Legion, and. in the eight hour day be established. hanclsng over the charter to the Invitation was accpted to attend president. he expressed the convict- Oshawa Legion "'Navy Nigbht" in Ro- ion that it would continue to grow, tary Hall. Oshawa Dec. 111h. and to be one of the strong branches Presentation of Charter in the organization in Ontario. He The hall was fllled wiih Lego pledged hixuself to its service, and membrs Fida nigt w egionho hped to be numbered as one of the Charter No. 178 was presented to the coîton, inf ahbraense, Precied local branch by Comrade Rev. C. R. Cton, charter e epnerci Spencer of the Executive Committee hechaderte. F.HMsne- Ontario Provincial Command and Censile. ls sebP.eH. aommewd- Zone Representative of Zone 1.2. He cslas pk rel1 med was introduced by Second 'ice ing the brancb on its progress, and President o! Ontario Commnand M. expressng a desire to take an active M. Hood, Oshawa. Presideni R. M. inierestinl its affairs. Cottn ocupid te chir.A pleasant social hour f olowed, in Cottn ocupid te chir.the course o! wbicb songs by Coni- After the business session had rade Bob Glbble, of Osbawa, and been completed, the chairman called others were mucb enjoyed. Mayor on Mr. Hood who gave a glowing de- M. J. Ellioit also spoke briefly, ex- scription of the growtb of the Leg- pressing the desire o! the town coun- !on.stai,,., 44at 14Anew ranchesil tn he helnful in anv waY possible The Best Showing and the Lowest Prices in Town AND to the Leglon and to the war vet- efit match for the Toronto Poppy erans as a whole. F'und and raLsed $0,300.00. Then News to Interest You went oui and added another $700.00 Do you know that the Toronto to it. Hats off, they are real sports- Maple Leafs hockey club gave a ben- men! L . b PRACTICAL GIFTS' Do Your Christmas Shopping at the Store of Christmas Cheer SAVE FN EL ESON'S STAKAORAE AL OR BIGGERADBTTER BARGAINS WAL BLOCK AND SV O -'v. Let Us Solve Your G if t Problem ~ Give Shoes I for Christmas This will combine the Seasona j: Greetings and the need into one thought, aptly expres8ed. IWe are ready with a good selection of Footwear and it is a pleasure for us to show you our goods. ?Dressy Oxfords for Men, Women and Çhilçlren: Men's .....................$400 to $7.50 pair Women's ..................$3.5o to $550 pair Children's ................$2.45 to $3.50 -pair Women's Dress Slippers, kid and patent, $550 to $7.50 pair Overshoes for the whole family. * Rubbers for ail occasions. * Slippers for bedroom and house wear. In variety of coloris an'd prices. The Elite Shoe Store" W. CLAUDE MgVEB, ame. FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY 1 - lion, stating tnat it new uruiiciie. - ý.. ku u -cýj,.w - -J -J vý 1

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