Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1930, p. 3

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TEZ CANADIAN STATMA3N. DOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVMMER 20, 1930 PAGE TRREU NESTLETON The November meeting of Nestle ton's Women's Institute was helda the home of Mrs. C. Carlaw, Nestie ton, on Thursday, Nov. 6th. Th secretary, Mrs. R. W. Jackson, re ported on the bazaar, shawing pro ceeds about $55. It was decidedt make two quits ta send ta Northeri Ontario. Friday, Nov. 14th, was th day set f or the quilting in the Far esters' Hall. Mrs. Jackson reparti that travelling library had arriveg and books would be obtainablea the quilting bee. Two new member were received, and program was i charge of Mrs. Carlaw's group. Mm Jones and Mrs. H. Phllp gave inter. esting suggestions for home parties Mrs. Cooper, Orono, District Presi dent, gave an excellent address. Thi rail call was answered wth Christ. mas gft suggestions. Lunch çm served and the meeting closed. Have You a Sweet Tooth ? Then corne to our store where you will find an excellent assortrnent of FRESH CHOCOLATES and HOME-MADE CANDIES Y,)u'Il be surprised at the variety we carry. Bowmanville Bakery tA. W. Jacoba, Proprietor RtO%#AL Wl 94TER F41R NOV. 19-27 Canada's Gveatest IudooT -0 Agricultural Show Take in this year's brilliant Royal Fair. Malte up your party naw. This year's Royal is the greateat ecm planned. Frota opening ta close every moment will b. crowded with sparkling activity- DITERATIONAL ARMY TEAMS huom urope and Ammncrc in spirircd contesta of daring barse. manship. Special Feature Events for ecd day's programme. Sec the ROYAL HORSE SHOW THE FLOWER SHOW DOG AND CAT SHOWS i.ooO ANIMALS AND BIRDS BEEF AND DAIRY CATTLE SI-jEEP SWINE POULTRY PET STOCK DAIRY PRODUCrS FRUIT, SEM AND VBGETABLES Sec the JUNIOR l'ARMER JUDGING COMPETMTONS AND THE CANADIAN HORSESHOS PITCliING CHiAMPIONSHIPS CANADA ON PARADE First Day-Last Day Bvery moment from Openng ta Close packed wth EDUCATIONAL. ENTERTAINING, INSPIRING FEATURES ROYAL COLISEUM TORONTO BE SURE, THE DRES.I CLARENCE 18 Offering T $15 he Real:i MONEY TO RUN AI EM TEAMI unirs Went Behind m of5S BOWMANVILLI >port LE TO HAVE A BADMINTON CLUB HOSPITAL SHOWS NET PROFIT $93.43 FOR YEAR Official Financial Statement of Hospital for Year Euding Sept. 30th, 1930 There appears ta be a misunder- standing or mininterpretation re- garding the financial statement of Bowmanviile Hospital for past year as pubiished in out of town news- papers. To set the citizens right on this report we have secured Tram C. H. Mason, secretary-treasurer of the Hospital Board, the offciai copy of the financial report for year endlng Sept. 30th, 1930, sent to the govern- I ment, whlch readis as follows: ai In t CSSREAL rd HOCK] rn Bowmanville JR he $235.09 r- ' ed Jack Gunn, th( d 1popular manager Lt 0. H. A. hockeyt Wsus ta publish the in lof the club for1 r.shows a deficit af r- The object of s.this repart is ta i ng element of th e lyal and genero tclbin order tat as may be passible who wish ta mcd pastime, and aiso enjoy the game pointed in the n Right here a wi Norman Taylor, ir wha at ail times1 ly and generousl teams. The pen ceipts he allows1 than is given in It's just too bi possess a f ew mar ish men like Jai] bis time, talentsj mate hockey and an the sport map. key team isn't ac camniunity prapoe ery citizen who shauld bear a reasi cost af filnancing plenty af recruitç duce a winningt will gladly produc citizens wiil cont keep of the team. The financlir ca mpiled by Jack asfallaws: Whitby game Oshawe game Port Hope game Peterbaro game Oshawa play-offg Total Receipts Expe, Entering O. H. A. cards. birth cent Referees .... Transportation. Equiptuent withou Hockey sticks, Telephane and te( Liniment, bandagg etc., Printing Meals out of tawn Total Expenditure Operating deficit BOWLING IN The bawlers ai( Martyn's Recreai looks as thaugb t] Imare successfui t] management bas the bighest score "rallin' thom down The ten loadlng1 are Walter Johns Naylar, George Pi R. Kemp, Win. R IPhilip Cancilla, 'W The league consi. the follawlng bowi South Ward-HE Piper, Little, Seyr Service Press - McKnight. Brett,1 Phillp's Team--I J. Martyn. Brough, Luxtan. Clerks-Ives. Bri Osbarne, Gibbs, Ri( Kemp Bros.-Ru Kemp, Frank Ki Hooper. Edger, Moc Faundry-Woolnt er. Smith, Naylor, Boys' Training Johnson. Cunningh son. Crassey. Bradt Athletes--Brookhi ouskl, Miller, Westl Carpenter, Tweedle South Ward is l with 12 points ta t] vice Press is ane leaders with 8 win Phiip's team, bas wins and 5 lasses. Kemp Bros. are tie third pasition. Bi dry Club bas 8 po and 6 lasse. Boys bas 6 points, and1 the list with 4 digi Casey Martyn. prietar of the aile: like a good evenini very good exorciset He assures them af facilities. Bowlin@ for the gentlemen are incllned ta be Ité deceaes eAi La:; e Yar Former Salvation Amy Barracks toa be Converted Into Club Hanse e bard warking and of last year's Junior A Badminton Club is now under team, has requested way. In case any of aur readers are efinanclal statement a bit leery about the game we beg last season which ta explain. Badminton is a game f over $235. weil established in the ranks of sport. 1giving publicity ta It is played somnewhat similar ta appeal ta the sport- tennis, with racquets and nets, but he town ta give their instead of a bail a shuttlecock la ,ous support ta this used, which is in plain language a ýt dlean hoalthy sport cork wlth feathers. The players f or the Young lads bang this missile back and forth, lulge in this winter frith and frath, hither and yon, un- ; that the fans wha til ane aide misses and the cark fails may not be dlsap- ta the floor. It la played Indoors, nonths to came. la falrly stronuous, and la played by vord of praise la due men, womon and children. For the manager of the rink, benefit a! married couples, let us bas dealt mast fair- state that the game was orlglnaily ly with the hockey designed for the middle aged people. rcontage of gate re- It la nat tao tlring and the racquets the clubs la hlgher are qulto light. It is in fTact the tmost towns. finest game in the world far '"teen- ad the town doesn't age plus" section a! socioty. )re real good unef A meeting was held on Tuesday in ±k Gunn who gives the Council Chamber. W. ÙSss and money ta pro- Strike was chairman and L. W. Dip-C 1keep the old tawn peUl, acting secretary. The resolu- . Runnlng a hoc- tion was Passed ta formn a Badminton ans man Job; it's a Club and directors were elected asF iition in which ev- foilows: L. W. Dippeil, C. E. Rehder, iltes dlean sport Alan Campbell, Fred Vanstone, W. L. sonable share of the Elott, Dr. filemon, Fred Cryderman, e a tsam. There's M. ComstQck, Ueo. Chase, A. W. s in town ta pro- Crawfarth, W. R. Strike, M. A. Neal. team and the boys The former Salvation Army Bar- ice the gouds if the racks, now owned by McClellan & tributs ta the Up-, Ca., will be lsased for courts and 1. club purposesi. The awners bave spart f or 1929-30 as consented ta lay a new floor and kGunn himsslf la canstruct wbat other requirements are essential. Athough na exactF osîipts date has been set far the opening ofP $ 60).00) the club bouse it la thaught that al 53.00 wark will be complsted in about aC 42.00, month.1c 41.40 The Club bas hapes of enrollingc game 112.00 150 members with 100 per cent of --themn active. There wiil be three $380courts, open day and night. The nditures Club will be weil heated. Thero will I., amateur be lackers and possibly at a laterE :lficates, etc. $ 22.00 date sbawers may bo installed. The .- .... .100.00 membership f ee bas been set at $5.00. ... . sticks 15.00 Th hal Vsfiaso> be used for sac- ut tics .. 11.1 ia fuctins uchasdances and .... 68.00 entertainments. Tbe town bas longA legrams . 18.65 felt the need a! a large bail wbereS gos, oranges, the Young people mlgbt gather for 14.00 a bealthful recreation during the 28.24 winter months. n . 36.45 ,e ... $543.49C - ..$235 .09 Here an d Th r (648) i FULL SWING Radio came inta play recently in maintaining the Rayai Canadian A e going strong at Mounted Police tradition af ,get- B tin Club, and it ting itt man," when Mrs. Donald A this seasan will be Mclntoeh, af Glasgow wrate C.P.R. han expected. The headquarters in Montreal ta help affered a prize f or locate ber son, Angus. after months and the boys are of silence. The railway through n" inx great style. J. J. Scully, general manager eastera bowlers Up ta date Uines, got in touch with J. W. son, Brett, ]Roscoe Spalding, superintendent command- S 'iper, H. Hailman, iilg Saskatchewan district of the B Richards, Seymnour, R.C. M.P. who in turn applied ta Tmx. Hearlo. radio sources. Angus wha waa lasts o! eight teams, listening in at Saskatoon, gat the lers taking part: message frata home and et once learle, Cook, DuXUI, communicatedl with hie mother. mour, Boylon. -Cramp. Williams, George M. Inverarity and J. K. Blunt, Knlght. Chrietison, of Carberry, Manitoba, 1 Cancilla, Infantine, won the bays and girls swine club h, Richards, Large, chaznionp on Canadien Pacific Railway lins in the province at the ýrow, Ok. Baesannual competition rscently held at Ji ronOeBte, Manitoba Agriculture] College. 3 ichards, Joint. They wan the Manitoba Oup f0o .abe Kemp, Ralph their club for the second time, gold N <emp, Tomllnson, medals for themeselves and qualifled i )re, for the tipt the Royal Winter C er, Haîlman, Spic-. Fair at Taprtonta this month as Cowle. Cet fteriwy School - Allin, get fteriwy ham, Brown, John- OBITLJARY t. âam, Caultor, Mon- Mrs. W. Philp, Vancouver, B. C. lake, Kelly, Hayes, e. The death occurred at Vancouver, leading the beague on November l2th, of Mrs. W. Philp, heir crodit. Son- wldow o! the late Rev. William Phllp, point behlnd the D. D., who was for many years a ns and 4 lasses. minlater o! the Methodist Church in s 9 points with 7 Eastern Ontario, then part o! the The Clerks and Montreal Con! eronce. Mrs. Philp led wlth Philip for was formerly Hanxxah M. Laidley, S( Iowmanvlile Foun- daughter o! Thomas Laldley and >oints with 6 wins Catherine Rea a! Manvers, Durham a' Training School Caunty, ont. Her husband died the Athletes trail June 2lst, 1923. Two brothers, Its to the good. Henry o! Omemos, and Isaac o! the amiable pro- Lndsay, Ont., survive; also four vs, invites all who children-Rev. J. Howard Phllp, Ph. o g's fun and some D., Sackville. N. B.; Hattie E., wife A, ta visit the alleys. o! Rev. Dr. C. J. L. Bates, o! the Hc )f the best bowling Japan Mission of the United Church; CI ig la a good gamne Mrs. w. w. Stinsan a! Klrkland i and ladies wha Lake, Ont.; and Mms. M. Y. Wilams pr somewhat stout. o! Vancauver.so Ilpsetisueabut Mms. Phllp was buried at Lindsay to ia SUrprlsing de- on November lth, service being held wa Lwell for many o! in First United Church.- Interment ut( bis exorcise for in Riverside Cermetery.-Montreal to Daily Star. e BO hi $1'] 1605.78 332.59 539.99 241.42 1462.63 92.50 703.25 775.04 29.76 110.42 190.00 1667.53 654.79 162.60 96.60 .50 967.64 106.49 148.92 102.17 7317.00 7,307.62 Ifl "#'IZ ' 1 1 Krk1 93.42 $19.959.82 Operatsg Revenus Paying Patients ... . $13988.62 Paid by municipaities for indigent patients........ 587.60 Grant United Counties ... 750.00 Grant Bawmanvile .... 572.50 Grant Prov. Gov't... .. 903.00 Misoeilaneaus ..... .. 135.47 $16.937.19 Non-Operatlng Revenus Bank Interest ....... $ 54.45 [nterest on Bonds .... 450.00 Donations Jerusalem Ladge and Eastern Star .... 20.00 [nsurance unexpired. .. . 264.43 Accts. rec'd prior ta yean 250.00 Speclal donations for rooms 1983.751 $19,959.821 Assets Cash in bank t ..... Acc'ts. neceivable .. Re!und on alcobol .... Supplies on hand> Bonds EJnearnd Insurance Plant equipment ..... A.dditions ta plant during yr Buildings Additions ta buildings Liabilities EDepreciation Plant and buildings ........... Surplus account......_.. Balance ..... $ 540.28 1292.25 73.51 1526.40 13000.00 264.43 13821.10 2244.00 44134.41 693.88 ý77,590.26 $5310.20 72188.64 93.42 .$77,590.261 MASONS ELECT OFFICERS R. E. Logan Worshlptul Master or .Ierusalem Lodge. The annual election o! officers of rerusalem Lodge, A. F. & A. M. No. 31, was held Wednesday evexxing, Nov. l2th, wlth these officers ta be instailed on St. John's Night, Tues- Lay, Dec. 3Oth: I. P. M.-W. Len. Elliatt. W.M.-R. E. Logan. S.W.--J. Ross Stutt. J. W.-G. A. Edmondstone. Trsasursr-John Lyle. Secretary-T. Annisan. S. D.-C. H. Dudley. J. D.-A. H. Baunsail. I. U.-C. E. Bounsai. Tyler-P. S. Coulter. Audltors--C. B. Kent, F. 0. Mc- Ilveen. SOLDIERS' CLUB MERGED WITH LEGION BRANCH Annauncement Made at Annual Armistice Banquet Veterans a! the world war tunned Lt in large numbers at the annuel %rmistice Dinner held at Balmoral :atel, Tuesday evening, Nov. llth. 11if. Samis, president a! the club. )resided. It was a typical aid oldiers' gathering in which camnade- Ips were renewed, staries wers ne- old and those rollcking sangs af var days filled the air. A twa-mnin- te silence was observed as the tast 0 "Our Fallen Camrades" was oh- >rved. One o! the outstanding featuros ai' te gathering was the decisian o! the nembers present ta discontinue the awmanvllle Soldiers' Club whlch iad dons such splendid wark on be- La o! the soldions and their de- >ndents since tho war endèd and oerge wlth the langer and mare inx- lentlal anganization, the Canadian jgion, a bnanch a! which had ne- ently been formed in Bowmianville. :any feelings o! regret wore ex- ressed at the passing of the club tt the majanlty foît the action tak- n was in the best interesta of ail oncerned. The address a! the evonlng was lvn by Rev. F. H. Mason, New- astle, an ex-padre, who lasued a Irring plea for the cause o! peace âroughaut the world. Heoautined .e causes o! the last war and spoke fthe attitude o! the present goner- ton towards war. "War can only eavented by unlty in the British nplre." the speaker assortod, "for nlty will make the rest o! the world an war." Ho did nat think that ie Great War was the lest to have on !ought but considered it quite osible that another was ta came hlch wauld naturally bo far worse ian any war in the histary o! the orld. Other speakers included Fred W. owen. M.-P., and Mayor Milton J.: Ilatt. SEl] DAUGHTERS 0F ENGLAND The spirit of fraternlty was shown in unstinted measure at a. very en- jayable social gathering an the even- ing of November 13th, when about 30 members f ram Pride Lodge of Belleville were guests a! Durham Lodge in the S. 0. E. Hall. Ater the regular business session of the lodge was concluded, during which greetings were extended to and received from the visitars, the balance of the evenlng was given over ta social activity. Mrs. Alex Calville and Mrs. Ueo. Pritchard entertained with singing with their usual menit, and Mrs. Thos. Gould entertained with a reading. The visitors respond- ed wlth sangs by Mrs. Forban and Mrs. Ellerby, whlch were greatly ap- preciated by the gathering. The program was interspersed w1th com- munlty singing and an amusing con- test helped to make an enjayable en- tertainment. A tasty lunchean was served whlch rounded off a pleasant and fraternai evenlng. The visitors departed for Belleville amldst good wishes for their aiter lodge, and ex- pressing their appreciation for the hospitality and sociabillty extended to them. PHrYSICAL OtILTUBE Course inx physical culture wHinlx- clude callsthenlcs, club swinglng, wands, folk and national dancing. Classes re-open Thursday, Nov. 13, inx St. John's Parish Hall. Ladies' class 2.30 p. m.; school girls 4.15 P. m. For particulars apply to Mise E. Peardon, Bowmanvllle. Phonej COmmlttee APPolnted to Carry on Relie! Worik Aman.g Ex-Service Mon and Their Familles Bowmanville Soldiers' Club passes on Its work ta the local braxxch of the Canadian Legion. At the an- nual Armistice Banquet o! the Boiv- manville Saldiors' Club a resolution was passed that the Club should dis- continue and Its abjects and inter- ests be passed on ta the Bowmanvllle Branch o! the Canadian Legion. The thanks and approciation a!faan returned ex-service mon in Bawman- Ville district are due ta those wha have givon o! their time and interest in maklng it Possible for ex-service mon ta get tagether and renew aid caradeships. Inx passing a resolu- tian tbat the Club voluntary dlsband In favor of the Canadian Legion thoy have fallowed ather larger or- ganl.zations who felt that the great- est service can be performed by unity of ex-service mon ta exemplif y that great mottao! the Canadian Legion SERVICE. Cammittes appolnted ta act an The Poppy Fund Relief Committes is FINEST QUALITT SELECTED A & P BEIEF ]ROASTS PORTERHOIJSE WII L" lb. 28e WING-Cut Short .......Lb.23e PRIME RIBR Fl lb.20 or SIRLOIN 'Juiy TOUR - SWIFT'S PREMM SIDE By the Pies. Bacon lb. 370 SLICED, LB, 39c. CEOICF QU ýLl Y 5'IIING "B LEGUI SAUSAG composed of Comnade Alec Lyle. S. Venton, and Ueo. Meado'ws, New- chairman, Comrades R. P. Candler, castle. Relief will be given ta ex- service mon 'whether members o! the Canadian Legion or not. This will be extended ta their familles, widows and orphans o! ex-service mon, and will take the f orm o! necessary food and clothlng. Inx each application for relief proper investigation wlf be made so that the funds entrusted ta them through the krindlnesso! the people a! Bowmanville and district will be used only for the purpose for whlch they were doxxated. Cainrade Chle! Ventan will take cars a! that branch o! relief for bona flde ex-service mon who are trans- lents. This relief wifl conslst of meal tickets o! a set valus and when necessary a place to sleep. This branch o! the wark ls probably the most, troublesome that faces the Poppy Relief Committees a! afl branches a! the Canàdian Legion on the main blghways. We are very fortunate In having the services o! such a camrade with the expenience Taste it...Urn-r-m . Yes, if's the very sme loaf ... Just as good as ever .. For A&P has reduced the price, but not the quality. IENCOR 34M X4ZLOAW [WHERtE ENOMY MLS B Au A & P daces not aak Ift oua- EXTRA SPECIAL! tomer, to, accept leu, qualfty for alower pice. Encore Bread te- A drP W hole W heat Z2oa-e lie %i e -b-ksY ortw-eroem te. the original formula. Abis- SEALED AND WRAPPED TO PILOTECT YOVE HEALTU lutcly no change la quality. A real saving for yon. EVEET 900 OUAERANTRED-Stmn ge xtra Eggs S 39 MUSTARD »P 4 l1a L 0 PEACHES yhcr 2 No- 17* FINEST QUALITY ALLOWI DateS31 be. 25e SUET-Fresly Chopped.. lb. 15e MINCEMEAT ENEsWON 2 lb.. 25e 188Sf DAULT TOIRATO mb. 25o lb. 25o LB.22 DUtt ROAT lb. 250 rOILET 5OAP Flowers Calke 50 AVLMER CHOICE QUALITY Toniatoes ZN.. ~210 Frsgh Fruits and Vegetables Fresh fruits and vegetables delivered daily to ail aur stores. A complote list of ai native and lm- ponteil fruits and vegetables cen ho had at attrac- tive prices. The Legio*n Corner A Department of Noie. of ut«ed.tto ie Wm Vehan. of Down.uvlI md DISbI CHOICEST QUALITY ONTARIO DUTTER-OUR OWN SILVEEBEOOK CREAMERIT BUTTERLB320 A LAUNDRY SOAP WORTII IVHILIE 10 Bats390 FRESH YOUNG ROASTINO MALF on HAM VLE Shoulder ASl.IL7 PREPREDFOR TOUR TABLE-TUE WAT TOU WOULD LIKE IT-AT NO EXTRA COST BILVERBRIGRT .Salmon picelbo 140 STEAKS OR CENTRE CUTS Lb. 16e FIETS .............. lb. 19e FMUI YELLOW TAIL FLOUNDERS............. lb. 13c NEW SEASON OYSTERS ............... Jar 38c 7888 LAKE ONTARIO HERRING .............b. 10e KING STREET - BOWMANVILLE Meat Manager: G. McCoy. Grocery Manager: P. Wiilfiaoea W. Deliver-Extra Charge 10c. Phone No. 83 Tm QGILU A T ANTIC & PACMCTA i t ~LMITED O Ci AD Operating Expenses Meat, fish, butter, egga ...$ Flour, bread, corsais ... Milk, cream, Ice cream . Fruit and vegetables ... Groceries ...... Spirits and Alcohol.... Drugs, medical supplies.. Surgical supplies..... Furnishings ....... Laundry supplies .... Hausekeeping supplies.. Fuel and hsating..... Light and power ..... Water and Ice ...... Insurance ........ Overdraft .,.ý. . . . . . Repairs . . . . . . . . . Office supplies ...... Phono, express, etc ..... Misceilaneous ...... Salaries and wages.....I Depreciation Plant . Depreciation Bldg .... Net profit for year PAOB TEMM 3

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