Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1930, p. 7

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TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1930 PAGE SEVEN PHONE 186 FOR FOOD NO SOONER ORDERED THAN DELIVERED LAJ~ FRESH INGREDIENTS FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS CAKE Not too early to get ready for this alI important duty of preparing for the Christ- mas Cake. Just arrived-fresh mixed peel, shelled almonds and walnuts, extracts, bak- ing powders. DEPENDABLE GROCERIES FOR LESS New Santa Clara Prunes- lOc lb; 2 Ibs. 25c; 15c lb. Hand Picked Tomatoes 10ectin Choice Pumpkin loc tin Fry's Cocoa, '/2-lb. tin 2le Cooking Figs ..O1c lb. Peanut Butter, 2 lb. Jar ....... ý39e Cooking Beans 4 Ibs. 25e Castile Soap 10 cakes 25e Feed the hens FuI-O-Pep Egg Mash Harry Aluin, Grocer PHONE 186 r~r BOWMANVILLE 1ln1 From the First Chill of Fail to the Extreme Cold of Winter You will have complete security from cold and frost if you own A "PEASE ECONOMY" FURNACE Saves Work Saves Fuel Saves Money The most econoniical and dur- able Furnace on the market. Let us submit an estimate foin your consideration. RICE & COY. Opposite Post Office gowmanville M Containing Four Full Size Beauty Requisites French Narcissus Perfume ....$2.00 bottie Supersmooth Face Powder ....$1,00 box Cleansing Cream .................75e jar JIissue and Astr'ingent Cream ......75e jar LOCAL àAN» DOTHERWISE Miss Evelyn Bounsail spent the weekend with Miss Clara Powers, Picton. Dr. and Mrs. W. J. T. Veale and daughter, Harrow, have been visit- lng their parents. Miss Marguerite Joness. Toronto, spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Joness, Carlisle Ave. Capt. and Mrs. A. H. Bounsail spent the weekend with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. T. C. D. Bedell, Bloom- field. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Hodgetts and children, Port Hope, spent the week- end with her aunt, Mrs. Geo. B. Bickle. Miss Gladys Jamieson, Oshawa General Hospital, spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Jamieson. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Williams have returned from two months' very enjoyable visit with his son at Brier- crest, Sask. Mrs. George Stacey and Mr. and Mrs. Idris Stacey. Raglan. spent Sunday with their cousin, Mrs. Frank Thomas, King St. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McGill. Janetville. and attended an- niversary services. Rev. and Mrs. Thos. Brown, Mr and Mrs. Harry Brown. Lindsay, weri guests of Mrs. Brown's sister. Mrs T. G. Mason, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Best. Thorn. bury. recently called on their cousin Mrs Jennie Graham, enroute fronr visiting friends at Kendal. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bickle anÈ Howard. accompanied by Mr. LesliE Tudor. Toronto, spent the weekenÈ with relatives in Kitchener. Miss Aura Caldwell, Oshawa, spcnt Sunday with Mrs. H. M. Foster and occupied her former place in Trinit5 Choir at the morning service. We have heard over the radio dur- ing Santa Claus chat that he is com- ing to Bowmanville, Saturday. Dec 6th. Full particulars next wcek. Mr. Fred Arnold, Shoal Lake, Man. Mrs. Walter Arns, Regina, Sask. Mrs. Harry Arnold. Pickering, werE recent guests o! their cousin. Mrs F. M. Souch. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wightman Dcckerville. Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Ed- gar Wightrnan, Toronto. were Sun- day guests of the former's nephew, Mr. H. D. Wightman. Rev. R. R. Nicholson. Cannington was cailed here recently on accouni o! the serious illness o! his sister, Miss Nicholson. who resides with her sister. Mrs. G. L. Wager. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Wight re- cently visited friencis at London anc had the pleasure of meeting Rev. John Garbutt, a former well-belovcc pastor o! Bowmanville Methodisi Church. Garton's bus took a load o! Solina young people to Peterboro on Frlday evening when the play "Marrying Anne" was presented in George St. United Church to a very interested audience. Miss Dorothy Scarborough, Toron- to, Mrs. F. L. Beecroft, Whitby, Mrs. Yule and Miss Helen Yule, Oshawa, were ini town on Saturday attending the Post nuptial reception o! Mrs. Melville S. Dale. Mr. Harold Skiner, Tyrone. is at- tending Royal Winter Pair with his flock o! fancy Shropshires He has made some splendid sales recently, some going ta, Nova Scotia and to Points iOntario. Mr. John Hinton. Huntsville, diec on Nov. 7th at the age o! 102 years. Dcceased was born in England, land- ed in Port Hope where he was mar- ried, and 25 years ago moved tc Huntsvil.le. He was an uncle of Mr. H. A. Elson, MlJlbrook. re 1- .1. IN AN ATTRACTIVE GIFT BOX Together with a Beautiful String Indestructible Pearis Free We have been fortunate in securing a limited supply 'of the World Famous Theron Beauty îrequisites and are authorized by the Manufacturer to offer these wonderfuI sets of Toilet Articles at a price much below cost.-November 21 - 29. JURY & LOVELL Our Supply Is Llmited Mail Orders add 25e for Postage and Packlng Corne Early BIETHO SCOTT-In Bowmanvilie Hospital, on November 151h. 19301, tf0 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walter Scott, a son. CLARKE-At l3owmanville, Hospital, on November l7th, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. William Clarke,, a daughtvr. HENNINGS-At Bowmanville Hospital on Novembr î6th, 1930, fo Mr . and Mrs. Itaroli li.nnings, a daughter. BRUNT-In Enniskilicn, on Tuesday, Novembr îlth, 1930, f0 Mr, and Mrs. Arthtur C. lrunt, a daugliter (M'%ona Lueila). GRAHAM-At Womans Cottage Hos- pital, Troronto, on Wednesday, Nov. 5ti, to Mr. and ,Irs. David Graham, (nec Kathleen Wilson, formeriy of Newcastlc) a baby boy. MABRIAGES BOUCKLEY-LOWES- On November 5t.h, 19311, by Rev. Ernest ilarston, at the United Churci,, Simcoc Southi, Oshawa, Elste Adelin.., daughter of 'Mr, and 'Mrs. Fr.d(erick W. Lowes, Toronto. to Arthur L. Bouckley, of Oshawa. HICKS-JAMES--On StraN. 8th. 113t, at the Unitcd ChurchPron age, Blackstocls, by Rev'. F. W . N ielI, lXllth 1Nabel James,. Gorri-, daughter ofi tli, lite Nlr. and Nlrs. Thos. Woodlcy,j Tyrone. f0 1Davd Samnuel, son of the late M1r. ad %rs. Simon Hicks, Harriston. DEATHS FOSTER-In Bowmanville, on Wed- nesday, November 19th, 1930, Erneaf BRoy l'oster, youngest son of Nlr. andi Mrs. Il. IK Foster, agd 28 years. Funeral from the family rdsidence, Iforsey Street, on Frlday, November 2lst, a t '_1p. ni. fo th,, Ccnetery. SESSEY-At Georgetown. Nov. 5th, 1101, 1sabella M.%cKe[nzie, Nvidow of Uic. late Ezau Besse,in lier 9Ot tyea.r. TAYLOR - In Parlington, on Sunday, Novmniber 16th, 1930, 9targaret Jane G-ilbank, beloved wiife of W. T. Taylor, aged 67 ocars, J3inonths. MACKEY-At Brookl, on Tuesday, Nov. I8t',. 193fe, Lvi Mueckey, beloved liusbanti of thv late Susan Green, in his 84th year. Internent at S4tem Cet,.- et. ry. POWER-At Brookiin, Ont., on Sun- duy, N ov. 16ni. 1930, Meriam Arvilla AI- lents, býlovIel mife of Fred N%'. Power, in lier 70th year. Interment at Grovesidei Cnm try. HENRY-At 1Pl Goulburn Ave., Ot- tawa, on Saturda0y, Noventbrl5ti, 1930, Bteverley Anne,,infant daughitur of Mr. andI Mrs. Leonard J. He.nry, ageml 6 months. an(l 10 days. Interreti in Bow - nianville Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM VANSTONE-In loving meniory of my mear fatîter, Thomas Vanstone, who dîcti Nox ernbmr lSth, 1»25. I arn îinking of youî fo-(iay, bar father, Tlinrking of thie pî)t; t'icfuring you in mcmory, Jusf as 1 saw you lasf. You lefi la.hind an aohing heart That leved you most sincere; Tît never titi, nor ever wilI, Forget you. fatîter dear. Not d-adti o us wlîo loveti oou, But only gone before. Sadly missed by his loving tiaughter Mary« ,Vanted HORSES WANTED--Old horses for fthe glefactory, at $500 each. Apply f0 Patuick Whitc, Bowmanvile. Phone 142-6.k 45-3 POSITION WANTED - Middle-agedj woman wouid like position as house- keeper. Apply f0 Box 126, Bowmanville. Phone 405. 47-1' WANTEO-Robert Pawson la prepared to repair boots and sho.es, neat job, mod- craf c prices. Leave at Sidney Morris', Wellington Street, Bowmanvjlle. 45-3* POTATOES WANTED-Farmers, 1 cas store 1000 bags of Potatoes and seli them for you this Winter, and make you some money. P hon.ý 36. WN. J. Martyn, Bivwnanville. 47-1' Articles For Sale TEAM FOR SALE-Appt0 in th ýe'.en- ing to J. IL. Dunn, Ilunt Street, flowrnan- ville.47-2 HAY FOR SALE-Two stacks mixeti hay andi one sfuok of straw. Apply f0 W. L. Barton, Bownîanville, Ont. 47-tf FURNACE FOR SALE CHEAP-Pipe- less furnace, formerly useti ln Eldad Churcli. Aî,ply to Harvey Hardy, phone 167r22; or B. G. Stevens, pîhone 238r22. 46-tf STOVE FOR SALE-A good cook stove witlî large copper water tank; terms reasonable. Apply fo Mrs. C. Robinson, P'rosp.ect St., Bowmanvil. Phone 435. 46-2 SOWS FOR SALE-Pure breti York- shire sows, in farrow: bacon type; grand sire was grand chanmpion at the Royal T. J. Cole, R. R. 3 Bowmanvillc. Phone 203-4. 46-3w' FOR SALE-Two gooti Durham cows; about 300 bushels of Mangoltis andi Tur- nips: quantify of Hay, Corn andi Grain. Apply W. J. Reynoltis, Hampton R. R. 1, or phone 167r13. 47-2 FOR SALE-Uned pianos for atudents, at very easy ferme anti prices. Trustees LOCAL AND OTHERWISE wîîî cal me for Information on organs for school purposes. I have piano, for Misses Minnie Davish and Edith school use and wili sali at nominal prions -Moore, Toro nto, wcre weekcnd guests toopromote music study and later sale of o! ore expesisive Instruments. P. J. ofthe latter's sister, Mrs. W. Len. Mitchell, Phone 106, Bowmanvils. 36-tf Eiliott. Mncnir. onEgisBre PIANOS FOR SALE-Willianis Player Mr. nd rs.Joh Engish Buke-Piao, walnut finish, used onty a little ton, Ontario, announce the engage- white, cannot be folti from new, regular ment o! thein youngest daughtet, price $600,00, will seIl for $450.00; also Edna Marguerite, to Wilber Vance, fumed oak Player Piano, excellent con- dition. special price $395.00. Special sale Y son o! Mr. and Mrs. William Vance on ail this wcck. The Johns Piano 9o! Purple Hill, the marriage to take Store, 80 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa. place the latter part o! November. 47-3w* Mr. F. Brumeil, gardenter, Frank- AUTO PARTS FOR SALE - Auto ford, raised two crops o! potatoes off Wreckere. King Stree-t Easf, Bowmnan-p the same ground this Ééason. He ville, have new andi useti parts for inany planted the flrst on May6tan makes of cars. These are a few new 6hadones: Auto gas pumps. stop andi tait marketed them on 2th o! June. lights, locking handles anti cigar llght- gAnother lot was planted on July lst ers, locking radiator caps andi generat.ors, ansd dug the latter part o! Octaber. 1928 Chevrolef heaters, Jacks of ail kintis. floor mats, andi head llght glasses. Cive About 42 Canadian Girls i Train- us a ring before sendlng ouf of town. ing !rom Trnnty and St. PaulIS Prices equal f0o it y wreckers. B. F'ur- SChurches attend the Raily in Kig ber. Phone 438. 46-3 SStreet United Church, Oshawa, on Saturday. Leaders accompanymng T the girls were Mrs. W. Adams, Miss Spargo, Mrs. Elton Werny, Miss Sar- HOUSE TrO RENT-.Ssven roorne, wat- gent, Miss Florence Werry and Miss erworks, bath, electric lights. located RubyWiterige.King & Ontario St., Bowrnanvllle. Ap- I Rby lthnide.ply A A. ColwIll. Newcastle. S1-tf Adjutant Chittenden o! Torontao _____________ was i town last week cailing on a TO RENT-Brick bouse, $40 month; number o! old friends. She and also frame cottage. $30 nionth; on the Dr. Baldwin properfy; wonderful location Adit. Stokes who have been in charge for blgh clans highway house or charm- o! the Salvation Army work here for îng private home. Apply Mr. Larmour some tirne, have been transferred to on pro;îerty, or Jury & LovelI's Drug different fields in Toronto. The new Store. 47-tf officers in charge here are Capt. Bursey and Lieut. Flett. For Sale or Rent Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm MacBeth, Milverton. celebrated their Silven FARM FOR SALE OR RENT-5n acres Wedding on Saturday, Nov. lst. Mr ail cleareti land, being Lot 18, Con. 8. MacBth i preiden 0f he Cnad-Townsbip of Darlington. Apply f0 IElgin MacBth s pesient f te Cnad jMountjoy, R. R. 6. Bowmavllle. Phone ian Weekly Newspapers Association 320r22. 47-2* and editor o! the Milverton Sun and Postmastcr in that town. We con- gratulate Mr. and Mrs. MacBeth on Real Estate For Sale reaching this happy event and hope they may be spared to celebrate the FOR SALE - Brick cottage on Queen Street, containing four ronon wlt.h modi- golden anniversary. ern conveniences, the property of the Women's Canadian Club held its late Mrs. S. Stacey. Apply to Mro. W. monthly meeting i St. Paul's Lec- Cowle, Church Si.. Bowmanville. 42-6 turc Room on Monday afternoon HOUSE FOR SALE-6 mrnem, gooti with the president, Mrs. Geo. Mason. condition, real bargain for quiok sale, as presiding. The meeting opened with owner ls moving ouf of town; possession Dec. 3sf. Apply C. M. Murdoif, Con- God Save the King, after whlch the cessIon St., Bowmanville. Phone 341. minutes o! the last meeting were .16-2w read by Mrs. D. R. Morrison, secre- - tary. Lunch was then served. Mrs. FARM FOR SALE-460 acres, being lot 22, con. 5. Darlington, on whIch are brick Mason introduced and wclcomcd the 8-roomed bouse witb nmodern conven- speaker, Mr. G. H. Sedgcwick, K. C., lances; hard andi soft water; outbulld- his talk being on the St. Lawrence lngs in igooti repair; 3 acres orchard. and Great Lakes Waterways. Lan- For liarticulars apply on the premIsea tcrnsîlds wee shwn t llstrt f E. Haggith. Hampton. Phone 198-21. parts in his speech. Meeting closed4-f with "0 Canada." HOUSE FOR SALE-Brick realdence, On Saturday evening about thlrty- contalning eight rooms, bathroom, clos- five intimate !riends and relatives o! ets andi pantryt hardwood floors; anti aIl modern convenienoes; gondi vegiets.ble Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Cousins gathcred i gartien: double garage; very desirable at the home o! the bide's parents, location. For terma and particulara ap- Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McMullen, Scu- ply on the premises f0 W. J. Bragg, cor- St. o eten cogratlatonsandner Elgin anti Horsey Ste., or box 29, gog S.t xedcngauain Bn owrnanville. Phono 125. 30-tf bcst wishes to the happy couple whoi had Just returned from a pleasant FARM FOR SALE-36 acres, 10 acres motor trip, visiting f!riends and rela- cle.,rdt, 1, acre ýorchard andi garden, bal- tives in western Ontario and Detroit. ance pasture anti wood land;: runnlng .strpamn: brick bouse; electrlcif y: furn- A very pleasant evcning was spent ace; b:,rr: silo: on county roati. Hanp- during which they were presentcd ton. Must bé soit (o close an esta te. with a bcautiful walnut bookcase and For liarticulars apply to Geo, Barron. Hami:lon, admilstrator of the estafe of a chesterflcld end-table, aftcr which theI.,lat, rs. Cr,,enaway. 46-tf a dainty buffet lunch was scrved. Mr. and Mrs. Cousins will reside on MOUSE FOR SALE-Beat bulît houa. Glengarry Ave., North Toronto. on Carlisle Avenue, faites only four tons of coke per wfnter for furnace andi utove. Five local boys journey to Janet- bas don. fitthe tant four winters: now ville on Sunday and took part in the rentinr for $25 Per month: titres mroe church annlversary services there. andti tree closets upstairs, six rooma and . al Including bedroom andi hathroom Thcy dellghted their audience wth downstaire: cellar divided wth cernent their tenor and baritone voices in -ail: garage and hen houae. Termea easy. solos and quartettes. They were Apply f0 C. N. Ruse, R. R. 1 Hampton, Messrs. Melville Dale, Ray Cole, Wil- ont, 35-tf fred Carruthers, Alex. McGregor and LUUWNE Owen Nicholas. Mn. Ray Cole rend -_______WNTE ered a very fine solo in the mornig, Ail kintis of laundry work donc îprompt- also the quartette gave a splendid îy, satisfactorfiy anti at reasonable prires. number. In the evenig Messrs. Write Post Office Box 12, or call Mrs. Melville Dale and Owen Nicholas Wv. Marjoram, Kintg Street East, Bow~- each gave a wefl-rendered solo, and manilie. Phone 478. the quartette contnlbuted another I- number. The congregation a enl Apartinents to Rent pleased with the musical numers o! COMFORTABLE APARTMENT - In these talented young men. he atateuman Block, 5 mrne.a newly dec- - e edmodern convsniencea, ecoaom- were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andhe-w =y heated. Apply Gaeo. W. James, McGiUl. or Phone S8. i ROBERT WALTON BARITONE Medalist Canadian National Exhibition 1926-28 is open for engagements for concert work of any kind. Phone 1204 - Newcastle - 1 HAVE TOU ANY ARTICLES FOR A COMMUNITY SALE? Several citizens have been inquir- ing when we are going to hold an- other auction community sale as they wish to dispose of various arti- cles they are flot needing. If you have any furniture, household effects, implements. tools, etc., you wish to dispose of in a comxnunity sale will you advise us at once and we wifl be holding an auction sale wthin two weeks. J. J. Mason & Son. Phone 50. Lost or Found PURSE LOST-Littl., girl's gold and black mesh bag Iost in Bowmanviiie on Tues. Nov. 11, between Publie School and George St. Vaiued as a keepsake. Re- %ward for return to Statesmnan Office. Phone 256 Prices That Say BUYI BUYI BUY! -THESE PRICES PROVE IT- Call and be convinceci. OCOATS OVERCOAT LOT 1 $14.95 Young Men's heavy quality, fancy tweed effeots, aise navy blue, polo lined. values ta $22.50, for..... $ 49 OVERCOAT LOT 2 $21.75 Men's and Young Men's Overcoats wool cloths of exceptional heavy welghts, new shades and styles, values te $30.00,' fo ....... ...$21,75 OVERCOAT LOT 3 $26.95 Yeu will flnd in this lot our very best makes, in ail that's new for Fail and Winter, ail shades, values to $35.00, on sale e for. et6.95 MEN'S AIL WOOL SOX Hanson Brand 3 Pair for .. $1.0 T. B. GILCHRIST Directly Opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 61 Bowmanviil. e YOUR X'MAS GIFT THRO REQUISITES $450 ~KeVALUE for oniy .1 M St. Paul's High Tea1 SATURDAY, NOV. 29th from 5 to 7 p. m. M E NU: Chlcken Patties - Peas Creamed Potatoes - Salads Bread and Butter Fruit Jeily - Pie Tea Price 50c Marion J. Hickingbottom - Elocutionlat - Pupils - Concerts Phone 366 Bowmanvllle Ken. 9354Mv, Toronto. 4-1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOVMANVnýLE, TRURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1930 PAGE SEVEN I ligh School Commencement in ASSEMBLY HALL JTHURSDAY & FRIDAY INovember 27-28 f at 8 p. m. Llterary and Athietie Prime wIi be presented. Musical Coenedy ««Mikado" - Folk Dancing - Gymnastic Dlsplay Orchestra Selections. iPlan opens at MItcheil's Drug Store Tuesday, Nov. 25th, 4 p. m. ADMSSION Ise CAETING AND TIRUCKD<G AUl kinda o Cartlng, Truchlngan Moving: local andi long distance. i H. BOMBARD Phone "80 Queen et., Bowmanvill. le

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